You gotta love how supportive all the skaters are to each other, they all went to celebrate with Felipe instead of being upset that they lost. Truly awesome!
@@nickt204no its top three in comp and they have sponsorship but you need to be in contest and win % of those to be sponsored & keep selling products, you are a dollar sign to them
As soon as I saw Felipe crying cuz he made it to the finals I wanted him to win. Beautiful moment of dedication and hustle after years of work. Shoutout to Netsuke for making it to the finals from the select series. Its crazy that he even made it there.
Kairi absolutely has it in him to win one of these. Maybe he should have dialled it back from the HF BS Tail Bigspin ... I mean sure, that's a 9.5 but maybe just get a couple 8s on the board first my guy lol
Congrats to Felipe! Man has deserved to take home a win for so long. Incredibly emotional ending. Let Kairi figure out how to strategize better and he'll be taking over in no time.
I'm not gonna lie watching Gustavo win made me cry amazing proformace man and well earned !!! So happy for you!!! Been following skating my whole life and this has been long over due !!! Epic times 🙏😎💥🔥🔥🔥
I’m as happy for Felipe as I am for his dad.. his biggest supporter. He’s been there since day one and I feel like they both won. What an amazing father . Felipe is legendary.
Im never happy with crying watching someone win SLS. This man is absolutely legend. Since I was kid until now, finally he won it. Enough being only podium he won it 🎉
Been watching these SLS finals for years - basically the only skateboarding i watch.. Felipe is always there being consistent but never spectacular.. Seeing his consistency and hard work finally pay off is epic! Much respect, what a journey..
Easily one of the best line runs I've seen in SLS history. its a shame he couldn't land some in best trick but Felipe was a great person to finally win.
Que orgulho do Felipe. Emocionante ver a reação dele e da namorada. Merece muito. Tenho que dizer. Brasileiro é garfado direto por esses juízes da SLS. O skatista brasileiro precisa fazer muito mais pra conseguir. O Felipe mereceu dois nine clubs no final. Inclusive a última manobra merecia um nove pelo menos. Never done before. Nollie flip front nose slide num street league foi o primeiro. Ninguém mais acerta essa manobra. Pelo menos pelo que eu sei. Parabéns Felipe. Vitória emocionante que enche nós brasileiros de orgulho. Ainda mais vendo o Lucas Rabelo na final mais numa vez. Esse garoto veio do Piranbú, um bairro de Fortaleza onde as oportunidades são praticamente zero. Eu moro em Fortaleza e lembro que entrevistei ele criança ainda, andando descalço porque não tinha um tênis pra andar. Hoje em dia está entre os melhores do mundo.
Wow!Wow!Wow Women's Street League 10 years ago to now the bar has raised many many levels. Mens Street League is officially off the planet. I have never seen a final so high. It's insane. If this is now, what is it gonna be like in another 10 years. My mind is blown. What a sport. A thrill to watch. Acrobats on Wheels.
It reminds me of when I was a skater when I was young, you see somebody pull a crazy trick, and you say dude that was awsome! I'm from San Diego California.
FELIPE GUSTAVO FINALLY PUT IT TOGETHER LETS GOOO ! so so happy for him man. all these years we’ve watched him skate well, but never be able to quite get that 1st place spot & he’s the oldest skater on this roster in the finals he deserves this. patience is bitter, but the aftertaste is sweet.
Wow this is the most emotional win I've ever seen. Huge congrats to Felipe no one has been grinding these like that man and the man deserved a win! As he said all praise to God baby!
Ive been watching street league since the very beginning. Much like his family, I've felt like I've been there with him for ever comp. Seeing him finally win is so surreal. I cried with him. CONGRATULATIONS FELIPE!
Muito bacana essa energia do Skateboard onde todos comemoram juntos!! No último pan americano vi locutores narrando skate como se fosse uma guerra de paises contra paises!! O verdadeiro Skateboard que uni todas as nações, é mais divertido que o skate olímpico!!!🎉🎉🎉❤
what a great run for all skaters, love watching this, fun fact i use to skate with deshawn back in AZ when he was just a young kid, good ole Reed Skate Park in Mesa Arizona,, any how love all the good vibes being sent to felipe, well deserved moment, always watching and to see him finally win is so amazing, so so happy for everyone there
I am content I could care less now w/e happens in SLS for real I just wanted to see Felipe win. His style, his road to become pro and just overall trick selection is some of the best to ever do it.
O cara é embaçado!!! Deus deu esse premio pra ele, claro que com o esforço do próprio Felipe Gustavo tambem!! Uma hora chega!!! ( Coloca no translate ai gringo ) ....Bora Br!!!!!!!!!!!
Homie went from the bottom after line tricks to winning 1st place, His very first 1st place win, his emotions got me emotional, CONGRATULATIONS BROTHER. YOU DESERVE IT
After watching this live, I came downstair with such a smile on my face, my wife got confused and I had to explain Felipe's battle, and live. I hope he buys a new car for his dad!
@@TheHodgePod20 yeah it’s obvious you have not watched street Lead for a long time go look on their short UC multiple 9.6. 9.7 and 9.4 in the run section that run was better than all those runs
@@noahwallace3458 I've seen every street league and re watched most of them recently and I think you are missing the part where i said one of the highest run scores which it is.
Did he forget he actually needs a score to get into first? I was so nervous that he celebrated prematurely like Leticia when she lost. But big up Felipe!
I really don’t like how the top comment will give away the results. I was just waiting for it to start, and I happen to glance down and now I know who wins. I wish youtube would change that.
Cara só quem anda de skate pra entender isso. Parabéns pra Rayssa, ela conseguiu se superar ano após ano, treinando e sendo uma pessoa boa que incentiva empresas a investirem no esporte, incentiva pessoas públicas a acreditarem no esporte e faz muita gente que não gostava de skate passar a aceitar e até gostar de skate... lembrem que não faz muito tempo que skate era coisa de vagabundo drogado, agora é esporte olímpico... eu como skatista fico muito feliz de ver que hoje os olhares pra nós skatistas estão começando a mudar ❤ #loveskateboarding #skateboardingisfun
maybe his trick selection isnt that big, theyre hard for sure but he does similar tricks every contest, same thing with kelvin they do the same tricks, gustavo has that same habit but he does switch it up sometimes
@@FlipuSan yea it gets repetitive to the judges that it doesn't feel too impressive anymore for them and they just become "regular" tricks after a while
@@FlipuSanit's more diverse that Felipe in my opinion. I always think like nothing's gonna change for Felipe if he keeps doing the same tricks that don't score enough every time. Guess it did this time but I think the scoring was very generous for him.
You gotta love how supportive all the skaters are to each other, they all went to celebrate with Felipe instead of being upset that they lost. Truly awesome!
They get paid either way 🤷♂️
Like any professional athlete. Point is that we don't see such supportive behaviour in many sports.
@@nickt204no its top three in comp and they have sponsorship but you need to be in contest and win % of those to be sponsored & keep selling products, you are a dollar sign to them
@@aimlessdrive8723someone got first place tho
Netsukes first line is legendary
Easily one of the best lines we have seen in street league.
As soon as I saw Felipe crying cuz he made it to the finals I wanted him to win. Beautiful moment of dedication and hustle after years of work. Shoutout to Netsuke for making it to the finals from the select series. Its crazy that he even made it there.
Kairi absolutely has it in him to win one of these. Maybe he should have dialled it back from the HF BS Tail Bigspin ... I mean sure, that's a 9.5 but maybe just get a couple 8s on the board first my guy lol
.nq 0:09 aa. AZ. A,,...a.Aa.AAAA.
All it takes is one win to break a man!
Incredible to see a lifelong passion culminate into a well-deserved triumph!
Congrats to Felipe. He EARNED it!
Congrats to Felipe!
Man has deserved to take home a win for so long.
Incredibly emotional ending.
Let Kairi figure out how to strategize better and he'll be taking over in no time.
Props to Felipe, been skating street league since the beginning and he finally got that much deserved win! So hyped to see it finally happen!
That Yuto´s Nollie Suciu Grind has been my dream trick since Mark introduced his Ollie versions. So glad to see Yuto finally making it real..
I was almost crying at the end it was a long time coming! The most emotional final in history of SLS ❤ 1:02:34
You’re not alone
Yes absolutely!!
I dunno, the scenes when Gustavo Ribeiro won were pretty damn emotional too
I'm not gonna lie watching Gustavo win made me cry amazing proformace man and well earned !!! So happy for you!!! Been following skating my whole life and this has been long over due !!! Epic times 🙏😎💥🔥🔥🔥
I’m as happy for Felipe as I am for his dad.. his biggest supporter. He’s been there since day one and I feel like they both won. What an amazing father . Felipe is legendary.
Im never happy with crying watching someone win SLS. This man is absolutely legend. Since I was kid until now, finally he won it. Enough being only podium he won it 🎉
Been watching these SLS finals for years - basically the only skateboarding i watch.. Felipe is always there being consistent but never spectacular.. Seeing his consistency and hard work finally pay off is epic! Much respect, what a journey..
Damn, Netsuke's run. Insane. And even better **** taking it home! After all these years that must feel incredible. Congrats!
Easily one of the best line runs I've seen in SLS history. its a shame he couldn't land some in best trick but Felipe was a great person to finally win.
Ai sim Felipe Gustavo, lágrimas de um guerreiro no esporte conquistando seu sonho meus parabéns 🇧🇷
Que orgulho do Felipe. Emocionante ver a reação dele e da namorada. Merece muito. Tenho que dizer. Brasileiro é garfado direto por esses juízes da SLS. O skatista brasileiro precisa fazer muito mais pra conseguir. O Felipe mereceu dois nine clubs no final. Inclusive a última manobra merecia um nove pelo menos. Never done before. Nollie flip front nose slide num street league foi o primeiro. Ninguém mais acerta essa manobra. Pelo menos pelo que eu sei. Parabéns Felipe. Vitória emocionante que enche nós brasileiros de orgulho. Ainda mais vendo o Lucas Rabelo na final mais numa vez. Esse garoto veio do Piranbú, um bairro de Fortaleza onde as oportunidades são praticamente zero. Eu moro em Fortaleza e lembro que entrevistei ele criança ainda, andando descalço porque não tinha um tênis pra andar. Hoje em dia está entre os melhores do mundo.
As many years as I been watching SLS, it was nice to see Jordan and Gustavo in the positions they were.
First time SLS ever made me cry. So happy for him. It's not one weekend of competing. It's years in the making.
Dashawn deserved a 9 for his first line run
Honestly dawg that was kinda sus. But aye Felipe needed that win
I heard Felipe say once "My time will come, just gotta be patient" - I'm so glad he won
Wow, that made me cry. Not a reaction I was expecting.
That first run by Netsuke was one of the best runs I’ve ever seen. In his first finals. That’s just crazy.
I want Nyjah to win ALWAYS but seeing those tears from Felipe was just as sweet man..
Congrats my dude !
Nah it’s nice to see others shine. I like seeing nyjah win too tho. Dominance is cool to watch
I think nyjah threw the game
3 countries❤
6 player❤
1 winner❤
Let's Go for Felipe Costavo👑💥🇧🇷🛹
Wow!Wow!Wow Women's Street League 10 years ago to now the bar has raised many many levels. Mens Street League is officially off the planet. I have never seen a final so high. It's insane. If this is now, what is it gonna be like in another 10 years. My mind is blown. What a sport. A thrill to watch. Acrobats on Wheels.
So happy for Felipe!! worked so hard for it
It reminds me of when I was a skater when I was young, you see somebody pull a crazy trick, and you say dude that was awsome! I'm from San Diego California.
Felipe u are a G, when you won this i shade a tear, this is among the best wins in SLS history!!! Love from Kenya!!
WOW! What a victory Felipe pulled off. Truly well earned. So proud of this guy.
FELIPE GUSTAVO FINALLY PUT IT TOGETHER LETS GOOO ! so so happy for him man. all these years we’ve watched him skate well, but never be able to quite get that 1st place spot & he’s the oldest skater on this roster in the finals he deserves this. patience is bitter, but the aftertaste is sweet.
I was cheering for Felipe from the beginning, so deserved!!!
Wow this is the most emotional win I've ever seen. Huge congrats to Felipe no one has been grinding these like that man and the man deserved a win! As he said all praise to God baby!
I’m teary eyed myself, been waiting so long for this guy to win. Great job Filipe Gustavo. If you keep trying to might slip a win and you did bro 👊🏾
No words to express how happy I am for Felipe. 🏆
Ive been watching street league since the very beginning.
Much like his family, I've felt like I've been there with him for ever comp. Seeing him finally win is so surreal. I cried with him.
Best SLS finish yet!!
Man that made me drop a couple tears also! Congrats Felipe!!
might be one of the coolest wins in any contest ever, got his signature on my wall from like 2011. nobody deserved it more❤🇧🇷
What a great final! Gustavo has a great style, super relaxed.
Parabéns Felipe vc mereceu 🇧🇷❤
Congratulations Felipe Gustavo, lots of excitement for our skaters from Brazil.
Congrats Felipe G. Well deserved my man. Always cool to see skaters support each other.
5:37 How was Cannon able to "predict" Felipes win??
Well deserved Felipe.
I just started watching this..DeShawns first run..was soooo buttery smooth!!!!
Muito bacana essa energia do Skateboard onde todos comemoram juntos!! No último pan americano vi locutores narrando skate como se fosse uma guerra de paises contra paises!!
O verdadeiro Skateboard que uni todas as nações, é mais divertido que o skate olímpico!!!🎉🎉🎉❤
Que épico! Imagina ser campeão e derrotar Nyjah Huston e o Yuto Horigame?
loved Kairi throwing down his first line!! 9.4!! so sick
what a great run for all skaters, love watching this, fun fact i use to skate with deshawn back in AZ when he was just a young kid, good ole Reed Skate Park in Mesa Arizona,, any how love all the good vibes being sent to felipe, well deserved moment, always watching and to see him finally win is so amazing, so so happy for everyone there
thank you Felipe, you give the best to your fans... I wait for your hard work, and always pray for you all the time 👏🏻✊🏻👏🏻✊🏻👏🏻
Lets gooo Felipe!🔥🔥🔥🔥
You can see just how much that win meant to him, what a performance
Wow I didn’t realize everyone in the finals is goofy stance. That’s wild
Dude, I didn't realize this until I saw your comment. As I also skate goofy, knowing this fact, it's wild.
Whooooa nice observation, that's really weird
That was so sick! Props and respect to all these guys and congrats to Felipe, so well deserved 🤘
I am content I could care less now w/e happens in SLS for real I just wanted to see Felipe win. His style, his road to become pro and just overall trick selection is some of the best to ever do it.
Parabens to Felipe!!!
Man does it feel good to finally see Felipe win after so many years, he deserves it so much. Those are tears of hard work
First comment=spoiler
damn didnt have to spoil it ...
Take this comment down for the sake of all sls fans.
Anyway. Si happy to see Gustavo as winner!!! GREATINGS TO GUSTAVO!!!!
For me Nyjia score on the first and second run should be around 5.5 and 8.2 … his second run doesn’t look like 9 club to me…
Can we please get cole and malto on commentary for the super crown 😤
CROB for the third person on the panel YUP!
What a Moment 💯💯💯
Congratulations!! You deserve it my man, amazing dedication showing hard work pays off! Your a king 🤴
Wow I wanted yuto and kairi to win , but Felipe made me cry . I’m happy he was the one who won , god works in mysterious ways .🙏❤️
Parabéns Felipe Gustavo apavorou
parabens felipe , merece demais
Super stoked to see Felipe finally get one 🤙🏽
O cara é embaçado!!! Deus deu esse premio pra ele, claro que com o esforço do próprio Felipe Gustavo tambem!! Uma hora chega!!! ( Coloca no translate ai gringo ) ....Bora Br!!!!!!!!!!!
God is good 🔥🙏
Homie went from the bottom after line tricks to winning 1st place, His very first 1st place win, his emotions got me emotional, CONGRATULATIONS BROTHER. YOU DESERVE IT
Felipe I been watching man for so long and he's never got the gold but man did he deserve it finally, the course really suited him.
This Lucas Rabelo guy must have such good backbones cause it sure rotates.
Damn that hit the feels....
After watching this live, I came downstair with such a smile on my face, my wife got confused and I had to explain Felipe's battle, and live.
I hope he buys a new car for his dad!
Felipe gone make me cry, bless you brother.
Been waiting for Felipe to get one!!! Congrats King!!!
Bro, are you gonna tell me this kid ネスケ only scored a 9.4 when he literally have to have put down the hardest line in SLS history😑
9.4 is one of the highest scores a run has gotten in street league history 😅
@@TheHodgePod20 yeah it’s obvious you have not watched street Lead for a long time go look on their short UC multiple 9.6. 9.7 and 9.4 in the run section that run was better than all those runs
@@noahwallace3458 I've seen every street league and re watched most of them recently and I think you are missing the part where i said one of the highest run scores which it is.
@@TheHodgePod20 lol you definitely a big capper you can literally look up all nine score runs Homie☠️☠️
@@noahwallace3458 okay bro I'm a capper lol enjoy yourself
Felipe thanks for giving more strength to keep fighting with hard work
Tava claro para ver q o lucas tava nervoso pacas, acho q os proximo camp ele vai ta maos solido
I wish I could have gone can’t wait til SLS comes back to Sydney
Best sls ever love felipe 🇲🇽👏🇧🇷 amazing skater
Looks like Lucas was dropping the rakes lol
Legit crying watching Felipe win
This was on another level!
Did he forget he actually needs a score to get into first? I was so nervous that he celebrated prematurely like Leticia when she lost. But big up Felipe!
Yeah I think he just blacked out. Hard to imagine how emotional landing that last trick was for him
At freaking last!!! Was waiting so long for his success...since first Olympics with sk8board I guess ❤️
So awesome to see passion, dedication, and hard work pay off for this young man. Well done!!
Anyone else notice Felipe got robbed out of two 9s where they gave him some 8.8 bullshit. Switch flip front tail is way harder than switch heel crook
Love this!!
Love you all skatefam!
Finalmente o felipe gustavo aprendeu a andar. 15 anos nos EUA. Parabéns!
Malto carrying the commentary
I really don’t like how the top comment will give away the results. I was just waiting for it to start, and I happen to glance down and now I know who wins. I wish youtube would change that.
Cara só quem anda de skate pra entender isso. Parabéns pra Rayssa, ela conseguiu se superar ano após ano, treinando e sendo uma pessoa boa que incentiva empresas a investirem no esporte, incentiva pessoas públicas a acreditarem no esporte e faz muita gente que não gostava de skate passar a aceitar e até gostar de skate... lembrem que não faz muito tempo que skate era coisa de vagabundo drogado, agora é esporte olímpico... eu como skatista fico muito feliz de ver que hoje os olhares pra nós skatistas estão começando a mudar ❤ #loveskateboarding #skateboardingisfun
netsuke line was a TEN, it was so technical and compact with tricks
Finally Felipe wins it! Been a long time coming ❤
God bless all amen.
Eu não consigo acerta trick quando to tentando grava video,Imagina tentar uma trick com o 50 câmeras,uma plateia e um monte de gente assistindo ...
Such a good final. So happy to see a new face in that 1st place
Malto great at contests sometimes the nac just gets you
Idk why it seems like deshawn is always getting underscored… not just in this SLS, but others as well
maybe his trick selection isnt that big, theyre hard for sure but he does similar tricks every contest, same thing with kelvin they do the same tricks, gustavo has that same habit but he does switch it up sometimes
@@FlipuSan yea it gets repetitive to the judges that it doesn't feel too impressive anymore for them and they just become "regular" tricks after a while
@@FlipuSanit's more diverse that Felipe in my opinion. I always think like nothing's gonna change for Felipe if he keeps doing the same tricks that don't score enough every time. Guess it did this time but I think the scoring was very generous for him.
I love SLS!!!
he is addicted to doing the best line had me rolling haha
i knew Filipe won weeks ago from the shorts on youtube yet i still cried for him watching the full broadcast. No one desearves this win more
Felipe in the CLUTCH!
Finally, he did it 🙏