  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 104

  • @heyimbilliejean
    @heyimbilliejean 3 месяца назад +40

    On the card thing, they explicitly said you can "pick out which to use" (referring to the sequencing) in the live letter.

    • @marioman51
      @marioman51 3 месяца назад +1

      I think the greater concern with AST is it has severe button bloat. This card rework doesn’t sound like it solves any of that if anything makes it worse. This “major” rework has the appearance of just bad, i hope not and keep hope that it’ll be ok. If anything just put AST back to HW with the Endwalker resource management

  • @HigakiRinne
    @HigakiRinne 3 месяца назад +43

    Just because they didn't show some abilities in the trailer doesn't mean they're gone, they skipped a lot of stuff for time including stuff we know for sure isn't gone like Goring Blade or Astral Flow or Heart of Corundum

    • @Cursefire
      @Cursefire 3 месяца назад +7

      Its so amusing that WAR in EW did not show Storms Eye existing which made people theorize that the buff was gone. In DT WAR didn't do a single regular combo action, and it was the only melee job to do so, its just so odd whoever designs the choreography for the WAR trailers is just trolling I assume.

    • @FFXIVMomo
      @FFXIVMomo  3 месяца назад +14

      Yes - obviously. it's more of a thought considering they are actively adding more damage skills to healers burst windows and I knowing SE's track record it wouldn't be surprising that they streamline things.

    • @kennys6288
      @kennys6288 3 месяца назад +3

      With healing being as OP as it is and them adding even more healing abilities, wouldn’t be surprised if they removed some stuff to “even” it out.

  • @TheElix07
    @TheElix07 3 месяца назад +15

    I have definitely been waiting to hear your thoughts on the healer stuff so thank you! Some things I observed from having studied this trailer very closely and I am interested in your perspective. As such, I'm sharing my tin-foil hat hypotheses here (apologies for the lengthy comment):
    -It looks like Divination is going to 20s (assuming the timings buff here are consistent with what they will be in the final ship of Dawntrail). I noticed Brotherhood was also 20s. That makes me believe that they are opening all 2 minutes that were previously 15s to 20s, so it is possible to fit the extra buttons in. That said, I think Assize will still be sticking around too.
    -AST card/mit healings might be like actually single target mit/heal up like protraction/krasis. Agreed that it feels weird that they’d tack this on to another stack of ED and CI which already exists, but I guess they’re trying to get creative with how the cards work with the kit now. I didn’t notice the order of play, but I fear they are changing it to be one button for play. Also thinking that AST mana regen will be more SCH like (still on draw every 1 minute so basically AF).
    -My opinion that all healers are getting a follow up to their 2m/damage (in the case of SGE that doesn’t have a legit 2m), so the AST attack you saw is likely the follow up to Divination. I also think the SGE attack we’ve seen is just their new attack because Phlegma is also “free-floating.”
    -It feels awkward to me that they would give regen healers another “big” heal as a pinnacle following Macrocosmos and Liturgy in EW, so I’m banking on them getting another party mitigation instead at the pinnacle (which is my current hypothesis for the final move on both WHM and AST). I think it might be decoupled from Temperance unless they have plans to really up the ante on damage out in DT. I also think they are considering more pure heals for shieldies a la party-wide Kardia and Seraphism.
    -I think Seraphism is just pinnacle rather than a replacement to Dissipation since fairy is still around when they cast it.
    -Agreed with your observation of E. Tactics giving instant cast adlo/succor. My hypothesis is that they are making E. Tactics provide instant cast in general. Maybe even some adjustments to what level you get it because low level SCH suffers from no real ability to aoe pure heal the way that SGE can.
    One thing that I know we probably won't get until the actually deets come out is some of the QoL updates I wish they'd apply to SCH, but given your thoughts about how things skew more to SCH than SGE, I'm interested in your perspective. A long time gripe of mine is that Fey Illumination feels outdated and left behind in a world where SGE has access to a 30y regen in Physis that also boosts all heals in (instead of just GCD). Do you think an update to Illumination to increase all heals tips things too far out of balance?

    • @FFXIVMomo
      @FFXIVMomo  3 месяца назад +2

      Oh yeah I meant to mention the 20s buff thing, I did it on mogtalk but just forgot here.
      As for SCH vs SGE; Fey Illumination while maybe feeling outdated is a complete extra source of mitigation that SCH has access to that SGE doesn't. This is slightly more effective as well when considering boosted shields under it's effect - something you can similarly do with Physis if you don't need the regen. TOP is a good example I think where damage is spaced out just enough to where you have to think about where you're pressing such abilities and SGE only has 3 forms of freeform mit while SCH has 4 because of Illum. I do agree though that it should effect all healing at this point especially because SCH's healing toolkit is significantly weaker than SGE.

    • @TheElix07
      @TheElix07 3 месяца назад

      @@FFXIVMomo That is a very good point about the value Illumination brings to high end content compared to SGE - especially because it is extra. Considering your example of TOP, Illumination does fill in the pocket in some places, especially downtime, that would allow for healer GCDs to stretch further while providing a separate mitigation that would otherwise be absent. I suppose I can also give more credit the duration of illumination vs. autophysis. I just get salty at it not affecting indom or readily stacking with other healer oGCDs. Outside of that one change to affect all healing, I don't think I have any other gripes except for the active incentive to Kerachole for SGE vs. the internal struggle one faces with Soil and ED. In prog, it's not that big of a deal obviously; you just use the Aetherflow on Soil. But the fact that there is even temptation in the first place feels odd to me. Either way, thank you very much for your perspective!

  • @zhemosaika
    @zhemosaika 3 месяца назад +2

    Thanks Momo! Can’t wait to hear your takes on all the healers at max level.

  • @viszzz3133
    @viszzz3133 3 месяца назад +4

    After Eukrasian Dyskrasia applies AOE dot, you can see the dummy play the debuff-expired vfx like 0.2s later, that perfectly lines up with the ST dot applied 30s before - if the single target and aoe dots were mutually exclusive, I believe the expire vfx would not be there? Since it would just change the status and keep ticking. So most likely, the two dots stack.

  • @neru1835
    @neru1835 3 месяца назад +2

    Wow momo fantastic analysis yet again!! Keep up the great work. Fantastic thumbnail as well very creative ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  • @thiagoloss2842
    @thiagoloss2842 3 месяца назад +3

    Obviously taking this with a big grain of salt, but the datamined data we got from the benchmark build still had earthly star on AST's kit. It doesn't say anything about ED or Assize tho

  • @GimmeTOKYO
    @GimmeTOKYO 3 месяца назад +1

    While I’m happy for the new abilities and 2 minute attacks, I’m sad there no upgrades to their standard attack or dots

  • @vlashin_
    @vlashin_ 3 месяца назад +2

    I think you might be overthinking Assize... there are so many abilities anymore that they're not going to waste time on animations that aren't updated/changed in any way. You could still be right, but being missing from the trailer doesn't mean they're removing it.

  • @defiantmars9910
    @defiantmars9910 3 месяца назад +15

    I will continue to hope that all the Healers get a few more damage tools. Getting follow-up attacks like the Presence of Mind attacks or the Chain Stratagem DoT are nice, but that still doesn't help the earlier levels feeling somewhat stagnant, especially if Assize or Earthy Star end up going away. That's sort of the opposite direction I think most players would want, even with higher healing requirements.

    • @filiplabecki708
      @filiplabecki708 3 месяца назад +3

      it's also one button every 2 mins, which isn't as interesting as it is at first glance.
      The peak is miasma 2 in SB - better than ruin 2 for weaving but you need to be in melee AND wait 12s for dot to wear off.

    • @defiantmars9910
      @defiantmars9910 3 месяца назад +1

      @@filiplabecki708 Right, it’s basically just more damage for the buff window. Some more dynamic filler to break up the Broil spam I what I would like to see. I don’t find Energy Drain to be interesting in that regard (not that I think it should go away… again, lol). Scholar is what got me into XIV, so a little more “pew pew” would make me happier. If not personal damage, let us set up more buffs or debuffs. Anything to play up the strategist and tactician motifs.

  • @cinavik
    @cinavik 3 месяца назад +2

    I don't think "Pan-Kardia" comes off Pneuma, just used after it in the trailer. I see this as a new button that you get along with the less-than-great Soteria and its new reduced CD. You can see in the trailer they use Pneuma then Kerachole then the "Pan Kardia" skill. I don't think they are linked at all.

  • @pod155
    @pod155 3 месяца назад +1

    I really hope they didn't get rid of Star or any of the dps heal abilites. I know you're the superior ultimate mega truth legend healer, but that would kill the fun of a lot healers.

  • @itsshauta
    @itsshauta 3 месяца назад +7

    I'm a little sad about the RNG removal on AST, but I think I'm willing to sacrifice the RNG for more different card effects again

  • @Dudding5720
    @Dudding5720 3 месяца назад

    Thank you. For an educated opinion that isn’t just pure doom-posting. Appreciate it.

  • @Oizys0miseria
    @Oizys0miseria 3 месяца назад +1

    For WHM i wouldnt say Assize is gone, its a big part of their MP regen as well.
    They mention Astrodyne specficially going, so i dont think theyre removing anything, unless its truly unneccessary (Cure 1 please)
    I dont think WHM actually gains any individual buttons, i guess the gap closer, but PoM will get replaced by the 3 OGCDs, Temp will get replaced by super heal.
    ASTs skill is interesting, after the Lion roars, everyone applied a buff/debuff, so maybe its kind of like a "Hit enemy, Next attack will buff healing recieved/reduce damage"
    Since it works on AOE too, good for dungeons, can imagine throwing it on a bunch of enemies, and giving the Tank HP restore for every attack they recieve
    I think their last move is an upgraded Celestial Opposition. Its the same character animation, where they lift the globe above their head, maybe using Neutral Sect buffs it for 30s or something
    Alternatively it could be a replacement for CU. I feel like alot of Dawntrail is speeding the game up, and kind of enforcing movement and using specific skills.
    CU is obviously really strong, but i think for new people it falls into the trap of "im gonna sit here and hold this skill", but high end content, it kind of removes some of that akwardness of the skill.
    People almost never just sit and hold the skill. Its a bit morr intuative to have CO heal, and CU mitigate.
    SGE is just more SGE, their AOE Kardia is fun, and i think it gives more value to Soteria, which previously was kind of overkill in 95% of situations
    SCH, im glad you caught that ET seems to make skills instant cast.
    Its possible that Seraphim allows you to use ET, and still retain the shield effect, but being instant cast is nice

  • @GoatSays
    @GoatSays 3 месяца назад +3

    I just want a more interesting damage rotation. We already have so many tools to heal but doing damage is so boring.

  • @touch_detective
    @touch_detective 3 месяца назад +3

    your thumbnail game has been amazing lately please keep it up

  • @DeadEye935
    @DeadEye935 3 месяца назад +4

    I'm wondering if astro's lightspeed will actually be used for movement now that it seems like its burst window will be a lot less busy. I do hope you're wrong though about earthly star being gone, its such an iconic ability imo
    For scholar, while seraphism sounds cool mechanically, I really feel like the look of it just does not fit scholar at all. Though scholar's whole aesthetic feels kinda confused in general. The wings just look a bit dinky and I think long white robes are more of a white mage thing
    Kinda surprising that sage can aoe its dot and no other healer can. You're probably right that its not a separate dot, so I wonder how often it'll be useful in high end content.
    I'm a pretty casual healer player, but I think the new stuff looks quite nice. I just hope we get fights that justify Astro having like a dozen single target heals though.

  • @leafgreenbeast
    @leafgreenbeast 3 месяца назад +3

    jfc i hope they didnt try to remove energy drain AGAIN
    every time they do we have to have this whole argument over the importance of non-overhealing aetherflow spenders/faerie guage gain, and every time the devs are like "wha--huh? we never knew that" and have to roll it back in the next patch
    speaking of fairy guage--why does it exist at this point? only one skill uses it (they removed the cost from the one other skill added in ShB that used it as of EW) despite every aetherflow skill feeding into it. it's a really strange limitation to put on the tether heal to have it on such a slow dripfeed (especially if they're planning to kneecap dissipation's aetherflow gain or trying to axe energy drain)

  • @ComposerCharlie
    @ComposerCharlie 3 месяца назад

    I'm not sure if this will actually affect gameplay, but I thought it was interesting that the second "heal" card was used after a Helios cast and before Microcosmos procs. It also might be significant that the Astro targets themself with the Heal card both times - if its just a ST heal, they could have tossed the first one to the healer to show its the Heal card, then tossed the second to one of the other two to show that is just a direct heal or HoT. The AST doesn't actually use a heal after either Heal card is played. Maybe its a DMG up buff for the Astro themselves? To make up for the lack of Astrodyne and our crappy potencies?

  • @OryzaMercury
    @OryzaMercury 3 месяца назад +3

    hi momo good vid👍i think ogcds they didnt show like assize won't be deleted, but agree with most of everything else u said

    • @PKcrash
      @PKcrash 3 месяца назад +2

      Miss your content. Hope you are doing well.

    • @kiramoth2766
      @kiramoth2766 3 месяца назад +1

      miss seeing you around, hope you're doing well

  • @albertobarberacampos451
    @albertobarberacampos451 3 месяца назад +5

    What I don't like about Astrologian is that unless they do eliminate some of it's existing oGCD's, your skill bar is gonna be filled if we take into account the three different cards you get to play now, which is funny since they were very specific across the board about wanting to decrease the amount of buttons on most jobs, and yet it looks like now you are going to use way more buttons than before with AST, even if your actions won't be as "hard" as before since your cards are stablished already without RNG.

    • @itsmetapong
      @itsmetapong 3 месяца назад +3

      It'll be about the same number of buttons no?
      Draw will still be there but you have play, redraw, and undraw that can be replaced with separate plays for each of the 3 cards. That's given there's no redraw, but a single damage card kinda infers it'll be a general x% buff than melee or ranged card so there won't be a need to redraw and lets be real, undraw was never used.

    • @albertobarberacampos451
      @albertobarberacampos451 3 месяца назад +4

      @@itsmetapong yeah, nobody uses undraw but if I had to guess to the very least we will have our lord/lady play, and then a separate play card for each one of the three, right? One for the dmg buff, a second one for the healing buff and then the last one for mitigation, it's just weird that we get more redundant utilities in our kit when this expansion was supposedly trying to avoid exactly that, assigning even more buttons to allow for more abilities down the line.

    • @marioman51
      @marioman51 3 месяца назад

      It’ll be the same amount of buttons hypothetically, but if with new skills added that’s just adding to the no.1 problem with AST which is button bloat. They seemed to address none of this.

  • @scubasteve5326
    @scubasteve5326 3 месяца назад +1

    I don't remember the old class quest from 100 years ago but I need to go find a video on scholar to see if Seraph mode makes sense. It's cool imo but I always looked at scholar as like, a genius and not a holy being.

  • @gazel7424
    @gazel7424 3 месяца назад +1

    Personally I am kinda disappointed that Sage gets a AoE DoT while Scholar's one is locked behind a 2 min cooldown, somehow feels like taking away Miasma II from SCH and slapping it on SGE, tho probably just because me still liking the old SCH offensive toolkit...

  • @cosmosofinfinity
    @cosmosofinfinity 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm surprised no one seems to be talking about how they, for the first time ever, didn't bother wasting our time with a new filler DPS action. No Fall Malefic 2!

  • @xthorlahx
    @xthorlahx 3 месяца назад +7

    Damn. No "LA vacation" for Lord Momo. Someone get me Yoshi's number! 🤬

  • @David-re4kq
    @David-re4kq 3 месяца назад

    sorry, is a bit off-topic but i know that Momo have partecipated to events made by a community called "Fey Temperance", that i discovered only today. i was curious to learn more about it but i can't find anything on internet, the Fey's website and the discord server seems down, did someone know what is happened to that community? the only things i find are old posts from years ago and nobody talk about the fact it seems nowhere to be found now

  • @SubduedRadical
    @SubduedRadical 3 месяца назад

    Emergency Tactics: To be fair, SGE's pro is being able to cast a barrier while moving. Regular Prognosis/Diagnosis have cast times. So this is more an inversion of that (if true) with ET giving SCH instant cast raw heals as opposed to instant cast barriers. Though it's not clear, of course, WHAT is being cast under Seraphism.
    What's funny to me is r/ffxivdiscussion and the English official forum are both melting down and HATE SCH's reveal and "dime store Christmas tree angel cosplay" and hate it.

  • @AZodiacCancer
    @AZodiacCancer 3 месяца назад

    "But who knows?" I'm sure you do. They don't show star either but I don't think they show every skill in the showcase.

  • @ygorbibiano558
    @ygorbibiano558 3 месяца назад +1

    They could give us this atk from presence of mind at low lvl, in the form of Aero 3, would be really cool.

    • @FFXIVMomo
      @FFXIVMomo  3 месяца назад +2

      It does kind of remind me a light aspected Aero 3 LOL

  • @moosecat00
    @moosecat00 3 месяца назад

    I'm wagering damage follow ups have 20s duration based on Pictomancer footage, I'd also wager En Avant is the movement based on both wording and Pictomancer.

  • @praus
    @praus 3 месяца назад

    I don’t think the AoE kardia is that bad of an idea. I just see it as another healing CD. I can think of two other major straight healing CDs for sage off the top of my head. Obviously those would be for when no target is around to attack. The AoE kardia would be for when there is a target to attack and a lot of healing is needed. Different tools for different scenarios.

  • @trask9100
    @trask9100 3 месяца назад +1

    Doesn't seem like they are addressing healer 1 spam. Won't play.

  • @EclipseHighroller
    @EclipseHighroller 3 месяца назад +4

    If star is gone as it is now, that will be horrible. It’s the best looking skill ast has, even better than the galaxy move shown in the trailer here, and it’s one if if not the best healing abilities in the game. Star is gone = AST is majorly hurt on the verge of dead

  • @LycIrisAurora
    @LycIrisAurora 3 месяца назад

    Really curious the purpose of using emergency tactics before the succor in seraphism. Also maybe ET got a charge.

  • @syaojyn
    @syaojyn 3 месяца назад

    Losing star for astro would feel bad, as it's one of their timed placement abilities that felt unique to its playstyle and what I enjoyed about it.

  • @droopyturtle98
    @droopyturtle98 3 месяца назад +1

    Ive been waiting for this lol

    • @FFXIVMomo
      @FFXIVMomo  3 месяца назад +3

      don't expect much uwu

    • @droopyturtle98
      @droopyturtle98 3 месяца назад

      @@FFXIVMomo watching peoples reaction to scholar in dawntrail compared to endwalker is hillarious, odinduh has a video on endwalker scholar that encapsulates the sentiment perfectly and has me i stitches

  • @alfredvonsfer7136
    @alfredvonsfer7136 3 месяца назад +3

    Imo healers have so much in their kit that most fights simply come down to basic mapping of skills(heals 60 & 120s) if any at all, then you call it a day. If they added more dps oriented skills in healers that is good, but if they are surface level and once every x minutes then it doesnt really change anything. One would expect more healing in a kit to be followed by more damage in a fight, but I just wish they would add back complexity to jobs rather than making fights mechanics more complex

  • @marchenne8442
    @marchenne8442 3 месяца назад

    I watch the Video and I only Disagree with Momo in one point and that is the deleting of the earthly star. I belive more that the last Skill is an Change from Collective Unconscious in the same way Kerachole works. So no Bubble holding anymore.

  • @addee8978
    @addee8978 3 месяца назад

    I think we will have 1 play button
    as before but depending on what role you play the card on it will use the correct one. If you use play on a dps it will consume the dps card and so on.

    • @Dnies-hj4xk
      @Dnies-hj4xk 3 месяца назад +1

      That doesn't work though because of the healing card. If for example you have all 3 up at the same time and are targeting a tank how would the game/play give you the one you need over the other, like say you wanted the mitigation card for a tankbuster but it gave the tank the healing card BEFORE the tankbuster instead. It doesn't work.

    • @addee8978
      @addee8978 3 месяца назад

      @@Dnies-hj4xk Aaah i thought the healing-card only would work on boosting healing for healer role. And the tank card only work as mitigation on tanks.

  • @neobahumuth6
    @neobahumuth6 3 месяца назад

    I'm tentatively see a small effort into injecting some differentiation into healers kits from this ngl, well also on tanks, maybe I'm tripping maybe not

  • @Senbonzakura_XIV
    @Senbonzakura_XIV 3 месяца назад +1

    I really think whm dash still require a target like sge, my logic maybe gonna sound dumb but, seeing the distance the whm travel, there's no way they trust player's skills enough to let you do a big en avant like this and having a risk of falling off arenas, which is probably why dnc have 3 charges, but it's a small dash and no target needed, and sage have one charge but big range and need target, could be wrong tho
    I guess RDM, and DRG kinda counter this argument but still

    • @richardwicker8456
      @richardwicker8456 3 месяца назад +3

      the pictomancer dash seems to cover quite a bit of distance too, and it's based on what direction the character is facing

    • @Senbonzakura_XIV
      @Senbonzakura_XIV 3 месяца назад

      @@richardwicker8456 I need to check at that again, but maybe they trust more stuff like this on dps but not on healer haha

    • @Senbonzakura_XIV
      @Senbonzakura_XIV 3 месяца назад

      @@richardwicker8456 Ok checked it, I think picto is actually inbetween dnc en avant, and sge in terms of distance travel, so no target but it's definitely not as big as whm/sge

    • @joelazaro461
      @joelazaro461 3 месяца назад

      It could be a ground target spell like Ninja.

    • @Senbonzakura_XIV
      @Senbonzakura_XIV 3 месяца назад

      @@joelazaro461 could be but if so I find it weird that the whm end up right in front of the boss, and right beside PLD, we’ll have answer fast enough anyway, I don’t know if CC are only allowed to post media tour footage at the end of the media tour period or before

  • @bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741
    @bharbarawyrstwaemasyn8741 3 месяца назад

    Im kind of amused they brought back aoe dots. Now it'll take me a few minutes longer before I nod off in dungeons 😂

  • @hamptonwooster
    @hamptonwooster 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh no... I can totally see them making card draws sequential. 4 card oGCDs is a fairly decent amount of hotbar space. Hopefully they don't make this blunder

  • @AlTheiuMaster
    @AlTheiuMaster 3 месяца назад

    I like the where whm went vroom vroom.

  • @shakeweller
    @shakeweller 3 месяца назад +1

    AST (i think)had Star removed for that new heal that's probably on the same cd with the same healing effect. I think they did it so you dont have to deal with weaving a targeted bubble.
    For SCH I think they made Addlo insta cast by default. Theyre streamlining jobs rn so it makes sense.
    I also think Energy Drain is either gone or tied to Chain Stratgem. That also makes sense because people have complained that on SCH you cant heal if you do optimal DPS. I also think AST will get a few damage neutral heals to rival the WHM lillies. AST has to hardcast heals a lot more to trigger things like Horoscope or Neutral Sect, so I can see them adding something to compete in damage a bit more. WHM in return will probably get a AST bubble equivalent on a 1 min cd to compete.

    • @alfredvonsfer7136
      @alfredvonsfer7136 3 месяца назад

      This sounds less like competition and more like making all the jobs play the same with the same skills, the only difference being buffs or lack there of or trivial at best.

    • @capo3645
      @capo3645 3 месяца назад

      instant adlo would be too strong tbh. Remember SGE Eukrasian Diagnosis is not technically "instant", because you have to Eukrasia first. Giving SCH a default actually instant adlo would make it even better an SGE than it already is tbh (in clutch scenarios).

  • @DevilSeiji
    @DevilSeiji 3 месяца назад +1

    Whm almost getting blm treatment (favorotism)

  • @kurosanyasuke8236
    @kurosanyasuke8236 3 месяца назад

    I hope and wish SCH gets a range AOE

  • @WolfmanXD
    @WolfmanXD 3 месяца назад

    Astro has all the buttons they need associated with cards already. They just need to do it something like this. Draw turns into restore when you press it, change play to damage, and redraw into defensive, and leave minor arcana as is. That's all 4 and it doesn't even require undraw.

  • @DacianGradaMusic
    @DacianGradaMusic 3 месяца назад +1

    I usually hate healing as a more casual approach because the amount of weirdos in the pf is astounding, but ngl the dawntrail changes made me wanna play the role more. The follow-up moves are all dope and i'm intrigued by the aoe dots + of course i wanna try the "new" astro lol

  • @Salt_Mage
    @Salt_Mage 3 месяца назад

    Something that I noticed with the AST cards - Left went to the DPS, Right went to the Healer, Middle went to the Tank.
    I have a feeling that the cards will auto select based on your target...

  • @lanisolfire5692
    @lanisolfire5692 3 месяца назад

    As an astro main i really hope they dont remove earthly star

  • @eightbitheros
    @eightbitheros 3 месяца назад

    Momooo when we getting media tour thoughts?

    • @FFXIVMomo
      @FFXIVMomo  3 месяца назад

      Working on AST rn :)

  • @vasilias7987
    @vasilias7987 3 месяца назад

    nooooo... not the earthly star, it is one of the reason why i play the job :(

  • @HuNtOziO
    @HuNtOziO 3 месяца назад +1

    Didn't address endless glare spam in raids, biggest issue why there is a heal shortage in raids. 90% of it is repeating the same single skill.
    Was praying they addressed this but alas, no.

  • @KingKikikoi
    @KingKikikoi 3 месяца назад

    There’s gonna be a subset of people that’s gonna make a huge fuss if asize or star is gone 😂

  • @Manawolf25
    @Manawolf25 3 месяца назад

    I kinda wish they would let kardia heal whenever you cast any spell, either damaging or healing. I do like what we got to see from from the job action trailer. If there's one thing that I could ask for sage, it would be letting kardia proc on all spells casted.

  • @zaytex5000
    @zaytex5000 3 месяца назад +1

    The AST rework removing skill expression and a good chunk of its skill ceiling is pretty bad IMO, was a big reason why I mained the job and would play it during reclears, or even casual content since you could mid max the job pretty well and it felt fun playing a difficult job. Without AST playing healer outside prog is going to feel even worse since you just have no job now which you can mid max and optimise via skill. I'd say it's a L rework just based off of this, one of the last jobs and only healer job which had skill expression is gone which is sad. I'll definitely be playing healer less because of this =/

    • @axis1247
      @axis1247 3 месяца назад +1

      RNG is skill expression?

    • @zaytex5000
      @zaytex5000 3 месяца назад

      @axis1247 Reacting to it is. You can't just plan where each card goes without thought. You need to assess what card you get and react quickly enough to understand who it should go to. Doing this in savage too when you have mechanics to do with only half a weave window to throw that card.. yeah it's a skill

  • @SweetReligion
    @SweetReligion 3 месяца назад

    They felt bad Scholar was the biggest meme out of all jobs after Endwalker, so they gave Scholar something super cool this time.

  • @WineRedEchos
    @WineRedEchos 3 месяца назад +9

    what skill expression is there in rng cards? there's no skill in rng. "did you get lucky? no? skill issue"?

    • @jadene9022
      @jadene9022 3 месяца назад +12

      reacting on the fly to the variance

    • @Justlight2893
      @Justlight2893 3 месяца назад +1

      Coz u needed to react FAST and see 1. whether melee or ranged, 2. check the seal, 3. decide if you should reroll, AND optimize by 4. giving card to jobs in their burst. Essentially you needed to know all jobs and have the skills to consider everything above in 2ish gcds.

    • @Tyrbris
      @Tyrbris 3 месяца назад +2

      @@jadene9022 So none in other words.

    • @alfredvonsfer7136
      @alfredvonsfer7136 3 месяца назад +2

      What skill expression is there in doing the exact same thing every fight? There is no skill in mashing the same button. "Did you press x when y? No? Skill issue?"

    • @brasan9
      @brasan9 3 месяца назад +5

      @@Tyrbris Reacting properly in the most optimal way in the right amount of time is a skill

  • @mlemlemmlemmlem
    @mlemlemmlemmlem 3 месяца назад

    finally someone says hypothesis instead of theory

  • @meno2294
    @meno2294 3 месяца назад

    That's exactly what they're gonna do for Astro

  • @chexrail
    @chexrail 3 месяца назад +5

    I can't help but be underwhelmed from AST tbh. Draw is no different from aetherflow now, its just each stack is tied to damage, a CD and a heal. This is an "illusion" of randomness which in itself its just a highly restricted aetherflow. Its really upsetting to see job identity be ripped apart and then hearing the cop-out "we'll individualize jobs in 8.0."

    • @klawser
      @klawser 3 месяца назад +2

      this and given how many other tools astro already has, two of those cards might end up largely being useless

    • @kiraleshoth
      @kiraleshoth 3 месяца назад

      The cards are apparently 15s buffs so at least it's different from aetherflow in that regard

  • @axis1247
    @axis1247 3 месяца назад

    Yeah I dont get the mentality for you thinking Assize is removed just because it wasnt shown. Its like thinking they removed Dragoons entire AOE rotation and Elusive because it also wasn't shown.

    • @FFXIVMomo
      @FFXIVMomo  3 месяца назад +1

      No where in the video is it said that I think Assize is removed just because it wasn't shown