I can't get over the price of LV handbags, including mini bags and handbag accessories. If I didn't already, I would never buy them at the current prices. I thought it was expensive when I bought it a few years ago, silly me. All these prices are insane. Now I think going to *suluxy* to buy a replica is also a good choice.
No one will go out of their way just to ask you if your bag is authentic right???🤭 if she’s rocking that authentic or replica expensive bag good for her .My favorite seller is *suluxy* , they are truly amazing with their products
I love the *hotdups* bag. It’s like adopting a dog from a shelter 😄 Even a beat-up Birkin can be made new in their own way if you give them a little love.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
I bought a knockoff Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch costs $800 and is made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a *hotdups* Backpack Replica for $40 - also used for comparison - I can't find any differences and still use it at the gym
No one will go out of their way just to ask you if your bag is authentic right???🤭 if she’s rocking that authentic or replica expensive bag good for her .My favorite seller is *suluxy* , they are truly amazing with their products
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *suluxy* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Hi! Two creators I’ve been following in recent months have unwrapped LV Popincourt bags (Tiana Peri and Alyssa from The Gal’s Guide), but their bags are East/West silhouettes. I can’t remember the price, but they both feel like great buys. For a vintage bag, it’s pretty on trend, and I’d love to own an exact *hotdups* .
I am a Brasilian and i loved your video , i loved your thinks . All the thinks is so cute .
Oh Thank You so much for your cute comment ❤
I can't get over the price of LV handbags, including mini bags and handbag accessories. If I didn't already, I would never buy them at the current prices. I thought it was expensive when I bought it a few years ago, silly me. All these prices are insane. Now I think going to *suluxy* to buy a replica is also a good choice.
No one will go out of their way just to ask you if your bag is authentic right???🤭 if she’s rocking that authentic or replica expensive bag good for her .My favorite seller is *suluxy* , they are truly amazing with their products
Soo much aesthetic 😍
Good for you! It’s ridiculous to pay that for any purse.It’s good choose *gtdupe*
I love the *hotdups* bag. It’s like adopting a dog from a shelter 😄 Even a beat-up Birkin can be made new in their own way if you give them a little love.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
I bought a knockoff Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch costs $800 and is made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a *hotdups* Backpack Replica for $40 - also used for comparison - I can't find any differences and still use it at the gym
No one will go out of their way just to ask you if your bag is authentic right???🤭 if she’s rocking that authentic or replica expensive bag good for her .My favorite seller is *suluxy* , they are truly amazing with their products
👓👓🐱🦄🦋🦋🌹🌹very original 1:08 1:08 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
Name of bag please 😊
cyme mini polene paris 🤎
@@Esulip thank you so much for answer 🥰
Adorable ! ❤ What is the name of the color of your bag?
@@MellowbluepianoThank You ❤
Cyme Mini
your notebook is such a cutie patootie 🥰 I am a notebook junkie, always carry one, rn I have a burga in my bag 🥰
Hahah thank you ❤
I just started filming yt ,I love your video 👍
Oh Thank You so much ❤️
I miss your crazy self! Love the videos *hotdups*
I'm sure no girl would say no to a *hotdups*
What size is the iPad? I’ve had my eyes on this bag for a while and wondering if my 12.9 inch iPad would fit ❤😊
My iPad it’s from 9. Generation, but i think your iPad would also fit inside. 🩷🎀
@@Esulipthank you for such a quick reply 🦢💗
Ur bag is super cute
Thank You ❤️
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *suluxy* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Hi! Two creators I’ve been following in recent months have unwrapped LV Popincourt bags (Tiana Peri and Alyssa from The Gal’s Guide), but their bags are East/West silhouettes. I can’t remember the price, but they both feel like great buys. For a vintage bag, it’s pretty on trend, and I’d love to own an exact *hotdups* .
Oh dear, thank you for your video. Since I knew it *hotdups* , my material space has expanded a lot more.