@@runninglogung Graduate Law Diploma = LLB Legal Practice Course = HK PCLL 不過我過英國 本身香港教中學 我都係轉行,所以好明你既 struggle 你整 RUclips d thumbnail 好吸引呀, keep it up!
In any event, your NZ diploma can't be registered as a qualified Architect unless you hold First Class Honors Bachelor in Architecture degree froin University Auckland or Unitec's Master degree in Architecture . Please bear in mind that if you can't get pass grade in the first year and you can't apply for tution free in the second year. I'm disappointed that you aslo mentioned the Hong Kong academic degree as it would not help your job opportunities in the mainstream.
@@patricklo461 Please bear in mind that seeking a job in the construction industry or becoming an architect is not a must to me. And what I have mentioned was not only a HK degree, not only in accounting. There are so many different things I could pursue in life. My meaning of life is not defined by a “good” school, a “good” degree, a “good” job. I think you don’t understand and our conversation could hardly be meaningful.
好勇敢呀,祝你乘風破浪 追夢成功❤️
@@applesy007 ☺️多謝
最主要係有Passion,support. Best wishes to find your way. 的確紐西蘭也算比較接受轉行的,讀書也算易入學
@@moreproductive119 thank you☺️我上年尾畢業了,唔少同學都投入左呢行,好戥佢地開心,我自己就揀左另一個新行業,新工都返得好開心🤗
讀建築方面的知識及 前人名作真是學海無崖, 上至高樓大屋苑, 具一定地位由建築師創作出來使佢自己出名的代表性建築,
小至 孩子小屋, 公園, 或是自己間屋 也關你事
我又係讀建築, 不過是在Adelaide, UNIADL, Master畢業
@@runninglogung 唉. 但混亂到一個點呢. 有時覺得生命財產受威脅㗎😓
@@kennethng3867 係呀,如果一個唔好彩你將來住著我有份起嘅屋🤣🤣
你好犀利啊讀第二個profession!!我cu archi畢業的,好明白你話範圍大好多嘢要學嘅挑戰… 希望你揾到工加油!!
我讀diploma咋,純粹(痛苦地)享受個學習過程,我都希望去到啲有規模嘅建築師樓做嘢,做粒小薯都OK 㗎喇😬
睇嚟你就快可以做建築師啦,Cheers !
@@saloose7054 冇咁嘅打算😆
So happy for you. Enjoy your studies.
重新full time 讀書,真係要好大勇氣
好多謝你既分享呀Dorothy!🥺其實你都還很年輕呀,雖然start all over 真係好需要勇氣同周圍既support🥹唔知你宜家畢業未,最後有無加入行業呢?
@@runninglogung 加油加油!如果有update記得錄條片呀,祝你快d揾到!
係紐西蘭做緊architectural designer,加油
謝謝你帶我返Unitec! 我係2000 年係Unitec 畢業,當時都有香港人係到讀, 不過Asian 比較多. 你行過嘅舊校舍,以前係好大嘅cafeteria!
我當日揀Unitec 讀我個BBS 係因為呢間學校比較簡單人小小😂 人與人之間比較close 一啲
係NZ 生活平常心好緊要,唔駛太執着
我都follow 左你地啲片一段時間啦!加油呀💪🏻
@@ionaip5729 Exactly,平常心都係其中一樣不知不覺間比佢哋改變咗少少嘅嘢。多謝支持🥰btw BBS 係business?
係呀!Business, marketing major. 但係畢業之後一份marketing 工都未做過 😂
@@ionaip5729 😂😂
我去英國都係香港讀左 Graduate Law Diploma online,下年我香港讀埋 law practice dilpoma online 就。試下去英國轉行
讀law都一啲都唔容易呀,graduate law diploma 同law practice diploma, 同LLB同PCLL係咪一樣嘅嘢?
@@runninglogung Graduate Law Diploma = LLB
Legal Practice Course = HK PCLL
我都係轉行,所以好明你既 struggle
你整 RUclips d thumbnail 好吸引呀, keep it up!
@@ChineseLion 多謝☺️完成LLB再入埋PCLL已經係一個好大嘅achievement,you should be proud of yourself!加油呀!做完一個專業然後自己揀另一個專業去試,雖然辛苦但係滿足感會更大!
請教下, 使唔使學定revit, 先入學穩陣D呢? 看課程表 , 得一科畫圖 謝謝
謝謝你的訊息 有用極 得間學定revit
暫時我只知道有一間公司有internship,那份intern是paid job,不過應該好難爭的,而我呢個diploma要畢業冇placement要求,所以對我冇乜影響,想問什麼是Ara?
@@runninglogung 明白晒,谢谢。Ara系在南岛的学校Ara Institute of Canterbury Te Pukenga。唔知系咪和你学校合并的学校是同一间。
@@chuielfred5644 和unitec合併的是Te Pukenga, 好像很多學校都被歸入Te Pukenga了,你的有嗎?
Local full time student 可以申請無償student allowance 幫補下生活費。
UNITEC 以前叫Carrington Institute of Technology. 三十年前我在那裡讀日文, 內子在那裡讀business. 時光飛逝!
有朋友同我講,以前紐西蘭香港人一提到Carrington,就會諗起精神病院😅嗰時School of Architecture已經喺楝舊building嘛?其實楝building好靚,而家唔知係咪要拆呢😢
@@runninglogung 我都記得。 紐西蘭其實好好, 當地人又nice, 四處風景如畫, 只是那時找工作難, 賺錢不多, 希望現在好一點吧!
@@gyu1743 而家有工冇人做,不過仍然係賺錢唔多🙈
Hope you can seek a job suitable for you.
May God bless.
Hong Kong ❤
關於水牌,好可能係做錯左,將錯就錯, kiwi style :p
Unitec 好差勁的技術學院, 曾被教育部審查辦公室評鑑為不合格的院校,到現在還沒有達到第一 類別。你修讀紐西蘭第六級文憑等同香港高級文憑, 你曾說過讀過香港科技大學, 竟然沒有資格進入紐西蘭的八所大學。再說, 很多香港的專業計分移民都能報讀紐西蘭的第一名奧克蘭大學, 也是被QS評審為世界大學排名在65位。
有政府資助,為興趣讀,冇乜所謂,我年紀都唔細,又唔係人生第一個career,我去career talk,一樣有師兄師姐入到大建築師樓,我自己都有同班同學今年入左一間跨國engineering公司,人生決擇有好多因素,唔係下下都講排位嘅。
你對紐西蘭政府的大專教育政策不甚了解, 如果公民或永久居民在第一次報讀大專(大學或技術學院)的學歷是免費, 然後看你第一年的學業的成績, 才給你第二年的免費機會。你修讀第六級文憑課程為240學分, 而且很多Unit, 比香港高級文憑或學士更有壓迫感。
@@patricklo461 問題係我唔係一定要一個degree,我已經有兩個degree,唔需要第三個,我只係想接觸吓呢個industry,時間上讀兩年同讀三年commitment係唔一樣,我唔覺得讀個diploma有乜問題,而且我嘅credits係transferable,讀完可以再諗要唔要再加注讀個埋degree,如果要行architect條路,理論上要比五年讀埋個master,但係唔係我而家想要嘅嘢,仲有讀大學第一年免費,第二第三年都係要比錢的,anyway學費同大學排名唔係我最主要考慮。
In any event, your NZ diploma can't be registered as a qualified Architect unless you hold First Class Honors Bachelor in Architecture degree froin University Auckland or Unitec's Master degree in Architecture . Please bear in mind that if you can't get pass grade in the first year and you can't apply for tution free in the second year. I'm disappointed that you aslo mentioned the Hong Kong academic degree as it would not help your job opportunities in the mainstream.
@@patricklo461 Please bear in mind that seeking a job in the construction industry or becoming an architect is not a must to me. And what I have mentioned was not only a HK degree, not only in accounting. There are so many different things I could pursue in life. My meaning of life is not defined by a “good” school, a “good” degree, a “good” job. I think you don’t understand and our conversation could hardly be meaningful.