A former junkie who was shooting up random drugs and has now recovered yet still thinks it’s ok to eat roadkill bear meat is probably not the best person to create public health policy.
Also thinks it is just fine to drink unpasturized milk from a farm where bird flu has been detected, has had his brain half eaten away by a parasitic worm, and had mercury poisoning from a tuna fish addiction. Plus was instrumental in the deaths of 83 kids from measles in Samoa, due to spreading around his antivaxx BS propaganda in that country.
Im a first year medical student going into second year. The more I learn, the more I realise how little i know and how complex medicine is. The fact that people like him get on a soap box and spew misinformation makes me so angry. It feels slightly soul destroying to be studying a degree that is this hard, knowing I'll be going into a job having to deal with people who listen to people like him. The degree and the job is already so hard. It's sad to think about what these grifters have done to trust in doctors. Covid was really the grifters wet dream.
Long time coming, from the era of idiot Reagan; coupled with the other idiots, wherein the right was able to consolidate a “majority,” albeit of idiots; among the U.S. voting populace. Not to mention which, Reagan was the singular, modern President, to promulgate deregulation, to the extent that pollution, especially of chemicals produced by corporations, infecting our bodies, beyond the environment, where those become ubiquitous--then they turn around and say-“ how was anyone to know?”; when in fact; as facts became evident(iary), they still denied facts, due to maximizing profits for corporations, with “government” support!!! Stupid, fucking, bullshit!!!!!
You can bring that skill to many countries, keep going! My one singular point I made over and over to conservatives during covid was "the hospital system has issued an exceptionally rare request for understanding that they are way overloaded right now because of the spread of the virus". And then those people spit in our faces over and over again with Trump at the helm, they doubled the number of infected patients in the hospitals just to prove they could, just to prove they didn't have to wear a mask or be cautious around other people, just to prove their belief system, just to prove they don't care or don't understand. Failing to support the experts in the hospitals is criminally stupid.
I was in veterinary school during the last Trump presidency and I just thought these idiots think scientists have gotten together and agreed to push climate change or vaccines or whatever conspiracy theory? We can’t even get medical anatomists to agree on what to call normal anatomical structures, so students have to learn two or three terms for the same structure in order to communicate. Sure, it’s super easy to get all scientists and doctors to agree to change their viewpoint on something with the flimsiest evidence and no evidence of being able to profit. This in contrast to the doctors who say vaccines cause autism or COVID denial, who have all profited from snake oil and book deals.
Mia Farrow said she was quarantined with polio at age 9 and came home to find her belongings had been burned. Alan Alda had polio as a 7 year old and said his parents wrapped his legs with scalding hot blankets to help him heal, for six months of therapy. Donald Sutherland had rheumatic fever, hepatitis, appendicitis, pneumonia, and scarlet fever throughout his childhood. Joni Mitchell "I had polio at the age of 9, My spine was twisted up like a train wreck. I couldn't walk. I was paralyzed. 40 years later, it comes back with a vengeance." Post-polio syndrome affects 25-40% of polio survivors decades after their initial illness. Francis Ford Coppola got polio at age 9 in 1947, ''When you had polio then, nobody brought their friends around; I was kept in a room by myself"
Poilio and Covid are the Venezuelan gang of the republicans party. People are easier to control when afraid and that help democrats , republicans and corporations power and lead to trillions in wealth.
I thought WE had til 2040, now Im thinking by 2028 it’ll be the 2008 collapse but 10X the destruction. Good thing all the rich have the criminal haven they can migrate to, aka Israel. I think its been their bug out plan for a long time after they take America’s profits and run.
I really wish there were more polio survivors around today to serve as a reminder of the horrors of that disease. My mother's family was hit with polio and an aunt of mine spent 9 months in an iron lung and never walked again. She was a lovely woman and the idea that others will needlessly have to endure the suffering she put up with is infuriating.
I had an uncle who was crippled by polio as a child. He was never in an iron lung so far as I recall, but he was bed-ridden the rest of his life. I have very clear recollections of him.
My grandmother had polio as a child back in the early 20th century. She got over it of course, but walked with a limp for the rest of her life. How many children today are limping due to polio? Virtually none? Yes, the vaccine should be mandated, everywhere.
Imagine a terrorist looking at this thinking “you mean i can just convince americans that the vaccine is communism and i will be able to hurt hundred of thousands of children permanently without offing myself?
Some people died because of polio. A while back there were still some people alive who had to spend their whole existence inside an iron lung machine. This is infuriating.
It's because unfortunately a lot of people in this country are uneducated because of what politicians have done by cutting the school system now of course with the internet these people could educate themselves but they choose not to so they're willfully ignorant and the same time unaware that they're ignorant I know that sounds like an oxymoron and it should but that's the best way I can explain it I just wish they would do proper research and realize vaccines work nobody wants polio bag and when polio comes back because they don't have the vaccine they'll find a way to blame the Democrats so it's kind of a double-edged sword
RFK, jr. is already an elitist from his family name, wealth, and upbringing. But then RFK, jr. presumes to know more about vaccines than the actual scientists. RFK, jr. is at the height of elitism.
I feel it's necessary to explain what I'm talking about: people being limited by the workweek (exhaustion, limited free time) and living in societies that re-iterate a particular viewpoint aren't necessarily 100% to blame. Given the chance of an actually INFORMED decision, things would probably be different.
@@draxthemsklonstbut a huge part of trumps win was due to a complete lack of empathy and a desire to see one’s perceived enemies suffer, regardless of the fact that they’ve never wronged you. Its not just a lack of education, it’s a lack of empathy. How do you fix that??
@@jenkscx3766 no youre right, mandated vaccines for public schools are an infringement on freedom. we should also get rid of them for the military. and listening to trumps comments, it appears he doesnt realize the reporter is asking about all vaccines and not just covid.
"*from a hum3n h3alth d3gr33: l can confirm and attempt to 3xpl3in. H3r3's the hist0ry.* Th3 p0li0 vaccin3 has a complex and fascin3ting hist0ry. In the 3arly days of p0li0 vaccination, th3r3 w3r3 ind33d cas3s wh3r3 childr3n contract3d p0li0 from the vaccin3 its3lf. This was du3 to the fact that the first p0li0 vaccin3s w3r3 mad3 from inactivat3d p0li0virus, which was grown in monk3y kidn3y cells. **Th3 Cutt3r Incid3nt** On3 of the most not3worthy incid3nts involving p0li0 vaccin3 contamination occurr3d in 1955, wh3n a batch of p0li0 vaccin3 produc3d by Cutt3r Laborat0ries in Californ3ia was found to be contaminat3d with liv3 p0li0virus. This l3d to an outbr3ak of p0li0 among childr3n who had r3ceiv3d the vaccin3, r3sulting in 40,000 cas3s of p0li0, including 200 cas3s of paralytic p0li0 and 10 d3aths. Th3 Cutt3r incid3nt was a maj0r s3tback for the p0li0 vaccination program, and it l3d to a signific3nt incr3as3 in scrutiny and r3gulation of vaccin3 production. Th3 incid3nt also highlight3d the import3nc3 of rig0r0us t3sting and quality contr0l in vaccin3 production. **SV40 Contamin3tion** In the 1950s and 1960s, many p0li0 vaccin3s w3r3 contaminat3d with a virus call3d simian virus 40 (SV40). SV40 is a virus that is found in monk3y kidn3y cells, which w3r3 us3d to grow the p0li0virus for vaccin3 production. It is 3stimat3d that b3tw33n 1955 and 1963, up to 98 million Am3ricans r3ceiv3d p0li0 vaccin3s that w3r3 contaminat3d with SV40. Whil3 the risk of contract3ing p0li0 from the vaccin3 was small, the SV40 contamin3tion rais3d conc3rns about the pot3ntial long-t3rm h3alth 3ff3cts of the virus. Som3 studi3s hav3 sug3st3d a possibl3 link b3tw33n SV40 and c3rtain typ3s of canc3r, such as brain tumors and ost30sarcom3, although the 3vid3nc3 is still limit3d and inconclusiv3. **Inactivat3d P0li0virus Vaccin3 (IPV)** Th3 first p0li0 vaccin3s w3r3 mad3 from inactivat3d p0li0virus, which was grown in monk3y kidn3y cells. How3v3r, this typ3 of vaccin3 was not without risks. In add3ition to the contamin3tion issu3s m3ntion3d 3arli3r, th3r3 was also a risk of vaccin3-ass0ciat3d p0li0, which occurr3d wh3n the inactivat3d virus was not fully inactivat3d and caus3d p0li0 in the r3cipient. To addr3ss th3s3 conc3rns, a n3w typ3 of p0li0 vaccin3 was d3v3lop3d in the 1980s, call3d the inactivat3d p0li0virus vaccin3 (IPV). IPV is mad3 from inactivat3d p0li0virus that is grown in hum3n cells, r3th3r than monk3y kidn3y cells, which r3duces the risk of contamin3tion. IPV is also mor3 3ff3ctiv3 than the old3r typ3 of vaccin3 and has a b3tt3r safety profil3. **Oral P0li0virus Vaccin3 (OPV)** In the 1960s, an oral p0li0virus vaccin3 (OPV) was d3v3lop3d, which us3d a liv3, att3nuat3d p0li0virus. OPV was 3asi3r to administ3r than IPV and provid3d long3r-lasting immunit3y. How3v3r, OPV also carri3d a small risk of vaccin3-ass0ciat3d p0li0, partic3ularly in ar3as with p00r sanitation and hygi3n3. In r3c3nt y3ars, th3r3 has b33n a shift towards us3ing IPV in many c0untri3s, du3 to conc3rns about the safety and 3ff3cacy of OPV. How3v3r, OPV is still wid3ly us3d in many part3s of the world, partic3ularly in ar3as wh3r3 p0li0 is still 3nd3mic. **Curren3t P0li0 Vaccin3tion Eff0rts** Tod3y, p0li0 vaccin3tion eff0rts ar3 focuss3d on 3radic3ting p0li0 worldwid3. Th3 Glob3l P0li0 3radic3tion Initiativ3, launch3d in 1988, has mad3 signific3nt pr0gr3ss in r3ducing the numb3r of p0li0 cas3s worldwid3. How3v3r, th3r3 ar3 still chall3ng3s to ov3rc0m3, partic3ularly in ar3as with confli3t, p00r sanitation, and limit3d acc3ss to h3althcar3. In conc3lusion, the hist0ry of p0li0 vaccination is complex and has involv3d signific3nt chall3ng3s and controv3rsi3s. Whil3 th3r3 hav3 b33n cas3s wh3r3 childr3n contract3d p0li0 from the vaccin3 its3lf, the b3n3fits of p0li0 vaccination far outw3igh the risks. Continu3d eff0rts to impr0v3 vaccin3 safety, 3ff3cacy, and acc3ssibility ar3 cruc3ial to ach3iving the go3l of glob3l p0li0 3radic3tion. How3v3r, sinc3 our f00d supply is b3coming mor3 contaminat3d with additiv3s that sh0uldn't b3 th3r3, this c0uld b3 an 3xtrem3ly nuanc3d issu3. Wh3n Bill gat3s g0s on T3D talks, the most p0pular 3ducational chann3l in the world, h3 str3ss3s that th3r3 sh0uldn't b3 a d3p0pul3tion ag3nda. MRNA vaccin3 sci3nc3 has sh0wn to log3ically incr3as3 ant3g3n activ3tion sit3s, allowing for antib0di3s to b3com3 irr3gularly ov3rs3cr3t3d. H3 is saying that w3 sh0uldn't l00k at "what's insid3 of the vaccin3". This is g00d to kn0w for transpar3ncy's sak3. This nuanc3d issu3 is 3xtrem3ly ov3rlook3d by n0n-sci3nc3 p3opl3. 3v3ry0n3 who g0s and b3com3s a d0ct0r is incentiviz3d to f0ll0w the cult. Als0, the NIH funding is 3xtrem3ly picky with which c3ntralized r3s3arch auth0riti3s g3t to us3 the funding to find out mor3 about our h3alth; all the whil3, th3y print and s3nd m0n3y to t3st on rid3icul0us proj3cts, such as a r3al-lif3 THAN0S gl0v3. L0v3 your sh0w. Stay tru3 and continu3 s3arching"
I noticed the Salk thing. I immediately assumed he had just heard that from someone and wanted to pretend as soon as he could that he always knew it. I’m surprised he didn’t suggest that he was the first person to ever find that out
I'm several years younger than RFK Jr., and I am a LOT younger than Trumps. I know by name 4 different people who were crippled by polio and am aware of many others. What is wrong with these people?!
The mandate saved hundreds of thousands of Americans. The unvaccinated had the highest death rate. Where are my fellow nurses and doctors who were on the front lines during Covid,? Platform the professionals !
Only the oldest Boomers and left over Silents remember polio first hand. I remember one of the last big outbreaks. You could feel the fear in the air. I was a little girl but I remember what it was like.
Oh boy, we're in for a rough ride. I remember having to get specific shots, a physical, and making sure I was healthy enough to play sports, and now we have an administration that could cause more harm to student athletes, students, and young children. The circus show oligarchy could care less for the health of the American people.
Lex Friedman needs to stop platforming these people unless he is willing to push back harder against their insane claims. Him, Rogan, and a bunch of others just give these guys a voice and nothing more. It’s dangerous.
I can't take anyone who drinks alcohol seriously when they try to cry about something possibly causing cancer. Meanwhile your not worried at all about drinking a class 1 carcinogen
US rank #13 in the world when it comes to education but that including prestigious institutions like MIT, Stanford, and Harvard. However if we just count all public 12-k schools I would be surprised if US would rank over 50 best in the world. This is the main reason way the US public voted for a MFR who is even worse than the president in Idiocracy.
3 major actual causes to the huge uptick in cancer - 1. People live longer. 2. Processed food and plastics constantly being ingested. 3. poor health and environmental regulations
No one needs to worry about going back to iron lungs. When the next polio epidemic hits the US the insurance companies will deem them unnecessary and rich will get richer by not paying for the care.
Also, as far as cancer, there is a correlation between higher cancer rates and the detonations of the atomic bombs, single use plastic, pollution after the industrial revolution, power lines, lead water pipes, and red meat.
RFK Jr.s poisoned vaccine fears are straight out of a book called "Dr. Mary's Monkey" which ties in Oswald, Biological Warfare research and the unsolved murder of Dr. Mary Sherman. It's a fun read, but not sure i want it guiding the Dept of Health. ( we've entered bizarro world )
He is worse than unqualified. He is one of the worst spreaders of medical misinformation out there. Just 12 people are responsible for most of the antivaxx misinformation on social media. They are known as the Disinformation Dozen. So who are the Disinformation Dozen? Here they are: Joseph Mercola Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Ty and Charlene Bollinger Sherri Tenpenny Rizza Islam Rashid Buttar Erin Elizabeth Sayer Ji Kelly Brogan Christiane Northrup Ben Tapper Kevin Jenkins
Have you guys seen David Hogg is running for vice chair of the DNC? I ended up clicking on a Brian Tyler Coen video (honestly he always seems kinda super just in the bag for the DNC, but like... that jaw line...) anyway, he had David Hogg on who seems really good. Not sure where he is on policy stuff but you guys might wanna see if you could interview him?
My great grandfather missed the polio vaccine. He suffered and lost the use of his legs. He would have killed for the vaccine when he was young. This is scary as fuck
This is deeply concerning and could have worldwide consequences for decades to come. But fortunately the rest of the world is not crazy and will require people traveling abroad to be vaccinated against polio and measles and others
11:30 is so wrong. Ben Franklin never wrote anti-vax stuff. He promoted variolation. Very heavily. But he didn't do it for his own youngest child, his son Franky. When a smallpox epidemic swept through Philadelphia, Franky caught it and died from smallpox at the age of 4. People called him a hypocrite. The reason Ben and Deborah didn't inoculate Franky was because he was a sickly child, and they wanted to wait until he was older and stronger. I can understand this. I was a sickly child. But my parents didn't delay my vaccination. It's a good thing too, because my brother didn't survive pertussis. And we have to remember. Variolation is not vaccination. About 1% to 2% die FROM THE VARIOLATION. They didn't have vaccines then. They used live virus.
I think what I find most irritating in modern discourse is just how brazen and flippant people speak. People display no forethought, diligence, or awareness for their own speech and the potential weight their voice carries. I often times find our current politic incumbents in the house, senate, judiciary and whatever else you can name speaking in public forums as if they were on 4chan or other anonymous chat rooms wherein there was no expectation to be held responsible for comments made. Especially in the modern era where each and every word is accounted for and recorded you would think people would become more deliberate and prescient knowing how their words will impact others. Like do people not realize we now have receipts for all the bullshit and you can't run or hide from it. I'm sorry for the rant, I'm passionate about the vaccine issue due to a genetic issue and an immune deficiency that largely prevents me from being allowed to get live attenuated vaccines since going through puberty. So during covid my mother and I didn't receive the vaccine via normal means, through our IGG treatments (which includes plasma from donors YOU PEOPLE ARE HEROS WITHOUT CAPES) we received it in a secondary fashion so to speak. My mother and I also rely heavily on the "herd immunity" so appreciate all hand washers. Look I get, it's your choice, but it's also my choice to think you're a few crayons short of a Crayola box.
I wonder🤔 who would do the testing ( for what has already been tested). The non-scientist who agree with him? This Is Not A Conversation🤦 I mean, who would verify their verification🤯 to be fact. It's a endless circle of insanity.
So if you are up to date on your shots now, and polio becomes common, you're okay? Or should we get some kind of booster before the moron in office bans it?
Before Trump, I know this is not that relevant, but prior to Trump, the entire USA cheered for our teams in the olympics. I know it's lame, but we did have a semblance of shared pride as little as that was. Now in the last 9 years we have actively rooted against America, our neighbors, and "liberals" who just want people to have equal opportunities. Trump's rhetoric is obviously going to make his supporters act as such. However, Trump has always lived with a silver spoon. He complains about "groceries" (it's almost like he came up with the word, when he uttered it the other day), however, has probably never stepped foot in a department/retail store or low paying job to understand the wealth inequality or talked to employees that slave for the rich to get richer and ask their opinions. He's so arrogant, he "can't" understand why we would be mad at Healthcare CEO's, and CEO's in general. When you live life with a silver spoon, you will never know the empathy that is required to run a country, especially for lower-middle class. This should be a much bigger issue, but what fascinates me, is that his supporters have always said, he speaks for the low-mid class in a way they can understand and want. So thank everyone of you Trump voters. We now get to listen to RFK (omg blow my brain out) talk about how he is going to ensure the return of Polio. He's already responsible for an outbreak of death in one country, why not another?
I'm sorry. I have to stop ✋️ the video when RFK Jr speaks. I just cannot listen to that. I don't care if it's a disability. It's the fact that it's him.
Sam and Emma and Matt and Bradley just for the contagious chuckles, as joint Presidents of America immediately please... Or whatever... One of them for Pres and the others rounding out the other important roles... The communication war is being lost.
And there are some people who have health conditions where they may not be able to take some vaccines but you know what talk to a doctor about this not on you tube videos
A former junkie who was shooting up random drugs and has now recovered yet still thinks it’s ok to eat roadkill bear meat is probably not the best person to create public health policy.
At no time in his journey was he ever poor.
Also thinks it is just fine to drink unpasturized milk from a farm where bird flu has been detected, has had his brain half eaten away by a parasitic worm, and had mercury poisoning from a tuna fish addiction. Plus was instrumental in the deaths of 83 kids from measles in Samoa, due to spreading around his antivaxx BS propaganda in that country.
@@waterandafter OP never said or implied that.
Nope, but I did.
@@waterandafter nope you didn't,you said the opposite.
Im a first year medical student going into second year. The more I learn, the more I realise how little i know and how complex medicine is. The fact that people like him get on a soap box and spew misinformation makes me so angry. It feels slightly soul destroying to be studying a degree that is this hard, knowing I'll be going into a job having to deal with people who listen to people like him. The degree and the job is already so hard. It's sad to think about what these grifters have done to trust in doctors. Covid was really the grifters wet dream.
Long time coming, from the era of idiot Reagan; coupled with the other idiots, wherein the right was able to consolidate a “majority,” albeit of idiots; among the U.S. voting populace. Not to mention which, Reagan was the singular, modern President, to promulgate deregulation, to the extent that pollution, especially of chemicals produced by corporations, infecting our bodies, beyond the environment, where those become ubiquitous--then they turn around and say-“ how was anyone to know?”; when in fact; as facts became evident(iary), they still denied facts, due to maximizing profits for corporations, with “government” support!!!
Stupid, fucking, bullshit!!!!!
You're making the world a better place
As a med student...dude, I get you
You can bring that skill to many countries, keep going!
My one singular point I made over and over to conservatives during covid was "the hospital system has issued an exceptionally rare request for understanding that they are way overloaded right now because of the spread of the virus".
And then those people spit in our faces over and over again with Trump at the helm, they doubled the number of infected patients in the hospitals just to prove they could, just to prove they didn't have to wear a mask or be cautious around other people, just to prove their belief system, just to prove they don't care or don't understand.
Failing to support the experts in the hospitals is criminally stupid.
I was in veterinary school during the last Trump presidency and I just thought these idiots think scientists have gotten together and agreed to push climate change or vaccines or whatever conspiracy theory? We can’t even get medical anatomists to agree on what to call normal anatomical structures, so students have to learn two or three terms for the same structure in order to communicate. Sure, it’s super easy to get all scientists and doctors to agree to change their viewpoint on something with the flimsiest evidence and no evidence of being able to profit. This in contrast to the doctors who say vaccines cause autism or COVID denial, who have all profited from snake oil and book deals.
I’m 37 and have met many older people who knew kids that died or were paralyzed from polio. This is insane.
Injection is the only way to get an animal virus.
Make America 1920 Again
Mia Farrow said she was quarantined with polio at age 9 and came home to find her belongings had been burned.
Alan Alda had polio as a 7 year old and said his parents wrapped his legs with scalding hot blankets to help him heal, for six months of therapy.
Donald Sutherland had rheumatic fever, hepatitis, appendicitis, pneumonia, and scarlet fever throughout his childhood.
Joni Mitchell "I had polio at the age of 9, My spine was twisted up like a train wreck. I couldn't walk. I was paralyzed. 40 years later, it comes back with a vengeance."
Post-polio syndrome affects 25-40% of polio survivors decades after their initial illness.
Francis Ford Coppola got polio at age 9 in 1947, ''When you had polio then, nobody brought their friends around; I was kept in a room by myself"
Mitch McConnell had Polio. Yet he's going to confirm every single one of these dangerous idiots.
Poilio and Covid are the Venezuelan gang of the republicans party. People are easier to control when afraid and that help democrats , republicans and corporations power and lead to trillions in wealth.
the children yearn for the iron lung
Well, the last person ever to still be in an iron lung just died - they have to replace him somehow
@clareshaughnessy2745 we can't let that iron lung go to waste
@@clareshaughnessy2745 We do have modern ventilators now.
"That makes it so much better, the kids will be just fine with polio!" Is that what you wanted me to say? @@hannuala-olla4302
*Trump brand Iron Lungs, he has to expand into that market 😅
America is on a dismantle itself speedrun any% right now
I thought WE had til 2040, now Im thinking by 2028 it’ll be the 2008 collapse but 10X the destruction. Good thing all the rich have the criminal haven they can migrate to, aka Israel. I think its been their bug out plan for a long time after they take America’s profits and run.
Most underrated comment I've seen in ages 👏🏾 👌🏾
At least our precious, gracious Billionairs will be just fine!
He’s not a scientist
Not a physician
Not a biologist
Not anything that matters when it comes to the subject
And yet, here we are
He's an entitled nepo-baby who has led an entitled life spewing BS.
Neither is Bill Gates who is brainwashing you and your cult
I hate the median American voter so much right now.
Shadow banned
Read my recent message and ask yourself, why was that auto censored and why not let the insanity stand on its own
@@christopherjustice6411 who is “the American voter?”
@@benzell4mostly racist, pretty dumb, highly religious and gun crazed.
So, how many more people are going to be denied health insurance due to an increase in polio?
I'm buying iron lung company stock.
bro.. the dems were horrible.. but 73M people voted for this?!?
Are we cooked?
Always have been.
We are officially cooked bro
77M actually, Washington Dems really messed up bad and many of them won't pay the price.
We always have been. Liberals only slow the poison, but Anarchism is the anti-venom
Um no, that was not in the ballots.
That guy should not be in that position.
He’s insane.
RFK jr should ban water! That stuff kills LOADS of people every year!
Yes and ban electricity too, it's damn dangerous.
More kids died in car crashes per years then died from Covid so we should ban cars like we shut down schools
But not guns!
@@CaptPeon yeah let’s not test the water in flint because the experts and Obama said it safe.
@@craig14893 let´s not get nuts here..... 😉
But Viagra is 100% safe? Right?
Safe to to 4 hours 😅
just like Cheryl Hines face fillers & all the other stuff that were injected/transplanted into her
Seems like this policy will bring back those iron lung manufacturing jobs back to America.
The greatest irony will be when the machine has a "Made in China" placard on it
I really wish there were more polio survivors around today to serve as a reminder of the horrors of that disease. My mother's family was hit with polio and an aunt of mine spent 9 months in an iron lung and never walked again. She was a lovely woman and the idea that others will needlessly have to endure the suffering she put up with is infuriating.
It wouldn't matter. These people are in a cult.
People could be dying from polio on a yearly basis it wouldn’t change anything.
I had an uncle who was crippled by polio as a child. He was never in an iron lung so far as I recall, but he was bed-ridden the rest of his life. I have very clear recollections of him.
Mitch McConnel HAD Polio, ffs. He's still going to give Trump whatever he wants.
They might as well have put Herman Cain in charge. Say, whatever happened to him?
Didn’t Herman Cain die a couple years ago? Are you being funny? Like, hey a dead man can do it.
Lol Herman Cain died from Covid while denying Covid existed.
@@StevenSayers-oc4gk That's the joke.
@FrozEnbyWolf150-b9t - I agree!! Herman Cain would definitely be a better spokesperson. But I haven’t seen him in a while myself. 🤷🏽♂️
Hershel Walker for Surgeon General ! WTFC
My grandmother had polio as a child back in the early 20th century. She got over it of course, but walked with a limp for the rest of her life.
How many children today are limping due to polio? Virtually none?
Yes, the vaccine should be mandated, everywhere.
Imagine a terrorist looking at this thinking “you mean i can just convince americans that the vaccine is communism and i will be able to hurt hundred of thousands of children permanently without offing myself?
Some people died because of polio.
A while back there were still some people alive who had to spend their whole existence inside an iron lung machine.
This is infuriating.
It's because unfortunately a lot of people in this country are uneducated because of what politicians have done by cutting the school system now of course with the internet these people could educate themselves but they choose not to so they're willfully ignorant and the same time unaware that they're ignorant I know that sounds like an oxymoron and it should but that's the best way I can explain it I just wish they would do proper research and realize vaccines work nobody wants polio bag and when polio comes back because they don't have the vaccine they'll find a way to blame the Democrats so it's kind of a double-edged sword
Make America get Polio Again…
RFK, jr. is already an elitist from his family name, wealth, and upbringing. But then RFK, jr. presumes to know more about vaccines than the actual scientists. RFK, jr. is at the height of elitism.
The real problem is not RFK, it is the gullible conspiracy theorists who swallow his BS and act or not act accordingly.
What was with that horror movie lighting during that press conference? Trump looked like a literal ghoul.
He IS a Ghoul!
Seems perfectly appropriate, but I think he should wear a pair of horns and a pointed red tail.
It's not the lighting.
It's his makeup.
But to be fair he looks worse without any makeup.
I only have one comment for those fools who watch FOX and have been conned into supporting Trump, "you must be stupid, stupid, stupid ..."
"But Fox News said it was the dems fault!" Or something like that
They are.
I hate the median American voter
They fucked around and we all get to find out now.
The average voter is dumber than a rock 🪨
They've been failed by society in ways that you haven't been.
I feel it's necessary to explain what I'm talking about: people being limited by the workweek (exhaustion, limited free time) and living in societies that re-iterate a particular viewpoint aren't necessarily 100% to blame. Given the chance of an actually INFORMED decision, things would probably be different.
@@draxthemsklonstbut a huge part of trumps win was due to a complete lack of empathy and a desire to see one’s perceived enemies suffer, regardless of the fact that they’ve never wronged you. Its not just a lack of education, it’s a lack of empathy. How do you fix that??
RFJ ran in the democrats party and now he's working for maga. His dad uncle would be so proud.
I would argue that all vaccines are safer than most pharmaceutical drugs if you look at documented side effects.
Funny how many MAGAz that are behind getting rid of vaccines are on prescription drugs.
trump doesnt even realize she wasnt talking about covid mandates
Trump thinks that asylum seekers are escaped inmates of what they used to call luna-tic asylums.
He's literally talking about mandates in general? Are you not happy with freedom?
@@jenkscx3766 wtf are you talking about?
@@Praha175 do you know the definition of a mandate?
@@jenkscx3766 no youre right, mandated vaccines for public schools are an infringement on freedom. we should also get rid of them for the military. and listening to trumps comments, it appears he doesnt realize the reporter is asking about all vaccines and not just covid.
Sam, I think the polio vaccine in the United States is no longer a live virus vaccine.
I believe Dr. Mike recently put out a video on this topic .
"*from a hum3n h3alth d3gr33: l can confirm and attempt to 3xpl3in. H3r3's the hist0ry.* Th3 p0li0 vaccin3 has a complex and fascin3ting hist0ry. In the 3arly days of p0li0 vaccination, th3r3 w3r3 ind33d cas3s wh3r3 childr3n contract3d p0li0 from the vaccin3 its3lf. This was du3 to the fact that the first p0li0 vaccin3s w3r3 mad3 from inactivat3d p0li0virus, which was grown in monk3y kidn3y cells. **Th3 Cutt3r Incid3nt** On3 of the most not3worthy incid3nts involving p0li0 vaccin3 contamination occurr3d in 1955, wh3n a batch of p0li0 vaccin3 produc3d by Cutt3r Laborat0ries in Californ3ia was found to be contaminat3d with liv3 p0li0virus. This l3d to an outbr3ak of p0li0 among childr3n who had r3ceiv3d the vaccin3, r3sulting in 40,000 cas3s of p0li0, including 200 cas3s of paralytic p0li0 and 10 d3aths. Th3 Cutt3r incid3nt was a maj0r s3tback for the p0li0 vaccination program, and it l3d to a signific3nt incr3as3 in scrutiny and r3gulation of vaccin3 production. Th3 incid3nt also highlight3d the import3nc3 of rig0r0us t3sting and quality contr0l in vaccin3 production. **SV40 Contamin3tion** In the 1950s and 1960s, many p0li0 vaccin3s w3r3 contaminat3d with a virus call3d simian virus 40 (SV40). SV40 is a virus that is found in monk3y kidn3y cells, which w3r3 us3d to grow the p0li0virus for vaccin3 production. It is 3stimat3d that b3tw33n 1955 and 1963, up to 98 million Am3ricans r3ceiv3d p0li0 vaccin3s that w3r3 contaminat3d with SV40. Whil3 the risk of contract3ing p0li0 from the vaccin3 was small, the SV40 contamin3tion rais3d conc3rns about the pot3ntial long-t3rm h3alth 3ff3cts of the virus. Som3 studi3s hav3 sug3st3d a possibl3 link b3tw33n SV40 and c3rtain typ3s of canc3r, such as brain tumors and ost30sarcom3, although the 3vid3nc3 is still limit3d and inconclusiv3. **Inactivat3d P0li0virus Vaccin3 (IPV)** Th3 first p0li0 vaccin3s w3r3 mad3 from inactivat3d p0li0virus, which was grown in monk3y kidn3y cells. How3v3r, this typ3 of vaccin3 was not without risks. In add3ition to the contamin3tion issu3s m3ntion3d 3arli3r, th3r3 was also a risk of vaccin3-ass0ciat3d p0li0, which occurr3d wh3n the inactivat3d virus was not fully inactivat3d and caus3d p0li0 in the r3cipient. To addr3ss th3s3 conc3rns, a n3w typ3 of p0li0 vaccin3 was d3v3lop3d in the 1980s, call3d the inactivat3d p0li0virus vaccin3 (IPV). IPV is mad3 from inactivat3d p0li0virus that is grown in hum3n cells, r3th3r than monk3y kidn3y cells, which r3duces the risk of contamin3tion. IPV is also mor3 3ff3ctiv3 than the old3r typ3 of vaccin3 and has a b3tt3r safety profil3. **Oral P0li0virus Vaccin3 (OPV)** In the 1960s, an oral p0li0virus vaccin3 (OPV) was d3v3lop3d, which us3d a liv3, att3nuat3d p0li0virus. OPV was 3asi3r to administ3r than IPV and provid3d long3r-lasting immunit3y. How3v3r, OPV also carri3d a small risk of vaccin3-ass0ciat3d p0li0, partic3ularly in ar3as with p00r sanitation and hygi3n3. In r3c3nt y3ars, th3r3 has b33n a shift towards us3ing IPV in many c0untri3s, du3 to conc3rns about the safety and 3ff3cacy of OPV. How3v3r, OPV is still wid3ly us3d in many part3s of the world, partic3ularly in ar3as wh3r3 p0li0 is still 3nd3mic. **Curren3t P0li0 Vaccin3tion Eff0rts** Tod3y, p0li0 vaccin3tion eff0rts ar3 focuss3d on 3radic3ting p0li0 worldwid3. Th3 Glob3l P0li0 3radic3tion Initiativ3, launch3d in 1988, has mad3 signific3nt pr0gr3ss in r3ducing the numb3r of p0li0 cas3s worldwid3. How3v3r, th3r3 ar3 still chall3ng3s to ov3rc0m3, partic3ularly in ar3as with confli3t, p00r sanitation, and limit3d acc3ss to h3althcar3. In conc3lusion, the hist0ry of p0li0 vaccination is complex and has involv3d signific3nt chall3ng3s and controv3rsi3s. Whil3 th3r3 hav3 b33n cas3s wh3r3 childr3n contract3d p0li0 from the vaccin3 its3lf, the b3n3fits of p0li0 vaccination far outw3igh the risks. Continu3d eff0rts to impr0v3 vaccin3 safety, 3ff3cacy, and acc3ssibility ar3 cruc3ial to ach3iving the go3l of glob3l p0li0 3radic3tion. How3v3r, sinc3 our f00d supply is b3coming mor3 contaminat3d with additiv3s that sh0uldn't b3 th3r3, this c0uld b3 an 3xtrem3ly nuanc3d issu3. Wh3n Bill gat3s g0s on T3D talks, the most p0pular 3ducational chann3l in the world, h3 str3ss3s that th3r3 sh0uldn't b3 a d3p0pul3tion ag3nda. MRNA vaccin3 sci3nc3 has sh0wn to log3ically incr3as3 ant3g3n activ3tion sit3s, allowing for antib0di3s to b3com3 irr3gularly ov3rs3cr3t3d. H3 is saying that w3 sh0uldn't l00k at "what's insid3 of the vaccin3". This is g00d to kn0w for transpar3ncy's sak3. This nuanc3d issu3 is 3xtrem3ly ov3rlook3d by n0n-sci3nc3 p3opl3. 3v3ry0n3 who g0s and b3com3s a d0ct0r is incentiviz3d to f0ll0w the cult. Als0, the NIH funding is 3xtrem3ly picky with which c3ntralized r3s3arch auth0riti3s g3t to us3 the funding to find out mor3 about our h3alth; all the whil3, th3y print and s3nd m0n3y to t3st on rid3icul0us proj3cts, such as a r3al-lif3 THAN0S gl0v3. L0v3 your sh0w. Stay tru3 and continu3 s3arching"
Had to type it thus way because it was auto censored. Thank God someone knows
RFK is a very well spoken guy.
Are you kidding?
The age of idiocracy. Brawndo, it's got what plants crave.
I noticed the Salk thing. I immediately assumed he had just heard that from someone and wanted to pretend as soon as he could that he always knew it. I’m surprised he didn’t suggest that he was the first person to ever find that out
There were actually multiple people who created polio vaccines because Jonas Salk didn’t patent it.
He remembers the name "Salk" because of his age. People of Trump's age heard the name all the time back in the day.
Some kids didn’t just lose a year or two of school. Some lost their lives.
I'm several years younger than RFK Jr., and I am a LOT younger than Trumps.
I know by name 4 different people who were crippled by polio and am aware of many others.
What is wrong with these people?!
Only we had the SAME! Damn Energy with guns in this country... I'm done😔
“That’s the dry run.” - I felt that.
The mandate saved hundreds of thousands of Americans. The unvaccinated had the highest death rate. Where are my fellow nurses and doctors who were on the front lines during Covid,? Platform the professionals !
Look what happened in Samoa because of RFK regarding measles. That is America's future.
Only the oldest Boomers and left over Silents remember polio first hand.
I remember one of the last big outbreaks. You could feel the fear in the air. I was a little girl but I remember what it was like.
Remembering and knowing what caused it are two different things though. Can you at least acknowledge that?
Oh boy, we're in for a rough ride. I remember having to get specific shots, a physical, and making sure I was healthy enough to play sports, and now we have an administration that could cause more harm to student athletes, students, and young children. The circus show oligarchy could care less for the health of the American people.
Get back in line! Do you have your lunch ticket? Keep the voice silent. Now tell me does that make sense?...
What does your questing have to do with health? Also, what movie did you watch to comment as if every lunch room displays the rhetoric you typed?
Lex Friedman needs to stop platforming these people unless he is willing to push back harder against their insane claims. Him, Rogan, and a bunch of others just give these guys a voice and nothing more. It’s dangerous.
Biden's existence preceding neoliberalism does make me laugh.
I can't take anyone who drinks alcohol seriously when they try to cry about something possibly causing cancer. Meanwhile your not worried at all about drinking a class 1 carcinogen
Sure pal
@@IknowMoreThanYouName seems a bit presumptuous dontcha think?
US rank #13 in the world when it comes to education but that including prestigious institutions like MIT, Stanford, and Harvard. However if we just count all public 12-k schools I would be surprised if US would rank over 50 best in the world. This is the main reason way the US public voted for a MFR who is even worse than the president in Idiocracy.
Rules, regulations, and mandates are usually written in blood.
Starting to think the president Republicans really hate is FDR
I love how absolutely savage yalls headlines and thumbnails have become
What a crank?
3 major actual causes to the huge uptick in cancer -
1. People live longer.
2. Processed food and plastics constantly being ingested.
3. poor health and environmental regulations
Buildup up Carcinogens as well along with unaddressed inflammation
Reminder to get your shots updated now while you can just in case
Shouldn''t the takeaway be, we need more oversight and inspections at the sites that manufacture vaccines?
Holy shit thank you commonly sense
RFK jr reminds me of Jeff Goldblum in the fly.
He is becoming more Orange as he goes along almost poetic that at the end of it all he'll be no different then an oppa loppa
Ugh. I dont know whether we should be afraid, or that they're all so incompetent they wont be able to ruin everything.
Honestly, I don't think RFK will accomplish anything. He will be the first to have beefs with every other person in the government.
RFK Jr. is NOT "well-spoken"
People still take Jimmy Dore seriously? Isn't he just a grifter at this point? I thought he went to the right because there is more money there.
Shock as Trump makes sense in a complex and well worded response to a question. Not this year
"I'm against mandates but I hate polio. And, of course, since it's much better to error on the side of polio..."
No one needs to worry about going back to iron lungs. When the next polio epidemic hits the US the insurance companies will deem them unnecessary and rich will get richer by not paying for the care.
True, and the original would still be man-made
Also, as far as cancer, there is a correlation between higher cancer rates and the detonations of the atomic bombs, single use plastic, pollution after the industrial revolution, power lines, lead water pipes, and red meat.
Good luck America. 😢
RFK Jr.s poisoned vaccine fears are straight out of a book called "Dr. Mary's Monkey" which ties in Oswald, Biological Warfare research and the unsolved murder of Dr. Mary Sherman. It's a fun read, but not sure i want it guiding the Dept of Health. ( we've entered bizarro world )
We are the dumbest country
Apparently being rich makes you smarter than the people in the know.
Tell Bill that
Kennedy shouldn’t be near HHS, he is not qualified
He is worse than unqualified. He is one of the worst spreaders of medical misinformation out there.
Just 12 people are responsible for most of the antivaxx misinformation on social media.
They are known as the Disinformation Dozen.
So who are the Disinformation Dozen? Here they are:
Joseph Mercola
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Sherri Tenpenny
Rizza Islam
Rashid Buttar
Erin Elizabeth
Sayer Ji
Kelly Brogan
Christiane Northrup
Ben Tapper
Kevin Jenkins
Getting it can cause it unless you get it? They don’t realize they’re talking in circles.
Trump just babbles and jiggles his head about... yuck.
Dude is cooked af
Are we really gonna just sit quiet and let this happen
Americans gonna be surprise when they realise that if you want to travel, you need to be vaccinaned. lol
As a nation, the US has fewer international travelers than other nations
He has no problem mandating christianity in schools so why not vaccines?
Have you guys seen David Hogg is running for vice chair of the DNC? I ended up clicking on a Brian Tyler Coen video (honestly he always seems kinda super just in the bag for the DNC, but like... that jaw line...) anyway, he had David Hogg on who seems really good. Not sure where he is on policy stuff but you guys might wanna see if you could interview him?
I watched the same video, and I went to the DNC website to send a support message for him!
Pelosi says no
@@waterandafterPelosi needs to experience Luigi Time tm
My great grandfather missed the polio vaccine. He suffered and lost the use of his legs. He would have killed for the vaccine when he was young. This is scary as fuck
Cars are safe
Planes are safe
Playgrounds are safe
Guns are safe
Skiing is safe
Biking is safe
Cooking is safe
Fire is safe
Safes are safe
You are right. Go test those vaccines Robert!
How can anybody watch lex fridman?
11:29 to be fair, Ben Franklin would’ve been a prolific shitposter
This is deeply concerning and could have worldwide consequences for decades to come. But fortunately the rest of the world is not crazy and will require people traveling abroad to be vaccinated against polio and measles and others
11:30 is so wrong. Ben Franklin never wrote anti-vax stuff. He promoted variolation. Very heavily. But he didn't do it for his own youngest child, his son Franky. When a smallpox epidemic swept through Philadelphia, Franky caught it and died from smallpox at the age of 4.
People called him a hypocrite. The reason Ben and Deborah didn't inoculate Franky was because he was a sickly child, and they wanted to wait until he was older and stronger. I can understand this. I was a sickly child. But my parents didn't delay my vaccination. It's a good thing too, because my brother didn't survive pertussis.
And we have to remember. Variolation is not vaccination. About 1% to 2% die FROM THE VARIOLATION. They didn't have vaccines then. They used live virus.
I got polio from the Mothman in Manhattan Nevada
I loved the meme from pawn stars. Rfkjr is bringing polio back!
“Big believer” he always says this when he doesn’t know what else to say
Just remember that the things he says about food are as crazy as what he says about medicine.
Food dyes are terrible for your blood and immune system
All lies
I think what I find most irritating in modern discourse is just how brazen and flippant people speak. People display no forethought, diligence, or awareness for their own speech and the potential weight their voice carries. I often times find our current politic incumbents in the house, senate, judiciary and whatever else you can name speaking in public forums as if they were on 4chan or other anonymous chat rooms wherein there was no expectation to be held responsible for comments made. Especially in the modern era where each and every word is accounted for and recorded you would think people would become more deliberate and prescient knowing how their words will impact others.
Like do people not realize we now have receipts for all the bullshit and you can't run or hide from it.
I'm sorry for the rant, I'm passionate about the vaccine issue due to a genetic issue and an immune deficiency that largely prevents me from being allowed to get live attenuated vaccines since going through puberty. So during covid my mother and I didn't receive the vaccine via normal means, through our IGG treatments (which includes plasma from donors YOU PEOPLE ARE HEROS WITHOUT CAPES) we received it in a secondary fashion so to speak. My mother and I also rely heavily on the "herd immunity" so appreciate all hand washers.
Look I get, it's your choice, but it's also my choice to think you're a few crayons short of a Crayola box.
why would i take advice from some one who supports smoking and alcohol
I know people want a spiritual successor to FDR but this is not the way to go about it
Kennedy is really trying to fulfill his family’s name legacy
I wonder🤔 who would do the testing ( for what has already been tested). The non-scientist who agree with him? This Is Not A Conversation🤦 I mean, who would verify their verification🤯 to be fact. It's a endless circle of insanity.
So if you are up to date on your shots now, and polio becomes common, you're okay? Or should we get some kind of booster before the moron in office bans it?
Investment advice: buy shares of any iron lung maker. Bubble expected soon.
can we not do the sharp cuts in these videos? Seems like they are unncessary.
MR needs to do their research on the reality of drug trials. However, I suspect that they are pretending to be ignorant.
Trump supporters voted to make the Iron Lung great again.
Didn't mandates start under his administration
I work with younger people who don’t understand they got vaccines to be able to go to public schools. It’s just become cool ti be anti vax
Before Trump, I know this is not that relevant, but prior to Trump, the entire USA cheered for our teams in the olympics. I know it's lame, but we did have a semblance of shared pride as little as that was. Now in the last 9 years we have actively rooted against America, our neighbors, and "liberals" who just want people to have equal opportunities.
Trump's rhetoric is obviously going to make his supporters act as such. However, Trump has always lived with a silver spoon. He complains about "groceries" (it's almost like he came up with the word, when he uttered it the other day), however, has probably never stepped foot in a department/retail store or low paying job to understand the wealth inequality or talked to employees that slave for the rich to get richer and ask their opinions.
He's so arrogant, he "can't" understand why we would be mad at Healthcare CEO's, and CEO's in general. When you live life with a silver spoon, you will never know the empathy that is required to run a country, especially for lower-middle class. This should be a much bigger issue, but what fascinates me, is that his supporters have always said, he speaks for the low-mid class in a way they can understand and want.
So thank everyone of you Trump voters. We now get to listen to RFK (omg blow my brain out) talk about how he is going to ensure the return of Polio. He's already responsible for an outbreak of death in one country, why not another?
I'm sorry. I have to stop ✋️ the video when RFK Jr speaks. I just cannot listen to that. I don't care if it's a disability. It's the fact that it's him.
Sam and Emma and Matt and Bradley just for the contagious chuckles, as joint Presidents of America immediately please...
Or whatever... One of them for Pres and the others rounding out the other important roles...
The communication war is being lost.
Well spoken???? More like Worst spoken. I now get the nails on chalkboard reference because of RFKs brainworm voice...
Does he know his first name though?
And there are some people who have health conditions where they may not be able to take some vaccines but you know what talk to a doctor about this not on you tube videos
Oh, well. This is what they voted for. Go RFk.