This man continues to totally blow me away (and humble me as to how little I know) by how extensive his knowledge of the Holy Bible is. God's word is so much more exciting than I ever imagined. His power and glory are far beyond. Thank you Lord that I live in this age where information is so easily available and shared by faithful men of Your Word. I doubt I would have avoided becoming part of some heretical body say, 100 years ago. I am admittedly very naive and easily influenced but through access to men such as this and their ministry I feel confident that God's Word is being rightfully given unto me. Knowing God is so unimaginably powerful, yet focuses on me (still hard to believe), makes me much more ashamed of myself but also want to abide in His will much more at the same time. Thank you for opening up the Bible like never before Dr. Barnnet. God bless
Really here is verse but read it in its entirety . than tell what Christ is saying about this verse its fairly easy. Luke 14:26 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
I will get a lot of crap for this, but the prophet Joseph Smith corrected the scripture you refer to: Luke 14:26 “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters OR HUSBAND, yea, and his own life also, OR IN OTHER WORDS, IS AFRAID TO LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR MY SAKE, he cannot be my disciple.”
Yes, scripture says " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. I'm glad this didn't change also! II Peter 1:20 Notice the pastor says "Heavens" and the earth which is correct. . Now it says "Heaven" In Genesis , it also says that instead of Jesus' "crushing" the head of the devil it now says "bruise"
So appreciate that the board is included in the video view while pastor is teaching. So many other teaching videos stay focused on the pulpit only and we miss the references to what is being shown on their pulpit screens or boards. The visuals are so helpful!
Thank you for your interpretation of the word. I am a Bible believer and love the truth of the word. The word is the Lord, and the Lord is the word and the word became flesh in his son Jesus Christ.
I ALWAYS learn from DTBM...and know it to be the true Biblical meaning.....Thank God for men as this to share the pure Word of God with His children.....!
It does bother me though that he knows Christmas and other holidays are pagan yet says it's ok for Christians to celebrate, that is a bit of a stumbling block for me.
Me and my mom back and forth on this one . I believe you can be an alien demon personally.. God also said love your neighbor.. so I have been drawn into watching and seeing the actual division.. wheat or tare.. if u will
Wow, at minute 46. Great point, where it says his own received him not, all obeyed Jesus, except humans! The fig tree, storm/wind and waves, the donkey, even the demons acknowledged and obeyed Jesus, but humans didn’t!
@Roland I love the point you are making here. The reasons the Jews were not believing was because they could point to His parents and where He came from on earth. Yet He DID tell them who He was. He told them to look at the scriptures if they wanted to know where He was SUPPOSED to be from if He was the Messiah. Yet they (scribes, Pharisees etc.) were stuck in their arrogance and pride and their own interpretation of who He was. So they received Him not. Wonderful point though about them pointing to Jesus' earthly heritage and saying, "how could you come from God?".
Great presentation! I thought I had been to one of your churches before but just couldn’t pin point it, then you mentioned OK and bam! It all cam back together. I think you are back in that area! Thanks for serving our Savior!
I love when someone daisy chains the Bible together for me. It takes me a very very long time to do it myself, it's fascinating. Two things that jumped out at me, 1) What of the "Nephilim were on the earth at that time". 2) Jesus said " I go and prepare a place for you of my fold and there are those of another fold too". Probably explainable but I had to scratch the itch.
Around minute 27-28 Colossians 1 He spoke about how Jesus holds everything together. This is one if the things scientists at CERN have been trying to figure out! What holds everything together, Jesus (Yahushua) the answer! Praise God our Lord and Savior, and YHWY (Yahweh)!
@24:45 no where in Job does it say that the world spins on an axis. No where in the Bible does it say the earth is a sphere,it states it’s round which is completely different than a sphere. And yes the earth is non rotating, flat and the center of all creation.
I agree with the centre of the universe, but the earth has a curve. Its very obvious when you are flying in an aeroplane or standing on a high mountain surrounded by Oceanside. When you follow the curve in a straight line in any direction you will end up where you started. That is because it is a sphere.
@@antonloubser The window material in airplanes gives the illusion of earth curvature. Many pilots are now coming forth admitting the earth is a flat surface underneath dome firmament, just as the Bible teaches.
Joshua told the sun and the moon to stay still, not the earth. Hence, they are the ones that rotate, not the earth. Joshua 10:12-14 (KJV) Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
@@crazyhorseranchaz anyone preaching "listen to & don't question this person or you will burn in hell" is nothing short of a demon. Jesus said anyone accepting Him & following HIM is saved ... place your faith in Him not man. Test the spirit , what you just said - reveals your spirit . I have nothing more to say to you . Btw I loved listening to this man, he is very intelligent & informative. Some of it, isnt biblically backed up . If you know your bible, you'll know where the disinformation is. Have a great day & God bless
Genesis 1:6 "And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." The firmament is what he set the sun moon and stars in.
I went back through the book of job and joshua, because he said the bible stated the earth spins, but instead found this instead: "And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. Joshua 10:13 KJV If the sun stands still then it has to be moving not the earth Job doesn't state what he says either
The Bible and the flat non-rotating Earth! If it is not true why didn't God correct or explain the world we live on?! Remember if the Bible says Blue is Green then Crayola got it wrong! Job 9:6-8 The Earth has pillars-He controls the Sun's movement. Job 37:18 The dome , sky, or firmament is like a molten looking glass. Deuteronomy 28:23 Heaven is overhead as Brass. Genesis 1:9-10 Earth formed on the waters. Psalm 24:1-2 How Earth was formed. Psalm 86:6 How Earth was formed. 2 Peter 3:5 Earth’s creation. Genesis 16-8 How God put the firmament to separate the waters below from the waters above. The Bible says there is water ABOVE the Earth (space). Maybe that's why space programs are practicing in giant pools. Genesis 7:1 The windows of heaven are opened (the flood) Psalm 78:23 The flood came from both the clouds and heaven. Isaiah 13:13 The Earth has a place! It is NOT flying around the universe. Isaiah 40:22 The Earth is a circle not a ball. Isaiah 22:18 Isaiah knew what a ball was but, he didn't use that word to describe the Earth. Isaiah 44:24 God talks about stretching and spreading the Earth and the heavens but nowhere in the Bible does even hint of a round flying ball! Isaiah 42:5 spread out the Earth Job 26:10 the Ice wall of Antarctica. Job 28:24 many times the Bible uses the term to the ends of the Earth. No ends on a ball. Job 11:9 God’s measure is longer then the Earth broader than sea. Jeremiah 10:2 Don’t worry about planet X Jeremiah 4:32 sides of the Earth !st Samuel 7:16 How Circuit is used in the Bible Job 22:14 Circuit Psalm 19:6 Circuit Ecclesiastes 1:6 Circuit Ezekiel 1:22 Firmament Ezekiel 1:26 GOD’s throne Ezekiel 10:1 GOD’s throne Genesis 1:20 Firmament (open part for the birds) Genesis 1:29 Face of Earth Genesis 4:14 Face of Earth Job 24:28 ends of the Earth Job 37:3 ends of the Earth Job 38:13 ends of the Earth Psalm 46:9 ends of the Earth Psalm 48:10 ends of the Earth Psalm 59:13 ends of the Earth Psalm 61:2 ends of the Earth Psalm 65:5 ends of the Earth Psalm 67:7 ends of the Earth Psalm 72:8 ends of the Earth Psalm 98:3 ends of the Earth Matthew 24:31 one end of heaven to the other Isaiah 34:4 sky will roll up like a scroll and stars fall Revelation 6:14 Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, Sun rising and setting. Earth moving? Never mentioned! Deuteronomy 4:14, 4:47,11:30,16:6,23:11,24:13 Joshua 1:4,1:15 Genesis 15:12,15:17,19:23,28:11,32:31 Exodus 17:12,22:3,22:26 Numbers 2:3, 21:11,34:15 Job 9:7 Sun not rising stars don’t shine Ecclesiastes 1:4-5 4 One generation passes away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abides forever.5 The sun also arise, and the sun goes down, and hastens to his place where he arose. Psalm 104:9 Sun going down Isaiah 13:10 Sun and Moon 2 different lights no reflections 45:6 sun rising from the west 60:20 sun no more going down Deuteronomy 33:17 ends of the Earth Deuteronomy 4:32 sides of heaven Deuteronomy 28:64 from one end of Earth to the other end 28:49 from one end of Earth to the other end 13:7 from one end of Earth to the other end 1st Samuel 20:15 face of the Earth Deuteronomy 7:6 ,6:15 face of the Earth Numbers 22:11 face of the Earth,22:5 face of the Earth 12:3 face of the Earth,11:31 face of the Earth Exodus 33:16 face of the Earth,32:12 face of the Earth 10:15 face of the Earth,10:5 face of the Earth Genesis 41:56 face of the Earth,11:9 face of the Earth 11:8 face of the Earth,11:4 face of the Earth 8:9 face of the Earth,4:14 face of the Earth 1:29 face of the Earth,6:1 face of the Earth 6:7 face of the Earth,7:3 face of the Earth 7:4 face of the Earth,7:18 face of the waters Jeremiah 8:2 face of the Earth,Luke 21:35 face of the Earth Matthew 16:3 Face of the sky,Luke 12:56 Face of the Earth and sky Mark 13:27 uttermost part of Earth and heaven Revelation 20:9 breadth of the Earth (no breadth on a ball) Job 38:8 breadth of the Earth Job 38:4-6 God asks Job if he was there when God laid the foundations of the Earth. 2nd Samuel 22:16 Foundations for Heaven and Earth Psalm 82:5 Foundations, Psalm 104:5 Foundations Proverbs 8:29 Foundations, Isaiah 24:18 Foundations Isaiah 40:21 Foundations,51:13 Foundations,51:16 Foundations Jeremiah 31:37 Foundations,Micah 6:2 Foundations Job 26: 9( God hides His Throne above Earth) Job 9:6 Pillars,Psalm 75:3 Pillars,1st Samuel 2:8 More pillars. The Earth is 72% water 326 Quintillion gallons of LEVEL water Jeremiah 31:35 Tides 1st Chronicles 16:30 The Earth does not move. Psalm 136:6 stretched out the Earth Psalm 93:1 The Earth does not move. Psalm 96:10 The Earth does not move. Psalm 104:5 The Earth does not move. Zechariah 1:11 The Earth does not move. Genesis 28:12 Ladder from Earth to Heaven (med i fore) but, heaven is above our heads, no ladder on a spinning ball! Deuteronomy 4:32 Heaven has sides. Genesis19:23 Sunrise upon the Earth not just the town of Zoar. Psalm 4:6 Sun moves not Earth. 2nd Kings 20:11 moves the Sun back 10 degrees. Isaiah 38:8 God made the Sun go back 10 degrees. Joshua 10:13 the Sun and Moon stood still. Proverbs 8 27 God set a compass upon the face of the Earth (could this be the magnetic north) Isaiah 11:12 Beyond the circle of the Earth is 4 corners. Isaiah 43:6 Ends of the Earth Daniel 4:11 Ends of the Earth Matthew 4:8 satan took Jesus up on a high mountain and showed Him ALL the kingdoms of the Earth. (If it was round why didn't satan take Jesus on a round the world trip to see them? Matthew 24:31 4 corners Revelation 1:7 When Jesus comes back ALL eyes will see Him. Revelation 7:1 4 corners Revelations 20:8 4 corners REMEMBER REVELATION IS STRAIGHT FROM AN ANGEL FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD TO JOHN! Joshua 10:13 The Sun and Moon stood still not the Earth. Psalm 19:4 ends of the Earth Isaiah 13:9 All body's in heaven give off their own light, no reflection. Ecclesiastes 12:2 Sun, Moon, and stars are all different types of light Satan wants to be above the stars of GOD Judges 5:20 Stars have courses (they are moving we are not) Amos Stars and Orion Matthew 24:29 Jesus say’s the stars will fall to Earth from heaven (they can’t be big or far away) Mark 13:25 Jesus say’s the stars will fall to Earth. Revelation 12:4 satan’s tail cast 1/3 of the stars to the Earth Psalm 136:7-9 God made great lights in heaven not reflectors. Do you think from 93 million miles away the Sun still throws enough light to light up the Moon? I ask this because the moon light is cooler than moon shade. Ezekiel 32:7-8 God is going to shut off all the lights in heaven. Joel 2:10 God will shut off the lights. Joel 3:15 God will shut off the lights. Amos 5:8 Stars of Orion (still in the sky after 1,000s of years of traveling) Habakkuk 3:11 God stopped the Sun and Moon. Revelation6:13 the stars are going to fall from heaven from ( billions and billions of miles away good grief). The Earth was created on the 1st day along with the ability for light but He didn't create the Sun, Moon, and Stars until the 4th day. Looks like God would have said something about starting the roller coaster ride through space? Revelation 6:14 God will roll up the heaven (dome) like a scroll! Isaiah 34:4 Roll back the heaven like a scroll (dome) Genesis 7:19 A water ball 100% (flood) Genesis 8:1 Wind blowing on the Earth 100% WHERE IS GOD NOW? 1st Chronicles 28:2 God’s Footstool Isaiah 66:1 God’s footstool is the Earth (HE is very close) Matthew 5:35 Jesus says Earth is the Father’s footstool. Acts 7:49 Earth is my footstool Now which is more believable? Science says we are circling the Sun at about 67,000 MPH Earth spinning at about 1,037 MPH at the equator Moon flying around us at about 2,200 MPH Sun flying along the arm of the Milky Way at 650,000 MPH Milky Way is traveling at MILLIONS OF MILES AN HOUR through the universe. Yet the summer and winter solstices and the equinoxes still align up with holes drilled thousands of years ago by somebody in rocks all over our PLANE! How does that work? How do all the stars and Moon stay up with the sun? Why doesn’t the star sky change after thousands of years? The North Star is in the same place (we are not moving) God says Earth before Sun Science says Sun before Earth God says Oceans before land Science says land before oceans God says light before sun Science says Sun before light. God says land plants first Science says Marine life first God says Fruit trees before fish Science says Fish before fruit trees. God says Fish before insects Science says insects before Fish. God says Plants before Sun Science says Sun before plants. God created Man from solid matter Science says Man evolved from liquid. God says Birds before reptiles. Science says reptiles before birds. God says we have a soul. Science says we have no soul. God says there is eternity. Science says there is no eternity. God says there is life after death Science says no life after death. God created everything in 6 days. Science says something so small you can’t see yet so heavy it can’t be lifted exploded and created everything.
@@jamesdyck9872 Thx. Here is something I just finished... THE WORLD ABYSSAL OCEAN PLAINS-RIVERS South Pacific Ocean Abyssal Plain Total 14,073,063 Square Miles (FLAT) Arctic Ocean Abyssel Plain Total 1,285,350 Square Miles (FLAT) North Pacific Ocean Abassel Plain Total 15,476,262 Square Miles (FLAT) North Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,327,497 Square Miles (FLAT) South Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,234,621 Square Miles (FLAT) Southern Ocean Abassel Plain Total 5,233,270 Square Miles (FLAT) Indian Ocean Abassel Plain Total 13,528,985 Square Miles (FLAT) TOTAL FLATTNESS OCEAN BASE IS 62 million 291 Thousand 990 Square Miles There are117 MILLION LAKES on Earthy and I bet they are flat too! HOW CAN A RIVER FLOW NORTH ON A SPINNING WATER-BALL EARTH? Hmmmmmm! Nile River System: The Nile is a north-flowing river considered the longest river in the world at 6,650 km (4,130 mi) long. It is shared by and benefits eleven countries. The White Nile and Blue Nile are its major tributaries. The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, flowing north from Tanzania to South Sudan. The Blue Nile is the source of most of the water and both rivers join near Khartoum, Sudan The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt. The Nile ends in a large delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. RIVERS THAT FLOW NORTH Athabasca Alberta, Canada, 765 miles Bann Northern Ireland, 80 miles Bighorn Wyoming and Montana, USA, 336 miles Cauca Colombia, 597 miles Deschutes Oregon, USA, 250 miles Eel Northern California, USA, 78 miles Erne Ireland and Northern Ireland, 60 miles Essequibo Guyana, 600 miles Fox Wisconsin, USA, 200 miles Genesee New York, USA, 144 miles Jordan Utah, USA, 45 miles Lena Russian Federation, 2735 miles Little Bighorn, Wyoming and Montana, USA, 80 miles Magdalena Colombia, 1062 miles Mojave Southern California, USA, 100 miles Monongahela Eastern USA, 128 miles New Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 255 miles Niagara Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, USA/Canada, 39 miles Nile Africa, 4150 miles Ob Russian Federation, 2289 miles Oswego New York, USA, 24 miles Otter Creek Vermont, USA, 75 miles Pend Oreille Washington, USA, 62 miles Red Minnesota, North Dakota, USA (into Canada), 318 miles Richelieu Quebec, Canada, 208 miles Saginaw Michigan, USA, 20 miles Saint Johns Florida, USA, 275 miles San Pedro Mexico (into Arizona), 142 miles Shennandoah Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 55 miles Willamette Oregon, USA, 188 miles Wallkill New Jersey and New York, USA, 88 miles Yenisey Russian Federation, 2548 miles Youghiogheny Eastern USA, 151 miles THE EARTH IS FLAT SO GET USED TO IT!
@@jamesdyck9872 THE WORLD ABYSSAL OCEAN PLAINS-RIVERS South Pacific Ocean Abyssal Plain Total 14,073,063 Square Miles (FLAT) Arctic Ocean Abyssel Plain Total 1,285,350 Square Miles (FLAT) North Pacific Ocean Abassel Plain Total 15,476,262 Square Miles (FLAT) North Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,327,497 Square Miles (FLAT) South Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,234,621 Square Miles (FLAT) Southern Ocean Abassel Plain Total 5,233,270 Square Miles (FLAT) Indian Ocean Abassel Plain Total 13,528,985 Square Miles (FLAT) TOTAL FLATTNESS OCEAN BASE IS 62 million 291 Thousand 990 Square Miles There are117 MILLION LAKES on Earthy and I bet they are flat too! HOW CAN A RIVER FLOW NORTH ON A SPINNING WATER-BALL EARTH? Hmmmmmm! Nile River System: The Nile is a north-flowing river considered the longest river in the world at 6,650 km (4,130 mi) long. It is shared by and benefits eleven countries. The White Nile and Blue Nile are its major tributaries. The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, flowing north from Tanzania to South Sudan. The Blue Nile is the source of most of the water and both rivers join near Khartoum, Sudan The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt. The Nile ends in a large delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. RIVERS THAT FLOW NORTH Athabasca Alberta, Canada, 765 miles Bann Northern Ireland, 80 miles Bighorn Wyoming and Montana, USA, 336 miles Cauca Colombia, 597 miles Deschutes Oregon, USA, 250 miles Eel Northern California, USA, 78 miles Erne Ireland and Northern Ireland, 60 miles Essequibo Guyana, 600 miles Fox Wisconsin, USA, 200 miles Genesee New York, USA, 144 miles Jordan Utah, USA, 45 miles Lena Russian Federation, 2735 miles Little Bighorn, Wyoming and Montana, USA, 80 miles Magdalena Colombia, 1062 miles Mojave Southern California, USA, 100 miles Monongahela Eastern USA, 128 miles New Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 255 miles Niagara Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, USA/Canada, 39 miles Nile Africa, 4150 miles Ob Russian Federation, 2289 miles Oswego New York, USA, 24 miles Otter Creek Vermont, USA, 75 miles Pend Oreille Washington, USA, 62 miles Red Minnesota, North Dakota, USA (into Canada), 318 miles Richelieu Quebec, Canada, 208 miles Saginaw Michigan, USA, 20 miles Saint Johns Florida, USA, 275 miles San Pedro Mexico (into Arizona), 142 miles Shennandoah Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 55 miles Willamette Oregon, USA, 188 miles Wallkill New Jersey and New York, USA, 88 miles Yenisey Russian Federation, 2548 miles Youghiogheny Eastern USA, 151 miles THE EARTH IS FLAT SO GET USED TO IT!
I have some deep questions. If God doesn’t have a body, how could he have shown Moses his back on the mountain? If God doesn’t have a body, how can he sit on a throne? If God doesn’t have a body, how can we be made in his image (like a photograph/copy)?
I would say that at least in part some of these questions are asking about the poetic and metaphorical descriptions used in the Bible to convey ideas which are foremost essentially spiritual, so we are looking for analogues that might suffice in a physical sense (e.g. a throne representing having authority and control, being made in one's image as having the same attributes and qualities, and so on).
@@mikemcleroy8265 what's your point on you comments, are you defending the rediculos flat earth theroy by any chance ? , I provided you back up , the Bible does indicate earth is round , so curious what that means to you , if you read them
Psalm 104;5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. Job 9;6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars there of tremble. Isaiah 40; 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: ;)
@@lindajakub624 ?why are you even on here your rationale is worse than a person with braindamage even they have the ability to discern truth from fiction&reality from fantasy you are the difinitive of the example of someone who drinks the coolaid the world is passing out!
@@lindajakub624 Job 22:13-14 ...And you say, What does God know? Can He judge through the deep darkness? 14 Thick clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see, And He walks above the circle of heaven.’ Why is "heaven" in a "circle", yet the earth be "flat", according to you?
2 Peter 3: 5. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: If the Earth in Peter's day was still standing in water, that would explain the Pillars of the Earth as the Bible says. If there is a separation of waters above from waters beneath, this leaves no room for space nor outerspace. People forget clouds as we see them did not exist until the Flood. Therefore the claim that the waters above is clouds is moot. I love to believe th Bible is written so that a 4th to 6th grader can read and believe. I bet this is why the Lord said: Matthew 18: 3. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
true, he wants us to forget all man teachings and listen to him. Children comes empty and want to be filled. Hollywood and NASA do a number on people with the whole greenscreen space walk lol, its funny but yet so serious.
@Peaches James So, the stars don't actually exist? Come on! Nonsense! And just because there could have been a layer of water, or ice, surrounding the entire earth (which could have kept the climate of the entire earth the same and like the garden of Eden), that absolutely does not preclude the existence of space or outer space! That is an absurd notion, and one for which there is no Biblical support. There is support for a layer of water above (most likely ice and perfectly transparent, quite possibly even magnifying the light of the moon and stars) which was broken at the time of the flood and was the source of all that rain. But the idea that this leaves no room for outer space has no support and simply doesn't make any sense.
A note that I did not hear in this talk about Manasseh and Ephraim is that they were adopted by Jacob, thus they are entitled to inheritance according to Jewish law. Genesis 48:20.
Wonderful teaching! It only takes a quick look at the trolls posting that satan and his minions don't like this. So keep up the blessed work of teaching by the help of God.
Rood67 this guy is still asleep. It sounded good at first, but then he starts either lying of telling things he evidently doesn’t know. Joshua Ch 1️⃣0️⃣ 12 ¶ Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon 🤔 He told the sun because the Earth is unmovable . The Bible also says that the world is set on foundations: God said., Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. 4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding . Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened?(Antarctica?) or who laid the corner stone thereof;"- Job 38: 3-6 Now we will examine Scripture on "pillars". Job 9:6 "Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble." 1 Sam 2:8 "...for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and He hath set the world upon them." What is with the pillars ? What are they for and what do they do ? They are there to hold up the foundations of the earth according to the Bible.(1 Sam 2:8 above). When the earth was created it was set on foundations and those foundations are held up by pillars. But why put the foundations on pillars at all? The answer lies in 2Pe 3:5 "...the earth standing out of the water and in the water:" It is to elevate the foundations so that the earth would not be submerged in the waters below. Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.” Ps102:25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. In the beginning of Genesis it says that the firmament was created to separate the waters from the waters. Genesis 1:6-9 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. To say it’s not true, to call it a fairytale world be the same as saying it isn’t reality This is one of the main parts in the Bible. The Believers and Unbelievers, The obedient and disobedience. Hebrew ch 4. Talked about the reason some couldn’t enter in The Sabbath was because of unbelief That word was also disobedience. Not having faith and believing Gods word. You can’t change the Bible to suit your own life.
John 3:11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? Notice it says , seen .
I agree with y’all. He’s still asleep. Fifteen seconds later, he speaks another untruth, saying that God never said the Sun goes around the Earth. I beg to differ. Read Psalms 19, especially 5-6. Clearly says the Sun is on a circuit. You can see the power of Satan’s deception. “The Earth hangs on nothing “... Exactly. God set the Earth on pillars. “It’s firmly stablished, that it not be moved.” He’s right, it’s not hanging at all. Besides the fact that the “face” of the Earth was stamped with God’s signet ring. Look it up for yourself.
Broken Like Me it Don’t Isaiah 40; 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
@@walker8989 I refer to the 1611KJV for everything and I have never come across a scripture that says the earth is spinning on an axis. The scriptures refer to the earth being 'fixed' and 'immovable', the 'circle' of the earth is how its described, not the 'ball' of the earth. I keep coming across these excellent Christian teachers that give 95% biblical information but theres one thing that they all have in common and that is they hang onto this idea of a 'ball earth' when the bible never describes it as a spinning ball. Even then best Christian scholar have a real tough time with the biblical description of the earth in the bible. I feel that why its more important today to have a knowledge of the scriptures or else people will believe anything they are told. By the way the earth is flat mathematically not geographically, the surface of the earth is mathematically flat, the whole thing is not a flat pancake sitting in space and we didn't go to the moon.
I thought God the Father God the Son and the Holy Spirit said the earth was fixed and immovable and what about the firmament I know this isn’t that video but it’s said early in video I don’t want babes being hung up on how or why something is thru MANS break down not the account in Genesis Job an other places and yes penned by men under the influence!!!
Preach N Truth Isaiah 40;22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
In the beginning of the video, you asked for a third question. I would like to ask " Where are Cain and Able ? In Gen. 5, the list of desendants of Adam begins with Seth, and includes a descriptive " in his ( Adam's ) own likeness ". All other general lists of desendants, in Gen.,of individuals start with the first the first born and go on to include others. Is it true that that the Serpent's seed (offspring ) refered to in Gen 3:15 are Cain and Able? Would that then establish a genetic ( as we understand genetics today ) corruption that would lead to the corruption of all flesh that then lead to the destruction of all flesh at the flood, save Noah, who was found perfect in his generations ( genetics )? Gen 6 tells us that mating occurred between the Son's of God ( Fallen Angels ) and daughters of men, producing the Nephilim Giants. Could it be that this unholy union of different " Kinds" actually started in the Garden ? .......................... I have listened to much of your teaching and am grateful for it. Thank You. ( W.O.L.B.I 77' )
@Danny Meeks Well, the animals sure are suffering the consequences of sin! AND how can he NOT define the angels/fallen angels (the Sons of God) as aliens?! They certainly were not created on Earth; therefore, by the very definition of the term: they are ALIENS!
Thank you for the helping understand the standoff of temptation. The last minutes of the video Showed clearly what many of us humans have had trouble with : temptation. lust lures us to sin, prayer to God and Christ blocks temptation leading us to sin. That's why Christ told us: To this end humanity needs to PRAY and NOT faint. Amen.👆☝🙏🌏🌎🌍😬😁
@@chriswebb1148 thank you for your reply. I know that word was a direct tranliteration from the Latin Vulgate. That means they did not know what english word to use so they took the letters in the latin word and put it in scripture. From my years of study and comprehension from the text the word to me means molestation or something close to that. Why I say that is they were having a conversation about being a god. So you can be seduced into doing something your not suppose to? It clearly states sin did not happen till she offered the fruit to Adam and HE DID EAT. So how can no sin be introduced by a seduction of Eve when Adam sined. For my thoughts beguiling has to focus on something the serpent is doing to Eve that would make her a God. To me definition of a God is someone or something that can create something from nothing. Now you know why me and preacher's get cross ways. They never like my questions.
Your question is one I explored for myself ever since I discovered that the spiritual truth is lost when the context of restoring lost truth is not synchronized with Love of the Truth. Basically only people who are suffering for lack of the truth will hunger for it and only then will they will seek it. Beguile is tease/ tempt/call to/beckon. Eve- 'the mother of all living' saw that the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ( increasing one's understanding) were desirable. The serpent was 'wiser than all the other beasts of the field'- ancient wisdom contained the lost context of spiritual truth and she looked at it through the lens of historical context.
I realise this was some time ago, but the tribe of Dan went north, you can track their migration across Europe, the DANube, Denmark(Dan's land) the original Gaelic for Ireland also translates to dansland. No people have done more to spread Christianity than Europeans so why would the tribe of Dan be left out?
I have pondered this question many times. I wonder if these descendants even know they are Jewish. Are they now included with Gentiles? And Gentiles are saved by faith. Like Dan is included but not with the Jewish tribes. 🤷♀️
Hi, If we cannot see God the Father in heaven, what does Revelation 7:9 means? And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Revelation 7:9 KJV
Because that’s John’s vision, it’s not what we see. John wrote Revelation because God gave him the visions to be able to write it. It’s an inspired book.
Joseph has two lots. One for menassa one for Ephraim. The Levites (religious scribes) have no inheritance. So Joseph = 2 (not 3) lots while Levite’s have none. 14 as he said...minus 2. That’s a total of 12 lots. 12 gates. And 12 inheritances and 12 tribes.
Contrast: God said “I’m creating a PLACE (hell) for you (satan and followers) (at 45:30) Jesus said “ I go to create a PLACE for you (believers in him) John 14:2 And if I go and prepare a PLACE for you I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, THERE you may be also” John 14:3
I don't know how some who say they are Christians, believers and claim they read their bible daily totally forget that and believe NASA foolishness and Hollywood greenscreen tricks. I was once in a church where the Bishop said we were gonna colonize mars soon and he was excited, I was like huh.
Ian Robertson because Christianity is about Christ not about flat vs. round earth. God doesn’t devote much in the scriptures to the shape of the earth because it’s not that important!
He had an answer for that. Revelation is talking about blessings to come and the Tribe of Dan were idolaters, is what he said. Yes, Dan was a Tribe but apparently that Tribe won't be getting the same treatment as the others.
I don't think anyone knows with certain what happens to Dan but we can note that after the time of tribulation they are a part of the tribes, indeed they are mentioned as the first tribe to receive an area of land in Israel (Ezekiel 48:1)
The Tribe of Dan fell. That is why in the NT the tribe of Dan is not mentioned but the tribe of Menasseh is mentioned. Dan had anger issure and was responsible for enforcing his will against Joseph. The last straw came, He fell because he became angry when Jacob did not present him like his brothers to the Lord before the Altar. He eventually became Israel enemy. When Jacob went to Egypt, he blessed the children of Joseph gave the birthright to Ephraim because after the flood it was declared that the birthright would go to the most righteous rather than to the first born. Because of the works of Joseph God gave him a double portion. His line would go thru Ephraim and Manasseh. Making it TWELVE TRIBES AGAIN. The Sons of Adam were initially twelve, when one fell Cain he was replaced. Just like the Sons of Jacob and the Apostles. Judas fell he was replaced. Manassah is the tribe that replaced Dan. Manassah and Ephraim was adopted by Jacob went he went to Egypt.
The word used for the shape of the Earth is actually not ball or sphere. The word for ball is used somewhere else. The word is not translated properly because the word used for the shape of the earth is circle, as in disk. Not sphere. And it's also written that the Earth is immovable. It does not say it rotates. And when the seasons were stopped for months, if it's the earth that was stopped, that would have caused tremendous problems. Oceans would have flown off and landmasses would have shifted. That's not what happened. The sun is not a gas giant. Look up real stars. There's plenty footage out there. Stars are not gas Giants. They are luminaries. Beings. Beings that have a set course and orders from God. The word NASA, comes from the Hebrew root word meaning, "to deceive". The logo for NASA is also the snake tongue. This logo is used for every space agency on the Earth. Look up Piccard, and, first balloon flight to space. You'll see that all curvature footage of earth, is faked with wide angle lenses. All that said, maybe I'm wrong. I'm just saying, the evidence for a stationary flat Earth is overwhelming. Look up biblical flat Earth proofs, if you're interested and open minded. Don't take my word for it.
Our purpose and reason for being is relationship Both to God and each other. We Pray for this reason. Prayer is the church's reason to be. When The disciples Appointed Decons it was so the apostles didn't get taken from prayer, To wait tables When God gives us what we ask or gives us something better, It cultivates Our relationship. Our reason to be. There Are 5 love language s Prayer Fulfills many of these
Lol I know this had nothing to with anything but the dump I loved going there as well got my first good bike from the dump lol just a childhood memory Haha
...I am truly amazed at how we can let ourselves be persuaded by evil spirits by contempting about the things we disagree with...wether this man is right or wrong,it doesn't give us reason to contempt and argue with one another,and with anger,almost sound like spirits that the early persecuting church probably sounded like...becareful,and guard your hearts,don't let the spirit of anger and decention lead us to a way that is not holy...that is not Jesus like...any other spirit is not good,does not benefit one,or the other and defeats the purpose,and causes an opposite effect,and makes cristianity look bad. It's not to say,we...the people,should be seen or want to be seen good for our sake,but we are supposed to represent Jesus,and the more we bicker and fight amongst ourselves...the more we make cristianity,and Jesus himself,look evil...because Jesus was supposed to be alive,and seen,through our actions,and our ways...since he can not visibly be seen anymore...therefore,those who don't know him,seeing this strong in name religion...the most prominent all over the world...they will only see what we,the followers,the ones who call out his name,wear his name...they will see our deeds...our hearts...if we fight,if we show arrogance,if we show contempt towards one another,what they be led to...but away from Jesus...and the more we wear his name with pride,and intolerance ..with unforgiving hearts for one another...speaking hateful,how much more,will we cause for the spirit of all those lost souls,who need redemption,who are on the verge of complete destruction,because they see no hope...want nothing more,than to hate and obliterate the name of that who came to die for their they can be forgiven ..yet...we,who were supposed to carry his name,and his message. .are in a way...with our words and actions...because it's the way we say the things that come out of our mouths which speak what's in our hearts...we can speak forgiveness,we can say he died for us...but the wind will carry those words away,and what will remain in everyone's eyes,ears,and hearts,is what our actions spoke about us...what good is studying the Bible...the living word...if our actions became the opposite of what the purpose was...I stead,we made people who could not see or hear Jesus...hate this Jesus...he was cruel...he was comptentuous...he was proud...he was arrogant...he was fast to anger...he was intolerant...unforgiving. scripture says God will come with great anger,because we blasphemed his name...his blood was she's in vain,because we did not send his message the way he wanted to. There's a question I ask myself...if he were alive today,whose side would he be on...ours,the ones who carry his name...or those were that,I'm not saying that their deeds are right...but I'm saying,maybe they wouldn't have becomes as lost,had we not became what we became...therefore...creating a spiritual barrier,that doesn't just not let people in...but pushes away with a force so strong,that leads and makes people away from the living water. Like,a river if very pure water ..who without realizing...with all of our pride,fight...became sick...because for some reason...our hearts were to busy fighting over it...we never got a chance to drink ,truly drink from it...knowing,how clean and pure it many in the way..just fighting over it...meanwhile ..there's people who needed it....but didn't know where to find it...all they can find,were puddles scattered here and there...and drunk from whatever dirty water they can come across...needing that water...that pure water...but everywhere they looked,everywhere they went ..their lost soul naturally led to a much filthier,dirtier water...until their thirst for water,and the effect of that dirty water,took effect,and became the monsters that we were supposed to keep from becoming...therefore...there was no difference between the ones fighting over the water,who they knew was pure...and those who drunk the dirty water,because they did not know where to find the pure water. What happened in the end...we all died if thirst...neither one of the groups got to drink the water...who will be worst...which be worst...probay the group that knew,where the water was...but didn't share it...because this water,isn't water you can drink,without having and giving that which that very spirit is made of...we can speak the name...but it's the things of our heart which make it a venemous poison if not done in the right spirit...I hope in Jesus name,that we can truly let Jesus spirit sink in,so that others may come to truly drink,and be cleansed,replenished.forgiven...and redeemed. God bless
Dude you're wrong he says nothing about an axis. He says nothing about a spinning sphere, He says the circle of the Earth. Circles like a table not like a beach ball. And how do you explain the Sun moon stars being put in the firmament on the 4th day. Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as molten looking glass. Job37:18. How do you explain, The heavens declare God's glory and the firmament sheweth his handy work. Psalm 19:1. How do you explain the foundations, pillars, immovable. How do you explained the fact that God sits on His Thorne above us, above the North Star that never moves. We are his footstool. Do you think that would be spinning. You are wrong about the flat Earth is flat with a dome firmament above our head. He never says a Dang thing about an axis or a spinning sphere or planets named after pagan gods. Other than that you're doing great. Time to really read Genesis and study Hebrew cosmology. Don't be a NASA nerd. They debunk themselves continually.
God bless you too! I so enjoy Dr. Barnett’s teachings. He’s so knowledgeable it just astounds me. I love history myself, and I could listen to him as long as he wanted to talk.
When the Bible talks about Gods Throne it also talks about a sea of glass ,or Crystal in front of the throne. If the same were above us holding the water in we would not be able to tell unless we got right up on it maybe even half to touch it to make sure.
Of course he got a double portion. Jacob made Joseph his 'firstborn' because of things done by Reuben, Simeon, and Levi. He also took Manasseh and Ephraim as equivalent to his own sons. Inheritance is divided n+1, where n is the number of sons, with the firstborn receiving a double portion.
John...Excellent teachings. You are so on the money! Just a thought about the tribe of Dan. Did you ever consider The Tribe of Dan-MISSING The 12 Apostles-Judas-MISSING So in heaven both groups of 12 will have a "substitute" from the original. Not really a substitute, but you know what I mean. And I think this proves God's word. He means what He says and says what He means. Keep up the great teaching. You are mightily blessed of the Lord...
What I was just shown about the lords prayer is he forgives our trespasses when we forgive those who trespass against us only then He will lead us not into temptation it's says "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation " there an and in there all part of same sentence it should say and then lead us not into temptation HE only does for the ones who do for HIM the promises don't apply unless we know what the promises are and holding our FATHER to hold to them it says that in the bible
I have a question about the tribe of Joseph being double blessed. How is it a double blessing to include Joseph's son's as a tribe when they are already included via Joseph? Am I missing something?
Well it means Joseph's descendants get double share of everything. Take another son, like Simeon for exemple, who had six sons. If all his sons had become a tribe, it means descendants of Simeon would have gotten *six* portions of land the same size as the portion of land of any other tribe. So while each Simeon descended tribe would have prospered the same as a normal tribe, the *unified* whole of Simeon's children would have been six timed wealthier. That's what happened with Joseph. Instead of becoming *one* tribe, his descendants, who are not more numerous, make two *smaller* tribes which still get *as much land as the other sons* EACH. So that's God's way of blessing Joseph, by making him the richest and by giving him lordship over Israel (not Judah and Benjamin though) via Ephraim later. Dunno if it was clear, sorry
That 1 day is to the Lord like a thousand years is a key to simple mathematics that show the day of the Lord to be in 2060. Free 30 page PDF to anyone who requests it. It's the end of Daniel's 70 weeks (a 3500 year time period that that began when Israel crossed the Jordan into the promised land). Double confirmation.
@@crazyhorseranchaz jesus is satan sorrythe anti christ!!!! Geez wake up u guys ii see The Father means what he said many are called but few are chosen . There are many Gods. Calling our Creator A God is a Insult. You mines well call him a Angel. He is beyond that . The Fathers Name PALEO HEBREW WHICH THE TETRAGAMatton of the FATHERS NAME is (YHwh)( Yahuah) the sons name is Yahusha Yah = I AM (UAH =THAT IAM ) THE FATHERS NAME IS YAHUAH WHICH MEANS "I AM THAT I AM" YAHUSHA THE SONS NAME IN
He was originally sent to redeem the "The Lord's people" (Jews) but the gentiles were grafted in..the parable of the branch being removed from the Olive tree and another branch being grafted in..the gentiles were "the other flock" being referred to
@@tdotbrown25 I know that's the given answer but throughout his Ministry he consistently told the Disciples and any non-Jew who sought his help that He was not there to gather in the Gentiles just the "Jews'! so the answer doesn't fit?
@@oscarballard7911I don't recall seeing him say that to the gentiles. The story of the woman who's daughter was sick asked him to heal her and he said he was there for His people (paraphrasing). He called her a dog.."Dogs don't eat from the masters table." She replied that the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters table which caused Yeshua to marvel at her..He then told her by her faith it was done for her. She was a gentile and Yeshua was not prepared to do anything for her because she was not of Israel. I recall stories of him doing miracles for people and told them by their faith it was done. I have to find out how many times he said he was sent to another flock
Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, IF you don't know the full scripture of CHRIST. It says I believe Gosphel of Thomas its says God the Father intervenes with One who is unlike all others. Amen.
Job 26 (KJV) 1 But Job answered and said, 2 How hast thou helped him that is without power? how savest thou the arm that hath no strength? 3 How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom? and how hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is? 4 To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee? 5 Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. 6 Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering. 7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. 8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. 9 He holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it. 10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end. 11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof. 12 He divideth the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud. 13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent. 14 Lo, these are parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can understand?
The Will of God. God has degrees to his will. The highest will of God is for each of us, to be happy, prosperous, healthy and become a Sons of God. Now in the mix, there is our will and if we pray and receive a No, and keep praying to do our will, then God might give it to us, and we bear the Consequences of our actions. If we choose, another path that God has laid out for us, then its on us. It is still the will of God but not his highest will for us. No things receive power from heaven to move, unless it is the will of God.
You are right on the money... We are exactly.. And we will be changed into our glorified bodies ANY MOMENT NOW. I'm one beyond any doubt and have gotten confirmation recently. Prepare yourself and warn all you possibly can. It's about to get VERY REAL, VERY FAST... TRUMP IS NOT WHO SO MANY THINK HE IS. IN FACT, HE IS THE BEAST HIMSELF... ABBADON ( A BAD DON ). HE told the world 13 times who he was in his ( SNAKE POEM )... JESUS WINS!!!!!
He explains everything so as to confuse things even worse. There are much better ways to lay out an explanation without going off on tangents or around and around and then moving onto the next question. The questions could’ve been answered more concretely, systematically without beating around the Bush. He lacks preparation and organization to his answers. I hope the questioners seek out more coherent and better teachers to help them formulate complete comprehension so as to be able to explain to others who likely will or are already asking them those very questions, will expect clearer, more concise, less wandering answers than they were just given here.
One of the most miss quoted verses in the Bible. Isa 46:10 (NKJV) Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,' Many preachers substitute knowing or seeing for Declaring which changes the meaning of the verse. Read this verse correctly and in context and you will see its talking about performing his plan and making it come to pass not that he can see past present and future like on a flat screen tv.
For a reason that god wanted me to come and I remember that n is very hard to even talk to anyone about my memories and not only that now is time for all people , Thank you
Depends on which calendar you are following. But it shouldn't cause Devission. I follow Enochian callendar for the feasts (but the Sabbath should be unbroken (so I keep it on Sat)
This man continues to totally blow me away (and humble me as to how little I know) by how extensive his knowledge of the Holy Bible is. God's word is so much more exciting than I ever imagined. His power and glory are far beyond. Thank you Lord that I live in this age where information is so easily available and shared by faithful men of Your Word. I doubt I would have avoided becoming part of some heretical body say, 100 years ago. I am admittedly very naive and easily influenced but through access to men such as this and their ministry I feel confident that God's Word is being rightfully given unto me. Knowing God is so unimaginably powerful, yet focuses on me (still hard to believe), makes me much more ashamed of myself but also want to abide in His will much more at the same time. Thank you for opening up the Bible like never before Dr. Barnnet. God bless
Yes he is an excellent teacher.
For every question God gave us a definitive answer in scripture. He left nothing to the interpretation of man.
Really here is verse but read it in its entirety . than tell what Christ is saying about this verse its fairly easy. Luke 14:26 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
@@Lotusrk123Not in the vaults of Rome they won't
I will get a lot of crap for this, but the prophet Joseph Smith corrected the scripture you refer to: Luke 14:26 “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters OR HUSBAND, yea, and his own life also, OR IN OTHER WORDS, IS AFRAID TO LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR MY SAKE, he cannot be my disciple.”
Yes, scripture says " Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. I'm glad this didn't change also! II Peter 1:20 Notice the pastor says "Heavens" and the earth which is correct. . Now it says "Heaven" In Genesis , it also says that instead of Jesus' "crushing" the head of the
devil it now says "bruise"
@@Nemesis1ism He's saying you must put him first.
So appreciate that the board is included in the video view while pastor is teaching. So many other teaching videos stay focused on the pulpit only and we miss the references to what is being shown on their pulpit screens or boards. The visuals are so helpful!
Thank you for your interpretation of the word. I am a Bible believer and love the truth of the word. The word is the Lord, and the Lord is the word and the word became flesh in his son Jesus Christ.
I ALWAYS learn from DTBM...and know it to be the true Biblical meaning.....Thank God for men as this to share the pure Word of God with His children.....!
Been Redeemed I can't add to your words. You are 100% correct when it comes to DTBM.
It does bother me though that he knows Christmas and other holidays are pagan yet says it's ok for Christians to celebrate, that is a bit of a stumbling block for me.
Demons are pretending to be aliens
I think you are right Tessa..
Tru dat, Bible says.
Your hybrids
Me and my mom back and forth on this one . I believe you can be an alien demon personally.. God also said love your neighbor.. so I have been drawn into watching and seeing the actual division.. wheat or tare.. if u will
I loved his comment, "God wouldn't watch television. He's got better things to do." LOL. Don't we all, my friend? Don't we all?
Wow, at minute 46. Great point, where it says his own received him not, all obeyed Jesus, except humans! The fig tree, storm/wind and waves, the donkey, even the demons acknowledged and obeyed Jesus, but humans didn’t!
@Roland I love the point you are making here. The reasons the Jews were not believing was because they could point to His parents and where He came from on earth. Yet He DID tell them who He was. He told them to look at the scriptures if they wanted to know where He was SUPPOSED to be from if He was the Messiah. Yet they (scribes, Pharisees etc.) were stuck in their arrogance and pride and their own interpretation of who He was. So they received Him not. Wonderful point though about them pointing to Jesus' earthly heritage and saying, "how could you come from God?".
Right so demons love n respect the son of god more than the chosen ppl...😂
Great presentation! I thought I had been to one of your churches before but just couldn’t pin point it, then you mentioned OK and bam! It all cam back together. I think you are back in that area! Thanks for serving our Savior!
Thank you sir for bringing this teaching. God bless you and yours. Your (God's) teaching was powerful and edifying.
Thank You for explaining the Bible in such detail and simplicity. I have never understood even though I have been taught for several decades.
I love when someone daisy chains the Bible together for me. It takes me a very very long time to do it myself, it's fascinating. Two things that jumped out at me, 1) What of the "Nephilim were on the earth at that time". 2) Jesus said " I go and prepare a place for you of my fold and there are those of another fold too". Probably explainable but I had to scratch the itch.
Around minute 27-28 Colossians 1 He spoke about how Jesus holds everything together. This is one if the things scientists at CERN have been trying to figure out! What holds everything together, Jesus (Yahushua) the answer! Praise God our Lord and Savior, and YHWY (Yahweh)!
@24:45 no where in Job does it say that the world spins on an axis. No where in the Bible does it say the earth is a sphere,it states it’s round which is completely different than a sphere. And yes the earth is non rotating, flat and the center of all creation.
I agree with the centre of the universe, but the earth has a curve. Its very obvious when you are flying in an aeroplane or standing on a high mountain surrounded by Oceanside.
When you follow the curve in a straight line in any direction you will end up where you started. That is because it is a sphere.
It's not completely different! A sphere is most certainly round! Don't be daft!
T4rose3 I believe you are absolutely, positively 100% correct. Thank you for what you shared.
@@antonloubser The window material in airplanes gives the illusion of earth curvature. Many pilots are now coming forth admitting the earth is a flat surface underneath dome firmament, just as the Bible teaches.
Joshua told the sun and the moon to stay still, not the earth.
Hence, they are the ones that rotate, not the earth.
Joshua 10:12-14 (KJV)
Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
This guys speaks some good stuff & hes preaching some disinformation for sure....
Makes me nervous .
@@sharingyourexperiences5305 GOTTA ASK, WHAT DO YOU THINK IS WRONG??
@@crazyhorseranchaz anyone preaching "listen to & don't question this person or you will burn in hell" is nothing short of a demon.
Jesus said anyone accepting Him & following HIM is saved ... place your faith in Him not man. Test the spirit , what you just said - reveals your spirit . I have nothing more to say to you . Btw I loved listening to this man, he is very intelligent & informative. Some of it, isnt biblically backed up . If you know your bible, you'll know where the disinformation is. Have a great day & God bless
@R J well said my brother
Blessing upon the TRUTHFUL teaching of God's Holy Word ...
No, I want more people saved.
He gave us this Earth to enjoy while we're here, what's the hurry? 😀
May God bless your ministry.
Genesis 1:6 "And God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." The firmament is what he set the sun moon and stars in.
Very cool. Around 24:00, you say Job discusses “spin” and “axis”. Those terms aren’t found in KJV; which translation uses these terms? Thnx❤️
I went back through the book of job and joshua, because he said the bible stated the earth spins, but instead found this instead:
"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
Joshua 10:13 KJV
If the sun stands still then it has to be moving not the earth
Job doesn't state what he says either
Thanks for all your loving work study and most of all your teaching God Bless you sir
Tom Shull the parts he has read about anyway. Clearly he is still asleep on quite a few things.
The Bible and the flat non-rotating Earth!
If it is not true why didn't God correct or explain the world we live on?!
Remember if the Bible says Blue is Green then Crayola got it wrong!
Job 9:6-8 The Earth has pillars-He controls the Sun's movement.
Job 37:18 The dome , sky, or firmament is like a molten looking glass.
Deuteronomy 28:23 Heaven is overhead as Brass.
Genesis 1:9-10 Earth formed on the waters.
Psalm 24:1-2 How Earth was formed.
Psalm 86:6 How Earth was formed.
2 Peter 3:5 Earth’s creation.
Genesis 16-8 How God put the firmament to separate the waters below from the waters above. The Bible says there is water ABOVE the Earth (space). Maybe that's why space programs are practicing in giant pools.
Genesis 7:1 The windows of heaven are opened (the flood)
Psalm 78:23 The flood came from both the clouds and heaven.
Isaiah 13:13 The Earth has a place! It is NOT flying around the universe.
Isaiah 40:22 The Earth is a circle not a ball.
Isaiah 22:18 Isaiah knew what a ball was but, he didn't use that word to describe the Earth.
Isaiah 44:24 God talks about stretching and spreading the Earth and the heavens but nowhere in the Bible does even hint of a round flying ball!
Isaiah 42:5 spread out the Earth
Job 26:10 the Ice wall of Antarctica.
Job 28:24 many times the Bible uses the term to the ends of the Earth. No ends on a ball.
Job 11:9 God’s measure is longer then the Earth broader than sea.
Jeremiah 10:2 Don’t worry about planet X
Jeremiah 4:32 sides of the Earth
!st Samuel 7:16 How Circuit is used in the Bible
Job 22:14 Circuit Psalm 19:6 Circuit Ecclesiastes 1:6 Circuit
Ezekiel 1:22 Firmament
Ezekiel 1:26 GOD’s throne Ezekiel 10:1 GOD’s throne
Genesis 1:20 Firmament (open part for the birds)
Genesis 1:29 Face of Earth Genesis 4:14 Face of Earth
Job 24:28 ends of the Earth Job 37:3 ends of the Earth
Job 38:13 ends of the Earth Psalm 46:9 ends of the Earth
Psalm 48:10 ends of the Earth Psalm 59:13 ends of the Earth
Psalm 61:2 ends of the Earth Psalm 65:5 ends of the Earth
Psalm 67:7 ends of the Earth Psalm 72:8 ends of the Earth
Psalm 98:3 ends of the Earth Matthew 24:31 one end of heaven to the other
Isaiah 34:4 sky will roll up like a scroll and stars fall
Revelation 6:14 Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together,
Sun rising and setting. Earth moving? Never mentioned!
Deuteronomy 4:14, 4:47,11:30,16:6,23:11,24:13
Joshua 1:4,1:15
Genesis 15:12,15:17,19:23,28:11,32:31
Exodus 17:12,22:3,22:26
Numbers 2:3, 21:11,34:15
Job 9:7 Sun not rising stars don’t shine
Ecclesiastes 1:4-5 4 One generation passes away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abides forever.5 The sun also arise, and the sun goes down, and hastens to his place where he arose.
Psalm 104:9 Sun going down
Isaiah 13:10 Sun and Moon 2 different lights no reflections
45:6 sun rising from the west
60:20 sun no more going down
Deuteronomy 33:17 ends of the Earth
Deuteronomy 4:32 sides of heaven
Deuteronomy 28:64 from one end of Earth to the other end
28:49 from one end of Earth to the other end
13:7 from one end of Earth to the other end
1st Samuel 20:15 face of the Earth
Deuteronomy 7:6 ,6:15 face of the Earth
Numbers 22:11 face of the Earth,22:5 face of the Earth
12:3 face of the Earth,11:31 face of the Earth
Exodus 33:16 face of the Earth,32:12 face of the Earth
10:15 face of the Earth,10:5 face of the Earth
Genesis 41:56 face of the Earth,11:9 face of the Earth
11:8 face of the Earth,11:4 face of the Earth
8:9 face of the Earth,4:14 face of the Earth
1:29 face of the Earth,6:1 face of the Earth
6:7 face of the Earth,7:3 face of the Earth
7:4 face of the Earth,7:18 face of the waters
Jeremiah 8:2 face of the Earth,Luke 21:35 face of the Earth
Matthew 16:3 Face of the sky,Luke 12:56 Face of the Earth and sky
Mark 13:27 uttermost part of Earth and heaven
Revelation 20:9 breadth of the Earth (no breadth on a ball)
Job 38:8 breadth of the Earth
Job 38:4-6 God asks Job if he was there when God laid the foundations of the Earth.
2nd Samuel 22:16 Foundations for Heaven and Earth
Psalm 82:5 Foundations, Psalm 104:5 Foundations
Proverbs 8:29 Foundations, Isaiah 24:18 Foundations
Isaiah 40:21 Foundations,51:13 Foundations,51:16 Foundations
Jeremiah 31:37 Foundations,Micah 6:2 Foundations
Job 26: 9( God hides His Throne above Earth)
Job 9:6 Pillars,Psalm 75:3 Pillars,1st Samuel 2:8 More pillars.
The Earth is 72% water 326 Quintillion gallons of LEVEL water
Jeremiah 31:35 Tides
1st Chronicles 16:30 The Earth does not move.
Psalm 136:6 stretched out the Earth
Psalm 93:1 The Earth does not move.
Psalm 96:10 The Earth does not move.
Psalm 104:5 The Earth does not move.
Zechariah 1:11 The Earth does not move.
Genesis 28:12 Ladder from Earth to Heaven (med i fore) but, heaven is above our heads, no ladder on a spinning ball!
Deuteronomy 4:32 Heaven has sides.
Genesis19:23 Sunrise upon the Earth not just the town of Zoar.
Psalm 4:6 Sun moves not Earth.
2nd Kings 20:11 moves the Sun back 10 degrees.
Isaiah 38:8 God made the Sun go back 10 degrees.
Joshua 10:13 the Sun and Moon stood still.
Proverbs 8 27 God set a compass upon the face of the Earth (could this be the magnetic north)
Isaiah 11:12 Beyond the circle of the Earth is 4 corners.
Isaiah 43:6 Ends of the Earth
Daniel 4:11 Ends of the Earth
Matthew 4:8 satan took Jesus up on a high mountain and showed Him ALL the kingdoms of the Earth. (If it was round why didn't satan take Jesus on a round the world trip to see them?
Matthew 24:31 4 corners
Revelation 1:7 When Jesus comes back ALL eyes will see Him.
Revelation 7:1 4 corners
Revelations 20:8 4 corners
Joshua 10:13 The Sun and Moon stood still not the Earth.
Psalm 19:4 ends of the Earth
Isaiah 13:9 All body's in heaven give off their own light, no reflection.
Ecclesiastes 12:2 Sun, Moon, and stars are all different types of light
Satan wants to be above the stars of GOD
Judges 5:20 Stars have courses (they are moving we are not)
Amos Stars and Orion
Matthew 24:29 Jesus say’s the stars will fall to Earth from heaven (they can’t be big or far away)
Mark 13:25 Jesus say’s the stars will fall to Earth.
Revelation 12:4 satan’s tail cast 1/3 of the stars to the Earth
Psalm 136:7-9 God made great lights in heaven not reflectors. Do you think from 93 million miles away the Sun still throws enough light to light up the Moon? I ask this because the moon light is cooler than moon shade.
Ezekiel 32:7-8 God is going to shut off all the lights in heaven.
Joel 2:10 God will shut off the lights.
Joel 3:15 God will shut off the lights.
Amos 5:8 Stars of Orion (still in the sky after 1,000s of years of traveling)
Habakkuk 3:11 God stopped the Sun and Moon.
Revelation6:13 the stars are going to fall from heaven from ( billions and billions of miles away good grief).
The Earth was created on the 1st day along with the ability for light but He didn't create the Sun, Moon, and Stars until the 4th day. Looks like God would have said something about starting the roller coaster ride through space?
Revelation 6:14 God will roll up the heaven (dome) like a scroll!
Isaiah 34:4 Roll back the heaven like a scroll (dome)
Genesis 7:19 A water ball 100% (flood)
Genesis 8:1 Wind blowing on the Earth 100%
1st Chronicles 28:2 God’s Footstool
Isaiah 66:1 God’s footstool is the Earth (HE is very close)
Matthew 5:35 Jesus says Earth is the Father’s footstool.
Acts 7:49 Earth is my footstool
Now which is more believable?
Science says we are circling the Sun at about 67,000 MPH
Earth spinning at about 1,037 MPH at the equator
Moon flying around us at about 2,200 MPH
Sun flying along the arm of the Milky Way at 650,000 MPH
Milky Way is traveling at MILLIONS OF MILES AN HOUR through the universe.
Yet the summer and winter solstices and the equinoxes still align up with holes drilled thousands of years ago by somebody in rocks all over our PLANE! How does that work?
How do all the stars and Moon stay up with the sun?
Why doesn’t the star sky change after thousands of years?
The North Star is in the same place (we are not moving)
God says Earth before Sun
Science says Sun before Earth
God says Oceans before land
Science says land before oceans
God says light before sun
Science says Sun before light.
God says land plants first
Science says Marine life first
God says Fruit trees before fish
Science says Fish before fruit trees.
God says Fish before insects
Science says insects before Fish.
God says Plants before Sun
Science says Sun before plants.
God created Man from solid matter
Science says Man evolved from liquid.
God says Birds before reptiles.
Science says reptiles before birds.
God says we have a soul.
Science says we have no soul.
God says there is eternity.
Science says there is no eternity.
God says there is life after death
Science says no life after death.
God created everything in 6 days.
Science says something so small you can’t see yet so heavy it can’t be lifted exploded and created everything.
Be bless!
Jondular, Awesome work Brother !!
@@jamesdyck9872 Thx. Here is something I just finished...
South Pacific Ocean Abyssal Plain Total 14,073,063 Square Miles (FLAT)
Arctic Ocean Abyssel Plain Total 1,285,350 Square Miles (FLAT)
North Pacific Ocean Abassel Plain Total 15,476,262 Square Miles (FLAT)
North Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,327,497 Square Miles (FLAT)
South Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,234,621 Square Miles (FLAT)
Southern Ocean Abassel Plain Total 5,233,270 Square Miles (FLAT)
Indian Ocean Abassel Plain Total 13,528,985 Square Miles (FLAT)
62 million 291 Thousand 990 Square Miles
There are117 MILLION LAKES on Earthy and I bet they are flat too!
Nile River System: The Nile is a north-flowing river considered the longest river in the world at 6,650 km (4,130 mi) long. It is shared by and benefits eleven countries. The White Nile and Blue Nile are its major tributaries. The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, flowing north from Tanzania to South Sudan. The Blue Nile is the source of most of the water and both rivers join near Khartoum, Sudan The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt. The Nile ends in a large delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea.
Athabasca Alberta, Canada, 765 miles
Bann Northern Ireland, 80 miles
Bighorn Wyoming and Montana, USA, 336 miles
Cauca Colombia, 597 miles
Deschutes Oregon, USA, 250 miles
Eel Northern California, USA, 78 miles
Erne Ireland and Northern Ireland, 60 miles
Essequibo Guyana, 600 miles
Fox Wisconsin, USA, 200 miles
Genesee New York, USA, 144 miles
Jordan Utah, USA, 45 miles
Lena Russian Federation, 2735 miles
Little Bighorn, Wyoming and Montana, USA, 80 miles
Magdalena Colombia, 1062 miles
Mojave Southern California, USA, 100 miles
Monongahela Eastern USA, 128 miles
New Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 255 miles
Niagara Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, USA/Canada, 39 miles
Nile Africa, 4150 miles
Ob Russian Federation, 2289 miles
Oswego New York, USA, 24 miles
Otter Creek Vermont, USA, 75 miles
Pend Oreille Washington, USA, 62 miles
Red Minnesota, North Dakota, USA (into Canada),
318 miles
Richelieu Quebec, Canada, 208 miles
Saginaw Michigan, USA, 20 miles
Saint Johns Florida, USA, 275 miles
San Pedro Mexico (into Arizona), 142 miles
Shennandoah Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 55 miles
Willamette Oregon, USA, 188 miles
Wallkill New Jersey and New York, USA, 88 miles
Yenisey Russian Federation, 2548 miles
Youghiogheny Eastern USA, 151 miles
Flat Flat Flat ! If anything this Rock could be and is most likely slightly Concaved .
South Pacific Ocean Abyssal Plain Total 14,073,063 Square Miles (FLAT)
Arctic Ocean Abyssel Plain Total 1,285,350 Square Miles (FLAT)
North Pacific Ocean Abassel Plain Total 15,476,262 Square Miles (FLAT)
North Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,327,497 Square Miles (FLAT)
South Atlantic Ocean Abassel Plain Total 6,234,621 Square Miles (FLAT)
Southern Ocean Abassel Plain Total 5,233,270 Square Miles (FLAT)
Indian Ocean Abassel Plain Total 13,528,985 Square Miles (FLAT)
62 million 291 Thousand 990 Square Miles
There are117 MILLION LAKES on Earthy and I bet they are flat too!
Nile River System: The Nile is a north-flowing river considered the longest river in the world at 6,650 km (4,130 mi) long. It is shared by and benefits eleven countries. The White Nile and Blue Nile are its major tributaries. The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, flowing north from Tanzania to South Sudan. The Blue Nile is the source of most of the water and both rivers join near Khartoum, Sudan The northern section of the river flows almost entirely through desert, from Sudan into Egypt. The Nile ends in a large delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea.
Athabasca Alberta, Canada, 765 miles
Bann Northern Ireland, 80 miles
Bighorn Wyoming and Montana, USA, 336 miles
Cauca Colombia, 597 miles
Deschutes Oregon, USA, 250 miles
Eel Northern California, USA, 78 miles
Erne Ireland and Northern Ireland, 60 miles
Essequibo Guyana, 600 miles
Fox Wisconsin, USA, 200 miles
Genesee New York, USA, 144 miles
Jordan Utah, USA, 45 miles
Lena Russian Federation, 2735 miles
Little Bighorn, Wyoming and Montana, USA, 80 miles
Magdalena Colombia, 1062 miles
Mojave Southern California, USA, 100 miles
Monongahela Eastern USA, 128 miles
New Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 255 miles
Niagara Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, USA/Canada, 39 miles
Nile Africa, 4150 miles
Ob Russian Federation, 2289 miles
Oswego New York, USA, 24 miles
Otter Creek Vermont, USA, 75 miles
Pend Oreille Washington, USA, 62 miles
Red Minnesota, North Dakota, USA (into Canada),
318 miles
Richelieu Quebec, Canada, 208 miles
Saginaw Michigan, USA, 20 miles
Saint Johns Florida, USA, 275 miles
San Pedro Mexico (into Arizona), 142 miles
Shennandoah Virginia and West Virginia, USA, 55 miles
Willamette Oregon, USA, 188 miles
Wallkill New Jersey and New York, USA, 88 miles
Yenisey Russian Federation, 2548 miles
Youghiogheny Eastern USA, 151 miles
I have some deep questions. If God doesn’t have a body, how could he have shown Moses his back on the mountain? If God doesn’t have a body, how can he sit on a throne? If God doesn’t have a body, how can we be made in his image (like a photograph/copy)?
I would say that at least in part some of these questions are asking about the poetic and metaphorical descriptions used in the Bible to convey ideas which are foremost essentially spiritual, so we are looking for analogues that might suffice in a physical sense (e.g. a throne representing having authority and control, being made in one's image as having the same attributes and qualities, and so on).
Where in Job does it say rotate on an axis? Honest question
It doesn’t!
Dale Val Baloney
@@mikemcleroy8265 learn to spell. Balogna. Lol 😂
@@mikemcleroy8265 what's your point on you comments, are you defending the rediculos flat earth theroy by any chance ? , I provided you back up , the Bible does indicate earth is round , so curious what that means to you , if you read them
I love you Brother as you do Gods work and thank you for your time and effort to teach and until I see error may God keep you until His return Amen
Wait ! "In Job it states that earth spins on an axis"?? I don't think so.
Psalm 104;5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.
Job 9;6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars there of tremble.
Isaiah 40; 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
Brett Hancock that is not saying the earth is flat. That verse has been twisted to fit an argument. The Bible doesn’t state the shape of the earth
Did this guy say that? No way do we spin. We're are flat and motionless
@@lindajakub624 ?why are you even on here your rationale is worse than a person with braindamage even they have the ability to discern truth from fiction&reality from fantasy you are the difinitive of the example of someone who drinks the coolaid the world is passing out!
Job 22:13-14
...And you say,
What does God know?
Can He judge through the deep darkness?
14 Thick clouds cover Him, so that He cannot see,
And He walks above the circle of heaven.’
Why is "heaven" in a "circle",
yet the earth be "flat",
according to you?
2 Peter 3: 5. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
If the Earth in Peter's day was still standing in water, that would explain the Pillars of the Earth as the Bible says.
If there is a separation of waters above from waters beneath, this leaves no room for space nor outerspace. People forget clouds as we see them did not exist until the Flood. Therefore the claim that the waters above is clouds is moot. I love to believe th Bible is written so that a 4th to 6th grader can read and believe. I bet this is why the Lord said:
Matthew 18: 3. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
true, he wants us to forget all man teachings and listen to him. Children comes empty and want to be filled. Hollywood and NASA do a number on people with the whole greenscreen space walk lol, its funny but yet so serious.
@Peaches James So, the stars don't actually exist? Come on! Nonsense!
And just because there could have been a layer of water, or ice, surrounding the entire earth (which could have kept the climate of the entire earth the same and like the garden of Eden), that absolutely does not preclude the existence of space or outer space! That is an absurd notion, and one for which there is no Biblical support. There is support for a layer of water above (most likely ice and perfectly transparent, quite possibly even magnifying the light of the moon and stars) which was broken at the time of the flood and was the source of all that rain. But the idea that this leaves no room for outer space has no support and simply doesn't make any sense.
@@ianrobertson1394 yup , smoke and mirrors.
A note that I did not hear in this talk about Manasseh and Ephraim is that they were adopted by Jacob, thus they are entitled to inheritance according to Jewish law. Genesis 48:20.
Wonderful teaching!
It only takes a quick look at the trolls posting that satan and his minions don't like this.
So keep up the blessed work of teaching by the help of God.
Rood67 Amen
Rood67 this guy is still asleep. It sounded good at first, but then he starts either lying of telling things he evidently doesn’t know.
Joshua Ch 1️⃣0️⃣
12 ¶ Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon
🤔 He told the sun because the Earth is unmovable . The Bible also says that the world is set on foundations:
God said.,
Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding
. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened?(Antarctica?) or who laid the corner stone thereof;"- Job 38: 3-6 Now we will examine Scripture on "pillars". Job 9:6 "Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble." 1 Sam 2:8 "...for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and He hath set the world upon them." What is with the pillars ? What are they for and what do they do ? They are there to hold up the foundations of the earth according to the Bible.(1 Sam 2:8 above). When the earth was created it was set on foundations and those foundations are held up by pillars. But why put the foundations on pillars at all? The answer lies in 2Pe 3:5 "...the earth standing out of the water and in the water:" It is to elevate the foundations so that the earth would not be submerged in the waters below. Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.” Ps102:25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. In the beginning of Genesis it says that the firmament was created to separate the waters from the waters. Genesis 1:6-9 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
To say it’s not true, to call it a fairytale world be the same as saying it isn’t reality
This is one of the main parts in the Bible.
The Believers and Unbelievers, The obedient and disobedience.
Hebrew ch 4. Talked about the reason some couldn’t enter in The Sabbath was because of unbelief That word was also disobedience. Not having faith and believing Gods word. You can’t change the Bible to suit your own life.
John 3:11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? Notice it says , seen .
So the tribe of Dan moved to the north west. isnt that Danmark
So where in Job does it say "the earth spins in its axis"? Plainly.
it does not say that. He is disingenuous.
It doesn't. Job seems to clearly state otherwise.
I agree with y’all. He’s still asleep. Fifteen seconds later, he speaks another untruth, saying that God never said the Sun goes around the Earth. I beg to differ. Read Psalms 19, especially 5-6. Clearly says the Sun is on a circuit. You can see the power of Satan’s deception. “The Earth hangs on nothing “... Exactly. God set the Earth on pillars. “It’s firmly stablished, that it not be moved.” He’s right, it’s not hanging at all. Besides the fact that the “face” of the Earth was stamped with God’s signet ring. Look it up for yourself.
Dont let them wind you up
Broken Like Me it Don’t
Isaiah 40; 22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
Where does it says about the spin in the book oh Job? Thanks ,peace out..:)
the earth does not is supported by pillars acc to the bible... and the earth was created before the sun...
It rotates.
Wms no it doesn’t. Read Psalms 19:5-6. Then read Psalms 93:1. Which one is moving and which one is still? What do you see with your own eyes?
Earth before sun yes but pillars me thinks you are nuts
which scripture in Job does it say the earth spins on an axis?
theHuntsman this is what I want to know
@@walker8989 I refer to the 1611KJV for everything and I have never come across a scripture that says the earth is spinning on an axis. The scriptures refer to the earth being 'fixed' and 'immovable', the 'circle' of the earth is how its described, not the 'ball' of the earth. I keep coming across these excellent Christian teachers that give 95% biblical information but theres one thing that they all have in common and that is they hang onto this idea of a 'ball earth' when the bible never describes it as a spinning ball. Even then best Christian scholar have a real tough time with the biblical description of the earth in the bible. I feel that why its more important today to have a knowledge of the scriptures or else people will believe anything they are told. By the way the earth is flat mathematically not geographically, the surface of the earth is mathematically flat, the whole thing is not a flat pancake sitting in space and we didn't go to the moon.
@@thehuntsman7087 I agree
John Walker It doesn’t! It says He separated the Earth and hung it in the expansion
@@heatherrezi538 I think that is not true.
Loved. Shared. Supported$!.
I thought God the Father God the Son and the Holy Spirit said the earth was fixed and immovable and what about the firmament I know this isn’t that video but it’s said early in video I don’t want babes being hung up on how or why something is thru MANS break down not the account in Genesis Job an other places and yes penned by men under the influence!!!
Same. I dont trust anything else this man has to say
yes yes yes. Amen
Preach N Truth Isaiah 40;22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
In the beginning of the video, you asked for a third question. I would like to ask " Where are Cain and Able ? In Gen. 5, the list of desendants of Adam begins with Seth, and includes a descriptive " in his ( Adam's ) own likeness ". All other general lists of desendants, in Gen.,of individuals start with the first the first born and go on to include others. Is it true that that the Serpent's seed (offspring ) refered to in Gen 3:15 are Cain and Able? Would that then establish a genetic ( as we understand genetics today ) corruption that would lead to the corruption of all flesh that then lead to the destruction of all flesh at the flood, save Noah, who was found perfect in his generations ( genetics )? Gen 6 tells us that mating occurred between the Son's of God ( Fallen Angels ) and daughters of men, producing the Nephilim Giants. Could it be that this unholy union of different " Kinds" actually started in the Garden ? .......................... I have listened to much of your teaching and am grateful for it. Thank You. ( W.O.L.B.I 77' )
@Danny Meeks Well, the animals sure are suffering the consequences of sin!
AND how can he NOT define the angels/fallen angels (the Sons of God) as aliens?! They certainly were not created on Earth; therefore, by the very definition of the term: they are ALIENS!
Thank you for the
helping understand the
standoff of temptation.
The last minutes of the video
Showed clearly what many of us humans have had trouble with : temptation. lust lures us to sin, prayer to God and Christ blocks temptation leading us to sin.
That's why Christ told us:
To this end humanity needs
to PRAY and NOT faint.
Thank You Jesus Christ
Excellent teaching. Thank you.
Nice fielding of cold questions. I have one I love to ask preacher's, what does the word beguiled mean? Genius- where the serpent beguiled Eve.
@@chriswebb1148 thank you for your reply. I know that word was a direct tranliteration from the Latin Vulgate. That means they did not know what english word to use so they took the letters in the latin word and put it in scripture. From my years of study and comprehension from the text the word to me means molestation or something close to that. Why I say that is they were having a conversation about being a god. So you can be seduced into doing something your not suppose to? It clearly states sin did not happen till she offered the fruit to Adam and HE DID EAT. So how can no sin be introduced by a seduction of Eve when Adam sined. For my thoughts beguiling has to focus on something the serpent is doing to Eve that would make her a God. To me definition of a God is someone or something that can create something from nothing. Now you know why me and preacher's get cross ways. They never like my questions.
Your question is one I explored for myself ever since I discovered that the spiritual truth is lost when the context of restoring lost truth is not synchronized with Love of the Truth. Basically only people who are suffering for lack of the truth will hunger for it and only then will they will seek it. Beguile is tease/ tempt/call to/beckon. Eve- 'the mother of all living' saw that the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ( increasing one's understanding) were desirable. The serpent was 'wiser than all the other beasts of the field'- ancient wisdom contained the lost context of spiritual truth and she looked at it through the lens of historical context.
Aroused/entised her curiosity/wittingly watered down the truth.
I realise this was some time ago, but the tribe of Dan went north, you can track their migration across Europe, the DANube, Denmark(Dan's land) the original Gaelic for Ireland also translates to dansland. No people have done more to spread Christianity than Europeans so why would the tribe of Dan be left out?
I have pondered this question many times. I wonder if these descendants even know they are Jewish. Are they now included with Gentiles? And Gentiles are saved by faith. Like Dan is included but not with the Jewish tribes. 🤷♀️
If we cannot see God the Father in heaven, what does Revelation 7:9 means?
And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
Revelation 7:9 KJV
Because that’s John’s vision, it’s not what we see. John wrote Revelation because God gave him the visions to be able to write it. It’s an inspired book.
I’d like to hear him talk more about the different kind of stars 🌟 cool!
Joseph has two lots. One for menassa one for Ephraim. The Levites (religious scribes) have no inheritance.
So Joseph = 2 (not 3) lots while Levite’s have none. 14 as he said...minus 2.
That’s a total of 12 lots. 12 gates. And 12 inheritances and 12 tribes.
God said
“I’m creating a PLACE (hell) for you (satan and followers) (at 45:30)
Jesus said “ I go to create a PLACE for you (believers in him) John 14:2
And if I go and prepare a PLACE for you I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, THERE you may be also” John 14:3
Wow Thankyou I alwYs have pondered Mannasah (half tribe of Mannasah and yes the thing about DAN !!!!!
Great teaching and questions
We live under a firmament aka dome so NO! There is no other life but Yahua ,Yahushua,Angel's, HaSatan,Fallen Angel's and demons aka dead Nephillim...
I don't know how some who say they are Christians, believers and claim they read their bible daily totally forget that and believe NASA foolishness and Hollywood greenscreen tricks. I was once in a church where the Bishop said we were gonna colonize mars soon and he was excited, I was like huh.
Ian Robertson because Christianity is about Christ not about flat vs. round earth. God doesn’t devote much in the scriptures to the shape of the earth because it’s not that important!
there is space "above" the firmament (Genesis 1:7)
Captivating, Thank you Tony Nottingham UK.
Dear Pastor i heard a famous preacher say we should pray to God and not Jesus would you say something about that please and God bless.
I should have said pray to the Father and not the Son.
Amen resist the devil and he will flee from us.
God showed me that the moon goes through portals once when i was 13 and drove it home to me last year
It's in the Book of Enoch; where it passes through gates to be inspected by the angels.
Took the words out of my mouth. Out of the book of Enoch . Yep .
Also - how did He show you ? What was your experience
what is your view on OSAS please know I am not looking to argue but am interested in what you think brother
The sacred breath is imperishable . It is your only salvation Amen.
How come the tribe of Dan isn't allowed in the revelation. Of the tribes. Written about. Like they were in Genesis.
He had an answer for that. Revelation is talking about blessings to come and the Tribe of Dan were idolaters, is what he said. Yes, Dan was a Tribe but apparently that Tribe won't be getting the same treatment as the others.
I don't think anyone knows with certain what happens to Dan but we can note that after the time of tribulation they are a part of the tribes, indeed they are mentioned as the first tribe to receive an area of land in Israel (Ezekiel 48:1)
The Tribe of Dan fell. That is why in the NT the tribe of Dan is not mentioned but the tribe of Menasseh is mentioned. Dan had anger issure and was responsible for enforcing his will against Joseph. The last straw came, He fell because he became angry when Jacob did not present him like his brothers to the Lord before the Altar. He eventually became Israel enemy. When Jacob went to Egypt, he blessed the children of Joseph gave the birthright to Ephraim because after the flood it was declared that the birthright would go to the most righteous rather than to the first born. Because of the works of Joseph God gave him a double portion. His line would go thru Ephraim and Manasseh. Making it TWELVE TRIBES AGAIN. The Sons of Adam were initially twelve, when one fell Cain he was replaced. Just like the Sons of Jacob and the Apostles. Judas fell he was replaced. Manassah is the tribe that replaced Dan. Manassah and Ephraim was adopted by Jacob went he went to Egypt.
Dan Bertrand Thank you for clearly explaining this, you seem like a good teacher! 🙏🙂
Thank You, Teacher, for your kind, patient, and expert instruction. You are a treasure, and a credit to old bald men everywhere.
The word used for the shape of the Earth is actually not ball or sphere. The word for ball is used somewhere else. The word is not translated properly because the word used for the shape of the earth is circle, as in disk. Not sphere. And it's also written that the Earth is immovable. It does not say it rotates. And when the seasons were stopped for months, if it's the earth that was stopped, that would have caused tremendous problems. Oceans would have flown off and landmasses would have shifted. That's not what happened. The sun is not a gas giant.
Look up real stars. There's plenty footage out there. Stars are not gas Giants. They are luminaries. Beings. Beings that have a set course and orders from God.
The word NASA, comes from the Hebrew root word meaning, "to deceive". The logo for NASA is also the snake tongue. This logo is used for every space agency on the Earth.
Look up Piccard, and, first balloon flight to space. You'll see that all curvature footage of earth, is faked with wide angle lenses.
All that said, maybe I'm wrong. I'm just saying, the evidence for a stationary flat Earth is overwhelming. Look up biblical flat Earth proofs, if you're interested and open minded. Don't take my word for it.
yes. You have it right!
Well said
Yes! You have so graciously shared 100% truth. Thank you.
Our purpose and reason for being is relationship
Both to God and each other.
Pray for this reason.
Prayer is the church's reason to be.
The disciples
Decons it was so the apostles didn't get taken from prayer,
To wait tables
God gives us what we ask or gives us something better,
It cultivates
Our relationship.
Our reason to be.
Are 5 love language s
Fulfills many of these
How can there be extra-terrestrial aliens if there are no extra-terrestrials (exo-planets, or planets even) ?
Lol I know this had nothing to with anything but the dump I loved going there as well got my first good bike from the dump lol just a childhood memory Haha
...I am truly amazed at how we can let ourselves be persuaded by evil spirits by contempting about the things we disagree with...wether this man is right or wrong,it doesn't give us reason to contempt and argue with one another,and with anger,almost sound like spirits that the early persecuting church probably sounded like...becareful,and guard your hearts,don't let the spirit of anger and decention lead us to a way that is not holy...that is not Jesus like...any other spirit is not good,does not benefit one,or the other and defeats the purpose,and causes an opposite effect,and makes cristianity look bad. It's not to say,we...the people,should be seen or want to be seen good for our sake,but we are supposed to represent Jesus,and the more we bicker and fight amongst ourselves...the more we make cristianity,and Jesus himself,look evil...because Jesus was supposed to be alive,and seen,through our actions,and our ways...since he can not visibly be seen anymore...therefore,those who don't know him,seeing this strong in name religion...the most prominent all over the world...they will only see what we,the followers,the ones who call out his name,wear his name...they will see our deeds...our hearts...if we fight,if we show arrogance,if we show contempt towards one another,what they be led to...but away from Jesus...and the more we wear his name with pride,and intolerance ..with unforgiving hearts for one another...speaking hateful,how much more,will we cause for the spirit of all those lost souls,who need redemption,who are on the verge of complete destruction,because they see no hope...want nothing more,than to hate and obliterate the name of that who came to die for their they can be forgiven ..yet...we,who were supposed to carry his name,and his message. .are in a way...with our words and actions...because it's the way we say the things that come out of our mouths which speak what's in our hearts...we can speak forgiveness,we can say he died for us...but the wind will carry those words away,and what will remain in everyone's eyes,ears,and hearts,is what our actions spoke about us...what good is studying the Bible...the living word...if our actions became the opposite of what the purpose was...I stead,we made people who could not see or hear Jesus...hate this Jesus...he was cruel...he was comptentuous...he was proud...he was arrogant...he was fast to anger...he was intolerant...unforgiving. scripture says God will come with great anger,because we blasphemed his name...his blood was she's in vain,because we did not send his message the way he wanted to. There's a question I ask myself...if he were alive today,whose side would he be on...ours,the ones who carry his name...or those were that,I'm not saying that their deeds are right...but I'm saying,maybe they wouldn't have becomes as lost,had we not became what we became...therefore...creating a spiritual barrier,that doesn't just not let people in...but pushes away with a force so strong,that leads and makes people away from the living water. Like,a river if very pure water ..who without realizing...with all of our pride,fight...became sick...because for some reason...our hearts were to busy fighting over it...we never got a chance to drink ,truly drink from it...knowing,how clean and pure it many in the way..just fighting over it...meanwhile ..there's people who needed it....but didn't know where to find it...all they can find,were puddles scattered here and there...and drunk from whatever dirty water they can come across...needing that water...that pure water...but everywhere they looked,everywhere they went ..their lost soul naturally led to a much filthier,dirtier water...until their thirst for water,and the effect of that dirty water,took effect,and became the monsters that we were supposed to keep from becoming...therefore...there was no difference between the ones fighting over the water,who they knew was pure...and those who drunk the dirty water,because they did not know where to find the pure water. What happened in the end...we all died if thirst...neither one of the groups got to drink the water...who will be worst...which be worst...probay the group that knew,where the water was...but didn't share it...because this water,isn't water you can drink,without having and giving that which that very spirit is made of...we can speak the name...but it's the things of our heart which make it a venemous poison if not done in the right spirit...I hope in Jesus name,that we can truly let Jesus spirit sink in,so that others may come to truly drink,and be cleansed,replenished.forgiven...and redeemed. God bless
Excellent excellent what a gentleman smart man pray for him and for me
Come to Yah, all of ye who can see. It will slow the wrath of the Lord. Save our children from Baal. Amen~ ( i pray i put these words the right way)?
Dude you're wrong he says nothing about an axis. He says nothing about a spinning sphere, He says the circle of the Earth. Circles like a table not like a beach ball. And how do you explain the Sun moon stars being put in the firmament on the 4th day. Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as molten looking glass. Job37:18. How do you explain, The heavens declare God's glory and the firmament sheweth his handy work. Psalm 19:1. How do you explain the foundations, pillars, immovable. How do you explained the fact that God sits on His Thorne above us, above the North Star that never moves. We are his footstool. Do you think that would be spinning. You are wrong about the flat Earth is flat with a dome firmament above our head. He never says a Dang thing about an axis or a spinning sphere or planets named after pagan gods. Other than that you're doing great. Time to really read Genesis and study Hebrew cosmology. Don't be a NASA nerd. They debunk themselves continually.
I wholly agree with you
What translation says the Earth "spins on an axis?"
What translation says it’s flat? I’d be ashamed if I were of that mindset.
Loving your enemies means loving all of Gods creation . he describes his creations in the bible and they don't all look like man .
Thank you, this was very enlightening.
My theory: They were the ONLY tribe said to be waiting for God's salvation in the end of days, so God took them, they were Raptured.
No where in Job say the Earth was spherical. Gen 1:6 Joshua 13:10 stop preaching sun worship.
D Arthur AMEN!!!!!
God Bless
God bless you too! I so enjoy Dr. Barnett’s teachings. He’s so knowledgeable it just astounds me. I love history myself, and I could listen to him as long as he wanted to talk.
Explain Genesis 1:16-18, I guess the "firmament is in the sky.... and the stars "are" in the "firmament". Where is the the waters above the firmament?
Beloved, Blue is the Ocean, Rivers and pools of lakes. So also is this sky above ~ Christ Be With You ~
earth is flat ..... but don't tell that loud
When the Bible talks about Gods Throne it also talks about a sea of glass ,or Crystal in front of the throne. If the same were above us holding the water in we would not be able to tell unless we got right up on it maybe even half to touch it to make sure.
Of course he got a double portion. Jacob made Joseph his 'firstborn' because of things done by Reuben, Simeon, and Levi. He also took Manasseh and Ephraim as equivalent to his own sons. Inheritance is divided n+1, where n is the number of sons, with the firstborn receiving a double portion.
John...Excellent teachings. You are so on the money! Just a thought about the tribe of Dan. Did you ever consider The Tribe of Dan-MISSING The 12 Apostles-Judas-MISSING So in heaven both groups of 12 will have a "substitute" from the original. Not really a substitute, but you know what I mean. And I think this proves God's word. He means what He says and says what He means.
Keep up the great teaching. You are mightily blessed of the Lord...
What I was just shown about the lords prayer is he forgives our trespasses when we forgive those who trespass against us only then He will lead us not into temptation it's says "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation " there an and in there all part of same sentence it should say and then lead us not into temptation HE only does for the ones who do for HIM the promises don't apply unless we know what the promises are and holding our FATHER to hold to them it says that in the bible
God does to have a body its called JESUS
I have a question about the tribe of Joseph being double blessed. How is it a double blessing to include Joseph's son's as a tribe when they are already included via Joseph? Am I missing something?
Well it means Joseph's descendants get double share of everything. Take another son, like Simeon for exemple, who had six sons. If all his sons had become a tribe, it means descendants of Simeon would have gotten *six* portions of land the same size as the portion of land of any other tribe. So while each Simeon descended tribe would have prospered the same as a normal tribe, the *unified* whole of Simeon's children would have been six timed wealthier. That's what happened with Joseph. Instead of becoming *one* tribe, his descendants, who are not more numerous, make two *smaller* tribes which still get *as much land as the other sons* EACH. So that's God's way of blessing Joseph, by making him the richest and by giving him lordship over Israel (not Judah and Benjamin though) via Ephraim later. Dunno if it was clear, sorry
@@swhite7929 it was helpful thank you. I will read the scripture again
@@loobell3236 Glad to have been of help :) yeah, read the Old Testament again. It's full of amazing stuff
The "Bible" also calls "stars" angels, so that must be a metaphor, right?
Broken Like Me Well it also says, God is like the ☀️
No. They are Angels.
That 1 day is to the Lord like a thousand years is a key to simple mathematics that show the day of the Lord to be in 2060. Free 30 page PDF to anyone who requests it. It's the end of Daniel's 70 weeks (a 3500 year time period that that began when Israel crossed the Jordan into the promised land). Double confirmation.
I was born in 59 so glad you said 60, I have a nap and wait patiently
If God doesnt have a Body, why does the Bible say that Moses saw Gods back parts.
God is spirit. But he can also take the form of a man.
Moses saw Jesus!
@@julsshan You are right on this one.
Absolutely! I have secretly thought that too !!! I'm so glad you are thinking that too !!! Kimberley from Canada God bless you 😀
@@crazyhorseranchaz jesus is satan sorrythe anti christ!!!! Geez wake up u guys ii see The Father means what he said many are called but few are chosen . There are many Gods. Calling our Creator A God is a Insult. You mines well call him a Angel. He is beyond that . The Fathers Name PALEO HEBREW WHICH THE TETRAGAMatton of the FATHERS NAME is (YHwh)( Yahuah) the sons name is Yahusha Yah = I AM (UAH =THAT IAM ) THE FATHERS NAME IS YAHUAH WHICH MEANS "I AM THAT I AM" YAHUSHA THE SONS NAME IN
Do you believe Howard Storm's NearDeathExp?
We are Israel. From EL saved by Grace through Him coming to our prison in this prison suit to save us who are of the way in the truth. Immanuel.
I'd have to disagree, there are over 200 verses that point to a motionless flat Earth. Good teacher though
So, what did Yehoshua mean when He told the Disciples, "I have other flocks to tend." ??
Oscar Ballard where?Do not remember ever seeing that
@@lindajakub624 John 10:16 [ I have other Sheep that are not of this fold.]
He was originally sent to redeem the "The Lord's people" (Jews) but the gentiles were grafted in..the parable of the branch being removed from the Olive tree and another branch being grafted in..the gentiles were "the other flock" being referred to
@@tdotbrown25 I know that's the given answer but throughout his Ministry he consistently told the Disciples and any non-Jew who sought his help that He was not there to gather in the Gentiles just the "Jews'! so the answer doesn't fit?
@@oscarballard7911I don't recall seeing him say that to the gentiles. The story of the woman who's daughter was sick asked him to heal her and he said he was there for His people (paraphrasing). He called her a dog.."Dogs don't eat from the masters table." She replied that the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the masters table which caused Yeshua to marvel at her..He then told her by her faith it was done for her. She was a gentile and Yeshua was not prepared to do anything for her because she was not of Israel. I recall stories of him doing miracles for people and told them by their faith it was done. I have to find out how many times he said he was sent to another flock
Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, IF you don't know the full scripture of CHRIST. It says I believe Gosphel of Thomas its says God the Father intervenes with One who is unlike all others. Amen.
Job 26 (KJV)
1 But Job answered and said,
2 How hast thou helped him that is without power?
how savest thou the arm that hath no strength?
3 How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom?
and how hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is?
4 To whom hast thou uttered words?
and whose spirit came from thee?
5 Dead things are formed
from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.
6 Hell is naked before him,
and destruction hath no covering.
7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place,
and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds;
and the cloud is not rent under them.
9 He holdeth back the face of his throne,
and spreadeth his cloud upon it.
10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds,
until the day and night come to an end.
11 The pillars of heaven tremble
and are astonished at his reproof.
12 He divideth the sea with his power,
and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud.
13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens;
his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.
14 Lo, these are parts of his ways:
but how little a portion is heard of him?
but the thunder of his power who can understand?
The Will of God. God has degrees to his will. The highest will of God is for each of us, to be happy, prosperous, healthy and become a Sons of God. Now in the mix, there is our will and if we pray and receive a No, and keep praying to do our will, then God might give it to us, and we bear the Consequences of our actions. If we choose, another path that God has laid out for us, then its on us. It is still the will of God but not his highest will for us. No things receive power from heaven to move, unless it is the will of God.
I just got home 🏡 I was just to go to church ⛪️ I was just like that I was just going to drive to church
sun is a light. Not hot. Very close. Look up.
Maybe tribe of Dan are the elect judges
You are right on the money... We are exactly.. And we will be changed into our glorified bodies ANY MOMENT NOW. I'm one beyond any doubt and have gotten confirmation recently. Prepare yourself and warn all you possibly can. It's about to get VERY REAL, VERY FAST... TRUMP IS NOT WHO SO MANY THINK HE IS. IN FACT, HE IS THE BEAST HIMSELF... ABBADON ( A BAD DON ). HE told the world 13 times who he was in his ( SNAKE POEM )... JESUS WINS!!!!!
jpbown7 The tribe of Dan will judge isreal. In the Bible
Dan is among the tribes when Israel is regathered and restored to the land after the time of tribulation (Ezekiel 48:1)
you look like EMH..voyager.😃👍
He explains everything so as to confuse things even worse. There are much better ways to lay out an explanation without going off on tangents or around and around and then moving onto the next question. The questions could’ve been answered more concretely, systematically without beating around the Bush. He lacks preparation and organization to his answers. I hope the questioners seek out more coherent and better teachers to help them formulate complete comprehension so as to be able to explain to others who likely will or are already asking them those very questions, will expect clearer, more concise, less wandering answers than they were just given here.
One of the most miss quoted verses in the Bible. Isa 46:10 (NKJV) Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,'
Many preachers substitute knowing or seeing for Declaring which changes the meaning of the verse. Read this verse correctly and in context and you will see its talking about performing his plan and making it come to pass not that he can see past present and future like on a flat screen tv.
Is time a dimension now?
in the beginning was the word (Jesus), so Jesus was not the first created?
Learning adventure
For a reason that god wanted me to come and I remember that n is very hard to even talk to anyone about my memories and not only that now is time for all people ,
Thank you
Saturday!!! OR Sunday!!! is NOT the TRUE CREATORS CALENDAR !!!. SABBATH DAY!!!
Depends on which calendar you are following. But it shouldn't cause Devission. I follow Enochian callendar for the feasts (but the Sabbath should be unbroken (so I keep it on Sat)
You never did answer the language question you skated around the issue not sure, my I thought you were actually gonna say/
He never showed from the bible where it says there is no life on any other planet but earth?