Wokeness is as old as the Bible itself. The remedy is even older.
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- This Homily was given by Father David Wilton, C.P.M. of the Fathers of Mercy at the Chapel of Divine Mercy in Auburn, KY. on July 24, 2022.
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The Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy, which was founded in 1808, originally under the title of “The Missionaries of France.” The community was founded for the purpose of re-evangelizing the people of France after the Catholic Faith had been subjected to years of attacks and persecution during the French Revolution. It is now exclusively an American community. The Generalate of the Congregation is located in Auburn, Kentucky. The primary apostolate of the Fathers of Mercy is to conduct parish missions and retreats throughout the United States and other countries when called upon. The congregation also staffs rural parishes in the Archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky.
“ *Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made* ”
- J RR Tolkien
CS Lewis said much the same in "The Screwtape Letters"... the devil cannot create pleasures, just tempt people to experience them in the wrong way or the wrong degree.
I like Tolkien... but he was definitely wrong on this occasion
Isn't tolkien something "evil" because he showed good sorcerers? ^^
not goot cristians here....
I'm not Catholic but honestly I would come to hear this priests sermon every Sunday. Preach the truth always brother !
it seems that the old preaching ways are lost even in the christian church. It's nice to listen to this.
We Catholics will gladly welcome you home. This is really a great priest
@@50toinfinityatleast Thank you for that beautiful comment. I was going to church last year first time in my life. It was great. Jesus is my Lord and Savior!
@@Cabuco2006 Amen! Our hope is in Him.
@@synthoelectro Yes alot of so-called priest's, pastors, etc have become motivational speakers. They're alot of make-believers. This explains what we're seeing,
Romans 1:24-31
King James Version
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
So nice to hear a priest preach like this. God bless him. He is courageous. I pray he’s not cancelled. 🙏
If so..my tithe goes to him
Well if he's cancelled then we'll start our own Church, it's not like the majority of the people agree with the criminals in power.
So they will kill him by tomorrow?
After his homily he went back to molest his altarboys
A blessed sermon from a blessed man. It doesn’t get any better than this. I am a proud Catholic woman. Thanks be to God.
I am a Catholic and this priest reminds me of why I need to start going back to church!
I'm sure there's one in your area. Look online at their statement page to see what they stand for.
Not all "Christian" churches still honor Christ.
I found one that stands upon the Word of God. I pass by about 10 churches on my way there.
What is wokeness?
Return to the Bible! The church is a building, Gods word is nourishment. A church with a good priest is hard to find!
You Do, And for your extended friends or family benefit from your graces received too. Jesus never stops with just you !
Start with a good confession , beats any counselling had any week hands down!
I am not a Catholic but I think this is the most moving sermon I have ever heard. Thank you Father.
There’s no salvation out of the Catholic Church 🙏
The inportant thing are the sacraments, not the "sermon." The Mass can be done without a "sermon" at all. It's not about motivational speaking. Ask Christ. This was a great Homily though.
@@planbasic9609 Yeah no
@@planbasic9609. What that actually means is that without the existence of the Catholic Church no one can be saved as Christ's saving Grace comes through and only through the Church He sanctified by His own blood. The Church is the well spring of God's love in the world and it is through Her and Her alone that the Spirit comes into the world and, the Spirit falls where it wills. Because of Holy Mother Church, all who are touched by that Spirit can be, through "Actual Grace," guided in one way or another away from evil and towards Christ. Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord can be saved, from ignorance, from loss of freedom, loss of God's Grace, from hell etc, but only those Christians who are baptised with Water and Spirit, through Sanctifying Grace", can enter Heaven, John 3 6. Those who are not are only Christian in name only, but because of the One True Apostolic Holy Mother Catholic Church, when they die, they will receive the baptism of Spirit in Purgatory. Bearing in mind that Purgatory is for all, as we must be purified of all attachment to sin before entering heaven. That is how non- Catholics are saved. Without the Catholic Church no one could be saved
@@planbasic9609that is false. And blasphemous.
I am not Catholic, I am barely a Christian at all, but I listened to every word, in agreement and in awe…😮
Don't put off following Christ any longer, we are not in a political battle we are in a spiritual battle. I'm sure you see it all around from the trans religion kicking it's way into every area of life, the abuse of the government, the Plandemic that set up the antichrist beast system. If you can't see all of that unfolding before your eyes there maybe no hope for you!
World's worst Christian here. Raced born Catholic. Then went to the Baptist Church. I'm not going to 100% agree with the Serman
That’s sad
If You’re Barely A Christian, You and Every Single ,Pope , Pastor, Vatican’s, Nun’s, And All Of Mankind Are Also Barely Christian, God Said No One Is Righteous Not Even One As It Is Written (Romans Ch-3 VS-10.). (Psalms Ch-14. Vs-13) (Psalms CH-53 VS-1-3)👍🙏
@@chrisnorcutt9060 and?, what’s the problem?
Spot on homily Father for the soul. Glory be to God.
I am a protestant, but what an amazing sermon. I wish I could listen to him everyday. God Bless you all
You should listen to the sound of a river, the wind through the trees, the song of the birds...and witness the mighty expanse of the stars in the night sky. I wish I could listen to this everyday.
@@j.jwhitty5861 yup. I agree.
Religion gets in the way of god way way to much. People need to see the difference.
@@charliegoodnight7560 Agreed. I don't hold with many of the teachings of the Catholic church, but this sermon is spot on. If we can agree on this much, we need to unite against the darkness.
@xyz574, you do not have to be Catholic, to be Christian.
“Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.”.
Pentecostal here, and I hear the Holy Ghost speaking through you father. Thank you.
Thank you Fr. David for your Guidance and Leadership ✝️
The World needs more good Shepherds like Fr. David
Amen, Beautiful words, Father! Thank you… may God bless you as well. 🙏🙏🙏
I'm a protestant, but loved to listen to him. Great and boldy sermon! We need more of that! That willing accepted the challenge that the Holy Word requires from us in our daily lives!
We call them a homily but yes this was really good. I'm a Trad Catholic this was fantastic to listen to.
Excellent we. Need more men of. God.
Who. Speak. The. Truth of the. Living. God
My wife and I are becoming Catholic’s. This homily is spot on. She was raised Catholic and I am converting from Non Denominational Christianity (respect to them, I have personal reasons why the Catholic faith is now calling to me).
Welcome home to you and your wife. 🙏🏼
In all fairness, I will say that you won't go wrong!
Welcome home
Hopefully not 🚭 of the NO variety.😂😮😂
The van beard... in reply:
Blessings to you dearest hearts and l welcome you with a heart full of compassion:
When l hear conversions like yours to the Roman Catholic Faith, YOU GIVE ME COURAGE!!
Know we are together.... ONE IN CHRIST .
Thank you Father. I need to make God the center of my life. My home now looks less like a stadium and more like a church. I have ways to go but thank you for kicking my butt in the right direction.
I take first communion this Easter. I've never been more sure of a choice in all of my life. I was raised, saved, and baptized in a protestant church. My children have attended Catholic school since kindergarten. Over the years I've come to understand, to fellowship, share, and to work throughout the community with these wonderful people. I was raised in southern WV, and more specifically a predominantly Baptist community, and I grew up thinking there was something inherently wrong with Catholics. It wasn't until I came to know the faith through daily interactions, without any perceived notions, and felt the spirit work in me and through me. I start my new walk in the faith with God. I never stopped or lost my faith, never stopped attending church, praying, or following the teachings... It's just that I'm ready to find an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Your God given courage has brought you here sweetheart, and l welcome you in my heart!
Wonderful testimony
I wish, hope and pray that more protestants would come to see and know the great faith, truth, and strength of the Catholic Faith. I want the whole world to see it! --Welcome, brother, to the Home of His Church! --Praying that you will help manifest the more, all that embodies our wonderful Faith within yourself, your family, and your extended community!
I, we, would like to know what's been happening in your life since.
@@dannny_macdee1015 I'm still learning. Lol But, aside from that, I am a member of the Knights of Columbus. I've been helping with various projects around the Parish, School, and community. We have recently taken over the upkeep of one of the oldest Catholic cemeteries in our area. Yesterday we spread 10 ton of gravel for the school. The volunteer side of my new walk is probably the most beneficial for me. It has allowed me to fellowship and grow in my faith and my works.
This message needs to be taught in every Church whether it be Catholic or protestant. What we really need is a spiritual revival of our country.
I’ve been finding myself searching and searching the Internet for homilies just like this so thank you Father. There are so many of us Catholics who are so hungry for the Truth and to hear good strong Priests like you tell us what we need to hear.
May God the Holy Spirit continue to guide and enlighten you so that you can shepherd the flock as we struggle through these troubled times.
Diane, the Fathers of Mercy are my favorites. You can also find Fr. James Altman on the Confraternity of St. Michael Archangel. Powerful, TRUTH-filled sermons. "Cancelled" by his bishop because of his stance on Truth. 🙏✝️👏🇺🇸
@@brendabryant1436 Thank you! Yes, I’ve been following Fr. Altman, Fr. Heilman, etc.
Let us continue to pray for our priests, especially those who are being persecuted.
Amen Amen Amen.
diane - you wrote: _'There are so many of us Catholics who are so hungry for the Truth....'_ - whose Truth, Ma'am?
because if you are searching for God's Truth - you won't be catholic long since catholicism *HATES* God's Truths.
former (35 yr) catholic, now Christian and Bible teacher.
i will show Them to you if you're seriously interested in God's Truth, Ma'am.
Tony, I will pray you find your way back before it’s too late
Thank you, Father for a wonderful homily. You’re right go in front of the blessed sacrament. It’s the best thing that you can do. It is better if you don’t say anything, just sit there because God knows what we need. We don’t need to tell him.
I’m Muslim and I agree with your assessment of the world 💯 thank you for your contributions.
The sons of Abraham didn’t forget the lessons of history.
Same. Alhamdulillah
Not Muslim but im happy that maybe our religions can come together for once and fight this.
Amen 🙏🏼
I agree. I appreciate your kind comments!
While not catholic, I am Baptist. I agree with this message. Hi from Alaska.
Welcome to our heart's Mandos!
This homily to what you would call a sermon was a teaching discourse on the evils of wokeness.
I have not heard any man of God preach with such strength and vigor in way too long
I could not stand behind a pulpit as a layman and speak with such eloquence. Thank God such men exist.
Willing to stand on the truth with kindness and strength.
I was locked up in South-west Ohio when I was a young man. Religious Brothers from this order came in every Sunday to worship with us. They are True followers of Christ.
Good that you communed with Christ's church & body while incarcerated.
I’d feel so proud to go to this church. Great job father! “God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts”.
He's your father?
@@trishataylor2488 You know that’s what people call catholic priests.
Really? Silence is what God gives? You believe that and it is good? I dont believe for a minute God is silent. HE IS S REAMING AT YOU. The problem js, this priest refuses to hear anything that doesnt come from Trump.
@@mimibee626 what are you on about? you know you can think the world is evil as it is and not like trump, right? from what i can tell, you got every part of his message wrong, lol. must've avoided listening to any of it based on the name of the video. sad.
@@mimibee626 idiot
I'm not a Catholic, but this is a good message. Bless you for standing against wokeness for the truth.
Cambridge English Dictionary: a state of being aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality: His latest record displays his wokeness. More examples. Wokeness encompasses the need to search for more knowledge, understanding and truth in order to challenge injustice.
Oh how rational you are. Not. How about doing some actual Youtubing and realising how stupid you are being.
@@ExplodingPsyche The word 'Wokeness' has been high-jacked to define a group of illiterate, emotional and immoral type of people who are not aware of their own lack of judgement, character and spirituality.
Not all that is true is Truth. Any woke that raises the undead is of Christ.
@@ExplodingPsyche Jesus was a bit of a wokie was he not?
Godbless amen st.father.pio amen
I hear his frustration and pain, I feel the same ways about our present world, I’m sure there’s more folks with the same feeling. We are all in this together even if we’re strangers. We are one with Jesus Christ
Unfortunately we're not, we're in the minority, and the majority is coming for us. They're not even keeping quiet about it.
Delivered with passion, truthfulness and love of the gospel. A message for today indeed.
Hello. Catholicism continues to perform sacrifices, rejecting Christ's final sacrifice, and get people to condemn themselves with their own words by deceiving them into asking God to accept priests' sacrifices on altars every week, proving they do not (yet) trust Christ's final sacrifice. Follow God / Jesus Christ, not any denomination, let alone one that is a world-wide organization.
Hebrews 10:10-12 *By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (11) And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: (12) But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;*
Hebrews 7:27 *Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.*
No. In fact, it's a crock of shit.
I'm Baptist and I agree with everything you preached. We need more priests, pastors, layman to share God's Word plainly and simply like you did.
I convert it to Baptist. But a small Independent Baptist Church. What type of Baptist Church where in the country is
@@billpellicone9899 Are you Anabaptist?
Warning!!🔥 Out of the Catholic Church there’s no Salvation 🙏
@@planbasic9609 Jesus is all you need brother
@@Ryukuss AMÉN🙏
You, Me and everyone need JESUS IN OUR HEARTS ❤️
❤❤❤😊😊😊😊thank you Jesus for your priest that preach your word in it's fullness
This sermon was completely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Hi from Brazil!
Greetings from America! Please don't let wokeness ruin your country! It's decimating America!
Thanks for the nice comment!
Yes it is all true. There's no situation you can run into that would not be in the Bible. I think it's time to preach a message of love and one that is scripturally correct and applies to all
People are arrogant enough to think they know the will of God. This priest is an airhead and a false prophet, but he talks with conviction, and you dont know better, so you listen.
Wow!!! 🔥
I can’t believe that as a protestant I was just CONVICTED by a sermon by s priest!! Truly a man of God. Surely there will come a time when true Catholics and Protestants will coalesce and look out for each other!!! Blessings
convinced ?
God bless you
Holy Spirit conviction...🎉
Warning!!!🔥 there’s no salvation out of the Catholic Church 🙏
Amen to THAT! May God bless you!
Thank you Lord for allowing me to listen to this sermon.
❤ thank you thank you.
I'am not religious person but i would join for Sunday pray with Father David , with great pleasure. We have a power of God in our hearts to make this world better.
Thank you SO very much, Father. This is so very needed today. We all need to hear this and more than once.
father ??
An "honorific" is a form of address, before a name, which conveys esteem, courtesy or respect. (Such as Father ....., referring to any Catholic priest.)
@@bonniesauers6857 I'll stick with what the Lord Jesus Christ says ( Matthew 23 : 9 King James Bible ). By the way my Bible tells me clearly the priesthood was abolished by Lord Jesus. We now have a great high Priest in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you're a catholic you don't have the indwelling Holy Ghost to guide you into all truth. So, you won't understand Hebrews 9 & 10 in a King James Bible. All the tabernacle ritual ( catholic cult, c of e, Methodists et al ) is gone, finished. No church buildings and all the heresy that goes with them.
@@colvinator1611 you sound so self righteous. Where's Grace?
@@marolynbriggs1878 Not at all Marolyn. I'm just passionate about the truth of Almighty God in His King James Bible. There's no grace in wicked heresy and lies. If you are OK with the modern ' bibles ' that say the Lord Jesus Christ is a sinner and a liar ( along with numerous other alterations and omissions ) then get on with it. The unbiblical established so called churches have been using them for well over a hundred years. Hence the state they are in. Citadels of satan.
I am a muslim. Thank You, priest for the amazing lecture.
I think those of us that follow Abrahamic religions share many core values.
the GOP loves muslims /s
islam is a false religion created by a pedo get right with CHRIST
Aaaahahahaha "abrahamaic religions" "CORE VALUES" haha Islam is not an Abraham's faith. It's a cult for a dangerous madman who took wife after wife after wife and his favorite one was a tender piece of meat at 9 that he consummated at 53. Muslims will defend this. Tell me again about our common values.
@@Dirshaun I strongly believe that too, still not many people seem to understand that
Beautiful homily, Fr. Wilton! 🙏🏻✝️❤️🔥🩸
I really needed such powerful words, even if I'm not a catholic myself. Greetings from Brazil.
Maybe it was meant for you to find this video. Ask God to guide you
Amazing sermon, we need them everyday!!! Thank you father!!!
Matthew 23:9 (KJV)
*And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.*
-Jesus Christ
My grandmother was a devout Baptist and a devoted listener to Bishop Sheen. I remember watching him when at Granny's. He was a prophet.
I agree Bishop Sheen was a wonderful man, I miss his sermons so much,
Thanks a million Fr you are powerful we need sermons like this please continue your great sermons powerful and powerful thanks
I’m not catholic but this guy rocks!
My parents died two days apart in December of 2016, after having been married for 70 years, that's intimacy.
Wow, that’s beautiful🌺💜 may the both rest in perpetual peace with our Lord Jesus Christ now and forever 💜
Tell us how they did it
❤yes my dad and mom were devote catholic and married 66 years ❤my dad passed away 2014 and year later my mom passed 2015 ❤
Amazing. God Bless them in Heaven, and God bless you!
I am so happy this randomly popped up on my feed I needed to hear that we still have hope in the world we live into day
God uses all things to bring his children to salvation. I'm an Orthodox Christian but God new I needed to hear these words tonight. I thank you and wish you God's blessings.
THANK YOU Father 🙏🏻 From the Netherlands, where Church attendance among catholics is even worse than in France 😓 You just gave me much needed hope and spiritual energy.
Even if im not Catholic this man is truly a Godly man, praise Jesus🙏
@Salty Member I'll take the Catholics over the anarchists.
@@rickyisom69they're actually worse than anarchist for they twist the word of God .
@@Mediterraneangun the anarchists love nothing more than a helping hand to destroy the country. I too, have reservations with organized religion, but I'm not jumping on the make America a godless country band wagon. We're in bad shape and demonizing Judeo-Christian ideology is what got us here.
@xyz574 I understand where you're coming from brother but the thing is that sound preaching matters a lot and the Catholic church does not preach sound doctrine which is why teachers will be judged more strictly because is not a light matter .
@xyz574 it's more than that .The Catholic church denies salvation by grace for they believe in salvation by works .So we have the authority of scripture to tell us which congregation preaches false doctrine and which doesn't.We test the spirits by the word of God and if it contradicts Gods word then we have the right to judge that church according to God's word .
Halleluja; we have a true Holy Priest preaching the true gospel; thank you.
Catholics don't say hallelujah .
@@Downey-2000 why does it matter to you
Amyexner, a holy priest can’t do anything to save the church, they wait for an holy bishop! The holy Bishop wait for an holy Cardinal, and the holy Cardinal wait for our Lord to come back! Meanwhile the 3 times excommunicated Cardinal bergoglio is destroy the Catholic Church 😞
@@anthonyporpora4786 The Catholic Pedo Cult, you mean. Your god sucks cock. Amen
@@Downey-2000 that's not true
Thank you! God bless you❤✝️🕊
Father Wilton,
I am not a Catholic, but this was a very important message that has been neglected by churches for far too long!
We must be IN the world, but not OF the world.
We must direct our focus on the Word of God to navigate through these turbulent times, spreading the Gospel to others, living faithfully and righteously until Christ's return.
Terrific sermon, Father Wilton!
God bless you! 🙏
You're not Catholic, but you're Christian, and so is he.
The three great Abrahamic religions are all on board with acknowledging sin as defined by the Almighty. We have been violating God's natural laws for a long time.
Read the Bible, spend time in prayer, love your neighbor.
I'm preaching to myself too.
I have a really difficult time with the whole "love thy neighbor" because I'm a misanthrope and not too fond of myself either.
@@ColtMotor I am a practicing Protestant who was raised Catholic.
I can tell you for a fact that both sides worship the same Father Jehovah and the same Jesus Christ. Whether you're a Catholic or Protestant, and you trusted Jesus as your Savior then you're saved. He died on the cross for us! This was the greatest price ever paid for anything. He bought your salvation. Do you think He's going to let Satan have you back on account of some technicality or some difference in worship practices? Absolutely not!
The thief on the cross was neither Catholic nor Protestant. He wasn't a member of any church because there was no church yet.
Jesus told him he would be with Him that day in paradise.
This man was never baptized. He never gave one penny to the poor, and most likely robbed them. He was a thief.
One thief looked at Jesus with the eyes of the world and saw a criminal dying. The other looked at Him with the eyes of faith and saw a King about to ascend.
Also this is the ONLY deathbed confession in the whole Bible. Believe in Jesus today.
Believe that He is who He said He is, and did what He said He did. That's the Gospel.
What are those?
Jesus said He is the Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, our Emmanuel (God with us), God in Flesh, the sacrifice for many, the King of Kings.
He already existed in Heaven, was born on Earth of a virgin mother, lived as a man for about 33 years, lived a sinless life, spoke the Word of God to many, was accused falsely, was tortured, and died on a cross for our sins. He couldn't die for His own sins because He didn't have any.
But then on the third day He rose again in glory and is seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
This is Jesus. This is the Gospel.
If you believe this, tell God that you accept His free gift of salvation. You pay nothing. Jesus paid it all. He will in no wise turn you away.
Show me the fool who thinks he sinned too much for Jesus to save him. Jesus paid it all. He paid for every sin - past present and future.
Sadly, most will refuse this free gift and choose Hell instead.
And it really is binary. You can choose Jesus or you can choose Hell. If you choose not to decide, the default is Hell.
Don't choose Hell. Jesus wants you saved. He loves you knowing you're a sinner, yes even you. And yes even me.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Yes, He wants you saved. Trust Him today and change the trajectory of your life.
Instead of a sinner bound for Hell, be a saint on your way to Heaven.
Great! I wish I could find priests in England or Ireland who have the courage to preach like you do Father!
If they do, they will get banned just like Rev. Calvin Robinson did. He has been speaking out and the Church of England doesn't want to hear him. He only speaks the truth though, very sad.
This honestly gives me so much hope for humanity, God bless this man. We all need to hear this in these cray times.
Is it harder to type crazy than cray?
@@mimibee626 is it harder to give the benefit of doubt and think maybe.. just maybe.. it was an error?? 🙃
Division is created by the government and the media. There be better hope if there was a positive message. There is no reason why any sinner should not attend Church. Church it's just a house full of sinners. All have sinned fallen short of the glory of God. Nobody can keep the law God sent his only begotten son.
Thank you so much. God bless.
I was raised pentecostal it is so nice to see a person that can deliver his message without getting into such a frenzy that he gets off track. sometimes it is better that we hear a message than to be beaten over the head how I am a sinner just for thinking such. Sometimes it is hard to understand a man who is just yelling and chopping his hands and yelling "HA" every few words
I'm a member of another religion, however, I love this. I want to hear more.
Read up. Listen up. Plenty out there….however…Dudes like this are a rare. Not all priests are as switched on as this bloke. Some are the opposite…that’s our humanity in action.
@The real U.S. deep state I think so many western implementations of religions have become corrupted to the point that people are desperate for some answer to the growing darkness all around us.
I was baptized last year into the Catholic church and it a been a great change in my spiritual life and my life as a whole it has been wonderful.
Yes this is Catholic all right
It’s so easy to forget things in religious texts which remind us “we’ve been here before”. Even though millions of us know the story of S&G, it’s hard for us to accept because we’re living through it “for the first time”. Great speech, great to see the real lessons from the Bible being taught, I’ve subscribed to this channel.
@@musashimiyamoto586 what he mean is that the "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF".
Just like Sodom and Gomorrah, our generation is creating another Sodom and Gomorrah but the only difference is that it's the whole United States of America right now.
@@musashimiyamoto586 history repeats itself. The Bible is a history lesson.
@@musashimiyamoto586 it's a symbolic story to explain the deepest of human behaviour
@@musashimiyamoto586 Wokeness is demonic,...Satan used the Feminist to bring this woke dogma into the World,...just as Eve was deceived, so has the woman again.
@@musashimiyamoto586 lol, it's almost as though some parts of the bible are meant to be literal and some parts are metaphorical or allegorical. crazy how it works, isn't it? ngl, it's pretty funny to see you act like some sort of bitter ex-lover across a number of comments
Praying for the world to return to God!
Fathers Mercy is God's gift to us..
Thank you Jesus
Thank God for a priest who speaks the Truth
He’s a disgusting pedophile pushing a fascist agenda
Like reverend Calvin Robinson from England !
The most woke person in western history is Jesus.
and masks his lust for men.
This is wonderful! I stand my ground every time when it involves my Catholic faith. Thank you father. Amen!
Your Christian faith?
Fantastic homily... God blese this priest..
A powerful sermon. I’m not Catholic but I could listen to this priest on a regular basis.
Me too!
All catholics aren't lost; all protestants aren't saved.
Many preach this way…. My new priest is amazing just like this!!!!! I love my Catholic faith ❤❤
@@urkoolUnclethere are few who walk the narrow road. Ask for the truth and you will receive it. Seek the way and you will find it. Get to the end of the road and reach the door, knock. The door will be opened to you. Just don’t wait until it’s too late or the door will not be opened again.
"The only way out of this crisis is spiritual."
Go back to the Church Church🙏……There’s no salvation out of the Catholic Church 🙏
May the Lord bless you and protect you always ❤
What wise words and ones I needed to hear. It’s good to know that men of faith are still preaching the truth and are not being fooled by the devil in this age with ‘wokeness’
Bought time we have Christian warriors like this father preach the truth! We need to hear more of this! Great job father👍👍👍
Matthew 23:9 (KJV)
*And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.*
-Jesus Christ
This was so refreshing to hear.
This is a beautiful sermon. Thank you for sharing. I needed it today.❤
Thank you Fr Wilton. You preached to us from your heart, Truths that must not be ignored and that are enshrined in our Catholic Faith. May God give you the strength to continue this powerful guidance.
I'm not a Catholic, only a mere Christian, but I enjoyed that.
Praise the mighty name of our Lord Jesus who is Christ, and all power and glory to the one who sent him.
Only a mere Christian? Have some respect for the faith and for Jesus.
@@TheTrooper424 So you don't know Humbleness? Nor CS Lewis?
Thank you Fr
Thank-you! We need more brothers to stand up and say they are not afraid to love God. Thank-you to everyone with this courage!
Not a practicing Catholic but this sermon makes me want to revisit the church
Come home! We need all of Gods children. This is service of God and men
Do it. You'll be glad you did. Peace to you
Warning! 🔥Out of the. Catholic Church there’s no salvation 🙏
I returned after many years . I am so glad I did 😊. I was welcomed with open arms.
I’m not a practicing catholic although I was raised in catholic schools almost my whole life…I thank God for his word.
What are you waiting for?, out of the Catholic Church there’s no salvation 🙏
Come home you won’t regret it . I cried when I went to my first confession I felt so free .All the best to you. 🙏🏼
@@hookedonprjonrojas2314 I hope you're back to Jesus Church!
He is very wise and we should listen to what he is saying! Thank you!
This is a beautiful homily by a truly eloquent and sincere priest.
Protestant Baptist here! I want whoever reads this to know that these words edify me spiritually, the global church, and God.
It is good to know truth is being spoken in Catholic Churches. And encouraging to me.
God bless you and keep you!
God bless you sweetheart.
Wow this was a wonderful homily. ❤ Absolutely what is needed in every church in the world.
This Priest is FANTASTIC. He definitely speaks the truth.
Why, because he tells you what you want to hear? 🤣
@@themaskedman221 and tell me, exactly why did you tune in to this video?????
@@luckypupito1344 Saw the title in my feed and came over for a good laugh. Could barely make it halfway through without getting bored. Got a good chuckle when he called Fulton Sheen a "great prophet".
@@themaskedman221 such a sad life you must live, you should give the Lord a chance
@@luckypupito1344 I'll stick to things that are real thanks.
This hit home... Big time.
I hope those with ears can hear and those with eyes can see.
I'm Orthodox, but this preaching sounded more like ours, Orthodox preaching, than modern Catholicism. I pray there are more priests like Father David. God Bless!
Out of the Catholic Church there’s no salvation 🙏
@@planbasic9609 of course there is. The best place is in the Orthodox church. If you follow the history of the church you will understand why. In Catolicism, unfortunately there are some side aways from the original teachings of the church, the decisions of the Holy unions of the saints and the teaching of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
@@moetocafe the warning was given TO YOU !!!
Choose and choose well!!
Out of the Catholic Church, there’s no salvation!!!
In the Catholic Church through Jesus in the Eucharist!! Men become SAINTS.
Saint John Bosco, Felipe Neri , Francis of Assisi ,Padre Pío, Saint Brígida, Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Jhonatan Paul II, and many more…..
This doesn’t happen at any other place.
@@planbasic9609 maybe research for youself - St. Athos.
@@moetocafe ONE!!
Well I gave the message to you!….the rest is up to you🙏
Diest here. Love this sermon; its very accurate and nice to know the Churches are paying attention. Cheers.
Blessed Fulton Sheen...thank You LORD for Your faithful priests🎉❤
I’m not conventionally religious or anything but I love the energy that so many believers carry. So refreshing to be met with passion rather than apathy.
@I walk in Hell It's called Truth!
I definitely needed to hear this. Thank you
Spot on. All priests need to speak out like this.
This was a wonderful message. I’m truly glad that this was on my feed.
I am evangelical Christian but I must say, this is the best sermon I have heard in a long while.
I was raised in Pentecostal denomination and I was very moved by this Father's sermon and it touched my heart we need teachers like this.
Matthew 23:9 (KJV)
*And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.*
-Jesus Christ
Without my cell phone, I would not have heard this message. Things can be used for the good. Thank you.
The hope for the whole catholic church will come from America... Greetings from a German ..deacon
Beautiful! Praise the lord almighty 🙏
God bless Father David Wilton the world needs people like u what a powerful sermon im soooo glad i stumbled on this on youtube the world has lost connection w god im glad in recent times my connection is stronger than ever ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
Thank you for the Service. This is the most needed message today.
What an amazing sermon. Wisdom for the world.
Great message. Reading our times perfectly. Kudos from an LDS in Utah.
Wow! New York and Catholic giving a message such as this… sign me up. This man is good for any church, not just the Catholic. I was born and raised in the Catholic Church, but left around 30 years ago. I’ve since been baptized as Southern Baptist, and become close with God, through Christ’ teaching from the Bible. I’d absolutely go to mass with this man upon the altar. I wished the pope taught like this!
Thank you for this service today. I needed to hear the word of God. He is all powerful and loving.