Wow! -- thanks so very much for posting this. There is so much to take in. I am doing my best to keep up with the closed-captioning and auto-translate-into-English, although I'm uncertain if it captures everything accurately. I'm interested in hearing the members talk about their feelings at each phase of the band's development. So many make-or-break moments, where KOGA wondered if she would continue with the music. That ambivalence was there from Gacharic Spin's formation, when she teamed up with Hana. Then the tough decisions they had to make in 2012, and again in 2018 - e.g., to team up with Fuki and bring Oreo officially on board, and then to bring in Mai and incorporate dancers to animate the music in place of a downstage lead vocalist. I feel that by the time KOGA found Angie and Hana talked to yuri, the band had been through enough changes to know how to meet each challenge. Now the band's current lineup is the longest in their history. I feel most for KOGA, but mainly because she has always articulated her emotions even in concerts. I think GS's ability to regroup and bounce back is an essential part of their amazing history, which is as important or even more important than their outstanding music.
Wow! -- thanks so very much for posting this. There is so much to take in. I am doing my best to keep up with the closed-captioning and auto-translate-into-English, although I'm uncertain if it captures everything accurately. I'm interested in hearing the members talk about their feelings at each phase of the band's development. So many make-or-break moments, where KOGA wondered if she would continue with the music. That ambivalence was there from Gacharic Spin's formation, when she teamed up with Hana. Then the tough decisions they had to make in 2012, and again in 2018 - e.g., to team up with Fuki and bring Oreo officially on board, and then to bring in Mai and incorporate dancers to animate the music in place of a downstage lead vocalist. I feel that by the time KOGA found Angie and Hana talked to yuri, the band had been through enough changes to know how to meet each challenge. Now the band's current lineup is the longest in their history. I feel most for KOGA, but mainly because she has always articulated her emotions even in concerts. I think GS's ability to regroup and bounce back is an essential part of their amazing history, which is as important or even more important than their outstanding music.
It is scary how close they have been to calling it quits. I'm so happy they persevered.
@@GacharicFan Yeah, we're lucky that not only fans are addicted to GS, but Koga as well 😁
限界突破 Puls ultra❣️
I wish that this was closed captioned in English.