Why Are Germans Good at Following Rules? 😷 | Job Vacation Days & Bad German Words 🇩🇪🇺🇸

  • Опубликовано: 11 окт 2024

Комментарии • 206

  • @machmuelltonne
    @machmuelltonne 3 года назад +14

    So the Notice Period ("Kündigungsfrist"): It is not "polite" to give 2 month notice, but your employment will not end until you formally give your notice and the period ends. So by law the minimum Kündigsfrist is:
    - 2weeks in the trail period (max. first 6 month of employment)
    - for the employee 4weeks to the 15th or the last day of the month
    - for the employer this will get longer and longer the longer you work there (up to 7 month after 20 years of employment)
    This are just the legal minimums, most of the time the contract will state a time period that is greater from the start (after the trail), 2month or 3month are pretty normal. If you want to leave the company and don't want to wait so long, you can ask for a agreement to terminate a contract (Aufhebungsvertrag), but for that both parties have to agree. Most of the time that is not a big problem.
    You cannot just leave, if you do the employer can probalby sue you for the cost to replace you with somebody else as well as any damages your departues will have cause (for example, if they lost a contract because your work was not done in time etc.)
    So this works both ways, if the employer wants to fire you, they still have to pay you for months, while your motivation and work will probably not be "peak level" so to speak.
    This is less flexible, but also means, you have time to look for a new job, if you would be let go for some reason.
    So your job security is much greater and nobody needs endure a "Karen" with politeness and a smile, just out of fear to get fired.

    • @wallerwolf6930
      @wallerwolf6930 Месяц назад

      Very well explained! Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on who is quitting or being fired.

  • @tommieklund267
    @tommieklund267 3 года назад +10

    About Freedom. I'm not even thinking freedom that much over here (Finland). We have this saying 'talk from a lack' (not sure if it's translated correctly; "talk of lack" is also one possibility) - so if we take saying seriously, people talking about freedom mean that they don't have it or not enough.
    Some folks from US told me that as we can't carry guns here in Finland is enough to prove your lacking in freedom here.
    In other hand, you can walk almost everywhere freely, pick mushrooms, berries, go fish, sleep in tent (not in cities; I know it's allowed in US), etc.
    If we take debt aspect into this freedom talk, like how some people "fear" medical bills in US, what's not a thing in Europe/Nordics, affordable healthcare give financial breathing space for all and increasing freedom that way. In case less fear mean more freedom, we can also think guns in way that it's net positive when people aren't carrying guns everywhere, for example: police isn't always thinking getting shot by someone => easier policing => people have more trust in police => relaxing society in long run.
    I can take critic, let me know if I'm saying some stupid shit here.

    • @Pascal_Mueller
      @Pascal_Mueller 2 года назад +1

      As a German I agree to 100%. This is the way to go and not the US way

    • @barbsmart7373
      @barbsmart7373 2 года назад

      Kia ora from New Zealand.
      Thankyou for your interesting comment. It is interesting hearing about your country, and your comment makes good sense.

    • @wallerwolf6930
      @wallerwolf6930 Месяц назад +3

      I see it in a similar way to you and completely differently to the gunslingers in the USA! Anyone who thinks they can only go through their "common" living space armed is a pathetic person in my opinion. Anyone who "wants" to live in a society must also accept rules that include certain restrictions. Anyone who cannot accept that should go into the wilderness, where a dangerous weapon can probably be useful!

  • @DarkCid7777
    @DarkCid7777 3 года назад +13

    In France, when you want to leave your job, the notice period depends of the type of job. Engineer (like me) is like 3 months notice, technician is like 2 months, secretary is 1 month. The usual minimum is roughly a month

    • @cineffect
      @cineffect 3 года назад +1

      In USA you can leave your job anytime, to accept a much better paid one.

    • @HomeWorkouts_LS
      @HomeWorkouts_LS 3 года назад +1

      Like that’s required or just typical? Cannot imagine giving 2 or 3 months! You wouldn’t get the next job you’re trying to start haha

    • @bessyisyourbestieforever3164
      @bessyisyourbestieforever3164 3 года назад +2

      That's a ridiculously long notice period you have to give especially if you wanted to leave a toxic work environment. What if you just don't show up anymore and jump to the next job?

    • @Andyw1228
      @Andyw1228 3 года назад

      @@bessyisyourbestieforever3164 of course there is something like termination for cause on both sides. If your boss doesn’t pay you anymore you can quit in no time and the other way if you don’t show up for work anymore, but this would not be good for your report for the next company.

    • @Wink_Larson
      @Wink_Larson 3 месяца назад

      Standard for a lot of simple jobs is 14 days in Germany.. if not interfering with some law it always depends what's in the contract you signed with your employer.

  • @GoleoGohlix
    @GoleoGohlix 3 года назад +10

    «Die Freiheit des Einzelnen endet dort, wo die Freiheit des Anderen beginnt». Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
    «Die Freiheit besteht darin, dass man alles das tun kann, was einem anderen nicht schadet».
    Matthias Claudius (1740-1815)
    «Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, dass er tun kann, was er will, sondern darin, dass er nicht tun muss, was er nicht will».
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78)
    «Freiheit ist immer Freiheit der Andersdenkenden».
    Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)

    • @wallerwolf6930
      @wallerwolf6930 Месяц назад

      Für einen zivilisierten Menschen sollte doch klar sein, dass man in einer ebenso zivilisierten Gesellschaft Regeln braucht, also auch freiheitliche Grenzen inkauf nehmen muss. Sonst kann man nicht Teil dieser Gesellschaft sein. Als Eremit kann man sich alles erlauben ;-)), so lange man nicht in das Gehege anderer Menschen eindringt.

  • @dksilber9500
    @dksilber9500 3 года назад +5

    After I quit my last job in Germany, I had to stay for 7 more months until I could leave because I were in this company for 14 years. And in the contract between the trade union and the employers' association which was responsible for my business were set, that after quitting the job I have to stay that long. It wasn't possible to leaver earlier, but I have to say, that I were in a leading position and it was necessary to incorporate my successor. Therfore I had no problem with that. It was a sign of respect and loyality to my company...

    @STECKEDDECK 3 года назад +8

    Zum Thema Kündigung: Die Frist ist unterschiedlich und hängt vom Job und von der Firma ab. Die Kündigungsfrist und Form steht im Arbeitsvertrag und muss daher eingehalten werden um die Firma verlassen zu können. Wenn man 2 Monate Kündigungsfrist hat, muss man diese einhalten, außer die Firma stimmt einem Aufhebungsvertrag zu. Ich habe bisher eher selten erlebt, dass jemandem Steine in den Weg gelegt werden weil sich derjenige andernfalls einfach krank melden kann.

    • @dnocturn84
      @dnocturn84 3 года назад

      Das gesetzliche Minimum beträgt 4 Wochen. Natürlich kann im Arbeitsvertrag auch was längeres als 4 Wochen vereinbart werden. Typischerweise für Jobs mit höheren Qualifikationen, weil die Zeit den Posten neu zu besetzen schwieriger wird. Das ganze verlängert sich dann über die Zeit für den Arbeitgeber mit der Dauer des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses.
      Einen Arbeitsvertrag kann man auch in beiderseitigem Einvernehmen über einen Aufhebungsvertrag kurzfristiger beenden.

  • @mattesrocket
    @mattesrocket 3 года назад +2

    you are such a good soul through all the video. And very nice how you said at the end of the video how thankful you are despite some daily struggles in Germany or California but when you watch the news. And that you posted some support links for refugees.

  • @hmvollbanane1259
    @hmvollbanane1259 3 года назад +14

    The main difference comes from Germany having a traditional collectivist society in which the needs and demands of the group are put over the ones of the individuals. Due to location and power structures people needed to bond together in order to survive and hence one of the most severe punishments one could receive was being declared "Vogelfrei" (outcast).
    Given the location with both constant warfare and every winter posing a threat to the survival of the entire social group people that failed at working together with the rest were a threat to the survival of everyone and where henceforth eliminated from it. A similar societal development and following behaviour to this day can e.g. also be found in japan for the same reasons.
    America on the other hand was founded on the ideals of individualism in which the needs of the individual surpass that of society in many places (plus of course the difference between a mostly homogenic society vs a melting pot of tons of different cultures where you expect everyone to behave differently to some degree).
    The situation started to change in Germany within the last decades partially due to exposure to American culture and its influence during the post war era, however while we have become a lot more individualistic than our ancestors some generations back the core structure of our society still remains mostly unchanged - so we take things less strictly when it comes to obeying authority, following rules and hierarchy, however they still play in their comparatively relaxed modern form still a dominant role and especially outside the cities preserving face and representing ones family is still quite prevalent (so if you misbehave it is usually not you alone that is made by the rest responsible for your misdeeds but your entire family that suffers loss of regard and hence it is also usually not only you that is engaged but your entire family to get things in order internally (usually the grandmas do nothing else but watch everyone all day long from their windows and exchange anything that happens among each others. So it's not uncommon for your grandma knowing about some stupid thing you have done and calling you in for a stern talk before you have even arrived back home - at least in the countryside)

    • @fusion451
      @fusion451 3 года назад

      You forgot about China i think ur confusing conformity with social responsibility Autocratic govts demand it while cultural unity and compassion dont involve snitching but encourage compassion and generosity empathy is what teaches responsibility read Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell the Afghans village defied society and healed him

    • @hmvollbanane1259
      @hmvollbanane1259 3 года назад

      @@fusion451 i think you misunderstood my comment. It was not about political systems or form of government but about cultural phenotypes that were formed by the differences in challenges faced by the respective ethnic groups.
      I personally don't know enough about China to make an educated guess on what their cultural societal backbone is and am not even sure if it is even still relevant as their current regime has tried with extreme measures to exterminate any remnants of it for multipe decades in the latter half of the 20st century. If I had to make a guess I wouldn't believe them to have been a collectivist society as their country had plentiful resources, mild climate, few serious external enemies and anything but a homogeneous society. Just look at the long 19th century in China prior to the nationalist and later communist revolutions and you see a country brought to its knees by corruption, egocentric behaviour (during the opium wars many chinese generals would repeatedly refuse to help other generals as they didn't see any personal advantage for them, as the laurels of victory would go to the other general but the shame followed by the order for suicide would be shared by them in case of a defeat.
      But then again China is vast and made up of tons of different ethnicities, so any attempt at characterising their cultural societal structure is a project in vain, though I would at least remark that the vast majority of their country doesn't share many of the common factors that formed collectivist societies.
      Again my comment is about societal norms and culture that affect the behaviour and pattern of thinking of its individuals, not political structure or form and style of government

  • @wora1111
    @wora1111 3 года назад +2

    Kündigungsfrist: During the trial period you can leave very very quickly. That should be enough time to find out whether you like the job, the coworker, the boss and the subject you work on. After that both sides have to make sure they work well together. Depending on what you do (and the size of your company) the "Kündigungsfrist" can vary. In my work life it always was 3 months and it also may have to align to some dates (like end of quarter) which means you can give your notice any time but you have to work until the end of the following (not the current!) quarter. Like many other rules in Germany this is to make sure both sides (employer and employee) have time to adapt.

  • @irilii9173
    @irilii9173 3 года назад +2

    19:20 -> There actually is a law that is meant to protect workers from being fired too quickly. But it works both ways. As an employee you are being protected from falling into "a hole" where you can't pay your rent or your bills because you suddenly don't have a job anymore. Although there's a social insurance for that (unemployment benefits paid by Germany), this is a lot of paper work for a fractional amount of your earnings from one year before. This time protection is supposed to give the worker the opportunity to find a new job to skip the social insurance.
    As a company you are technically protected from losing your employees too quickly because they've just changed their minds. But there's a quite popular workaround for this. If you are really unhappy and you have already given your quitting notice (is this a word? haha), you can go to the doctor and tell them about your terrible work environment and that you are mentally strained by your work. Most of the time they will give you a doctor's certificate and with that you can stay home and get full pay (health insured) until the time is up. It's not very nice to do that though. Also you can take the rest of your vacation days to skip some of the time, which is quite common.
    The amount of time you have to stay after your quitting notice is set by the law and your contract. For smaller jobs and for "starters" who are less than 6 months in the job this is usually just a few weeks. After 6 months and the longer you're employed in a company it is usually up to a few months, so the company can look for a replacement for you (and often you are even expected to teach your successor what they have to do).

  • @plingess
    @plingess 3 года назад +6

    19:36 Kündigungsfrist ! das hat mich auch interessiert, ich hab es grad mal "gegoogelt" (Quick and Dirty):
    Gesetzlicher Mindeststandard 4 Wochen-Frist bei Kündigung durch Arbeitnehmer. Die Frist ist ggf. länger (bis zu 7 Monate), wenn der Arbeitgeber kündigt. Das hängt von der Betriebszugehörigkeit des gekündigten Mitarbeiter ab. Im individuellen Arbeitsvertrag oder im Tarifvertrag der Branche können andere Dinge geregelt sein, jedoch muss mindestens die gesetzliche Regelung eingehalten werden.

  • @m8k1shaiz8
    @m8k1shaiz8 3 года назад +7

    The term ass antlers became very popular in the 90s when so many got these symmetrical tribals tattooed over their butts. As these were seen out of the low cut jeans, it really almost looked like antlers.

  • @MarcGrafZahl
    @MarcGrafZahl 3 года назад +7

    If you are in LA right now, you should really take the opportunity to reach out to your "inverse competitor" Aramis Merlin, a RUclipsr from the Hamburg area living in LA, telling us Germans about his life in the USA, in German.
    I think, if you two could make a video together, this would be really gorgeous.

  • @nomaam9077
    @nomaam9077 3 года назад +4

    24:15 - “Freedom’s Just Another Word for Nothin’ Left to Lose” (Janis Joplin)

  • @alexanderbeck3581
    @alexanderbeck3581 3 года назад +2

    Hi Lila ! In erdbebengefährdeten Gebieten wie Kalifornien werden die Stromleitungen als Oberleitung "overground" verlegt, damit man bei einem Stromausfall schneller zum reparieren rankommt. In Deutschland hingegen wo es wenig bis gar keine Erdbeben gibt kann man die Leitungen ohne weiteres im Boden "underground" verlegen. Ich liebe deine Videos und wünsche dir eine schöne Zeit.

  • @quantumpro8435
    @quantumpro8435 3 года назад +9

    There is a German proverb about punctuality:
    :"5 Minuten vor der Zeit, ist des Deutschen Pünktlichkeit" it means
    :"5 minutes before the time is the German punctuality"

    • @naneneunmalklug4032
      @naneneunmalklug4032 3 года назад +1

      I heard "5 minuten vor der zeit ist der soldaten pünktlichkeit. Nur der sanitäter kommt 5 min später..."
      (Roughly: 5 minutes ahead of time is the soldiers dime. But the Paramedic aider arrives 5 minutes later)

    • @quantumpro8435
      @quantumpro8435 3 года назад

      @@naneneunmalklug4032 xD der ist gut, hahaha *thumbs_up*

    • @Dummmmmmdiduumm
      @Dummmmmmdiduumm 2 года назад

      @@naneneunmalklug4032 Funker und Sanitäter ;)

  • @craftyclaira
    @craftyclaira 2 года назад +1

    The word "halter" derives from the Germanic words meaning "that by which anything is held". So a halter neck top is held up by the neck!....who'd have thought!

  • @simsch97
    @simsch97 3 года назад +10

    What you said about the Zoll wasn't actually the typical work for the Zoll. 'Der Zoll' is actually the translation of the customs. So especially in Hamburg they check all the ships from non european countries whether they have loaded illegal goods and so on. So those who check the stores if everyone is wearing their mask should actually be the 'Ordnungsamt'.

    • @jensputzlocher8345
      @jensputzlocher8345 3 года назад +1

      Der Zoll ist auch für die Kontrolle der Einhaltung der Mindestlöhne zuständig. Sie könnte also durchaus auch den Zoll und nicht das Ordnungsamt gemeint haben.

    • @simsch97
      @simsch97 3 года назад +2

      @@jensputzlocher8345 dann wären die doch wegen der Löhne und nicht wegen der Masken im Laden gewesen oder? Aber ich meine auch, dass es eher untypisch für den Zoll ist die Maskenpflicht zu kontrollieren. Kann sein, dass die in Hamburg dabei helfen. Hab ich so jedoch noch nicht mitbekommen. Das Ordnungsamt macht halt typischerweise solche Aufgaben.

    • @surenot9491
      @surenot9491 3 года назад +1

      Der Zoll kontrolliert auch Firmen.
      Hab die schon live im Dönerladen erlebt.
      Bei uns in der Firma waren die auch mal als viele Umbauten waren und fast 2000 Mann auf der Baustelle.
      Da wurden aber „nur“ Fremdfirmen geprüft.

  • @k8con
    @k8con 3 года назад +2

    Also every contract will have a “Kündigungsfrist“ in Austria, detailing how you can quit. Legally, it’s typically about 2 weeks for most jobs. At one of my more corporate jobs, if you told them by mid month, you could leave on the 1st of the next month. If it was after mid month, I think you would have to stay a full month.

    • @0910MK1
      @0910MK1 3 года назад

      That's interesting. In Germany the law says 4 weeks till the end of the month or 15th of the month. For employers the "Kündigungsfrist" gets longer the longer the working relationship has lasted, up to 7 months. And they can regulate the Frist for the employee as long as it's not longer than the Frist for the employer. In our company it's the same for both which sucks... Imagine having worked there for 20 years and when you want to leave the company having to work another 7 months at your old company before being able to start a new job! Only if you are lucky the employer let's you off earlier...

  • @pascalnitsche8746
    @pascalnitsche8746 3 года назад

    How much time you (and your employer) need to give before quitting is part of the contract. It’s normally 1-6 months (depending on your position and how long you are working for the company). It’s called “Kündigungsfrist”. It’s to protect both you and your employer (so both sides are able to sort out what to do about it).
    An employer can demand up to 6 months of probation (Probezeit) in which the the notice period does not apply. It is quite common to write 6 months into the contract and then sometimes end that “probation” early if everything is alright.
    Min. payed vacation full time is 4 working weeks (so 20-24 days) but here it also is common to grant more (28-35 isn’t that uncommon). You even get your vacation back if you are sick while on vacation :)
    Germans use “holiday” instead of vacation probably because we learn British English in school first (American English for me was only starting in 9th or 10th grade). And in British English holiday means vacation - I think what you’d consider holiday would be a “bank holiday” in British English.

  • @zeideerskine3462
    @zeideerskine3462 3 года назад +2

    I never knew I had a phobia about above-ground power lines until I moved to the US. In Germany (Hamburg), a generation ago, we called them Giraffenzäune (giraffe fences) to express that you would only see them in the poorest parts of Africa. Here you find them even in New York City. Are Americans really THAT afraid of giraffes?

  • @robertplantcirca1973
    @robertplantcirca1973 3 года назад +1

    These videos are so helpful and fun. I am a Canadian and coming up on one year of living in Switzerland :)

  • @BremerFischkoop
    @BremerFischkoop 3 года назад +26

    Dieses Zitat aus einem Lied ist mein Lebensmotto: "Freiheit ist, wenn ich vor nichts und niemand Angst haben muss" . Wenn ich Angst haben muss, das mich jemand mit COVID anstecken kann, habe ich keine Freiheit...
    Nachtrag: das Lied Willy von Konstantin Wecker ist gemeint, Zitat: "Freiheit - das heißt keine Angst haben, vor nichts und niemand"

    • @uliwehner
      @uliwehner 3 года назад +2

      some people need some guidance.... people do die from covid, more than just about any other illness, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. I do not fear Covid. i am prepared. vaccinated twice and i wear a mask were it is required because i am not an asshole.

  • @jeromemckenna7102
    @jeromemckenna7102 3 года назад +1

    I spent 2 weeks in London in January, the sun barely was visible and it was just gray. When I got back to NJ, it was amazing much more sun one gets in the Winter. If you work for a company rather than being a consultant, you do get paid vacation.

    • @cassandra8620
      @cassandra8620 3 года назад

      What the hell was so important to go to Brexit Plague Island?

    • @Lenalena87329
      @Lenalena87329 3 года назад

      Brexit plague island? Are you serious! First of all, not all of us voted for brexit! Secondly, last I checked, the US wasn’t exactly Handling the covid Situation any better! Your just as bad and maybe even worse!!!!!

  • @jeromemckenna7102
    @jeromemckenna7102 3 года назад +1

    In the US in the past, it was normal to spend a career at one job. If a person was recruited into a management job at a big company nobody expected them to jump ship. This was even true in lower level jobs. My wife's father spent his 'career' as a maintenance person for a bank. Even in my own case I spent 20 years with one company.

  • @cleancoder3838
    @cleancoder3838 3 года назад +9

    Die Vorsilbe "un" bezeichnet fast immer das Gegenteil von dem ohne die jeweilige Vorsilbe. Ob "Un" positiv oder negativ, groß oder klein bedeutet ist jedoch nicht einheitlich! (Wie sollte es auch anders sein...)
    Beispiele für negative/große Bedeutungen von Un:
    Unwetter (schlechtes Wetter), Unmut (Ärger - negativ) KEIN Gegenteil von Mut, Unsummen (große Summe - negativ gemeint - Er hat Unsummen ausgegeben. Wird selten in positivem Zusammenhang verwendet: z.b. sagt man seltener: Er hat Unsummen im Lotto gewonnen), Ungemach/Unbehanglichkeit (Gegenteil von Gemach, Behanglichkeit), unangenehm (gegenteil von angenehm), unüblich (vs. üblich), ungeläufig (vs. geläufig), unbekannt (vs. bekannt), ungelenkig (vs. gelenkig), unvorhersehbar (vs. vorhersehbar), unfassbar/unglaublich (fassbar & glaublich werden nicht verwendet),
    ABER: Beispiele für positive/kleine Bedeutungen:
    Untiefes Gewässer (geringe Tiefe), Unverwüstlich (gute Beständigkeit, gegenteil von Verwüstlich - kaum verwendet),

  • @CorvanEssen
    @CorvanEssen 3 года назад +3

    Freedom is good, but it comes with responsibilities. Some people don't like that

  • @herbertmarzinek5855
    @herbertmarzinek5855 3 года назад +1

    I met some guys in St.Louis big , long hair , full grown beards and they asked me if I was over 21? yes I was and they drove me in a car to a liquor shop to buy some alcoholic stuff.
    Their ages were !7.

  • @mfkman
    @mfkman 3 года назад +27

    The question is where does freedom end. For me it definitely ends when other people can die because of you not wearing a mask. Or another example: a neighbor blasting really loud music 24 hours a day so loud that you can't sleep etc...

    • @dnocturn84
      @dnocturn84 3 года назад +5

      Yes, for me someones freedom ends, when it interferes with the freedom of another person.

    • @fusion451
      @fusion451 3 года назад

      Unless ur freedom risks my death illness or genetic damage with unproven medicinal experimentation Fun Fact Neither bubonic plague or polio were ever mandated to travel work or enter places of businesses

    • @mfkman
      @mfkman 3 года назад

      @@fusion451 If you are referring to gene damage from mRNA vaccines, I recommend reading about the difference between RNA and DNA and how the mRNA vaccines work. TLDR: RNA cannot change DNA.

    • @fusion451
      @fusion451 3 года назад

      @@mfkman Radium is good for ur body Cigarettes are good for you and ur baby DDT is good for ur home an pets and family Roundup is harmless to humans GMOs are nutritious
      let me pour all that in ur pipe and watch u smoke it

    • @willmorrell488
      @willmorrell488 2 года назад

      The world is inherently unsafe and safety is never guaranteed. You're far more likely to kill someone by getting in your car and driving that by covid. Living is not for the weak.

  • @florisvansandwijk6908
    @florisvansandwijk6908 3 года назад

    In the Netherlands, it's a one month notice. I had a colleague who was very high up in the company hierarchy. She came back from holiday at the end of July and thought: why am I staying here? I don't want this any more. So she gave notice, and she is already gone.

  • @fumanchu4785
    @fumanchu4785 3 года назад

    In Germany employees get NOT all 30 days vacation. Per law your employer is required to give you 24 days minimum for vacation -- paid of course. At least if you work full time for this company. Also he must give you 2-3 extra paid days off for VERY important things that happen in your life that cannot be postponed. For example the death of a close relative or for a court hearing, visiting government offices etc.
    Regarding the two months thing: Of course there are a lot ways to leave a job more quickly. For example if the employer and employee both are fine with it they can make a termination agreement and the employee can leave immediately or on whatever date the two parties agreed on.

  • @Ilnath
    @Ilnath 3 года назад +1

    In Denmark it's one month notice if you resign.
    3 months if you are fired. Sometimes more
    There are exceptions

  • @diwe9984
    @diwe9984 3 года назад

    How high the annual leave entitlement is within a calendar year varies. It depends on whether you work four, five or six days a week. The following applies: Those who work more are also entitled to a longer minimum annual vacation.
    If the employment relationship is based on a four-day week, you are entitled to at least 16 days of vacation per year. If you work five days a week, you will have at least 20 days. For a six-day week, at least 24 days of vacation per year must be paid.
    You can usually find out the vacation entitlement per year from the employment contract. In this, employers and employees agree on the respective rights and obligations. But even from a valid collective agreement, the vacation entitlement for the year is shown below and this is usually higher than what the Federal Vacation Act provides for annual vacation. The age of the employee can also be taken into account - or must (for example in the Youth Labor Protection Act).

  • @vampireheart1987
    @vampireheart1987 3 года назад +1

    So now you're "Hi from Los Angeles"? 😄
    Currently, about 2 out of 3 people in Hamburg are fully vaccinated (63,6%). The 7-day incidence is 91.4.

  • @V100-e5q
    @V100-e5q 3 года назад

    Medication: I once had to get a prescription medication in the US. I got an exact number of pills in a white plastic bottle. The color depends perhaps on the pharmacy/drug store? And it got a label showing the content and the way how I had to take them. Just as the doctor wrote on the prescription. So there is much less waste of medication this way. In Germany you have three different sizes: N1, N2, N3 which the doctor specifies on the prescription. The number of pills varies depending on the medication. But 10, 50, 100 pills are common.

  • @gloofisearch
    @gloofisearch 3 года назад +1

    OK, so I thought I have to say something with the 2 month before you can quit your job.
    First, it's the law and it doesn't matter what job you have. But, most importantly, it also works the other way around, meaning, they cannot fire you from one day to another. It serves 2 purposes. If you leave the company, the company has 2 month time to get your work to a new person. In the other way, when you are laid off, you have 2 month to find a job while still earning income. It is a give and take type of situation, but gives both sides more security.

  • @hansc8433
    @hansc8433 3 года назад

    Re tardiness: I have online meetings with a German IT team a couple of times a week, and only one of the guys (it’s a dispersed team consisting of 5 guys) is ever on time. The other guys show up late every single time, and no-one complains. Some even are 10 minutes late. I don’t know about meetings IRL, but the punctuality goes out of the window online.

  • @palomino73
    @palomino73 3 года назад +1

    Thee, who would sacrifice freedom for the sake of safety are bound to lose both !

  • @wallerwolf6930
    @wallerwolf6930 Месяц назад

    It's nice to see how they deal with the issues described here. You can see that they really think about it, while many people, not only in the USA, live very superficial lives. America in particular has probably never been a truly safe home for many people because their enemies live within and the danger rarely comes from outside. At all times in America's short history!
    You openly show your nice excitement. I find that very likeable too ;-)) I hope you are well, haven't made a video in a long time?!

  • @bigernie9433
    @bigernie9433 3 года назад +2

    Enjoy California ! I hope the recent changes by the EU regarding US travellers will not impair your travel plans too much.
    Power lines in Germany are not underground everywhere but certainly in most places. Helps a lot keeping the electrical grid up in stormy weather but is more costly to install. You may watch out for the pronunciation difference of nachhaken vs nachhacken. (the latter being a word that does not exist) Zoll literally means customs which is an administrative entity existing in every country. Customs agents in Germany nowadays also (strangely) perform checks on work permits as you decribe. The reason is that most customs checks became redundant with the introduction of the Single EU Market so new occupations had to be identified for German customs agents.

  • @wora1111
    @wora1111 3 года назад +4

    Being on time: I do start feeling late a second after the official meeting time. Mostly though, when I am the one being late. Others I will allow a few more seconds, maybe even a minute or two (•‿•) Or as the saying goes: "5 Minuten vor der Zeit ist des Königs Pünktlichkeit". (Actually this rather means that as a leader you should set a good example)

  • @wWvwvV
    @wWvwvV 2 года назад

    To the topic of Wetter and Unwetter. What's the difference between flammable and inflammable? Simpsons: ruclips.net/video/i1n5VDUghaY/видео.html
    Un- in german makes an >>adjective>nouns

  • @cleancoder3838
    @cleancoder3838 3 года назад

    Kündigungsfristen: (kopiert)
    Die Kündigungsfrist kann sich aus dem Arbeitsvertrag, einem anwendbaren Tarifvertrag oder aus dem Gesetz ergeben (§ 622 BGB).
    Der gesetzliche Standard ist: Als Arbeitnehmer kannst Du mit einer Frist von vier Wochen zum 15. oder zum Ende des Kalendermonats kündigen. Diese Frist kann durch den Arbeitsvertrag nicht verkürzt, aber verlängert werden.
    Die Kündigungsfrist, die der Arbeitgeber einhalten muss, hängt auch von der Dauer der Beschäftigung des Arbeitnehmers ab. Je länger Du also bei Deinem jetzigen Arbeitgeber angestellt bist, desto länger ist die Kündigungsfrist für Deinen Chef.

  • @johanneskoslowsky
    @johanneskoslowsky 3 года назад

    Did you notice
    halter top --> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halterneck The word "halter" derives from the Germanic words meaning "that by which anything is held"
    neckholder --> basically an english word germans use

  • @kiwieule1319
    @kiwieule1319 3 года назад +2

    The thing the pills are in in instead of a bottle, is called a "Blister" in german 😊

  • @catmini1
    @catmini1 3 года назад +5

    Knackarsch comes from knackig (crispy, tight, muscular) as

  • @alesandro5880
    @alesandro5880 3 года назад

    Just wanna give you a Heart

  • @maviba
    @maviba 3 года назад

    18:00 The time of notice is negotable and usually you have a 30d notice by law. You may negotiate other terms as well, especially once in comes to leading positions.
    Important is, it's always a two way negotiation, and the notice period apllies the same to both sides.
    If you leave before your notice, your employee might fee you a contractual penalty, but that totaly depends on your contract.

  • @bazzjumpa1984
    @bazzjumpa1984 3 года назад

    you seem to be so much more realxed when you are back home in cali than in germany!!! You talk so quietly and calming!
    zalking about the movies...yes you were absolutely right, most things, habits and behviors from american TV which is the most common we watch in germany but its all subtiteled...unlike some late night shows like "saturday night life" or "James Cordan show" which is whothout subtitles.
    About that Job wuitting situation: In germany its that following way: when u start a new job most companies have like a testing time of 6 months, whithin these 6 months they can quit ur job whithout mentioning any reason. But, after these limited time the company u work for has to tell you why. And after this time period the company has to give you 4 weeks before you havte to leave. This is also imporntant for the Job-Center in germany because it matters how much u get in case u dont get a new Job!
    If they guit your job on company side, you have to fullfill your contract. If you just stay at home they could sew you. But that doesnt happen in general. Usually you just stay home because of the vaccation or/and overtime you collected.
    BEST SENTENCE YOU EVER SAID: AMERICANS ARE SO OCCUPIED WITH THEIR FREEDOM! Question: Wat more of FREEDOMs do you have that the rest of the world doenst have? Saferty in a country where is 2 guns per persons in average? and in a country where is about 10% in jail? thats not what i (or I may speak for most germans) call freedom! The only thing is (what american freedom means) is the heritage and origins! even in religion. You have more religious freedom as germany!

  • @anonym6132
    @anonym6132 3 года назад +14

    Für mich hört Freiheit da auf, wo man die Freiheit anderer einschränkt. Wenn man andere durch sein Tun gefährdet, sollte man sich zurück nehmen. Man selbst erwartet sich das ja schließlich auch von seinen Mitmenschen.

  • @reko7264
    @reko7264 3 года назад

    Hi from Südbaden... thanks for the video. 😁😁🇩🇪🇩🇪🤘🤘

  • @awake1282
    @awake1282 3 года назад +1

    In Austria they call "Arschgeweih" --> "Arsch Vingette" (The "sticker" you have to buy to use there freeway system) this made me laugh hard the first time i heard it.

    • @uliwehner
      @uliwehner 3 года назад +1

      Vignette, Stamp or better sticker, and their. you are welcome

  • @shacks29
    @shacks29 3 года назад +1

    The F word in Germany is even more harsh then in English trust me,People dont use it that much overhere in General but in the US the F word is used for basically everything its the swear word #1

  • @0910MK1
    @0910MK1 3 года назад +1

    About "Unwetter": I never really thought about the "un-" until I read Bastian Sick's "Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod". He talked about "Untiefe". It has two meanings: not deep and very deep. That's even strange for me as a German. ;) So I could imagine that "Unwetter" means something like very strong weather.

    • @thomaszohren8812
      @thomaszohren8812 3 года назад

      In this case "Unwetter" refers to a weather, which is so bad that you can't call it weather anymore. Quite poetic if you think about :)

  • @SirShoddrick
    @SirShoddrick 3 года назад

    Yea, that’s the absolute best way to learn quick; to have a BF/GF that speaks the language. I am fluent mit EL Espanol as a result of this. Good on Germany for the vaccine responsibility !

  • @j.loeser9298
    @j.loeser9298 3 года назад +10

    Saying that Germans didn't question anything relating lockdowns and the vaccine is wrong. They do. But not always loudly nor negatively, like Americans.

    • @uliwehner
      @uliwehner 3 года назад +3

      i think most germans question just about everything, than they learn about it. That is the difference, here people choose to stay ignorant, because "i am not a scientist...."

    • @Lenalena87329
      @Lenalena87329 3 года назад

      Definitely, Americans love to be heard but what they don’t seem to understand is the rest of the world doesn’t think That they are Centre of the universe!

  • @ViladeConde
    @ViladeConde 3 года назад +1

    Wait until you explore "Brückentag" very important ;)

  • @surenot9491
    @surenot9491 3 года назад

    At my old company I had a 1 month quit time.
    If you put the note you need to go on working this month plus an additional.
    I put my note on March 28 and started in the new company on Mai 1.
    I the new company we have a three month quit time. Starting the day you state in the note.

  • @samfetter2968
    @samfetter2968 3 года назад +4

    You are right...you only feel free if you feel safe.
    There is a reason why the US ranks pretty low on the list of most free countries.
    - high rate of gun homicides compared with laughable regulations for possession of a deadly weapon
    - high job insecurity...americans don't like changing jobs all the time...they feel pressure to do so.
    - high medical cost for low outcome (US again ranking damn low...especially for a country that could afford it that easy) ...hence a record number of deaths during the pandemic
    - housing crisis in a country that has so much space...but no affordable housing
    - food insecurity...affordable healthy food is simply scarce
    The US doesn't feel very safe...now does it😏

  • @th.a
    @th.a 3 года назад +2

    In Bavaria beer 🍺 is considered being a staple food. 😉

  • @IntelligentAtheism
    @IntelligentAtheism 3 года назад +1

    Because earthquakes happen in LA once in a while and electric lines are more convenient to repair on posts.

    • @sko3225
      @sko3225 3 года назад +1

      But it's also cheaper to put poles in the ground and run lines between them, although it's ugly. I wonder what's the predominant argument here. And there are transformers on these poles, open to the elements and to people to mess around with. I think it's an unnecessary hazard.

  • @starseed8087
    @starseed8087 3 года назад

    30.08.21 Active cases in the US 8,345,850, Active cases in Germany 122,445

  • @franklange1363
    @franklange1363 3 года назад

    Zum Thema Kündigung: Steckeddeck hat schon recht, außerdem gibt es tatsächlich gesetzlich fristen. Meist ist es so geregelt im Arbeitsvertrag das die Fristen sich nach der Dauer der Zugehörigkeit zur Firma richten. Diese Kündigungsfrist von 2 Monaten finde ich recht lang, es kommt auch darauf an wer gekündigt hat, ob Arbeitgeber oder Arbeitnehmer. Für Arbeitnehmer sind die gesetzlichen fristen kürzer( in den meisten Fälle innerhalb von 2-3 Wochen). Wenn der Arbeitgeber kündigt kann er dich bei vollen Bezügen freistellen. also Bezahlung ohne zu arbeiten, meist dann wenn es richtig ärger gab im Betrieb.---
    Ich glaube schon das ihr in den USA Border Patrol habt, das entspricht dem deutschen Zoll. der Zoll ist dem Finanzministerium unterstellt und achtet auf alle Handelsfragen über die deutschen Grenze, dies bezieht zb. Wirtschaftsflüchlinge, Warenschmugel, Warenpiraterie usw. mit ein.

  • @nimlen2258
    @nimlen2258 2 года назад

    I think the american idea of freedom is great to a certain extend because it is conducive for discussions (e.g. when should you be required to proof that you are vaccinated). But in the end i am just an outsider from Germany solely observing so I might be wrong becuase I don't have first hand experience.

  • @teckyify
    @teckyify 3 года назад

    Even as a student/intern after two years I had to stay for 6 weeks before I could leave after I quit and I hated my boss 😂
    And luckily nobody is allowed to enter my gym without being vaccinated or recovered from covid.

  • @fve1352
    @fve1352 2 года назад +1

    „Un“ in old German language means something bad like the word Ungetüm…

  • @chrissoclone
    @chrissoclone 3 года назад +5

    Regarding freedom, I think I feel more free here than I would in the US, because various "freedom" things, from unhinged markets down to gun laws would impact my freedom more. Just like with Covid, people demanding their freedom to go anywhere unvaccinated and without masks impact my and everyone else's freedom so much that society as a whole feels more unsafe and less free. But you make it sound like Germany was almost perfect in dealing with Covid, while I only see "Covidioten" and our kind of "freedom fighters" in the news every day and have long lost hope that there's a chance to get through the pandemic smoothly - As it stand we're at about 60% vac rate I believe and it seems it won't get much higher than that, maybe 70% - the remaining 30-40% of freedom lovers are more than enough to keep the virus happy for a long time.

  • @patrickschindler6781
    @patrickschindler6781 2 года назад

    Well, with the overhead power lines, it varies from region to region. I think that in Hamburg they were moved under the ground because of the storms there. Because the North Sea will do it, haunted by it. I'm not so sure if it's always good to use German swear words. To learn.

  • @cleancoder3838
    @cleancoder3838 3 года назад +5

    Ich musste zuerst überlegen was du mit "nachhacken" meinst... vielleicht nachtreten? Ahhhh "nachhaken"!!! (k statt ck)
    Nachhaken (langes 2. a gesprochen: Nachhaaken).

    • @reinerbergkamen7852
      @reinerbergkamen7852 3 года назад +1

      Es gibt haken, harken und hacken! Das ist alles was völlig unterschiedliches

    • @cleancoder3838
      @cleancoder3838 3 года назад +1

      @@reinerbergkamen7852 karken=harken

    • @User0815-OG
      @User0815-OG 3 года назад +1

      Kaka = kacken

  • @HaJo_01
    @HaJo_01 3 года назад

    The freedom of the individual stops where it interferes with the freedom of the other. It should actually be clear that a society can only exist if its members respect and generosity with one another and not interfere with one another through selfishness. But since there are always individuals who lack this respect, rules are unfortunately required. This can be seen particularly well in the times of Corona.

  • @petrameyer1121
    @petrameyer1121 3 года назад +1

    German show? Try DARK on Netflix :)
    American Holidays are German Feiertage. Vacation is the Urlaub.

  • @ch40skappa64
    @ch40skappa64 3 года назад

    As a German if you say we meet at 4pm and you show up at 4:30pm, I’m gonna be pissed

  • @diwe9984
    @diwe9984 3 года назад

    Legal notice period for employees in Germany
    Section 622 notice periods for employment relationships. (1) The employment relationship of a blue-collar worker (employee) can be terminated with a notice period of four weeks to the fifteenth or the end of a calendar month.
    Notice period for self-resignation
    According to Section 622 (1) of the German Civil Code (BGB), employees can terminate “with four weeks' notice to the fifteenth or the end of a calendar month”. However, the employment or collective agreement can also provide for a longer period.
    Duration of employment notice period
    0 - 6 months (trial period) 2 weeks on any day
    7 months - 2 years 4 weeks to the 15th or the end of the calendar month
    2 years 1 month to the end of the calendar month
    5 years 2 months to the end of the calendar month
    8 years 3 months to the end of the calendar month
    10 years 4 months to the end of the calendar month
    12 years 5 months to the end of the calendar month
    15 years 6 months to the end of the calendar month
    20 years 7 months to the end of the calendar month
    I am quite sure that this is only a rough overview and that there are still a few things to consider in individual cases. But roughly this is a first glimpse!

  • @wora1111
    @wora1111 3 года назад +4

    I like your posts because the/you show unexpected depth.
    You look "blond" (German stereotype for good looking but dumb) and start many sentences in a way that underlines that impression, then you tell about your thoughts concerning some German words or situations you encountered and throw me of track, forcing me to reconsider my own automatic reactions to the word or situation. I like it if my assumptions are proven wrong.

  • @manfredfischer8944
    @manfredfischer8944 3 года назад

    In Deutschland gibt es Kündigungsfristen für beide Seiten: Arbeitnehmer als auch Arbeitgeber. Hier ist der Arbeitnehmer aber eher im Vorteil. Wenn es mit dem Chef partout nicht klappt, wird dich der Arzt für den Rest der Zeit sicher krank schreiben. (Natürlich kannst du in dieser Zeit nicht einen neuen Job beginnen (Vorstellung / Bewerbung ist ok) und darfst nicht verreisen!) Du musst auch deinen Resturlaub nehmen und ggf. Überstunden abbauen.

    • @schwarz-rot-gold6693
      @schwarz-rot-gold6693 3 года назад +1

      Alles richtig soweit. Ich würde nur noch ergänzen, dass es auch Fälle gibt, in denen der Arbeitgeber gar nicht mehr möchte, dass der Arbeitnehmer noch in die Firma kommt. Bevor der Arbeitnehmer in der Firma stört oder Sabotage betreibt, kann es ihm lieber sein, dass er den Arbeitnehmer "freistellt". Er bekommt dann noch weiterhin seinen Lohn, soll aber nicht mehr in der Firma erscheinen.

  • @maximilianschroder5206
    @maximilianschroder5206 3 года назад

    it is sad to hear about those conditions in public

  • @reko7264
    @reko7264 3 года назад +1

    About the nachhaken... Translation Hook after. Many of my german! coworkers write it 'nachhacken ' wich is false. The word come from dem Haken an not from der Hacke.. You could hear it from the pronouncation. I feel always as a Besserwisser when i teach my often older colleges about that.

    • @uliwehner
      @uliwehner 3 года назад

      Rene, the Rechtschreibreform had a whole generation to teach them how to misspell things... the dumbing down of german and germans has begun. ein greuel oder graeuel? :)

    • @reko7264
      @reko7264 3 года назад +1

      @@uliwehner from Grauen so that is easy

  • @vbvideo1669
    @vbvideo1669 3 года назад +1

    Very nice und intersting Video?

  • @Joungblood666
    @Joungblood666 3 года назад

    1 question about punctuality in america, idk when ur shool starts, lets say at 7am, its ok to be late?

  • @wegottagetyou5300
    @wegottagetyou5300 3 года назад

    i probably wouldn't be a good friend to learn German, at least if one does not take the own responsibility to learn it, well i gladly help to get German and would explain so much as i can, but i guess most of the time i'd stay by English.

  • @kama170
    @kama170 3 года назад

    Die Kündigungsfrist ist in der Regel davon abhängig, wie lange man in einem Unternehmen arbeitet. >5 Jahre hat man 2 Monate.

  • @fricki1997
    @fricki1997 3 года назад

    I don't understand how so many people can ignore the health advice, and common sense in a pandemic.
    No-one would stand for it if laypersons would construct a bridge, skyscrapers, or if cars wouldn't have to have brakes or lights. All those things you can do on your own property, when there's no-one else around to be affected negatively in case something goes wrong.
    In my opinion it should be the same with vaccines. As long as you're not meeting anyone, it doesn't matter, but once you engage with society, you are actively endangering others by not having a vaccine or using PPE. I'm really hoping there will be harsher laws and fines around it.

  • @pietromalorgio8812
    @pietromalorgio8812 3 года назад

    Are you going back to Hamburg?

  • @caliscribe2120
    @caliscribe2120 3 года назад +2

    Welcome back to SoCal. I watched a number of your videos, didn't know you were from the LA area (or at least had relatives in the Southland). The mask mandates were just reintroduced in the city and county of LA. Out here in Riverside and San Bernadino area (I live in Redlands), the authorities haven't mandated masks. You don't see as many people were the masks indoors or out as you do in LA. (For your non- Californian viewers, I live about 60 miles/100 km from LA). I believe we Americans are more independent and less likely to blindly accept governmental edicts. (For all the good and that entails.) The German belief in following the rules has many good aspects to it, but group think also has its drawbacks. As for me, I got vaccinated as soon as I could so I am not wearing masks anymore. Only the unvaccinated are at risk; the adult unvaccinated made their choice, and the child unvaccinated are at relatively no risk. (Still less than 400 deaths deaths of 17 and under olds.)

    • @manub.3847
      @manub.3847 3 года назад +2

      Well, as a vaccinated person the risk of getting seriously ill is lower, but you can still pass this (ugly) virus on if you become infected. Therefore, it is better to wear masks indoors or at meetings or on public transport even as a vaccinated person.
      So imagine you have the virus and you infect a child (or another person) who cannot be vaccinated and that child becomes terribly ill and may have to struggle with the consequences for a long time- .

  • @fonkbadonk2957
    @fonkbadonk2957 3 года назад

    I would translate Kutschfleck more as smooch spot

  • @wizardm
    @wizardm 3 года назад

    The prefix "Un" in German ist the negative variant of something. Un-Glück, Un-Möglich, Un-Vernunft..

    • @uliwehner
      @uliwehner 3 года назад

      unterwegs, untergang, unterhaltung, und. etc.

  • @uliwehner
    @uliwehner 3 года назад +1

    powerlines in the US are just like they used to be in Germany in the 50s.

  • @t.kausch419
    @t.kausch419 3 года назад +1

    Germans say it like it is.... direct (also the words). You know it from your living in Germany. Arschgeweih ist schon nicht schlecht... aber auch "out". Alkohol in Bayern ist ein Lebensmittel und wurde bis vor kurzem in der Industrie auf der Arbeit erlubt (z.B. AUDI und BMW)

  • @mfkman
    @mfkman 3 года назад

    Here in the Bay Area, you see zero people in stores without a mask. Most stores require them.also everyone that I know here is vaccinated.

  • @polluks2
    @polluks2 3 года назад

    Danke 😊

  • @Positive_Atrributes
    @Positive_Atrributes 3 года назад +1

    AUSTRALIAN expatriates can extricate their tax affairs from their own tax authority, and become excused from reporting on their foreign income sources!

  • @robertzander9723
    @robertzander9723 3 года назад

    I wish all the best in California,
    enjoy your time and the sunshine,
    try to get some rest.
    Interesting which words you learned so fast, Arschgeweih was very common in the nineties.

  • @admiralgeneral1703
    @admiralgeneral1703 3 года назад

    Today is my birthday too %)

  • @jamal16493
    @jamal16493 3 года назад

    Freedom is the highest human value. Even trading it for care and protection should be a choice and alleged saviour shouldn't just enforce their care on us.

    • @alansmith4748
      @alansmith4748 3 года назад

      Unless your "freedom" impinges on other people's freedom

  • @lonespokesperson7254
    @lonespokesperson7254 3 года назад +1

    Knutschen is more like a French kiss. Küssen is just a short kiss on the lips or cheek or forehead. "Gib' mir einen Kuß (now Kuss).

  • @kamalqasim
    @kamalqasim 3 года назад


  • @arnodobler1096
    @arnodobler1096 3 года назад

    stay healthy 🙋‍♂️

  • @k8con
    @k8con 3 года назад +1

    I feel you on all of the shocks with differences in corona rules!! I went to the states for the first time this month (I hadn’t traveled outside of Austria for the whole pandemic, except for a day trip to Slovenia for hiking) and it was CRAZY. I was just waiting to be fully vaccinated to travel.
    be really careful!! I was so excited to see my parents for the first time in two years and just got corona, so I have to isolate. It will probably be 2023 when I come back, so it makes me so sad to be in the same city as everyone, but not get to see them. We think I got it from the supermarket, even though I have been masked everywhere. I never realized how safe Austrians 3G rule made me feel (gestestet/geimpft/genesen) and how much it meant to see everyone around me in a mask.

    • @HiFromHamburg
      @HiFromHamburg  3 года назад

      Sorry you are dealing with that now. That's so sad you have to isolate from your fam :(
      I am also thinking I have a good possibility of catching it too from all the maskless people everywhere:/. That's cool that Austra does a 3G rule. I never heard of that before but I guess that's the same what Germany does:)
      I wish you a quick recovery!

    • @k8con
      @k8con 3 года назад

      @@HiFromHamburg Thank you for the sweet response - I hadn't meant to miss this! I hope that your trip has been more successful than mine!!

  • @abdulshakooryarow7564
    @abdulshakooryarow7564 3 года назад

    Hallo, danke für dein video, ich hatte viel spaß beim anschauen. ich kann Englisch sprachen , aber ich werde auf Deutsch kommentieren lool. ich wurde nein sagen, ich bin nicht glucklich mit wo ich lebe. Es gibt verschiedene gründe aber ich werde die die hauptgründe sagen
    zum erst ich habe der pass nicht bekommen trotzdem ich hier geboren bin und das ist einfach wie lauft hier das land gibt pass gar nicht fur die leute die nicht original Saudis sind, und das kann naturlich negativ beinfluss auf deiner leben macken kann zum beispeiel es ist sehr schiwerig fur mich einen Arbeit zu finden und falls ich einen gefunden habe das Gehalt es ist nicht anlich wie die leute die pass haben and andere viele dinge wie ich kann nicht hier studiere..... ausdiesem grund ich habe mich entschieden dass ich in Deutschland studieren und auch eine neue leben will

  • @johnveerkamp1501
    @johnveerkamp1501 2 года назад +1