Recreating Notre Dame's iconic spire | 60 Minutes

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 286

  • @victoriac847
    @victoriac847 Год назад +89

    “The use is for the owner, the beauty is for the people” I love love LOVE that way of thinking about architecture

    • @riproar11
      @riproar11 Год назад

      "The People" is an outdated, dangerous, repressive, and toxic term. "The use is for the owner, the beauty is for Everyone to enjoy." That sounds much more current, non-judgemental, and beautiful!

    • @laurentnicolas1550
      @laurentnicolas1550 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@riproar11 You are completely crazy. I belong to the people of France and we the people are the custodians of this very long history.
      We are fed up with hearing this nonsense which once again brings the world to the brink of ruin.

  • @elainasaunt
    @elainasaunt Год назад +80

    Viollet-le-Duc didn't just invent the idea of a spire for Notre Dame. His was the cathedral’s second spire. Both were timber framed. The first, dating from the 13th century, was in such rickety shape by the late 18th century that it had to be dismantled. Its replacement, begun by Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus and finished, after his death in 1857, by Viollet-le-Duc, was an altogether sturdier, grander, taller structure. Its framework of oak from Champagne weighed some 500 tonnes, and it was covered with half again that weight in lead. While the earlier spire had reached 78 metres above the cathedral floor, the second one stretched to 96 metres.
    It should also be noted that when the rebuilding is done and the statues of the 12 apostles are put back in place, they will look out over the city of Paris - except for St Thomas, the one modeled on Viollet-le-Duc himself. Craning his neck and shading his eyes with one hand, Thomas, patron saint of architects, instead looks up at the spire.

    • @stonew1927
      @stonew1927 Год назад +9

      Perfect. Thank you for that bit of information. Very interesting!

  • @JLange642
    @JLange642 Год назад +26

    I have never been to, nor most likely never will be able to see Notre Dame in person, but I cried when it burned as it was a loss of great history and beauty to mankind. Now that its' rebirth is almost complete, I am overjoyed that many more generations can view one of the great achievements in architecture that man has created!

  • @pjmlegrande
    @pjmlegrande Год назад +70

    Vive Notre-Dame de Paris. I’ve been following its amazing restoration closely. It’s so good to know there are still so many highly skilled artisans, carpenters and other tradespeople & specialists around who are able to do this work. I really admire their abilities and devotion.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +2

      @@GudasWorld 🤡🤡🤡

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +6

      @@GudasWorld Erm, the level of social protection in France is quite high. Yes, there are people on the streets but they don't have to be. Every town above a certain size is obliged to provide a homeless shelter, free of charge for those that do find themselves in that situation. They also give a ton of assistance in finding a home. On top of that, 450 Euro per person, per month as a minimum. Healthcare is also free. You certainly wont go hungry.
      Get caught outside in Winter and there is a good chance you will die. We do care and we do work to help them.

  • @jessielopez1065
    @jessielopez1065 Год назад +37

    When it's re-opened, some drone video of the restored Notre Dame, please! Not just the spire but the vaults, stained glass, columns and buttresses that cannot be fully appreciated from the ground. Centuries of smoke and dirt have literally been cleaned away. It will be a like a new Notre Dame that has not been seen for centuries

    • @Briguy1027
      @Briguy1027 Год назад +5

      For sure -- I watched a show about what challenges they were facing and how they were solving them in the restoration. To think that now they can use only artificial lighting without any ash or soot to darken the walls, windows, etc. should be amazing.

  • @santhoshnanjundarao1005
    @santhoshnanjundarao1005 Год назад +12

    nowdays engineers are underrated, Salute to French Engineer for Recreating Notre Dame's.

  • @petehoeft6518
    @petehoeft6518 Год назад +13

    "The spire will look as if it has always been there." Just when all the craziness in the world seems. . . . well . . . crazy, we get reminders that there are people who quietly continue to sustain our civilization. I saw Notre Dame in 2018 and walked with awe throughout. I cannot wait to revisit this cathedral which represents continuity and beauty.

  • @AlexDuWaldt
    @AlexDuWaldt Год назад +3

    What is truly beautiful isn't the completion of an achievement, but the acknowledgement of an achievement.

  • @ABlueDahlia
    @ABlueDahlia Год назад +36

    I'm so glad this story was done. I wondered what the update on the cathedral would look like.

  • @johnowens4205
    @johnowens4205 Год назад +9

    I cried watching it burn on the news when it happened and now I cried watching this video 🙏✝️
    I hope I live long enough to see it fully restored 😇

  • @TheVaughan5
    @TheVaughan5 Год назад +9

    Clearly Victor Hugo was more than just a writer, he was a man of incredible vision. From now on he becomes one of my great heroes of history. As an architectural historian I am passionate about preserving our priceless past, more important than ever since the advent of the anti-human so-called “modernist” movement.

  • @DrDaveSalisburyPhDMBA
    @DrDaveSalisburyPhDMBA Год назад +4

    I am totally geeked out watching this project progress!

  • @ginito650
    @ginito650 Год назад +6

    my country Serbia donated a million euros, we Serbs are especially connected to Norte Dame because its bells rang in 1389 in honor of the Serbian army that died in Kosovo, saving Europe from the Turks and Islam. No one sees the restoration of the church as defense, but we Serbs do ! to us Serbs, France is always in our hearts!

    • @BustyIndian5000
      @BustyIndian5000 Год назад

      I can't believe so many think that his burning was coessential.

    • @francis87589
      @francis87589 2 месяца назад

      yes Western people should understand and forever honour Serbian people flighting at the East front and to some extend Croatians and Albanian from south front has saved Europe from turkish muslim invasion!

  • @chippysteve4524
    @chippysteve4524 Год назад +6

    It is because the French had the sanity to preserve the traditional apprenticeship system that the skills required to rebuild the spire still exist.
    Vive la France!

    • @didierjacob250
      @didierjacob250 Год назад +1

      beaucoup beaucoup de monuments, d' églises, châteaux, en France, donc garder des artisans et l' expérience, dans tout les domaines, est une nécessité

  • @chicobicalho5621
    @chicobicalho5621 Год назад +2

    There are so many fascinating things about Victor Hugo, this story here is new to me, but makes perfect sense. There is a lovely anecdote involving him and the great mid 19th century photographer Felix Nadar; his good friend. Hugo was in the south of France, he wrote a letter to Nadar and realized he didn't have his address, so, he simply wrote "Nadar" on the envelope, and nothing else. Of course the letter arrived at its destination without delay. Only Hugo would have had the confidence to do this, and only Nadar would be deserving of this small bit of sociological miracle.

  • @gersonhay984
    @gersonhay984 Год назад

    I'm not a religious man. But I had tears for the lose of what man kind can do. Now I pray and bless Notre Dame's reconstruction. It shows what man can do for man.

  • @agresseur7184
    @agresseur7184 Год назад +2

    This is what man was put here on earth to make it more beautiful and holy.

    • @raulboggio5347
      @raulboggio5347 Год назад

      Nothing holy. All man made. Beautiful nonetheless.

  • @stevencraig349
    @stevencraig349 Год назад +2

    Hopefully they'll put in some modern fire suppression system, so this cathedral will last many more centuries.

  • @tomrichter244
    @tomrichter244 Год назад +6

    I am so happy that the " let's update the cathedral and bring the architecture into the 21st century" voices were shut down snd they are preserving the original architecture. Congratulations to the French leadership for doing that

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1

      First of all, the French "leadership" does not need any "congratulation" of any sort. You're praising a tinpot dictator and his caprice.
      Second, I don't know what you call "original" in such a building which has a rich history, with bit and pieces added over time, up to the 19th century at least.
      I don't see what's so bizarre in wanting to rebuild the cathedral in accordance with the time we live in. This is precisely what every other time before us has done.
      Rebuilding it "as it was before the fire" is only one of two options (three if you count not rebuilding it at all).
      I don't remembre a huge amount of indignation because they did't rebuild the Twin Towers in New York precisely as they were before the planes were thrown into them.
      And third, being "happy" because dissenting voices are "shut down" seems to me like a pretty fascistic mindset; no surprise you feel the urge to congratulate the French "leadership" who knows a thing or two about fascism.

    • @marvinhaines9297
      @marvinhaines9297 Год назад

      @@frontenac5083All the improvements made in the past respected and, well, IMPROVED the architecture of the cathedral! That glass spire was designed as an anarchist/nihilist political statement with the sole intent to mock, disfigure, and defame this irreplaceable relic of the past - a futurist's attempt to say to the world, "The past does not matter. It has no relevance in this age of perfection. The Master Masons and Architects of the middle ages are long dead, and the quicker we forget about them, the more advanced we are as a society."

    • @AnthonyGladbach
      @AnthonyGladbach Год назад

      @@frontenac5083 have you ever wondered why your family never invites you out...?

  • @michaelmcenery7515
    @michaelmcenery7515 Год назад +5

    viva la France Notre Dame is rising from the ashes like the phoenix well done mon amis

  • @calebcotter2850
    @calebcotter2850 Год назад +5

    Curator- Victor Hugo is responsible for the restoration of Notre Dame.
    - 60 minutes. So Victor Hugo is responsible for the restoration of Notre Dame?
    Curator- Yes
    Curator- Thee original architect made his face into the statue.
    60 minutes- so the original architect made his face into the statue?
    Curator - yes
    60 minutes - fascinating

    • @bobbyd6680
      @bobbyd6680 Год назад +4

      That is actually demonstrating good communication skills with clarification. He is using excellent interviewing skills.

  • @jmlfa
    @jmlfa Год назад +2

    I must have missed the video about recreating Notre Dame's iconic spire. LOL

  • @coeurdelion1540
    @coeurdelion1540 Год назад +1

    I'm glad they're putting the spire back the way it was and didn't use one of those other ridiculous designs that were submitted.

  • @caseygroves3046
    @caseygroves3046 Год назад +2

    There's no way it only took 60 minutes to recreate that iconic spire.

  • @litamtondy
    @litamtondy Год назад +1

    The best example of resilience in all of history: Paris.

  • @debranchelowtone
    @debranchelowtone Год назад +3

    There was a first spire before this one but was removed because it was collapsing.

  • @Wanamaker1946
    @Wanamaker1946 Год назад

    The spire we know was a replacement to the Crossing that once held a similar spire. The spire can be seen in ancient illuminated manuscripts. The spire is atop Norte Dame de Paris in the aerial distance…albeit not as tall as the 19th century one.

  • @robertperry4439
    @robertperry4439 Год назад

    I am a fire investigator, and I knew immediately that this was no ordinary fire. No source of the fire was found; indeed, no attempt was made to determine the cause of the fire. When investigating the cause of a fire, it is a simple matter to eliminate possible sources of the initial flame or source of heat. Another matter is the materials that are ignited. The spire was constructed of heavy oak timbers and the roof covered with lead, neither of which are easily ignited, especially lead. My conclusion is that the roof was intentionally set ablaze. One clue was the removal of the statues on the spire four days before it was burned. Also, other priceless artifacts were removed before the fire, despite the false assertion that they were removed during the fire. The other major clue that the fire was planned or intentional was the pre-erected scaffolding that prevented the structure from collapsing inward upon itself from the weight of the flying buttresses in the absence of supporting roof structure. When a roof is removed, a structure has no support and the walls will collapse, especially when they are heavy like in Notre Dame. The other issue in fire investigation is motive; in this case, is seems apparent that Notre Dame was in an extreme state of disrepair, and it was in danger of collapsing under its own weight, and there was just not enough money to fund the necessary reconstruction, which was only made possible by the very publicized fire carried by every news outlet to the millions of Catholics around the world, who then pledged donations so that the necessary reconstruction and repairs could conducted.
    Too many coincidences support a hypothesis of a conspiracy.
    More to your question, the only way the fire could be ignited is by using a thermite compound of nanoparticles of iron oxide and aluminum oxide applied to the lead roof. Thermite burns so intensely and generates so much heat that it would reduce the lead roofing material into a kind of lava that it would easily ignite the thick oak beams. Videos of the fire reveal that it was white hot, which means elevated high temperature that does not occur with wood as the fuel source. Only thermite could produce the intense heat and rapid spread of the fire that was seen in the videos. Case closed.

  • @francis87589
    @francis87589 2 месяца назад

    1000 oak trees are used for the rebuild of the cathedral outer vault (- called the Forest ) which is the most consequential and heavy duty work with all the detailed as done in 12th century. They were not used not for the spire. The rebuilding of the 96 m tall spire only need some of the oak wood

  • @danieldougan269
    @danieldougan269 Год назад +2

    You would hope the new spire would be a little more resistant to fire.

  • @LeoNapierMusic
    @LeoNapierMusic Год назад +4

    I hope the production team at 60 Minutes will be following up on their first ever story on UAP's by covering the congressional hearing on the subject, organized by Dr.Steven Greer, taking place in Washington over the course of several days in June, 2023. It's going to be a massive revelation to most people and many will struggle to comprehend the phenomenon and its profound implications. However, 60 Minutes has the respect and integrity to bring this subject to the forefront of people's minds and reduce the smirk-factor - which is rapidly decreasing thanks to the NY Times '17 article and recent 60 Minutes piece. I really hope your organization does its due diligence and gives this story the creedence it demands.

    • @Sashazur
      @Sashazur Год назад

      For the 99.9% of people who have no clue what this comment is about: UAP stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. It’s now the official term that the government uses instead of UFO which stands for Unidentified Flying Object. The new term is intended to be more correct since it doesn’t imply whether what is seen is an object vs. some kind of optical or weather phenomenon etc.

  • @rerun3283
    @rerun3283 Год назад +2

    Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.

  • @melaniamonicacraciun9900
    @melaniamonicacraciun9900 Год назад +4

    Looks like a ... Holy miracle from above, such a spectacular structure, this is the reason why l love FAITH helping out people build up such remarcable achievements otherwise would not be possible

  • @riproar11
    @riproar11 Год назад

    “The use is for the owner, the beauty is for the people”. "the people" is an outdated, dangerous, repressive, and toxic term. "The use is for the owner, the beauty is for Everyone to enjoy." That sounds much more current, non-judgemental, and beautiful!

  • @2468HOTROD
    @2468HOTROD Год назад

    It looks like the side rails of this bridge with all of the locks attached to it has been replaced with this stone. Bummer, hope they kept that for posterity. There were thousands of locks attached to it.

  • @karsonbollinger8412
    @karsonbollinger8412 Год назад +1

    Quasimodo literally sings on the spire while swinging around it

  • @arkady714
    @arkady714 Год назад

    The iconic spire on this iconic cathedral in the iconic city of Paris... but it would have been demolished if it weren't for the iconic author, Victor Hugo, writing his iconic novel which tells the iconic story...

  • @internetpolification
    @internetpolification Год назад

    At last, a US presenter who pronounces ‘notre dame’ correctly

  • @kennethmays8059
    @kennethmays8059 Год назад +2

    Seriously this is not about recreating the spire it's a history lesson for people who know absolutely nothing about Notre Dame the only thing you learn about the spire is that they are working on it and are making it the way it was, which like their history lesson most people who are interested already know. They have like 30 secs of footage of people actually working on the spire. They show it burning down more than they show anyone building it up again. I should have known when it was 60 minutes that it would be a waste of my time but actual interest in the topic caused me to doubt my skepticism, but it turns out I was right. I've seen videos on youtube made by some guy in an apartment that have been 100 times more informative about Notre Dame's reconstruction then this video. Waste of time if you are actually interested in how they are recreating Notre Dame's iconic spire.

  • @renzo6490
    @renzo6490 Год назад +2

    What is that hideous gray building behind the cathedral?
    Someone please tell me it is a temporary part of the reconstruction.

    • @Xiphoseer
      @Xiphoseer Год назад

      The stack of containers with windows? That's a common feature of large construction sites.

    • @renzo6490
      @renzo6490 Год назад +1

      @@Xiphoseer Thanks!

  • @fredferd965
    @fredferd965 Год назад +7

    Is there any way full size replicas of the statues could be made and put in a museum so that people could see them close up?

    • @bobbyd6680
      @bobbyd6680 Год назад

      Why? Seeing them in situ is the most appropriate way to appreciate them as intended.

    • @xavierfranco5800
      @xavierfranco5800 Год назад +2

      @@bobbyd6680 He said replicas.

    • @fredferd965
      @fredferd965 Год назад

      @@xavierfranco5800 Thanks! You're right. The problem with seeing something at a distance is that it IS at a distance. It would be nice to have both worlds.

  • @CompositesNG
    @CompositesNG Год назад

    Are they using Lead again?

  • @Aazure_Skys
    @Aazure_Skys Год назад +8

    i hope the French make copies of those statues to keep on display at the museum for people for ages to come can get a close up view and even touch them. To have a physical connecton to the past.

    • @88cameras
      @88cameras Год назад

      I think since the originals are copper the ones in the museum are copies since they were black.

    • @EpsilonD3
      @EpsilonD3 Год назад +4

      @@88cameras No they're the originals, they have just been restored to their original patine :)

    • @bobbyd6680
      @bobbyd6680 Год назад +1

      So, we should just put copies of everything in museums? I think they are best viewed in the venue they were intended to serve. There are hundreds of thousands of original statues in museums it is. Sorry I think that's a dumb idea.

    • @EpsilonD3
      @EpsilonD3 Год назад

      @@bobbyd6680 Man, why the aggressivity ? He's actually making a good point, if the statues become impossible to see upclose, copies in this museum would be a good idea. The museum they are in right now is actually full of copies from architectural landmarks all over France for the public to see, and there are many examples in France of copies being showed instead of the originals to protect them. The main one being the Lascaux cave.

    • @xavierfranco5800
      @xavierfranco5800 Год назад

      @@88cameras The aqua color was from oxidation, so that wasn't what they looked like orginally.

  • @jarniwoop
    @jarniwoop Год назад +1

    Praise God that those statues are safe.

  • @jacquesmertens3369
    @jacquesmertens3369 Год назад +15

    What's most shocking is that the French government allowed architects to propose new designs.
    There is only 1 Nôtre-Dame and it's there to stay forever, in its original form, the way the builders intended it to be.

    • @dylanreece7991
      @dylanreece7991 Год назад +2

      Many people disagree

    • @BruceRicard
      @BruceRicard Год назад +3

      So without the spire?

    • @jacquesmertens3369
      @jacquesmertens3369 Год назад +10

      @@BruceRicard The original medieval design did have a spire. This spire became damaged and was removed at the end of the 18th century.
      You would know this, if only you made a tiny effort. It's all on the Wiki page.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +7

      It's "Notre".
      And there's no "original form" to this church.
      You seem to know very little about its history, not really surprising as you can't even spell its name.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1

      @@jacquesmertens3369 Funny, the proper spelling for the cathedral's name is also on the Wikipedia page...

  • @thomasburke7995
    @thomasburke7995 Год назад +4

    This is the 60 MINUTES I remember watching as a child with my father back in the early 1980's.. detailed oriented and thoughtful.. not the junk that is currently produced that facilitates the bloodless coup of a sitting president or turning the tables of a once loved entrepreneur that decided to purchase a free speech platform so that anyone can have a voice in the public forum.

  • @Imissmusicvideos
    @Imissmusicvideos Год назад

    Rebuilding it is great but why would they stay with the lead roof shingles?? Real head scratcher.

  • @lauralauren6432
    @lauralauren6432 Год назад +2

    IMPOSSIBLE. They destroyed Her deliberately

    • @robertperry4439
      @robertperry4439 Год назад +1

      I am a fire investigator, and I knew immediately that this was no ordinary fire. No source of the fire was found; indeed, no attempt was made to determine the cause of the fire. When investigating the cause of a fire, it is a simple matter to eliminate possible sources of the initial flame or source of heat. Another matter is the materials that are ignited. The spire was constructed of heavy oak timbers and the roof covered with lead, neither of which are easily ignited, especially lead. My conclusion is that the roof was intentionally set ablaze. One clue was the removal of the statues on the spire four days before it was burned. Also, other priceless artifacts were removed before the fire, despite the false assertion that they were removed during the fire. The other major clue that the fire was planned or intentional was the pre-erected scaffolding that prevented the structure from collapsing inward upon itself from the weight of the flying buttresses in the absence of supporting roof structure. When a roof is removed, a structure has no support and the walls will collapse, especially when they are heavy like in Notre Dame. The other issue in fire investigation is motive; in this case, is seems apparent that Notre Dame was in an extreme state of disrepair, and it was in danger of collapsing under its own weight, and there was just not enough money to fund the necessary reconstruction, which was only made possible by the very publicized fire carried by every news outlet to the millions of Catholics around the world, who then pledged donations so that the necessary reconstruction and repairs could conducted.
      Too many coincidences support a hypothesis of a conspiracy.

    • @lauralauren6432
      @lauralauren6432 Год назад

      @@robertperry4439 The Media tried to say thet The roof was builf of old dry THIN oak. You Could not get them to burn even with a Torch. I Watched it. It took 2 hours for The fire DepartementS to arrive. Then they used One Hose as a small sprinkler on the Wall. Not at the blaze. They didnt make a serious effort until The evening. Notre Dame is in The Middle of The river Seine (as an Island) , where Michael Obama sat on a boat and celebrated with a glass of champagne. 3 CBS reporter just happened to be on vaccation in Paris that day. I also watch them SAWING Off The last Statue The Day AFTER with a lift. Who has those statues?
      Macron via Rothschild wanted to punish The French people for demonstration against him by killing their Dame. Thanks for your response.

    • @robertperry4439
      @robertperry4439 Год назад +1

      More to your comment, the only way the fire could be ignited is by using a thermite compound of nanoparticles of iron oxide and aluminum oxide applied to the lead roof. Thermite burns so intensely and generates so much heat that it would reduce the lead roofing material into a kind of lava that it would easily ignite the thick oak beams. Videos of the fire reveal that it was white hot, which means elevated high temperature that does not occur with wood as the fuel source. Only thermite could produce the intense heat and rapid spread of the fire that was seen in the videos. Case closed.

    • @lauralauren6432
      @lauralauren6432 Год назад

      @@robertperry4439 AS the Twin Towers. There is another Thermite compositition. Dr Judy Woods explanation was the Best. Dustification by some other weapon. San Francisco was blown up by explosives. It looked Exactly The same as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Clean Streets. Then i found the AIR raid dates for all of Japan in 1944-45. Hiroshima was already destroyed. Thank You

  • @grantmccoy6739
    @grantmccoy6739 Год назад

    I never knew it had a spire in the rear. I always knew it for it's twin towers. The rear spire was really beautiful and ornate, but dark. It's really unfortunate that it was burned down.
    Those oak trees were fantastic too.

  • @Klaatu-ij9uz
    @Klaatu-ij9uz Год назад +2

    Praise God, and praise "everyone" involved in the Cathedral's refurbishments.

  • @BCal12345
    @BCal12345 Год назад +2

    What has happened to 60 minutes? What kind of research of his topic did Bill Whitaker do prior to arriving in Paris. Any reading of Notre Dame would have informed him that the spire was not original to the cathedral.

    • @jadawin10
      @jadawin10 Год назад

      Any reading ?
      The spire of Notre-Dame exists since its beginnings. Following damage the first was dismantled at the end of the 18th century. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc rebuilt it a few decades later...

  • @ShawnLH88
    @ShawnLH88 Год назад +3

    Or just make it out of fireproof materials 😂😂

  • @BustyIndian5000
    @BustyIndian5000 Год назад +1

    How is that religion of peace coming?

  • @danielpreilly77
    @danielpreilly77 Год назад

    Cool, looking forward to visiting some day

    • @66gtb
      @66gtb Год назад +1

      Today is the day Daniel. Go see it next spring. I just looked at round trip flights from New York, $350. Just checked hotels, I found one close to the subway for $650. Eat cheap, buy a subway pass and you’re FIVE day trip is $1,500. What can you do to save or make an extra $150 a month this year?
      My wife and I were watching a movie (in our early twenties) set in Greece. I turned to her and naively said let’s go there. We did the next year and have been going places ever since. After 35 years traveling with her we’ve never regretted one dollar spent on travel. GO!

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад

      @@66gtb Yeah, don't wait for it to burn down again!
      (I say this only half jokingly, because if they don't start taking fire safety more seriously, it's only a matter of time before the next catastrophe...)

  • @sanapadsense1999
    @sanapadsense1999 Год назад

    The most believers will be able to say that it is precisely because the statues of saints which protected the spire of the cathedral were removed that it burned.😉

  • @johnjeanb
    @johnjeanb Год назад

    Victor Hugo helped turn the tide of atheism (trying to destroy religous symbols) sparked during the French revolution. His book created the needed attention these beautiful buildings need even from atheist people. The 2019 fire in Notre Dame whipped French interest toward historical monuments (the previous repair was not as thourough as it should have been). Repairs are subsidized by private donations.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +2


    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +2

      Victor Hugo didn't care about historical monuments.
      He had no taste whatsoever.
      He applauded the "work" (i.e. vandalism) accomplished by king Louis-Philippe at Versailles, that is to say, the almost complete destruction of the interiors of the palace and its 18th century decor (and on top of that the destruction of a few wings of the palace as well). One of the greatest acts of vandalism in French history.
      Victor Hugo didn't care for one second, as I say, he lauded the carnage.

  • @HeavenEarthFloral9
    @HeavenEarthFloral9 Год назад

    Well...someone should plant oak trees now so they can be cut down in the future to be used to rebuild the spire when it burns down again. History has shown it is inevitable.

    • @NouriaDiallo
      @NouriaDiallo Год назад

      Most of the trees for the spire came from the national forests first put in place by Colbert in the 17th century and continuously managed to this day to produce straight oak wood. They keep managing them for that purpose.

    • @kennethmays8059
      @kennethmays8059 Год назад +2

      They've been doing that for hundreds of years already in fact the oaks that they are rebuilding with were planted hundreds of years ago by people and protected all that time so it could be used as grade A lumber someday. In most western countries lumber companies have been replanting forest for future lumber use for hundreds of years and in most of those it is now Illegal to cut down a tree in a forest that wasn't planted by people unless it is already died or dying.

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +2

      Mainland France has 65000 sq miles of forest cover, that's 31% of the country. And yes, they are expanding with many different types of trees. The same is true for most of Europe. We do like our trees.

    • @didierjacob250
      @didierjacob250 Год назад +1

      ils sont déja plantés depuis longtemps , la foret francaise s' agrandie, et elle tres bien gérée, 31 % du territoire , ne reste pas idiot toute ta vie...

  • @charlenelockhart9537
    @charlenelockhart9537 Год назад +6

    Statues were safe, in a God given time. Just beautiful.

  • @RolandThewes
    @RolandThewes Год назад +2

    All lies 2023

    • @robertperry4439
      @robertperry4439 Год назад

      I am a fire investigator, and I knew immediately that this was no ordinary fire. No source of the fire was found; indeed, no attempt was made to determine the cause of the fire. When investigating the cause of a fire, it is a simple matter to eliminate possible sources of the initial flame or source of heat. Another matter is the materials that are ignited. The spire was constructed of heavy oak timbers and the roof covered with lead, neither of which are easily ignited, especially lead. My conclusion is that the roof was intentionally set ablaze. One clue was the removal of the statues on the spire four days before it was burned. Also, other priceless artifacts were removed before the fire, despite the false assertion that they were removed during the fire. The other major clue that the fire was planned or intentional was the pre-erected scaffolding that prevented the structure from collapsing inward upon itself from the weight of the flying buttresses in the absence of supporting roof structure. When a roof is removed, a structure has no support and the walls will collapse, especially when they are heavy like in Notre Dame. The other issue in fire investigation is motive; in this case, is seems apparent that Notre Dame was in an extreme state of disrepair, and it was in danger of collapsing under its own weight, and there was just not enough money to fund the necessary reconstruction, which was only made possible by the very publicized fire carried by every news outlet to the millions of Catholics around the world, who then pledged donations so that the necessary reconstruction and repairs could conducted.
      Too many coincidences support a hypothesis of a conspiracy.

  • @thomaswakula8092
    @thomaswakula8092 Год назад

    So much of the content in this video is repetative of others, many others.

  • @TheBandit7613
    @TheBandit7613 Год назад +2

    Did they ever find out how the fire started?

    • @jacquesmertens3369
      @jacquesmertens3369 Год назад +6

      Based on the videos I've seen I have no doubt the roof was set on fire,
      but they never caught the person(s) who were on the roof when the fire started.
      Also, I don't think the government would encourage an investigation. They prefer not to know. The truth might be very inconvenient.

    • @TheBandit7613
      @TheBandit7613 Год назад +1

      @@jacquesmertens3369 Wow. People stopped talking about the fire.

    • @Agoateeman
      @Agoateeman Год назад +2

      @@jacquesmertens3369 Agreed, they are concerned that truth about the arsonist might get out. Though I have to wonder if some people are discretely investigating this undercover. But, this was most likely done on purpose. You know, to send a message.

    • @jacquesmertens3369
      @jacquesmertens3369 Год назад +1

      @@TheBandit7613 I don't know what you mean, but it's a fact that the government already ruled out arson when the fire was still burning. The investigation was over before it even started.

    • @jacquesmertens3369
      @jacquesmertens3369 Год назад +4

      @@Agoateeman Soon after the fire the CCTV images circulated showing a man on the roof and a bright flash in the exact spot where the fire started. But today this video is hard to find. The big concern for the government was of course not the fact that it could be arson, but that the arsonist might have a certain religious background, and the political consequences for themselves.

  • @justimagine2403
    @justimagine2403 Год назад +3

    Highly suspicious

    • @robertperry4439
      @robertperry4439 Год назад

      I am a fire investigator, and I knew immediately that this was no ordinary fire. No source of the fire was found; indeed, no attempt was made to determine the cause of the fire. When investigating the cause of a fire, it is a simple matter to eliminate possible sources of the initial flame or source of heat. Another matter is the materials that are ignited. The spire was constructed of heavy oak timbers and the roof covered with lead, neither of which are easily ignited, especially lead. My conclusion is that the roof was intentionally set ablaze. One clue was the removal of the statues on the spire four days before it was burned. Also, other priceless artifacts were removed before the fire, despite the false assertion that they were removed during the fire. The other major clue that the fire was planned or intentional was the pre-erected scaffolding that prevented the structure from collapsing inward upon itself from the weight of the flying buttresses in the absence of supporting roof structure. When a roof is removed, a structure has no support and the walls will collapse, especially when they are heavy like in Notre Dame. The other issue in fire investigation is motive; in this case, is seems apparent that Notre Dame was in an extreme state of disrepair, and it was in danger of collapsing under its own weight, and there was just not enough money to fund the necessary reconstruction, which was only made possible by the very publicized fire carried by every news outlet to the millions of Catholics around the world, who then pledged donations so that the necessary reconstruction and repairs could conducted.
      Too many coincidences support a hypothesis of a conspiracy.

  • @Oceanreflects
    @Oceanreflects Год назад

    ❤ ❤

  • @Faesharlyn
    @Faesharlyn Год назад +1

    "Miraculously, a few days before the fire"
    That's weird.

    • @tillll2008
      @tillll2008 Год назад +2


    • @Faesharlyn
      @Faesharlyn Год назад +1

      @tillll2008 because if they hadn't been "miraculously" removed for cleaning they would have been destroyed as well. Instead they were somewhere that wasn't on fire.

    • @tillll2008
      @tillll2008 Год назад +2

      @@Faesharlyn yes... but what is "weird" about it?

    • @Faesharlyn
      @Faesharlyn Год назад

      @tillll2008 the fact that they had never been removed for cleaning but a few days after they're gone the place goes up in flames. It makes me wonder what else had been "removed for cleaning" before the fire and how much of it was declared lost.
      I'm pretty sure you could have come up with that yourself if you weren't so busy being disingenuous ; )

    • @robertperry4439
      @robertperry4439 Год назад

      I am a fire investigator, and I knew immediately that this was no ordinary fire. No source of the fire was found; indeed, no attempt was made to determine the cause of the fire. When investigating the cause of a fire, it is a simple matter to eliminate possible sources of the initial flame or source of heat. Another matter is the materials that are ignited. The spire was constructed of heavy oak timbers and the roof covered with lead, neither of which are easily ignited, especially lead. My conclusion is that the roof was intentionally set ablaze. One clue was the removal of the statues on the spire four days before it was burned. Also, other priceless artifacts were removed before the fire, despite the false assertion that they were removed during the fire. The other major clue that the fire was planned or intentional was the pre-erected scaffolding that prevented the structure from collapsing inward upon itself from the weight of the flying buttresses in the absence of supporting roof structure. When a roof is removed, a structure has no support and the walls will collapse, especially when they are heavy like in Notre Dame. The other issue in fire investigation is motive; in this case, is seems apparent that Notre Dame was in an extreme state of disrepair, and it was in danger of collapsing under its own weight, and there was just not enough money to fund the necessary reconstruction, which was only made possible by the very publicized fire carried by every news outlet to the millions of Catholics around the world, who then pledged donations so that the necessary reconstruction and repairs could conducted.
      Too many coincidences support a hypothesis of a conspiracy.

  • @yankj7647
    @yankj7647 Год назад +1

    4:50 How shameless that France, which often condemns other countries for cutting down trees, ends up cutting down trees itself.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +5

      Hmm... What?
      There's cutting trees and cutting trees.
      Cutting a few trees you planted specially to be harvested later (while the next generation has already been planted) is completely different from obliterating a primordial forest (like they do in Brazil or Tasmania, Australia) at the rate of thousands of hectares a day. There is no replacing this last ecosystem anytime soo.
      Get a clue.

    • @didierjacob250
      @didierjacob250 Год назад +1

      beaucoup de forets en France !!!, la foret a progressé de 20 % en 2020, 17 millions d' hectares, 31 % du foret en France est bien gérée, ne t' en fais pas ....
      meme les chinois viennent nous acheter beaucoup de chenes, qui sont de tres bonne qualités, ne dis pas de bétises.....

  • @fabriciofercher8317
    @fabriciofercher8317 Год назад


  • @AndrewLumsden
    @AndrewLumsden Год назад +2

    It's pronounced Not-re, not No-tre 🙄🤬

  • @elgar57
    @elgar57 Год назад +1

    Notre is prounounced NOTRA ffs

  • @randolphpinkle4482
    @randolphpinkle4482 Год назад +1

    Iconic. Iconic. Everything's iconic today. Just fix the thing. And then pretend to believe in fairies.

    • @tillll2008
      @tillll2008 Год назад +2

      Randy.... hey... have a good day and easter week....
      How are you, honey? You seem to be lonely

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +1

      You do know that France is a secular republic with a lot of emphasis on the secular bit? Most religious buildings are the property of the government and their use for religious purpose is on sufferance. They are seen equally as architectural monuments.

  • @elgar57
    @elgar57 Год назад +5

    Why can Amercans not pronounce things properly.

  • @rtroyer8963
    @rtroyer8963 Год назад +1

    the spire is beautiful, but it doesn't belong, and look what it did to Notre Dame, almost completely destroyed it. Rebuild the spire and place it on a small chapel beside the Cathedral where it can be appreciated on its own.

  • @morfeubranco
    @morfeubranco Год назад +3

    Are other churches still be burned down in France as well?

  • @margaretgarden1470
    @margaretgarden1470 Год назад

    It's an evil building ...

    • @xavierfranco5800
      @xavierfranco5800 Год назад +1

      Only to the evil is it an evil building.

    • @margaretgarden1470
      @margaretgarden1470 Год назад

      @@xavierfranco5800 time will tell....

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад

      Why do you say that?

    • @margaretgarden1470
      @margaretgarden1470 Год назад

      @Philip Jones that building is being used for satanic rituals by the elite ....why do you think that so many wealthy characters straight away donated huge amounts of money into the repair ? This is one of the buildings around the world that is used by the elite / cabal /deep state , used for crimes against humanity ......very complex. The building is used for dark reasons ....look into things like spiritual awakening , control cabal , spiritually, starseeds, agenda 2030 , 🙏❤️

  • @markupton3482
    @markupton3482 Год назад

    I think Notre Dame burning is funny...
    1.) No one was hurt.
    2.) Something evil probably happened there, (child molestation or Human sacrifice?), and it needed ritual purification by fire.
    3.)The old oak was probably about to go and the cheapest solution was to burn/demo the lot!
    4.)Also, it is also very good to put the public in hysteria.
    5.) What if the place burns again... The folly of man? -More funny!...
    See what I did there, a beginning, a middle and an end, returning to the theme of funny!
    Some writers is good writers.
    Mark is a good writer...
    Mark is some writer!

  • @bearthomas
    @bearthomas Год назад +3

    Wish their stories were all so unbiased

    • @ABlueDahlia
      @ABlueDahlia Год назад +2

      They are!

    • @zam6877
      @zam6877 Год назад +3

      Sometimes, it is hard to accept the facts of things
      I hope, in time, you can have the courage awake in your heart to face things as they

    • @dafrasier1
      @dafrasier1 Год назад

      Promoting Child Sex Abuse Catholics as good is NOT unbiased.
      while condemning Saudi; Two faced, duplicitous CBS. promoting Out Dated Superstition of magic guy in sky.
      Discredited 60 minutes and CBS

    • @bearthomas
      @bearthomas Год назад

      @@zam6877 so you think that 60 minutes is true unbiased journalism? 😆

    • @bearthomas
      @bearthomas Год назад

      @@ABlueDahlia name says it all

  • @orion7741
    @orion7741 Год назад

    they REALLY should have taken this opportunity to re-design the spire and to make it better with a more modern design. the original designer of the old spire would have NEVER EVER approved of using the old design! its a shame that they decided to just fall back onto what was, instead of thinking differently and making bigger and better designs. That is how all cathederals were done for centuries. they always were pushing new designs and would never use old designs over again.

    • @heliedecastanet1882
      @heliedecastanet1882 Год назад

      Hey, Orion 🙂 As a French, I quite agree with you. It would have been the opportunity of creating something new and bold, instead of a replica of something which was not even medieval anyway. But conservative people are very powerful in France, especially religious people, and I was sure they would win this battle… Too bad !

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1

      @@heliedecastanet1882 As a French what?
      Please, at least learn how to correctly state your own nationality in English.
      It's not that complicated and seems like the minimum to be able to say.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад

      Frankly, there's no end to this debate (rebuilding as it was or doing something new and different?) You have equally valid arguments on both sides.
      Or rather, there was an end to the debate, because the tinpot dictator in charge of France has decided that it would be like he said.

    • @marvinhaines9297
      @marvinhaines9297 Год назад

      All the improvements made in the past respected and, well, IMPROVED the architecture of the cathedral! That glass spire was designed as an anarchist/nihilist political statement with the sole intent to mock, disfigure, and defame this irreplaceable relic of the past - a futurist's attempt to say to the world, "The past does not matter. It has no relevance in this age of perfection. The Master Masons and Architects of the middle ages are long dead, and the quicker we forget about them, the more advanced we are as a society."

  • @hazbutler
    @hazbutler Год назад

    The Church could have paid for the restoration several times over, yet willingly took donations from the public. Total bs.

    • @francoisleyrat8659
      @francoisleyrat8659 Год назад +3

      In France, cathedrals are owned by the state, and ordinary churches by local authorities, not by the Catholic church.

    • @hazbutler
      @hazbutler Год назад

      @@francoisleyrat8659 The more you know...

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +3

      @@francoisleyrat8659 Correct. And their use by religious bodies is on sufferance only. Step out of line and it's services in the park, if you can get permission.

    • @mailen7341
      @mailen7341 Год назад

      Not all ordinary churches as well. All religious buildings ( whatever the religion) build before 1905 belong to the state ( at a national or a local level). Only those built after 1905 are owned by religious movements.

  • @michaelrfx7
    @michaelrfx7 Год назад +1

    How about the French Government stop wasting money on this material stuff and not mess with the French people’s livelihood by increasing their retirement age benefits/pension.

    • @jean-yvesmartin6934
      @jean-yvesmartin6934 Год назад +3

      basically all paid on private

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад

      By "French government" you mean Macron.
      He's a tinpot dictator and France is not a democracy, remember that!

    • @sergegostoli9524
      @sergegostoli9524 Год назад +1

      no, paid by donations which are eligible to a 70% tax cut to the one making the donation so in reality 70% of the cost is supported by tax payers

    • @jean-yvesmartin6934
      @jean-yvesmartin6934 Год назад +4

      @@sergegostoli9524 well as a french tax payer i do not mind paying for this and i'm willing to bet most french people feels spending cash on freaking military any day

    • @sergegostoli9524
      @sergegostoli9524 Год назад

      @@jean-yvesmartin6934 and as a French tax payer I find this to be a clear violation of the spirit of the 1905 law and absolutely disagree with this use of money and while I do not know if there have been polls on this most of the people around me also find it to be a huge waste
      As for the military spending there are other places that cash could be spent like for example secular education...
      But then our country love spending money on stupid things, Notre Dame, Paris Olympics... you name it we'll spend it...

  • @poefpoef
    @poefpoef Год назад

    The spire should have been left out, and not be recreated. The spire was a 19th century ugly add-on to a medieval cathedral in a completely different style.

    • @termivan
      @termivan Год назад +2

      the spire was the plan since the begining of noter dame. it was originaly built around 1230 AD and had to be taken down in 18-th century only to be rebuilt in the 19-th century

    • @jadawin10
      @jadawin10 Год назад

      The spire of Notre-Dame exists since its beginnings. Following damage the first was dismantled at the end of the 18th century. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc rebuilt it a few decades later...

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +2

      The cathedral was the Gothic reconstruction of a previous Romanesque building.
      I think they should've leveled what was left of Notre-Dame and rebuilt the original Romanesque church.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1

      @@termivan You're straight away more credible when you can't even spell the name of the building you're talking about.

    • @jadawin10
      @jadawin10 Год назад +1

      Almost every Gothic church in France was built on the foundations of a Romanesque church, which itself was built on a Roman temple, which itself was built on a Celtic temple, etc. It's ridiculous...

  • @dylanreece7991
    @dylanreece7991 Год назад +1

    This story is missing so much. Rather than recreate an unoriginal part of the cathedral, something new and lasting and modern could have been erected similar to the Louvre pyramid. Fighting time and history and death by meticulously recreating something gone… seems very against contemporary French culture and thought.

    • @Balrog2005
      @Balrog2005 Год назад +1

      The spire is from a 19th century reconstruction and rebuild. The Notre Dame Cathedral was already a mix of Middle Ages original and various rebuilds before the fire.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +3

      The debate between the Moderns and the Ancients is bound to be endless.

    • @marvinhaines9297
      @marvinhaines9297 Год назад

      All the improvements made in the past respected and, well, IMPROVED the architecture of the cathedral! That glass spire was designed as an anarchist/nihilist political statement with the sole intent to mock, disfigure, and defame this irreplaceable relic of the past - a futurist's attempt to say to the world, "The past does not matter. It has no relevance in this age of perfection. The Master Masons and Architects of the middle ages are long dead, and the quicker we forget about them, the more advanced we are as a society."

  • @captaincritter1898
    @captaincritter1898 Год назад

    praying for another fire 🙏

    • @jean-yvesmartin6934
      @jean-yvesmartin6934 Год назад

      Yeah i hope your house, if you own one, burns down to the ground

  • @obrien6320
    @obrien6320 Год назад

    I think the spire should not be rebuilt. It was a man wanting to put his mark on a beautiful historical building. It's a carbuncle on a beautiful building.

    • @debranchelowtone
      @debranchelowtone Год назад +3

      The law is to rebuild as it was, no more no less.

    • @jadawin10
      @jadawin10 Год назад

      The spire of Notre-Dame exists since its beginnings. Following damage the first was dismantled at the end of the 18th century. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc rebuilt it a few decades later...

    • @marvinhaines9297
      @marvinhaines9297 Год назад +1

      I firmly disagree. Viollet-le-Duc's spire was a beautiful gift to an equally beautiful treasure. I love the Gothic Revival style. It respects and improves upon its predecessor.

  • @billyponsonby
    @billyponsonby Год назад

    €900million on a building whilst catholic kids in Manila and a thousand other places live in abject poverty.

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +2

      The kids of the Philippines are the responsibility of the Philippine government. A country with more mineral wealth than it could know what to do with. And yes, I lived and worked there and agree, its appalling. Throwing money at them will not help. Ditto, a lot of other countries.

  • @lutomson3496
    @lutomson3496 Год назад

    all this for some religious artifact when so many people are suffering, just another icon for the church to fleece more out of money, ive been there and visited before that was enough

    • @xavierfranco5800
      @xavierfranco5800 Год назад +2

      One comment out of you is quite enough.

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +4

      Those buildings don't belong to the church. They are historical monuments first and for religious use when permitted.

  • @sergegostoli9524
    @sergegostoli9524 Год назад

    waste of wood, waste of money... in a secular country where the state is not supposed to finance religions... if this were to restore a burnt mosque the French would be outraged...
    turn the freaking ruin into a park with trees we need that more than we need religion

    • @francoisleyrat8659
      @francoisleyrat8659 Год назад +8

      In France, cathedrals are owned and maintained by the state, not by the Catholic church.

    • @sergegostoli9524
      @sergegostoli9524 Год назад

      @@francoisleyrat8659 Which only further makes the point that that given the catholic church has exclusive use of it the state is actually financing a religion

    • @francoisleyrat8659
      @francoisleyrat8659 Год назад +5

      @@sergegostoli9524 No, it's maintaining an historic structure, not financing the liturgical activities inside. And this true of all religious (not only Christian) buildings built before 1905, year of the French law separating church and state (for further pedantry, admittedly never applied in the Alsace and Moselle parts of eastern France which were parts of the German Empire at the time of the 1905 law).

    • @sergegostoli9524
      @sergegostoli9524 Год назад

      "And this true of all religious (not only Christian)"
      Given they are almost all Christian ones that's amusing...
      The reality is keeping the buildings as "patrimoine" is just a hidden way for the state to finance Christianity

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +3

      @@sergegostoli9524 Its use for religious purposes is 'on sufferance' only. If you think the secular government would hesitate to shut them down for religious use then think again. It is an historic monument first and foremost and the restoration is about preserving history. The history of religion in France was bloody and terrible. No one gets to forget which is why we walk the thin line of allowing freedom of religion (UN declaration of human rights) and keeping religion out of politics.

  • @franksliwa362
    @franksliwa362 Год назад +2

    What a amazing story! The statues saved by the grace of God!! Soon to be restored to is former glory!!!

  • @mr.humbert3411
    @mr.humbert3411 Год назад


  • @lightningsrt4707
    @lightningsrt4707 Год назад

    Waste of money that could have helped millions of kids.

    • @PhilJonesIII
      @PhilJonesIII Год назад +3

      Please come to France and point out a kid in need that is not being cared for.

    • @lightningsrt4707
      @lightningsrt4707 Год назад

      @@PhilJonesIII typically French, loses who think they care.

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1

      @@lightningsrt4707 ??
      Try English, maybe?

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1

      Help them do what?

    • @frontenac5083
      @frontenac5083 Год назад +1


  • @jonerlandson1956
    @jonerlandson1956 Год назад

    *UMM..* the reason.... for the artist depicting his own face upon the piece of art he created of St Thomsas... is because... doubting Thomas.... the only way to heaven is through me.... I AM... the WAY... i don't think you people understand that... you have to be... to be... yourselves.... *you do not understand anything... except... through yourself...* it was not an act of egotistical sprawl... it is a teaching.... *the symbol and the symbolic...* is abstract thinking.... Michelangelo... painted a UTERUS... upon the VOID spaces of the Sistine Chapel.. signifying the sanctity of WOMAN... abstract thinking.... go to ancient Egypt to learn all about it... just as jesus did.... *black African people...* and white people... are two different people... with... different history... different everything... they were not in our world when any of this was going on.... *black african people...* is a different race of people than the rest of the world... they never met neanderthal.... we have 250,000 years of evolution between us....

    • @xavierfranco5800
      @xavierfranco5800 Год назад

      Your use of periods does not in any way enhance what you're trying to say.