How will Mikhail Gorbachev be remembered? | Inside Story

  • Опубликовано: 31 авг 2022
  • The death of Mikhail Gorbachev is widely being mourned as the loss of a champion of freedom who helped end the Cold War.
    But the legacy of the last leader of the Soviet Union is very different at home, where many view him as the man responsible for its collapse.
    His passing received a cool response in Russia.
    Many people there regard the war in Ukraine as necessary to regain some of the power the former USSR lost when it fell.
    Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra
    Pavel Felgenhauer, Defence and Military Analyst.
    Maria Lipman, Russian editor and political analyst.
    Donald Jensen, director of Russia and Strategic Stability at the U.S. Institute of Peace and a Former U.S. Diplomat in Moscow .
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    #News #MikhailGorbachev #Gorbachev #SovietUnion #USSR #ColdWar #Russia #USA #Ukraine #power #politics

Комментарии • 74

  • @cbecerra3264
    @cbecerra3264 Год назад +20

    The legacy of Gorbachev can be sum up in a few words, he left the Soviet Union on it's knees and the developing world at the mercy of the US empire.

    • @pohanahawaii
      @pohanahawaii Год назад

      😒 Without him, you'd still be standing in endless lines for food rations and don't know what a smile looks like, dumb sh$t. You'd never have access to smart phones, RUclips, the Internet (all Western inventions including electricity, refrigeration, aerospace, engineering, movies, television, vaccines, etc.)

    • @pohanahawaii
      @pohanahawaii Год назад

      🤔 Strange that we don't see the developing world risking their lives to immigrate to Russia/China instead of all waiting at US borders. Perhaps no one wants to become Russian or Chinese because you guys haven't invented anything of benefit to mankind in thousands of years?

    • @CIA.U.S.A
      @CIA.U.S.A Год назад

      I agree Gorbachev was a usa side Junes...

  • @rl6476
    @rl6476 Год назад +6

    My heartfelt Prayers 🙏 to the late Mr. PRESIDENT Gorbachev of Russia ( Before the Soviet Union), your family & the people of Russia. There is so much to learn from the world 🌎 history which I did not pay attention while I was growing up and during my adulthood. My salute to your legacy. Rest in peace.

  • @captain2992
    @captain2992 Год назад +10

    Depending on where you stand. I don't think those who made Germany divided will be more praised than those who worked for the reunification of East and West Germany. I don't think those who fought for against the American federation will be more praise than those who fought to keep the Union together. Aren't we witnessing some nations in the West imprison people who wants to be sovereign?

    • @joemarvincentserrano4234
      @joemarvincentserrano4234 Год назад

      The East Germany had been collapsed in 1990 within divided by West Germany and they fall of the Berlin Wall

  • @johngichuki4092
    @johngichuki4092 Год назад +12

    He was indeed a great 20th century leader!
    May he rest in peace

  • @Lightning-speed27
    @Lightning-speed27 Год назад +2

    "President Gorbachev: A man in a million, a heart in a billion, and a soul in a trillion." SRI CHINMOY

  • @vietnguyen4312
    @vietnguyen4312 Год назад +4

    In 1990 Gorbachev ordered the slaughter of over 200 peacefully protesting civilians in Azerbaijan's capital Baku They were mowed down by their own military tanks in a similar manner to the Tienanmen Square Massacre. Several months later Gorbachev was awarded the Noble Peace Prize. The man has blood on his hands.

    • @StreetDrilla
      @StreetDrilla Год назад

      link this?

    • @kumarj4693
      @kumarj4693 Год назад

      In all fairness, show me one first world country leader who does not have blood of innocents on their hands.

    • @vietnguyen4312
      @vietnguyen4312 Год назад

      @@kumarj4693 Are you trying to justify this massacre?? It sounds like it.
      Jacinda Ardern, there you go.

  • @Aaqe
    @Aaqe Год назад +3

    "Putin to snub Gorbachev funeral due to work schedule"
    Pootin can't take time off bullying the people of Ukraine to attend Gorbachev's funeral!
    This is his clear message for the whole world to see what a midget he is in front of the stature of Gorbachev.
    Pootin fears peace and invites confrontation.

    • @kumarj4693
      @kumarj4693 Год назад

      ROFLMAO! How unaware of historical fact you are, numb nuts!!!

  • @pohanahawaii
    @pohanahawaii Год назад +3

    🙏 He must have been so sad to see what's happening now to Russia and Ukraine. All those decades of hard work and cooperation, gone in weeks by the ego of one savage man. Rest well, Mr. Gorbachev. You did all that you could to bring peace to your country.

    • @StreetDrilla
      @StreetDrilla Год назад

      you think he supports the West against his own country? He would've spoken up with "Free Ukraine" bullshit by now its been 7 months of war. He has a reputation to keep so he kept his mouth shut.

    • @pohanahawaii
      @pohanahawaii Год назад +1

      @@StreetDrilla : He spoke up earlier at the LBJ Center about how "Putin shouldn't run for a 3rd term because when you look at countries with 1 person in power for 20 years, they lack progress and are rifed of corruption." He was already old and sick when Ukraine invasion happened, I don't think he was in any real position to speak out anymore. Not to mention, Putin will destroy his family if he did.

    • @StreetDrilla
      @StreetDrilla Год назад

      @@pohanahawaii "Putin will destroy his family if he did"

    • @pohanahawaii
      @pohanahawaii Год назад +1

      @@StreetDrilla : 🕵 You don't know your own dictator. That's what happens in Communist/Authoritarian countries. Look at all the recent "accidental" deaths of prominent antiwar Russians. Before that the poisonings and murders of people who tried to expose Putin. You're probably ignorant of how the Magnitsky Act came about and how it's being used at an international level to keep all of Putin's $ and war chest overseas. All because he murdered and persecuted the wrong men.

    • @StreetDrilla
      @StreetDrilla Год назад +1

      @@pohanahawaii " deaths of prominent antiwar Russians." why is that all there is to them? Poisoned for only being anti war?
      Gorbachev can criticize putin if he wants, nothing will happen to him. Quiet your imaginations.

  • @rishavsharma2349
    @rishavsharma2349 Год назад +7

    Regardless, all that matters is that he failed as a patriot, as a communist and as a reformer.

    • @macawism
      @macawism Год назад

      You sound like you need a mummy, poor insect. Who are you to judge him?

  • @jeremyhodge6216
    @jeremyhodge6216 Год назад +1

    He tried to put a positive face on Russia to the world . And got praised for it to the outside world 😌

    • @vietnguyen4312
      @vietnguyen4312 Год назад

      In 1990 Gorbachev ordered the slaughter of over 200 peacefully protesting civilians in Azerbaijan's capital Baku They were mowed down by their own military tanks in a similar manner to the Tienanmen Square Massacre. Several months later Gorbachev was awarded the Noble Peace Prize. The man has blood on his hands.

    • @kumarj4693
      @kumarj4693 Год назад

      Say what?
      Oh! You meant he wanted to create a new oligarchy class that he was part of clandestinely and profited billions from that move? You’re bang on there. Before Glasnost and Perestroika, the Russian mafia was rotting in Siberian jails.

  • @prabhavvenkatesh9247
    @prabhavvenkatesh9247 Год назад +1

    He is remembered as a hero in the world
    In Russia he is remembered as a traitor

  • @janjantimalsina1465
    @janjantimalsina1465 Год назад


  • @shlomozarhi585
    @shlomozarhi585 Год назад +1

    people forget that the putch against him that u brought glory to yeltsin and diminished gorbachov as yeltsin succeeded to end it and made gorbachov a shadow of himself canceled any hope for the soviet union.the men that wanted to bring back the soviet union old days contributed a lot to it's demise. so putting all the blame of the end of the ussr on gorbachov is unfair.we can't know what would have happened if the revolt that failed would not happen.maybe gorbachov could still save the soviet union.maybe not.and by the way no one asked what the non russians who were citizens of the soviet union think about gorbachov.

  • @shanibar1490
    @shanibar1490 Год назад

    العالم الروحيُّ هوعالم رغبات. في الوجود يوجد رغبتان إثنتان:
    ١ - رغبةُ الخالقِ في إِغداقِ البهجةِ والمسراتِ الكاملةِ على خلِيقتهِ.
    ٢ - الرغبةُ في تلقيِ الملذَّات والسرور الكامل للذات وهي “الإِرادة في التقبل” التيِ خلقها الخالقُ والتيِ تدعى الخلِيقة أَي”المادةُ” أو جوهر الإِنسان.
    لا يُوجد أي شيءٍ في الوجود بجانب هاتيِن القُوتين! فكلُّ ما بإِمكاننا إِدراكه وحتى تصوره ناتِج عن هاتين القوَتين الروحيتينِ. رغبةُ الإِنسان تدعى “صلاَة”. فالرغبةُ في داخل الإِنسانِ دائماً تستغيث وتناشد الخالق.
    فالروحيَّاتُ هي ما يُنميه الإنسان بالتوافق مع صلاته. ولكن صلاة الإِنسان الحقَّة هي سؤلهُ وطلبتهُ في أن يصَحح الخالق رغباتهُ الأنانيَّة ليكتسب عليهِ سمة المحبَّة والعطَاء، السماتُ التي يتحلى بها الخالقِ.
    النفسُ ليستْ إلاَّ رغبةُ الإنسان المُصححة والتي هي بارتْزُوفَهُ الروحيِّ ورغبتهُ بقبول نور الخالقِ بنيَّةٍ صافيةٍ على أَنَّه يتلقى منْ أجل الخالق وليس لنفسه.
    صلاة الملك داود بن يسي
    ارحمني يا رب حسب رحمتك.حسب كثرة رافتك امح معاصي.
    اغسلني كثيرا من اثمي ومن خطيتي طهرني. لاني عارف بمعاصي
    وخطيتي امامي دائما.
    اليك وحدك اخطات والشر قدام عينيك صنعت لكي تتبرر في اقوالك وتزكو في قضائك.
    هانذا بالاثم صورت وبالخطية حبلت بي امي ها قد سررت بالحق في الباطن ففي السريرة تعرفني حكمة.
    طهرني بالزوفا فاطهر.اغسلني فابيض اكثر من الثلج.اسمعني سرورا وفرحا.
    فتبتهج عظام سحقتها. استر وجهك عن خطاياي وامح كل اثامي قلبا نقيا اخلق
    في يا رب وروحا مستقيما جدد في داخلي. لا تطرحني من قدام وجهك وروحك القدوس لا تنزعه مني.
    رد لي بهجة خلاصك وبروح منتدبة اعضدني

  • @firoze4308
    @firoze4308 Год назад

    Was Marium attach to the govt?

  • @jehan6501
    @jehan6501 Год назад +1

    God has been unkind to thiis leader
    He has called him for judgment befor he could witness the full consequences of what he did, which hss just started unravelling

  • @chidanandnavi9033
    @chidanandnavi9033 7 месяцев назад +1

    Mikial Gorbachev polices destroyed russiaa and inccresed expansion of NATO

  • @richardkidwell4134
    @richardkidwell4134 6 месяцев назад

    He was about as good of a guy as a Russian can be. As opposed to Putin.

  • @worldhistory1430
    @worldhistory1430 Год назад +4


    • @Aaqe
      @Aaqe Год назад

      Only fools type in all caps.

    • @worldhistory1430
      @worldhistory1430 Год назад


    • @Aaqe
      @Aaqe Год назад

      @@worldhistory1430 Only fools type in all caps. I don't talk to fools because they are a waste of time and can't be taken seriously. They are fools and fools don't make sense.

  • @wholeladalovenorthernireland
    @wholeladalovenorthernireland Год назад

    Is this newsreader totally incompetent, or is he reading out this drivel at gunpoint?

  • @avina3320
    @avina3320 Год назад +1


  • @JuanHernandez-bd1un
    @JuanHernandez-bd1un Год назад

    He is a freedom peace loving leader of Russia . In contrast to other imperial Russian leader who only want Russian territorial expansion and domination.



  • @srinivassc6281
    @srinivassc6281 Год назад

    Gorbachev handed power to drunkard Boris Yeltsin.

  • @firoze4308
    @firoze4308 Год назад


  • @alexsalemo9137
    @alexsalemo9137 Год назад

    Pavel is western foreign agents,

  • @davidford761
    @davidford761 Год назад +1

    Gorbachev was & is a Global 🌍World hero; for the first time in human history we had a top down revolution by one wise brave man who as a “party man communist “ realised that Russian Stalinist Communism was the most violent, corrupt, anti human, anti freedom, anti environmental failed experiment in all of human history.
    I believe there should be a World 🌍 Hero Medal Of Freedom for individuals, NGO’s & Governments who are truly committed to COMITY, PEACE, FREEDOM, & individual liberties as a core principle ~ and GORBACHEV.
    should be it’s # 1 recipient .
    Vladimir Putin can be summed up in one word ~ Evil .
    David Ford; New Zealand 🇳🇿.

    • @davidford761
      @davidford761 Год назад

      Yeltsin & his acolyte Putin are the reason for the Khan like “Rule by personal Avaricious Keplocracy “ & the bleeding pillage of the beautiful Russian ~ not Gorbachev ~ he loved Russia tithe end

    • @tst2363
      @tst2363 Год назад

      The most evil thing of history is the British Empire and its abominations it placed worldwide

    • @kumarj4693
      @kumarj4693 Год назад

      Though I’m not a fan of Putin, Gorbachev is a POS so big, he is in a category all to himself. Try reading history books from the 90’s dude. Your ignorance of key historical facts shines brighter than the sun at high noon.

  • @stopdeforestation
    @stopdeforestation Год назад

    This is the only anchor on Inside Story I refuse to watch. He's got creepy eyes; he grunts when guests talk; his voice is creepy; he's rude. Put him behind the camera or fire him. I thumbs down any video he is on. Al Jazeera has a lot of talented anchors. He has zero talent, other than scaring people away from Al Jazeera & toward your competitors. I spend time watching foxnews, france24, 60 minutes Australia, & PressTV when u have that fool on. Notice how people thumbs up my criticism of him on other videos. People do NOT like him. He is an outcast at al Jazeera.