Water or AI? Is that the choice we face?

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 58

  • @timgray5373
    @timgray5373 Месяц назад +12

    Perhaps better referred to as 'so-called AI'. In reality, statistical people-pleasing engines that feed on people's creative work - as well as energy and water we can't spare - and output unreliable information. It may well be yet another shiny tech bubble that will burst. But what cost will we pay before it gets there?

  • @keithparker1346
    @keithparker1346 Месяц назад +10

    Our parliament is just like our water...full of human excrement

  • @juliegale3863
    @juliegale3863 Месяц назад +7

    What an important point to make, thank you for bringing it to our attention. At my ancient age I probably will not see the answer.

  • @davidmcintyre8145
    @davidmcintyre8145 Месяц назад +5

    A slight correction; water in England is rubbish not the UK and an addendum. it is well known by science but not yet accepted by the general public or addressed by politicians(shades of anthropogenic climate change there)that within 25 years England will suffer a severe to catastrophic shortage of water for domestic industrial and agricultural usage as a result of a combination of climate change including sea level rise and geological processes,wastage,overextraction from aquifers that have not been allowed to replenish indeed becoming contaminated by salt water influx,government policy and NIMBYism stopping the creation of new reservoirs. This could mean upwards of 45 million English refugees looking to move somewhere else,probably to the EU although given how the refugees and asylum seekers are regarded and treated in England they will not be welcome anywhere. This however is an issue for England alone and perhaps Wales as both Northern Ireland and Scotland have adequate supplies of water for the foreseeable future and both of which have maintained EU standards for water

    • @SaveEarthPlsBeKind
      @SaveEarthPlsBeKind Месяц назад

      The 45 million will simply take over Wales, N Ireland and Scotland. It's already happening.

  • @colmtansey8359
    @colmtansey8359 Месяц назад +9

    Ireland .the Saudi 🇸🇦 Arabia of water 💧 yet 70 per cent lost through leakage ..it only costs about 2 billion to renew the pipes system. Banks 🏦 bailed out for over 100 billion..😂 yet the government tried to privatise it ....and we're stopped by the people.

    • @onandon-nq1zw
      @onandon-nq1zw Месяц назад

      I hear Connaught and Norway are set to become the data centres of the world because of their pure clean water. Get the big data companies to pay to renew the water infrastructure and to increase green energy generation. If not, then the cost will fall on you, the people.

  • @tenfour2215
    @tenfour2215 Месяц назад +2

    Very timely. Perfectly OK to spend millions on the construction of the gilded cage that fibre broadband is to become. Perfectly OK to spend nothing on an attempt to get the Richard IIIs out of the water supply. Great priorities folks.

  • @BOZ_11
    @BOZ_11 Месяц назад +2

    The overwhelming majority of data centres are in rooms cooled by air conditioning units, not water

  • @PEdulis
    @PEdulis Месяц назад +7

    Apart from the enormous demands for energy and water to cool these systems, there is not even such a thing as "AI". There are only machine learning systems and they are far from being intelligent and they will probably never be intelligent.
    Two examples: Any chess robot will most likely beat any human chess player but should a fire break out next to it, it will keep playing chess until it is burnt since it has no concept of "fire".
    Likewise, a robot that is trained to pull something with a rope has no concept of "rope" and therefore does not know it could not push that thing back using the same rope.
    Neither of these actions could in any way be called intelligent.
    The large language models that are currently being hyped are only enhanced versions of a program called Eliza that was developed by Dr. Weizenbaum back in the 1960s. It impressed people back then and they thought "intelligent systems" would be just around the corner but we still don't have them. These models are being fed everything that is on the internet BY underpaid HUMANS who tell them what each bit of information means and yet, they still give false answers to simple questions all the time or just make things up if they have no clue. This leads to more and more garbage being produced by these models which in turn will be consumed again by those models to then produce more garbage.
    Unless there is a significant change in technology, we have seen the peak of so-called "AI" already and it will deteriorate from now on since all the information available on the internet was already consumed and with more and more garbage being put out, the results won't improve any more.

    • @BittermanAndy
      @BittermanAndy Месяц назад

      I have rarely seen anybody be so confidently wrong. Well done.

    • @oneoflokis
      @oneoflokis Месяц назад

      @@PEdulis Good points! 👍 (But Chat GPT is actually quite good. And it's pleasant to talk to, unlike some grumpy people... 🙂)

    • @PEdulis
      @PEdulis Месяц назад

      @@oneoflokis It is nice to talk to indeed but so was Eliza already up to the point where Dr. Weizenbaum's secretary who had followed closely what he did asked Dr. Weizenbaum to leave the room since her "conversation with Eliza" became too personal - 60 years ago already, so nothing substantially new there, just more computer power and more underpaid humans feeding the systems.

  • @JLSMaytham
    @JLSMaytham Месяц назад +4

    Will we have enough water for the world (the world's people) is a good question even though there is no need for cooling water to go to "waste", even cars recycle their coolant as well as air con systems.

    • @oneoflokis
      @oneoflokis Месяц назад

      @@JLSMaytham 💯👍

  • @anllpp
    @anllpp Месяц назад +1

    Should let A i run the country under the premise of treat all people equally...and let it run. Can you imagine the outrage...

  • @charliemoore2551
    @charliemoore2551 Месяц назад

    I had never considered this. Thank you for bringing it up.

  • @malcolm8564
    @malcolm8564 Месяц назад

    The electricity has to come from renewable sources and cooling water is recirculated not dumped. Also data centres should be used as sources of heat for office and apartment blocks.

  • @josephhenry4725
    @josephhenry4725 Месяц назад

    Great wake up call ...but it applies equally..on all computerised systems ..how do we cool them.?

  • @martinsmith2652
    @martinsmith2652 2 дня назад

    Use seawater for AI cooling the same way they do for nuclear reactors and leave the freshwater for drinking and farming?

  • @oneoflokis
    @oneoflokis Месяц назад +2

    Well: doubtless AI should be used to run our water systems! (It could be powered by hydroelectric.) Would depend on who was programming it though. 😏
    The water used to cool computer banks could be recycled for agriculture. After all, it's not radioactive!

    • @JLSMaytham
      @JLSMaytham Месяц назад +1

      Why would the water not be refused as it is in Aircon or cars?

    • @oneoflokis
      @oneoflokis Месяц назад +1

      @@JLSMaytham Indeed!

  • @robsthedon
    @robsthedon Месяц назад

    Great upload

  • @danksheev66
    @danksheev66 Месяц назад

    AI is peak 'technological fix' and I don't trust people going to hard in on it for that reason.

  • @theotherandrew5540
    @theotherandrew5540 Месяц назад

    Sea water for cooling?

  • @martinsingfield
    @martinsingfield Месяц назад

    Water is abundant at a global level (71% of the Earth's surface is covered in it and trillions of litres fall from the sky each year) and is easily reusable, meaning it is not a limiting factor in the long term. Electricity is easy to produce from abundant renewable sources (the Sun, wind and waves) and is also not a limiting factor in the long term. The computing power available for AI and other uses will grow exponentially over the coming years and won't be constrained by lack of resources.

  • @janllh24
    @janllh24 Месяц назад

    It might be not so much either or, but neither

  • @davepubliday6410
    @davepubliday6410 Месяц назад

    Crypto probably uses more water than AI. AI uses power mostly when training, not when solving problems. Lastly, can you provide numbers about how much water is used by a an AI model?

    • @Wulfuswulferson
      @Wulfuswulferson Месяц назад

      Silicone chip production uses loads of fresh water so is that what he means?

  • @Number_Free
    @Number_Free Месяц назад

    I envisage that cooling water could recycled easily enough, at low cost. So I would like to know more about the water journey itself. Thanks.
    PS My life's work has been the study of Intelligence, from an evolutionary point of view.

  • @silvafox7719
    @silvafox7719 Месяц назад

    It takes 2.5 litres of water to create a litre of coca cola. Madness.

    • @witlesswonderthe2nd883
      @witlesswonderthe2nd883 Месяц назад

      Only the little people will have water rationed, explains why they’re pushing for people to change to smart water meters under the pretense it shows up leaks before hitting their homes.
      You would think it would be better to spread these smart meters across their network so they could highlight directly leaks straight away.
      Since it’s not about that as saving water has never been up high on their list of priorities it will be the customers who are targeted again.

  • @johnburns4017
    @johnburns4017 Месяц назад

    Water is not a problem on the world. With solar and wind electricity desalination is not a problem.

    • @-cheshire-cat
      @-cheshire-cat Месяц назад

      Water is a huge problem in the world. Future wars will be fought over water. Desalination has a lot of serious drawbacks. They are very costly to operate, require enormous amounts of energy and are difficult to manage in an environmentally friendly way just to name a few. You can't just stick desalination plants everywhere and fix all our water problems. There are many youtube videos that explain it in far more detail. Otherwise we would have already built them all over the planet. Instead, all the countries of the world are running out of water and their cities sinking into the ground.

    • @johnburns4017
      @johnburns4017 Месяц назад

      Large solar and wind farms are a new thing. When water is short they will expand.

  • @nickclarke2599
    @nickclarke2599 Месяц назад

    No water no life, no brainer! sounds like a car engine needing water to cool down, couldn't these main frames have better ventilation? I dunno , AI should be helping us develop desalination technologies, that should be the big future industry

  • @gj55223
    @gj55223 Месяц назад +2

    Data centres can be cooled by seawater and there’s plenty of that. A far bigger Issue is the use of electricity which will soon go off the scale just as our new government scraps licences for North Sea oil and gas.

    • @oneoflokis
      @oneoflokis Месяц назад

      @@gj55223 Yes: that might be a bit premature.. And supposing the Scots want the money from new oil wells? Another provocation to independence?

    • @witlesswonderthe2nd883
      @witlesswonderthe2nd883 Месяц назад +1

      Yes but tool will remind you it’s for the greater good and paying loads of carbon tax can rectify everything even if it doesn’t exist yet.

  • @originalamias
    @originalamias Месяц назад +3

    Where is the data for this ? Why is it assumed that using water for coolant systems will destroy it ? Without this information it's hard to take you seriously

    • @nikolaki
      @nikolaki Месяц назад +4

      It's a Google away.
      Big reason Iceland has so many datacentres.

    • @oneoflokis
      @oneoflokis Месяц назад

      @@nikolaki Geothermal! 🙂 (We could have that in Cornwall too, on a smaller scale: only not enough money has been put into it.)

  • @fburton8
    @fburton8 Месяц назад +2

    Big unsupported assumption there.

    @ΑΣΔΦΓΗΞΚΛ Месяц назад

    Sure, Quantum computing will need lots of liquid helium for cooling 🙂
    But might do the job with fewer actual machines
    Either way AI is a hiding to nothing
    See Ernst Mayr
    Also, AMOC shutdown could see Britain under permafrost, no joke, lots of different models give the same result by different methods, 40C colder here

  • @franksheekey8096
    @franksheekey8096 Месяц назад

    Robotics don`t need food or water !