Zhang Zhehan speaks up about the cyber bullying! Gongjun shamelesslesly making use of Zhehan!

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 188

  • @peacelove8345
    @peacelove8345 2 года назад +63

    Zhehan, you are a courageous soul. Not only did you survive the extreme hardship in the last eight months, you have made yourself a stronger, wiser and better person. Those who resonate with you will continue to be with you on your journey.

  • @陳聯華-t2p
    @陳聯華-t2p 2 года назад +30


  • @ginaher4529
    @ginaher4529 2 года назад +58

    I can see that ZZH is holding back tears...But I couldn't hold mines back....My eyes is bulging with tears...I'm just so happy to see you speaking up for yourself and what's right...We love and miss you so much....

  • @agnesho4231
    @agnesho4231 2 года назад +61


  • @美華郭-r5f
    @美華郭-r5f 2 года назад +34


  • @Sam-uk3qn
    @Sam-uk3qn 2 года назад +55

    Hear him speak. Feel his anger. Give him justice. This is a measured, clear-spoken words of a man who has suffered for months, merciless and kept from raising his voice, speaking up against those who actively made him, his family, and friends suffer. Zhang Zhehan needs to be heard. What ever toxicity that plagues this industry that allows this terrible "business tactic" to thrive needs to be changed!

    • @ifahmanis5566
      @ifahmanis5566 2 года назад +6

      Yes,,, I feel it,,,, really really so sad,,,,
      Hope zzh and his family always be healthy 🙏

    • @ariadawn1234
      @ariadawn1234 2 года назад +6

      +1 His voice only may not be loud enough to make the change but let’s hope that his courage will resonate with like-minded people and inspire others to fight for his innocence!

    • @flower1368
      @flower1368 2 года назад +2


    • @Sam-uk3qn
      @Sam-uk3qn 2 года назад

      @Abby Hood Hi. If you don't follow his account, how can you dismiss his recent material as "fake"? GJ has openly mocked him (his IG content, specifically), how can you believe that they're "connected"? His IG was maliciously reported and closed for a few days, returning with the verified blue tick confirming the owner's authenticity.

    • @Sam-uk3qn
      @Sam-uk3qn 2 года назад +1

      @Abby Hood On the topic of "selling expensive products", those are authentic goods you're talking about, priced reasonably. I believe the recent brands GJ works with are more unreasonably expensive and also continue to steal (i.e. use without asking) elements that belong to ZZH without permission is worst of a business practice than ZZH starting his own, authentic brand. Maybe consider checking some other information sources, hmm? You're hurting ZZH (and really, hurting GJ too, by making his fans appear as a group that is uninformed and practicing cyber bullying) by spreading misinformation.

  • @山河不足重重在遇知己
    @山河不足重重在遇知己 2 года назад +10


  • @yorozuya3448
    @yorozuya3448 2 года назад +42

    There is no amount of words I can say to express how happy I am after watching this. Let's all keep hoping and wait for karma and justice. Be strong! ❤ 💙

  • @MegajasmineR
    @MegajasmineR 2 года назад +23

    I have much respect for you. Standing up for what is right shows that you are an honorable man. Many positive thoughts are given to you and your family.

  • @Pachiadear
    @Pachiadear 2 года назад +24

    Sooo happy to see him again! We support you!

  • @chinghsiangchen5339
    @chinghsiangchen5339 2 года назад +18

    張哲瀚祝您生日快樂您的生日也是張媽媽的母難日,很多人都知道您是一位很孝順的年輕人,張哲瀚您的正能量正在改變很多人 的觀念與好的方向前進,這麼遠能與張哲瀚認識我非常幸運,張哲瀚身體一定要健康,有健康的身體路才能走的更好更遠,再一次跟您說生日快樂❤️

  • @บะลักบะลกบะลิก

    Thanks for showing up.👍 I love you and trust your words.💖 Please keep communicating to all fans who have been waiting to meet you eagerly.😊

  • @yingying511
    @yingying511 2 года назад +65

    相信手写信的内容大家都已经看到了. 这段时期得到了许多亲朋好友和社会各界人士的鼓励与支持. 谢谢大家. 这让我想起了一位朋友 曾给我分享过一个一口锅的故事. 他说: 人生就像是一口大锅. 当你在锅底时, 无论往哪个方向走, 都是向上的. 听到这个故事, 我突发奇想. 给这个故事加了些料. 我说, 当你呆在锅底, 想往上走的时候止不住, 有人不断往锅里倒油, 让你脚底打滑, 苦不堪言. 如今想想, 这个把我推向锅底并不断倒油的人是谁? 不用我说, 大家 也越来越清晰了. 一个上节目都要盗用我童年时期的照片来引导粉丝进行课堂的人. 真是颠覆了我的三观. 我一直认为朋友之间互相帮助才能够走得更远更踏实. 演员这个标签 跟随了我十几年, 合作过的伙伴很多. 我相信这些合作伙伴无论关系或近或远, 都是相互尊重尊敬的. 一些对手或是竞争关系也都是良性的. 毕竟提升自我才是正途. 当然, 我也得到了许多老前辈老师们的提携与帮助. 唯一的目的? 就是拍摄出更多更好的更优秀的影视剧作品来奉献给大家. 我曾在采访的时候说过. 我红了, 不代表我过得更好. 我不红 也不代表我过得不好. 也许红 利益才是原罪. 天下攘攘 皆为利往. 我万万没想到 一些人, 一些势力可以一个青年, 一个家庭乃至一个群体的尊严, 甚至生命为筹码. 不惜下重金. 造谣. 一个爱国青年的政治立场. 修改词条联动营销好利用大量的黑水军来蒙蔽官方媒体, 招募粉丝运营 来引导未成年人磕所谓的男男CP, 鼓动其粉丝为其氪金. 一部戏的成功 没有错. 错的是这些昧着良心挣黑心钱的人.
    现在我重新振作起来, 我还是我, 没有改变. 在我人生每个阶段 都拼尽全力. 我开始 学习, 写作 以自我疗伤, 开始学习心理学, 去聊与那些因为我而陷入情绪低谷的伙伴们照亮自己, 也照亮你. 开始练习吉他 丰富自己的艺术修养. 既然没办法去KTV? 那就学习自己喜欢的歌, 自弹自唱. 开始学习古诗词, 以便未来可以写出更多深入人心的歌词. 现在已经完成几首作词和几首作曲. 相信在不远的将来. 会跟大家见面的. 既然不论穿什么都会让大家磕CP, 那就设计自己喜欢的服装. 只要喜欢我支持我的人, 想看想听, 便愿意与我同频共振. 那我将坚定不移地走向你们. 那些不愿意醒来的人, 只能说我们的缘分 就已经结束了. 也祝你们好好生活 皆如所愿. 希望你们能够把更多的爱意 传递给你们自己的父母, 而不是沉浸在所谓的追星快乐当中. 你们不愿意醒来 是你们的自由. 但请不要伤害我的家人和朋友. 现实 并不是梦. 那些伤害会让我们感受到痛. 而那些唯利是图, 利用歪门邪道谋取利益的人,我相信, 因果报应, 屡试不爽. 人生没有一帆风顺, 人生 不可能尽是坦途, 但求无愧于心. 让我们一起坚强, 坚持坚信.
    Find your voice。

    • @ln9393
      @ln9393 2 года назад +9

      太牛壁 真是有人一字不漏的寫下來 我寫不到兩句就寫不了了 膜拜大神🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @julbonitazarraga9937
      @julbonitazarraga9937 2 года назад +5

      My love 😍 Zhang Zhe Han go go go 💯👄

    • @hj512ha
      @hj512ha 2 года назад +6


    • @Angetbaby
      @Angetbaby 2 года назад +8

      Thank for the transcript! I love you ZZH and look forward to your time in the spotlight again. Wishing you much love and happiness 💕

    • @ifahmanis5566
      @ifahmanis5566 2 года назад +5


  • @joannalu2707
    @joannalu2707 2 года назад +28

    小哲 加油💪!雖然不捨但是還是謝謝🙏 你們給予我們開心的一年很開心看到你的堅強和堅持但是不要放棄我們雖然有些傷心和遺憾但是還是希望你們好 看到你還是`那麼可愛和正直善良真的了不起為你驕傲但是我們這些在山上等待你的朋友和家人要有愛心和理解載著我們下山!因為我們愛你 🤟!我們支持你!更要看你的成功!為你的家人感到驕傲!敎出那麼優秀和良善的性格的孩子!加油💪別放棄自己l等著你的演唱會!`

  • @aliciamazzuoccolo
    @aliciamazzuoccolo 2 года назад +32

    Gracias ZZHang por comunicarte con nosotres, queríamos saber de vos y como estabas.
    Queremos que todo se arregle definitivamente y puedas volver a ser feliz.
    Te extrañanos
    Te amanos
    Permanece fuerte
    Tienes que vencer
    Te amo!

  • @lee5052
    @lee5052 2 года назад +15

    Good to see you speaking out.
    We know you are innocent.
    Prayers ongoing 4 you and family
    Let God be yr vindicator, trust, belief and have faith in Him .As your will come back triumph and victory.
    God bless!

  • @陈志强-v6v
    @陈志强-v6v 2 года назад +4

    哲瀚慢慢来,相信你会越来越好 风雨过后会见到彩虹,加油❤

  • @elizabethstone435
    @elizabethstone435 2 года назад +18

    Best wishes and prayers. You are a remarkable and resilient young man

  • @nanachen5354
    @nanachen5354 2 года назад +12


  • @alexandrajacquemin936
    @alexandrajacquemin936 2 года назад +32

    Merci beaucoup de nous donner de vos nouvelles !
    Les épreuves nous rendent toujours plus fort
    Recevez, ainsi que votre maman, toutes nos amitiés de France

  • @Newbaby_y
    @Newbaby_y 2 года назад +5

    瀚瀚加油,我支持你,永遠站在你這邊👋👋👋👋👋👋 說得好做得好

  • @sherryy8881
    @sherryy8881 2 года назад +10


  • @annaangol1748
    @annaangol1748 2 года назад +8

    Hold strong be of good courage. The truth will prevail. Those who are trying to destroy will not succeed. You are a talented young man. Be strong for your mom as well. 🙏

  • @wohzzh
    @wohzzh 2 года назад +5


  • @bella8303
    @bella8303 2 года назад +23


    • @wanyholee2668
      @wanyholee2668 2 года назад +1

      背後的邪惡利益集團 必需被控入獄 社會才會清郎!!否則人人有機被害!!

  • @takatochunta9610
    @takatochunta9610 2 года назад +6

    Love you forever ZheHan
    Always remember that you have us...keep fighting and may God bring justice to you and to us.

  • @jeanettefaundez9522
    @jeanettefaundez9522 2 года назад +22

    Precioso Zhan Zhe Han ❤️
    Espero en Dios 🙏 verte pronto en los dramas pues eres un gran actor 😉, desde Valdivia Chile 🇨🇱 Chile al fin de América del sur te envío un fuerte abrazo y fuerza mi hermoso niño , estoy contigo siempre , Cuidate mucho ❤️ gracias por comunicarte con los que te amamos , besos 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  • @ariadawn1234
    @ariadawn1234 2 года назад +6

    小哲,we heard you, loud and clear!! You impressed the world with your coolness, your nobleness, and your integrity!! You are fighting for your innocence and your future. We support you and we’ll always stand with you💖💖 Let us hope that your courage will resonate with like-minded people and inspire others in seeking justice for you💪💪🌻🌻

  • @rebekahweber2413
    @rebekahweber2413 2 года назад +6

    Keep finding your voice. Fight to be released from this tyranny. Be strong. Be brave. Rise up and fight for protection of your family as well as yourself. Be safe. May this travel around the world so all can hear us cry freedom for ZZH!

  • @monalisa4245
    @monalisa4245 2 года назад +8

    ดีใจที่ได้เจอคุณ ส่งกำลังใจมาให้มากๆๆ แล้วเจอกันเร็วๆนี้นะคะ รอนานแล้ว❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹

  • @prabhasririvera1775
    @prabhasririvera1775 2 года назад +6

    Hi 👋 I am glad now you are speak up. Don’t let someone ruin your life, be positive,be strong 💪 be diligent. Don’t be afraid 😱 to no one ☝️ who ever did it to you that’s evils. GOD will be with you !!!

  • @vivianamansillavivar7217
    @vivianamansillavivar7217 2 года назад +16

    Que gusto verte, sano y tan hermoso como siempre, sé feliz deja que tú alma siga brillando a pesar de tus tristezas, saludos a ti Zhang Zhehan ♥♥♥.

  • @kforcate5654
    @kforcate5654 2 года назад +10

    欣慰 小哲一點都沒變...😢😢

  • @yukluenyip7324
    @yukluenyip7324 2 года назад +6


  • @ceciliaimbong1157
    @ceciliaimbong1157 2 года назад +6

    We miss u ZZ stay strong the truth will prevail just have faith everythings gonna be ok nice to see you after awhile be brave💪💪❤❤❤

  • @maliwankamplitz3314
    @maliwankamplitz3314 2 года назад +10


  • @Angel-zb1gj
    @Angel-zb1gj 2 года назад +9


  • @colleenmuehl1652
    @colleenmuehl1652 2 года назад +17

    Not sure what platform this is on, but it’s good to see him! ❤️❤️❤️We’re standing with you!!!

    • @peacelove8345
      @peacelove8345 2 года назад +3

      It was posted in his IG account today

    • @colleenmuehl1652
      @colleenmuehl1652 2 года назад +3

      @@peacelove8345 So he can post on there now?

    • @zhangzhehanfansite
      @zhangzhehanfansite  2 года назад +4

      Yes he has been posting for the past few weeks. You can check it out at zhangzhehan_super3

    • @colleenmuehl1652
      @colleenmuehl1652 2 года назад +2

      @@zhangzhehanfansite Thanks so much for the info!

    • @sues.9734
      @sues.9734 2 года назад

      His IG has been blocked. Just happened today. I'm so disappointed.

  • @Олеся-ы8з
    @Олеся-ы8з 2 года назад +17

    Братик ты как всегда шикарен. 😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💎💎💎💎красивый. Уважаю и обожаю тебя. 😇😇😇😇😇😃😃😜😘😘

  • @สุบรรณเศษสุวรรณ-ฐ1ง


  • @郑丽燕-u8n
    @郑丽燕-u8n 2 года назад +6


  • @zeenathbommareddy8249
    @zeenathbommareddy8249 2 года назад +3

    Yes, he said it what he has to say with clear, crisp, and right words. He just pour his heart out and I will be standing right beside my sweet little God brother as firm as his words. Zhehan, well done as always 👏 💪🤝👌👍🥳🥳😇🏌🎸🎶🙏⚖

  • @แสงเดือนแก้วสา

    ดูแล้วน้ำซึมเลยขอให้คุณจางเจ๋อฮั่นเข็มแข็งและอดทนนะคะเป็นกำใจให้รัก Zhang Zhehan ดีใจมากๆที่ได้เห็ณอีกครั้ง zhangzhehanสู้ๆๆ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💯💛💛💛

  • @aviholichishi7611
    @aviholichishi7611 2 года назад +5

    It feels surreal seeing him and hearing his voice after a long time😊 You are a brave soul Zhang Zhe Han. No matter how long it takes, remember your true fans will always be waiting for you. Take good care of yourself and your loving mom, and don't ever lose your beautiful smile because your smile lights up our world. Sending lots of love from India❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @hj512ha
    @hj512ha 2 года назад +18

    늘 한결 같고, 꾸밈이 없고, 용기 있는 모습이 너무 좋아요. 👍👍 무엇보다 저한님의 얼굴과 목소리를 들을 수 있어서 너무 기쁩니다.🥰🥰
    당신이 전하고자 하는 마음이 모두에게
    전달되었을거라 믿습니다.
    일부 악풀러나 남을 미워하는 사람들은 마음의 병자여서 치유가 필요한거니 당신까지 마음쓰지 않았으면 좋겠다.
    저한님은 복귀때까지 몸 건강하게 관리하고 좋은 노래 만들면서 좋은 작품으로 만날수 있는 날까지 행복한 시간 보내세요.❤

  • @areesiragusa6720
    @areesiragusa6720 2 года назад +13

    I'm happy that you're back. Will be waiting for your next Dramas. Good Luck. We love you. 👍😊💖

  • @yukluenyip7324
    @yukluenyip7324 2 года назад +6


  • @maymaychaman7448
    @maymaychaman7448 2 года назад +7

    ❤Miss you zzh❤Love you💙

  • @jiraporntreetakitti4695
    @jiraporntreetakitti4695 2 года назад +3

    ในวิกฤตย่อมมีโอกาส คุณจะกลับมายืนได้อย่างสง่างาม และแข็งแกร่งอีกครั้ง ... เชื่อมั่นในความดี ความดีจะปกป้องตัวคุณเอง รอการกลับมานะคะ เป็นอีกหนึ่งกำลังใจที่มอบให้ค่ะ❤

  • @sophieowona303
    @sophieowona303 2 года назад +16

    I don't understand everything you say...but i can feel the emotion through your words...i still don't understand how one person does want on harm to another without caring about the harm of those words for the victim is those loved ones. Courage ZZH ❤Love❤

    • @lucyhuff9708
      @lucyhuff9708 2 года назад +2

      There are other channels have English sub for this.

    • @lucyhuff9708
      @lucyhuff9708 2 года назад +1

      Try Chinese Star news. He has English sub.

    • @sophieowona303
      @sophieowona303 2 года назад

      @@lucyhuff9708 tank you

  • @alwayshere9524
    @alwayshere9524 2 года назад +4

    学习你的坚强,学习你的坦荡,学习你的善良, 永远与你同频共振!

  • @saavedra1030
    @saavedra1030 2 года назад +13

    Es un gusto volver a verte y saber q estás bien, te seguiré esperando y apoyando 🇲🇽 🇲🇽💖

  • @yukluenyip7324
    @yukluenyip7324 2 года назад +27

    還記得這幾個月來,一些黑勢力收買的脂粉大V,帶歪風向以假愛實情打擊哲瀚的言論:除非親自現身所講的我才信,其他的文字、照片、張三堅等都不信(當時哲瀚被禁,名字權,俏像權不能出現)立時不少cpf 都跟著嚷嚷。這幫黑勢力脂粉,就是斷定哲瀚無法現身自救,所以才賭一把。現在孤勇的哲瀚回來了,字字鏗鏘,直斥惡性競爭龔俊一方的罪證,勸勉cpf 清醒理性,多悲壯!多敢言!

    • @julbonitazarraga9937
      @julbonitazarraga9937 2 года назад +4

      My love 🤩 Zhan Zhe Han

    • @oceanicmermaid
      @oceanicmermaid 2 года назад +4

      GJ is a terrible actor how dare he wants to be an equal level with ZZH… and his face is annoying

    • @林老師-h1l
      @林老師-h1l 2 года назад +4

      太高兴,太開心了,終於等到您重回,淚也忍不了. 努力!堅強!祝福您走向光明。

  • @rentakeuchi8767
    @rentakeuchi8767 2 года назад +17

    So glad to see & hear you speak finally. Just stay positive, be healthy & come back stronger than before! Your real fans will never abandon you coz we’re real✌️.Keep fighting for the Truth till Justice is served ⚖️!

  • @ИринаШинкарева-ч5р
    @ИринаШинкарева-ч5р 2 года назад +7

    Мы с тобой!!! Любим!!!

  • @Michwsk88
    @Michwsk88 2 года назад +6

    That was a very bold video of your message to everyone...it takes courage to finally stand up again in the public eye...I didnt understand every word you said as my mandarin is not so good but from the expression and strength of your body language, I understood that you are ready to face the world full on...glad that you have many creation waiting to be published and launched as well...looking forward to that..yes life may not be smooth sailing, but we definitely come out stronger from it...💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  • @aninharodrigues2020
    @aninharodrigues2020 2 года назад +29

    Que saudades tenho de você😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @luwenya354
    @luwenya354 2 года назад +3


  • @МаринаИванникова-ф6с
    @МаринаИванникова-ф6с 2 года назад +5

    Огромное Уважение !❤ Вы Прекрасный Человек! Это Несправедливое испытание обязательно Закончится! Жду и Радуюсь Каждой Встрече с Вами!!!!!! Россия Красноярский край.

  • @rosaramirez-hq5rp
    @rosaramirez-hq5rp 2 года назад +8

    Tan hermoso como siempre ojalá se arregle todo pronto para disfrutar de tu talento no decaigas sigue con fuerza adelante la verdad siempre triunfa te extrañamos ya me se algunos drama de memoria eres especial buenas vibras para ti y los tuyos ánimo

  • @sanl434
    @sanl434 2 года назад +10

    Support him to tell the truth!💪
    And hopefully someone else stop to hurts his family and friends.

  • @라온-n9j
    @라온-n9j 2 года назад +6

    진실은 언제나 승리합니다.
    장저한!존재자체만으로 멋진사람~♡♡
    너를 응원해~힘내💪💪💪

  • @sallyqi6400
    @sallyqi6400 2 года назад +8

    讲得非常深入 👍👍

  • @monalisa4245
    @monalisa4245 2 года назад +7

    ฟังไม่ออก แค่ดูหน้าก็มีความสุขละค่ะ มาพบบ่อยๆนะคะ

  • @hanyu1685
    @hanyu1685 2 года назад +2

    Always believe and support you, Xiao Zhe ♡

  • @linwang5497
    @linwang5497 2 года назад +3


  • @pornumawattanapraditchai595
    @pornumawattanapraditchai595 2 года назад +3

    I'm glad to have you🥰🇹🇭

  • @connietan1793
    @connietan1793 2 года назад +6

    ZZH you are really great 👍

  • @ln9393
    @ln9393 2 года назад +17

    應該不會再有某些特定粉絲群體砸鍋說都是假的 說沒看到本人堅決不信了吧!?
    🏀⛳🏌️⭐ 振作起來 跟那些黑心們戰吧 應該報應吧
    妳們不願意醒來的 信自己想要信的繼續唯利是圖或被騙吧

  • @yolandabartolo4150
    @yolandabartolo4150 2 года назад +5

    Muchisimas gracias ZZH por dejar k te veamos y escuchemos tu hermosa voz !! Queremos k sigas siendo el valiente guerrero k has sido siempre!!💕

  • @최두선-v3d
    @최두선-v3d 2 года назад +5

    왕자님 전 왕자님을 뵙적이 없고 무십결에 뵈었지만 당신을 너무사랑합니다 처음 당신을 보았을때보다더강했졌는것 같아 보기좋아요 그렇게 강하게 나가세요 앞으로는 모든일을을 빨리 올라갈 생각하며서 천천히 쉬어가면서 올라가세요 영원히 당신 을 사랑합니다 당신은 제 첫번째 영웅이자 마지막영웅입니다 잊지마세요 사랑합니다 💜 💕 💛 ❤️ 💖

  • @מוריאלבןהרוש
    @מוריאלבןהרוש 2 года назад +1

    Continue to fight. God with you. Love you very much around the world ♥️♥️♥️♥️
    You are the best ZZH.
    From Israel

  • @jeanettefaundez9522
    @jeanettefaundez9522 2 года назад +9

    Aunque no entiendo lo que dices , quiero expresarte mi cariño , cuidate mucho 😘🇨🇱 Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️l love You baby ❤️🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 Chile

  • @buztuz6206
    @buztuz6206 2 года назад +2

    Moral is everything. Stay strong.

  • @chinghsiangchen5339
    @chinghsiangchen5339 2 года назад +1


  • @Catherine-bj7mv
    @Catherine-bj7mv 2 года назад +1

    Love you ZZH. Wish you well. Always support you

  • @sunstevenson3143
    @sunstevenson3143 2 года назад +6

    I don't know what your saying but I'm happy to see you. good you didn't give up hope to see you soon in drama

  • @Marsy712
    @Marsy712 2 года назад +1

    I'm the fan of zzh from philippines..I believe you my love...godbless you more..

  • @Tabztheblessed
    @Tabztheblessed 2 года назад +1

    English subtitles guys. Am so happy to see him we love you Zhang zhehan.

  • @samiasoaresmaia955
    @samiasoaresmaia955 2 года назад +7

    Que bom ver você novamente!! Você é um vencedor! Você está mais forte com certeza. Seus fãs te amam e torcem por você! Seja corajoso e tenha certeza: a vitória já é sua! Encontrar você no Spotify, isso foi bom demais!! Agora posso ouvir você cantar por esse aplicativo. Pena que não tem tantas músicas postadas. Um grande abraço com carinho daqui do Brasil!

  • @ShianTan1
    @ShianTan1 2 года назад +8

    Let me do some simple translation, ZZH disclose the suspect behind this conspiracy indirectly. They continue to make use of him for their commercial. They have been attacking to his family members, colleagues and friends too. He enriched himself these day with writing some article, playing guitar, singing song etc. My opinion: I hope he continue to stay strong and justice will be prevail soon.

    • @wanyholee2668
      @wanyholee2668 2 года назад +1

      thank u for your simple translation, v kind of u, thank you again!!

  • @connie_chu
    @connie_chu 2 года назад +3

    💪💪💪 folever support you

  • @malithiabeythunga7771
    @malithiabeythunga7771 2 года назад +1

    Keep going man be strong we always with you

  • @NathySthefaniePottier
    @NathySthefaniePottier 2 года назад +1

    Happy birthday BB, my Zhang Zhe Han!
    I wish you on this blessed day (Because it was the day you were born) that you are surrounded by good friends, and your mother who loves you very much. I hope you have received many gifts, but above all, be at peace and know for sure that soon everything will be settled and you will come back to us with your beautiful smile, and your innocent look. and with this light that emanates from your soul that shines so intensely, it's because you are a beautiful human being, ZheHan, full of qualities and that's the most important thing. I love you! I don't know why I love you, but I know that when I write this I'm being honest. Be well and may God protect you always, Nicole

  • @김영옥-x6q
    @김영옥-x6q 2 года назад +2

    용기 있는 행동에 박수를 보냅니다
    인과응보라고 저한님을 괴롭힌 악플러들은 하늘이 심판할거라고 생각합니다
    반드시 정의가 승리합니다
    마음을 굳게 다지시고 전과 다름없이 좋아하는 운동과 노래를 만들면서 활기차게 보내기를 바랍니다
    ~~저한님의 진심이 통하는 날이 곧 다가오리라 믿어요

  • @NathySthefaniePottier
    @NathySthefaniePottier 2 года назад +6

    I deleted all the videos I made of ZZH with
    GJ. It was very difficult to do, because in less than 2 months of publication I had videos with 382 thousand hits, but ZZH is more important to me.

  • @bonnyyu7269
    @bonnyyu7269 2 года назад +6


    @GHOST_LEGENDEnder Год назад +1

    Feel Zhang ZheHan's Wrath and almighty anger

  • @sweets5993
    @sweets5993 2 года назад +1

    May you find what your heart and sou need.

  • @ShianTan1
    @ShianTan1 2 года назад +3

    His video and others comment being deleted by Weibo imm at the midnight, from the first day these bad people has silent him to no where he could voice up. It’s getting more obvious who did that, I just couldn’t believe how can a people be so cruel and poisonous.

  • @rossellacampione7356
    @rossellacampione7356 2 года назад +14

    Can someone translate it in english or french? A summary is fine too. Thank you very much 🙏
    I'm glad to see him and hear his voice ❤ In one part of the speech he was angry.....he has every reason!! He is a real gentleman, a kind but determined boy. My dear be strong, your fans are waiting for your return, good and justice must win, it will be like this 👍 A hug my Prince 🤗

    • @tess...
      @tess... 2 года назад

      Eng translation

    • @Angetbaby
      @Angetbaby 2 года назад +2

      See above transcript and click on translate

    • @rossellacampione7356
      @rossellacampione7356 2 года назад

      @@Angetbaby ok thank you 👋

  • @ireneyong9267
    @ireneyong9267 2 года назад +3

    加油 💪

  • @ЛюбовьПопкова-ш4ф
    @ЛюбовьПопкова-ш4ф 2 года назад +1

    Спасибо 🙂💕🙏🙏🙏❤💐💐Очень рады видеть и слышать👍 ❤

  • @cheriremily9360
    @cheriremily9360 2 года назад +2

    Stay strong!

  • @xiyo7021
    @xiyo7021 2 года назад +4

    ได้โปรดหยุดดูหมิ่นเหยียดหยาม จางเจ๋อฮั่นครอบครัวเขาเพื่อนเขา หยุดรังแกเขาสักทีเถอะ รัฐบาลระบอบคอมมิวนิสต์ก็ออกมาพูดแล้วว่าไม่ได้ทำอะไรกับจางเจ๋อฮั่นเขาเป็นคนดี จะด่าต้องไปด่าสมาคมนักแสดงนู่น เมื่อไหร่สมาคมนักแสดงจะถอดถอนเขาออกจากความเป็นคน ทรยศ สักที รัฐบาลได้โปรดเร่งกดดันสักทีเถอะ ให้ไว อย่าปล่อยให้พลเมืองของคุณ อยู่เหมือนคนไม่ใช่คน

  • @MarioKimtomi
    @MarioKimtomi 2 года назад +2

    It will be going to uglier... He has right to speak out the truth but unfortunately Drama will be smeared with ugly reputation. From the first someone who got benefit from this incident should not start this malicious conspiracy. It's tragedy for all ppl who worked hard for this drama. It's so shame.

  • @กฤษดาคําเกิด-ณ8ท
    @กฤษดาคําเกิด-ณ8ท 6 месяцев назад

    เชียร์คุณนะฮั่น ฉันโดนไม่ต่างจากคุณ จะหนักมากหน่อยเอาเป็นว่าฉันล้มละลาย แต่คุณยังโชคดีมากทีเดียว ฉันไม่มีโอกาสแบบคุณ ความจริงจะกระจางแน่นอน คุณมีชัยชนะอยู่เหนือพวกมารเสมอ ชีวิตเหมือนหนังเรื่องหนึ่ง หนังเรื่องนี้คุณต้องเป็นพระเอก ฮั่นจะมีชัยชนะเหนือพวกมารแน่นอน สู้ต่อไปฮั่น

  • @aremiguelr
    @aremiguelr 2 года назад +9


  • @fijie7493
    @fijie7493 2 года назад +1


  • @พรพรรณสอสูงเนิน
