Cochrane Witchcraft - My Personal Opinions EP119

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 103

  • @jennylawson1980
    @jennylawson1980 Год назад +6

    You are truly amazing, your knowledge base is awesome and as our beloved raven represents so wise..I think thats why our "type" of craft chooses us, not the other way around bc growing up I was always told, a true witch already has the knowledge and skill and all that is needed is guidance and lots of practice.
    You can never stop learning, our crafts knowledge is never ending.
    I love that u are using our beloved raven more. The Raven is my familiar, he follows me, he talks to me, he protects me, and when others are around and they call me crazy or a freak bc there are ravens all around me, I just smile and remind myself just how wise of a bird they really are.
    Blessed Be and thank you for being here with us always 😊

  • @nikoguarro
    @nikoguarro 8 месяцев назад +5

    So, we do believe that Gerald Gardener didn't invented Wicca, an that the New Coven Forest was real, but we do not believe that Cochcrane had a Traditional Lineage. To me both where spilling bs. But to be honest, who cares? The important thing is what has grow out from those traditions. I'm a traditional witch, but I don't like the name. Many other traditional witches have also re-signified the meaning "tradition" away from the "familial witchcraft" and "witch blood", while recognizing that there are actual familial practices of folk magick, some are open and other closed, and that is valid so long we don't go around talking down those who do not belong to such traditions.

    • @brightbite
      @brightbite 2 месяца назад

      If they are "both spilling bs," how can you form personal stability based on "bs?" Is not every ritual meant to liberate you in some way?

  • @krispalermo8133
    @krispalermo8133 Год назад +4

    Cochrane, isn't that the name of the guy in Star Trek mythology that invented Wrap drive for earth ?

  • @stevenmarcato1325
    @stevenmarcato1325 Месяц назад

    For doubting Thomas's re Cochrane/Roy Bowers, have a chat with the present Magistra of Cochrane's tradition, Shani Oates.

  • @denisemannino
    @denisemannino 6 месяцев назад

    I am a crone who got through years of life suppressing past memories. From my perspective, hearing this story simply reminds me of the sequence of events unleashing lifetimes of former experience, including one where I was tried and executed for the crime of sorcery in old Paris. In hearing the Cochrane story, it just sounds like his reality was connected to the Akashic plane and not merely a sensible sequence of a single life apart from previous incarnations. Divergence from the essence of the Craft smacks of ego / pride in connection to various lineages, yet our souls are infinite and timeless, so to truly embark upon any powerful, true, magickal path…tuning into our ‘connections’ beyond the illusion of when one life stops and another starts, seems far more efficacious. We are Wheels within Wheels of life, death, and rebirth, after all. Do no harm. Discover the pure power of unity. Blessed Be.

  • @gypsyjunklady
    @gypsyjunklady Год назад +5

    Kudos to Thorne Mooney for writing "Traditional Witchcraft". It's a book on traditional Wiccan paths and not this stuff that has only very recently become popularized in the mainstream, and seemed a little condescending with its chosen title. From the sound of it and its founder, some of it seems plausibly quite an intentional slight by the founder of the movement even if quite possibly the newer followers don't necessarily share his original sentiments that led to it as a possibly separate traditional lineage. I finally flipped through Keldon's book called "The Crooked Path" at the bookstore and it seems to be in line with a lot of the Cornish reconstructionalist movements in the craft. Not that they weren't from elsewhere too, but there is a LOT of Cornish focus on the cunning man or woman, and I believe all the books by Gemma Gary are similar, as well as those by Roger Horne in his Folk Witchcraft. Mind you I don't own these books and I've not read more than the table of contents or excerpts online, but most of them seem heavily focused on using terms that would seem spooky to Christianity at the time for sure, such as books by Gary titled something like :The Black Toad or The Devil's Dozen. It seems to really all be rooted in Cornish folk traditions that involve what was likely a lot of post christianization rebellious use of the word Devil to describe what most Wiccans would call Cernunnos, Herne, or the horned God. Much the way many moder Satanic groups are often using the name to evoke a political point and reclaim some of what was demonized and feared and restore much of its truer meaning. I had honesty wondered where it was all coming from because I've been at this a long time and these were relatively new movements in the publishing world at least, even among the smaller and more independent presses. I really appreciate your detailed report on this subject because it really explains some of the questions I had about it all. I'm not at all against these folks having their own path like the rest of us, but I do wish that they would perhaps for transparency sake, lend themselves even some added credibility with citing some of the history of this clearly important, if controversial figure. I feel he and his movement if anything, aren't being given the credit they deserve for how this may have opened doors for others to explore more traditional paths in other regions that perhaps were overlooked by Gardner simply because they weren't a part of what he was particularly bringing to light. Kind of like how he didn't go into every world religion when writing about his experiences, but that didn't mean they were necessarily excluded, he may just not have spoken of them specifically.

  • @stevenmarcato1325
    @stevenmarcato1325 Месяц назад

    I, personally, adore the use of the word "Devil." In this case, the folkloric Devil. I find it powerful and transgressive. I'm not a Cochrane initiate, but I do appreciate his work and that of Gemma Gary. I've been a practitioner for over 40 years. I take my inspiration from the witchery of the Early Modern Period. "An I shall go in the Devil's name..."

  • @Buckydhu
    @Buckydhu Год назад +3

    Sad to say but this is full of inaccuracies. Just one example being that Gardner used the word 'Wi ca' with one c, he even used it in his book 'Witchcraft today'. In the UK there are many strands of traditional witchcraft each with its own history, Bowers and the CoTC being just one of them.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +1

      I never said he didn't use the word Wica.... He absolutely did!!! But it meant "a person who practiced Witchcraft". He never said Wica was a religion.... He said Witchcraft was a religion practiced by the Wica. Wicca termed as a Religion didn't process until the 70s.... So I am not inaccurate as you state. Maybe check out this video for a better explanation:видео.html

    • @Buckydhu
      @Buckydhu Год назад +2

      " I realised that I had stumbled upon something interesting; but I was half-initiated before the word, "Wica" which they used hit me like a thunderbolt, and I knew where I was, and that the 'Old Religion' still existed. "G Gardner 1952

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +1

      @@Buckydhu yes..... The word Wica is there like I said... But it does not mean a Religion. You're not listening to what I say.... Maybe watch the video that I sent you for a better understanding. The word Wica means a person who practiced the religion of Witchcraft. Wica is NOT a religion. It was not termed as a Religion until decades later by Llewellyn to soften the word witch to sell more books. Gerald always said the Witchcraft is a Religion and Wica are the people who practice it.

    • @thechatteringmagpie
      @thechatteringmagpie Год назад +1

      I lasted three minutes and switched it off. Poor indeed.

  • @crowgoblin
    @crowgoblin Год назад +2

    Interesting video, clearly you have an opinion on Cochrane, but Doreen often said the opposite to your thoughts, that she later distanced herself from Gerald and preferred Cochrane’s teachings as she felt his ways were more operative and authentic craft.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +3

      And if you look a little more into it you will see that Doreene returned to Gerald shortly after realizing Cochrane was a fraud. For instance, Cochrane had a silver plate that he claimed was very very old and passed down throughout his family craft, when in fact Doreene bought it for him just a year earlier. Hence she began to realize fro that and many other nonsensical situations that he was in fact a fraud.

    • @crowgoblin
      @crowgoblin Год назад

      @@WitchNTheWorking I remember reading about the plate, but I’ve never seen anything about Doreen going back to Gerald before her death, she continued to write her own workings.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +2

      @@crowgoblin well.... I should have been more clear. She returned to her Gardnerian Tradition. In fact up until her death she still taught Gardnerian craft to others, as my HPS was offered to work with her personally.

  • @OwlsOmen
    @OwlsOmen Год назад +2

    Blessed be all

  • @melodymuir891
    @melodymuir891 Год назад +1

    I hadn’t heard of him…. Thanks, once again, for expanding my knowledge. Much appreciated.

  • @jerrimenard3092
    @jerrimenard3092 5 месяцев назад +1

    Wow! This sounds like a blast from the past.I was part of a study group in the early 90's that was Alexsandrian . We were told over and over again how everything not from GBG or Alex Sanders was garbage. It was all made up. We were the real thing, the elect, until we were not. Our HPS lost her mind and the HP went to prison. Nobody came to the rescue. We were orphans!
    I am so glad we didn't have the Internet when I started. Then all the stupid snobby stuff I said due to inflated Priesthood egos would still be up for all to read. It wouldn't sound exactly like this video, but it would ryme.
    In the end, does the center hold? Does the magick work and do you feel connected to the Gods? If not, try something completely different till you get that confirmation.
    I have been a Theistic Satanist and Left Hand Path practitioner since the mid 1990's. The books in the shops are mostly trash. If you really want to learn, you need to do!
    Watching videos and reading books acomplishes nothing. It's fine to get ideas or learn about a path to power (ie herbology, divination, ect.). If you don't worship and do a lot of ritual, you get nowhere.
    Portals and Sigils Brother. Doors of perception. Oh, and real live study groups with real live people are key. Bring a blank book and an open mind.

  • @MidnightFables-xr5uu
    @MidnightFables-xr5uu Год назад +1

    Cool. Awesome video, Mannun. 🤘

  • @FearlessNimue
    @FearlessNimue 11 месяцев назад +1

    I've always considered 'traditional witchcraft' to be a blanket term. People usually follow up that phrase by clarifying which tradition they follow. I.E. Appalachian, Celtic, Brujeria ...

  • @anthonychavez6501
    @anthonychavez6501 Год назад +1

    Mannun you are so knowledgeable. Blessed be

  • @lydia5232
    @lydia5232 Год назад +5

    You don't have to be a born witch to do this, it's can be the reincarnation of someone. Honestly... I've never heard of this guy, so I have no comment. Thanks Mannun for another interesting video! 😉

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +1

      He is at the forefront of the new "Traditional Witchcraft" that has been becoming more and more popular the last decade or so. It's a folk loric practice that is supposedly non-Religious in nature. Just another Eclectic system in my opinion.

    • @deanjones7270
      @deanjones7270 Год назад

      Great series. Gotta some recommendations for you if you don't mind. In search of the Great Beast. Aliester Crowley. The wickedness man in the world. Outstanding doc. The craft starring neve Campbell, very good, better the coven. And Chemical wedding on starring Simon Callow. All good docs. Razer Blade Smile. It will make you laugh. Try them. Your Sincerely
      Dean Jones

    • @lydia5232
      @lydia5232 Год назад

      @@deanjones7270 Thanks for your suggestions

  • @sabretooth7819
    @sabretooth7819 Год назад

    I watch all of your videos brother. I am learning so much. I appreciate you & your work. Blessed Be

  • @JG-kn7ew
    @JG-kn7ew Год назад

    Neat! I appreciate the educational lean of your channel.

  • @OrionKeras
    @OrionKeras 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks, you do a really great job, love watching your videos! I haven't personaly met anybody who is initiated into the Clan of Tubal Cain, I met a couple of English witches who were mentioning Cochrane and Doreen, but were a bit shifty about actually belonging to the Clan. From what I have gatehred, watching videos and reading books, they seem now to be very Luciferian oriented, and I kind of expected you to mention it in the end, for this seems to me a big diference between the Cochrane's witchcraft and our Craft.

  • @TamiePryor
    @TamiePryor Год назад

    Thank you! Very insightful. Shared on my Pagan learning group.

  • @MSU23
    @MSU23 4 месяца назад

    I thought Gardner had used the word Wica with one C
    And offshoots used with 2 CC's
    I could be wrong. I do know the words Wicca and Wicce are in the Bosworth Toller Anglo Saxon dictionary

  • @darthmelkor3099
    @darthmelkor3099 Год назад

    First I’ve heard of him. It’s always good getting info on things haven’t come across

  • @inconspicuous-new--account
    @inconspicuous-new--account Год назад +2

    Interesting stuff. I'm not a huge expert on either, but obviously Gardner has had a significant impact, whilst Cochrane has faded away. Personally, as a fae led sorceror, I see a lot in Cochrane which feels extremely familiar. I am disappointed about his suicide at such a young age. Any entity capable of doing well as a higher being, should find waiting around for another half century or so, to be a sacrifice worth making. Another 50 years would have given the opportunity to build up immense levels of energy and karma. I rather think that witchcraft and religion are more about how to survive life, rather than how to escape life. Escaping is simple. It happens to everyone eventually. Having looked at Doreen Valiente's interaction with both of them, I think that on the judgement of Gardner and Cochrane, she knew what she was talking about.

    • @LordOfFlies
      @LordOfFlies Год назад

      If you reincarnate you never escaped, the archons are making sure of that.

    • @francesbillinghurst
      @francesbillinghurst Год назад +3

      Cochrane's Clan of Tubal Cain has not "faded away" - Shani Oates is the current Maiden.

    • @inconspicuous-new--account
      @inconspicuous-new--account Год назад +1

      @@francesbillinghurst I perhaps didn't make myself clear. I didn't mean that it had disappeared, or become extinct, or anything like that. I was merely remarking upon the fact that Gerald Gardner is extremely well known, and has a degree of celebrity and acclaim which makes him almost a household name for many people with only the slightest interest in these subjects, whereas Cochrane is a name that would be far less easily recognised.
      I myself have faded away, yet here I am typing comments on RUclips, so I still quite clearly exist, and am still quite active.

    • @mistylawrence6944
      @mistylawrence6944 11 месяцев назад

      How do you communicate with the fae?

    • @redstar7292
      @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

      @@inconspicuous-new--account he didn't court publicity the way Gardner did, and most of what we know about him is via Doreen Valiente.

  • @redstar7292
    @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

    If you search online, there is an interview of Shani Oates by Michael Howard, where they discuss the very issues raised here regarding G Gardner, Wicca and Roy Bower's legacy, his suicide al. But ppl really should be taking more intiative to question research and find out themselves. !

  • @sheronickmma2059
    @sheronickmma2059 3 месяца назад

    In my opinion both Cochran and Gardener are neither traditional but both are more modern, under the title traditional I would say that ancient shamans and druids would be traditional and they existed long time before either of these Good fellows

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  3 месяца назад +1

      The reality is everything we practice today is actually modern. Even the Droid practices of today are modern practices. I don't believe any pagan practice of today made it through the years to be practiced the same way it was practice thousands of years ago.... Hence all of the reconstructionist traditions. I think what makes a tradition nowadays a tradition has nothing to do with how many years it's been around but everything to do with practices that are now modern creations remain traditional practices moving forward.

    • @sheronickmma2059
      @sheronickmma2059 3 месяца назад

      @@WitchNTheWorking I can agree with that, starting new traditions is a good way to keep the fire burning. If we only knew the secrets of the ancestors.....

  • @wildhare-i5g
    @wildhare-i5g 10 месяцев назад

    There is very little actually written by Robert I’ve studied him for quite a while specifically 1734 however his alleged sacrifice for the coven does sort of support he was just a nut job

    • @wildhare-i5g
      @wildhare-i5g 10 месяцев назад

      Also I think for a brief time Doreen valeienti was part of his coven but couldn’t get past his hate of Gardner

    • @wildhare-i5g
      @wildhare-i5g 10 месяцев назад

      You covered tubal Cain but what about goda
      I’m interested what you think about the Ferraras and the witches bible and their association with the clan of tubal cain

    • @redstar7292
      @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

      If your interested, his work has been republished in The Star Crossed Serpent series of books, The Taper That Lights the Way, and The Devils Crown by Shani Oates.

  • @stormfire1995
    @stormfire1995 10 месяцев назад +2

    Actually, you know I am a big fan of you. I really think you do a lot of research. But on this one I think you missed the mark. I think you did no research because if you were to read of some traditional witchcraft books. You would know that for one most traditional witchcraft. Practitioners do not refer to traditional witchcraft as like the first, but as the traditions from your family, the land your own and your ancestors number 2. You have to go on what gardener said happened to him. That's all you have to go on and from what I'm to understand some of that has been disproven. But that doesn't lessen the validity of wicca and I do agree that the word traditional creates a ton of confusion and the better term would probably folk practice. Or a folk witchcraft. But you did no research on the compass. Because the purpose of the compass is not to keep energy in and to keep outside energy from influencing your practice. But to create a limital space to where you can travel to the realms. And do what you need to do so. We're not casting a circle at all or casting A Protective barrier and a place to keep the energy in until you need it released we are creating an opening to the other Realms So unfortunately, not thisrespect but before you s*** on another form of witchcraft. Like you pretty much did and get it all wrong. Because not everybody on traditional witchcraft follows robert cochran I think you should maybe speak to a traditional witch and ask some question And maybe read a book or 2 about modern traditional witchcraft. Now I don't know what the traditional witches of the past 2. But I'm speaking for the modern traditional witcmost of us. Don't follow Cochran at all. But just saying still love your content, but this one you're really disappointed and I'm sorry but just how I feel nothing against wicca. I think it's a beautiful thing and I think Garner today. Wonderful job with bringing witchcraft to the To the public and making it easier for people like menu to practice our craft in the open. But anyway No hard feelings. I think you just missed the mark on this one Bud.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  10 месяцев назад

      First of all, thank you for your comments. Secondly, I did plenty of research and did speak with a few people who have been working with Cochrane Craft or Tubal Cain for years. I understand that Cochrane changed the definition of some of the things in circle, for instance Balancing the Compass and the reason for a circle.... However, it's still a ripoff in my opinion (In my Opinion). Let me give you an example.... If I were to create a new style car I am still using the same old same old design, but instead I am making the steering wheel square and instead of windows I am going to make it video screens instead. To me, this is what Cochrane did with the Craft he learned from books via Gardner and others, and then spiced it up to try and make it different. I mean the similarities are too close to be anything else. Also, the "Traditional Witchcraft" movement bases most of its practice from Cochrane Craft, for instance one of the biggest books out there that supports this new system is "Besom, Sword and Stang".

    • @stormfire1995
      @stormfire1995 10 месяцев назад +1

      @WitchNTheWorking Yeah, I understand that. And I do agree that he probably ripped a lot of it off. But I'm talking about modern day traditional whiches like me. I see it as something different. And I think it should be called folk witchcraft instead of traditional witchcraft. Because like you said that term is very confusing. And it misleads that to believe that it was the first which magic has been around since. Humans had a consciousness so I hope you didn't think that I was like attacking you. I just wanted to point out that. Like as far as the compass round you. There's more to it than just casting a circle as wicken. Just like there's more too wicked. Casting a circle than a compass round. That was one of the things that I disagreed with it. Because instead of creating a sacred space, we're creating a liminal space. For us to travel through the world. As far as the clan of tubal cain i can not speak on that because that's not the traditional witchcraft that I follow and if that's the type of tradition in which craft you were equating it with. I apologize but to say all traditional witchcraft is just a rip off is simply not true And I really don't know a lot about the dude. I do agree like you said he did rip-off some . As far as modern day traditional witches, it's not a rip-off of wicca because it's completely different. And also let's touch on Gardner for a second He took elements of many different types of magic. Slammed them together and created his own religion. And that's perfectly okay, because that's the thing about witchcraft. You take what works and you make it your own. So in turn, Gardner did the same. As Cochran Again i'm not attacking you I hope you don't take it that way because I'm not. I love your channel. I watch Everybody else. You put out and I will continue to do so.
      But I do think you Couldn't have win about this video in a different light. You could have pointed out the similarities instead of shooting every traditional witch down. Because that's not what we need in our community we need togetherness.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  10 месяцев назад

      @@stormfire1995 you are correct that Gardner did borrow from other systems of Magick. But what he didn't do was go around and tell people that these systems were all wrong and that his way is the only and true way like Cochrane did. Cochrane even at times flat out insulted and belittled both Garner and Valiente to try and win over the masses to his system as opposed to BTW(British Traditional Witchcraft). I could have gone about this in a different light? No... I wanted to express my Opinion hence the title of the video. If it wasn't for the huge movement of "Traditional Witchcraft" practitioners bashing Wicca constantly, maybe I wouldn't have had the influences to even create this video. Welcome to my world Everytime I see a RUclipsr say Traditional Witchcraft is the true and only real Witchcraft and everything else is fluff bunny moon ferret, hehe.

  • @tarwh1976
    @tarwh1976 Год назад

    Tara (Niagara area Canada) - Great history lesson. Thanks as always.

  • @KatyaReminiec9399
    @KatyaReminiec9399 9 месяцев назад

    Was that Raymond Buckland who started calling all Witchcraft, Wicca ?

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  9 месяцев назад +1

      Someone mentioned it maybe was started by Starhawk.

  • @brightbite
    @brightbite 2 месяца назад

    Construction? Is it Two Ball doing some smithing? Just kidding. Have you seen the work of Max Dashu? Do you think maybe stangs actually started off as distaffs, once long ago? (Dashu did a whole presentation on magickal distaffs.)

  • @sandrashevel2137
    @sandrashevel2137 Год назад

    Thank you.

  • @loristewart800
    @loristewart800 Год назад

    Blessed Be Mannun!

  • @fionamcormac7786
    @fionamcormac7786 Год назад

    Sounds it did come from him ..I m only vaguely aware of the ladders...

    • @auntierobyn7859
      @auntierobyn7859 Год назад

      Witchcraft is from before Gardner ever invented his sex religion. It's in the Bible for heavens sake.

  • @carolcribby8642
    @carolcribby8642 Год назад

    Doesn't Cochran say that he learned this from his uncle? Maybe his uncle learned the original tradition obvious many years before a Cochran came around to write his book, and maybe his uncle even you know pointed out books for him to read and this and that and Cochran decided to make it his own.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад

      Unfortunately the timelines revolving around him learning craft from his uncle has already been debunked

  • @Mithras444
    @Mithras444 Год назад

    I too practice Gardnerian. I am not familiar with Robert Cochrane. The suicide thing is a dangerous message. Guess my spirit guides kept that from me! Really enjoyed the video. Totally did not know any of that. Thanks❤😊

    • @wildhare-i5g
      @wildhare-i5g 10 месяцев назад

      Is it dangerous or a cautionary tale of why we don’t date our coven

    • @stevenmarcato1325
      @stevenmarcato1325 Месяц назад

      Write Shani Oates, the current Magistra of the Cochrane traditional, the People of Goda.

  • @samuelbrito571
    @samuelbrito571 Год назад +1

    Merry meet. Blessings to your coven. I love your videos. I remember back when Wicca was one of the fastest growing religions. I think that's changed. I hope that I'm wrong, but i think that nowadays, finding a witch that is younger than 25 and self-identities specifically as WICCAN is like looking for needle in a haystack. I see nothing but "I'm a witch, but not Wiccan". Are there any young Wiccans in your coven/outer court? I seen teen witches on tiktok goes as far as bashing Wicca. It's pretty sad.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +2

      That's because the "An it Harm None, do as you will" tenet turns them off. They don't understand that it's not a rule just a suggestion.

    • @redstar7292
      @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

      It's a straw man, your a Wiccan if your initiated into Alexandrian or Gardnerian Witchcraft. It's an initiatory mystery tradition. These people aren't anything to do with Cochrane's strand of Witchcraft either.

  • @jc8258
    @jc8258 Год назад

    Monday August 14th 2023 3:53 P. M.

  • @PrepperRapperFairy
    @PrepperRapperFairy Год назад


  • @witchjoseph3492
    @witchjoseph3492 Год назад

    So informative and educational. (I imagine much of this will be controversial in some quarters)

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +1

      Isn't everything nowadays controversial?

    • @witchjoseph3492
      @witchjoseph3492 Год назад

      @@WitchNTheWorking yes…I’m afraid that’s true lol

  • @arcane_abomination
    @arcane_abomination Год назад

    Great vid! My only critique is that you're using the word witchcraft interchangeably with Wicca but they are not the same thing. Gerald Gardner created Wicca which is a belief system although he himself wouldn't have gone so far as to call it a religion like its looked at today. Witchcraft is the practice of using magick. He did not create that but was definitely inspired by it. You can be witch and not Wiccan and be a Wiccan and not a witch. Garner just happened to be both and because of this many people who learned from him were also both.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +1

      You're thought process is the mainstream thought because people don't know any better. Reality is Gardner did Not create Wicca as a religion. Gardner practiced Witchcraft, and never called it Wicca. Wicca as a religion was actually termed by Llewellyn. See this video for better clarification:видео.html
      or this one for even more details:видео.html

    • @redstar7292
      @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

      Wicca is an initiatory tradition - either Gardnerian or Alexandrian.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  10 месяцев назад +1

      @@redstar7292 Wicca is modern day religion that was termed by Llewellyn publishing company. Before that Wicca was a Male Witch (Wicce was a female Witch) . Wica were the peoples that practiced Witchcraft. Gardnerian and Alexandrian both are an Initiatory branch of Witchcraft.

    • @redstar7292
      @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

      No Wicca is either the Gardenarian or Alexandrian intiatory tradition. Yes there many people who claim to be Wiccan because they read a few Lewellyn books and develope a personal practice. This has now become the accepted understanding of what Wicca is. But its not.

  • @1734-Jason
    @1734-Jason Год назад

    Gardner isn't traditional witchcraft neither champ 😂

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад

      Gardner is absolutely British Traditional Witchcraft. Sorry to inform you that's a real thing. Cochrane road his coattails... My opinion about the coattails thing of course. Until someone can prove me otherwise atleast.

    • @1734-Jason
      @1734-Jason 7 месяцев назад

      It's not Gardner got his stuff from the OTO and Crowley lad

  • @krispalermo8133
    @krispalermo8133 Год назад +2

    " cough, cough, cough," .. you can't call something a .. tradition .. till it is a few generations old.
    Unless you want to include binge drinking.

    • @gabrielleangelica1977
      @gabrielleangelica1977 Год назад +2


    • @stormfire1995
      @stormfire1995 10 месяцев назад

      Actually, If u go bowling every week. It's tradition if you go by and get a cup of Starbucks every morning before work. That's a tradition. A tradition is something that is done over it doesn't have to be a few centuries. Old, it could be something you did every day for the last year. That's become a tradition.

    • @krispalermo8133
      @krispalermo8133 10 месяцев назад

      @@stormfire1995 Thank you for watching this channel and posting a comment.
      Hope you had a good weekend.
      When you are 46years old, you get to hear .. tradition .. thrown around a lot over the years.
      And carrying a pocket dictionary around in your pocket, just to check IF the other person knows what the words they are using mean what they think in means. Doesn't endear you to a lot of people as a teenager or being in your twenties.
      Now we have smart phones.
      For a fun laugh, please look up college student body traditions.

    • @stormfire1995
      @stormfire1995 10 месяцев назад +1

      @krispalermo8133 I love the channel i just think that more research could have been done and a few things he got completely wrong. But thats besode the point
      Tradition: the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.
      And I do agree that traditional is probably not the best word for the practice but you can take your son or daughter fishing every Saturday and that becomes a tradition with them so it doesn't have to be old to be a tradition it just has to be repeated he did say that he learned from his family so it was a tradition to Cochran

    • @stormfire1995
      @stormfire1995 10 месяцев назад +1

      @krispalermo8133 and I hope you had a great weekend as well and I hope you didn't take what I said as a attack I was just pointing out that a tradition doesn't have to be multiple generations long. It can be something that is repeated, and like i said, i do think that traditional may not be the best word to describe the practice especially now

  • @fionamcormac7786
    @fionamcormac7786 Год назад +1

    So he challenged .people of the time ..soooooo what does that tell you about them...Haha bb.

    • @WitchNTheWorking
      @WitchNTheWorking  Год назад +1

      He didn't challenge them.... He simply insulted them like a 10 year old. He was a very very angry man. Gerald just ignored him.... What does that tell you about Cochrane?? To me it says grow up.

  • @xavierrose8208
    @xavierrose8208 Год назад

    THANK YOUUUU People who say “Wicca is a religion and witchcraft is a practice” I hate that. Witchcraft IS a religion. British Traditional Witchcraft is not the same as some eclectic emo gothic chick with neo pronouns honouring a goddess from a pantheon she has no calling to while faking DID online… literally these people are making us look stupid.

    • @auntierobyn7859
      @auntierobyn7859 Год назад +1

      Witchcraft only became a religion after Gardner.

    • @redstar7292
      @redstar7292 10 месяцев назад

      Wicca is an initiatory mystery tradition either Gardnerian or Alexandrian. Witchcraft is just you know bog standard, hocus pocus, practicing witchcraft. Wiccan can be witches, but not all Witches are Wiccans.