Yes but dont be afraid of logic either. Do you seriously think a pathetic 353 years from the flood to Abraham's birth is enough time to set up the building of the Babel skyscraper, the city of babel, dispersion round the whole earth and new languages, multiple civilizations, the pyramids and the construction of the egyptian empire as well as building all the pyramids? Not to mention it was a mere 8 people who came out the ark. This scenarious is absolutely impossible. The only way it works if we accept the septuagint's version which is older and more attested in early Christianity. This describes the time from Noah to Abrhama not as 353 years but as over 1100 years. I can go with over 1100 just about for all the above! But 352 years?? no chance!
@@mikechase1141 You would be surprised. There are experiments that demonstrate this to be the case. You are committing the personal incredulity fallacy.
I don't think that anyone can substantiate that the pyramids weren't built before the flood or that they would have necessarily been destroyed by the flood. In fact, there's megalithic infrastructure all over the world that cannot be explained, that the only sensible answer is that much of it was a vast worldwide civilization that was pre-flood. In fact North and South America is full of examples. The logical answer is that the influence of fallen angels made the pre-flood civilization probably much more advanced than today's scientists, even Christian scientists, are willing to give them credit for. Which follows the logic of being a contributing factor as to why God destroyed it in the first place. "They corrupted His ways upon the earth". They were building unnatural things and altering His creation rather than living in symbiosis with it. They were building monuments to themselves and their accomplishments. And mankind was making them into false gods. Even you are calling it a "beautiful temple". It's more like an affront unto God. Yeah, real beautiful right? Surely God left these things standing for a purpose but it might not be for the purpose that some folks think. Joshua 24:15 King James Version 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
The flood buried the world in hundreds of feet of post flood sediments laid down in by the receding waters of the flood. This is highlighted in the geologic record. These sediments later hardened. There is no record of the Pyramids having to be unearthed from the sediments. The erosion found at the building site is not indicative of what would be expected if the pyramids had gone through the flood...there is no evidence that the pyramids went though the massive earthquake activity experienced by tectonic movements at the time of the flood and the sedimentary strata laid down at the time of the flood is below the Pyramids on the plain of Giza. Finally, the limestone blocks used in construction of the Great Pyramid include billions of dead seashell creatures killed at the time of the flood.
@@alantasman8273 you are operating under the assumption that everything everywhere was completely covered in sediment. The top creationist geologists and engineers don't necessarily believe that. They believe that the evidence suggests that the "fountains of the deep" broke open and created a seismic event along with the flood and that a catastrophic shock wave emanated out from the epicenters of the events and folded the crust of the earth. As the water came from under the crust, it sank into the basins becoming the oceans that we know today. This is why the ocean trenches correspond with the mountain ranges of the continents. There are unexplained megalithic structures all over the world. Not just the pyramids and the pyramids aren't even that impressive in comparison to other unexplained structures. They weren't all completely destroyed by the flood. It is very possible that the pyramids and many other structures around the world, predate the great flood.
While I'm sure there was much idolatry before the flood, one of the things that the bible specifically points out about the previous world is that it was filled with violence. Right after the flood, as soon as Noah and his family step off the ark, God specifically includes in His covenant with Noah that He will demand a reckoning from anyone, man or beast, that takes the life of man, because man was made in the image of God. It is interesting that He addresses this kind of thing now - not in the garden, not after Cain murdered Abel, not after Lamech did his killings - but after He rescues Noah and his family, before they begin the process of restarting the human race on the newly washed earth. So all that to say that I don't think it necessarily had much (or anything) to do with not living in symbiosis with nature, or being super advanced technologically.
The flood broke up the Super continent, laid down the Major Mega-sequences and reshaped the entire face of the Earth. The Pyramids are built from Limestone, one of the many SEDIMENTARY rocks made by the flood. If the Bible is right, then things like the breakup of the supercontinent, subduction, the oceanic ridge, Continental "drift", the forming of the major mountain ranges, evidence of MASSIVE Earthquakes, etc, etc, are all realities that MUST fit into the History of the world. And the Great Global flood is not only the obvious answer, but it explains a lot of this and more.
Eusebius didn't have a problem with the Septuagint. Just follow the Bible that the early church used, and none of these issues are even remotely a problem at all. You've got all the time in the world for the population to grow large enough. Don't underestimate the Bible.
Josephus wrote (in his time) that the History of the Jewish people dated back 5000 years. That would make the World roughly 7000 years old now, not 6000. And it also jibes with the Septuagint. People need to realize that he had access to historical documentation that we no longer have, including scripture. I think that fact alone deserves some serious consideration among Historians. At the very least, the question of the Biblical age of the Earth is less than settled.
The absolute best video on Y.T. that explains the timeline for the flood and more, is from the channel NathanH83, and the video is titled "Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)" This video absolutely blew my mind. I highly recommend it.
Regardless of what you may believe, it's still a fact that early church fathers Theophilus, Africanus, and Eusebius strongly believed with absolute confidence that the Greek Septuagint was translated from an older, more accurate Hebrew text. And that gives plenty of time for the population to grow and to build the pyramids.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 Regardless of your “answer” it still remains a fact that early church fathers Eusebius, Africanus, and Theophilus followed the chronology in the Septuagint. So I have to make a decision to believe you or them.
It isn't JUST the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible that says modern English translations dropped out those missing centuries in the ages of the Patriarchs and when their relevant sons were born. The Samaritan Pentateuch also says the exact same thing coming into agreement with the Greek Septuagint AND even more tellingly Flavius Josephus also said so, coming into agreement w/both of those versions of Scripture. Remember the Bible says where two or more are gathered to bear witness the truth shall be established. Well we have THREE witnesses here all in agreement that modern English versions of the Bible are missing 650 years off the genealogies of the patriarchs. It actually doesn't require that much effort to learn about this. NathanH83 here on YT has an excellent video about this on his channel and what strikes me as being a SPOT ON explanation as to why modern English versions are missing those years,
Those building the Tower of Babel on the plain of Shinar in what would later become Babylon probably took some 100 years to build that tower. They gained valuable knowledge about building methods, materials and planning from that mega project. FYI, a Nebuchadnezzar II relief from 600 BC with the Tower in the background has been found as has the remaining base of that Tower. After the confusion of language and the dispersion, at least one of those people groups ended up in the Nile Delta which had fertile, well watered, soil that could grow plenty of food to feed the massive workforce necessary to build the first Pyramid. These people had "recently" stopped building the Tower of Babel. They took the skills learned in that construction of a ziggurat, and applied them to building another pyramid shaped structure. Some believe that the scriptures are reflected in the internal passage ways. ..the narrow passage going up into the pyramid and the wider path going down into the pyramid. More recently, there is some evidence that the limestone blocks (full of marine fossils from the flood) were actually poured as a concrete to form the blocks on the spot.
@@blusheep2 Uhm a 150 days is not enough time to do massive amounts of water erosion. What is a know fact is that the Great Sphynx COULD NOT have been build by the egyptians because there IS clear, UNMISTAKEABLE signed of SERIOUS water eresion a couple of highly respected GEOLOGISTS examined that site a couple of years ago to give an official opinion and publish a paper stating just that that the Sphynx has unmistable, classic signs of water erosion and that area was only environmentally supported for that kind of erosion right around the mass extinction event of the younger dryas somewhere around the 12500 BC mark. I think Kufu and the dnastic Egyptians found these ruins, and restored and repuroused them.
You're underestimating the scope of the flood. This was the event that ripped Pangaea apart and separated the continents. This event formed mountains both above the ocean and below it and formed the giant chasms of the grand canyon. The flood rapidly buried and fossilized much of the earth's flora forming oil deposits that could not be replaced by the current vegetation. The pre flood earth would be almost entirely unrecognizable today. Nothing on land survived
The Septuagint adds about 1300 years. The dates in Gen 11 AND 5 were altered in the Masoretic Text. Move your Pyramid dates forward 200 years a la Rohl/Mahoney/Patterns of Evidence and everything lines up perfectly -- Babel 525 years after the flood (with a population growth rate of 3%, you would have 2.5 million people by then) and the very first Pyramid built 115ish years after that.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 The linked page seems to focus on who changed the Masoretic and what their potential motives were. That seems largely irrelevant to me -- or at least, a wholly separate conversation, either the MT was changed or the LXX -- one has to explain the differences either way; someone changed one of them. However, proponents of the MT also have to explain how to go from a breeding population of 6 to a population big enough to build the Tower of Babel in just 100 years AND why the dates for the pyramids predate the flood by nearly 400 (or 200) years with zero evidence that the pyramids have been underwater (and it's a bit ludicrous to think they could have survived at all, IMO). Also just my opinion, but the decline in lifespans post flood looks way more natural to me in the LXX. If you and a friend drive two cars east starting in Los Angeles, and at the end one odometer reads 1300 miles and one reads 2800 miles, you can argue all day long about why they are different, but if your trip ended in New York, you at least know which one is right.
Nope the Septuagint adds some 350 years which conflict with the Exodus Story and when Pharaoh Amenhotep II ..the Pharaoh of the Exodus was in power. The Masoretic Text is the accurate text.
@@deusgr Was the Great Pyramid under layers of strata at the time it was found...No. Was even the the bottom portion encased in sedimentary layers laid down by the flood,. No. The Great Pyramid as not around at the time of the flood some 4350 years ago..
The pyramids were built from a limestone quarry and limestone comes from marine organisms and shells, so it seems very likely that the pyramids were built on sedimentary rock which is post flood.
Hi Dr. Rob, huge fan, liked your video. I saw a post today and I was wondering what your view is on this: Did you know that one stone in the pyramid weighs between 2 tons to 15 tons. The number of stones in the pyramid is about 3 million. The weight of the granite stone in the ceiling of the King's Chamber reaches 70 tons! (No one knows how the ancient Egyptians carried, cut, and arranged these stones despite their enormous size). - There was also a photo showing people climbing on the pyramid and the massive size of the stones.
I've often thought the reason God sent the famine that brought the children of Israel into Egypt was only to plant them right there in the land of Goshen so they could propagate so rapidly. Pharaoh said take the choices land And there in Goshen they multiplied into a nation.
10:43 I'm glad to see you don't believe in the corrupted masoretic reading of Exodus 12:40! Which begs the questions, why believe in the the masoretic over the Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint when it comes to Genesis 11? The oldest evidence for the masoretic reading is the Latin Vulgate, which isn't much.
The pyramids at Cheops is not the oldest but King Zhosers stepped pyramid is the oldest by far. I think the Septuagint is more likely in adding the 100 years to each generation is most likely.
The early Egyptian dynasties, 0 to 4, could have been contemporaneous, e.g. like the 13-14th, 15-16th dynasties. Also, did the ancient Egyptians use oxen to help them move those huge pyramid blocks, and a form of ramps and scaffolding?
They left images of teams of men hauling heavy sleds across sand, with one guy pouring a little water in front of the sled. There is a good example in the tomb of Seshseshut Idut and a depiction of an even larger statue is depicted on the walls of the tomb of the provincial governor Djehuti Hotop. As far as scaffolding, yes. In fact, there is an unfinished gate ('pylon') in front of the temple complex of Karnak. There is a dilapidated mud brick wall behind the right-side gate. As far as the pyramids go, I am leaning toward the 'internal ramp' theory. The ruined pyramid of Djedefre (son of Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid) clearly had an internal ramp inside.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 In my own chronology, calculating forwards from the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11; and also calculating backwards from the fall of neo-Babylon in 539 BC, I date the global flood from c. 2628-2627 BC. Peleg was born c. 2527 BC his name means "division" probably a reference to the scattering from Babel (Gen. 10-11). According to the standard Egyptian chronology, the Giza pyramid was built by Khufu, who reigned, c. 2609-2584 BC (Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, 2001, vol. 3). This is generally within the timescale of the Biblical-historical chronology. We have to accept that the further we go back from the more precise dates of the fall of neo-Babylon in 539 BC, the less precise the dates become, because different ancient nations dated their years by their kings' reigns, some had different calendars, and ancient Israel did not care too much about accurately recording foreign nations' histories. That is a problem for ancient historiography (which was not the same as modern academic historiography) more than a problem with biblical accuracy or reliability. The Bible was written as a story because God knows that we humans remember stories the best. Critical modern academics/scholars should not simply judge ancient stories and historiographies by modern academic historiography standards. Those ancients had different often subjective, nationalistic/patriotic motivations for writing their national stories/histories. Even if "histories (were and) are written by the winners," or with the most favoured patriotic view. But I guess those pyramids could have been modelled after the tower of Babel (ancient Babylonian) which was a precursor for the neo-Babylonian Etemenanki temple ziggurat.
I'm of the understanding that the flood would've been roughly 4300-4350 years about and the pyramids were built roughly 4400-4500 years ago, so they would be a pre-flood artifact.
The Noah’s Ark story is about the flooding that periodically devastated the inhabitants of the Tigris Euphrates river valley region in ancient Mesopotamia, after the birth of Agriculture 10 thousand years ago. The wise farmer always saved two of every domesticated livestock so that they could start over again once the two rivers receded. The epic myth of Noah represented a symbolic hero farmer who saved his entire family and livestock from those devastating floods. The region between these two rivers became "the entire world" for the early Mesopotamian people, when the entire population was only one million globally.
What you’ve stated is true, the problem is that almost every known culture on earth has a global flood where only one family survived. So it can’t just be a Samarian legend. Linguist have also solidly traced most of those myths origins back to around the same time around 11 or 12,000 years ago. So they all seem to have originated at the same time.
Sorry you don’t know scripture. The Tigris Euphrates did not exist before the flood. No rainfall before the flood. No oceans before the flood. The rivers of the deep still exist today. They are under the ocean and have been mapped.
@@mypleayple - Sorry, I know scripture exceptionally well. There was no single “great flood” that covered the entire Earth as evident in many examples like Greenland ices core, Bristle Comb pine trees which are older than the so called great flood. Even sea life fossils on top of mountains are from extinct Ammonites, Trilobites and extinct corals that were elevated by continental lifting and subduction, that we now know took millions of years. Marsupials did not march together from the ark in Turkey all the way through Asia, turn down at New Guinea, then cross the sea to reach to Australia together. Noah did I not say “now stay together you marsupials, don’t get lost, we need all of you together in Australia”. No, they evolved, and the fossil evidence shows this.
If they were built before the flood the entrance would be huge because giants and poeple were taller than us but if you look at the entrance 1.7m height and 1.1 m wide.
There have been things claimed about the secular problem time line. I have not been well enough to research this properly, but going on the observations of others and myself, the Pyramids maybe around the 1700'sBC. So, there are questions concerning the meaning of the years of Israel in Egypt. There is correspondence between a known pharaoh and who is obviously King Saul complaining about future king David, but the two figures are supposed to be from two different centuries. The world at Patterns of evidence show no real time period of Egyptian dark ages, and you also question other, intermediary, periods. Now, Egypt was a number of kingdoms, a number of people. So, massive overlap, and what was in the Gezer Plateau which people and spirituality, in common with Southern Judah going up to Jericho, and the Hopi Indian underground areas. We even have Australian Aboriginies which share some overlap in spiritual practice with Egyptians. We also note that there are similar patterns of names in early days. Hapi, Hati, Hopi, and in the Indus valley going north. The history recorded by previously white, now fair early tribes of New Zealanders, relate to invasion of the passivists tribes, escape to past Australia and New Zealand to Easter Island and South American colonies, then back to New Zealand. In the US, New Zealand, southern Asian/Pakistan/Iran, and early Egyptian there was mention of cannibalism. Maybe in the Hatti area too. But, I can't remember. In the Caananite areas, this seems to also be the case. The passivist tribes escaped these tribes comming to kill them to these other lands, but eventually descendants of these others caught up with them, and even though they helped these new comers survive, the blood shed and feasting continued. Ok. In the world out there, there is a world which shows the same kings for a millennium, had been listed one after each in the history time line for the northern and southern kingdoms (presumably after combination all the kings were listed in both the south and north, and it was misinterpreted as two sequential lists. Apparently that is 1000 extra years. But, depending on how these were listed (if different sub kingdoms line were also listed) it could be more. The dating cycles used are also wrong, and shrinks the time line of the legends of Atlantis down to similar to what the Greeks claimed about being descended from a deity, while the Egyptians claimed a much longer period. Now, there is a contract wording written of a rock concerning the priests and their holy places, which also seems to put this age of the Gezer Pyramids to 1700's. But maybe it's even shorter. If all these things are proven true, it means the narrative history is a fabrication. We also easily fit in Jericho and Golbeki Tepe. The interesting thing is, one of the ancient Egyptians temples claims to Gabe original broken parts of the Tower of Babel nearby. There is a number of errors in estimation of age and direction in ancient Archeology that can lead to different results. We know one of the seed people in Egypt were a colony from the Helena, set up after the colony in Egypt. Both have similar place names, cities, and history of kings. Which would mirror the original place the Helenes brought them from. This is likely a big factor around the world, as we see common legends and places like the World Mountain. We also find the terrain in ancient texts were more like near the Caspian sea, which it says the sun goes to, rather than Egypt. Interesting the symbols of the Earliest kings, it seems to relate to the wide Kingdom of Ra, which seems to be an abbreviation of Nimrod's original name from the Bible (Nimrod is a descriptive name, but even his original name is something like the Fair One). Up on the black sea, there is a place that directly refers to it being Helen's. Witt the confusion of Cardinal directions after the impactor cataclysms of the early period, the base camp of the various groups from history could be from the area in South Africa wiped out by impactors, to Siberia/China/Southern/South Eastern Asia, even Australia, and given relocation and ice free terrain maps of Antarctica. Various things could be in these places. It's a massive territory, but the likelihood is around the black and Caspian seas, going down to Aysiria. One of my original picks was around the place Asyria was on the map in that video, by tracking deep historical stories. But, the Greek legends operate as a second source to the older Hittites from the Harran region. At the time, the rider flowed through to the Mediterranean, with the mountain of gathering being mouth Kilic, instead of mount Olympus. Before an impactor. The gates of Hercules, is also said to be at a Temple at the Greek mainland or one of the main Island near there. Puts a great new direction on things, but how come these things are not examined in light of modern research and ability.
The Septuagenarian timeline is the correct one. Sorry you can hate the Septuagenarian for other reasons but the timeline is correct. Also for those reading the great pyramid is made of geopolymer concrete. 100% proven through test of its chemical makeup in at least two studies I know of. Also test have been done at other great structures and shown to be geopolymer concrete. The “stones” do not match the chemical makeup of the quarry’s. They are only about a 92 % match. Meaning the aggregate was taken from quarry and used to make the concrete.
Dr. Henry Morris (d. 2006) was the most brilliant Creation Scientist ever, with all due respect to the CMI team. Dr. Morris in his Genesis Record book did provide a very reasoned and biblical literalist defense of why there could have been possible gaps in the Genesis 11 genealogies between Peleg and Abram. I wouldn't just dismiss that out of hand like you did in this video, Dr. Carter. Even though Creationists, including me, did find your video helpful. Thanks.
Right. Think about it. This country was born in 1776, almost 250 years ago. Think how much has happened in the last 250 years as far as history and population growth of the US. 250 years is plenty of time to fit in things that have happened.
The Masoretic has Babel only 100 years after the flood, not 250. And it was only 8 people who came off the ark. America started with hundreds of people immigrating from Europe.
There are MASSIVE PROBLEMS with your line of thinking. The length of time need to just cut the stones and transport them to Giza for assembly are problematic. You DO NOT want to talk to a biblical scholar or an archelogist, egyptologist about HOW LONG it took to build the Pyramids. With all due respect to the field experts their explanations of stone cutting and assembly are comdeically pathetic. Those kinds of questions belong in the realm of ENGINEERS and modern Stone cutters. We DO NOT KNOW how the stones were quarried and shape with certainty and it REASONABLE to assume that we care capable of cutting and transporting stone faster than they could without the benefit of power mechanical tools. It is estimated from the President of the Indiana Limestone Institue that it would take 27 years using all 33 quarries full time just to cut and transport the stones to a local job site. Just a long time just to produce the parts for assembly is HIGHLY problematic. It is reasonable to assume it would take MUCH longer using manual technics to cut, shape and transport the stones. An even bigger issue arises when we see that history tell us that Kufu's reign was a short 23 years. How could they CUT, finish production(shape and polish) stones, transport them to Giza, Assemble them to a finish Pyramid even in 24 or 25 years. If it takes us 25+ years to just cut and transport how could they accomplish this from start to finish in LESS TIME?
It can't be overestimated the importance of the characteristic of "blue eyes" and being able to rule as King or Pharaoh. On Easter Isle the Moai originally all had blue eyes and 90% look out over the ocean. This is a homage to the man that conquered the sea and saved mankind, Noah. The "Original" man. And to have blue eyes meant you were a direct descendent of Noah. His influence and importance was known throughout the entire world, and every culture. With the only exception being the Japanese. There's always 1 right? lol.
I think the pyramids were built during the time of Joseph using all the free labor during the 7 year famine. Not only would all of Egypt not have had to work in agriculture at that time, but all the people from distant lands simultaneously experiencing famine that came to Egypt for grain would have surely been willing to work for grain during a famine. This was probably part of Joseph's genius plan. Furthermore, Saaqara, the site of Joseph's Grain Bins, has been found, and there is a stunning step pyramid there and a carved stone explaining the exact story of the Joseph predicting the 7 year famine from a dream. The only major difference is Joseph is called Imhotep, which roughly translates to the Son of "I am".
Khafre was the Egyptian Pharaoh at the time when the flood supposedly occured, he did not report any delays in the construction of the second largest pyramid on the Giza plateau, his father Kufu built the great pyramid, no flood either. So there is that, which is written in stone!
One possibility I have considered is that Egyptian records start pre it possible that the pyramids were built pre flood and the water rose more gradually there (away from where the fountains broke through). It could have petrified them with the pressure of the water, etc. I am not saying this is the truth, but I have considered it as a possibility. Can you imagine inheriting such great buildings post flood? They may even have remembered the culture since they were alive, etc. Also, some of the less savory ones could have been looking for stone tablets with tech or spells. At what point did they start practicing magic again and how? Just something to consider. Great work, thank you!
As I have stated in other places, it simply is not possible for the Pyramids to be antediluvian. First, the stones are cut from Flood-deposited rocks (either that, or one might as well not even have a discussion about the Flood at all). Second, given a massive surface area of any face of one the great pyramids, and the fact that limestone is not that much more dense than water, if there were even a slight current, the entire structure would tumble if submerged. The buoying effect of the water on the rocks, the lubrication of the unmortared joints, and the sheering force of moving water make that a certainty.
There is some solid evidence that the earliest dynasties had overlapping rulers (one in the south one in the north) so a lot of early dynasties collapse down to fit the bible.
My Theory: They built the Tower of Babel, were scattered, and took their architecture with them: ALL OVER THE WORLD. There are differences, but suddenly there were all these pyramids being built all over the world... The Jews and their Talmud, think they found some pre-flood technology in the Plain of Shinar (Gen 11:2) So the Tech could have gone with the "Scattered", along with their architecture. So there maybe not have been a lot of them, just special equipment and technology, that we do not understand today! IMHO
You're excluding the influence the Nephlihim had on Egyptian and other Ancient Cultures. They influenced everything from religion, science and technology. I believe they helped the construction of the pyramids.
a ton of conjecture here, with few specifics. despite the argument against the lxx, the geneology of flavias josephus, and the samaritan pentateuch, which all agree, and give an extra 800 years of history, it is a stretch to say that you can get to 30,000 people in egypt in just a few centuries after the flood. it would take at least a century for the event of the tower of babel, then for the dispersed populations to settle in other parts of africa, the middle east, europe, and asia, and then populate to 30,000 in just a couple of centuries, allowing as well, for all the events in genesis, including joseph, the arrival of semitic peoples, slavery, then deliverance. 30,000 people just don't arrive suddenly. the other argument are the numbers of persons in exodus said to have left egypt, as many as 3 million people, including women and children. we do know that the pyramids were built after the flood. there was no water damage, and marine fossils are found beneath them. but 5 years here and 5 years there won't get you to 3 million people leaving egypt at the time of the exodus, assuming as well a population of at least a million egyptians who stayed. the lxx makes more sense. there is way too much reliance on the masoretic text, even if this text is contemporary with the lxx, and this too is a stretch. we know the lxx is dated about 200 bce. we assume the text used by the masorites is of the same period, though with good reason in that the new testament does, in some places, agree with the masoretic text, but the new testament also challenges the masoretic text with the lxx. you can try to squeeze the time needed out of egyptian history, but still, it is all but speculation and wishful thinking. the lxx makes more sense.
Egypt had the fertile Delta Nile where food was in abundance. Those moving to the Delta after the dispersion from the plain of Shinar had plenty of knowledge about building methods after having worked on the Tower of Babel. Even more recently, it has been determined that the limestone blocks (filled with marine fossils from the flood) were probably formed on the spot as a concrete. This would have necessitated a much smaller population in the building process as the raw materials could be easily mined and transported to the building site. Plenty of fresh water was also available from the Nile to finalize the concrete production and pouring process.
I think people flock to scholars who claim to have solved some difficulty in Scripture. Thorough analysis, however, shows that the solution causes further problems.
I put a link in the show notes, but forgot to mention it when I recorded. Search for "Tour Egypt" and it will pop right up. We are working on the hypothesis that Joseph arrived during the 3rd Intermediate (under Hyksos rule), etc.
What is the book that you show several places in the video, “Tour Egypt.”? Velikovsky showed how the Egyptian chronology was 600 years too long and Nell reworks the 18th Dynasty in “Battle for the Firstborn.” The most important Egypt/Israel synchronisms Biblically, Joseph and Moses are nowhere to be found in mainstream Egyptology, and mainstream Christianity. Very sad. Thanks for showing there is time to build the pyramids. There are several solid sets of evidence I use to show the Egyptians built the pyramids.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 Thanks. Odd that you would use atheist Sagan as such a strong argument to dis atheist Velikovsky. At least Velikovsky treated the biblical record as a reliable source of history. The Velikovsky affair is a good study in the way "science" operates. Harlow Shapely of Harvard, representing the edifice of "science" at that time, slammed Velikovsky without fully reading or reviewing his stuff and worked hard to get New York publishers not to publish him. Closer to "survival of the fittest" than, "let's proceed point by point rationally." The reason Velikovsky had such a powerful following, causing many of his proponents to suffer ouster and shunning in the academy, is because what he wrote made so much sense. He exposed the weaknesses of the standard Egyptian timeline, but rather than beginning the fix on so much that was OBVIOUSLY wrong, they pummeled Velikovsky. You have added to the floggings. When you make a list of all the things that Velikovsky was slammed for, which have since been accepted by the scientific community, you should not have seen happen to Velikovsky what you pointed out happened to Hatshepsut.... erasure. Your chronology is much too accepting of secular conclusions. Where is Joseph, a person who was FAMOUS in Egypt, in your chronology? Seems like you've lost him, like the later pharaohs who "knew not Joseph." It looks like we will mush along to the Second Coming without having deduced the real chronology (I can feel the Emmaus scolding of Jesus on this.) Shame on us.
Question: I have heard that the President of the Limeston Institute of Indiana (33 different Limeston quarry's) estimated that using TODAY technology it would take approximately 27 years to cut and transport the stones needed to reduplicate the Great Pyramid. This if true establishes without question that Kufu could not have built the Great Pyramid since the length of his reign was only 23 years. Essencially someone is VERY WRONG. Either the stone cutting technology that existed then is VASTLY SUPERIOR to that of today OR Kufu did NOT build the Greate Pyramid. My guess is that he did NOT build them.
Radiocarbon dating shows that the earliest exposed structures at Göbekli Tepe were built between 9500 and 9000 BCE, towards the end of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) period. Looks like Göbekli Tepe pre-dates the Garden of Eden, Dr. Rob.
pls understand Radiocarbon dating. it goes by how much carbon is in atmosphere at the time of death of the item. If Eden was 6,000-9,000 yrs ago then carbon is MUCH less and those items will date like 50,000 years old. Items at the flood might date to 8,000-12,000 yrs old. as carbon is pushed into atmosphere we will eventually get to an equilibrium, BUT we are NOT there yet even.
@@dougmoore4653it does not go by how much carbon was in the atmosphere. It uses the ratio of C12 to C13 What do you mean by "carbon was much less"? Be aware that we have dendrochronology dating back over 7000 years. No confusing nuclear physics to worry about, just seasons recorded in tree rings that you can count, going back over 7000 years.
@@maninalift About dendrochronology, it certainly is a very useful tool in measuring the passing of time. Nethertheless, there are articles written about this which show that the number of the older trees already found to have their rings examined is actually very few in more distant time (in some times, just one or two trees), in such a way that if any abnormality has affected just a few trees, it would not be possible to verify if their rings were formed in a year's timespan or in a shorter period of time, as might be the case when severe droughts, freezing and similar extreme events happen. As we are speaking about the same epoch which saw the ending of Ice Age, desertification of Sahara and Australia, inundation of North Sea, Black Sea, Beringia and New Guinea-Australia land bridge, we can not assume the weather conditions were stable as to base ourselves with certainty on a chronology based solely on just a few linking samples of trees, even if it might be the most promising method yet.
Dr Rob, I am really enjoying your work but you need to look more closely at David Rohl's work. Particularly his explanation of who "Shishak" really is. There was a very famous Pharaoh knows by the name "Sysa" or "Shysha" depending on your native language. We know him as Ramses II, "The Great". I am convinced that the syncronism of Shishak is with him, which would make his early reign line up with the latter part of Solomon's reign, would make him the Pharoah that sheltered Jeroboam when he rebelled and fled, and would explain why Shishak attacked and sacked Jerusalem - to establish Jeroboam and more importantly to SPLIT THE KINGDOM and re-establish Egyptian control over the Levant and its lucrative trade routes. It fits geo-politically. More importantly, it lines up many other archeological instances with the Bible far better. It also lends itself to an alignment of the Exodus with the end of the 13th Dynasty, which fits the Biblical events very neatly with the archeological evidence of that era. I would highly recommend as a starting point the documentary "Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus" by Tim Mahoney. It will explain much of the error of the classic Egyptian chronology and how it has messed up the timeline of the entire Mediterranean basin.
Why would you think I have not carefully considered Rohl's work? And note that I appeared in one of Mahoney's subsequent films! Have you seen CMI's stuff on Shishak?
IF there was a world wide good 4400 years ago killing everyone on the planet except for one man's family There would be evidence of People being replaced by different races Cheddar man 10000 years old His closest living relative was discovered a few km away If there was a flood the man living today would by far more distant in relation
Yes, you could get tens of thousands of people from the few people that found their way to Egypt in about 300 years however, a quarter of those people would be too old to work, a quarter to young, another quarter stricken with diseases or injuries plus you would need a thousand to build and run the civilization like farmers, business owners and workers etc. You're not counting over half of the population would have to be women as well. Them things were built way before the mystical great flood.
Why is it assumed that the pyramids would have been destroyed by the flood? There are many structures found on the ocean floor that are, for the most part, still intact. Plus many of these megalith structures found all around the world show more recent construction added on to the original structure - almost as if they were discovered and occupied at a later date then when they were originally built and occupied.
@@alantasman8273 You are correct. My point is that they obviously started out built on dry land and are still in tact after all of those years under water, and if the water level were to drain and return to dry land, those strictures would still be there. So why is it assumed that the pyramids were built post flood? We know that many megaliths were reoccupied because of the obvious difference in structural add-ons and repairs. Manny natives around the world still living in these lands of some megaliths will tell you that their people did not build them, that they were there when they arrived.
@@rickyweeks9144 The Global Food buried the old world under hundreds of yards of sand and mud. See the Grand Canyon as an example of the layers laid down. These layers are found around the globe. Volcanic activity during the flood, both on the sea floor and later on land resulted in ocean waters heating and volcano particulates in the air made the Earth's surface cooler. The moist air from the oceans evaporated and came down as Ice and snow on land masses. This is what caused the ice age. As the ice accumulated on the Northern land masses ( some on the southern) the oceans became depleted of water exposing land areas particularly those land areas closer to the shoreline. This is when land bridges became exposed allowing creatures and man to disperse across the globe. As the oceans were still warm, even in the colder climates, the areas near the seashores would have created more temperate zones than the ice build up in the interior regions. I say all this to say, those remnants of construction found on ocean bottoms were above ocean levels until the glaciers began to melt at the end of the ice age. Sorry about being so long winded on this.
@@rickyweeks9144 The Flood buried the preflood world under hundreds of yards of sediment. See the layers of the Grand Canyon as a example. Had the pyramids existed at the time of the Noahic too would have been rapidly buried but it was not. Also, it has now been determined that the Sahara (meaning desert) was once lush but has since become largely barren ...just as the Giza plateau created by the flood is largely barren.
@@alantasman8273 I agree with what you're saying. I just don't think we know enough about the details of the flood yet. For instance for sediment to be moved and deposited places, it has to come from somewhere - so that means there are places that are missing land mass. There were also fault lines moving plates creating new mountain masses. It just may be possible that while there were places in the earth where things were super chaotic, that there were places that weren't so chaotic. We know the Sphinx shows signs of water erosion and there has also been found some pyramids buried beneath the sand.
samaritan chronology puts flood at 3168 BC biblical genealogies DO have skips and are proven. also when it says xxx begat yyy at 70 means 70 is their FIRST BORN and doesnt have to mean the person listed, they could have been born later (example with Abraham and his dad)
Stone to build pyramid NOT FROM FAR Sure the granite was but there was plenty of building to be done while waiting on its arrival!!Great statement glad it was said
Clicked away as soon as he threw the Septuagint out the window. The Hebrew masoretic is a newer corrupted version. Noah and Shem outliving all generations between them and Abraham (+Isaac and Jacob for Shem). Takes maybe 20 minutes of digging and some logic to figure that one out
@@MichaelTheophilus906 Neither the labour force nor the skills nor the wealth to do it existed after the flood. The Egyptian records say that a mighty king called Enoch was the architect who came from the East with a large army and the Pharaoh capitulated and became a vassal king.The long time Egyptian name for the pyramid ("Cheops") was Par Henuch or the "Pillar of Enoch". Pyramid is a Greek word meaning fire in the middle and dates from the Ptolemaic period. Enoch was before the flood, and like his descendant Noah, were kings..Technology before the flood was very advanced, as ours is now. Nobody since the flood has the skill to build with such amazing accuracy in stone. It is the chronology of the Bible in stone, beginning in 4004 bc.
So you really believe that all the sudden the patriarchs like Arphaxad began having his children over a hundred years earlier than all who came before him? Remember that even Abraham was about 100 years old and Sarah over 90 when Isaac was born and that's why she laughed because not until then was having a child at her age rare. Remember too after Sarah's death Abe remarried and had 3 more sons. The Masoretic text was written exclusively by rabbis who were trying to take away the deity of Christ by saying that Melchizedek was Shem and Christ couldn't have his own priesthood because Melchizedek was Shem and they were Levites and Christ was from the tribe of Judah and is known as the Lion of Judah! (Applause)(Take my bow) Goodnight, Oklahoma City!
I don't get it. I though from an geography or archeology point of view there was no Noah's Great Flood. I was under the impression that was a christian thing, bible thing only.
There are 650 Years missing between Shem down to Abraham genealogy between the Masoretic text and the Original Hebrew writings. It is suspected The Rabis' of 300BC ( keepers of The Masoretic text) deleted One hundred years plus fifty years off each father from Shem to Abraham in an effort to deny Jesus as The Massiah (lineage of Levi).
Good question. Because the date the archeologist said the pyramids of Giza at 200 years after the flood they supposedly built them. Is that enough time for them to have enough people to do the work ?
I think they were built before the floor by giants, then remaining Egyptians adopted them . How u could say that new after flood generations built them from scratch when u cant even think how did they build them in the first place?
Noah's family was no ordinary family. There are many things that indicate they were very skilled at many different crafts. The stones are geopolymers. Joseph davidovits wrote a book on the methods that were used to build the pyramids. The evidence that he presents is a chemical analysis of pyramid stones from the pyramid of djoser. A chemical reaction was found in the stone indicating that in fact it was a type of ancient geopolymer..or a specific type of ancient concrete.
That was an extremely weak dismissal of the Septuagint at the 3 minute mark. Every version of the Bible before the Masoretic agrees with it I have yet to hear anyone refute that fact. Your dismissal was the equivalent of someone saying “Google it.”
What about the building of the Tower of Babel? You're not addressing that at all. Before the pyramids was the Tower of Babel. The Masoretic text chops about 900 years off. Now you're saying that the amount of blocks don't matter!? As a Christian I miss catching a buzz, can I get what you're smoking without it being a sin😂😂
The timeline of the septuagint is the same as the dead sea scrolls... Shem living to end of Abrahams life and basically outliving many generations of his own line? As the masoretic timeline says... Doesn't some Jews claim that Shem and Melkizedek is the same person? And by doing so claim that Jesus cannot be the Messiah because Shem is from the same priesthood as Levi? The masoretic script is in hebrew and came to be after christ... The timeline from the flood to the tower of babel makes much more sense in the septuagint, the timeline in the masoretic script is not likely. Not in order to procreate snd build such buildings... it's a stretch and much wishful thinking to have such a thing work. From 8 people to 300 000 people over 100 years or from 8 people to 3,5 million people over 400 years. And to build cities and buildings too... first is not likely at all. Pretty much a nope... second alternative is not a problem though.
Scholars have had to presume several “dark ages” to account for imprecise historical records; shorter history makes the most sense. Rohl is most likely correct.
The Builders of the Tower of Babel were well skilled in building Ziggurats...a type of pyramid. After the confusion of language...they moved to the fertile Nile Delta area and began building another pyramid. There is recent evidence that the limestone blocks (full of dead marine fossils from the flood) were actually poured like a concrete on the spot. There would have been ample fresh water to complete this process.
The train, Lol. God is good! Keep on stanging strong. I love learing about this stuff. Also i have been exploring that the center of the cavities of the pyramids have been filld with a form of concrete. So the steucture would be built and walls would be built inside and as they rose the structure they would layer in concrete. Just an idea. :-) This would cut down material and man power greatly.
Did you ever think that the Nephilim created by Angels whom had offspring with Earthly women that lived pre The Flood might possibly had Heaveanly wisdom (Not book o f enoch) to build these perfect un holy temples with ease. Just a thought.
According to Flavius Josephus, Abraham taught the Egyptians arithmetic and astronomy: _"For whereas the Egyptians were formerly addicted to different customs, and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were very angry one with another on that account, Abram conferred with each of them, and, confuting the reasonings they made use of, every one for their own practices, demonstrated that such reasonings were vain and void of truth: whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in understanding it, but in persuading other men also to assent to him. He communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for before Abram came into Egypt they were unacquainted with those parts of learning; for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt, and from thence to the Greeks also." [Flavius Josephus, "The Complete Works: Antiquities of the Jews." Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1934, Book I.8.1, p.71]_ Dan
But are there pyramids worldwide? So, the Jews were not building pyramids worldwide. Could this have also been Babylonians? Fads are never just one group. Egyptians never buried their dead there.
The truth is crazier than a low budget science fiction movie. You are better off watching the Creature from the Black Lagoon, it has way more truth in it! That flood was for their ancestors they were not exactly human, more like reptilians hermaphrodite humanoids.
From the bogus “scientist” narrating this video to the comments from viewers, we have a greatest hits of YEC stupidity. Archaeologists can date the pyramids remarkably well, using multiple techniques which all point to the same conclusions. This is easy to research!there is no way that eight people could have multiplied to the huge numbers needed. And that’s not considering the huge loss of technological knowledge caused by the supposed flood. Those eight survivors weren’t experts in all the crafts needed to build the pyramids. The pyramids required hundreds of thousands of people scattered all over the place, including experts in all the technology of the day. And they had to be supported by a thriving, large farming economy. The story presented here is wishful thinking, ignorant nonsense.
Hi Dr Carter, how many people built the Tower of Babel within 100 years of The Flood? This seems just as big a logistics problem as building The Pyramids.
The Bible does not claim anything about the size of the tower. Most people have one of those giant Mesopotamian ziggurat's in mind when they think of the ToB. This is influenced by biblical minimalists, and I believe this is on purpose. Ziggurat's were a late development that were only attempted after there was a sufficiently large population inside one of the city states in which they were built.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 Thank you Dr. Carter for your reply, I hadn't considered your way of looking at it, and am definitely guilty of looking at the Tower of Babel from caricatures and sceptics viewpoints. You have given me a fresh way to look at it. God bless you and your Ministry, in Jesus' name. - Amen.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 Exactly how long after the flood did the Tower of Babel get built? And how many people can be produced in that time? Was the tower and city of Babel built by less than 200 men? 300 men? How many? And what’s their rate of growth?
there is no Noah. The real name in the Sumerian Flood story _Eridu Genesis_ is Ziusudra. All the others like the Akkadian, Babylonians, Canaanites and Hebrew stole the original story.
"Don't be afraid of Scripture."-Dr. Robert Carter
Yes but dont be afraid of logic either. Do you seriously think a pathetic 353 years from the flood to Abraham's birth is enough time to set up the building of the Babel skyscraper, the city of babel, dispersion round the whole earth and new languages, multiple civilizations, the pyramids and the construction of the egyptian empire as well as building all the pyramids? Not to mention it was a mere 8 people who came out the ark. This scenarious is absolutely impossible.
The only way it works if we accept the septuagint's version which is older and more attested in early Christianity. This describes the time from Noah to Abrhama not as 353 years but as over 1100 years. I can go with over 1100 just about for all the above! But 352 years?? no chance!
@@mikechase1141 You would be surprised. There are experiments that demonstrate this to be the case. You are committing the personal incredulity fallacy.
When it is obviously not historical then we should not be afraid of it but be smart enough to disregard it.
I find that believers strike out with threats, when informed of reasoned denial, of the existence of a God outside of fiction.
@@Stupidityindex God bless you.
I don't think that anyone can substantiate that the pyramids weren't built before the flood or that they would have necessarily been destroyed by the flood.
In fact, there's megalithic infrastructure all over the world that cannot be explained, that the only sensible answer is that much of it was a vast worldwide civilization that was pre-flood.
In fact North and South America is full of examples.
The logical answer is that the influence of fallen angels made the pre-flood civilization probably much more advanced than today's scientists, even Christian scientists, are willing to give them credit for.
Which follows the logic of being a contributing factor as to why God destroyed it in the first place.
"They corrupted His ways upon the earth".
They were building unnatural things and altering His creation rather than living in symbiosis with it.
They were building monuments to themselves and their accomplishments.
And mankind was making them into false gods.
Even you are calling it a "beautiful temple".
It's more like an affront unto God. Yeah, real beautiful right?
Surely God left these things standing for a purpose but it might not be for the purpose that some folks think.
Joshua 24:15
King James Version
15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
The flood buried the world in hundreds of feet of post flood sediments laid down in by the receding waters of the flood. This is highlighted in the geologic record. These sediments later hardened. There is no record of the Pyramids having to be unearthed from the sediments. The erosion found at the building site is not indicative of what would be expected if the pyramids had gone through the flood...there is no evidence that the pyramids went though the massive earthquake activity experienced by tectonic movements at the time of the flood and the sedimentary strata laid down at the time of the flood is below the Pyramids on the plain of Giza. Finally, the limestone blocks used in construction of the Great Pyramid include billions of dead seashell creatures killed at the time of the flood.
@@alantasman8273 you are operating under the assumption that everything everywhere was completely covered in sediment.
The top creationist geologists and engineers don't necessarily believe that.
They believe that the evidence suggests that the "fountains of the deep" broke open and created a seismic event along with the flood and that a catastrophic shock wave emanated out from the epicenters of the events and folded the crust of the earth.
As the water came from under the crust, it sank into the basins becoming the oceans that we know today. This is why the ocean trenches correspond with the mountain ranges of the continents.
There are unexplained megalithic structures all over the world.
Not just the pyramids and the pyramids aren't even that impressive in comparison to other unexplained structures.
They weren't all completely destroyed by the flood.
It is very possible that the pyramids and many other structures around the world, predate the great flood.
While I'm sure there was much idolatry before the flood, one of the things that the bible specifically points out about the previous world is that it was filled with violence. Right after the flood, as soon as Noah and his family step off the ark, God specifically includes in His covenant with Noah that He will demand a reckoning from anyone, man or beast, that takes the life of man, because man was made in the image of God. It is interesting that He addresses this kind of thing now - not in the garden, not after Cain murdered Abel, not after Lamech did his killings - but after He rescues Noah and his family, before they begin the process of restarting the human race on the newly washed earth. So all that to say that I don't think it necessarily had much (or anything) to do with not living in symbiosis with nature, or being super advanced technologically.
The flood broke up the Super continent, laid down the Major Mega-sequences and reshaped the entire face of the Earth. The Pyramids are built from Limestone, one of the many SEDIMENTARY rocks made by the flood. If the Bible is right, then things like the breakup of the supercontinent, subduction, the oceanic ridge, Continental "drift", the forming of the major mountain ranges, evidence of MASSIVE Earthquakes, etc, etc, are all realities that MUST fit into the History of the world. And the Great Global flood is not only the obvious answer, but it explains a lot of this and more.
Eusebius didn't have a problem with the Septuagint. Just follow the Bible that the early church used, and none of these issues are even remotely a problem at all. You've got all the time in the world for the population to grow large enough. Don't underestimate the Bible.
Josephus wrote (in his time) that the History of the Jewish people dated back 5000 years. That would make the World roughly 7000 years old now, not 6000. And it also jibes with the Septuagint. People need to realize that he had access to historical documentation that we no longer have, including scripture. I think that fact alone deserves some serious consideration among Historians. At the very least, the question of the Biblical age of the Earth is less than settled.
The absolute best video on Y.T. that explains the timeline for the flood and more, is from the channel NathanH83, and the video is titled "Were the Pyramids Built Before the
Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)"
This video absolutely blew my mind. I highly recommend it.
Regardless of what you may believe, it's still a fact that early church fathers Theophilus, Africanus, and Eusebius strongly believed with absolute confidence that the Greek Septuagint was translated from an older, more accurate Hebrew text. And that gives plenty of time for the population to grow and to build the pyramids.
Are you confused?
Samaritan Pentateuch has an earlier date then M.T. too.
This has been answered in at least one of my articles on the subject. Search for "LXX".
Regardless of your “answer” it still remains a fact that early church fathers Eusebius, Africanus, and Theophilus followed the chronology in the Septuagint. So I have to make a decision to believe you or them.
It isn't JUST the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible that says modern English translations dropped out those missing centuries in the ages of the Patriarchs and when their relevant sons were born. The Samaritan Pentateuch also says the exact same thing coming into agreement with the Greek Septuagint AND even more tellingly Flavius Josephus also said so, coming into agreement w/both of those versions of Scripture. Remember the Bible says where two or more are gathered to bear witness the truth shall be established. Well we have THREE witnesses here all in agreement that modern English versions of the Bible are missing 650 years off the genealogies of the patriarchs. It actually doesn't require that much effort to learn about this. NathanH83 here on YT has an excellent video about this on his channel and what strikes me as being a SPOT ON explanation as to why modern English versions are missing those years,
NathanH83's video on whether or not the Pyramids were built before or after the flood was a game changer for me.
Those building the Tower of Babel on the plain of Shinar in what would later become Babylon probably took some 100 years to build that tower. They gained valuable knowledge about building methods, materials and planning from that mega project. FYI, a Nebuchadnezzar II relief from 600 BC with the Tower in the background has been found as has the remaining base of that Tower. After the confusion of language and the dispersion, at least one of those people groups ended up in the Nile Delta which had fertile, well watered, soil that could grow plenty of food to feed the massive workforce necessary to build the first Pyramid. These people had "recently" stopped building the Tower of Babel. They took the skills learned in that construction of a ziggurat, and applied them to building another pyramid shaped structure. Some believe that the scriptures are reflected in the internal passage ways. ..the narrow passage going up into the pyramid and the wider path going down into the pyramid. More recently, there is some evidence that the limestone blocks (full of marine fossils from the flood) were actually poured as a concrete to form the blocks on the spot.
Why would the flood destroy the pyramids? Aren't there still old stone roads and structures in the ocean today we've discovered.
It doesn't have to have been destroyed. There should be evidence of water erosion because limestone is soft.
@@blusheep2 Uhm a 150 days is not enough time to do massive amounts of water erosion. What is a know fact is that the Great Sphynx COULD NOT have been build by the egyptians because there IS clear, UNMISTAKEABLE signed of SERIOUS water eresion a couple of highly respected GEOLOGISTS examined that site a couple of years ago to give an official opinion and publish a paper stating just that that the Sphynx has unmistable, classic signs of water erosion and that area was only environmentally supported for that kind of erosion right around the mass extinction event of the younger dryas somewhere around the 12500 BC mark.
I think Kufu and the dnastic Egyptians found these ruins, and restored and repuroused them.
You're underestimating the scope of the flood. This was the event that ripped Pangaea apart and separated the continents. This event formed mountains both above the ocean and below it and formed the giant chasms of the grand canyon. The flood rapidly buried and fossilized much of the earth's flora forming oil deposits that could not be replaced by the current vegetation. The pre flood earth would be almost entirely unrecognizable today. Nothing on land survived
@@LuminousMindGamesyou make an awesome point!
There's sedimentary layers beneath the pyramids. So they were built After the flood
The Septuagint time line makes sense to me. For one thing it is the Bible Jesus quoted.
The Septuagint adds about 1300 years. The dates in Gen 11 AND 5 were altered in the Masoretic Text. Move your Pyramid dates forward 200 years a la Rohl/Mahoney/Patterns of Evidence and everything lines up perfectly -- Babel 525 years after the flood (with a population growth rate of 3%, you would have 2.5 million people by then) and the very first Pyramid built 115ish years after that.
Please see and the linked articles
@@biblicalgenetics8838 The linked page seems to focus on who changed the Masoretic and what their potential motives were. That seems largely irrelevant to me -- or at least, a wholly separate conversation, either the MT was changed or the LXX -- one has to explain the differences either way; someone changed one of them. However, proponents of the MT also have to explain how to go from a breeding population of 6 to a population big enough to build the Tower of Babel in just 100 years AND why the dates for the pyramids predate the flood by nearly 400 (or 200) years with zero evidence that the pyramids have been underwater (and it's a bit ludicrous to think they could have survived at all, IMO). Also just my opinion, but the decline in lifespans post flood looks way more natural to me in the LXX. If you and a friend drive two cars east starting in Los Angeles, and at the end one odometer reads 1300 miles and one reads 2800 miles, you can argue all day long about why they are different, but if your trip ended in New York, you at least know which one is right.
Nope the Septuagint adds some 350 years which conflict with the Exodus Story and when Pharaoh Amenhotep II ..the Pharaoh of the Exodus was in power. The Masoretic Text is the accurate text.
@@alantasman8273no it doesn’t at all buddy. The Septuagint is the most accurate.
@@deusgr Was the Great Pyramid under layers of strata at the time it was found...No. Was even the the bottom portion encased in sedimentary layers laid down by the flood,. No. The Great Pyramid as not around at the time of the flood some 4350 years ago..
I really appreciate your point of view your perspective and your willingness to say that some things we just don't know.
The pyramids were built from a limestone quarry and limestone comes from marine organisms and shells, so it seems very likely that the pyramids were built on sedimentary rock which is post flood.
How did the sediments turn into rock instantly?
Just like concrete
@@parkinson1963 Actually, there is now evidence that the blocks were poured on the spot as a concrete and hardened where formed. Look it up.
So how many beers did it take to build the great pyramid?
An important question for any building project.
Awesome!!! Can't wait to see this!
Hi Dr. Rob, huge fan, liked your video. I saw a post today and I was wondering what your view is on this:
Did you know that one stone in the pyramid weighs between 2 tons to 15 tons.
The number of stones in the pyramid is about 3 million.
The weight of the granite stone in the ceiling of the King's Chamber reaches 70 tons!
(No one knows how the ancient Egyptians carried, cut, and arranged these stones despite their enormous size).
There was also a photo showing people climbing on the pyramid and the massive size of the stones.
I've often thought the reason God sent the famine that brought the children of Israel into Egypt was only to plant them right there in the land of Goshen so they could propagate so rapidly. Pharaoh said take the choices land And there in Goshen they multiplied into a nation.
I think it's an assumption to say the pyramids would be destroyed by the flood. There are man made structures in the ocean today!
The Egyptian pyramids are built on top of fossil bearing rock layers that were laid down in Noah's flood.
Most excellent, Dr. Rob!
10:43 I'm glad to see you don't believe in the corrupted masoretic reading of Exodus 12:40! Which begs the questions, why believe in the the masoretic over the Samaritan Pentateuch and Septuagint when it comes to Genesis 11? The oldest evidence for the masoretic reading is the Latin Vulgate, which isn't much.
The pyramids at Cheops is not the oldest but King Zhosers stepped pyramid is the oldest by far. I think the Septuagint is more likely in adding the 100 years to each generation is most likely.
The early Egyptian dynasties, 0 to 4, could have been contemporaneous, e.g. like the 13-14th, 15-16th dynasties. Also, did the ancient Egyptians use oxen to help them move those huge pyramid blocks, and a form of ramps and scaffolding?
They left images of teams of men hauling heavy sleds across sand, with one guy pouring a little water in front of the sled. There is a good example in the tomb of Seshseshut Idut and a depiction of an even larger statue is depicted on the walls of the tomb of the provincial governor Djehuti Hotop. As far as scaffolding, yes. In fact, there is an unfinished gate ('pylon') in front of the temple complex of Karnak. There is a dilapidated mud brick wall behind the right-side gate. As far as the pyramids go, I am leaning toward the 'internal ramp' theory. The ruined pyramid of Djedefre (son of Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid) clearly had an internal ramp inside.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 In my own chronology, calculating forwards from the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11; and also calculating backwards from the fall of neo-Babylon in 539 BC, I date the global flood from c. 2628-2627 BC. Peleg was born c. 2527 BC his name means "division" probably a reference to the scattering from Babel (Gen. 10-11). According to the standard Egyptian chronology, the Giza pyramid was built by Khufu, who reigned, c. 2609-2584 BC (Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, 2001, vol. 3). This is generally within the timescale of the Biblical-historical chronology. We have to accept that the further we go back from the more precise dates of the fall of neo-Babylon in 539 BC, the less precise the dates become, because different ancient nations dated their years by their kings' reigns, some had different calendars, and ancient Israel did not care too much about accurately recording foreign nations' histories. That is a problem for ancient historiography (which was not the same as modern academic historiography) more than a problem with biblical accuracy or reliability. The Bible was written as a story because God knows that we humans remember stories the best. Critical modern academics/scholars should not simply judge ancient stories and historiographies by modern academic historiography standards. Those ancients had different often subjective, nationalistic/patriotic motivations for writing their national stories/histories. Even if "histories (were and) are written by the winners," or with the most favoured patriotic view. But I guess those pyramids could have been modelled after the tower of Babel (ancient Babylonian) which was a precursor for the neo-Babylonian Etemenanki temple ziggurat.
I'm of the understanding that the flood would've been roughly 4300-4350 years about and the pyramids were built roughly 4400-4500 years ago, so they would be a pre-flood artifact.
The Noah’s Ark story is about the flooding that periodically devastated the inhabitants of the Tigris Euphrates river valley region in ancient Mesopotamia, after the birth of Agriculture 10 thousand years ago.
The wise farmer always saved two of every domesticated livestock so that they could start over again once the two rivers receded.
The epic myth of Noah represented a symbolic hero farmer who saved his entire family and livestock from those devastating floods. The region between these two rivers became "the entire world" for the early Mesopotamian people, when the entire population was only one million globally.
What you’ve stated is true, the problem is that almost every known culture on earth has a global flood where only one family survived. So it can’t just be a Samarian legend. Linguist have also solidly traced most of those myths origins back to around the same time around 11 or 12,000 years ago. So they all seem to have originated at the same time.
Sorry you don’t know scripture. The Tigris Euphrates did not exist before the flood. No rainfall before the flood. No oceans before the flood. The rivers of the deep still exist today. They are under the ocean and have been mapped.
@@mypleayple - Sorry, I know scripture exceptionally well. There was no single “great flood” that covered the entire Earth as evident in many examples like Greenland ices core, Bristle Comb pine trees which are older than the so called great flood. Even sea life fossils on top of mountains are from extinct Ammonites, Trilobites and extinct corals that were elevated by continental lifting and subduction, that we now know took millions of years.
Marsupials did not march together from the ark in Turkey all the way through Asia, turn down at New Guinea, then cross the sea to reach to Australia together. Noah did I not say “now stay together you marsupials, don’t get lost, we need all of you together in Australia”. No, they evolved, and the fossil evidence shows this.
Beautiful. I love this channel ❤️
Answered a lot of questions, I loved your closing comment, Don't be afraid of scripture!
Tutmose III from Wikipedia:
"Officially he ruled Egypt from 28 April 1479 BC until 11 March 1425 BC"
No fixed date,haha
If they were built before the flood the entrance would be huge because giants and poeple were taller than us but if you look at the entrance 1.7m height and 1.1 m wide.
There have been things claimed about the secular problem time line. I have not been well enough to research this properly, but going on the observations of others and myself, the Pyramids maybe around the 1700'sBC.
So, there are questions concerning the meaning of the years of Israel in Egypt. There is correspondence between a known pharaoh and who is obviously King Saul complaining about future king David, but the two figures are supposed to be from two different centuries. The world at Patterns of evidence show no real time period of Egyptian dark ages, and you also question other, intermediary, periods.
Now, Egypt was a number of kingdoms, a number of people. So, massive overlap, and what was in the Gezer Plateau which people and spirituality, in common with Southern Judah going up to Jericho, and the Hopi Indian underground areas. We even have Australian Aboriginies which share some overlap in spiritual practice with Egyptians. We also note that there are similar patterns of names in early days. Hapi, Hati, Hopi, and in the Indus valley going north. The history recorded by previously white, now fair early tribes of New Zealanders, relate to invasion of the passivists tribes, escape to past Australia and New Zealand to Easter Island and South American colonies, then back to New Zealand. In the US, New Zealand, southern Asian/Pakistan/Iran, and early Egyptian there was mention of cannibalism. Maybe in the Hatti area too. But, I can't remember. In the Caananite areas, this seems to also be the case. The passivist tribes escaped these tribes comming to kill them to these other lands, but eventually descendants of these others caught up with them, and even though they helped these new comers survive, the blood shed and feasting continued.
Ok. In the world out there, there is a world which shows the same kings for a millennium, had been listed one after each in the history time line for the northern and southern kingdoms (presumably after combination all the kings were listed in both the south and north, and it was misinterpreted as two sequential lists. Apparently that is 1000 extra years. But, depending on how these were listed (if different sub kingdoms line were also listed) it could be more. The dating cycles used are also wrong, and shrinks the time line of the legends of Atlantis down to similar to what the Greeks claimed about being descended from a deity, while the Egyptians claimed a much longer period.
Now, there is a contract wording written of a rock concerning the priests and their holy places, which also seems to put this age of the Gezer Pyramids to 1700's. But maybe it's even shorter. If all these things are proven true, it means the narrative history is a fabrication. We also easily fit in Jericho and Golbeki Tepe.
The interesting thing is, one of the ancient Egyptians temples claims to Gabe original broken parts of the Tower of Babel nearby. There is a number of errors in estimation of age and direction in ancient Archeology that can lead to different results. We know one of the seed people in Egypt were a colony from the Helena, set up after the colony in Egypt. Both have similar place names, cities, and history of kings. Which would mirror the original place the Helenes brought them from. This is likely a big factor around the world, as we see common legends and places like the World Mountain. We also find the terrain in ancient texts were more like near the Caspian sea, which it says the sun goes to, rather than Egypt. Interesting the symbols of the Earliest kings, it seems to relate to the wide Kingdom of Ra, which seems to be an abbreviation of Nimrod's original name from the Bible (Nimrod is a descriptive name, but even his original name is something like the Fair One). Up on the black sea, there is a place that directly refers to it being Helen's. Witt the confusion of Cardinal directions after the impactor cataclysms of the early period, the base camp of the various groups from history could be from the area in South Africa wiped out by impactors, to Siberia/China/Southern/South Eastern Asia, even Australia, and given relocation and ice free terrain maps of Antarctica. Various things could be in these places. It's a massive territory, but the likelihood is around the black and Caspian seas, going down to Aysiria. One of my original picks was around the place Asyria was on the map in that video, by tracking deep historical stories. But, the Greek legends operate as a second source to the older Hittites from the Harran region. At the time, the rider flowed through to the Mediterranean, with the mountain of gathering being mouth Kilic, instead of mount Olympus. Before an impactor. The gates of Hercules, is also said to be at a Temple at the Greek mainland or one of the main Island near there. Puts a great new direction on things, but how come these things are not examined in light of modern research and ability.
I certainly thought Roll had a convincing explanation of who Shishaq was that also seemed to fit pretty well with the Biblical history.
The Septuagenarian timeline is the correct one. Sorry you can hate the Septuagenarian for other reasons but the timeline is correct. Also for those reading the great pyramid is made of geopolymer concrete. 100% proven through test of its chemical makeup in at least two studies I know of. Also test have been done at other great structures and shown to be geopolymer concrete. The “stones” do not match the chemical makeup of the quarry’s. They are only about a 92 % match. Meaning the aggregate was taken from quarry and used to make the concrete.
Dr. Henry Morris (d. 2006) was the most brilliant Creation Scientist ever, with all due respect to the CMI team. Dr. Morris in his Genesis Record book did provide a very reasoned and biblical literalist defense of why there could have been possible gaps in the Genesis 11 genealogies between Peleg and Abram. I wouldn't just dismiss that out of hand like you did in this video, Dr. Carter. Even though Creationists, including me, did find your video helpful. Thanks.
Right. Think about it. This country was born in 1776, almost 250 years ago. Think how much has happened in the last 250 years as far as history and population growth of the US. 250 years is plenty of time to fit in things that have happened.
The Masoretic has Babel only 100 years after the flood, not 250. And it was only 8 people who came off the ark. America started with hundreds of people immigrating from Europe.
There are MASSIVE PROBLEMS with your line of thinking. The length of time need to just cut the stones and transport them to Giza for assembly are problematic. You DO NOT want to talk to a biblical scholar or an archelogist, egyptologist about HOW LONG it took to build the Pyramids.
With all due respect to the field experts their explanations of stone cutting and assembly are comdeically pathetic. Those kinds of questions belong in the realm of ENGINEERS and modern Stone cutters. We DO NOT KNOW how the stones were quarried and shape with certainty and it REASONABLE to assume that we care capable of cutting and transporting stone faster than they could without the benefit of power mechanical tools. It is estimated from the President of the Indiana Limestone Institue that it would take 27 years using all 33 quarries full time just to cut and transport the stones to a local job site.
Just a long time just to produce the parts for assembly is HIGHLY problematic. It is reasonable to assume it would take MUCH longer using manual technics to cut, shape and transport the stones. An even bigger issue arises when we see that history tell us that Kufu's reign was a short 23 years. How could they CUT, finish production(shape and polish) stones, transport them to Giza, Assemble them to a finish Pyramid even in 24 or 25 years. If it takes us 25+ years to just cut and transport how could they accomplish this from start to finish in LESS TIME?
@@NathanH83and millions of immigrants later
It can't be overestimated the importance of the characteristic of "blue eyes" and being able to rule as King or Pharaoh. On Easter Isle the Moai originally all had blue eyes and 90% look out over the ocean. This is a homage to the man that conquered the sea and saved mankind, Noah. The "Original" man. And to have blue eyes meant you were a direct descendent of Noah. His influence and importance was known throughout the entire world, and every culture. With the only exception being the Japanese. There's always 1 right? lol.
I think the pyramids were built during the time of Joseph using all the free labor during the 7 year famine. Not only would all of Egypt not have had to work in agriculture at that time, but all the people from distant lands simultaneously experiencing famine that came to Egypt for grain would have surely been willing to work for grain during a famine. This was probably part of Joseph's genius plan. Furthermore, Saaqara, the site of Joseph's Grain Bins, has been found, and there is a stunning step pyramid there and a carved stone explaining the exact story of the Joseph predicting the 7 year famine from a dream. The only major difference is Joseph is called Imhotep, which roughly translates to the Son of "I am".
Khafre was the Egyptian Pharaoh at the time when the flood supposedly occured, he did not report any delays in the construction of the second largest pyramid on the Giza plateau, his father Kufu built the great pyramid, no flood either. So there is that, which is written in stone!
One possibility I have considered is that Egyptian records start pre it possible that the pyramids were built pre flood and the water rose more gradually there (away from where the fountains broke through). It could have petrified them with the pressure of the water, etc. I am not saying this is the truth, but I have considered it as a possibility. Can you imagine inheriting such great buildings post flood? They may even have remembered the culture since they were alive, etc. Also, some of the less savory ones could have been looking for stone tablets with tech or spells. At what point did they start practicing magic again and how? Just something to consider. Great work, thank you!
As I have stated in other places, it simply is not possible for the Pyramids to be antediluvian. First, the stones are cut from Flood-deposited rocks (either that, or one might as well not even have a discussion about the Flood at all). Second, given a massive surface area of any face of one the great pyramids, and the fact that limestone is not that much more dense than water, if there were even a slight current, the entire structure would tumble if submerged. The buoying effect of the water on the rocks, the lubrication of the unmortared joints, and the sheering force of moving water make that a certainty.
@@biblicalgenetics8838is it at all possible the Pyramids descended from Heaven?(and were not built by human hands)?
The Tower of Babel was built before the pyramids
There is some solid evidence that the earliest dynasties had overlapping rulers (one in the south one in the north) so a lot of early dynasties collapse down to fit the bible.
My Theory: They built the Tower of Babel, were scattered, and took their architecture with them: ALL OVER THE WORLD. There are differences, but suddenly there were all these pyramids being built all over the world...
The Jews and their Talmud, think they found some pre-flood technology in the Plain of Shinar (Gen 11:2) So the Tech could have gone with the "Scattered", along with their architecture. So there maybe not have been a lot of them, just special equipment and technology, that we do not understand today!
10:39 I think you made a mistake in your chart. Joseph was born 1,699 BC and died 1,589 BC.
You're excluding the influence the Nephlihim had on Egyptian and other Ancient Cultures. They influenced everything from religion, science and technology. I believe they helped the construction of the pyramids.
The real question is not who or when. It's why they built them.
a ton of conjecture here, with few specifics. despite the argument against the lxx, the geneology of flavias josephus, and the samaritan pentateuch, which all agree, and give an extra 800 years of history, it is a stretch to say that you can get to 30,000 people in egypt in just a few centuries after the flood. it would take at least a century for the event of the tower of babel, then for the dispersed populations to settle in other parts of africa, the middle east, europe, and asia, and then populate to 30,000 in just a couple of centuries, allowing as well, for all the events in genesis, including joseph, the arrival of semitic peoples, slavery, then deliverance. 30,000 people just don't arrive suddenly. the other argument are the numbers of persons in exodus said to have left egypt, as many as 3 million people, including women and children. we do know that the pyramids were built after the flood. there was no water damage, and marine fossils are found beneath them. but 5 years here and 5 years there won't get you to 3 million people leaving egypt at the time of the exodus, assuming as well a population of at least a million egyptians who stayed. the lxx makes more sense. there is way too much reliance on the masoretic text, even if this text is contemporary with the lxx, and this too is a stretch. we know the lxx is dated about 200 bce. we assume the text used by the masorites is of the same period, though with good reason in that the new testament does, in some places, agree with the masoretic text, but the new testament also challenges the masoretic text with the lxx. you can try to squeeze the time needed out of egyptian history, but still, it is all but speculation and wishful thinking. the lxx makes more sense.
Egypt had the fertile Delta Nile where food was in abundance. Those moving to the Delta after the dispersion from the plain of Shinar had plenty of knowledge about building methods after having worked on the Tower of Babel. Even more recently, it has been determined that the limestone blocks (filled with marine fossils from the flood) were probably formed on the spot as a concrete. This would have necessitated a much smaller population in the building process as the raw materials could be easily mined and transported to the building site. Plenty of fresh water was also available from the Nile to finalize the concrete production and pouring process.
@@alantasman8273 thoughtful reply, thank you!
Is Dr Rohls work kinda sensational, because as someone who doesn’t know much about this stuff it sure sounded nice ?
I think people flock to scholars who claim to have solved some difficulty in Scripture. Thorough analysis, however, shows that the solution causes further problems.
I put a link in the show notes, but forgot to mention it when I recorded. Search for "Tour Egypt" and it will pop right up. We are working on the hypothesis that Joseph arrived during the 3rd Intermediate (under Hyksos rule), etc.
And Dr Petrovich , is he a more through ?
@Biblical Genetics, you don't need that many workers if you're able to levitate these multiple ton stones using sound vibrations.
What is the book that you show several places in the video, “Tour Egypt.”? Velikovsky showed how the Egyptian chronology was 600 years too long and Nell reworks the 18th Dynasty in “Battle for the Firstborn.” The most important Egypt/Israel synchronisms Biblically, Joseph and Moses are nowhere to be found in mainstream Egyptology, and mainstream Christianity. Very sad. Thanks for showing there is time to build the pyramids. There are several solid sets of evidence I use to show the Egyptians built the pyramids.
Search for "Tour Egypt" and the book will pop right up. Also do a search on "Velikovsky".
@@biblicalgenetics8838 Thanks. Odd that you would use atheist Sagan as such a strong argument to dis atheist Velikovsky. At least Velikovsky treated the biblical record as a reliable source of history. The Velikovsky affair is a good study in the way "science" operates. Harlow Shapely of Harvard, representing the edifice of "science" at that time, slammed Velikovsky without fully reading or reviewing his stuff and worked hard to get New York publishers not to publish him. Closer to "survival of the fittest" than, "let's proceed point by point rationally." The reason Velikovsky had such a powerful following, causing many of his proponents to suffer ouster and shunning in the academy, is because what he wrote made so much sense. He exposed the weaknesses of the standard Egyptian timeline, but rather than beginning the fix on so much that was OBVIOUSLY wrong, they pummeled Velikovsky. You have added to the floggings. When you make a list of all the things that Velikovsky was slammed for, which have since been accepted by the scientific community, you should not have seen happen to Velikovsky what you pointed out happened to Hatshepsut.... erasure. Your chronology is much too accepting of secular conclusions. Where is Joseph, a person who was FAMOUS in Egypt, in your chronology? Seems like you've lost him, like the later pharaohs who "knew not Joseph." It looks like we will mush along to the Second Coming without having deduced the real chronology (I can feel the Emmaus scolding of Jesus on this.) Shame on us.
Question: I have heard that the President of the Limeston Institute of Indiana (33 different Limeston quarry's) estimated that using TODAY technology it would take approximately 27 years to cut and transport the stones needed to reduplicate the Great Pyramid. This if true establishes without question that Kufu could not have built the Great Pyramid since the length of his reign was only 23 years. Essencially someone is VERY WRONG. Either the stone cutting technology that existed then is VASTLY SUPERIOR to that of today OR Kufu did NOT build the Greate Pyramid. My guess is that he did NOT build them.
Radiocarbon dating shows that the earliest exposed structures at Göbekli Tepe were built between 9500 and 9000 BCE, towards the end of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) period. Looks like Göbekli Tepe pre-dates the Garden of Eden, Dr. Rob.
pls understand Radiocarbon dating. it goes by how much carbon is in atmosphere at the time of death of the item. If Eden was 6,000-9,000 yrs ago then carbon is MUCH less and those items will date like 50,000 years old. Items at the flood might date to 8,000-12,000 yrs old. as carbon is pushed into atmosphere we will eventually get to an equilibrium, BUT we are NOT there yet even.
@@dougmoore4653it does not go by how much carbon was in the atmosphere. It uses the ratio of C12 to C13
What do you mean by "carbon was much less"?
Be aware that we have dendrochronology dating back over 7000 years. No confusing nuclear physics to worry about, just seasons recorded in tree rings that you can count, going back over 7000 years.
@@nowpresenting1, are you ok?
@@nowpresenting1 or Before Christ Entered.
@@maninalift About dendrochronology, it certainly is a very useful tool in measuring the passing of time. Nethertheless, there are articles written about this which show that the number of the older trees already found to have their rings examined is actually very few in more distant time (in some times, just one or two trees), in such a way that if any abnormality has affected just a few trees, it would not be possible to verify if their rings were formed in a year's timespan or in a shorter period of time, as might be the case when severe droughts, freezing and similar extreme events happen.
As we are speaking about the same epoch which saw the ending of Ice Age, desertification of Sahara and Australia, inundation of North Sea, Black Sea, Beringia and New Guinea-Australia land bridge, we can not assume the weather conditions were stable as to base ourselves with certainty on a chronology based solely on just a few linking samples of trees, even if it might be the most promising method yet.
Dr Rob, I am really enjoying your work but you need to look more closely at David Rohl's work. Particularly his explanation of who "Shishak" really is. There was a very famous Pharaoh knows by the name "Sysa" or "Shysha" depending on your native language. We know him as Ramses II, "The Great". I am convinced that the syncronism of Shishak is with him, which would make his early reign line up with the latter part of Solomon's reign, would make him the Pharoah that sheltered Jeroboam when he rebelled and fled, and would explain why Shishak attacked and sacked Jerusalem - to establish Jeroboam and more importantly to SPLIT THE KINGDOM and re-establish Egyptian control over the Levant and its lucrative trade routes. It fits geo-politically. More importantly, it lines up many other archeological instances with the Bible far better. It also lends itself to an alignment of the Exodus with the end of the 13th Dynasty, which fits the Biblical events very neatly with the archeological evidence of that era. I would highly recommend as a starting point the documentary "Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus" by Tim Mahoney. It will explain much of the error of the classic Egyptian chronology and how it has messed up the timeline of the entire Mediterranean basin.
Why would you think I have not carefully considered Rohl's work? And note that I appeared in one of Mahoney's subsequent films!
Have you seen CMI's stuff on Shishak?
I've never heard such elaborate fantastical rationalization. You are working overtime to cram actual history into your perfered biblical narrative.
IF there was a world wide good 4400 years ago killing everyone on the planet except for one man's family
There would be evidence of
People being replaced by different races
Cheddar man 10000 years old
His closest living relative was discovered a few km away
If there was a flood the man living today would by far more distant in relation
Yes, you could get tens of thousands of people from the few people that found their way to Egypt in about 300 years however, a quarter of those people would be too old to work, a quarter to young, another quarter stricken with diseases or injuries plus you would need a thousand to build and run the civilization like farmers, business owners and workers etc. You're not counting over half of the population would have to be women as well. Them things were built way before the mystical great flood.
Why is it assumed that the pyramids would have been destroyed by the flood? There are many structures found on the ocean floor that are, for the most part, still intact. Plus many of these megalith structures found all around the world show more recent construction added on to the original structure - almost as if they were discovered and occupied at a later date then when they were originally built and occupied.
Those ocean floor structures were post Flood...circa 4350 BC. Even the legend of Atlantis was a post flood story.
@@alantasman8273 You are correct. My point is that they obviously started out built on dry land and are still in tact after all of those years under water, and if the water level were to drain and return to dry land, those strictures would still be there. So why is it assumed that the pyramids were built post flood? We know that many megaliths were reoccupied because of the obvious difference in structural add-ons and repairs. Manny natives around the world still living in these lands of some megaliths will tell you that their people did not build them, that they were there when they arrived.
@@rickyweeks9144 The Global Food buried the old world under hundreds of yards of sand and mud. See the Grand Canyon as an example of the layers laid down. These layers are found around the globe. Volcanic activity during the flood, both on the sea floor and later on land resulted in ocean waters heating and volcano particulates in the air made the Earth's surface cooler. The moist air from the oceans evaporated and came down as Ice and snow on land masses. This is what caused the ice age. As the ice accumulated on the Northern land masses ( some on the southern) the oceans became depleted of water exposing land areas particularly those land areas closer to the shoreline. This is when land bridges became exposed allowing creatures and man to disperse across the globe. As the oceans were still warm, even in the colder climates, the areas near the seashores would have created more temperate zones than the ice build up in the interior regions. I say all this to say, those remnants of construction found on ocean bottoms were above ocean levels until the glaciers began to melt at the end of the ice age. Sorry about being so long winded on this.
@@rickyweeks9144 The Flood buried the preflood world under hundreds of yards of sediment. See the layers of the Grand Canyon as a example. Had the pyramids existed at the time of the Noahic too would have been rapidly buried but it was not. Also, it has now been determined that the Sahara (meaning desert) was once lush but has since become largely barren ...just as the Giza plateau created by the flood is largely barren.
@@alantasman8273 I agree with what you're saying. I just don't think we know enough about the details of the flood yet. For instance for sediment to be moved and deposited places, it has to come from somewhere - so that means there are places that are missing land mass. There were also fault lines moving plates creating new mountain masses. It just may be possible that while there were places in the earth where things were super chaotic, that there were places that weren't so chaotic. We know the Sphinx shows signs of water erosion and there has also been found some pyramids buried beneath the sand.
At 6:08. How do we know that tens of thousands of people were needed to build the pyramids?
Doesn't that involve a lot of assumption?
Have you seen the size of them?
Or Giants (Nephlihim) would replace the need for thousands of people.
3:50 “Shishak” is most likely a misreading of “Shisha” a short form name for Rameses II.
Rameses lived in the days of Solomon
@@NathanH83 according to David Rohl’s interpretation of Egyptian history, Rameses was Solomon’s father in law. Mind blown.
You should explain Gobekli Tepe and all the other ancient archeological sites Graham Hancock details in his videos as well.
Could it be the materials used in most ancient sites exhibit age as the earth does although young
@@mlafi7 the earth doesn't exhibit age. We just apply that interpretation based on how we have been indoctrinated.
If they were built soon after the flood, then why do they have water erosion marks ?
Obviously an honorary doctorate from Joe’s mattress and doctorate emporium.
They weren't they were built before the flood, it washed away the white polished stones on the surface.
samaritan chronology puts flood at 3168 BC
biblical genealogies DO have skips and are proven. also when it says xxx begat yyy at 70 means 70 is their FIRST BORN and doesnt have to mean the person listed, they could have been born later (example with Abraham and his dad)
Stone to build pyramid NOT FROM FAR Sure the granite was but there was plenty of building to be done while waiting on its arrival!!Great statement glad it was said
That's easy to answer; they weren't. We don't even know with certainty what flood the Bible is talking about, let alone whether or when it happened.
Clicked away as soon as he threw the Septuagint out the window. The Hebrew masoretic is a newer corrupted version. Noah and Shem outliving all generations between them and Abraham (+Isaac and Jacob for Shem). Takes maybe 20 minutes of digging and some logic to figure that one out
No, before it. The flood was 2345 BC. The pyramids of Giza are around 2,600 BC.
@@MichaelTheophilus906 Neither the labour force nor the skills nor the wealth to do it existed after the flood. The Egyptian records say that a mighty king called Enoch was the architect who came from the East with a large army and the Pharaoh capitulated and became a vassal king.The long time Egyptian name for the pyramid ("Cheops") was Par Henuch or the "Pillar of Enoch". Pyramid is a Greek word meaning fire in the middle and dates from the Ptolemaic period. Enoch was before the flood, and like his descendant Noah, were kings..Technology before the flood was very advanced, as ours is now. Nobody since the flood has the skill to build with such amazing accuracy in stone. It is the chronology of the Bible in stone, beginning in 4004 bc.
See the Book of the Dead.
There was plenty of new sandstone laying around.
Cute that they assume it took a lot of people.
Septuagint is the real bible
My understanding is that the Pyramids are of Limestone, a Floodrock..
You are correct. And the limestone was taken from nearby borrow pits.
So you really believe that all the sudden the patriarchs like Arphaxad began having his children over a hundred years earlier than all who came before him? Remember that even Abraham was about 100 years old and Sarah over 90 when Isaac was born and that's why she laughed because not until then was having a child at her age rare. Remember too after Sarah's death Abe remarried and had 3 more sons. The Masoretic text was written exclusively by rabbis who were trying to take away the deity of Christ by saying that Melchizedek was Shem and Christ couldn't have his own priesthood because Melchizedek was Shem and they were Levites and Christ was from the tribe of Judah and is known as the Lion of Judah! (Applause)(Take my bow) Goodnight, Oklahoma City!
Hey by what evidence do you claim the flood occurred?
There was
Just like today
But not a world wide flood but
Regional black sea tigres euphrates
I don't get it. I though from an geography or archeology point of view there was no Noah's Great Flood. I was under the impression that was a christian thing, bible thing only.
There are 650 Years missing between Shem down to Abraham genealogy between the Masoretic text and the Original Hebrew writings. It is suspected The Rabis' of 300BC ( keepers of The Masoretic text) deleted One hundred years plus fifty years off each father from Shem to Abraham in an effort to deny Jesus as The Massiah (lineage of Levi).
Built after the floods.How did the salt water get inside the pyramids
Good question. Because the date the archeologist said the pyramids of Giza at 200 years after the flood they supposedly built them. Is that enough time for them to have enough people to do the work ?
200 years after the the flood is what they dated them not a few centuries.
I think they were built before the floor by giants, then remaining Egyptians adopted them . How u could say that new after flood generations built them from scratch when u cant even think how did they build them in the first place?
Noah's family was no ordinary family. There are many things that indicate they were very skilled at many different crafts. The stones are geopolymers. Joseph davidovits wrote a book on the methods that were used to build the pyramids. The evidence that he presents is a chemical analysis of pyramid stones from the pyramid of djoser. A chemical reaction was found in the stone indicating that in fact it was a type of ancient geopolymer..or a specific type of ancient concrete.
That was an extremely weak dismissal of the Septuagint at the 3 minute mark. Every version of the Bible before the Masoretic agrees with it
I have yet to hear anyone refute that fact. Your dismissal was the equivalent of someone saying “Google it.”
What about the building of the Tower of Babel? You're not addressing that at all. Before the pyramids was the Tower of Babel. The Masoretic text chops about 900 years off. Now you're saying that the amount of blocks don't matter!? As a Christian I miss catching a buzz, can I get what you're smoking without it being a sin😂😂
The timeline of the septuagint is the same as the dead sea scrolls... Shem living to end of Abrahams life and basically outliving many generations of his own line? As the masoretic timeline says... Doesn't some Jews claim that Shem and Melkizedek is the same person? And by doing so claim that Jesus cannot be the Messiah because Shem is from the same priesthood as Levi?
The masoretic script is in hebrew and came to be after christ...
The timeline from the flood to the tower of babel makes much more sense in the septuagint, the timeline in the masoretic script is not likely. Not in order to procreate snd build such buildings... it's a stretch and much wishful thinking to have such a thing work.
From 8 people to 300 000 people over 100 years or from 8 people to 3,5 million people over 400 years. And to build cities and buildings too... first is not likely at all. Pretty much a nope... second alternative is not a problem though.
There’s a hill inside the pyramids? Um… no. Not sure where you got that idea.
Are the pyramids the great grain silos that joesph built?
Scholars have had to presume several “dark ages” to account for imprecise historical records; shorter history makes the most sense. Rohl is most likely correct.
Who built the pyramid..architect? Joseph, job?
The Builders of the Tower of Babel were well skilled in building Ziggurats...a type of pyramid. After the confusion of language...they moved to the fertile Nile Delta area and began building another pyramid. There is recent evidence that the limestone blocks (full of dead marine fossils from the flood) were actually poured like a concrete on the spot. There would have been ample fresh water to complete this process.
The train, Lol. God is good! Keep on stanging strong. I love learing about this stuff.
Also i have been exploring that the center of the cavities of the pyramids have been filld with a form of concrete. So the steucture would be built and walls would be built inside and as they rose the structure they would layer in concrete. Just an idea. :-) This would cut down material and man power greatly.
Did you ever think that the Nephilim created by Angels whom had offspring with Earthly women that lived pre The Flood might possibly had Heaveanly wisdom (Not book o f enoch) to build these perfect un holy temples with ease. Just a thought.
According to Flavius Josephus, Abraham taught the Egyptians arithmetic and astronomy:
_"For whereas the Egyptians were formerly addicted to different customs, and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were very angry one with another on that account, Abram conferred with each of them, and, confuting the reasonings they made use of, every one for their own practices, demonstrated that such reasonings were vain and void of truth: whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in understanding it, but in persuading other men also to assent to him. He communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for before Abram came into Egypt they were unacquainted with those parts of learning; for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt, and from thence to the Greeks also." [Flavius Josephus, "The Complete Works: Antiquities of the Jews." Christian Classics Ethereal Library, 1934, Book I.8.1, p.71]_
But are there pyramids worldwide? So, the Jews were not building pyramids worldwide. Could this have also been Babylonians? Fads are never just one group. Egyptians never buried their dead there.
The Jewish people probably yhe one eho built the pyramids because they were enslaved to Egypt
The truth is crazier than a low budget science fiction movie. You are better off watching the Creature from the Black Lagoon, it has way more truth in it! That flood was for their ancestors they were not exactly human, more like reptilians hermaphrodite humanoids.
From the bogus “scientist” narrating this video to the comments from viewers, we have a greatest hits of YEC stupidity. Archaeologists can date the pyramids remarkably well, using multiple techniques which all point to the same conclusions. This is easy to research!there is no way that eight people could have multiplied to the huge numbers needed. And that’s not considering the huge loss of technological knowledge caused by the supposed flood. Those eight survivors weren’t experts in all the crafts needed to build the pyramids. The pyramids required hundreds of thousands of people scattered all over the place, including experts in all the technology of the day. And they had to be supported by a thriving, large farming economy. The story presented here is wishful thinking, ignorant nonsense.
Hi Dr Carter, how many people built the Tower of Babel within 100 years of The Flood?
This seems just as big a logistics problem as building The Pyramids.
The Bible does not claim anything about the size of the tower. Most people have one of those giant Mesopotamian ziggurat's in mind when they think of the ToB. This is influenced by biblical minimalists, and I believe this is on purpose. Ziggurat's were a late development that were only attempted after there was a sufficiently large population inside one of the city states in which they were built.
@@biblicalgenetics8838 Thank you Dr. Carter for your reply, I hadn't considered your way of looking at it, and am definitely guilty of looking at the Tower of Babel from caricatures and sceptics viewpoints.
You have given me a fresh way to look at it.
God bless you and your Ministry, in Jesus' name.
- Amen.
Exactly how long after the flood did the Tower of Babel get built? And how many people can be produced in that time? Was the tower and city of Babel built by less than 200 men? 300 men? How many? And what’s their rate of growth?
there is no Noah. The real name in the Sumerian Flood story _Eridu Genesis_ is Ziusudra. All the others like the Akkadian, Babylonians, Canaanites and Hebrew stole the original story.
The black lake became the black sea
Some man built a boat and saved his family and his livestock.
The end
Why do pundist argue about this? It's irrelevent. Deut 6.4-6, Mark 12.28-32, John 17.3, John 20.17, Rev 1.5-6, Rev 3.12.
Possibility vs probability. I'll stick with established history, not biblical apologectics
Hey, yo, what are those pyramids even doing in Egypt anyway? Don't they belong in South America or something?
Let’s go with actual physical evidence and not be afraid to disregard ancient writings
Sounds like a fairy tale to me! Maybe , If , But , Could be , Nearly , Almost ! Everybody is guessing
Noah, the Santa Clause of the ancient jews.
People will say this about you too in 2000 years from now. Just some made up dude(or just be forgotten probably)Yet you live now.
Noah built the great pyramid.
Because there was no world wide flood that at a minimum was 8.5 km deep 😂😂
Fallen angels and Nephilim
No they weren't. They're much older than the flood.