My generator has two dipsticks. One on top of the unit and one at the bottom. Why is that? The top one shows oil level as full but the lower one like in these videos shows that its low. Which reading should i rely on?
thank you, an updated video is being published in 10 days to show that some generators require it fully screwed in while others do not. Thank you for your comment!
thank you, an updated video is being published in 10 days to show that some generators require it fully screwed in while others do not. Thank you for your comment!
Great video!
Nice videos. Could I ask that you go over safety of the Generators, based on recent news of various generators suddenly exploding.
Thank you. I can do that video. Will do one. Thanks
My generator has two dipsticks. One on top of the unit and one at the bottom. Why is that? The top one shows oil level as full but the lower one like in these videos shows that its low. Which reading should i rely on?
Thanks 🙏🏾
Some manufacturers don't want you to screw the dip stick in to check oil.
thank you, an updated video is being published in 10 days to show that some generators require it fully screwed in while others do not. Thank you for your comment!
Dipstick should not be screwed in when checking level.
thank you, an updated video is being published in 10 days to show that some generators require it fully screwed in while others do not. Thank you for your comment!