It's situational and inconsistent. Either you draw a Swap to start and summon one off Gigantic, or you use one of the gimmicky links to make the Toad (Reprodocus/Ahashima). Both are too costly to go through for less interruptions. Unless they unban Ronin OR Elf, Toad probably isn't worthwhile looking at (until the Ice Barrier cards drop and I'm able to test them).
Sorry, manifesting Elf's return though! The inners are the Japanese Black Matte for the Extra Deck and Japanese Ivory Matte for the main deck. Dragon Shield Japanese Clear Outer Sleeves for the outers.
As a pure spright enjoyer I love this kind of content
I think that the correct Moment tò use handtraps would have been imperm on Gigantic and Ash on Sprind, It hurts way more.
Anyway very useful video!
Maybe! But sometimes they'd want to play around you searching Red/Carrot, so I've had a fair few use them on Blue. You're not wrong though :)
I'm a master duel player and this is really helping me, I'm so lost and want to play spright.
What do u think about playing 2 swap frogs for the double toad play which giving follow up and a double omni ?
It's situational and inconsistent. Either you draw a Swap to start and summon one off Gigantic, or you use one of the gimmicky links to make the Toad (Reprodocus/Ahashima). Both are too costly to go through for less interruptions. Unless they unban Ronin OR Elf, Toad probably isn't worthwhile looking at (until the Ice Barrier cards drop and I'm able to test them).
Sick combos bro, what sleeves and oversleeve is that?
also still mad u april fools me, thought elf really came unbanned
Sorry, manifesting Elf's return though! The inners are the Japanese Black Matte for the Extra Deck and Japanese Ivory Matte for the main deck. Dragon Shield Japanese Clear Outer Sleeves for the outers.
Where are the spright elf combos as promised? =P
When the next banlist drops ;) hopefully....
Just let the deck go💀