Dear Bob, you should play while following Pianta's Serious Jungle Blitzcrank Guide. I hear that he makes incredible guides to League of Legends that never fail to help you climb.
I love how, as a pacifist, Bob decided to take triumph, a rune that requires you to kill people, instead of overheal or the newly added sustain rune, which would have given great value by just killing minions. Truly one of the pacifist League momments of legends history.
Dear Bob, you should play Bel'vertical. You play belveth jungle and never clear your bot side. Instead, you clear your top side aswell as the enemy's top side, setting up vision and prio for grubs and rift herald while ignoring dragons. Every time you get your void form, you join the top laner to try and take as many towers as possible.
Dear bob, you should play the vengeful akshan. Basically, whenever one of your teammates dies, you have to give up whatever you are doing and go try to kill the killer of your friend.
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been that bad if he tried to proxy whenever he had the chance instead of letting the enemy push to his tower because he can't fight them
Dear bob, thank you for not trolling these games. You are better then the strategy when it is just trolling. I don't have any strategy for you Bob. I just wanted to thank you for making the community a better place. Maybe being a good person is a strategy.
Dear Bob, it would be my greatest and most humble honour to represent full lethality Ornn. It is indeed the greatest craftmanship --no pun intended-- that man can make. In humble regards, The Ornn OTP.
Dear Bob, please dont take these challenges lightly and break the rules!! Where is the fun and entertainment if you do so ?? Its definitely not impossible. This challenge has been successfully done by "The Sweats" on their channel, they also showed the dmg score and it was literally zero. Very entertaining to watch for anyone who is interested. "We won without doing any damage to enemies"видео.htmlsi=saXcsaa3sKQMs8g2
@@strawberrycrapcookie5784 Bob over here is working without a lot of the advantages the the sweats have 1. He is by himself, the sweats are able to coordinate as a team and get important objectives like baron and rift and since the whole team is challenger as opposed to one there is gonna be less inting and less mental booming 2. They don’t have to be worried about getting banned since again 5 players so no one is reporting each other 3. Only their trynd managed to get 0 damage and while still impressive is probably a lot easier to do than all of them getting 0 damage and is easier with the others drawing the enemy away from them like the fact that they got kills shows how impossibly hard this whole challenge is
jesus i thought i was a ppl pleaser, brian out here struggling fr, balancing his audience and his teammates. one of the best league youtubers out there, whatta gem
Dear Bob, you should play meth sett I heard its very good. The strategy consists on going sett support with ghost and exhaust/cleanse with phase rush, ninbus cloak,celerity, water walking. Inspiration magical footware with approaching velocity. Lvl 1-3 Q>E>W max Q into E into W with ult point when available Itemization wise for support item get sleight, if you get kills in lane get swiftiess as soon as they are available, if you dont get kills go bork and get swiftiess when you can. After bork and swfities go deadmans into trinity and last item stride breaker. The idea is to run as fast as you can and ult people into your team for kills or rushing someone for the kill then running away from enemy team. GOOD LUCK BOB!!!!
Hey... he said you need proper grammar! Let me help you out for his next Bob vid :D "Dear Bob, you should play Meth Sett; I heard it's very good. The strategy consists of going Sett support with ghost and exhaust/cleanse, phase rush, nimbus cloak, celerity, water walking, magical footwear, and approaching velocity. Lvl 1-3 Q>E>W max, Q into E into W, with ult points when available. Itemization: For support item get solstice sleight. If you get kills in lane, get swiftiess as soon as they are available. If you don't get kills, go bork first and get swifties when you can. After bork and swifties, go deadman's into trinity, and your last item will be stride breaker. The idea is to run as fast as you can and ult people into your team for kills, or rushing someone for the kill then running away from the enemy team." There you go. Good luck!
Dearest Bob, my beloved, I believe a strategy that could benefit you is one known as Red Kayn. With this award winning strategy you should build red items and become a red man. All you will see is red. For a victory, you need a war.
This is like watching a toddler being given a marshmallow and told not to eat it, then the toddler eats it, and says "this is fine you forgive me right."
I think "pacifist" kind of means "no kills" for the purpose of the video. Also, I feel like Nasus is perfect for this challenge! He can keep stacking Q, and his Wither and Ult are great for escapes.
Dear Bob, you should play AP Ashe. Her ult scales very well with AP and Rylai's Scepter would provide even more slow! Not to mention the kiting power of Cosmic Drive. This should work extra well in the top lane, plenty of space to chase your opponent down.
@@johnokazaki7967 If you build Rylai's and tell everyone in the chat that it stacks with your passive, the enemy will be so scared that it would give you a significant advantage.
Dear Bob, I have heard that tank Veigar is S tier in Korean meta at the moment (Trust me), and also very fun (can confirm). Heartsteel = Infinite HP. Passive = Infinite damage. Fimbulwinter = Infinite Mana (You'll need it coz you'll be in fights for longer (which also means more passive stacks)), It's basically cheating. Free wins.
Dear Bob, During my river escapades, I encountered a ninja with quite a tale. This mysterious figure dwells exclusively in the river, earning his XP from laners and Scuttle crabs. And here's the kicker-he only utters "River Shen" in chat. I've heard it's an absolute riot.
Dear Bob, i saw Kog'Maw the other day and he's tired of his passive, so he wanted to play tank to survive the fights, he's dream is to win the game woth 0 deaths, can you help us making it true?
Dear Bob, you should try out the AP Garen build, i'm sure you'll have a blast, it uses Lich bane, Nashor's tooth and Shadowflame, it is a really strong build. Trust me Bob i love you.
Dear Bob, you should play a stat-maxxing build. Any given champion you want to play (eg. Mundo), you should choose a stat and only buy the items which gives you the most of that stat (eg. Warmog, then Heartsteel, and so on). It has to be done with 5 different stats along the 5 games (you may change the champ).
Dear Bob, the strategy I wish to suggest is the "tri-investment hp strategy". In which you purchase the items Heartsteel, Riftmaker, and the new Overlord's Bloodmail. Maximizing hp to give you damage. My personal recommendation for a champion is Shyvana.
Dear Bob, you should play terrorist Ziggs, basically try to take as many plates as possible from the three lines before the minute 14 and then continue trying to do as much damage as possible to the turrets
Dear Bob, I have devised an audacious strategy for your next League of Legends match: Full AP Leona in the mid lane. By focusing on Electrocute and Sorcery runes, and prioritizing items like Hextech Rocketbelt, we can transform her into a burst mage. This unexpected build will bewilder our foes and lead us to victory. Yours excitedly, Ricky the Tricky
Dear bob you should try the greatest cooking build i have ever made for the support role, AP jax full burst support, go livh bane into rabbadons or nashors then rab, the rab is ur power spike, go hail of blades sudden impact, eyeball into ultimate hunter, secondary runes are up to u, and support item is up to u, realspike if ur opponents lack cc and are squishy opposition if not.
Dear Bob, i think you are more suit for Genocide plays. U can try playing shaco or any assassin champs and roam all game stealing everyone kills and maintain your teammates being 100% pacifism instead.
Dear Bob, you might try this amazing strategy where you bully the enemy jungler with a smite support. Make it so the enemy can't farm and gets behind and can't get objectives because of the second smite. Make their life hell (in game ofcourse)
Dear Bob, you should only use one ability. I heard that people have too many options and therefore fail to bring out their potential. Using only one ability for the entire game should bring out the perfect player.
You could make this series interesting by ignoring comments that are just straight up trolls. Like you said, pick strats, not rules to limit the way you play. Otherwise it's just you trolling your team.
my beloved Bob, you must try the "top junglers strat", you pick for toplane the junglers that farms easy the jg, and you push and invade consistenly, you take smite if you brave enough (ww and olaf both with tiamat are good options)
Good day my dearest Bob! I hope this finds you well. Recently, I have found myself thinking back upon your bountiful exploits facing opponents on the rift, and I must admit that the idea of seeing a gentleman of culture such as yourself playing *Ability Power Malphite in the midlane* does tickle me so. I beg of you to consider this as a possibility in the near future. Dearest regards, A dude.
Dear Bob, you should play Gru strategy. You can play any lane you want, with any champ, but you are friends with THE MINIONS and you cant kill them. Then after you win, try to steal the moon.
Dear Bob, As the new (halve) season started you might realize that crit items got buffed so here is my build for Crit Vi mid: Collector->Essence reaver->IE->lord dominiks->defensive item Spell order is 3 points in e then Q->E-W Runes are electrocute or HOB sudden impact eyeball collection and treasure hunter.
Dear Bob, I believe it would be in your best interest to play Ap Lucian Mid. He is the only artillery mage with a dash, so he is naturally the best choice for the job.
Dear bob, you should play Attack speed Orianna. I hear with her passive and built in armor and magic resist with her ball, along with it being able to show vision in bushes, you won’t even need a support!
Dear Bob, you ought try jungle Soraka. It is an unconventional pick, Soraka, known for her healing abilities, is played in the jungle to provide global map presence and sustain, enabling her team to stay in fights longer. I personally think this strategy could change EVERYTHING. Many kisses, Neko.
Dear Bob, you should play what i call the Blitzcrank special. you go full AP and play support and oneshot the adc it is also playable in the middle lane
I think you should add the rule that it has to be a valid strat that is not trolling. Or you can use most of a strat, and then ignore the parts that are troll.
Dear Bob, you should play Service Dog Nasus/ Blind lee Sin. I saw this on a youtube comment. The Lee Sin plays with maximum zoom in OR with a turned off monitor, and the Service Dog nasus (they are Duo) must help him to hit a skill shot. I heard this strategy carried faker to challenger.
Dear Bob, you should play the strategy known as "elevator Yorick", wich is a strategy where you play Yorick in the midlane, building Lethality items. Then, you stack the ghouls with Q without spawning then, and at level 2 you spam E's in your opponent and at level 3 you "all-in" when you hit your E by placing the W "wall" and closing your opponent.
Dear Bob, you should play Darius jungle. Because the bleed will proc the jungle item, you can leave monsters with 150-200 hp even on your first clear, which speeds up your clears by a lot. I also recommend you take all 6 grubs as soon as they spawn. Darius jg is really good against grubs, just stand in the middle of the them and spam Q, they'll die very very fast. You're also pretty strong against the dragons, so you can easily solo all of them if needed!
Dear Bob, i think you might be interested in trying a strategy called "Artilery Support Jinx". Basically you start as Jinx support with Dark Harvest and maxin W until lvl 6. Whole build is supposed to be around lethality and CDR. When you hit lvl 6 you stay as far as you can from fights and just ult to get a kill\assist
Dear Bob, you should play utility Yasuo Support. Therefore you are only allowed to buy support items and you need to max your wind wall first. Your ADCs will love this strategy. Trust me on this one 🤝
Dear Bob, you should play grasp-fighter Elise in the top lane. By firing off an attack in your ranged form, and then ulting to switch to spider form, you can apply attack effects as a melee with a ranged attack, letting you get the stronger melee attack effect of runes and items like titanic hydra, grasp of the undying, and blade of the ruined king on a ranged attack.
Dearest Bob, May you play Janna in the top lane? It is a pretty fun strategy where you build lichbane and poke the enemy, then procced to take the tower when he leaves or dies.
Dear Bob, I reccomend top lane Teemo, where you invade the enemy jungle as much as you can get away with. At the start of the game, slow push until the first cannon wave. Push to the enemy tower, and try to kill the enemy jungler at their first top side buff.
Dear Bob..., you should play ap jhin, where you put the mines in a strategic way and you do not play agressive, you are the hunter, and the hunt just begun. Thank you
Dear Bob, you should play Overly Aggressive Objectives Guy. After 4 minutes, pick an objective (Tower/Dragon/Baron Things) and go until you get it, then pick a new objective, repeat until you win. I suggest doing this as a Jungler.
Dear Bob, you should play while following Pianta's Serious Jungle Blitzcrank Guide. I hear that he makes incredible guides to League of Legends that never fail to help you climb.
I’ll never forgive riot for nerfing bruiser blitz this year
It's an amazing guide, should 100% follow it. It got me to challenger 2 years in a row.
I like this, although he should be allowed to use any pianta serious guide but must do at least one blitzcrank jungle game
Sadly blitzcrank jungle is completely dead because they removed % dmg on his W autos
Faker approved this guide.
I love how, as a pacifist, Bob decided to take triumph, a rune that requires you to kill people, instead of overheal or the newly added sustain rune, which would have given great value by just killing minions. Truly one of the pacifist League momments of legends history.
True 😂
Dear Bob, you should play Bel'vertical. You play belveth jungle and never clear your bot side. Instead, you clear your top side aswell as the enemy's top side, setting up vision and prio for grubs and rift herald while ignoring dragons. Every time you get your void form, you join the top laner to try and take as many towers as possible.
That's fkin funny haha, keep commenting it pls
Bro thats just normal Belveth strat
Doesn't look like this is going to be the winning strat from this video, but I'd love to see it. Hope you keep it coming!
@@jiridolezal410 uh, not exactly
This is actually some hilarious gameplay I wanna see that
Dear bob, you should play the vengeful akshan. Basically, whenever one of your teammates dies, you have to give up whatever you are doing and go try to kill the killer of your friend.
oh wow that's a great idea!
tbh i respect way more that brian didnt want to literally grief his team and ruin their game and moods just for content
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been that bad if he tried to proxy whenever he had the chance instead of letting the enemy push to his tower because he can't fight them
@@Roflmao6173proxy against Trundle and Noc sounds more like trolling to me than whatever he's doing in the first game
Says the silver player
@@coffee838 huh
professionals have standards
Dear bob, thank you for not trolling these games. You are better then the strategy when it is just trolling.
I don't have any strategy for you Bob. I just wanted to thank you for making the community a better place. Maybe being a good person is a strategy.
Dear Bob, it would be my greatest and most humble honour to represent full lethality Ornn. It is indeed the greatest craftmanship --no pun intended-- that man can make. In humble regards, The Ornn OTP.
Yes pls
i would love to see how that works
we need this. write this under every video until he does it.
first game really went from "I want to be a pacifist" into *"is this game winnable?"*
bob isnt making it to plat
And we will make sure of that.
we keeping the op strats for elo hell dw
Dear Bob, please dont take these challenges lightly and break the rules!! Where is the fun and entertainment if you do so ??
Its definitely not impossible. This challenge has been successfully done by "The Sweats" on their channel, they also showed the dmg score and it was literally zero. Very entertaining to watch for anyone who is interested.
"We won without doing any damage to enemies"видео.htmlsi=saXcsaa3sKQMs8g2
@@strawberrycrapcookie5784 Bob over here is working without a lot of the advantages the the sweats have 1. He is by himself, the sweats are able to coordinate as a team and get important objectives like baron and rift and since the whole team is challenger as opposed to one there is gonna be less inting and less mental booming 2. They don’t have to be worried about getting banned since again 5 players so no one is reporting each other 3. Only their trynd managed to get 0 damage and while still impressive is probably a lot easier to do than all of them getting 0 damage and is easier with the others drawing the enemy away from them like the fact that they got kills shows how impossibly hard this whole challenge is
@@strawberrycrapcookie5784 didnt bob ask for trats that are actually usefull and not troll strats that will get his account banned
jesus i thought i was a ppl pleaser, brian out here struggling fr, balancing his audience and his teammates. one of the best league youtubers out there, whatta gem
Dear bob, you should play max movespeed skarner rework jungle and just jumpscare people
pretty sure Skarner E is unaffected by movement speed
I actually have played maxed move speed hecram, that can legit jump scare people too.
@@Shad0wWarr10r Yeah, it looks like it should be, but it isn't, it's a set distance and speed
Rammus and Warwick can do that too
Dear Bob, you should play meth sett I heard its very good. The strategy consists on going sett support with ghost and exhaust/cleanse with phase rush, ninbus cloak,celerity, water walking. Inspiration magical footware with approaching velocity. Lvl 1-3 Q>E>W max Q into E into W with ult point when available
Itemization wise for support item get sleight, if you get kills in lane get swiftiess as soon as they are available, if you dont get kills go bork and get swiftiess when you can. After bork and swfities go deadmans into trinity and last item stride breaker. The idea is to run as fast as you can and ult people into your team for kills or rushing someone for the kill then running away from enemy team.
You could also rush shurelya's for even more speed and the "hidden" AP scaling on sett
the legendary blue sett..
Hey... he said you need proper grammar! Let me help you out for his next Bob vid :D
"Dear Bob, you should play Meth Sett; I heard it's very good. The strategy consists of going Sett support with ghost and exhaust/cleanse, phase rush, nimbus cloak, celerity, water walking, magical footwear, and approaching velocity. Lvl 1-3 Q>E>W max, Q into E into W, with ult points when available.
Itemization: For support item get solstice sleight. If you get kills in lane, get swiftiess as soon as they are available. If you don't get kills, go bork first and get swifties when you can. After bork and swifties, go deadman's into trinity, and your last item will be stride breaker. The idea is to run as fast as you can and ult people into your team for kills, or rushing someone for the kill then running away from the enemy team."
There you go. Good luck!
Dear Bob, while the full potential of lawnmower Garen has been locked away, it is still glorious. Please go full crit Garen.
Dear Bob, although the video was enjoyable, please no more pacifist strategies even if they get top comment (it is very painful to watch)
Dear Bob, I heard River Shen is a new meta.
This !!!
River Shen
River Shen
True, River Shen needs to come back!
Dearest Bob, my beloved, I believe a strategy that could benefit you is one known as Red Kayn. With this award winning strategy you should build red items and become a red man. All you will see is red. For a victory, you need a war.
Unfortunately the victory screen is blue so you are only allowed to lose
@@exeterman2you forgot the best part, this build gives you a stroke allowing you to get red blue colour blindness so even the victory screen is red
This is like watching a toddler being given a marshmallow and told not to eat it, then the toddler eats it, and says "this is fine you forgive me right."
But Riot games is holding a shotgun at the back of your head, telling you to eat the marshmallow
@@snakeskinrug5352 I love that response
Pianta: Violence is not the answer
Lore Accurate Jhin: Violence is not the answer. Violence is ART!! FOOUR
this is actually a genius series idea, I bet this will spark a lot of "inspiration" for other league youtubers
KBVTV has done something similar 7 years ago.
@@princejowerthuerta he didn't do the entire series-just specifically the zero damage tryndamere
I think "pacifist" kind of means "no kills" for the purpose of the video.
Also, I feel like Nasus is perfect for this challenge! He can keep stacking Q, and his Wither and Ult are great for escapes.
Dear Bob, you should try movement speed Warwick jungle or support, I hear it’s an excellent strategy!
11:31 "ding goky" cracks me up so much
Dear Bob, you should play AP Ashe. Her ult scales very well with AP and Rylai's Scepter would provide even more slow! Not to mention the kiting power of Cosmic Drive. This should work extra well in the top lane, plenty of space to chase your opponent down.
I'm sorry. I have bad news. Slowing effecta don't stack 😢😮💨
@@johnokazaki7967 If you build Rylai's and tell everyone in the chat that it stacks with your passive, the enemy will be so scared that it would give you a significant advantage.
Dear Bob, I have heard that tank Veigar is S tier in Korean meta at the moment (Trust me), and also very fun (can confirm). Heartsteel = Infinite HP. Passive = Infinite damage. Fimbulwinter = Infinite Mana (You'll need it coz you'll be in fights for longer (which also means more passive stacks)), It's basically cheating. Free wins.
I really like these long form videos with multiple games in it. Great job
Dear Bob,
During my river escapades, I encountered a ninja with quite a tale. This mysterious figure dwells exclusively in the river, earning his XP from laners and Scuttle crabs. And here's the kicker-he only utters "River Shen" in chat. I've heard it's an absolute riot.
Dear Bob, you should play only ranged top. I really enjoy playing against ranged top and I think you could make the League community a better place.
Thanks for using my strategy Bob! I hope you have attained enlightenment through pacifism.
Dear Bob, you should play splitpush ap Janna top, I heard it's good.
respect to you for not griefing ur tteammates for content
Dear Bob, i saw Kog'Maw the other day and he's tired of his passive, so he wanted to play tank to survive the fights, he's dream is to win the game woth 0 deaths, can you help us making it true?
Dear Bob, you should play double jungle. It sounds like a int but its really effective against people who have no map awareness.
this wasnt pacifism, this was Brian acting like Patches from Dark Souls
Dear Bob, you should try out the AP Garen build, i'm sure you'll have a blast, it uses Lich bane, Nashor's tooth and Shadowflame, it is a really strong build. Trust me Bob i love you.
Dear Bob, you should play a stat-maxxing build. Any given champion you want to play (eg. Mundo), you should choose a stat and only buy the items which gives you the most of that stat (eg. Warmog, then Heartsteel, and so on). It has to be done with 5 different stats along the 5 games (you may change the champ).
Dear Bob, the strategy I wish to suggest is the "tri-investment hp strategy". In which you purchase the items Heartsteel, Riftmaker, and the new Overlord's Bloodmail. Maximizing hp to give you damage. My personal recommendation for a champion is Shyvana.
guys Bob needs to save river shen for a dire situation.
also glad the eve report worked lol
Garen killing outside his desire to not hurt anyone is just lore accurate garen
Dear Bob, you should play terrorist Ziggs, basically try to take as many plates as possible from the three lines before the minute 14 and then continue trying to do as much damage as possible to the turrets
Pianta : imma pacifist !
Minions : You keep using that word, we do not think it means what you think it means.
Dear Bob,
I have devised an audacious strategy for your next League of Legends match: Full AP Leona in the mid lane. By focusing on Electrocute and Sorcery runes, and prioritizing items like Hextech Rocketbelt, we can transform her into a burst mage. This unexpected build will bewilder our foes and lead us to victory.
Yours excitedly, Ricky the Tricky
chat gpt's build
Dear bob you should try the greatest cooking build i have ever made for the support role, AP jax full burst support, go livh bane into rabbadons or nashors then rab, the rab is ur power spike, go hail of blades sudden impact, eyeball into ultimate hunter, secondary runes are up to u, and support item is up to u, realspike if ur opponents lack cc and are squishy opposition if not.
Dear Bob, i think you are more suit for Genocide plays. U can try playing shaco or any assassin champs and roam all game stealing everyone kills and maintain your teammates being 100% pacifism instead.
Dear Bob, you might try this amazing strategy where you bully the enemy jungler with a smite support. Make it so the enemy can't farm and gets behind and can't get objectives because of the second smite. Make their life hell (in game ofcourse)
Dear Bob you should try ap fiora with lich bane and nashors (1 shot towers) its really good
Dear Bob, you should only use one ability. I heard that people have too many options and therefore fail to bring out their potential. Using only one ability for the entire game should bring out the perfect player.
Dear Bob, River Shen is calling and asking for an appointment
Dear bob, you should make sure your team goes all poison champs tenmo, singed casseopia, twitch and throw in a burn like brand for funzies
Dear Bob, you should play River Shen, I heard it's good.
Christ that into is the most wholesome thing i have seen in ages. Godspeed Bob, may the Rift forever be in your flavor.
Bob should play tank Corki jungle
Dear Bob, you should play Lillia top with aery, manaflow and speed, secondairy being presicion (mana and coupe the grace)
Items of your choice
Dear Bob, you should play Neeko jungle and gank every lane as a minion
Dear Bob, you should play belveth. I heard the strat is using her passive ( voidlings ) to split push is op
You could make this series interesting by ignoring comments that are just straight up trolls. Like you said, pick strats, not rules to limit the way you play. Otherwise it's just you trolling your team.
brian should add a new rule where troll builds are banned
Dear Bob, this is day one of asking for jungle samira
Ravenous Hydra Samira
my beloved Bob, you must try the "top junglers strat", you pick for toplane the junglers that farms easy the jg, and you push and invade consistenly, you take smite if you brave enough (ww and olaf both with tiamat are good options)
Good day my dearest Bob! I hope this finds you well.
Recently, I have found myself thinking back upon your bountiful exploits facing opponents on the rift, and I must admit that the idea of seeing a gentleman of culture such as yourself playing *Ability Power Malphite in the midlane* does tickle me so. I beg of you to consider this as a possibility in the near future.
Dearest regards,
A dude.
Dear Bob, you should play Gru strategy. You can play any lane you want, with any champ, but you are friends with THE MINIONS and you cant kill them. Then after you win, try to steal the moon.
I cant believe pacifist bob is actually a serial killer😢
i love the part of the video where pianta said "we're ding goky" truly inspiring
Dear Bob,
As the new (halve) season started you might realize that crit items got buffed so here is my build for Crit Vi mid:
Collector->Essence reaver->IE->lord dominiks->defensive item
Spell order is 3 points in e then Q->E-W
Runes are electrocute or HOB sudden impact eyeball collection and treasure hunter.
Dear Bob, I believe it would be in your best interest to play Ap Lucian Mid. He is the only artillery mage with a dash, so he is naturally the best choice for the job.
Dear bob, you should play Attack speed Orianna. I hear with her passive and built in armor and magic resist with her ball, along with it being able to show vision in bushes, you won’t even need a support!
Dear Bob, you ought try jungle Soraka. It is an unconventional pick, Soraka, known for her healing abilities, is played in the jungle to provide global map presence and sustain, enabling her team to stay in fights longer. I personally think this strategy could change EVERYTHING.
Many kisses, Neko.
Dear Bob, you should play what i call the Blitzcrank special. you go full AP and play support and oneshot the adc it is also playable in the middle lane
I think you should add the rule that it has to be a valid strat that is not trolling. Or you can use most of a strat, and then ignore the parts that are troll.
dear Bobbington, you should play full ap enchanters, taking every kill you can and be the main character you were meant to be
yours sincerely Marc
Dear bob, you should play darkness nocturne in which you buy cooldown to make the map completely dark.
Dear Bob, you should play Service Dog Nasus/ Blind lee Sin. I saw this on a youtube comment. The Lee Sin plays with maximum zoom in OR with a turned off monitor, and the Service Dog nasus (they are Duo) must help him to hit a skill shot. I heard this strategy carried faker to challenger.
Dear Bob, I believe that you’ve ought to play full MS Warwick, for I believe it will help you in your journey to climb to masters.
I think this def counts - you didn’t start fights, you just finished them.
Dear Bob, consume laxatives before your next couple games. Play whatever champs you wish and have fun! 👍
Dear Bob, AP BelVeth mid is amazing. You should definitely try, especially with blackflame torch
Dear Bob, you should play the strategy known as "elevator Yorick", wich is a strategy where you play Yorick in the midlane, building Lethality items. Then, you stack the ghouls with Q without spawning then, and at level 2 you spam E's in your opponent and at level 3 you "all-in" when you hit your E by placing the W "wall" and closing your opponent.
Dear Bob, it would be in your best interests to play tham kench the two coats, with the complementing gucci belt strategy to be a total gentlemen
It makes sense that a teemo main could never truly embrace the pacifism life. It's like oil and water
Dear Bob, you should play Darius jungle. Because the bleed will proc the jungle item, you can leave monsters with 150-200 hp even on your first clear, which speeds up your clears by a lot. I also recommend you take all 6 grubs as soon as they spawn. Darius jg is really good against grubs, just stand in the middle of the them and spam Q, they'll die very very fast. You're also pretty strong against the dragons, so you can easily solo all of them if needed!
Dear Bob, you should play veigar on top lane with garsp of undying and Rod of Ages , to become lategame bruiser oneshot demon it will help you climb.
Dear Bob, i think you might be interested in trying a strategy called "Artilery Support Jinx". Basically you start as Jinx support with Dark Harvest and maxin W until lvl 6. Whole build is supposed to be around lethality and CDR. When you hit lvl 6 you stay as far as you can from fights and just ult to get a kill\assist
Dear Bob, you should play banana ambulance JG. Running around healing everyone and hope for the best
Dear Bob, you should play utility Yasuo Support. Therefore you are only allowed to buy support items and you need to max your wind wall first. Your ADCs will love this strategy. Trust me on this one 🤝
Dear Bob, I heard AP yasuo is meta now, and you should definitely try it out. Good luck o7
Dear Bob, you should play BIG Aatrox with Heartsteel & Tank Items
Dear Bob, that other comment was onto something! River Shen is completely viable and really benefits the team with macro pressure.
Dear Bob, you should play grasp-fighter Elise in the top lane. By firing off an attack in your ranged form, and then ulting to switch to spider form, you can apply attack effects as a melee with a ranged attack, letting you get the stronger melee attack effect of runes and items like titanic hydra, grasp of the undying, and blade of the ruined king on a ranged attack.
In all seriousness, Pianta has always had the best community in LoL and it’s not close.
I like how Bob is experiencing internal conflict the whole vid
Dear Bob, you should play as a Maniac who only cares about killing and not about towers, I heard this is a very cool strategy.
Dear bob, you should play Kindred mid and build full AD no AS(Essence Reaver, Dominic, Collector,...)
Bob hit em with the forgive me master for i must go all out just this once in that last game
Dear Bob, you should play melee minion only Neeko.
Dear Bob, you should only farm in enemy jungle.
Dear Bob, play ad nid top, iceborn, sundered sky, fimbulwinter with grasp
Dearest Bob, May you play Janna in the top lane? It is a pretty fun strategy where you build lichbane and poke the enemy, then procced to take the tower when he leaves or dies.
Dear Bob, I reccomend top lane Teemo, where you invade the enemy jungle as much as you can get away with. At the start of the game, slow push until the first cannon wave. Push to the enemy tower, and try to kill the enemy jungler at their first top side buff.
Dear Bob, you should play Vel’Koz. I hear that it’s incredibly difficult to win games even when playing normally.
Dear Bob..., you should play ap jhin, where you put the mines in a strategic way and you do not play agressive, you are the hunter, and the hunt just begun. Thank you
Dear Bob, you should play Overly Aggressive Objectives Guy. After 4 minutes, pick an objective (Tower/Dragon/Baron Things) and go until you get it, then pick a new objective, repeat until you win. I suggest doing this as a Jungler.