Consider this: A prequel series that follows the life of a young Chris Argent and his journey of learning his family's history and becoming a hunter. He could be friends with Sheriff Stilinksi, and hey, possibly make it juicy where he dated Stiles' mom. We would even get to see some of the livelihood of the mysterious mother figure, and toward the end of the series, she gets pregnant with baby Stiles. We could see involvement with Gerard as a stern father figure who perhaps had more charisma among his peers while Chris was an adolescent. Deaton should also be involved as a possible ally and the show could explore Derek's family storyline in greater detail. There are so many storylines and subplots you could come up with for a prequel like this. J.R. Bourne has always had this mysterious smooth look to him and if they cast the right guy to play a young him, the series could be a hit
Consider this: A prequel series that follows the life of a young Chris Argent and his journey of learning his family's history and becoming a hunter. He could be friends with Sheriff Stilinksi, and hey, possibly make it juicy where he dated Stiles' mom. We would even get to see some of the livelihood of the mysterious mother figure, and toward the end of the series, she gets pregnant with baby Stiles. We could see involvement with Gerard as a stern father figure who perhaps had more charisma among his peers while Chris was an adolescent. Deaton should also be involved as a possible ally and the show could explore Derek's family storyline in greater detail. There are so many storylines and subplots you could come up with for a prequel like this. J.R. Bourne has always had this mysterious smooth look to him and if they cast the right guy to play a young him, the series could be a hit
Chris Argent o homem mais maravilhoso do mundo.
great song choice and clips!
Chris is so hot lol.
And his character development stemming from the love of Allison?
this reminded me of how god awful the wolf effects were in season 1
Well done but I think you can do better tbh