Question Time in West Bromwich - 23/04/2015

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • 23/04/2015
    Question Time in West Bromwich

Комментарии • 69

  • @breadonitsown8950
    @breadonitsown8950 9 лет назад +5

    The inability of the left to understand why we needed austerity after the's baffling! It's like these people just forgot everything that happened between 2008 and 2010. It's always the conservative party that has to step up and have the balls to take the tough decisions while labour and left-wing politicians sneer and jibe about it. Once things are good again, people let these idiots come in and mess it all up again. We have to break this cycle and vote for competent and courageous governance.

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад +2

      Thomas Longrigg Yes we have to break the cycle, but how about getting the ones that cause the crash and caused the damage to pay for it rather than putting it on the back of the poorest in the country? How about not spending insane amounts of cash on weapons that will never be used and using that to pay of the debts? How about stopping the super rich from being allowed to hide their income which should be taxed?
      Also seeing it as simply a case of deficit reduction doesn't help. Some times you have to spend money to make money. Is it better to slog away on a minimum wage job or to invest the money and time and go to university or do some training, so that you can get a better job? Or should a workman sell off all his tools to pay off the debt as fast as he can and leave himself unable to earn in the future?
      It's a tough choice and both options are perfectly valid. Personally I'd choose to invest the future.

    • @giselle3531
      @giselle3531 9 лет назад

      Thomas Longrigg I agree that investing in the future is the better tactic but that's what Labour did. Borrowed and ploughed a lot of money into things without getting any returns and causing further debt. I think that there has to be balance, and that's been a key issue. But can we trust Labour to balance things properly again when they can't even admit they overspent last term and left that stupid inconsiderate note. I strongly support the ideals of Labour but don't trust them to run the country at the moment. I feel like if we put them back into power, the same problems will happen again and we will go further into debt again. And then people will complain and vote tories again. It will be a vicious cycle. By allowing the Conservatives to stay, it gives them the opportunity and time to continue resolving the issues. Fixing such a huge mess doesn't happen overnight. Milliband has not reassured me enough that he will be more tighter with spending. Cameron is still investing in education, as seen by the introduction of postgraduate loans allowing more people to continue their education. And even though I do think it is to get more 'middle class, educated workers', it still helps those working class people who are unable to afford to pay for postgraduate student fees.
      It's going to be tough times, but saving and courage is the best way I think.
      However, there is a whole different aspect to the quality of lives the people will be experiencing because of these cutbacks and that's just extremely difficult to think about.
      I'm so torn!

  • @smtm1892
    @smtm1892  9 лет назад +6

    But on to the politics; Something last nights veiwing showed me is - what on earth has happened to BBC Question Time & This Week? The latter less so, but even watching Andrew Neil last night was cringe. It's like he's trying for a career in stand up & failing. Badly. But as for Question Time - I remember when it was an hour of real, gritty, raw unstaged debate. Now, the audience is cherry picked to suit the particular BBC agenda of the day. Parties & their representatives are patently being targeted - in most cases UKIP & it is truly dreadful. I fear for QT longterm if they do not address some of the obvious problems it has at the moment. The viewing figures have dropped year on year. Skepticism at the BBC & the methods they are using on QT is week on week getting louder. Please Mr DG, do something soon before it really is too late to save this once great flagship show.

    • @FortisConscius
      @FortisConscius 9 лет назад

      ***** I wonder if you could upload an example of an old episode that shows what you mean?

    • @bganonimouse2754
      @bganonimouse2754 9 лет назад +1

      ***** Question time has always been distant from average joe public. Thats because joe public isn't interested in watching unless you stick on some neo-fascist like Griffin or populists like Farage or Brand.
      As for UKIP or smaller parties, these have never been 'reflected' on Question Time precisely because a lot more people do not support such parties.
      Do not be decieved into thinking that youtube for example is representative of public opinion. If it was UKIP would already be in power - thats more to do with the demographic of youtube that a reflection of current support.

    • @SteveM000100
      @SteveM000100 9 лет назад

      bg anonimouse I've noticed a few things, people on the street I've spoken to, are planning to vote UKIP, but are unwilling to talk about it openly because of the stigma. Also, I've noticed barely ANY of the usual Lab, Lib, Con boards and window cards that I remember from previous elections. I was driving round for a few hours today in urban and rural areas, and I saw 3 Tory, and nothing else.
      Are you sure it's not just that the people on RUclips are more willing to express their opinion, as there is way more free speech allowed than anywhere else in the UK ?

    • @bganonimouse2754
      @bganonimouse2754 9 лет назад

      SteveM Thats another possibility you mention, that UKIP sympathisers are unwilling to talk about things openly - on Question Time too.
      RUclips has a specific demographic, research and see for yourself. If y/t was a reflection of society labour would poll about 15 percent at best.
      Y/t regularly takes a lot more content down than vimeo or blogs for example - free speech has been silenced before by Scientologists for example.

    • @catleugh
      @catleugh 9 лет назад +2

      ***** I have absolutely no evidence for this, but it could be that some political parties are very adept at getting "their people" to apply to join the audience for shows like Question Time.

  • @GuilhermeDRMatos
    @GuilhermeDRMatos 9 лет назад +4

    Gosh, Harriett Harman AND Natalie Bennett together... Already lost my patience.

  • @davidblunkettsdog7374
    @davidblunkettsdog7374 9 лет назад +2

    ''The media is the most powerful entity on Earth, they have the power to make the innocent guilty and make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses'' - MALCOLM X

  • @breadonitsown8950
    @breadonitsown8950 9 лет назад +4

    I don't like her politics, but I do agree with batty natty about the SNP. I don't want to see the SNP holding the balance of power, but i'd be optimistic enough that they wouldn't be a "catastrophe" for the nation. The fact people get so snidey about the SNP is just fuel for their message in Scotland. Why should they be jibed and joked about if they are the democratically chosen candidates from Scotland?

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад

      ***** I do really like the Greens and a lot of what they (yes hippy left here), but I can't help but think they'd have a lot more success if they were more gradual in their move towards the Green socialist utopia. It's such a jump for some people that, while it's really not all that radical, they start to look a bit like the Natural law party (the one that wanted had the flying yogis in their campaign).

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад

      ***** I might be wrong, but from what I understand the Green are Pacifist in the sense of only using violence when it comes to self defence. It seems they have been vindicated by Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, [insert recent intervention here]. The only argument against I can really think of is Kosovo where there was a genocidal situation.
      I think that what the Greens would argue would be that the UK (and other countries) aggressive and capitalist posture towards the rest of the world creates this danger. For example the arms we sell to these countries and the dictators we have propt up in order to help certain national companies (oil etc). Likewise the money we spend on arms could be spend on international development. Arguably ISIS etc are the creation of vacuums left after wars. If we spent as much helping these countries as we did on bombing them (after the fact) and buying the governments then the world might not be such a dangerous place.

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад

      I think you may have misheard - reference? - although I also get the feeling they'd like to cut down. Certainly on trident. But I think coventional wise they just want a defence force.

    • @breadonitsown8950
      @breadonitsown8950 9 лет назад +1

      ***** the English have "dictated" to Scotland? Are you serious? This sounds to me all too similar to the rather sinister and ignorant view of scots that the English were the imperialists and the Scots were just innocent bystanders. The Scots gleefully took part in Empire building, colonialism, and took every advantage of being part of the union. They have always been at the center of government; of power. The idea that the scots have merely been dictated to by the English all this time is ridiculous.

    • @breadonitsown8950
      @breadonitsown8950 9 лет назад

      ***** If you think what I'm saying is fiction, and what you're saying is fact, then you clearly know nothing. I won't waste my time with you. Go learn something.

  • @smtm1892
    @smtm1892  9 лет назад +2

    Seriously, if you are going to try insulting someone, at least try making the insult appropriate to the said person.

  • @darrencornell1
    @darrencornell1 9 лет назад +5

    no mention of TTIP.................. again

  • @michaelsmitten302
    @michaelsmitten302 9 лет назад

    Maths Exam question for William Hague
    1. If there is one job vacancy and 10 applicants, how many people will remain unemployed? 2 Marks.

  • @mathieuleader8601
    @mathieuleader8601 9 лет назад

    if this involved the parties deputies why was Amelia Womack or Shahar Ali repersent the Greens

  • @TheGava4
    @TheGava4 9 лет назад +2

    YES,help these refugees but allowing untold thousands onto our shores will make the floodgates "flood" even more.

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад

      TheGava4 So where would you put them then?

    • @TheGava4
      @TheGava4 9 лет назад

      Chris McKenna I don't know. ..but why do we have to assume that they HAVE TO come here? ?

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад +1

      Well lets imagine you were in their situation. Where would you want to go? Youve got to remember that most of these people are genuine asylum seekers who have lost everything thanks to wars that we were involved in.

    • @TheGava4
      @TheGava4 9 лет назад

      I'm trying to say why is always the UK that has to let in immigrants when other countries don't give a toss. We keep our doors open so where does it end?....

    • @ChrisMcKennaCMK
      @ChrisMcKennaCMK 9 лет назад

      But its not. a quick google shows France and Germany each take more than us.
      In fact Germany takes about 3-4 times what we do.

  • @12dougreed
    @12dougreed 9 лет назад

    My question would be, What did everyone fight and die for in WW2?
    Certainty not a EU . Remember the way the fickle British,kicked out the very guy
    that saved their backsides

  • @CyrustheConqueror
    @CyrustheConqueror 9 лет назад

    Thats a nice "working class" necklace u got there Harriet

  • @NOAHisEpic1
    @NOAHisEpic1 8 лет назад

    Who would have thought that the election result would be the way it is!

  • @SkyEcho7
    @SkyEcho7 9 лет назад

    According to the OBR the Conservative LibDem coalition define 'a job' as ONE HOUR of PAID WORK PER WEEK! Easy under that definition to claim they've created a thousand jobs a day is it not :/
    Add this to Public Sector jobs transferred to private sector providers & a conveyor belt of workfare placements or ONE 40 hour per week job becoming FIVE Zero Hour contracts.& I'm surprised they've not 'CREATED' 2000 jobs a day.
    IF it is as they are claiming then why has the revenue intake not increased or the welfare budget only decreased as a result of vicious & OBSCENE cuts to disability & incapacity benefits. Are you REALLY going to fall for this BS!

  • @abenioduola9698
    @abenioduola9698 9 лет назад

    Mick mouse

  • @NefariousVirtuoso88
    @NefariousVirtuoso88 9 лет назад +2

    Paul Nuttall was on a different level to them fools.

  • @prankmypants
    @prankmypants 9 лет назад +2

    wait if snp want independence and a federal uk same as ukip could they go into coalition?

  • @Fletchr86
    @Fletchr86 9 лет назад +1

    Really pisses me off that Natalie can never come back on any other politicians bullshit. Happened in every single thing I've seen her in. Basically because she hasn't got a deep voice? No fucking idea.

    • @Fletchr86
      @Fletchr86 9 лет назад

      the bobbs Who gives a shit? I care more about the policies than who is promoting them. Thats the problem with politics in this country its more like fucking X-Factor.

  • @poupondigbo6808
    @poupondigbo6808 9 лет назад +3

    Now I see why Nathalie Bennett sounds differently after I've read her biography she was born in Australia and she even went to school in Australia and the reason I done that is because I've always wanted to know where the sounds of her accent is from so at least now I know.

    • @runenroll
      @runenroll 9 лет назад +1

      Poupon Digbo Of course you could've just read Wikipedia. It's widely known that she's Australian

    • @poupondigbo6808
      @poupondigbo6808 9 лет назад

      Phil Karg well that's exactly where I've read the information about her from Wikipedia.

  • @yeovil50
    @yeovil50 9 лет назад +1

    I love how Natalie Bennett, casually says " Adam Bienkov an independent commentator said, we are the clearest of all (on manifestos)" This is what Adan Bienkov wrote , the day after the Green Party manifesto launch.
    "However, there was one rather important thing missing from the launch, which was the manifesto itself. An executive summary was provided to journalists, but full print copies were witheld for "environmental reasons" so I was forced to read the online PDF in tiny print on my phone once the press conference was all over. Only the Greens could launch a manifesto launch without providing an actual manifesto to read."
    Let's read what else he said about Ms. Bennett
    "Bennett is a decent woman who appears to be in politics for the right reasons, but after this interview(at the campaign launch), even her biggest supporters will now be questioning whether she is really up to the job."
    Be careful who you quote Ms. Bennett, the internet has a habit of providing people with the truth these days!

  • @richardbale725
    @richardbale725 9 лет назад

    Question time more like boring time

  • @ivormectin3816
    @ivormectin3816 9 лет назад

    The Harriot Harman show!

  • @theknightswhosay
    @theknightswhosay 9 лет назад

    If there are no border checks in going from one EU country to another, who keeps the people on Italy?

    • @theknightswhosay
      @theknightswhosay 9 лет назад

      Harriet Harman is a really deep thinker though.

  • @davidblunkettsdog7374
    @davidblunkettsdog7374 9 лет назад


    • @mathieuleader8601
      @mathieuleader8601 9 лет назад +1

      ***** did she ever attempt a career in politics within Australia

  • @dloverise
    @dloverise 9 лет назад

    Nice one Natalie…you've got my vote.