For brother Dawit, you may not know me in person, but your extraordinary talent in writing songs and making composition is one of a kind. You have been my idol and still you are starting from the song that you composed for Zeritu entitled "Seyfihin Ansa" if I spelled it correctly. We may not be from the same faith but I am always very inspired by your immense talent specially in your music composition and playing of many musical instruments. As a youngster, your dedication for your faith and your insight for musical playing are my inspiration. Last but not least, you are an exemplary for those who want to utilize their time on things that are most interesting to do.
Woooooooooow!!!!!!!! tears in my eyes. Makes my heart go back to that raw relationship of just me and my jesus savior, together. I love yow Jesus. you're my one and only.God bless you daveye and the teams 💙💙💙💙
This is one of profound song written in our generation for JESUS. Our soul lifted by this song. Gives us a word to tell to JESUS how much we love him. May God bless all. Isaiah 61:3 " give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit;....."
Sweet song to Jesus. I remember listening to this song in campus in 2013, n the whole night crying saying i love you Lord..ohhhh it was the bonus song on #1vol. I think.haha
ነፍሴ እጅግ ወዳሀለች ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ ትላለች 😢😢 መንፈስ ቅዱስ የእግዚአብሔርን ፍቅር በልባችን ስላፈሰስክ እናመሰግናለን 🙏🙏
የሚገባህ አንተን ብቻ ነው
የውስጥ የሆዴን ሳወራው
እየሱስ እያልኩኝ
ስምህን ስጣራ
መቼ ዝም አልከኝ
ሰምተ እንዳልሰማ
በጨነቀኝ ግዜ ድምፄን ሰምተህ
ፈጥነህ ደረስክ
እንባዬን ከአይኔ አበስክ
ካንተ ሚበልጥብኝ የለም
ማንም አንተን አይለውጥብኝ
ሌላ ሁሉ አያምረኝም
ነብሴ እጅግ ወዳሀለች
እየሱስ(3x) እያለች
ላንተ ትዘምራለች
ምህረትህ ከህይወት ይሻላል
ለዘላለም ፀንቶ ይኖራል
ለምትፍልግህ ነብስ ትገኛለህ
ከመልካምነትህ ታጠግባታለህ
ማን ወድቆ ያውቃል ከሰፊው እጅህ
ሁልጊዜ ሳስብ ፍቅርህ እጅግ ይገርመኛል
እስከ መስቀል ድረስ ወደኽኛል
ካንተ ሚበልጥብኝ የለም
ማንም አንተን አይለውጥብኝ
ሌላ ሁሉ አያምረኝም
ነብሴ እጅግ ወዳሀለች
እየሱስ(3x) ትላለች
ላንተ ትዘምራለች
ምን እላለው ስላደረከው
አንድ ሁለት ብዬ አልቆጥረው
እዘምራለሁ ለፍቅርህ
ዛሬም ለዘላለም
ወጣቶች ሲዘምሩ ማየት ምንኛ ደስ ይላል መጸሀፍ ሲናገር "የጭንቀት ቀን ሳይመጣ በጕብዝናህ ወራት ፈጣሪህን አስብ፤ "መጽሐፈ መክብብ 12፥1 ይህ ቃል ለሁላችን ይሁንልን
Oh how I love this song!! I called it a glimpse of heaven!! don’t you feel like you died and went to heaven??
Beblessed dave
Heaven leaked footage 😅
ጌታ አብዝቶ አብዝቶ ሰማያዊዉን ቅኔን እንድትቀኝለት ያድርግህ ይጨማምርልህ ተባረክ ዳዊት
Thank you dave for this song 😢 it really meant a lot to me personally , your blessed 💙🙏
ካንተ ሚበልጥብኝ የለም ማንም አንተን አይለውጥብኝም ሌላው አያምረኝም
ነፍሴ እጅግ ወዳሃለች ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ እያለች ላንተ ትዘምራለች
አሜን አሜን አሜን
ዘማሪ ዳዊት እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ! ዘመንህ ይባረክ!
አባት ሆይ ከንተ የሚበልጥብን ነገር የለም 😢
Betam new miwedachu ye abatie brukan ❤❤❤🇪🇷🇪🇷
ምን እላለው ስላደረከው አንድ ሁለት ብዬ አልቆጥረው ውለታህ ብዙ ባይመጥንህ ምላሽ ባይሆንም ዘምራለው ፍቅርህን ዛሬም ለዘላለም አሜን
“ዳዊትም በራሱ ዘመን የእግዚአብሔርን አሳብ ካገለገለ በኋላ አንቀላፋ፥ ከአባቶቹም ጋር ተጨምሮ መበስበስን አየ፤”
- ሐዋርያት 13፥36
Beutiful Mezmur. God bless you, Elshaday. I lso loved the video. You are blessed
አባዬ ኢየሱስ ከአንተ የሚበልጥ ለእኔ ማንም የለምና ሁሌም እወድሃለው!! Dav በብዙ ተባረክ።
ጌታ ሆይ.......
ካንተ ሚበልጥብኝ የለም ማንም አንተን አይለውጥብኝም ሌላው አያምረኝም
ነፍሴ እጅግ ወዳሃለች ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ እያለች ላንተ ትዘምራለች
Devye wow wow maytegeb zemare!!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
ታድለሀ ሀሌሉሉያ
For brother Dawit, you may not know me in person, but your extraordinary talent in writing songs and making composition is one of a kind. You have been my idol and still you are starting from the song that you composed for Zeritu entitled "Seyfihin Ansa" if I spelled it correctly. We may not be from the same faith but I am always very inspired by your immense talent specially in your music composition and playing of many musical instruments. As a youngster, your dedication for your faith and your insight for musical playing are my inspiration. Last but not least, you are an exemplary for those who want to utilize their time on things that are most interesting to do.
ሆ ጌታ ኢየሱስ ካንተ ሚበልጥብኝ ማንም የለም ለኔ አባዬ ተባረኩ በኢየሱስ ስም
ጸጋ ይብዛላችሁ..... እግዚአብሔር በሰጠኝ ፍቅር ፣ በእግዚአብሔር አባትነት በተገኘ ቤተሰባዊ ፍቅር እወዳችኋለሁ።
Huffffa Nfes ejeg wedahalch😢😢😢
ብሩክ ነህ ዳዊት!!!! እነዚህን ሁሉ ወጣት ጌታን ሲያመልኩ ማየት ምን ያህል ያስደስታል ዘመናቹ በቤቱ ይለቅ አሁንም ለበረከት ሁኑ!!!!!
መድህኔ ፡ የመቀበርያዬን : መድህኔ ፡ ጉድጓድ ፡ የደፈንከው
መድህኔ ፡ የሕይወቴን ፡ ጨለማ : መድህኔ ፡ ገለል ፡ ያደረከው
መድህኔ ፡ በሞትና ፡ በእኔ : መድህኔ ፡ መካከል ፡ ገብተህ
መድህኔ ፡ ሕያው ፡ አደረከኝ : መድህኔ ፡ አንተ ፡ ተችሎህ
አንዳንድ መዝሙሮች መንግስተሰማይ ሆነን የምንዘምር ይመስለኛል ጌታን አይታቹ ስለምታሳዩን ተባረኩ ❤❤❤❤🙌🙌🙌
አሜን አሜን አግዚአብሔር ጻጋ ይበዛላች 🤲🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👏🎺👏🎻👏🥁👏🎸👏🎷👏🎹ተባርኩ ባቡዙ 🙌🇪🇹🙌🇪🇹🙏🇪🇹🙌🇪🇹🙏
ምን እላለሁ ስላደረከው አንድ ሁለት ብዬ አልቆጥረው ውለታህ ብዙ ነው፤
ባይመጥንህ ምላሽ ባይሆንህም..😭❤
❝እርሱ አስቀድሞ ወዶናልና እኛ እንወደዋለን።❞-1ኛ ዮሐንስ 4: 19 ከፍ በሉ ዴቫ🙌
New timely songвидео.html
ከአንተ ምበልጢብኝ የለም ማንም አንተን አይለውጢቢኝም ሌላ ሁላ አያምረኝም ነፍሴ እጂግ ወዳሀለች ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ እያለች ለአንተ ትዘምራለች ፡፡
Woooooooooow!!!!!!!! tears in my eyes. Makes my
heart go back to that raw relationship of just me
and my jesus savior, together. I love yow Jesus. you're my one and only.God bless you daveye and the teams 💙💙💙💙
Btam nw mwedachu tbarkulgi
የተባራከ ትዉልድ
Kingdom Sound
New timely mezmureвидео.html
Dave - you are a gift to this generation
አሜን አሜን አሜን አሌሉያ
ነብሴ ወዳሀለች እየሱስ እያለች
እግዚአብሔር ይባካቹ ያባቴ ብሩካን
ምሕረትህ ከሕይወት ይሻላል ነፍሴ ተመስገንሃልች ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ ኢየሱስ እያለች
ለአንተ ትዘምራልችህ ክብር ሁሉ ለአንተ ይሁን አባበ እወድሀለሁ አሜን👐 ተባረኩ አሁንም ፀጋው ይብዛልችሁ እናመሰግናለን🙏
Eskezarae selalesemawachu yekochgnal........ewdedachewalew
Yemibarik mezimur bertu Yegeta tsega yibzalachu
My favourite mezmur of all time .... mechem maytegeb, Geta abzeto yibarkh Dave.
deviye geta abzeto yibarkehe tebareke
ምን ብዬ ልበል በቃ አባቴ በሰማያዊ በረከት ይባርካቹ ዴቭዬ የምትወደው እየሱስ ከዚህ በላይ ያብዛልህ!!
Endezih beteregaga menifes wedehilwnaw wist yemiyasgeba mezmur yibzaln
ምንም ካንተ አይበልጥብኝም እኔ እራሱ ካንተ አልበልጥም አባብዬ እውድካለው ተባረኩልኝ
This is one of profound song written in our generation for JESUS. Our soul lifted by this song. Gives us a word to tell to JESUS how much we love him. May God bless all. Isaiah 61:3 " give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit;....."
wow daviye tsegaw bizit yebelilk betam des yemil zimare 🙏🙏🙏
"ከአንተ ሚበልጥብኝ የለም "😍🙏🙏
God Bels you
I love you dave 🙏🥰
Almighty lord Bless You DAVE ዘመንህ ይባረክ
አሜን አሜን ተባረክ
Sweet song to Jesus. I remember listening to this song in campus in 2013, n the whole night crying saying i love you Lord..ohhhh it was the bonus song on #1vol. I think.haha
እግዚአብሔር ለዘመናችን እናንተን ስለሰጠን እባርከዋለሁ!
Hallelujah geta hoye kanet mebeletebegn yelem. የለም::
Love u #Dav....benitsuh lib getan mitamelk...
ነብሴ ላንተ ለኢየሱስ ትዘምራለች
Dave kidus egzr yibarkeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I felt so angry when it ended...that is how much I love this song. betaaaaaaaam new mewedachu tebarekulgn!
Amen.... Ewadhalew....... Deve.........we love u ..........
ኡፍፍፍ ተባረኩ ያብዛላችሁ 🤗🤗😇😇😇😇😇😇
You are a blessing for our nation
Err deva wedehalew eko Kingdom sounds bexam nw mewedacu join baregacu am so happy
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥wow geta yebarek
God bless u dawit i really loved it and it has touched my heart
wow dave and kgs crew god bless you, real christological touch and sound doctrine song.
What a worship 🙌🏽 Daveye God bless you 🙏🏽
My favourite song😍😍😍♥️♥️ God bless u guys😘😘😘😘😘😘
Amennnnn Amennnnn Gad Blsse You
God bless you
Truly kingdom sound!!! Stay blessed.
God bless y’all
Ehen lij sewdew tebarek
I love u the most guys. Stay blessed
God bless u all
Amen tebareku dav 😍😍
So great
The blues way of singing, so powerful, bless you all.
This truly is beautiful thank you so much !! I can’t stop listening to it
#Dave my favorite singer of all time
How I love this song. God bless Dawit Getachew
How i love this song... nefsim aykerilgn
dave i so blessed...stay blessed..
may my God bless you!
Davyee hula zemere mezmurocheh betam yebarekalu love all kingdom sound
This is deep love deep worship , Dave love you brother. Truly kingdom sound!
Thank you so much. Just has a way of bringing you into a heart of worship anytime.
Bless you Dave!
Nothing like worshiping in his spirit ur blessed for ever....
Geta semu yebirek beta nawe emeweda yehen mezmur
Thank you brother Dawit what a song May God bless you abundantly!
Awww😍😍😍 the sweetest song!!!!!!
Amazing worship song blessed dave and kingdom worship team thanks
Stay Blessed!
Uff nebsa ereseresech bless u all❤️
ፀጋ ይብዛልህ😍😍😍видео.html
stay blessed!
Bless you all
E/r yibarikih
Bereket nachu 🙏
Where are you guys located at? It would be really amazing to be able to worship with you all! God bless you Brother
Sometimes you go, sometimes Zetseat Church... I think you should email them if you want to know the programs
Wagari Garoma God bless you
you go