  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 560

  • @J.M.H.2911
    @J.M.H.2911 Год назад +351

    A house divided cannot stand. A saved individual cannot be possessed by a demon, but can be oppressed by demonic forces.

    • @christ_ie3714
      @christ_ie3714 Год назад +16

      Possessed ,oppressed. A Slave to… it’s all the same
      This verse is in the context of a devil trying to cast out a devil.

    • @Born-Again-Warrior
      @Born-Again-Warrior Год назад +22

      ​@christ_ie3714 Similar, but not the same. Here are 2 examples to make my point: A Christian who's oppressed might watch porn every once in a while or a couple times a week.
      But someone who's a slave to sin will be addicted, so addicted to drugs to where you live for the next dose, and you can't go a day without it. Or you're addicted to porn and watch it everyday.
      They're both awful, but they're different on the severity of the person's problem with sin. It's easier to be break free from minor oppression. But to be freed from slavery is a tough battle.

    • @J.M.H.2911
      @J.M.H.2911 Год назад +13

      Oppression doesn't just mean every once in awhile my dude. The Israelite were oppressed under the rule of the ancient Egyptians. All sin is the same in the eyes of Yahweh. Doesn't matter if it's a dishonesty or addiction to drugs. Yahweh hates and detests all sin and can not be with in its presence. So whether or not it's a once in a while or an addiction. Your still living in sin. I would def argue that just because someone has an addiction doesn't mean that it's not easier to recieve deliverance from those chains. Just a matter of are you willing to surrender control to Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus). He didn't spill His blood just for us to run(or walk if it's "every once in awhile") back to sin.

    • @J.M.H.2911
      @J.M.H.2911 Год назад +17

      Oppression and possession are highly different. They are not the same.

    • @J.M.H.2911
      @J.M.H.2911 Год назад +5

      Yes still the handy work of the enemy, but two different beasts all together. With different names.

  • @dj-rocketman8545
    @dj-rocketman8545 Год назад +159

    I don’t have a demon inside me. I have the Holy Spirit.

    • @suepooh3822
      @suepooh3822 Год назад +23

      That's correct! Demons are afraid of your Holy spirit. You can be oppressed but never possessed!

    • @briancollins5117
      @briancollins5117 Год назад +4

      Amen brother

    • @crxwzm
      @crxwzm Год назад

      If you don an open doors to demons they will surely come in

    • @CJ-dt5mh
      @CJ-dt5mh Год назад +5

      @@crxwzm "'I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Revelation 3:8
      Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 1 Corinthians 6:19
      We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him. 1 John 5:18

    • @courtneyboudreau4284
      @courtneyboudreau4284 Год назад

      ​@@crxwzm absolutely they will come in and you know what you will have to fight with the holy Spirit to show God that you can fight them with the faith and what the gifts he's giving you. And that's how they leave with the fight from within from the holy spirit and from the fight from God. Hallelujah! Trust me, I know I've been there and I'm reborn after 6 years. I'm 33 now

  • @creolamccray5125
    @creolamccray5125 Год назад +15

    After I was Born Again, GOD removed a demon from me. it was 2 years after i was born again. I fasted and prayed. He let me see it being dropped into the abyss and my mind was freed. it was cool. GOD is GREAT! I didn't even know i had anything on me. Ignorance keeps us bound to our demons.

  • @AlejandroRamirezAntelomontoya
    @AlejandroRamirezAntelomontoya Год назад +3

    Yes. Scripture says a believer has the Holy Spirit, if thats true, the believer is sealed by Him and nothing else can enter

  • @eagles1stflight
    @eagles1stflight Год назад +17

    A true holy spirit emdwelled Christian cannot be possessed by a demon. The best a demon can and absolutely will do is work to oppress snd torment a person in whom the Holy Spirt is truly residing.

    • @nylah12304
      @nylah12304 Год назад

      No scripture to back that up. Meanwhile, in second Corinthians 11:4 Paul is talking to the believers in the church of Corinth, and he said he is afraid that we will receive another spirit other than the one we have received (the holt spirit)

  • @aeronblitz9347
    @aeronblitz9347 Год назад +56

    But they can't have both the Holy Spirit and the demon at the same time as light and darkness cannot coexist. One must walk in the Spirit and in His will and no demon will even dare try to get near, in Jesus' name!

    • @mislavdomovic
      @mislavdomovic Год назад +4

      Search that topic by Derek Prince..

    • @aeronblitz9347
      @aeronblitz9347 Год назад +18

      @@mislavdomovic The Holy Spirit is Holy, He will not share His temple with demonic forces.

    • @virginiawilliams3216
      @virginiawilliams3216 Год назад +4

      Can we get a verse to back this up!? Ive heard that my whole life but have often felt oppressed by this makes sense to me and if it is not true someone please give me a verse saying saved people cannot be demon possessed! Please im very curious i will be looking myself!

    • @aeronblitz9347
      @aeronblitz9347 Год назад

      @@virginiawilliams3216 There are differences between attacks of the enemy and actual demon possession. And what I meant was that those who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit cannot be possessed as the Spirit guides them, but if one were to talk in the flesh, then they can open doors to demons. We must walk in obedience to the Father by the Spirit in Jesus' name and we will not fall.
      "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." (Romans 8:1‭-‬4)
      "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God. However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." (Romans 8:6‭-‬11)

    • @brianbieler3836
      @brianbieler3836 Год назад +5

      ​@@virginiawilliams3216 actually the burden of proof is on him/them to give scriptures saying a person filled with the Holy Ghost can be demon possessed. Possession means controlled by. We are bought and paid for by the blood of Christ so he has ownership of his people and this controls them.

  • @Lufelo
    @Lufelo Год назад +3

    You have to explain the difference between possession and oppression. We as believers CANNOT be possessed but we CAN be oppressed.

  • @alexanp4225
    @alexanp4225 Год назад +6

    I’ve thought a lot about this and done a lot of research into the verses you use to validate why you believe what you do, and I really think you’re leading people astray.

    • @briancollins5117
      @briancollins5117 Год назад +1

      Yep he's wrong. Ask the pastor on To Every Man An Answer radio program.

    • @Princess_Of_The_Most_High
      @Princess_Of_The_Most_High Год назад

      It’s not helpful if you don’t explain, at least the gist, of explanation to your claim/conclusion you’ve come too

  • @lyanne5525
    @lyanne5525 Год назад +4

    I know that I am struggling with something, I want to get deliberated. I pray hard in the name of Jesus Christ

    • @bobbyidk5751
      @bobbyidk5751 Год назад +2

      Oppression, not possession

    • @BobbiMac08
      @BobbiMac08 Год назад +1

      James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

  • @maranatha9924
    @maranatha9924 Год назад +5

    The question here is possession vs oppression. It's impossible to be filled with a demon because that part of your spirit is filled by the Holy Spirit after you're born again. You can be tempted by a demon (oppression), but they can't dwell inside you (possession).

  • @saytherighthing
    @saytherighthing Год назад +1

    Help me Lord, to shut all doors and help me fight temptations, I know it’s by your power, transform me to be like you, Amen

  • @sarahvanfleet5506
    @sarahvanfleet5506 Год назад +1

    James 3:11-12 No fountain can yield both!

  • @ZtyIe
    @ZtyIe Год назад +8

    Where is the scripture that alluds to a Christian who has a demon? Because I've searched, if some has the time, please help. I was under the impression that if you are saved, why would you live however you want? You weren't saved in the first place. There's a difference between falling short and repeatedly committing a sin.

  • @lynnh1682
    @lynnh1682 Год назад +1

    “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
    - 2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV)

  • @HISChosenVessel
    @HISChosenVessel Год назад +23

    Exactly!!! Once we receive Christ and began our journey to surrender, the work of redemption and deliverance begins! Key word, WORK. As we yield He reveals! God Will definitely deal with the hidden things by “putting His finger” on things we need to get rid of. But thank God for deliverance!!!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

  • @jakebutterman480
    @jakebutterman480 Год назад +1

    Light and darkness cannot live together.

  • @derekwilson6407
    @derekwilson6407 10 месяцев назад

    What a great analogy. It can help people understand the truth, especially those who believe the once saved always saved lie.

  • @marconi3142
    @marconi3142 Год назад +16

    You are absolutely right!
    As a born again Christian who has been allowed by God almighty to have super-natural experiences, I can attest to what you are saying.
    Just bc you are saved and justified, it by no means indicates that demons cannot and do not harass, oppress, or hinder you - especially if you open doors to let them in.

    • @joev2223
      @joev2223 Год назад +9

      Demonic oppression or being hindered by demons is a totally different thing then demonic possession. You can't both be indwelt by the Holy Spirit and possessed by a demon. Impossible.

    • @marconi3142
      @marconi3142 Год назад +1

      Wrong, Joe. Chapter and verse where it says it's impossible. You won't find one to back up your position. Just because you don't like the idea doesn't make it fslse.

    • @joev2223
      @joev2223 Год назад +5

      @@marconi3142 2 Cor 6:15. There is no harmony between Christ and Belial. I don't think you can make the argument. Also, 1 John 5:18. The evil one does not touch him.

    • @samuelbarns118
      @samuelbarns118 Год назад +2

      ​@@marconi3142 "You are of God, my little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world"
      - 1 John 4;4
      "In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house."
      - Mark 3;27
      There are other passage that show this idea to be wrong, but I think this is one of the clearest logical ones.
      Either the demon is stronger than the Holy Spirit, or he cannot enter.
      And we are specifically told The Spirit is stronger.
      In light of all the biblical evidence to suggest it's impossible, it would stand to you to prove that it is possible, given than there are no biblical examples.

    • @כורשדבר-יהוהבןישראל
      @כורשדבר-יהוהבןישראל Год назад +1

      ​@@joev2223 i love how much people desperately want a word for commandment and the absence of such makes them think he is right.

  • @jesselacayo3486
    @jesselacayo3486 Год назад +3

    It's been two years since I became a new believer, but still struggling in sin, I want to depart from sin forever, so why would I want a demon in my life? I want to be free from all kinds of darkness, including sin. Please help

    • @jesselacayo3486
      @jesselacayo3486 Год назад

      @@michaelparker6763 yes I am still learning even though 2 years passed, there are still traces of my old habits in my system, it's as you said, I caught myself still in sin. Please pray for me Michael

    • @BobbiMac08
      @BobbiMac08 Год назад +1

      ​@@jesselacayo3486James 4:7 tells us to "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

  • @corinakostreba8752
    @corinakostreba8752 Год назад +1

    When we get saved, the Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit and seals us.
    However, the flesh is still struggling (the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak). This is why Father has us work out our salvation with fear and trembling. Getting saved is only the beginning. Healing and deliverance are necessary for healing for our spiritual growth.

    • @M3Etasmania
      @M3Etasmania Год назад

      but demons can still sneak in through the anus.

  • @mary_y2k
    @mary_y2k Год назад

    Me a horrible sinner living in sin awaiting the wrath of God having what I want living in inequity filled with depression and anxiety . Set me free Jesus . I’m forreal. It’s just so much harder when u realize faith without works is dead and u have to actually change.

  • @BibleUnbound
    @BibleUnbound Год назад

    These passages just kind of tackle…all of this short 😂 See 1 John 5:18 Psalm 23, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Genesis 3:15, John 10:29 - in fact just the whole Bible attests to the idea that God is the only safe place of refuge

  • @anettecoetzee3363
    @anettecoetzee3363 Год назад +1

    I'm glad I got delivered eventhough it was many years after being a Christian. I've never felt so free. My relationship with God grew stronger, I can sense the Holy Spirit more. Get more revelation when reading the word. It's as if the fog is removed. I moved from religion to relationship. I don't care what people call it oppress, demonized, there was demons and they had to leave. God set me free. There is no greater feeling than to be free

  • @AnthonyBeasleyJr
    @AnthonyBeasleyJr Год назад +1

    How can you occupy a space that is already FILLED? Can a glass FILLED with water occupy another beverage? If you are FILLED with the Holy Spirit, there is NO ROOM for a demon.

  • @831jcarlos678
    @831jcarlos678 Год назад +2

    Instead of debating, we should all be casting them out. Try deliverance on a Christian and find out for yourselves

  • @1woksape606
    @1woksape606 Год назад +5

    The cowardly and diabolical abandonment of exorcisms, spiritual warfare, deliverance and the Godly Holy Spirit infilling has caused all the destructions in the world..past and present..God save us now..

  • @ThreshingFire
    @ThreshingFire Год назад +6

    When I first became a Christian I was still with my ex boyfriend who openly practiced witchcraft. I was with him for like 2 more years! Just living in disobedience to God. What’s even crazier is the Christian’s I was listening to said we can’t have demons oh healing is not for today, prophecy is not for today. Idk why it’s such a huge debate. I didn’t get delivered til like 2021, it’s very real because I don’t feel like the same person always in fear and paranoia

    • @ellaakiyama5670
      @ellaakiyama5670 Год назад +5

      Girl SAME! We got similar stories and have the same outcome praise God!
      These religious nuts try to get so deep and legalistic into saying Christians can't have a demon. Yeah okay. Christians cant get sick either. Christians cant kill themselves, etc just so ignorant the stuff they say.
      I'm living proof of God's divine healing and deliverance. I've been a Christian since i was tiny, but still had sooo many demons growing up and just got worst as i got older. Praise be to God for setting me free. I would love to hear your full testimony in detail!

    • @ThreshingFire
      @ThreshingFire Год назад +2

      @@ellaakiyama5670 Thank You for sharing Amen!

  • @reynnalugo1417
    @reynnalugo1417 Год назад +1

    New King James
    JAME S3:15-16
    This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, DEMONIC🧨💥🎯💯
    For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and EVERY EVIL 👀 practice.🫣🫣🙌🙌🎯

  • @jackson4861
    @jackson4861 Год назад +1

    If the Holy Spirit is inside, a Christian believer, a demon cannot inhabit the same soul

  • @HRGM333
    @HRGM333 Год назад +4

    The Holy Spirit does not share space in our Holy Temple. If the temple is unclean that’s altogether different.

    • @grantdoby8546
      @grantdoby8546 Год назад

      That’s not true I’m born again and have dealt with lots of evil spirits.

    • @HRGM333
      @HRGM333 Год назад +1

      @@grantdoby8546 dealing with unclean spirits and having them share space in our temples especially after being born again are two different things. It doesn’t sound right to me, but if you feel it is, it is for you. Be blessed 🙏

  • @keshasmith4302
    @keshasmith4302 Год назад +3

    Actually there was a time in my life I was running from God and he protected me many times. I also still had dreams and visions. There is always a battle for our souls.

    • @143Chelley_Chelle
      @143Chelley_Chelle Год назад

      That is one of the ways God brought me back to him. I wrapped my vehicle around a tree. I had no clue where my bible was but God, he chose to protect me and i only received a bruise and my bible flew up and landed by my head. God stepped in i believe that with all my heart and i was one of the worse sinners ever. Now all i want is Jesus and God but i do still struggle and mess up and i made a huuuuge sin last week and only can beg his forgiveness i do not want to hurt Father God or his kingdom or break jesus heart or make God angry at me. I messed up. I love God and i was stupid in doung what i did. I pray to walk better to him every day. It truly hurts to know that I could possibly lose God and jesus and the holy spirit. I just pray he still loves and forgives me because i know he doesnt have to.

  • @sylvilaguscunicularius3155
    @sylvilaguscunicularius3155 Год назад

    I agree. Also, this goes with prayer. You can’t pray for the fly to not come into the house, if the door is open. Prayer doesn’t work.

  • @rafaelacastillo5073
    @rafaelacastillo5073 Год назад

    It is written, "As your faith it shall be done unto you."

  • @remyjenney7103
    @remyjenney7103 Год назад

    Nowhere in the Bible does it say a Christian cannot have a demon. I can attest to this, having never found it in the Bible. Great analogy with the fly and the open door. Close all evil doors.

  • @calebleach4658
    @calebleach4658 Год назад +40

    I know I had a demonic spirit even after I was born again from all the years I suffered from my porn addiction im glad I got delivered

    • @PhoenixAscending
      @PhoenixAscending Год назад

      How did you get delivered?

    • @calebleach4658
      @calebleach4658 Год назад

      @@PhoenixAscending my one friend help deliver me through Jesus

    • @demarpowell2654
      @demarpowell2654 Год назад +5

      You aren't born again.. " who the son set free is free indeed"

    • @DicyaninGlass
      @DicyaninGlass Год назад

      But how did you get a porn addiction?! I want to get into it soooo badly but I can’t :/ how will I ever learn so I can sleep with a man?

    • @brianbieler3836
      @brianbieler3836 Год назад

      ​@@julielemker2131 that's just as valid as this paper l have that says you owe me 2M $. So just give me 1M and we'll call it even.

  • @allenrawlins5614
    @allenrawlins5614 Год назад +17

    Bottom line a Christian has to walk away from the covering of the blood of Christ and open themselves up to the demon. True the Bible doesn’t say a Christian can’t have a demon, but it also doesn’t say they can or will either. This is up there with the same argument that every thing wrong with anyone is they have a demon, that’s not true. Some need a deep healing from hurt and some are oppressed.

    • @briancollins5117
      @briancollins5117 Год назад +1

      So true! We cannot be possessed

    • @briancollins5117
      @briancollins5117 Год назад

      ​@@julielemker2131 please, you make no sense

    • @janekelly8294
      @janekelly8294 9 месяцев назад

      Very well put, the young man needs to go back and get a clearer understanding.

  • @madisonmckenzie4775
    @madisonmckenzie4775 Год назад

    Please expand on how a person can on Gods authority cast demons away !!!!!

  • @andrealovette
    @andrealovette Год назад +2

    Demons distract. Even if your home is clean, spiders ants, and bugs still enter. Even though you don't open the door and let them in.

  • @chrisball824
    @chrisball824 Год назад +1

    Only things that are holy can be in the temple of God. We as Christians are that temple. Therefore a Christian can’t have a demon because the dwelling place of God can’t have a demon.

  • @warriorisachildofgod
    @warriorisachildofgod 24 дня назад

    Bondage of sin is the house of demons. But as a follower of Jesus and became born again out of water and Spirit. John 3 Acts 2:38 Every chain has been broken over my life, when I repent from sins, got baptized in water and Holy Spirit last 2017. I got set free. Blood of Jesus is enough and very powerful. We are no longer slave to sin and Satan when we come to Christ and become born again according to Jesus in John 3. Thank you Jesus for setting me free. Romans 6 ❤🥰🕊🙌 Praises and all the Glory belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! ❤️🕊🙌

  • @deonperumal649
    @deonperumal649 Год назад +1

    A believe who has the Holy Spirit in them cannot be possessed by a demon. They can be subject to oppression by demonic spirits.
    But they also have the power to overcome.

    • @grantdoby8546
      @grantdoby8546 Год назад

      That’s not true!!! I’ve had so many devils in me and I’ve been born again for 4 years. I operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.

    • @deonperumal649
      @deonperumal649 Год назад +1

      @GrantDoby gifts are given without repentance, and demonic spirits can mimic the gifts. The Bible is clear, "what fellowship has light with darkness?" The Holy Spirit dwells in the hearts of believers and demonic spirits cannot reside in the same believer with the Holy Spirit. When a demon is cast out, it will return, and if the vessel is empty, it will go away and return with 7 more.
      So don't leave your heart empty. Ephesians teaches us to be filled with Spirit of God

  • @Marwavy
    @Marwavy Год назад +1

    Amen all facts plenty of Christians and believers have been set free from demons. This shouldn’t be a debate those our testimonies are evidence 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @ACruz151
    @ACruz151 Год назад

    If we attribute to the demons the authority to afflict us, we make ourselves vulnerable. We must recognize their place and let them know we have authority over them. - A Biblical View of Demonology By Dr James A Laine
    Luke 10:17-20

  • @melinapalomino7155
    @melinapalomino7155 Год назад +1

    Possessed/demonized or oppressed, in reality it doesn't matter...what matters is doing something to be set free from whatever it is. Why would anyone want to continue in habitual sin, treating others badly, negative thinking and/or behavior??? if it's not good it's not from God. Get rid of whatever it is by deliverance/exorcism or whatever you want to call it. Stop arguing and do something so you can be free from the enemies influence in your life. God bless you all in Jesus Mighty Name AMEN! ♥️🙏🙌

  • @irockwithyahweh
    @irockwithyahweh Год назад +1

    Amen great peaching and love the chill beat in the background

  • @rickys369
    @rickys369 Год назад

    Lets just live free dont think on things of yesterday stay focused on the whats to be

  • @Not_InterestedThankYou
    @Not_InterestedThankYou 10 месяцев назад

    Well said... such sins like gossip opens up the door to demons as it gives strength to root causes like PRIDE

  • @ZionMinisty
    @ZionMinisty Год назад +3

    If there is one thing I've learned in the deliverance ministry.... It takes more demons n more powerful demons to prevent u from serving God. They purposely try to stop u from growing n becoming too powerful.

  • @josephinetolentino724
    @josephinetolentino724 Год назад

    James 3
    11:Can clean water and dirty water both flow from the same spring? 12 Can a fig tree produce olives or a grapevine produce figs? Does fresh water come from a well full of salt water?
    Therefore, a vessel full of the Holy Spirit cannot coexist with an evil spirit!

  • @jomazelle2777
    @jomazelle2777 Год назад

    Thank You! I’ve had a hard time my whole life closing doors because I wanted to be polite and not offend others- behold the Glory of Jesus for discernment in that we want to offend demons and Slam those doors Shut by authority of Christ ✝️

  • @andrewisidro2500
    @andrewisidro2500 Год назад

    God is good amen

  • @amandalewis4800
    @amandalewis4800 Год назад

    It actually says,
    Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    Ephesians 6:11

  • @johnkirkland793
    @johnkirkland793 Год назад +1

    Amen. Thank You Lord for this.

  • @ChoznandBeloved
    @ChoznandBeloved Год назад

    That’s a good analogy about the fly/wasp. I’m always commanding flies to stay out but then I leave the door open…🤦🏼‍♀️

  • @lynnbedford9319
    @lynnbedford9319 Год назад +5


  • @hozn
    @hozn Год назад

    I believe there is demon oppression but not possession in Christians and plus God owns our soul no matter where we end up.

  • @Transformed21
    @Transformed21 Год назад +4

    Blasphemy, a demon cannot dwell where the Holy Spirit resides.

    • @thescatspreader
      @thescatspreader Год назад

      If you let a demon in you it will reside in your body until you tell it to leave but that dose not mean the Holy Spirit abandons you it will abide in you and help you beat your sin

  • @marcelamaria4205
    @marcelamaria4205 Год назад

    Thank you!!❤

  • @kimberlyw252
    @kimberlyw252 Год назад

    🔥🔥🔥AMEN ISAIAH !!! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @cleacon323
    @cleacon323 Год назад +1

    I need deliverance🥺🥺

    • @BobbiMac08
      @BobbiMac08 Год назад

      James 4:7 " Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

  • @driedmeat2333
    @driedmeat2333 Год назад +2

    I’m hebrews, I forget which verse but it is said that “some refuse deliverance to obtain a greater reward”. I don’t fully understand what this means yet but watching this brought it into my mind. Would love to discuss this with brothers and sisters!

    • @scwienert
      @scwienert Год назад +4

      That verse has nothing to do with demons. They refuse being delivered from their trials through compromise because their sights are set on the next life.
      Hebrews 11:35 NKJV
      Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.

    • @driedmeat2333
      @driedmeat2333 Год назад

      @@scwienert Thank you for your response and insight brother. I see what your saying but at the same time it also seems that it does point to demonic influence or possession, I’ve asked the Holy Spirit to clarify it for me

    • @scwienert
      @scwienert Год назад +2

      @@driedmeat2333 in what way does it seem to point to demonic activity? You need to zoom out and read the broader context. The passage has absolutely nothing to do with demons. It’s talking about OT saints and their perseverance through trials by faith.

  • @alfonsoreynosa8143
    @alfonsoreynosa8143 Год назад

    Nowhere in the scripture does it say we can have two spirits living within us.
    But it does say that were sealed with the holy spirit
    And that seal is placed on us by god and nothing can break the seal.
    What does light have to do with darkness.

  • @raydeese8859
    @raydeese8859 Год назад

    Key words in your statement… IF YOU…. The wasp,rat, or fly can’t come through the closed door.

  • @kmaley4102
    @kmaley4102 Год назад +2

    I love watching you brother Isaiah, however how can you say that God NEVER protects anyone in disobedience??? He has protected me many times and especially how do you think you were protected all that time before you admitted to being saved after living as an atheist for so long??

  • @sahrkabuta7706
    @sahrkabuta7706 Год назад

    Thank you sir. God bless you

  • @salbadorquezada8052
    @salbadorquezada8052 Год назад

    @isaiahsaldivar was Jesus death burial and resurrection not enough. “ Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

  • @valariefresques5621
    @valariefresques5621 Год назад +1

    If you have a demon you are not truly saved

  • @dudebro1776
    @dudebro1776 Год назад +2

    Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
    Job was also attacked by the devil.

  • @msTam.VG7
    @msTam.VG7 Год назад

    The answer is a definite “YES!”

  • @Biblical_Nature
    @Biblical_Nature 11 месяцев назад +2

    Isaiah, your looking at this the wrong way. Once your babtised, the holy a
    Spirit comes into you life, and Demons flee from the presence of the lord. ❤

  • @dawn668
    @dawn668 Год назад

    Yes...they went out from us..if they had been in us they would not have gone out from us...pray ..Jesus and demons do Not inhabit the same body..u don't pour new wine into an old wineskin...wake up ..pray and stay in the Word of God ...always ask God about spiritual food and He will tell you in the Word.

  • @ngoma-rundmopia5754
    @ngoma-rundmopia5754 Год назад

    😄😆🤣🤣YES!!! a Christian can have whatEVER they want!! oh, me, oh my... look how far this has gone. I am just happy this Isaiah suits very well to Isaiah chapter 61 .. I thank God for this young man.

  • @AaronGlenn88
    @AaronGlenn88 Год назад +1

    Jesus says No one can snatch them from my hand, the father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one can snatch them from his hand, I and the father are one.
    Light can not dwell with darkness. They are mutually exclusive.
    He who is in greater that he who is in the world.

  • @courtneyboudreau4284
    @courtneyboudreau4284 Год назад

    Well I was lost and then I was found when I was lost. I was dealing with generational curses I was dealing with curses from. I'm not going to go there but I was literally suffering from evil. That wasn't my fault and you know what I was a Christian but when I turned atheist that's when everything happened. My spiritual awakening happened when I lost God so Christians can have demons and God can fight the demons without God you can't be reborn 6 years now God giving me the redemption, the repentance and the gift of grace and you know what it took my whole life to get there. I'm 33 just happened 6 years ago. Anything is possible and the name of Jesus. Thank you lord

  • @dylandean5043
    @dylandean5043 Год назад +1

    Ok…so i think we should always be sure to preach the gospel and repentance when doing deliverence tho, maybe not always assume they are already christian. If u do a deliverance on someone who isnt repenant or come to faith ur doing more harm then good…like jesus saying the demon would come back with even more

  • @Slacker_Elizabeth7702
    @Slacker_Elizabeth7702 Год назад

    Love u Isaiah! In His grace and mercy, I can say God HAS protected me a when I was in blatant disobedience. This is why: the GOODNESS of God leads men to repentance.” And it worked. I definitely didn’t want to frustrate the grace - AT ALL but there were a couple of times when I know NOBODY BUT JESUS KEPT ME while I was in sin. Glory to the ONLY true and Living God Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah! Our Redeemer and Savior and KING! ❤

  • @nakomialvarez5754
    @nakomialvarez5754 Год назад +1

    That's is true. I know I experienced it!

  • @chass1347
    @chass1347 Год назад +2

    If you don't have the Holy Spirit in you then you are not a Christian. The Holy Spirit cannot be present in you if you are possessed by a Demon.

  • @malakithemusicman834
    @malakithemusicman834 Год назад

    . That’s conviction rate work, that’s very true issue.

  • @milliesecond102
    @milliesecond102 Год назад

    PEOPLE! He is referring to LUKEWARM, not FULLY committed believers! When one is truly repentant, you don't go back to your spiritual vomit! Walking in the spirit means no longer being attracted to the things of THIS REALM. The portals of demonic oppression and addictions need to be closed, strongholds broken in The Mighty Name of Yeshua HaMashiach! THEN, PUT ON THE ARMOR OF GOD DAILY!!!❤🙏❤

  • @timothy961
    @timothy961 Год назад

    That's why the work of salvation is a work of sanctification by the holy Spirit

    • @M3Etasmania
      @M3Etasmania Год назад

      Demons can sneak in through the anus.

  • @hannahl3891
    @hannahl3891 Год назад +1

    I don’t think there’s any example in scripture where a true believer was possessed by a demon.

  • @teejaybee9
    @teejaybee9 Год назад

    1 Corinthians 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

  • @Kyraamoni11
    @Kyraamoni11 Год назад

    Ask the fact that we have demons in us from a life of sin before Christ, the process of sanctification is demons leaving us and us becoming new. Behold if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed, behold all things are BECOME new. We are new, and becoming new as we continue in the belief that the blood of Jesus did what we couldn't do, making us right with God.

  • @azapcurfew9899
    @azapcurfew9899 Год назад

    I heard somewhere in the Bible that everyone has a demon but everyone has an angle

  • @simeonstrydom2684
    @simeonstrydom2684 Год назад

    The argument goes that if the holy spirit inhabits you you can't be inhabited by a demon as well because dark cannot survive in the presence of light but yea Christians can get a demon

  • @Fassnight
    @Fassnight Год назад +1

    Quite a leap from a demon to a donut. I've never seen this guy do any exegesis from the bible on this topic

  • @caseyrosado4359
    @caseyrosado4359 Год назад

    Hi! One of my Christian friends said, “I don’t believe Christians can be possessed.” Although I agree with that, I know Christians can have demons. What is the best way to communicate that without saying Christian can be possessed? How can I explain the difference?
    I tried to point out that we can still have demons by open spiritual doors and sin. It seemed like they still didn’t understand. Keep in mind they don’t really believe deliverance or speaking in tongues or any of the more spiritual things yet.
    Any recommendations for me?

  • @fishermanofmen4196
    @fishermanofmen4196 Год назад +1

    Repentance: to FORSAKE AND TURN AWAY. Not keep going back

    • @melinapalomino7155
      @melinapalomino7155 Год назад

      So if you keep going back to that which you repented of, then there is no salvation right?

  • @angelapearson4393
    @angelapearson4393 Год назад

    The Bible and Jesus said himself a house cannot stand divided . A Christian true born again cannot have a Demon and stand

    • @el29
      @el29 Год назад

      Stop it. Ive been demonized for 15 years with around 20 demons. As christian and still healed other people on the street with holy spirit and casted out demons from other people and meet Jesus in a dream and so on.
      Also its not opressed or possesed in hebrew, its called - demonization. Just like a knife that you stab through a stomach is both outside and "inside" at the same time.
      Reality is this - Only because you have the Holy Spirit in youre spirit....has nothing to do with demons because demons attach themself to the soul as a dimension. Where the Holy spirit doesnt live. And the soul is bound to youre free will and thoughts and so on because - YOU ARE IT. Soul is personality/person. And it has its own metaphysical body. Hence demons can influence us and attach themself to us.
      Nor does do demons or Holy Spirit live in the physical body. Because they are not material.
      So first of all its different dimensions.
      Also to say a Christian can't have demonic insects on them (as they look like, i know) is as stupid as saying - Christians can't sin or have any darkness within them - Because they have the Holy Spirit within him and he doesnt share space with sin.
      But you clearly know you sin ?.
      Lets contiune then. Apperantly Satan is called the Father of Lies and is the first sinner. Now demons are Satans children and they are purely sinners and consist of sin.
      How demons attach themself to humans often is because of strongholds in sin etc compulsive thought behaviour or what ever.
      So if a christian can have sins and be a sinner and demons are sin and we know demons attach themself in strongholds that are sins. How cannot a christian then have a demon ?....
      Anyway dont bother responding i dont use YT notifications. But ignorant christians who have no real experince or knowledge about this subject is DESTROYING CHRIST BODY - BECAUSE ALL CHRISTIANS WHO SUFFER GET REJECTED BY OTHER CHRISTIANS - "Noooh you cannot have a demon its just youre fantasy"...
      Honestly people like you make my blood boil, i suffered for 15 years in demonization and christians that reason like you gave no help.
      Also how stupid can you be - Even Adam & Eve that was in PARADISE AND WALKED WITH GOD AND HAD A FELLOW SHIP WITH HIM - FELL BECAUSE THEY TOOK FROM A DEMONIC TREE. I would guess they lived more holy and was more "Christian" then you ever can be, but they got kiiiiicked out from Paradise that is Gods Kingdom. Gods Kingdom is within you as Jesus says and The Tree of Knowledge ( Aka Sin ), covered that up because of sin and they got "kicked out" from paradise - Aka gods holy light in fellowship in there being.
      Tho i want to say this so people now - a being who doesnt have the holy spirit can be so demonized in such a high level, lets say 100% so they can be "overtaken or as you people call it - possesed ".
      A christian can have demons on there soul field and be tortured to the limits and the demons can attack there physical body and so on and everything is horrible ( that has been my life). But because of the Holy Spirit is within the Christians spirit - in the human spirit, they are too strong in will to be totaly 100% "overtaken", in blackout so to speak.
      Did also people believe that you can be christian and then you go into spiritual occult stuff or just by free will as k a demon to come and it wont happen ?. I know christian people who have been tricked by new age and they didnt know it was dark. And they got demonized.
      So anyway. People listen to me and stop listening to black and white stupid church doctorines of "noo cant have demons", what a load of nonsense of idiotic thinking.
      And yes this subject makes me very irritated i know how many people who suffer.
      And once again dont bother responding i dont use YT notifications

  • @freddy_fred
    @freddy_fred Год назад

    Love this analogy

  • @cocokippen7137
    @cocokippen7137 Год назад +1

    A Christian can be oppressed by a demon not possessed when you are filled with the Holy Spirit 2 Spirits cannot dwell in the same house.

    • @M3Etasmania
      @M3Etasmania Год назад

      Demons can sneak in through the anus.

  • @coolbradenb9567
    @coolbradenb9567 Год назад +1

    Jesus loves u

  • @osr4152
    @osr4152 Год назад

    Love the way he lists real things: flies, rats etc with make believe things like demons.
    He says where does it say Christians cant be possessed. But where does it say a Christian can have a demon? All the exorcisms are in the gospels and not on Christians.

  • @knight22to
    @knight22to Год назад +2

    I have been a Christian since I was a kid and I got a demon cast out of my body at 38 in the middle of the night. It woke me up. I had no idea I had this and barely believed in demons. Ask me anything.

    • @el29
      @el29 Год назад

      Yeah what christians miss is to say that "You cannot have a demon because you have Holy Spirit within you, is as stupid as saying you cant have sin or darkness within you because you have Holy Spirit.
      What people fail to realize is that The Holy Spirit lives within youre spirit.... demons attach themself to the soul and lives in the soul dimension - where Holy spirit doesnt live.

  • @vidnam8817
    @vidnam8817 Год назад

    However the question is can a Christian with the Holy Spirit have also a demon. How can something Holy be in the same place as something unholy? There are people who call themselves Christian, but their life is as an open door. However a person wouldn’t be baptised with the Holy Spirit if there’s already someone else living inside them.

  • @BasiliscBaz
    @BasiliscBaz 10 месяцев назад +1

    Yes there scripture who say they Christians cant be posesesed, when spirit want reenter person , can reenter person who is "empty" mean don't have spirit of the lord aka holy Spirit inside, becouse holy Spirit is God and he is not scared from some spirit of tormemt, yes demon can Torment you but cant enter if you have holy Spirit

  • @nelapiscuti2203
    @nelapiscuti2203 Год назад

    Preach Isaiah

  • @marioc.moreno2534
    @marioc.moreno2534 Год назад +1

    A donut and a fly is carnal. The holy spirit will not allow a demon in. If there is a demon then are you truly born again?

  • @sashinshine5818
    @sashinshine5818 Год назад +1

    the darkness can not coexist with the light.
    owner of the house keeps a lamp lit so no theif will break in for the owner guards his house.
    Jesus is the Light of the world, and no darkness can comprehend it.
    there is actually many verses that give this reference. Because a evil spirit can't enter the body if the Holy Spirit dwell in them.
    thar is why you must put on the armor of God.