【二哈和他的白猫师尊】《是我非我》群像剧情歌 | 再回首 百年身 山河阔

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • 【制作】
    立绘:Shine / 昊冷的CP
    曲绘:渡五趣 /Dur__年 / 饮虹 / 四面储鸽 / KiriYa的猫 / 时间酒 / Louie12
    群杂:小忻 /卞云鹏
    楚晚宁 :小千
    若选择 难分对错 踏仙成魔 八苦缔因果
    中天无情月 何处染尘墨
    癫狂是我 寂寥是我 如何放过
    问众生 何为善恶 一念慈悲 一念覆山河
    当年凤凰在 往事不堪说
    不甘是我 执着是我 怎能看破
    夜雨凉晚风入梦 吹落几度海棠
    白衣寒九歌离断 人间又参商
    笑苍天正邪不判 蝶骨千年干戈
    拜故人半生漂泊 故人多寥落
    谁得天眼窥红尘 却是眼中人
    若命运 难逃错过 百转千回 两世阴阳隔
    昔日儒风骨 化龙作悲歌
    不舍是我 无悔是我 锦书难托
    问世间 红尘难测 孤夜无心 却把凤凰落
    梅稍雪一痕 凌风伴知音
    疏离是我 风流是我 道心磊落
    归来迟长阶漫漫 棋散生死难勘
    血池冷惊别匆匆 夜雨十年灯
    来时路天涯萧瑟 幸旧友与我同
    归去处孤山依旧 不见故城秋
    谁道久别不成悲 欲说又还休
    昨日种种昨日梦 今日种种今日生 一切又从头
    天地变殉道何难 丹心照肝胆
    恩怨清此生无憾 前尘分两端
    是我非我又如何 任他人评说
    再回首 百年身 山河阔
    聯繫郵箱:menghuandaoyu@gmail.com / yanghua.fu.16
    註:視頻來源於 www.bilibili.c...

Комментарии • 159

  • @ahumanbeing812
    @ahumanbeing812 Год назад +33

    Song title: 是我非我 (Me, not me)
    Subtitle: 再回首 百年身 山河阔 (When I reflect on the past, many years have passed and I have grown old -- only the mountains and rivers are still as boundless as they used to be.)
    ___(Note: “再回首 百年身” has its origin from a poem written by the Qing Dynasty poet Wei Zi An (魏子安). The original verse read: “一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身”, meaning “A mistake was made, and its consequences haunted me for the years to come. When I reflect on the past, I am already an old man with white hair on my temples; it is impossible for me to go back and rectify my past mistake.)___
    (Conversation before the song starts)
    义军战士 A: 那暴君就在山上!
    Volunteered soldier A: The tyrant is on the mountain top!
    Volunteered solider B: Hold! Mo Wei Yu is exceptionally skilled in cultivation techniques, and extremely vicious as well. It is better for us to be careful …
    Everyone: He was right!
    薛萌: 十年前,墨燃自封踏仙君,屠遍儒风门七十二城不算,还要剿灭剩余九大门派, 要把你们赶尽杀绝. 要不是我师尊拼死相护,你们还能活着?还能好端端地站在这里跟我说话吗?
    Xue Meng: Ten years ago, Mo Ran proclaimed himself Emperor of the Cultivation World. He did not only slaughter the seventy-two cities of the Yu Feng sect, but also wiped out the other nine remaining major sects. He even wanted to extinguish you. If it was not my master who risked his life to protect you, would you still be alive today? And stand here to talk to me?

    Xue Meng: Mo Ran, where is the master? Our master?
    墨染: 他的尸首,停在南峰的红莲水榭。躺在莲花里,保存的很好,就像睡着了一样。… 去看看他。要是迟了,我死了,灵力一断,他也就成灰了。
    Mo Ran: His body is resting in the Red Lotus Pavilion in the southern summit. It is laid among the lotus, very well preserved, as if he is just sleeping. … Go and take a look yourself. Don’t delay. Once I die and my spiritual strength is cut off, his body will turn into ashes.
    楚晚宁:对不起啊,墨然。是师父的错 … 放过你自己 …
    Chu Wan Ning (Mo Ran’s master): I apologize, Mo Ran. It was my fault … have mercy on yourself …
    (The song starts)
    若选择 难分对错 踏仙成魔 八苦缔因果
    It is difficult to choose what is right and what is wrong. Ta Xian became a monster; it was the result of the “eight sufferings”.
    中天无情月 何处染尘墨
    The emotionless moon that hung in the middle of the sky was never tainted.
    癫狂是我 寂寥是我 如何放过
    Made and lonesome as I was, how could I forgive myself?
    ___(Note: It appears that this song was written from the viewpoint of the main character, Mo Ran, for first-person noun "我 (I)" is used in this sentence.)___
    问众生 何为善恶 一念慈悲 一念覆山河
    Ask all sentient life forms, what is evilness? What is righteousness? A righteous belief shows mercy on the greater goods of other people, whereas an evil belief has the potential to destroy the world.
    当年凤凰在 往事不堪说
    That year, the sound of the nine-stringed zither still reverberated. Past events were too painful to recall.
    ___(Note: The word-for-word translation of “当年凤凰在” would be “that year, the Phoenix had not vanished. In Chinese culture, the Phoenix is an auspicious bird that represents many good things, i.e., fortune, peace, and even a musical instrument. “Phoenix” as the name of an instrument: see chapter 5 of (The anecdotes of Xi Liang) . Taking into consideration the context of the story and the symbolic meaning of Phoenix in Chinese culture, it is most appropriate to understand “凤凰 (Phoenix)” as a musical instrument here: the zither of Mo Ran’s master, Chu Wan Ning. A word-for-word translation “that year, the Phoenix still existed” would be not only too awkward, but also failed to convey the meaning.)___
    不甘是我 执着是我 怎能看破
    Uncompromising and obsessed, how could I have seen through the entanglements?
    夜雨凉晚风入梦 吹落几度海棠
    I drifted off to dream amid nocturnal rain and cool wind that blew the begonia flowers off the tree.
    白衣寒九歌离断 人间又参商
    The master in white clothes evanesced; the sound of his nine-stringed zither receded. Old friends were separated again by fate.
    ___ (Note: Note: “参“ and “商” are two stars that never appears in the sky at the same time. It is a metaphor for friends and family who are separated from each other and cannot see each other. Word-for-word translation would lead to “参商“ being translated as “participate in business” or “business participants”. As of this writing, this is the translation that you would get if you attempt to use "Google Translate" to translate "参商". Google Translate has improved a lot over the years, but in this case, it still completely misses the meaning of the word being translated. )___
    笑苍天正邪不判 蝶骨千年干戈
    I teased Heaven for not being able to distinguish between evilness and righteousness. The war with the Die Gu people had lasted for a thousand years.
    拜故人半生漂泊 故人多寥落
    Having spent half of my life wandering from place to place, I set out to visit my old friends scattered in different locations.
    谁得天眼窥红尘 却是眼中人
    He who had the clairvoyance to see through the entanglements of this world couldn’t not see the person he yearned.
    若命运 难逃错过 百转千回 两世阴阳隔
    If this was predestined, judgement would then be inescapable. After hundreds of twists and thousands of turns, old friends were separated by life and death.
    昔日儒风骨 化龙作悲歌
    The spirits of the Yu Feng sect from the past metamorphosed into a dragon and a sorrowful song.
    ___(Note: In the novel, Yu Feng is one of the main sects in the Upper Cultivation World that were wiped out by the main character Mo Ran after he became emperor of the Cultivation World.)___
    不舍是我 无悔是我 锦书难托
    Unwilling to give up, unregretful, my thoughts could not be conveyed in letters.
    问世间 红尘难测 孤夜无心 却把凤凰落
    Reflecting, the world was unpredictable. Nightfall ushered in despondence and solitude, as the person who played the zither had evanesced.
    梅稍雪一痕 凌风伴知音
    A thin layer of snow rested on the tips of the plum blossoms. Alone, the bleak wind became my confidant.
    疏离是我 风流是我 道心磊落
    Self-restrained, skilled and resolute - He was the epitome of upright character.
    ___(Note: The song was written from the viewpoint of the main character, Mo Ran. However, this sentence apparently refers to Mo Ran’s master.)___
    归来迟长阶漫漫 棋散生死难勘
    The stairs seemed so long on the way home. The chess army had been routed, but life and death were still difficult to predict.
    血池冷惊别匆匆 夜雨十年灯
    Since the unexpected and hurried departure at the Blood Lake, it had been ten years during which I was accompanied by nothing by the lone lamp and rain at night.
    来时路天涯萧瑟 幸旧友与我同
    The journey had been long and arduous, but I had been fortunate to have my old friend by my side.
    归去处孤山依旧 不见故城秋
    Where we retreated to, the lone mountain towered as it used to, but autumn in the old town was no longer the same.
    谁道久别不成悲 欲说又还休
    Who ever said that long separations wouldn’t turn into sad stories that could never be fully told?!!
    昨日种种昨日梦 今日种种今日生 一切又从头
    Events of yesterday belonged to yesterday. Today is a new beginning where everything starts afresh.
    ___(Note: Word-for-word translation of this sentence would be “Yesterday many yesterday dreams. Today many kinds are born. Everything starts all over”. That’s too awkward. This is a situation in which both the meaning and sentiment of the original text would be lost if the translation is rendered word-by-word. Instead of translating the sentence word-by-word, it is more appropriate to consider how words can be put together to convey the meaning of the original text and preserve the sentiment as well.)___
    天地变殉道何难 丹心照肝胆
    In apocalyptic calamities, when sentient life forms were forced to become martyrs, the noble heart was in perfect harmony with other people’s sufferings.
    ___(Note: Although this song was apparently written in the viewpoint of the main character Mo Ran, this sentence appears to refer to Mo Ran’s master again.)___
    恩怨清此生无憾 前尘分两端
    Resentments were dissolved, and this life has seen no regret. Though the past had been polarizing,
    是我非我又如何 任他人评说
    What does it matter how the past would be judged? I would leave it for others to comment on.
    再回首 百年身 山河阔
    When I reflect on the past, many years have passed, and I have grown old -- only the maintains and rivers are still as boundless as they used to be.

  • @ki9257
    @ki9257 3 года назад +245

    This hits harder when you already read the novel and know every single scene without knowing what they're saying

    • @Marinahv-fy7ic
      @Marinahv-fy7ic 3 года назад +18

      listening to this WHILE reading just hit different

    • @Isitdeath
      @Isitdeath Год назад +4

      @@Marinahv-fy7ic Indeed. I read the novel while listening to a whole playlist of 2Ha on repeat...

    • @jeken6931
      @jeken6931 Год назад +3

      i know some mandarin words that theyre saying 😭😭 n it hits more

  • @星河暮
    @星河暮 2 года назад +42

    墨燃:若选择 难分对错 踏仙成魔 八苦缔因果
    楚晚宁:中天无情月 何处染尘墨
    墨燃/楚晚宁:癫狂是我 寂寥是我 如何放过
    师昧:问众生 何为善恶 一念慈悲 一念覆山河
    薛蒙:当年凤凰在 往事不堪说
    师昧/薛蒙:不甘是我 执着是我 怎能看破
    叶忘昔:若命运 难逃错过 百转千回 两世阴阳隔
    南宫驷:昔日儒风骨 化龙作悲歌
    叶忘昔/南宫驷:不舍是我 无悔是我 锦书难 托
    姜夜沉:问世间 红尘难测 孤夜无心 却把凤凰落
    梅寒雪:梅稍雪一痕 凌风伴知音
    姜夜沉/梅寒雪:疏离是我 风流是我 道心磊落
    南宫驷; “那,那你要是愿意……以后也可以像小时候一样叫我”
    墨燃/: 归来迟长阶漫漫
    [交叉和声薛蒙: 幸旧友与我同]
    全体合:谁道久别不成悲 欲说又还休
    楚晚宁:“我宁愿你是真的死了 ……师明净。(一声轻轻的叹息) 是不是你。
    楚晚宁: “我会一直和你在一起,生或者死,我带你回家。”
    姜曦:“我的字,我的名,都不是你该叫的。 好没规矩!”
    今日种种今日生 一切又从头
    再回首 百年身 山河阔

  • @AL-hu3ih
    @AL-hu3ih 3 года назад +30


  • @dinglingling8035
    @dinglingling8035 4 года назад +60


  • @npaujkubyaj
    @npaujkubyaj 3 года назад +107

    That moment when you both hate the characters for their choices but love them so much because of how much they suffered for their loved ones :') Aaaaahhhhh

    • @ウサギー
      @ウサギー 3 года назад +15

      wanning did nothing wrong 🥺he is precious

    • @Shaytan.666
      @Shaytan.666 2 года назад +6

      Mo ran also did nothing wrong, he just wanted to protect the people he loved the most 😭.
      Both of them deserve the world 😭❤️

    • @_tetebun_editslove3967
      @_tetebun_editslove3967 Год назад

      You are so accurate but also I have no right to hate on Mo Ran, it was not entirely his fault that he turned out to be like that 😭I just can't blame him and oh Wanning he's so pure that I wanna hide him under me so he can always be like how he is and never change

  • @yanxiaohan608
    @yanxiaohan608 3 года назад +52

    I cant get enough of them. The hate and love relationship we have these characters are alot to digest. In the end, they deserve the ending as it is. So much mixed feelings in a story. It was a mad roller coaster ride. But i love it because of it. 350 chapters. Worth every second of my life ❤️
    Jiang Yecheng and The Mei brothers get to have a scene in this. Blessing ❤️

  • @guyunsmole4067
    @guyunsmole4067 4 года назад +35

    墨喂鱼,你知道 你的师尊 多久等你。 哈你真的是阿 (。-_-。)

  • @huiwenchen8014
    @huiwenchen8014 4 года назад +107

    又哭了。。。当了二哈粉丝当了两年,我为二哈流的眼泪多得早已数不清。。。但是每当认为终于把泪流完了,还是会为了这样的视频再哭一次。。。阿驷掉下水的那瞬间泪就掉了下来,太痛了 Q_Q

    • @sheungwanto1189
      @sheungwanto1189 4 года назад +2


    • @wanxiaoli8006
      @wanxiaoli8006 4 года назад

      每次看都会哭 时间越久越容易被他们每个角色虐哭

    • @黃美珊-t8y
      @黃美珊-t8y 3 года назад +1

      @@sheungwanto1189 ?二哈主場

    • @雪月想吃糖
      @雪月想吃糖 3 года назад

      @@ilovebl1314 he的,可甜了

    • @夏朵兔
      @夏朵兔 Год назад

      我看到有點無感_(:3」∠ )_

  • @Chinoiserie
    @Chinoiserie  4 года назад +123


  • @梦中梦-n3j
    @梦中梦-n3j 3 года назад +30


  • @shanzhao9472
    @shanzhao9472 3 года назад +5

    皓衣行等的太久 决定看原著~ 读书很慢之前从不看小说 看了整整四天 茶饭不思 哈哈~ 这个版本不错 赞👍

  • @mx9768
    @mx9768 4 года назад +23

    My heart! I can’t understand a thing, but this is so moving. I love you 2HA!

  • @maggiema2884
    @maggiema2884 3 года назад +3


  • @高文玲-m7i
    @高文玲-m7i 4 года назад +19

    (((((((((((っ•ω•)っ Σ(σ`•ω•´)σ 【楚晚宁!!!!!!!!!】
    接下来是死生之巅镇门鸟薛萌 薛直明
    * * * *
    * * * *
    * ★ * ★ *
    * ★ *
    >>>------I love you! ---->
    * *
    * ★ *
    * *
    * *

    • @高文玲-m7i
      @高文玲-m7i 4 года назад +5


  • @lanaitgirl
    @lanaitgirl 3 года назад +53

    i need the drama or i'm going to start reading the book for the 4th time

    • @aslkara6697
      @aslkara6697 3 года назад +2

      i read it already for the 7th time and cant get enough, before the drama starts or rather until we get a trailer i might do an 8th time :'))

  • @xedyir
    @xedyir 4 года назад +57

    whoaaaa the singing, music and artwork is amazing. I’m going to check the sources of this.

    • @Chinoiserie
      @Chinoiserie  4 года назад +12

      This is a particularly popular novel song.《The Husky & His White Cat Shizun》

    • @xedyir
      @xedyir 4 года назад

      @Chinoiserie, ah, yes I’ve heard of the novel but forgot it’s name. Thank you very much for reminding me.

    • @guyunsmole4067
      @guyunsmole4067 4 года назад

      By the way it’s a danmei novel

    • @wenduo4961
      @wenduo4961 4 года назад

      @@guyunsmole4067 Yes! It is. Thought warnings it has some triggers and is dark. Or so I have heard. I haven't gotten too far to confirm it myself yet.

    • @xedyir
      @xedyir 4 года назад

      @Kookoo Wants banana milk, Yes, I’m a fan of danmei novels. This will be an amusing read.

  • @耽美小分队队长
    @耽美小分队队长 4 года назад +10


  • @Isitdeath
    @Isitdeath Год назад +2

    Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.. Meeeeeee

  • @ta5130
    @ta5130 4 года назад +56


    • @dinglingling8035
      @dinglingling8035 4 года назад +16


    • @ta5130
      @ta5130 4 года назад +8


    • @wanxiaoli8006
      @wanxiaoli8006 4 года назад +16

      晚宁死了二次 墨燃三次 好惨。 阿驷和小叶子真是意难平 萌萌也是失去了好多..... 王夫人也是哭死。薛郎真的是.....儿子不是亲生的,侄儿不是亲的。 薛郎甚美 世人皆丑。

  • @elmino2916
    @elmino2916 3 года назад +9

    I don't even know what's going on but damn, this is giving the feels and I want to cry.

  • @XNA761
    @XNA761 2 года назад +3

    仔细想想 他们并不算是真正意义的重生 而只有楚晚宁的一魂和墨然的灵魂去了另一个红尘。这样算来 除了墨然 第一个红尘的大家都死掉了,真真是个悲剧。

  • @nevermind1904
    @nevermind1904 2 года назад +3

    The arrangement is so pretty. The scenes are the perfect mix of several emotions all together. At the end, I'm almost overwhelmed, but I can't point out what I'm feeling...

  • @tsukii_rei
    @tsukii_rei 3 года назад +3


  • @梦中梦-n3j
    @梦中梦-n3j 3 года назад +2


  • @lululucyzhu
    @lululucyzhu 2 года назад +2


  • @hx1709
    @hx1709 2 года назад +7


    • @hx1709
      @hx1709 2 года назад +1


  • @jossee.1480
    @jossee.1480 3 года назад +3

    i just realize that i understand the whole video eventho i don't understand chinese and thats make me realize how much i re-read erha until now *crying*

  • @ngyuxin
    @ngyuxin 4 года назад +6

    真是傷透了我的心 ;A;

  • @juditorkenyi1203
    @juditorkenyi1203 Год назад +1

    Tényleg megvisel érzelmileg. Nagyon szép, a zene, a kép. Megragad az ember agyában a dallam.

  • @baouuyen
    @baouuyen 3 года назад +2

    Novel ‘ Husky and his white cat shizun’ , my fav 🥰🥰🥰

  • @lauyuethei7555
    @lauyuethei7555 4 года назад +4


  • @one-winged-angel2024
    @one-winged-angel2024 2 года назад +2


  • @carlenjonatan356
    @carlenjonatan356 4 года назад +16

    My favorite song now. Someone please translate to english pleaseeeeee....

  • @leilasabando5661
    @leilasabando5661 3 года назад +11

    I cannot express how much I love this

  • @leetaeyong1537
    @leetaeyong1537 3 года назад +3

    I don't even know Chinese but i know every sigle scene in novel 😂

  • @ikesdeidre
    @ikesdeidre 3 года назад +3


  • @usermania340
    @usermania340 Год назад


  • @reetakhanka2786
    @reetakhanka2786 4 года назад +2

    Ahhhhh its really beautifull and touchy 😭😭😭😭

  • @wklein392
    @wklein392 4 года назад +9


    • @domfree5129
      @domfree5129 3 года назад +1


  • @Sakura-fk5jm
    @Sakura-fk5jm 4 года назад +4

    啊 哭了 😭

  • @bluepersona9988
    @bluepersona9988 4 года назад +1

    Ahhhhh all four of them in one frame. Thank youuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @jiayuna3233
    @jiayuna3233 8 месяцев назад


  • @kimoq1302
    @kimoq1302 3 года назад +2

    esto es tan hermoso, que agradable resumen ;-;

  • @thirizaw443
    @thirizaw443 4 года назад +15

    Can i asked you?
    " Be Mo Weiyu, don't be Taxian Jun anymore" Which chapter in a novel?
    Please answer me😭❤️

    • @guyunsmole4067
      @guyunsmole4067 4 года назад +1

      Thiri Zaw what? He stopped being Taxian Jun the moment he died as him but if you mean in his heart then I don’t think he fully stopped till around the end of the first book (hehe no spoilers)

    • @sheepyaries_o3
      @sheepyaries_o3 4 года назад +4

      They actually asked for a line MoRan said when his self as "Mo zhongshi" died and his souls as TXJ and MZS met. Unfortunately, I don't really remember which chapter this is :'))

    • @guyunsmole4067
      @guyunsmole4067 4 года назад +1

      •Sheepy Aries• oh alright I’m reading it through again so I’ll tell you if I spot it aha

    • @Sharotea
      @Sharotea 4 года назад

      It's around chapter 309 or 310, near ending

    • @Sharotea
      @Sharotea 4 года назад

      Ayy wait, I thought it's line in the last part, if it's the last part line it's in chapter 309 or 310

  • @emytung7042
    @emytung7042 4 года назад +2


  • @kookoo3148
    @kookoo3148 4 года назад +4

    That fking hurt my heart

  • @perhe_foxy._.1007
    @perhe_foxy._.1007 4 года назад +4


    • @Chinoiserie
      @Chinoiserie  4 года назад


    • @perhe_foxy._.1007
      @perhe_foxy._.1007 4 года назад

      @@Chinoiserie 那大大會轉載嗎?( ╹▽╹ )如果會就麻煩惹~~(≧▽≦)

    • @Chinoiserie
      @Chinoiserie  4 года назад +2


    • @perhe_foxy._.1007
      @perhe_foxy._.1007 4 года назад

      @@Chinoiserie 謝謝大大~~

    • @Chinoiserie
      @Chinoiserie  4 года назад

      @@perhe_foxy._.1007 ruclips.net/video/FmJyK5tnYtU/видео.html 上传好了。

  • @fuarenidbreaccglas3170
    @fuarenidbreaccglas3170 3 года назад +3

    I'm crying T_T

  • @ranasalsabilanst5447
    @ranasalsabilanst5447 2 года назад


  • @ying.0215
    @ying.0215 Месяц назад +1


  • @Park_Y.N
    @Park_Y.N 2 года назад

    I had put a translation here T T . Where did it go.... writing such long comment is tiring uwu

  • @xiaaaqiuuu3909
    @xiaaaqiuuu3909 4 года назад +2


  • @flaviamalespin3266
    @flaviamalespin3266 2 года назад

    Estoy aprendiendo chino para entender lo que dice y hablan y sus letras de las melodías que interpretan lo que sienten al espressr los sentimientos

  • @en-miracle99
    @en-miracle99 2 года назад

    who is the singer, I want find that song lyrics?

  • @yen_yen520
    @yen_yen520 Год назад


  • @maureen4376
    @maureen4376 2 года назад

    wish to watch the whole ep ...

  • @aditichakrabarty5369
    @aditichakrabarty5369 3 года назад +1

    Where can i read this novel?

    • @meganhome4311
      @meganhome4311 3 года назад

      Aditi Chakrabarty husky and his white cat shizun!!! U can find it on novel updates! But as long as u look for it, you’ll find translated chapters!!

  • @moonlightrose9361
    @moonlightrose9361 3 года назад +2

    Can someone tell me if this have a happy ending and how it’s going to end

    • @lin-zt8qi
      @lin-zt8qi 3 года назад

      pls read the novel called white cat sizhun and his husky dog /2ha for knowing the story~

    • @moonlightrose9361
      @moonlightrose9361 3 года назад +1

      Can you at least tell me if it has a happy ending

    • @lin-zt8qi
      @lin-zt8qi 3 года назад

      @@moonlightrose9361 well since there r no tragedy tag, it is

    • @moonlightrose9361
      @moonlightrose9361 3 года назад +1

      Wait so do you mean it has a happy ending?

    • @lin-zt8qi
      @lin-zt8qi 3 года назад

      Moonlight Rose yes, enjoy reading~

  • @SvetlanaZ-oc9ut
    @SvetlanaZ-oc9ut 6 месяцев назад

    I LOVE 2ha! But one question, that's triggering me: WHY TF DOES MEI HANXUE HAS BLONDE HAIR?!?! I mean okay, but what century does 2ha play in?! They don't dye their hair, so why does he have blonde hair?! Is he a foreigner or what?!?!?!🤣😂

  • @-ying1006
    @-ying1006 3 года назад


  • @rachmasalsabila9096
    @rachmasalsabila9096 3 года назад +1

    8:19 who's in the center ?

    • @cincin366
      @cincin366 3 года назад

      Just a guess but probably Jiang Xi

    • @minminnessx
      @minminnessx 3 года назад

      It is Jiang xi !

  • @frances3266
    @frances3266 3 года назад

    what novel is this from?

    • @raven456
      @raven456 3 года назад +1

      The Husky and His White Cat Shizun

  • @mynee11
    @mynee11 4 года назад +1

    Someone please translate

  • @heize578
    @heize578 3 года назад

    Where's eng sub 😭🤧🤧🤧

  • @iroller8714
    @iroller8714 4 года назад +2


  • @mahnoorahmed7607
    @mahnoorahmed7607 3 года назад

    what does he say at 2:39?

    • @Chinoiserie
      @Chinoiserie  3 года назад +1

      He said he resurgence,resurrected before the tragedy.he wants to change these tragedies.

  • @嚶嚶嚶-k8m
    @嚶嚶嚶-k8m 3 года назад


  • @fannynayeli6245
    @fannynayeli6245 4 года назад

    Oh. I wanna see it but I don’t know the name...

    • @shuaigeshuaige4894
      @shuaigeshuaige4894 3 года назад +3

      Its from the novel husky and his white cat shizun...a must read novel😌

  • @veronicah5268
    @veronicah5268 3 года назад


  • @juditorkenyi1203
    @juditorkenyi1203 Год назад


  • @zhong8842
    @zhong8842 4 года назад +1


    • @Chinoiserie
      @Chinoiserie  4 года назад

      歌词太长了啊,┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

  • @norkhairiyah6334
    @norkhairiyah6334 4 года назад


    • @liloNatzu
      @liloNatzu 4 года назад +3

      This is based on a novel I believe called The Husky and His White Cat Shizun. There is a live action Chinese drama in the process to be released later this year or next year called Immortality.

    • @Yan-Zhan
      @Yan-Zhan 4 года назад

      Nope. Just some fanmade video

  • @nadie625
    @nadie625 3 года назад

    Lo malo de no saber chino ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

  • @羡云悦神
    @羡云悦神 3 года назад +2


    • @雪月想吃糖
      @雪月想吃糖 3 года назад +1


    • @羡云悦神
      @羡云悦神 3 года назад +1

      @@雪月想吃糖 我记得是回去了,代价是华碧楠死得好惨。。。

    • @黎明之-u2v
      @黎明之-u2v Год назад

      @@羡云悦神 我记得是没回去啊

  • @玖蘭優綺
    @玖蘭優綺 2 года назад
