sinkiy: How do you know these things already. Is it because everything Anna says is common knowledge now because of marine biology studies on sharks over the years, or, can you talk to sharks as well?
To me it comes naturally, you don't need knowledge for perception. She doesn't talk to sharks, she sees animals exactly for what they are and she has no thoughts, knowledge or fears to get in the way. No amount of knowledge can give you her gift. She becomes one with them so she communicates in that (sense) But shes' not talking to them like we are talking, people get it confused.
Wow... I mean just wow!!! I never really thought of it that way. I just cancelled a shark fishing trip and told my buddies to do the same. We going para-sailing instead. I hope we have an awesome interaction with whatever we encounter in the water.
You're a good man. I hope there are more of you in this world. We really need to share this one world with everything that lives here. They all have the same right to live as we do.
So heartening to read this as the first comment. The creatures of this earth, from the very smallest, are in dire need of our compassion and help. I just hope it's not too late.
That would require humans to be more angelic as she is being and most are far from being that. Eh for what it’s worth my disgust for humanity is only getting stronger by the day unfortunately.
Yes, I agree, she is moving and beautiful in a very complete manner. This form of consciousness, to communicate with animals would change everything. It would really make us conscious of our role in nature and that would make us respect the equilibrium.
She's better off avoiding a platform that openly defended pedophilia as a "sexual preference". Nobody I know would even consider watching a Ted talk no matter how great the speaker. I'd much rather find her talking to Nat Geo, Animal Planet, etc.
@@bernadettebockis4120 I couldn't agree more! I've been a staunch advocate for putting pedophiles to death since I was very, very young. I mean from a to z. Pictures of children on your computer? Firing squad. Physical assault on a child, torture then death. I'm of a mind that zero tolerance is the way to go with anyone that takes innocence from a child.
Bless this woman! One of the few human beings who really shows respect and understanding for our animal and marine life sisters and brothers with whom we share this beautiful Earth.
luc sicotte I think we all have the ability to communicate energetically with animals but not telepathically I believe only some people have that gift! As an empath I easily pick up on energies and I generally understand how an animal or human is feeling!
Most of the time a spiritual type of video plays the comments seem to be skepticle and negative. But I'm happy to see so many like minded comments. We really have a problem on our planet it is going to take all of us to reduce reuse and recycle and take care of our environment .
Thecurrently There are currently 7.3 billion people in the world, in 100 years you’ll have over twice that many. All the reusing and recycling won’t do anything. When in the world are people going to start talking about population control?
@@ericoakley4388 Dont worry, us regular people dont have to talk about population control, the world Governments are in charge of that. Killing newborns and elderly as we speak.🤗
Just imagine a world where politicians and world leaders would have just a fraction of compassion and intuitive knowledge of Anna. What a wonderful world we could live in! As long as the hearts of most people remain poisoned by greed and hunger for money and power and excessive narcissism (holier than thou attitude, but actually a frail ego really), there will be no change.
so very well said. I believe our society will not change until people begin to look at the ultra-wealthy such as gates, as being sick human beings. These people do far more damage than any pedophile could ever achieve yet people kiss their butts on a daily basis in hopes of getting a little of their money. Our society should seek to achieve a level of success where we can live comfortably all our lives but once you reach that level of wealth you should either donate the excess back to the masses or just help your choice of others to reach that level and then they turn and help others to reach that level. Nobody seeks to have more than the next once they reach the level of a wealthy existence. People like Gates that continue to do all they can to get more and more money .. then so the world won't call them out the monsters they have become they give a big chunk to charity. What a sacrifice after they've set up monopolies etc that guarantee they will continue to rake it in .... they're sick.
I’m a driver for a living and when I get into my vehicle I “put on” a bubble. In 10 years of driving Ive not hit any being. My intention is that they stay away from vehicles and it’s working!
Yes i spoke to a great white the other day he said to tell every one not to be scared they wont touch us in the ocean at all period they only want a greeting and a invisible barrier i said ok ill tell everyone. Lol
I absolutely understand her talk on being respectful and in a peaceful state when in the ocean. I've naturally observed these qualities when in, around and on the ocean all my life and even have a peaceful state in a radius around me. I love how this confirms it!
Many years ago I tried to save jellyfish, I didn't know anything about them, was almost a first time at the sea, and hundreds were at the edge of the water or on the sand dying (that big, fried-egg shaped ones). Later whenever I went to the sea, I met with jellyfish and they often stung me, on parts where no one saw one and they were not common. It was as if they would have come to me, as if I would be a magnet to them, something like this. Just a couple of years ago a compass jellyfish stung me during swimming. I got a sudden thought / feeling as I probably hit poor thing with my arm, that it was absolutely offended like "so what?!" At that time I had a bad hip, I almost couldn't move one of my legs, just after 20-30 minutes of the sting that completely disappeared and was ok for years after that. I thought that that jellyfish maybe found me with reason (of helping)? I know it sounds silly but still. As I don't fancy being stung by them and I learnt a lot about the intelligence of water since then whenever I go into the ocean or sea for swimming I welcome the water, and kindly ask it to take care of me and do not send anything that could cause me harm. Since then I was ok, every time and I swim a lot. When I finish swimming I thank you to the ocean / sea. I had so many "weird" experiences even with bugs, I know they understand me, it's just that I don't understand them (hear) them, expect one occasion with a spider. There is somekind of telecommunication I think we humans could do back then just how Anna still can but we forget the way how to do it. I saved bees from the swimming pool, they often drops in and dies, when I see one I use either my swimming shoe or my watch strap to fish it out and to put it out from the water. They come to me, they don't stink me, but they hit me, flying into me with a bit of force to be noticed, most often to my forehead but other parts, too. It's like a greeting. As if they all would know that I saved some? At a younger age I was very sad in tears and drunk walking around family houses and there was a dog, a kuvasz, that type is known to be fierce and accepting just one person, I was so sad that I begged to it not to hurt me, I just wanted a companion to comfort me, to speak to a bit. It stopped barking and come close to the fence, it could reach my hands on the fence I was grabbing but it didn't, it just looked at me, after minutes (I think) the owner came out and I left, shameful (I drunk a lot). Animals are absolutely beautiful creatures, I think as long as we talk to them with honesty, innocence and respect they understand us, even if we don't understand them on the way how Anna can, the communication still work till some level. Sometimes I can feel that they are safe or not (to be close to them). Once I knew it was a bit of off, on a mini-safari (zoo you can go in by car and can't left it) a white lion was staring at me /frozen for minutes, she did nothing but just staring but she was not interested in anyone else, people being with me were laughing and debating what she could do if I was not in the closed car. When I feel happy, totally happy (rare) some animals tend to come to me, dogs in a park, birds sometimes as if I would projecting something attractive to them.
My 94-year old father mentioned the diminished food chain due to overfishing and sharks coming closer inshore, when Perth had those 2 fatal shark attacks a few weeks ago. Anna's perspective is so whole and rounded, I do believe she is contacting the Great White Shark Oversoul.
@@jonhohensee3258 people go into the waters all the time. The population if fish is dwindling because if overfishing and water temperatures going up. Yet, with all that being said, sharks only kill a handful of people every year. If they wanted to hurt us, human death by sharks would be off the charts.
I came across her work yesterday and this is the first person I can say that I believe is GENUINE in her work. No IFs or DOUBTs. She is the REAL deal. Wow! I especially loved her interaction with the leopard named Spirit
Of course but they are not mistakes, fear is just a feeling that should bring us closer to the source by asking for it to be removed. It works try it, He is always there to help us, there for us within us all.
@@Manvir. my chosen word, this dumb human KNOWS that He created and is controlling us,you don't understand, you're reacting with your indoctrinated ignorance. You may be young Or just DUMB!
This woman is amazing! Her level of vibrational resonance and spiritual understanding is beyond anyone I have ever seen. Truly an incredible pure soul. I love her enlightening interviews, and her beautiful aura of gentleness,sincerity and kindness. Something we should all exercise more!
I love her because she speaks with intelligence and compassion. She doesn't demonize the sharks actions and speaks from a plausible occurrence as to why they may bite or what causes these actions to happen
Wow , the talk on the sharks was utterly amazing. It has changed my perspective entirely on this subject and the way I will now play in the water. We are truly creatures of energetic expression. The sooner we embrace the truth that everything is energy and take responsibility for it, instead of laughing it off as some weird hippie thing, the better. Very interesting how she said we all emit an energetic field regardless of if we are conscious of it. We think we can hide behind ourselves, but everything is felt constantly by everything.
Truly fascinating Anna. This is also why skilled freedivers are able to interact so peacefully with large whites and other large predatory sharks. Because they are in a calmer state of mind🙏
My father could do this as well. And I -too, have the ability. Watching and listening to Anna, I'm learning to trust myself more. I'm learning the value of listening to my body, mind and emotions at any given moment; whether I am with an animal or another human being who is struggling to communicate something. I'm learning to trust in the process of life to unfold.
The Shark netting program killed 364 marine creatures in NSW last year in these nets to satisfy our fear of nature. The dead include dolphins, turtles, endangered sharks, stingrays etc. The crazy thing about all these deaths is that there is no evidence that these shark nets, that are usually only 100 meters long, actually make people safer. Many of the targeted sharks were caught on the beach side of the nets as they were leaving. Besides there are many non lethal alternatives that are much more effective. Some people are being hoodwinked. Last week while surfing in the Brunswick river mouth I utilised a technique taught to me by world renown Animal Communicator, Anna Breytenbach. I sent a telepathic message to any sharks that maybe in the area that I am their friend, I am not food or competition. I calmed my energy, breath and heart rate and I transmuted any lingering fear I may have around sharks. I said in my mind to any possible nearby shark, could you please keep a small distance away, and we can both be here in relative harmony with each other. I know there are many would doubt that sharks and humans are able to communicate yet I would suggest there is no harm in utilising these techniques yourself next time your in the ocean. It is certainly no more fanciful that thinking shark nets will protect you.
Dean Jeffreys have you seen Ocean Ramsey's videos with sharks? Amazing. Anna Breytenbach works with all animals whereas Ramsey works mainly with sharks. But it's safe to say when an average of 6 humans out of 7.2 Billion are killed by sharks compared to 100 million sharks killed by people every year, that something is seriously out of balance.
I have learned so much from watching your videos. I’m 74 years old and I was never aware of animal communication. What a beautiful gift you have and to share with us. Thank you so very much I have learned a lot.
I just love this very intelligent, wise and compassionate lady... It's quite obvious to many of us that what is being conveyed here is also a massive part of the PEACE on Earth aspect we have been praying for these hundreds of years...Thank you young lady... I'm just saying!
I have learned more about sharks from this interview than all my years of diving, spearfishing, and meditation-thank you Anna, I have come away with a newfound appreciation for these creatures, in many ways they represent what we strive to be in our own environment; many of us sadly share this same sentiment, of feeling ashamed of what our species has done to the ecosystem, I am beginning to think Anna is an Avatar for the animal kingdom
If you are a meat-eater it is perfectly valid, it is not particularly cruel, when you compare it to the usual methods that prey are harvested-I am no longer a meat-eater but most living things do prey on other species, yes I think it is barbaric, yet that is the system on this planet, is it not?
When you see a wrong, right it! If you go into their environment to kill, at least play on an even playing field. Glad you are now a non meat eater though:-)
@@ferrygirl100 when u freedive spearfish, oh boy if you are not on even field, u have to hold breath while fish dont, and u so slow compared to them, speargun is just there to make field more equal
I was once diving with my children in the ocean having the time of our lives and I watched a box jelly fish coming toward me, no time to swim out of its way. It contacted me on my chest and gently went around my right side carrying on like nothing happened, well in fact nothing happened. I remember seeing it and understanding that while deadly how unbelievably fortunate I was to have this rare encounter. It happened fast enough that I didn’t have time to panic. Also on the trip I really wanted to see a particular type of starfish, guess who showed up and let me hold it. I was underwater and when I saw the starfish I laughed with such delight that the other members of our team heard me laughing. Anna speaks the truth
Wow! Box jellyfish have a fearsome reputation in Australia, you have great luck at sea. Australia closes its northern coast beaches each summer, due to box jellyfish seasonal presence in large numbers.
@@chronic_daydreamer It's not about having a brain, it has nothing to do with a brain, there is a medium for communication, water for sure, aether probably, or simply electromagnetic waves carrying information. There was a certain type of ants (or was it termite?) in an Attenborough video, it could built air conditioning. It has no brain or almost, so where the knowledge came from that how to do it? Same with many animals. Another small oceanic animal with no brain (forgot what it was) knew that if they want to mate they have to go to a certain point of the ocean (only one point of this very big world) and at a certain time (only one night in a year), how they know it without brain? Research water first, prof Montaigner, here on yt there is a video, 7. Water & Electromagnetism, or just look for the work of Veda Austin. We have/are antennas, we just don't know, forgot how to use it. Your brainless jellyfish know that the ocean has low energy but for mating they need more to generate so they gather and create a vortex in the water to have the energy needed for mating.
When Nichola Tesla said we will learn more in 10 years of studying consciousness than we have learned in all of history, this is a form of that learning and these are the people who NEED to be the facilitators of teaching so the human race can actually learn and evolve away from this facade of so called conventional education which is nothing short of a distraction from the great potential of the human consciousness. We’re getting there one beautiful soul at a time. Thank you Dear Anna and all those who have an understanding of this loving energy that surrounds us in every given moment!! Warm and Loving Blessing always! ♥️
Wow. Any time I’ve watched Anna’s videos I am totally humbled and inspired by animal life on Earth. I grew up in Australia. It never made sense to me as to how, in a place that is so biodiverse, anyone could have disdain for a select species when it is by the thriving of the whole that we are able to appreciate things that don’t have a greater tendency to eat us. Anna’s a champion of the world, bridging the gap in our understanding.
Just learned about the 50 bears who live 50 miles out of Rome in a relatively small forest area. They are rarely seen. Through wars and encroachment their survival and adaptation depends on being non aggressive and aloof. They've become their own species of bear. . It would be curious to hear what they have to say.
Such intellect within her, truly remarkable her mind, energy and awareness for the world around her. I’m fascinated by Anna, and feel thankful to learn from her.
I've seen other videos of Anna's amazing interaction with animals, she truly is a most beautiful and special soul. So in tune with nature. Thank you Anna, a true earth mother. Heart felt love and appreciation to you.
I was also a bit scared the first time I went diving with sharks. But I tell you what... they are the most misunderstood animals on the planet, and they are definitely not out to get humans. Sure it is a bit dangerous. I would not suggest doing it unless you are properly informed and educated a bit in their behavior, and how you should behave in their presence. You should also be aware of the different shark species you might encounter on a dive. Not all sharks species behave the same. Sharks have right of way, and you should respect them. Visibility in the water also plays a big role. Don't go messing around in murky water. Sharks are really cool. My perception has changed massively since I first went diving with sharks.
+brent haestier Experienced divers, seasoned shark handlers, etc share one constant: sooner or later you're going to get hit. As unpredictable as any wild sapient creature, it doesn't matter how many times you've done it or how well you understand the animals - if and when one decides to take a bite, it's just as likely that nothing you did or could have done made any difference. This is true of any predator --- like that bear guy who understood grizz, and understood even more as one spent the evening slowly eating him alive. If it's a species that might at times decide you'd taste good, or perhaps just decide to maul you for the kicks, then part of your understanding must be that you're taking a calculated but constant risk, and you shouldn't let your instinctive fear and alarm get too far away. The thing with risk is that sooner or later you'll roll snake eyes, and so folks who are hooked on risky hobbies tend to eventually learn a hard lesson about probability.
+ACnitus Well to be honest, I would rather face off with a shark than a Grizz, Lion, Leopard or Hippo. Most sharks eat fish, so in those cases you are definitely not on their dinner list.
Nonsense - there's way too little shark attacks world wide to support this - on the contrary - very few attacks. There's a greater risk being killed by a vending machine than to be killed by a shark. @@a_nitus
@@georginarotter6630 While shark attacks are indeed very rare, it doesn't take much analysis to conclude that someone who habitually goes within striking distance of a gigantic apex predator is significantly more likely to be attacked than someone who never goes into the water at all. The reason there's no meaningful statistical data on this subject is that very few people are stupid enough to put themselves in harm's way like that. People who want to have close encounters with these animals tend to dive inside of sturdy metal cages.
Such an advanced ancient soul. I just watched her panther spirit video and it moved me so so much. We could learn so much about how we interact with each other and how to care for other species with her information. 💜
what a gentle caring woman, we all need to listen and understand what she"s talking about, humans have a lot to learn, this woman puts out LOVE! into the planet
I realize how simple my everyday thinking has become when I treat myself to listening to highly intelligent people like this fascinating woman. We are SO MUCH more then just ourselves.
I'm not from a Western culture and what this woman says sounds completely rational and sane to me. Placing such major emphasis on science and empirical Western thought is to deny other older ways of thinking. Western scientific rationale is by no means the all encompassing "true" way of understanding this universe. Sadly, this is why so many first world people scramble eastwards when they can't find answers or explanations in their own cultures or societies. Each culture has a small sliver of knowledge. Even collectively gathered, all that knowledge is nowhere close to all knowledge.
Cheese Stix we used to have the same rationale that you talk of, in the north. Before monotheism. It still exists to some extent but only in some small places. With globalisation and the move of all people’s to the cities, it is disappearing everywhere, in the east too. Soon we will no longer be a part of this world, just on it.
Be Frank what ancestors do you have? If you do some research on your own, using critical thinking with the information that’s out there beyond what is force fed to us in the education systems, you will find that there were much more advanced civilizations in ancient times than we have today. We are only just starting to understand the quantum mechanics that they encompass in their symbols. Their symbols are literal, as if we were drawing cells or atoms. We can’t replicate the delicate art or the giant architecture, like the pyramids or Pitra, and we’ve tried. Nor can our precision match the diamond or laser cuts in stonework.
Science has always been and always will be, incomplete without Spirit. It becomes more and more obvious as time goes on. It tries to make finite what will never be so. We live in an Infinite Universe and EVERYTHING is a reflection of that.🦋
Anna is brilliant and honest . Totally on a higher level of consciousness. Her thought process and her ability to communicate is truly a gift from ..... we really need to listen to her and change how we live on this earth.
This lady is fascinating. She makes more sense than anything else these days. Humans are the problem in every troubled situation. Bless her for following her heart and talents. 💙
Jon Hohensee No, she doesn't, think I'll upload a video saying I have communicated with a rock or ET, or ??? always follow the money....has she written a book on this subject btw?? probably or soon will
And...all animals in the food chain who suffer horrendously from their first breath until their last where they are subjected to the most horrific death imaginable!
I agree, it makes me weep. Seeing the desperation in their eyes is devastating:-(( Sheer and utter helplessness, going insane by the boredom and cruelty. I wish the farmers were all put in the same cages the animals are in and left there. Same goes for zoos, laboratories, animal pounds, dog and horse racing. Whenever an animal is abused for so called entertainment or food, you can bet it is the most unimaginable painful stressful existence an animal can have. Shame on the vile human race.
This all makes me think that it should be made mandatory to pass some kind of examination in order to go closer than for example •ten feet• to any animal. Animals should have their own land and area where they rule. The big oceans used to be their last free area but even that has changed within a century. Countries with no moral nor ethics or countiest that have been pushed to do anything to survive are the problem you see but try to see the reason behind it all. Why some people let themselves being blackmailed to do unethical things? Why the people in power are so corrupted? Why sick people are allowed to have power in the first place? Not everything is what it seems.
Anna is a beautiful being!!! She is a role model!!! I love listening to her compassionate voice and wholesome words!!! Thank You from all my heart! :0)
An incredible perspective on Mick's attack. I was watching ASP live, Mick's competitive intensity was visible on TV. He was hunting the wave he wanted, clearly.
I often mention to people examples of how you work with animals and the love and respect you give them. You have touched many people’s hearts. I suspect this is a hard path at times for you so thanks Anna for all that you do.
+julio gomez psst . . . neanderthals had bigger brains than us. also, a large percentage of people today carry some neanderthal ancestry. That being said, I think the conversation would go something like this: ME - Ohhh, shit no fck me sideways, swim, swim damn you, IT'S GAINING ON ME!! SHARK - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOM NOM NOM . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sharks are darlings! I have so much appreciation for these beautiful creatures! They're harmless and very intuitive, very intelligent and curious ,Anna couldn't be more correct ! Shes my idol 😊
So beautiful! ❤❤ Thank you for opening our minds to this perception, it makes a lot of sense. Poor sharks, they're not doing anything wrong, they just are who they are.
The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is good as dead. Albert Einstein
That is the most intelligent advice regarding human behavior in the water. It makes SO much sense! We DO broadcast our feeling, thoughts and intentions. We forget that these things radiate from us at all times. This is one of the reasons we have 'gut feelings'. Responding to the vibrations of those around us, which may be negative, our instincts pick them up. It makes logical sense that these vibrations would be picked up by animals as well. It also explains people like Ms. Breytenbach and their abilities to communicate and bond with apex predators. I've seen a few of these rare people. One gentleman with wild hyenas and another with lions. None of them would've been able to do what they do, without sending out the right vibrations! If we ALL could learn how to communicate like them, we'd stop damaging our planet and her treasures, IMMEDIATELY!
This woman is so great!! She is so true about this and I wish more people could educate themselves this way. We are so blinded by material values that we have, as a species, forgot what it really means to “be alive”
My grandfather used to say that any animal could be "won" with love. I have not entirely understood what he was talking about until I reached a ripe old age. Bless Anna. Bless Dean for sponsoring this venue. Bless those of you who are willing to try to see a different perspective.
I've been practicing this myself for many years and am delighted to be able to hear it all being stated so confidently, at last to hear someone else say what I have been saying for many years. Indeed she is better at it than me, my ability comes from being an empath but it is as clear and two way communication as she says. The human race is at the crossroads and these understandings are part of what will raise some of you/us to a new level of comprehension and awareness. Something about moving into a new 'place' or 'scene' with different goals than up until now. This also I am hearing from the cosmos and beware, because many of you are not going onwards but back to the start on this shit hole of a planet and for those who are aware, the planet is only good and pure within the three dimensions we traverse but on others it is a bad place and a trap. Yet even others are getting switched off, having lost viability as independent souls. It is bye bye time for you clowns who have let their light of self fade out till they are virtual organic robots. Just thought I'd pass it on to anyone paying attention.
I love what this very beautiful woman does and I would like to learn more about how she does it. The planet is way too patient with humanity; people are very selfish and we need to stop taking so much and only thinking about our own experience.
Have watched a couple of her vidz now and have to say I'm impressed. Whether you believe she can communicate with animals or not, she speaks the truth with rationality and as far as nature is concerned, she's one of those who should be listened to. There are people out there who have talents that are way beyond the rest of us "commoners" (including me!). Don't be too skeptical people. Hopefully good shall reign.
This is what an intelligent and evolved human being sounds like.
I wish we could ALL have a little more 'Anna Awareness' within ourselves.
+Najda Sarfaraz TRUUUUUU
yes! totally!
What an amazing person. These are things I already knew. But I could never put them to words so beautifully like her.
sinkiy: How do you know these things already. Is it because everything Anna says is common knowledge now because of marine biology studies on sharks over the years, or, can you talk to sharks as well?
To me it comes naturally, you don't need knowledge for perception. She doesn't talk to sharks, she sees animals exactly for what they are and she has no thoughts, knowledge or fears to get in the way. No amount of knowledge can give you her gift. She becomes one with them so she communicates in that (sense) But shes' not talking to them like we are talking, people get it confused.
Wow... I mean just wow!!! I never really thought of it that way. I just cancelled a shark fishing trip and told my buddies to do the same. We going para-sailing instead. I hope we have an awesome interaction with whatever we encounter in the water.
sbjkd quote
You're a good man. I hope there are more of you in this world.
We really need to share this one world with everything that lives here. They all have the same right to live as we do.
that's the spirit
So heartening to read this as the first comment. The creatures of this earth, from the very smallest, are in dire need of our compassion and help. I just hope it's not too late.
Thank you for cancelling your Shark fishing trip and to havé the tale with your friendster. I appreciate that you are opening un your conscience.
she is on another level....we need to educate ourselves as humans and become more like her.....
I agree totally with you
She in another place all right!!
That would require humans to be more angelic as she is being and most are far from being that. Eh for what it’s worth my disgust for humanity is only getting stronger by the day unfortunately.
Linda Bowman prick!!
@@RockandRoar111 Go live with animals then. I hear the grizzly bears are taking applications for some prime dens.
God I love this woman 😭 The wisdom of the Earth itself speaks through her.
Nicely said!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
So true ♥
Well said!
Anna is one of the wisest, most evolved and beautiful beings to inhabit this earth plane. We are blessed to have her here with us.
Yes, I agree, she is moving and beautiful in a very complete manner. This form of consciousness, to communicate with animals would change everything. It would really make us conscious of our role in nature and that would make us respect the equilibrium.
That's true.
@@fallingalice2601 - Oh boy.
She needs to do a Ted Talk or something. More people need to know about her and this information!!!
She's better off avoiding a platform that openly defended pedophilia as a "sexual preference". Nobody I know would even consider watching a Ted talk no matter how great the speaker. I'd much rather find her talking to Nat Geo, Animal Planet, etc.
@Be Frank Because what? You think she's joking or you think she's a joke?
Eww. Pedophiles should be put to death. That would stop their sexual orientation bs.
@@bernadettebockis4120 I couldn't agree more! I've been a staunch advocate for putting pedophiles to death since I was very, very young. I mean from a to z. Pictures of children on your computer? Firing squad. Physical assault on a child, torture then death. I'm of a mind that zero tolerance is the way to go with anyone that takes innocence from a child.
Bless this woman! One of the few human beings who really shows respect and understanding for our animal and marine life sisters and brothers with whom we share this beautiful Earth.
Anna is an Earth Angel. She's so spiritually evolved...we all can learn something from her. Love to you, dear soul! ❤️❤️❤️
I was thinking the same thing ❤👁️🧘♀️♾️
i have so much to learn ...
@@thebeautyofnature3616 - We all do.
This Lady is a Goddess of knowledge ... Hope some one is listening ... This is raw logic ...
she's super tapped in!
luc sicotte I think we all have the ability to communicate energetically with animals but not telepathically I believe only some people have that gift!
As an empath I easily pick up on energies and I generally understand how an animal or human is feeling!
@@vix3075 Yes & no ! We all had it once .But evolution & civilization took it away from us as we find it necessary anymore !
Two days ago, I first heard of this miracle of a human.
Every time she speaks on behalf of every species, I tear up.
Me too!!
@@dudeivealreadydonethis5tim289good to see that ppl are still seeing this wonderful video❤
Most of the time a spiritual type of video plays the comments seem to be skepticle and negative. But I'm happy to see so many like minded comments. We really have a problem on our planet it is going to take all of us to reduce reuse and recycle and take care of our environment .
David Stevens the overwhelmingly positive comments are an indication of Anna’s authenticity and the vibrational plane she operates from.
There are currently 7.3 billion people in the world, in 100 years you’ll have over twice that many. All the reusing and recycling won’t do anything. When in the world are people going to start talking about population control?
@@ericoakley4388 Dont worry, us regular people dont have to talk about population control, the world Governments are in charge of that. Killing newborns and elderly as we speak.🤗
Stop talking about skepticism is though it's something bad, thanks.
well i would like volunteers to test this invisible wall theory ???? hello, hello anyone there.lmao
Just imagine a world where politicians and world leaders would have just a fraction of compassion and intuitive knowledge of Anna. What a wonderful world we could live in!
As long as the hearts of most people remain poisoned by greed and hunger for money and power and excessive narcissism (holier than thou attitude, but actually a frail ego really), there will be no change.
So true.
We should send them for some surfing lessons 😁
@@muthukrishnankalyanasundar564 it breaks my heart and leaves me depressed this world is like this as an empath
so very well said. I believe our society will not change until people begin to look at the ultra-wealthy such as gates, as being sick human beings. These people do far more damage than any pedophile could ever achieve yet people kiss their butts on a daily basis in hopes of getting a little of their money. Our society should seek to achieve a level of success where we can live comfortably all our lives but once you reach that level of wealth you should either donate the excess back to the masses or just help your choice of others to reach that level and then they turn and help others to reach that level. Nobody seeks to have more than the next once they reach the level of a wealthy existence. People like Gates that continue to do all they can to get more and more money .. then so the world won't call them out the monsters they have become they give a big chunk to charity. What a sacrifice after they've set up monopolies etc that guarantee they will continue to rake it in .... they're sick.
What a highly enlightened, empathic and intelligent human being! I could listen to her for hours!
Isn't she amazing. She gives me hope but what she feels and sees is heartbreaking. May humanity rise to help our beautiful planet.
I’m a driver for a living and when I get into my vehicle I “put on” a bubble. In 10 years of driving Ive not hit any being. My intention is that they stay away from vehicles and it’s working!
Angela Rivard I do the same. It does work!
I do that too. White light
works for sit alone in bus/train also 😁
Oh wow. I literally thought I was the only person in the world that did this. Love to hear that this actually isn’t the case. Amazing
Matildawit13 there’s at least 2 of us! There must be more!! Spread the love light!!!
I love hearing what this woman has to say. It all makes sense.
Yes i spoke to a great white the other day he said to tell every one not to be scared they wont touch us in the ocean at all period they only want a greeting and a invisible barrier i said ok ill tell everyone. Lol
I absolutely understand her talk on being respectful and in a peaceful state when in the ocean. I've naturally observed these qualities when in, around and on the ocean all my life and even have a peaceful state in a radius around me. I love how this confirms it!
Work with dogs.
Approach them with the same energy.
One should approach all of life with this energy ❤
Many years ago I tried to save jellyfish, I didn't know anything about them, was almost a first time at the sea, and hundreds were at the edge of the water or on the sand dying (that big, fried-egg shaped ones). Later whenever I went to the sea, I met with jellyfish and they often stung me, on parts where no one saw one and they were not common. It was as if they would have come to me, as if I would be a magnet to them, something like this. Just a couple of years ago a compass jellyfish stung me during swimming. I got a sudden thought / feeling as I probably hit poor thing with my arm, that it was absolutely offended like "so what?!" At that time I had a bad hip, I almost couldn't move one of my legs, just after 20-30 minutes of the sting that completely disappeared and was ok for years after that. I thought that that jellyfish maybe found me with reason (of helping)? I know it sounds silly but still. As I don't fancy being stung by them and I learnt a lot about the intelligence of water since then whenever I go into the ocean or sea for swimming I welcome the water, and kindly ask it to take care of me and do not send anything that could cause me harm. Since then I was ok, every time and I swim a lot. When I finish swimming I thank you to the ocean / sea.
I had so many "weird" experiences even with bugs, I know they understand me, it's just that I don't understand them (hear) them, expect one occasion with a spider. There is somekind of telecommunication I think we humans could do back then just how Anna still can but we forget the way how to do it.
I saved bees from the swimming pool, they often drops in and dies, when I see one I use either my swimming shoe or my watch strap to fish it out and to put it out from the water. They come to me, they don't stink me, but they hit me, flying into me with a bit of force to be noticed, most often to my forehead but other parts, too. It's like a greeting. As if they all would know that I saved some?
At a younger age I was very sad in tears and drunk walking around family houses and there was a dog, a kuvasz, that type is known to be fierce and accepting just one person, I was so sad that I begged to it not to hurt me, I just wanted a companion to comfort me, to speak to a bit. It stopped barking and come close to the fence, it could reach my hands on the fence I was grabbing but it didn't, it just looked at me, after minutes (I think) the owner came out and I left, shameful (I drunk a lot). Animals are absolutely beautiful creatures, I think as long as we talk to them with honesty, innocence and respect they understand us, even if we don't understand them on the way how Anna can, the communication still work till some level. Sometimes I can feel that they are safe or not (to be close to them). Once I knew it was a bit of off, on a mini-safari (zoo you can go in by car and can't left it) a white lion was staring at me /frozen for minutes, she did nothing but just staring but she was not interested in anyone else, people being with me were laughing and debating what she could do if I was not in the closed car.
When I feel happy, totally happy (rare) some animals tend to come to me, dogs in a park, birds sometimes as if I would projecting something attractive to them.
My 94-year old father mentioned the diminished food chain due to overfishing and sharks coming closer inshore, when Perth had those 2 fatal shark attacks a few weeks ago. Anna's perspective is so whole and rounded, I do believe she is contacting the Great White Shark Oversoul.
Seriously??? Are you a drinker?
@@jonhohensee3258 people go into the waters all the time. The population if fish is dwindling because if overfishing and water temperatures going up.
Yet, with all that being said, sharks only kill a handful of people every year. If they wanted to hurt us, human death by sharks would be off the charts.
@@supersaiandemon - You have no clue what I'm talking about. Go waste someone else's time.
@@jonhohensee3258 Odd that you'd seek to radiate misery here. There are probably more deserving folks. Peace.
I came across her work yesterday and this is the first person I can say that I believe is GENUINE in her work. No IFs or DOUBTs. She is the REAL deal. Wow!
I especially loved her interaction with the leopard named Spirit
WOW... what a beautiful woman, who lives by her truth. My eyes and heart feels open. THANKYOU Anna !!
feel open
Lily McMillan love her she is amazing - have you seen her communicating with a beautiful black leopard? Awesome.
I love her message and her energy. What a gift to be able tune into animals and share communication. 🌿
"The source of all our mistakes is fear." Henry Wallace 💝
Of course but they are not mistakes, fear is just a feeling that should bring us closer to the source by asking for it to be removed. It works try it, He is always there to help us, there for us within us all.
@@bluebeazley1390 he as in a human male? do dumb humans really believe that "god' is a human?
@@Manvir. my chosen word, this dumb human KNOWS that He created and is controlling us,you don't understand, you're reacting with your indoctrinated ignorance. You may be young Or just DUMB!
So very true. I LOVE our ocean life. FEAR keeps me on land and enjoying our oceans through a screen.
And ignorant greed.
This woman is amazing! Her level of vibrational resonance and spiritual understanding is beyond anyone I have ever seen. Truly an incredible pure soul. I love her enlightening interviews, and her beautiful aura of gentleness,sincerity and kindness. Something we should all exercise more!
In addition to her appreciated talent, she’s so intelligent, well spoken and capable of great control of her vibrations.
Well said
I love her because she speaks with intelligence and compassion. She doesn't demonize the sharks actions and speaks from a plausible occurrence as to why they may bite or what causes these actions to happen
Wow , the talk on the sharks was utterly amazing. It has changed my perspective entirely on this subject and the way I will now play in the water. We are truly creatures of energetic expression. The sooner we embrace the truth that everything is energy and take responsibility for it, instead of laughing it off as some weird hippie thing, the better. Very interesting how she said we all emit an energetic field regardless of if we are conscious of it. We think we can hide behind ourselves, but everything is felt constantly by everything.
Truly fascinating Anna. This is also why skilled freedivers are able to interact so peacefully with large whites and other large predatory sharks. Because they are in a calmer state of mind🙏
My father could do this as well. And I -too, have the ability. Watching and listening to Anna, I'm learning to trust myself more. I'm learning the value of listening to my body, mind and emotions at any given moment; whether I am with an animal or another human being who is struggling to communicate something. I'm learning to trust in the process of life to unfold.
And you are evolving too. Well done. Ronn
Anna Breytenbach you do such an important work. Thank you!
She is a rare human being
Such a beautiful spirit this woman has. God bless her.
The Shark netting program killed 364 marine creatures in NSW last year in these nets to satisfy our fear of nature. The dead include dolphins, turtles, endangered sharks, stingrays etc. The crazy thing about all these deaths is that there is no evidence that these shark nets, that are usually only 100 meters long, actually make people safer. Many of the targeted sharks were caught on the beach side of the nets as they were leaving. Besides there are many non lethal alternatives that are much more effective. Some people are being hoodwinked.
Last week while surfing in the Brunswick river mouth I utilised a technique taught to me by world renown Animal Communicator, Anna Breytenbach. I sent a telepathic message to any sharks that maybe in the area that I am their friend, I am not food or competition. I calmed my energy, breath and heart rate and I transmuted any lingering fear I may have around sharks. I said in my mind to any possible nearby shark, could you please keep a small distance away, and we can both be here in relative harmony with each other.
I know there are many would doubt that sharks and humans are able to communicate yet I would suggest there is no harm in utilising these techniques yourself next time your in the ocean. It is certainly no more fanciful that thinking shark nets will protect you.
Heart breaking
Dean - ...sharks that may be in the area...
So you believe she actually communicates telepathically with non-humans?
Right and even if people think its crazy, no one will know your doing it ........
Dean Jeffreys have you seen Ocean Ramsey's videos with sharks? Amazing. Anna Breytenbach works with all animals whereas Ramsey works mainly with sharks. But it's safe to say when an average of 6 humans out of 7.2 Billion are killed by sharks compared to 100 million sharks killed by people every year, that something is seriously out of balance.
I have learned so much from watching your videos. I’m 74 years old and I was never aware of animal communication. What a beautiful gift you have and to share with us. Thank you so very much I have learned a lot.
she is a beautiful person. Listen to what she says before we loose it all.
I just love this very intelligent, wise and compassionate lady... It's quite obvious to many of us that what is being conveyed here is also a massive part of the PEACE on Earth aspect we have been praying for these hundreds of years...Thank you young lady... I'm just saying!
I have learned more about sharks from this interview than all my years of diving, spearfishing, and meditation-thank you Anna,
I have come away with a newfound appreciation for these creatures,
in many ways they represent what we strive to be in our own environment;
many of us sadly share this same sentiment,
of feeling ashamed of what our species has done to the ecosystem,
I am beginning to think Anna is an Avatar for the animal kingdom
Spearfishing should be banned, you enter their world with a weapon they cannot escape from, it is vile and cruel.
If you are a meat-eater it is perfectly valid, it is not particularly cruel, when you compare it to the usual methods that prey are harvested-I am no longer a meat-eater but most living things do prey on other species, yes I think it is barbaric, yet that is the system on this planet, is it not?
When you see a wrong, right it! If you go into their environment to kill, at least play on an even playing field. Glad you are now a non meat eater though:-)
@@ferrygirl100 when u freedive spearfish, oh boy if you are not on even field, u have to hold breath while fish dont, and u so slow compared to them, speargun is just there to make field more equal
I was once diving with my children in the ocean having the time of our lives and I watched a box jelly fish coming toward me, no time to swim out of its way. It contacted me on my chest and gently went around my right side carrying on like nothing happened, well in fact nothing happened. I remember seeing it and understanding that while deadly how unbelievably fortunate I was to have this rare encounter. It happened fast enough that I didn’t have time to panic. Also on the trip I really wanted to see a particular type of starfish, guess who showed up and let me hold it. I was underwater and when I saw the starfish I laughed with such delight that the other members of our team heard me laughing. Anna speaks the truth
Beautiful comment.
Wow! Box jellyfish have a fearsome reputation in Australia, you have great luck at sea. Australia closes its northern coast beaches each summer, due to box jellyfish seasonal presence in large numbers.
Neither jellyfish for starfish have brains, so I’m not sure your experience reflects anything beyond chance.
@@chronic_daydreamer It's not about having a brain, it has nothing to do with a brain, there is a medium for communication, water for sure, aether probably, or simply electromagnetic waves carrying information. There was a certain type of ants (or was it termite?) in an Attenborough video, it could built air conditioning. It has no brain or almost, so where the knowledge came from that how to do it? Same with many animals. Another small oceanic animal with no brain (forgot what it was) knew that if they want to mate they have to go to a certain point of the ocean (only one point of this very big world) and at a certain time (only one night in a year), how they know it without brain? Research water first, prof Montaigner, here on yt there is a video, 7. Water & Electromagnetism, or just look for the work of Veda Austin. We have/are antennas, we just don't know, forgot how to use it. Your brainless jellyfish know that the ocean has low energy but for mating they need more to generate so they gather and create a vortex in the water to have the energy needed for mating.
When Nichola Tesla said we will learn more in 10 years of studying consciousness than we have learned in all of history, this is a form of that learning and these are the people who NEED to be the facilitators of teaching so the human race can actually learn and evolve away from this facade of so called conventional education which is nothing short of a distraction from the great potential of the human consciousness. We’re getting there one beautiful soul at a time. Thank you Dear Anna and all those who have an understanding of this loving energy that surrounds us in every given moment!! Warm and Loving Blessing always! ♥️
❤❤Love this comment. Blessings to you as well.
Wow. Any time I’ve watched Anna’s videos I am totally humbled and inspired by animal life on Earth. I grew up in Australia. It never made sense to me as to how, in a place that is so biodiverse, anyone could have disdain for a select species when it is by the thriving of the whole that we are able to appreciate things that don’t have a greater tendency to eat us. Anna’s a champion of the world, bridging the gap in our understanding.
Anna, that woman is Real! May she live forever and teach us all to tap into our soul and ancient abilities :)
Just learned about the 50 bears who live 50 miles out of Rome in a relatively small forest area. They are rarely seen. Through wars and encroachment their survival and adaptation depends on being non aggressive and aloof. They've become their own species of bear. . It would be curious to hear what they have to say.
they some spartan bears
Incredible. Mutual respect of the needs and perspectives of humans and non human animals. That means a lot to me. Thank you.
Makes perfect sense! I love this woman..her state of being is spot on 🙏
wow what a divine soul, so intelligent...the knowledge she just spoke I felt it on a spiritual level.
Anna is my all time favorite animal communicator/guru, lol! Her wisdom often brings me to happy tears.
So humbling. Yes, embarrassed to be a human considering what we do to our planet and other beings....
That represents facets of source
Same here Rachel
@Be Frank
Hi it's Gawaya I don't understand your comment
Please explain what u mean so I can answer you😊
Such intellect within her, truly remarkable her mind, energy and awareness for the world around her. I’m fascinated by Anna, and feel thankful to learn from her.
I've seen other videos of Anna's amazing interaction with animals, she truly is a most beautiful and special soul. So in tune with nature.
Thank you Anna, a true earth mother.
Heart felt love and appreciation to you.
Anna has such a calm and pleasant demeanour. Her work is invaluable, and we - as well as the animals, are blessed to have her.
Magnificent! Thank you Anna, once again, you inspire millions of us.
So true... This message needs to be heard! Love you Anna, love your wisdom and connection with nature xxx
I was also a bit scared the first time I went diving with sharks. But I tell you what... they are the most misunderstood animals on the planet, and they are definitely not out to get humans. Sure it is a bit dangerous. I would not suggest doing it unless you are properly informed and educated a bit in their behavior, and how you should behave in their presence. You should also be aware of the different shark species you might encounter on a dive. Not all sharks species behave the same. Sharks have right of way, and you should respect them. Visibility in the water also plays a big role. Don't go messing around in murky water. Sharks are really cool. My perception has changed massively since I first went diving with sharks.
+brent haestier Experienced divers, seasoned shark handlers, etc share one constant: sooner or later you're going to get hit. As unpredictable as any wild sapient creature, it doesn't matter how many times you've done it or how well you understand the animals - if and when one decides to take a bite, it's just as likely that nothing you did or could have done made any difference. This is true of any predator --- like that bear guy who understood grizz, and understood even more as one spent the evening slowly eating him alive. If it's a species that might at times decide you'd taste good, or perhaps just decide to maul you for the kicks, then part of your understanding must be that you're taking a calculated but constant risk, and you shouldn't let your instinctive fear and alarm get too far away. The thing with risk is that sooner or later you'll roll snake eyes, and so folks who are hooked on risky hobbies tend to eventually learn a hard lesson about probability.
+ACnitus Well to be honest, I would rather face off with a shark than a Grizz, Lion, Leopard or Hippo. Most sharks eat fish, so in those cases you are definitely not on their dinner list.
brent haestier Your an idiot dude. Watch you get ate up and shit.. Leave this animals alone.
Nonsense - there's way too little shark attacks world wide to support this - on the contrary - very few attacks. There's a greater risk being killed by a vending machine than to be killed by a shark. @@a_nitus
@@georginarotter6630 While shark attacks are indeed very rare, it doesn't take much analysis to conclude that someone who habitually goes within striking distance of a gigantic apex predator is significantly more likely to be attacked than someone who never goes into the water at all. The reason there's no meaningful statistical data on this subject is that very few people are stupid enough to put themselves in harm's way like that. People who want to have close encounters with these animals tend to dive inside of sturdy metal cages.
Wonderful! From one animal communicator to another, very well said! I hope people listen. Thank you!
that shark petting and kiss at the end made my day
Such an advanced ancient soul. I just watched her panther spirit video and it moved me so so much. We could learn so much about how we interact with each other and how to care for other species with her information. 💜
what a gentle caring woman, we all need to listen and understand what she"s talking about, humans have a lot to learn, this woman puts out LOVE! into the planet
5:18 Her wisdom goes beyond communicating with animals. Now she is talking about communicating with the universe itself. That just gave me goosebumps
I've always been scared of the ocean, but this has really helped rethink how I see things. Thank you!
I realize how simple my everyday thinking has become when I treat myself to listening to highly intelligent people like this fascinating woman. We are SO MUCH more then just ourselves.
I'm not from a Western culture and what this woman says sounds completely rational and sane to me.
Placing such major emphasis on science and empirical Western thought is to deny other older ways of thinking. Western scientific rationale is by no means the all encompassing "true" way of understanding this universe. Sadly, this is why so many first world people scramble eastwards when they can't find answers or explanations in their own cultures or societies. Each culture has a small sliver of knowledge. Even collectively gathered, all that knowledge is nowhere close to all knowledge.
Cheese Stix we used to have the same rationale that you talk of, in the north. Before monotheism. It still exists to some extent but only in some small places. With globalisation and the move of all people’s to the cities, it is disappearing everywhere, in the east too. Soon we will no longer be a part of this world, just on it.
India holds great knowöedge about the spiritual "body"/ machiene and how to activate it.
Be Frank what ancestors do you have? If you do some research on your own, using critical thinking with the information that’s out there beyond what is force fed to us in the education systems, you will find that there were much more advanced civilizations in ancient times than we have today. We are only just starting to understand the quantum mechanics that they encompass in their symbols. Their symbols are literal, as if we were drawing cells or atoms. We can’t replicate the delicate art or the giant architecture, like the pyramids or Pitra, and we’ve tried. Nor can our precision match the diamond or laser cuts in stonework.
Science has always been and always will be, incomplete without Spirit. It becomes more and more obvious as time goes on. It tries to make finite what will never be so. We live in an Infinite Universe and EVERYTHING is a reflection of that.🦋
Nothing short of amazing! I agree, all marine life has a right to be in their habitat! 💞
Thank you, Anna and Jeff! 💕
There is so much wisdom expressed through your communications, it is really incredible! Thank you so very much for doing what you do!
Anna is brilliant and honest . Totally on a higher level of consciousness. Her thought process and her ability to communicate is truly a gift from ..... we really need to listen to her and change how we live on this earth.
wow...what profound insight and wisdom....i have a totally different
perspective and respect of sharks now!!
This lady is fascinating. She makes more sense than anything else these days. Humans are the problem in every troubled situation. Bless her for following her heart and talents. 💙
What a remarkable and wonderful woman. Imagine all humans having this awareness! How different our world would be! 😍😻🤟🏻
She gives NO proof that she can communicate with them.
Jon Hohensee nice pic dork, go back to your games
Jon Hohensee No, she doesn't, think I'll upload a video saying I have communicated with a rock or ET, or ??? always follow the money....has she written a book on this subject btw?? probably or soon will
I learned so much from this lady.....and beautifully explained...mesmerizing. Thanks!
she should talk to the sea world animals.
+Adrian Chairez I imagine they'd say "KILL ME! PLEEEEASE KILL ME!!!"
yes pls
And...all animals in the food chain who suffer horrendously from their first breath until their last where they are subjected to the most horrific death imaginable!
I agree, it makes me weep. Seeing the desperation in their eyes is devastating:-(( Sheer and utter helplessness, going insane by the boredom and cruelty. I wish the farmers were all put in the same cages the animals are in and left there. Same goes for zoos, laboratories, animal pounds, dog and horse racing. Whenever an animal is abused for so called entertainment or food, you can bet it is the most unimaginable painful stressful existence an animal can have. Shame on the vile human race.
This all makes me think that it should be made mandatory to pass some kind of examination in order to go closer than for example •ten feet• to any animal. Animals should have their own land and area where they rule. The big oceans used to be their last free area but even that has changed within a century. Countries with no moral nor ethics or countiest that have been pushed to do anything to survive are the problem you see but try to see the reason behind it all. Why some people let themselves being blackmailed to do unethical things? Why the people in power are so corrupted? Why sick people are allowed to have power in the first place? Not everything is what it seems.
Anna is a beautiful being!!! She is a role model!!! I love listening to her compassionate voice and wholesome words!!! Thank You from all my heart! :0)
what an amazing message for human beings...
it teaches us the wisdom of creation...
It’s heart-breaking that I keep hearing from her how so many animal species are on the verge of collapse.
what a wonderful insight! amazing person...
This woman is a blessing to the world.
An incredible perspective on Mick's attack. I was watching ASP live, Mick's competitive intensity was visible on TV. He was hunting the wave he wanted, clearly.
What amazingly useful advice for interaction with an other living thing, especially other humans.
Great white sharks we love you we're sorry
Thank you for your wonderful kindness and information 😊
I often mention to people examples of how you work with animals and the love and respect you give them. You have touched many people’s hearts. I suspect this is a hard path at times for you so thanks Anna for all that you do.
what she says makes so much sense!
If that was sarcastic
+Mzmissy215 Only to the Neanderthal mind!, It doesn't!
julio gomez that's your opinion. I'm clearly not a Neanderthal
+julio gomez psst . . . neanderthals had bigger brains than us. also, a large percentage of people today carry some neanderthal ancestry. That being said, I think the conversation would go something like this:
ME - Ohhh, shit no fck me sideways, swim, swim damn you, IT'S GAINING ON ME!!
SHARK - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NOM NOM NOM . . . . . . . . . . . .
there is no such thing as neanderthal , if somewhere among your trolling is seriousness behind your mentioning of such .
Sharks are darlings! I have so much appreciation for these beautiful creatures! They're harmless and very intuitive, very intelligent and curious ,Anna couldn't be more correct ! Shes my idol 😊
What a beautiful HUEman being
Let’s all learn to be the light again
So beautiful! ❤❤ Thank you for opening our minds to this perception, it makes a lot of sense. Poor sharks, they're not doing anything wrong, they just are who they are.
talk about transmitting good energy.. i could listen to her for hours, what a fantastic person
she is so amazing. We seriously all need to learn from her. Love it :)
Thankyou so much,finally a human being that makes sense!!
She speaks on the instincts that humans have long forgotten
The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is good as dead.
Albert Einstein
I absolutely live this amazing lady!
Thank you for sharing. Ms. Anna's discussion is truly informative and thought-provoking. Blessed be. 🙏😇
That is the most intelligent advice regarding human behavior in the water. It makes SO much sense! We DO broadcast our feeling, thoughts and intentions. We forget that these things radiate from us at all times. This is one of the reasons we have 'gut feelings'. Responding to the vibrations of those around us, which may be negative, our instincts pick them up. It makes logical sense that these vibrations would be picked up by animals as well. It also explains people like Ms. Breytenbach and their abilities to communicate and bond with apex predators. I've seen a few of these rare people. One gentleman with wild hyenas and another with lions. None of them would've been able to do what they do, without sending out the right vibrations! If we ALL could learn how to communicate like them, we'd stop damaging our planet and her treasures, IMMEDIATELY!
This woman is so great!! She is so true about this and I wish more people could educate themselves this way. We are so blinded by material values that we have, as a species, forgot what it really means to “be alive”
My grandfather used to say that any animal could be "won" with love. I have not entirely understood what he was talking about until I reached a ripe old age. Bless Anna. Bless Dean for sponsoring this venue. Bless those of you who are willing to try to see a different perspective.
I've been practicing this myself for many years and am delighted to be able to hear it all being stated so confidently, at last to hear someone else say what I have been saying for many years. Indeed she is better at it than me, my ability comes from being an empath but it is as clear and two way communication as she says. The human race is at the crossroads and these understandings are part of what will raise some of you/us to a new level of comprehension and awareness. Something about moving into a new 'place' or 'scene' with different goals than up until now. This also I am hearing from the cosmos and beware, because many of you are not going onwards but back to the start on this shit hole of a planet and for those who are aware, the planet is only good and pure within the three dimensions we traverse but on others it is a bad place and a trap. Yet even others are getting switched off, having lost viability as independent souls. It is bye bye time for you clowns who have let their light of self fade out till they are virtual organic robots. Just thought I'd pass it on to anyone paying attention.
Brilliant post! Great information. Gratitude
and thank You Dean
Wow what a inspiring woman with so much of understanding of other sentient beings. Totally love her.
I love what this very beautiful woman does and I would like to learn more about how she does it. The planet is way too patient with humanity; people are very selfish and we need to stop taking so much and only thinking about our own experience.
Beautifully explained. 🙏🏽. Thank you.
Have watched a couple of her vidz now and have to say I'm impressed. Whether you believe she can communicate with animals or not, she speaks the truth with rationality and as far as nature is concerned, she's one of those who should be listened to. There are people out there who have talents that are way beyond the rest of us "commoners" (including me!). Don't be too skeptical people. Hopefully good shall reign.
what a beautiful words!!! I wish all humans we were awaken