Notes from video 3 Pillars of Maker Space: 1. Community & matching 2. Tools 3. Ideas 1st Rule / Fact: Maker Spaces (MS) are not inherently sustainable so the community should manage itself. 2nd Fact: It takes time to build MS 3rd Fact: Community decides on Tool 4th Fact: Take / Lease / Rent tools if possible. Make use of Old tool 5th Fact: Cater to Human-Centric Design. Why fab lab Failed... Again A community is better at managing itself than a person managing a community. 6th Fact: Only for Open-Minded. No NDA, No secrets. Recycle, Reuse, Accept ASK 7th Fact: Community for Professional Hobbyists. not for Jus Hobbyists. [ Give more to maker space than you take out of maker space ] [ Simple Community Values: Respect for Space, Respect for Tools & Respect for People &Opinion, Agree to Disagree, Helpful and Add Value] 8th Showcase: Have a showcase or gallery and Monetize the Physical Space Most Important Tools: >>> >> Digital Manufacturing Tool.
A very good insight. Thank you 🙏
You're very welcome
Notes from video
3 Pillars of Maker Space: 1. Community & matching 2. Tools 3. Ideas
1st Rule / Fact: Maker Spaces (MS) are not inherently sustainable so the community should manage itself.
2nd Fact: It takes time to build MS
3rd Fact: Community decides on Tool
4th Fact: Take / Lease / Rent tools if possible. Make use of Old tool
5th Fact: Cater to Human-Centric Design. Why fab lab Failed... Again A community is better at managing itself than a person managing a community.
6th Fact: Only for Open-Minded. No NDA, No secrets. Recycle, Reuse, Accept ASK
7th Fact: Community for Professional Hobbyists. not for Jus Hobbyists.
[ Give more to maker space than you take out of maker space ]
[ Simple Community Values: Respect for Space, Respect for Tools & Respect for People &Opinion, Agree to Disagree, Helpful and Add Value]
8th Showcase: Have a showcase or gallery and Monetize the Physical Space
Most Important Tools:
>>> >> Digital Manufacturing Tool.
Thank you for this summary