This is why I like Ayn Rand. Although she wasn't right about some things, she had a mind of her own. I had childhood cancer. As a child I'm lying in my crib and then boom cancer. It wasn't even smoking which caused my disease. I think an addiction (a habitual activity) can cause a disease (a chronic illness) but the flaw is simply that there are many addictions such as porn, gambling, video games, sex... which are not considered a disease. Too much of anything is bad, but they are two different things entirely.
This is why I like Ayn Rand. Although she wasn't right about some things, she had a mind of her own. I had childhood cancer. As a child I'm lying in my crib and then boom cancer. It wasn't even smoking which caused my disease. I think an addiction (a habitual activity) can cause a disease (a chronic illness) but the flaw is simply that there are many addictions such as porn, gambling, video games, sex... which are not considered a disease. Too much of anything is bad, but they are two different things entirely.
Theodore Darlymples books completely destroys the view of addiction as a disease.
Junk Medicine and i forget the other books name.