  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 559

  • @spectrum1140
    @spectrum1140 2 года назад +193

    Well done, this was a pretty accurate video. Constantine's motivations have always been difficult to decipher precisely because he (or his propaganda) contradicted himself so much. My own headcannon is Constantinople (in other words, a new capital) was always on his mind to re-create a new Rome free from its Hellenistic roots, favoring a single monotheistic entity to unify the Empire. He initially favored Sol Invictus, but gradually changed to favor the Christian God.
    Also, you should have way more subscribers than what you currently have.

    • @historyrhymes1701
      @historyrhymes1701  2 года назад +21

      Thanks! And yeah calling these sources like the one of Lactantius and Eusebius contradicting is an understatement. The way Constantine completely wiped out political opponents and killed family members from contemporary works, monuments, etc. is honestly quite an achievement.
      PS I have watched like 90% of your content so needless to say I also think you deserve a lot more attention.

    • @garystanfield2274
      @garystanfield2274 Год назад

      Facts About Constantine They Have Tried To Hide:
      What people don't understand from your Christian brainwashing is that Constantine is the Little Horn of Daniel 7. He was the first Pope over The pagan religion of Christianity which had already existed that he used to bring all the pagans under one religion heading. All that was left after Constantine had killed off the remaining elect of Yahweh Messiah with his 11th Roman Emperor Persecution were the pagans. So he under Satan started deceiving the world with this paganism that we inherited from our forefathers who did not believe at that time when salvation was given to mankind. From that time salvation was no longer given. You can read about the 11 Roman Emperor persecutions with the 4th Seal and read about the outcome of them with the opening of the 5th Seal which Constantine opened with his last persecution. Constantine started this pagan religious government called the Papacy that is out to rule the world using Socialism of every form to bring their world order about. Constantine also built the Temple of God inside the facade of the Dome of the Rock where the Pope will move his Satanic throne to during the Papacy's 7 year Peace Plan after WW3. This is the "Abomination of desolation" that scriptures speak of when the Pope moves to Zion. Constantine also revealed what the Mark of the Beast/Papacy would be,THE CROSS, a sun symbol and a symbol for pagan Christianity. He also revealed who the personage was that has the number 666, THE POPE which is over all pagan deities and why he wants to be worshiped too. Constantine revealed who the Man of Transgressions is in 2 THESSALONIANS 2:3-7, THE POPE.
      Constantine worshiped the sun deity 'Sol' (Roman name for Nimrod) one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme Deity (the other was Mithraism). Now lets go back to the Tower of Babel. when Yahweh changed the language to languages. Marduk, , Adonai, , Sol Angel, Bible, , Hell, Lord, Sacred, Jesus, Christ, Hades, Hell, God, Amen, these are all sun deity names and worshiped as the sun in many different cultures. They were actually worshiping Nimrod
      The word Catholic comes from the Greek and means Universal. Constantine used it when He made Christianity the Catholic/ Universal religion of the Roman Empire and no other religion was allowed. The Roman Empire engulfed the whole of humanity at that time. So that made it easy for the spread f this pagan religion that was sold as truth. During the Tribulation Period the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 Year Peace Plan, the Papacy will make Christianity the world religion and kill anyone that will not come over to it, just like Constantine had done.
      Constantine called a conference of Christian bishops far from Rome in 325 AD at Nicea. Constantine's intention at Nicaea was to create an entirely new god for his empire who would unite all religious factions under one deity. It was held on the summer solstice of June 21 - which in hindsight we will see was to honor the Sun. It was at this gathering that Christianity was born and the ramifications of decisions made at the time are difficult to calculate. About four years prior to chairing the Council, Constantine had been initiated into the religious order of Sol Invictus, Constantine worshiped the sun god 'Sol' (Roman name for Nimrod) one of the two thriving cults that regarded the Sun as the one and only Supreme God (the other was Mithraism). Because of his Sun worship, he instructed Eusebius to convene the first of three sittings on the summer solstice, 21 June 325.

    • @therealestg9
      @therealestg9 Год назад +10

      "free from Hellenistic roots"? doesn't make sense considering they moved to the Greek half of the Empire

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 Год назад +7

      @@therealestg9 - Correct. Also that Greek philosophers had been flirting with monotheism since the Classical period, whereas the Romans of the west had only begun to explore the idea more recently. The actual motives behind Constantinople were more pragmatic. The city was located on a site that was more defensible than Rome. It was also located at the junction of major trade routes extending into Asia. The eastern part of the Empire was in fact more urbanized (going back centuries) and wealthier because of those trade routes. This is why the west collapsed first.

    • @eccoeco3454
      @eccoeco3454 Год назад +7

      The Imperial solar cult never really worked that much, yes in the later empire it surelly finally caught on but it never had that much influence of cohesion and furthermore It had to build upon and contend for space with the Babel of layers upon layers of syncretisms, regional cults, gods, and conflictingnmyths that was hellenic polytheism.
      On the other hand Christianity was almost everything the empire could want, a simple clean and coherent theological system (well at least coherent enough compared to the other proposed options), the potentiality to achieve a relatively consistent and self contained canon (and in part it already had), plenty of divine justification for the empire, and most importanty it came package deal with an already active and functional proselitizing effort that given a bit of good old Imperial Seal of approval boost would save the state much of the pain of actually spreading the new state faith.
      Constantine, much like many other Roman leader, was a pragmatic politician and embracing christianity was mostly a politically convenient move.

  • @wilsontheconqueror8101
    @wilsontheconqueror8101 Год назад +141

    Well that fact that Constantine legalized Christianity and was baptized as the first Roman Emperor when most of the nobility and senatorial class were still Pagan is enough proof of a belief in the Christian God.

    • @closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0
      @closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 Год назад +17

      So you believe a virgin got pregnant?

    • @lovebaltazar4610
      @lovebaltazar4610 Год назад +47

      @@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 he's saying that it proves Constantine believed in God

    • @Maxzes_
      @Maxzes_ Год назад

      So someone converting to Christianity is proof of the Christian god? Or is there something I’m missing?

    • @Maxzes_
      @Maxzes_ Год назад +3

      @@lovebaltazar4610That explains it.

    • @rembrantwithagrenade171
      @rembrantwithagrenade171 Год назад +8

      @@closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 Ever heard of artificial insemination?

  • @Eazy-ERyder
    @Eazy-ERyder 2 года назад +28

    WHAT the..?!?
    This video being called "The Great Lie" is bafflingly MISleading, even in regards the content of the video ItSelf

  • @daniels7907
    @daniels7907 Год назад +154

    Like many early Christian rulers, Constantine was essentially pagan in his *actions* regardless of his professed beliefs. It helped that Christianity was *not* as unified as many people like to pretend that it was at that time. Constantine was brutal and pragmatic, not pious and benevolent. The early Church, not being as powerful as some think, had to make concessions or else risk losing the support of their secular ruler. Christ may have been Lord, but Constantine was Emperor.

    • @catalyst772
      @catalyst772 Год назад +26

      You're either Brutal and Pragmatic, or you lose everything. I'm quite sure everyone, including Christians at the time, realized that.

    • @DD-ld1xq
      @DD-ld1xq Год назад +3

      @@catalyst772 Wrong.

    • @daniels7907
      @daniels7907 Год назад +15

      @@catalyst772 - Well, *especially* Christians. Constantine himself was never a big fan of bickering over the finer points of theology. He thought that the (often violent) conflicts between early Christian factions was a case of clergy with too much free time on their hands. The Chalcedonian faction were the ones who were most successful at convincing the Emperor that they could impose unity on Christians within the Empire. So he supported them even though he didn't really care about their theological hair-splitting. Constantine didn't want a religion that was split into denominations, even though that was inevitable since it was already the case. Hence the subsequent centuries of ruthless attacks on "heresy" by church and state alike.

    • @dwaynewojtysiak2815
      @dwaynewojtysiak2815 Год назад

      Priesthood kingship royal rule brotherhood of the snake freemasonry today has been the problem from very beginning its called the vril society's Arian race swastika Satanist blood sacrificing demons against humanity just so you know why do you think we rap our women and children and blood sacrifice them wack up.

    • @Jykobe491
      @Jykobe491 Год назад +3

      I thought Constantine loved Christianity and fought very hard for it, rather than tolerate it

  • @soare5182
    @soare5182 Год назад +28

    Right after Constantine's baptism, his leprosy fell off him. No subjective conviction can alter the truth. "You who didn't love the truth, you'll find pleasure in injustice." St. John Chrysostom

    • @turtlegrams6582
      @turtlegrams6582 Месяц назад +1

      Where's your Proof of your statement ?

  • @ikengaspirit3063
    @ikengaspirit3063 2 года назад +98

    I feel like this idea of a firm distinction between religions is a bi-product of Christian Churches having an official and firmly held dogma but that isn't how religious beliefs and affiliation play out among real people.
    It instead plays out as a fluid intersection/line that separates religions.
    So Constantine holding some Pagan believes even when he identifies as Christian and held Christian views as Paramount doesn't make him Pagan or semi-Pagan, he was Christian.
    The same way that European Peasants holding on to Pagan believes as real in form of witchcraft beliefs and superstitions, doesn't make them any less Christian.

    • @heathenpride7931
      @heathenpride7931 2 года назад +2

      By definition they’d all be heretics if not outright Heathens

    • @ikengaspirit3063
      @ikengaspirit3063 2 года назад +9

      @@heathenpride7931 heretic or schismatic but that's just fancy wats of saying bad Christian given that basically all Protestants are heretics but still considered Christian.

    • @jdwagman
      @jdwagman 2 года назад +21

      One coin is pure gold. The other is gold plated lead. Your assumption seems to be that both of are of equal value to the goldsmith. It is only in word but not in substance. The second coin is just as valuable only because the one wishing to pawn it off says it is so. There is no spirit of truth in this.

    • @ikengaspirit3063
      @ikengaspirit3063 2 года назад +1

      @@jdwagman ???

    • @jdwagman
      @jdwagman 2 года назад +17

      @@ikengaspirit3063 The 'gold" is God's word and truth through scripture. The coins are the religious doctrines, beliefs, and traditions. The coin which is pure "in scriptural truth" is valuable for pleasing God and receiving life. The gold plated coin represents doctrines and man made traditions and teachings that seem to be God's word on the outside surface but inside are false doctrines and traditions of men. The bible says that those who practice witchcraft and sorcery will not inherit the Kingdom. Just claiming to be a Christian but not upholding to it's requirements is worthless. It will only bring shame and rejection on judgment day.

  • @GarfieldRex
    @GarfieldRex 2 года назад +30

    Quality is a synonym of this channel 👌 loved the research, script, style, and animation. Thank you! And blessings. Greetings from 🇨🇴

  • @stuntman083
    @stuntman083 Год назад +20

    Constantine and Helen are Canonized Saints in the Orthodox Church. There is no vagueness

    • @4emrys
      @4emrys Год назад

      So they are canonized mistakenly, it looks like the Orthodox Church can and does make mistakes.

    • @stuntman083
      @stuntman083 Год назад +13

      @@4emrys It's no mistake

    • @arzhvr9259
      @arzhvr9259 Год назад +5

      You can’t really call another’s religion mistaken just say you’re prejudiced against it

    • @JB17521or
      @JB17521or 11 месяцев назад

      @@arzhvr9259yes you can. You cant say its wrong, but you can definitely say it is mistaken in certain aspects, if the religions claims are proven wrong.

  • @markadams7046
    @markadams7046 Год назад +21

    I head, as Romans often did, they identified their gods with gods of other cultures, specially the Greeks. Jupiter = Zeus, Juno = Hera, and so on. He likely identified Jesus with Sol Invictus.

    • @Randive
      @Randive Год назад +1


    • @clementineslaughter6904
      @clementineslaughter6904 5 месяцев назад +3

      I know that's right because Roman catholicism is not Christianity.

    • @yeetbagmcgee9376
      @yeetbagmcgee9376 4 месяца назад

      He wasnt roman catholic, he was orthodox.

    • @markadams7046
      @markadams7046 4 месяца назад

      At that time there really wasn't a distinction between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. It was just the Christian church.@@yeetbagmcgee9376

    • @Easternromanfan
      @Easternromanfan 2 месяца назад +1

      That's not right. Constantine was a orthodox Christian. His bed side baptism proves his dedication to God.

  • @davidblyth5495
    @davidblyth5495 Год назад +9

    Constantine did not interfere with the bishops at the conference.
    His concern was the division by the Arian heresy>
    The successor of Peter in Rome remained the final authority on doctrine.
    While he didn't attend the Council of Nicea himself, he endorsed its finding!
    This was not a new religion but the continuation of the Church established by the Christ.
    It took over 80 years to stop the Arian history which was quite prevalent in the East.
    Athanasius was a pivotal figure who often had to flee for his life or was exiled

    • @pshaka8708
      @pshaka8708 6 месяцев назад

      Catholics won't like to hear/accept the Truth..

    • @Animalsandwildlife.7527
      @Animalsandwildlife.7527 6 месяцев назад +1

      The mistake they made at the council was to switch the sabbath worship from Saturday to Sunday to appease constantine.

    • @davidblyth5495
      @davidblyth5495 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@Animalsandwildlife.7527 false!
      Constantine had no influence as the practice of Mass on Sundays (the first day of the week) existed during the apostolic times.
      There was no change of sabbath which as part of the Sinai covenant.
      The covenant of the New Testament is separate and new.
      Mass is celebrated all days of the week but as Sunday was the day of the Resurrection it enjoyed priority

    • @nugnorab5257
      @nugnorab5257 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@davidblyth5495We dis agree , look at the doctrine and practice of the chatholic church?
      It's not pure Christian.

    • @davidblyth5495
      @davidblyth5495 3 месяца назад

      @@nugnorab5257 you can't even type a simple post - how would you even know what is Christian or not?

  • @saxtonhalegaming
    @saxtonhalegaming 2 года назад +27

    My two cents is that Constantine grew up Pagan but because of an influx of Christian influence he began to see some truth in it. Eventually he fully converted despite keeping some old beliefs. I think that he may have shown sympathies toward the old Pagan way of Rome simply due to tradition. Rome had historically been Pagan, therefore it would be hard to shake that identity. Perhaps he was baptized on his deathbed because he knew that during his life he had to do cruel and morally wrong acts which would be unbecoming of a Christian, so he delayed it so secure his empire and only later repented.
    But as you said, primary sources regarding Constantine are few and many are contradictory. So a lot of information are educated theories as to what the life of Constantine really was. However, I do personally believe that he truly converted.

    • @melissadawson4668
      @melissadawson4668 2 года назад +4

      Yes, because good Christians have to do cruel and morally wrong things, and then repent when the time is right for them.... ???

    • @saxtonhalegaming
      @saxtonhalegaming 2 года назад +8

      @@melissadawson4668 hey man, life was turbulent in the Roman Empire. Emperors had to do bad things to secure the massive empires future. Pragmatism kept Rome afloat and unfortunately you sometimes need to sacrifice the morals of your faith for the good of the people. I'm not justifying the actions per say, but I understand why they had to be done.

    • @melissadawson4668
      @melissadawson4668 2 года назад +7

      @@saxtonhalegaming ... And things are not turbulent now? Immorality seems to always have an excuse.

    • @saxtonhalegaming
      @saxtonhalegaming 2 года назад +9

      @@melissadawson4668 Uh, yeah, things are not nearly as turbulent nowadays. Nowadays no one has a massive empire with enemies on all sides that could break with one bad emperor or one powerful enemy. Can you honestly say that the world today is the same place as when the Roman Empire existed?

    • @melissadawson4668
      @melissadawson4668 2 года назад +1

      @@saxtonhalegaming well, Russia and North Korea come to mind real quick... We could add just about any place in the middle east. These days, we don't need to have them right in our border. Shootings, terrorism... Heck, our own people attacking our capital building. We are on a dangerous path.

  • @internetxxx_pl0r3r_xxx77
    @internetxxx_pl0r3r_xxx77 2 года назад +18

    Get you just did a video on the British Isles, but after searching up the topic I realized no one's really done a proper video on what if Boudicca won. Could she have consolidated the tribes, albeit loosely in a "high king or Ireland" type of situation where she was in charge mostly in name? Would the island celts have restructured their society in the face of the latest Roman invasions, adopting a written language and a slightly more structured society to better resist a potential return? And if you want to get into it, would this humiliating defeat by backwater barbarians only further hasten to ousting of Emperor Nero?
    Great vid as always man. The echo effect on the Constantine vision part was a small detail but it really upped the quality.

    • @brigantiasmemerepository6439
      @brigantiasmemerepository6439 2 года назад +7

      As someone who really loves and has studied Boudicca and antiquity Britain/Albion, I can give some rough answers. It is more than likely that if Boudicca had won, the Celtic tribes of Britain would remain united in a loose tribal confederation, but almost certainly not with Boudicca leading it. The 'High King of Ireland' is a very good comparison, as there already was a similar 'King of the Britons' position in Brythonic society, and so we would expect to see a successful unified Briton uprising that kicks out the Romans to give more power and privilege to this previously ceremonial title; however a woman holding this position would be highly unlikely. The Britons rallied behind Boudicca on a war cry to push out the invaders and punish them for the atrocities committed against them; namely the alleged raping of Boudicca's daughters at the hands of the Romans. Fighting under Boudicca as a symbol of the Briton fury is a powerful moral boost and propaganda tool, but women very rarely, if ever, were actually established leaders of tribes. In fact, what little evidence we do have suggests Boudicca wasn't interested in becoming some Queen of the Britons, she really just wanted to kill the Romans. The most likely outcome of a Boudicca victory is that she would have stepped down and chosen one of her politically aligned tribal leaders to take over, and in the face of the Roman occupation and increasing Germanic incursions into their lands, the Britons would likely establish limited political and military reforms to fend off against these existential threats. Whether or not this tribal confederation would survive the centuries and go on to form the basis of a unified, centralized Briton state strong enough to beat back Germanic tribes, Pictish incursions, and Irish pirates, or if it would fall apart and return to infighting tribes is really mostly conjecture. However, given that when the Romans invaded Britannia a king named Cunobeline had already managed to consolidate a lot of military and political power in the south of modern day England, I am personally biased towards believing the Britons would have been successful in uniting into a more cohesive and powerful realm.

    • @kubhlaikhan2015
      @kubhlaikhan2015 Год назад +3

      Your assumption is that the Romans arrived purely as uninvited invaders. In fact there are some good reasons to believe they had many friends, allies and trading partners before they brought in their own troops. By no means were all the people slaughtered by Boudicca in Camulodenum and Londinium foreigners (ie continentals). Therefore a Roman defeat in the field would almost certainly not have united the Britons and a Roman return would have been almost inevitable. For example, there is evidence of Roman style villas being built in the south of England before the date of the ostensible "Roman conquest". The Romans preferred to represent the expansion of the empire as wholly military fetes because it scored political points back in Rome.

    • @King_Cova
      @King_Cova Год назад

      I don't for one second think you have studied British Celtic history. You have a lot of guess work and out right falsehoods in your narrative. But I suppose when you decide to put in your own feeling rather than the truth this happens .

    • @brigantiasmemerepository6439
      @brigantiasmemerepository6439 Год назад

      @@King_Cova okay, could you clarify what you disagree with? I feel my comment is reasonably accurate, though with a fair bit of personal conjecture (as I noted), so I would be curious to hear what gave you such a negative impression.

    • @King_Cova
      @King_Cova Год назад

      Okay you are suggesting with what little evidence that we have on Boudicca that she would have just rolled over and gave up the power for someone else 🤣 okay you clearly don't understand Celtic tribes, power was centralised it didn't matter if you were a man or a woman, if you have the money the resources and the man power you were in charge (Christianity really messed this one up though, since most people are under the belief that only men are in charge because that's how the world has viewed it due to Christianity).
      So as the most power tribal chief in Briton no she would most likely have married another powerful tribal chief and consolidated their power together, as this is the the most likely outcome, not rolling over for someone else as you put it.
      The high king of Ireland, a false narrative an excuse for the English Norman's to invade Ireland and claim the crown for themselves, but there is no actual evidence there was a centralised kingship of Ireland, the only time this came back up when Robert the Bruce's brother tried to Unite the Irish and the Scots against the English.
      So comparing a false narrative to Boudicca isn't a great example.
      Now you see when you add in your own ideas the truth get away, yes I know I peppered in my own thoughts but it was literally to counteract what the mostly likely outcome actually was compared to what you thought.

  • @Shusiareed
    @Shusiareed 2 года назад +30

    - What if the HRE managed to become a centralized state
    - What if Rome conquered Germania
    - What if the Reformation never happend
    - What if the catholics won the 30 years war
    - What if Cesar lived

    • @KaiserFranzJosefI
      @KaiserFranzJosefI 2 года назад +4

      The HRE was a centralized state until the Great Interregnum

    • @selfiekroos1777
      @selfiekroos1777 Год назад +1

      What if Egypt stayed Christian?

    • @aaronTGP_3756
      @aaronTGP_3756 Год назад

      ​@@KaiserFranzJosefI Exactly. Well, not centralized per se (feudalism was a thing) but definitely united. Had Heinrich VI successfully implemented his plan of permanent hereditary succession, the HRE would continue to centralize. With Sicily under Hohenstaufen rule, the Pope would find himself trapped. So potentially the Emperor could make himself the head of Christendom. An HRE with all of Germany and Italy could become ridiculously powerful under the Emperors.

    • @KaiserFranzJosefI
      @KaiserFranzJosefI Год назад

      @@aaronTGP_3756 As "centralized" as any Medieval State was. Nonetheless, the Empire came to become the caricature its known for after the Great Interregnum

    • @rayzas4885
      @rayzas4885 Год назад

      ​@@KaiserFranzJosefIThe habsburg dominated the empire until the rise of prussia tho

  • @AleaRandomAm
    @AleaRandomAm 2 года назад +28

    Video idea: What if my wife never left me?

    • @historyrhymes1701
      @historyrhymes1701  2 года назад +19

      Sorry. First is " What if my dad finally found where the milk is"

    • @runner6607
      @runner6607 Год назад +2

      @@historyrhymes1701 💀💀💀

    • @FadedResolutions
      @FadedResolutions Год назад +1

      @@historyrhymes1701 Video idea: 5 easy steps to heal that burn.

  • @georgekallides2145
    @georgekallides2145 Год назад +5

    "Eν τούτω νίκα" is what appeared in the sky together with a cross, which means "win with this" that is, the cross, not "conquer" as referred to in the video. Konstantinos was the initiator for the statement of the symbol of faith, declared free religious worship, built Constantinople as the capital of the future 1000 years Christian empire, and worshiped the resurrected God in his life.
    His mother, Helen, unearthed the holy cross and built the temple of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. They are both depicted as saints of the Orthodox Church in the same icon holding the holy cross between them. Saint Konstantinos and Saint Helen are isapostles, equal to the Apostles, as they spread Christianity as true apostles.

  • @uncatila
    @uncatila Год назад +5

    Constantine in heaven will watch the protestants scream for water as they wallow in purgatory for the sin of unbelief.

  • @jimmynolet3752
    @jimmynolet3752 2 года назад +12

    I have his books Constantine definitely was Christian he spoke about too many secret things....I'm Prodestant

  • @IamSome1
    @IamSome1 2 года назад +8

    Simple answer: Yes
    *Its like asking if he existed or not*

    • @deer563
      @deer563 Год назад

      There is some evidence

    • @Dangerous_123-f1j
      @Dangerous_123-f1j Год назад

      @@deer563 there is enough evidence to understand that he converted

    • @deer563
      @deer563 Год назад

      @@Dangerous_123-f1j he was only baptized on his Deathbed but you can't exactly be sure if he did convert

    • @Dangerous_123-f1j
      @Dangerous_123-f1j Год назад

      @@deer563 if he did not do that then tell me what about edict of milen.

  • @ericbencusmagnusfabricius3499
    @ericbencusmagnusfabricius3499 Год назад +5

    Im far from being an expert but this is what I've heard. sol invictus is the roman version of mithraism which was a wide spread and a quite liberal, prometian religion in the late empire. this religion has a lot of simularities with christianity. Constantine had to unite rome so he converted out of politics. the main reason was the spread of ortodox-zoroastrianism overthrowed the mostly peaceful leadership in persia, commited violent inquisitions, and started to cause problems for the roman empire... but I could be wrong idk

    • @arzhvr9259
      @arzhvr9259 Год назад +2

      Categories like liberal don’t map onto the ancient world

    • @arzhvr9259
      @arzhvr9259 Год назад

      Also wtf are you talking about Zoroastrianism?

    • @ericbencusmagnusfabricius3499
      @ericbencusmagnusfabricius3499 Год назад +2

      ​@@arzhvr9259 lol... classical liberalism means freedom of us... neo-liberalism mean freedom of market AKA post-capitalist semi-feudal cyberpunk dystopia ...they aren't the same
      wtf is your question
      read about the late Persian empire the conflict between the Sasanians and Parthians

    • @edwardmiessner6502
      @edwardmiessner6502 Год назад +3

      A Zoroastrian Inquisition? You don't say...
      Monty Python version:
      (Musical cue as inquisitors burst in)

    • @user-yj4jj2tc3r
      @user-yj4jj2tc3r Год назад

      There is afact about constantine the son of Helena catholic try to pretend he was founder the Christian civilization. But if reffer to history from first AD there were too many secret Christian society in Armenia Anatolia Georgia Syria mesopotamia Jerusalem Egypt even eastern europe ostrogoths,Dalmatia,Greece,Ireland,some part of Italy. before 312AD.

  • @andrefarfan4372
    @andrefarfan4372 2 года назад +3

    Great job video.

  • @theodoreroberts3407
    @theodoreroberts3407 Год назад +2

    This is so very interesting, but it requires a deeper dive to find it and many other things. Be aware, certain things tend to disappear often.
    About 10 years ago I did a paper on Constantine.

  • @scottayers8143
    @scottayers8143 Год назад +7

    I honestly think his conversion was one of the best things to happen to Rome, a great empire finally allowing people to pray and absolutely beautiful churches to be made!

    • @gearbear4530
      @gearbear4530 Год назад

      meh, shut up galilean

    • @scottayers8143
      @scottayers8143 Год назад +1

      @@gearbear4530 Why should I lessen to you?

    • @Randive
      @Randive Год назад

      Christianity led to the downfall of rome and her culture

    • @justin36004
      @justin36004 Год назад

      @@Randive then how come did it continue on in the East until 1453

    • @Randive
      @Randive Год назад

      @@justin36004 Roman culture became no more and Europe divided. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  • @drinmaliqi9531
    @drinmaliqi9531 2 года назад +4

    Good video keep going

  • @marcusaurelius9577
    @marcusaurelius9577 2 года назад +6

    Here’s an idea for a video what if Bulgaria and Serbia we’re part of Russia

    • @marcusaurelius9577
      @marcusaurelius9577 2 года назад +1

      @New History Official I have wondered that myself they could probably annex Bulgaria because it join the central powers and since the Russians would get Constantinople it would be logical to link up their territories with Ukraine
      but I think if Russia industrialize quicker I think it would’ve if it won the Crimean war or
      This is another what if they are connected with three other whatever’s of the same person Napoleon if he invaded the Ottoman Empire instead of Russia ( The other two parts or what if Napoleon married a Russian princess and what if he never invaded Spain all three of these scenarios can go together into one big one ) because that would let Russia get a lot
      more influence and a lot more territory from the Ottoman Empire that either destroyed or extremely weekend and has lost all of its Eastern Europe territories because Bulgaria Greece and Serbia would all be independent
      but since they’re orthodox and Russia would get its part territory from the dying Ottomans it would be able to have more control and influence over it Slavic in orthodox brothers
      If you want you can take my idea of Napoleon what if’s because all three of them can go together and work together into one scenario

    • @marcusaurelius9577
      @marcusaurelius9577 2 года назад +1

      @New History Official hope you can get an order for your videos soon I like your videos I can’t wait to see the new ones
      And if you want to use the three Napoleon scenarios you can for any future videos

  • @EpicEons1
    @EpicEons1 Месяц назад

    Constantine was British, so was his mother Helen. Helen was a British Royal and raised Constantine from birth as a Christian. Constantine was a distant blood relative to the Holy family.
    Source The Holy Kingdom by Adrian Gilbert.

    • @adrianarivoltella5940
      @adrianarivoltella5940 Месяц назад

      Mi risulta che la gran parte degli Storici dicono che la madre di Costantino era della Bitinia (Turchia). Se ho tempo approfondirò l'argomento. Vorrei però sapere come fa ad essere Britannico e, nello stesso tempo, parente di sangue di una famiglia palestinese.

  • @srfrg9707
    @srfrg9707 Год назад +1

    It's useless to try to find the moment Constantine converted because that's not what was important for the conversion of the empire. Constantine converted because a large part of the citizens of the empire was christian already and this was obvious in the fact that the emperor Diocletian was persecuting a lot of people in the Greek speaking part of the empire where christianity first arose. Constantine understood that times had changed. He understood that the eastern part of the empire was more important. Already Rome was not the capital anymore. It was Milano. And the population in the east was mostly christian. Therefore if he wanted his project to succeed he had to move the capital town of the empire eastwards and adopt the ideas of the eastern citizens.

  • @phoenixrises2686
    @phoenixrises2686 2 года назад +8

    can you continue the roman britian what if,it was interesting.

    • @xybai5152
      @xybai5152 9 месяцев назад

      today's britain is roman britain, corrupted

  • @TheJoaovicente
    @TheJoaovicente Год назад +2

    So, in short, we don't know what exactly made him convert

    • @soteriology400
      @soteriology400 2 месяца назад

      I personally do not think he ever converted. His decisions were largely for power.

  • @dariovecchi156
    @dariovecchi156 Год назад +1

    Christianity as we think, in that time didnt exist.
    Costantin gets converted to something that today doesnt exist anymore

  • @ale-xsantos1078
    @ale-xsantos1078 2 года назад +11

    I guess Dovahhaty's description of him was actually accurate then

    • @lordomega9959
      @lordomega9959 2 года назад

      @@antileneheranfouche5118 your tongue will be the first to go and I will carry it throughout the land and proclaim that I have cut off the tongue of a liar and slain the scoundrel who once wagged it

    • @iroga9764
      @iroga9764 2 года назад +21

      No it wasn't. Its pagan larp to claim one of the greatest roman emperors as not being a Christian.

    • @lordomega9959
      @lordomega9959 2 года назад +3

      @@iroga9764 exactly

    • @iDeathMaximuMII
      @iDeathMaximuMII Год назад +1

      @iroga9764 He was a Pagan for half of his life, you don't just throw away a religion you've been faithful to since birth because of 1 "Vision" that he got before the Milvian Bridge. He might've stayed Pagan till the early 330's when he was finally showing his age & had to slow down, the guy wasn't even baptized until literal hours before his death

    • @ale-xsantos1078
      @ale-xsantos1078 Год назад +4

      To be fair he did it so late because he was mislead by the belief that he would only get all his sins forgiven if he was baptised in his deathbed due to all the gruesome things he had to do to stay in power
      In reality baptism is supposed to cleanse you of all sins period, past present and future, but it shows how despite truly accepting the christian God as his own his knowledge of christian beliefs was still limited and so in doubt he still went with what made sense to him according to his upbringing, like you said

  • @eliasabourjeily999
    @eliasabourjeily999 Год назад +4

    Emperor Constantine supported the doctrine defended by Arius because he was baptized by Eusabios of Nicomedia on his deathbed. Eusabios supported the doctrine defended by Arius. Constantine the Great also allowed Arius to return to Constantinople where Arius was assassinated.

    • @pantelimon03
      @pantelimon03 Год назад +1

      Non-sense Eusabios was an palate presbyterian, there are no proofs that Constantine supported his arianism. Single important detail is that Eusabios wasn't out of the church when he baptized Constantine.

    • @eliasabourjeily999
      @eliasabourjeily999 Год назад

      @@pantelimon03 the church back then was divided between Arianism and the doctrine supported by the Council of Niccea. One could be Arian back then and be part of the Arian church. And it is known that Eusabios was Arian and he is the one who baptised Constantine so Constantine was baptized by an Arian priest which means he supported Arianism. It is what history records say.

    • @pantelimon03
      @pantelimon03 Год назад

      @@eliasabourjeily999 There is no historical consensus on this topic. Single fact that matters is that Esebius was in the church, we even know that Constantine named Athanasius "man of God".

    • @eliasabourjeily999
      @eliasabourjeily999 Год назад

      @@pantelimon03 for me Constantine changed from supporting niccea to Arianism and overall history was subjectively rewritten.

    • @pantelimon03
      @pantelimon03 Год назад

      @@eliasabourjeily999 He supported Church.

  • @gideonwlind
    @gideonwlind 2 года назад +2

    Could I suggest a potential video for you to make? :)

  • @roccidisopa661
    @roccidisopa661 Год назад +3

    Comrade, who is narrating this? Jeez…

  • @eru.maewos7673
    @eru.maewos7673 Год назад +2

    Constantine was for sure (1) a populist and (2) intelectual, for he saw in Christianity the popular unifying force that he needed while making the figure of "Imperator" as close as he could to the image of "representative of God on Earth". The guy was no dumb one, but was he good? I doubt so...

  • @rosegarza676
    @rosegarza676 Год назад +1

    He was not a true Christian. He introduced pagan practices into it.

  • @tecumsehcristero
    @tecumsehcristero Год назад +1

    8:31 you claim that "Constantine would involve himself in the decisions of the councils"
    See how Constantine only called one council 1st Nicea in AD 325 I don't know why you are puralizing the word council but more importantly
    Constantine did Not involve himself in the debates, decisions or outcome of the council. In fact Constantine died an Ayran not a Nicean Christian.
    I would like to know what source gave you the idea that Constantine was involved in the outcome of the decision of Nicea? Because neither myself not any scholar of late antiquity has access to that information since all sources point or explicitly state the contrary.
    PS Richard Dawkins, Pen Jillette and Edward Gibbon do not count as authoritative scholars on the life, beliefs and actions of Constantine The Great

  • @gamingthisera6339
    @gamingthisera6339 Год назад +5

    He's definitely a christian, you don't automatically know anything about the book just because follow it

  • @duboisdvoleur
    @duboisdvoleur Год назад +1

    I have always thought that he converted to please his mother , as any good son would.

    • @Randive
      @Randive Год назад

      It’s not the son’s job to please his mother.

  • @jarbropro6283
    @jarbropro6283 2 года назад +5

    Maybe some less known historical debates next time?
    Example: What if the Sorbians conquered Germany?

  • @tigerscott2966
    @tigerscott2966 Год назад +1

    Good video...thanks.

  • @chucksmith4624
    @chucksmith4624 Год назад +1

    *FOOD FOR THOUGHT* *Let's see if any of the Adventists can answer this question? What MARK did the Sabbath keepers have that betrayed, persecuted, falsely accused, beat and murdered their own prophets, Christ and the Apostles?* *What "Mark" did Judas, the "Son of Perdition" and devout Sabbath keeper have who betrayed Christ with a Kiss?*

  • @montimiller2743
    @montimiller2743 2 месяца назад

    People today need to know and realize, it doesn't matter what you profess your faith is, or who told/showed you whatever vision. Our faith or belief is truly shown by the way we carry ourselves, or our actions towards others or how do we treat others, especially those whom are poor and need help/prayers/whatever! Matt.7:16-20 says~"You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bears good fruit but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit."

  • @Scankarl
    @Scankarl 2 года назад +1

    Great Video

  • @austinfurgason3634
    @austinfurgason3634 Год назад +8

    We’ll if course you have to debunk Constantine, because his story proves Christianity is true and God is real and has power. Christianity started with 12 fisherman and took the world. Because Christ is God become man. A church made by God himself.

    • @ravilcn
      @ravilcn Год назад

      Explain how it proves God is real and has power? I'll wait. All I see was a Constantine story told in different ways years after it supposedly happened. The contemporary accounts right after the battle happened as well as his own actions does not support this story. All I see is an Emperor who became tolerant of other religions and probably converted late in life for reasons that may or may not be legit belief.

    • @austinfurgason3634
      @austinfurgason3634 Год назад

      @@ravilcn He had a vision of the cross, and heard “conquer in this sign,” and one the battle and legalized Christianity after the Diocletian persecutions making him a great Christian hero. This is the historical account. He called the first Echumenical council and later was baptized a Christian and since him the Roman Empire became christian besides emperor Julian the apostate. The Jews rejected Christ because they were expecting a man who would liberate them from the Romans. And in Gods providence He did, not in the way they thought. And fulfilled all the OT prophesies. He overcame the world in an organic way, not like the Muslims through military conquest but through the faith, real love, charity, wonders and persistence of the saints and martyrs. All these secular scholars think there so clever mincing history and debunking God. These things are obvious but you refuse to have faith, and receive Gods grace, not because of logic, reason and knowledge, but because you don’t want to change. How much blind faith does it take to believe that nothing created everything, a world spinning a 1000m/h, millions of miles away from the sun and just warm enough to ripen a tomato. Even the atheist climate alarmist believe a few decimals one way or the other and we are all dead. And too believe that all the elements came from nothing, and that you evolved from lightning hitting pond scum. And what does believing all these lies get you, nothing.. We’ll if you want to be a fool for sin, I feel sorry for you, I will be a fool for Christ, and live forever in paradise!
      Praise God for his grace and the beautiful life I have, and that he’s spared my family from this most corrupt generation. Salvation belongs to Christ and holy Orthodox Church!

    • @closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0
      @closetglobe.IRGUN.NW0 Год назад

      ​@@austinfurgason3634 just the orthodox?

    • @ravilcn
      @ravilcn Год назад

      @@austinfurgason3634 where is the proof he had that "vision"? That is a story that came out many years after the fact. If he had such a vision wouldn't it have made more sense to convert immediately after the battle instead of years later? Common sense would say you would convert right away and worship this powerful god. Common sense says you would make it the official religion of the land. Instead he gave religious freedom to the christians, as well as every other persecuted religion in the Empire during that time. He never had that vision. It is a legend made up after the fact.
      As for christianity being spread peacefully as you have stated....Are you being serious? Christianity has as much, if not more, blood on it's hands than islam. I am amazed you can say that with a straight face. Worship as you please but you cannot prove your god so stop coming to threads like this and spouting nonsense. Science can prove the things you questioned. You cannot offer a SINGLE bit of proof for you god.
      I'll ask you again. Provide any proof that this story proves your god. You gave me nonsense that did not demonstrate any proof. In fact just provide a single piece of proof that proves your god. If you can, I assure you that you will win a Nobel prize. Since you can't perhaps you should stick to faith based discussions.

    • @austinfurgason3634
      @austinfurgason3634 Год назад

      @@ravilcn I said in my last post how you have faith in make believe, and scientific impossible things. Of course there’s evidence for God. You just don’t want to see it because you love lies and sin. Creation is evidence of God, your ability to reason and conceptualize beauty is evidence of God, there is archeological evidence that what the bible said happened has and all its prophecy’s have come true, the dates and times of evident s in bible are proven to be in line with history. No Christianity was not spread through violence, the spread of Christianity around the world, is a testimony to the miraculous. Like Saint Patrick converting all of the pagan druids to Christianity. We’ll history says that miracles happened. One of thousands of story’s. And story’s matter, but because of your sickness your going to spend your meaningless life debunking them. Idk why I would type this out though your so hard headed. But I feel sorry for you, a meaningless spec of starburst meaninglessly debating me for nothing. Well if sure take the Muslims over you. Aithest have killed more in the holocost and in communist revolution then both of us combined. Because of your sad and nilhilistic, materialistic worldview. And your selfish ambitions to feed to the flesh. You have rejected Christ who came to sinners because of your foolish reasoning, to live in a meaningless world to justify living in whatever way makes you feel good. So feel good, and enjoy much because next comes torment. I feel sorry for you.

  • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
    @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 Год назад +1

    What if Constantine didn't kill Crispus?

  • @purebloodstevetungate5418
    @purebloodstevetungate5418 Год назад +4

    Constantine was if anything pragmatic he knew without getting support from the rising faith of christianity to save the empire its no wonder when he called the First Council of Nicaea in 325 the influence of paganism another pragmatic decision to not lose those that still worshipped pagan gods of Rome integrated them in to the original dogma that later evolved in to Catholicism.

  • @v2t4g77
    @v2t4g77 Год назад +1

    Roman Emperor was the one to changes Gods appointed times and the Catholic Church was responsible for killing off Gods people at that time. Daniel 7:25 prophesied and it was fulfilled when Constantine abolished the Sabbath in 321 ad and replaced it with Sunday worship and abolished New Covenant Passover 325 ad replacing it with Communion and Christmas worship which are all pagan and do not hold the promises of God in them

  • @onceamusician5408
    @onceamusician5408 9 месяцев назад

    as for baptism at that time infant baptism was totally unknown. it was adult believer baptism only.
    so many christians were so terrified of sinning after baptism ( a couple of out of context bible verse seem to imply this terror was justified) that they delayed baptism till their deathbed
    so his delayed baptism was not atypical for the times and cannot be taken as proof he did not convert till his deathbed

    • @Alfred5555
      @Alfred5555 9 месяцев назад

      Depends what you mean by "conversion", if you believe baptism is required for conversion, then he didn't do it until his deathbed.
      Besides all this, much of the symbolism he brought in was pagan syncretism, and the form of Christianity he converted to was Arianism anyway, since he grew up in the West surrounded by Germanic society at that time. His father was a member of Aurelian's praetorian guard (Aurelian being the emperor who brought Sol Invictus and the Sun Cross to prominence in Rome), when you understand the context and significance of Aurelian it's not surprising that the "cross" became the symbol of Rome, but it wasn't a modern crucifix, it was the pagan sun cross, many such syncretism's happened during this time, such as the inexplicable setting of Christmas on the 25th of December, which just so happened to be the same day as Aurelian's Sol Invictus festival.

  • @owlley
    @owlley 5 месяцев назад

    embarrassing for the catholics that Constantine was baptized by Eusebius who was a heretic Arianist. he wasn't baptized by Sylvester. maybe Eusebius formed him in his own image. what's clear is that Constantine changed the church forever. it was essentially 'bought out' like a startup. and therefore I believe protestant christians have a point. it was never the same again after being assimilated and essentially controlled into the roman power structures.

  • @cameronoleary3916
    @cameronoleary3916 Год назад +2

    St. Constantine pray for us

  • @KertPerteson
    @KertPerteson 2 года назад +2

    Amazing that he still believes in two seperate things

  • @dharmapersona2084
    @dharmapersona2084 2 года назад +3

    Nice video on Constantine

  • @user-sj3hf3vt9l
    @user-sj3hf3vt9l Год назад +1

    It is not "By this conquer"
    It is "By this win". !!!

  • @MBP1918
    @MBP1918 2 года назад +1

    Interesting video

  • @risonetetatiana9432
    @risonetetatiana9432 Год назад +2

    If you consider Constantine actions then realize that he has been one of the worst enemies of Rome
    He ended the Praetorian guard about ten thousand men making the city defendless
    He transferred the capital stipping it of people and even statues and resources
    He settled the militaries of the large mobile units into cities so dispersing them and lost motivation to train
    Of course he did not act as a Saint

    • @iDeathMaximuMII
      @iDeathMaximuMII Год назад +4

      You can not defend the Praetorian Guard my man, it was time for them to go & Constantine was the one

  • @poi2lkj3mnb
    @poi2lkj3mnb Год назад +2

    Constantine and his father were major political figures in Rome, where religion and politics were deeply intertwined. Actions like limited implementation of the Christian persecution and the Edict of Milan must therfore be understood as political decisions taken by a faction of those at the hights of imperial power for pragmatic reasons of government.
    To then eschew a serious investigation of the politics of the era in favor of speculating about Constantine's personal beliefs is a travesty. Worthy of only the most elementary minds, this decision does nothing but help the decline of critical thinking among the population. It encourages moralistic posturing on the character of Constantine while discouraging critical investigation. In truth, more harm than good is done by this video. You should delete it and make a better one.

  • @DMK717
    @DMK717 2 года назад +1


    • @followerofyahushua3101
      @followerofyahushua3101 Год назад

      Why would the Messiah bless any pagan practice departing from His word, mixing pagan practices including the name change ? Why did followers go along with Constantine’s Creed?
      Creed of Constantinople Church
      “I renounce all customs, rites, legalisms, unleavened breads and sacrifices of lambs of the Hebrews, and all the other feasts of the Hebrews, sacrifices, prayers, aspirations, purifications, sanctifications, and propitiations, and fasts and New Moons, and Sabbaths, and superstitions, and hymns and chants, and observances, and synagogues.
      Absolutely everything Jewish, every [TORAH] Law, rite and custom and if afterwards I shall wish to deny and return to Jewish superstition, or shall be found eating with Jews, or feasting with them, or secretly conversing and condemning the Christian religion instead of openly confuting them and condemning their vain faith, then let the trembling of Cain and the leprosy of Gehazi cleave to me, as well as the legal punishments to which I acknowledge myself liable. And may I be an anathema in the world to come, and may my soul be set down with Satan and the devils.” Stefano Assemani, Acta Sanctorium Martyrum Orientalium at Occidentalium, Vol. 1, Rome 1748, page 105. [Emphasis mine]
      Although the image at the top of this article depicts this Creed in Greek, the original was in Latin as recorded below:
      “Renuntio omnium mores, ritus, legalisms azymos panes Hebraeorum et sacrificia ex agnis, et solemnitatibus ceteris Hebraeorum sacrificia, vota, appetitiones, purgationes, sanctificationibus procurationesque et ieiunia et in kalendis et in sabbatis et superstitiones, et hymnis, et canticis, et observationibus, et synagogam eorum. Omnia simpliciter Iudaea omnibus legibus implicatus consuetudine ritus postea negare velitis et revertens et Judaica pravitate sive inventus fuerit comedens cum Iudaeis eis convivium, pro Christiana religione aperte an clam condemnare redarguens eos colloquentes condemnare vana fides, tunc et tremore Cain lepra Giezi adhaereat mihi ut et ego agnosco cui subiacet obnoxium. Et ego anathema esse in futuro seculo, et sedi cum Patre meo anima Satanam eiicit daemonia

  • @ronwalker4849
    @ronwalker4849 Год назад +3


  • @selfiekroos1777
    @selfiekroos1777 Год назад +1


  • @ironboley
    @ironboley Год назад +1

    What all of you in the comments dont understand is all the people God Chooses or already Chose were flawed! Abraham lacked faith so he lies about his wife being his sister, Samson was a sadist and lustful, David killed his own gneral because he was sleeping with his wife named BATHSHEBA! AND LIST GOES ON! So Constantine being NOT being perfect in his faith is no big surprise! GOD is interested in your heart and you desire to change and be better. Thats why he forgives. Mary Magdalene was a Natorius prostitute in a time before Only fans! AND THE LIST GOES ON! God is looking at your heart ❤️!

    • @GAF2234
      @GAF2234 Год назад +1

      What a lie😂

    • @Geo-Global-oz5kl
      @Geo-Global-oz5kl 2 месяца назад


  • @jhoughjr1
    @jhoughjr1 Год назад +1

    everyone loves SOL INVICTUS

  • @KertPerteson
    @KertPerteson 2 года назад +1

    What is the truth about Constantine?

  • @tonylarussa4046
    @tonylarussa4046 6 месяцев назад

    It is said that he converted to Christianity on his deathbed.

  • @ashleytull8524
    @ashleytull8524 3 месяца назад

    Constantine was baptized by a Christian Arian Priest. Roman Catholics hated Arians, even persecuted and killed them. Constantine only got baptized on his death bed because he wanted forgiveness from Jehovah God for boiling the emperor's wife to death and executing his innocent son who he wrongly assumed had turned against him.

    • @user-mw7cd1vk5t
      @user-mw7cd1vk5t 3 месяца назад

      It is not a fact that Crispus was “white and fluffy.” After all, as was said, they were not freed from the curse of memory, although why if there was innocence? Konstantin was a man who could “give back.” Maximian was his enemy, but nevertheless, he first “bestowed” the curse of memory, and then canceled it. But this was not the case with Crispus, which hints that society may have blamed only the woman, but the emperor had a different opinion about him.

  • @chucksmith4624
    @chucksmith4624 Год назад

    I hope everyone watching this video reads this and understands the words of Christ, "Where the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered" in Mt. 24

  • @kierkegaardi
    @kierkegaardi Год назад +2

    59: The whole labour of the ancient world gone for naught: I have no word to describe the feelings that such an enormity arouses in me.-And, considering the fact that its labour was merely preparatory, that with adamantine self-consciousness it laid only the foundations for a work to go on for thousands of years, the whole meaning of antiquity disappears!... To what end the Greeks? to what end the Romans?-All the prerequisites to a learned culture, all the methods of science, were already there; man had already perfected the great and incomparable art of reading profitably-that first necessity to the tradition of culture, the unity of the sciences; the natural sciences, in alliance with mathematics and mechanics, were on the right road,-the sense of fact, the last and more valuable of all the senses, had its schools, and its traditions were already centuries old! Is all this properly understood? Every essential to the beginning of the work was ready:-and the most essential, it cannot be said too often, are methods, and also the most difficult to develop, and the longest opposed by habit and laziness. What we have today reconquered, with unspeakable self-discipline, for ourselves-for certain bad instincts, certain Christian instincts, still lurk in our bodies-that is to say, the keen eye for reality, the cautious hand, patience and seriousness in the smallest things, the whole integrity of knowledge-all these things were already there, and had been there for two thousand years! More, there was also a refined and excellent tact and taste! Not as mere brain-drilling! Not as “German” culture, with its loutish manners! But as body, as bearing, as instinct-in short, as reality.... All gone for naught! Overnight it became merely a memory!-The Greeks! The Romans! Instinctive nobility, taste, methodical inquiry, genius for organization and administration, faith in and the will to secure the future of man, a great yes to everything entering into the imperium Romanum and palpable to all the senses, a grand style that was beyond mere art, but had become reality, truth, life....-All overwhelmed in a night, but not by a convulsion of nature! Not trampled to death by Teutons and others of heavy hoof! But brought to shame by crafty, sneaking, invisible, anæmic vampires! Not conquered,-only sucked dry!... Hidden vengefulness, petty envy, became master! Everything wretched, intrinsically ailing, and invaded by bad feelings, the whole ghetto-world of the soul, was at once on top!-One needs but read any of the Christian agitators, for example, St. Augustine, in order to realize, in order to smell, what filthy fellows came to the top. It would be an error, however, to assume that there was any lack of understanding in the leaders of the Christian movement:-ah, but they were clever, clever to the point of holiness, these fathers of the church! What they lacked was something quite different. Nature neglected-perhaps forgot-to give them even the most modest endowment of respectable, of upright, of cleanly instincts.... Between ourselves, they are not even men.... If Islam despises Christianity, it has a thousandfold right to do so: Islam at least assumes that it is dealing with men....

  • @baronghede2365
    @baronghede2365 8 месяцев назад

    I am from Alabama and was born into a Baptist Christian family but I've left it and I'm a member of the occult it's made my life better in so many ways, Blessed Be.

  • @cpt7752
    @cpt7752 2 года назад +2

    Вие ли сте православен християнин?

  • @GarfieldRex
    @GarfieldRex 2 года назад +2

    A doubtful man that entered Christianity in a very slow and shy way may be the best option.

  • @esc19
    @esc19 3 месяца назад

    Constantine the great and justanin were born in dardania - naissus of Illyrian origin and was the Imperator of the Roman Empire

  • @Cheezeakamp
    @Cheezeakamp Год назад

    he was a black nappy haired ninja u didnt know?

  • @trapbeibe
    @trapbeibe 2 года назад +3

    Keep up the good work!! 🤝

    • @garystanfield2274
      @garystanfield2274 Год назад

      1. Constantine was the last Emperor with his, the 11th Emperor persecution that killed off the last of Yahweh’s elect.
      2. Constantine’s killing of the last of the elect opened the 5th Seal. The 5th Seal is the rule of the Papacy and we are living at the very end of it as the Papacy is getting its power back. Yahweh destroys this system at His return. Constantine started it and the last Pope will be the end of it.
      3. Constantine created Christianity, which has always been pagan to the core. Christianity was a pagan religion in Egypt and the Mediterranean area, so Constantine took that title to bring all pagans under one heading since only pagans were left after all Yahweh's elect were killed off. and took the scriptures and perverted them to make Christianity more appealing to all the pagans. Then Christianized the pagan holidays. Constantine's Christianity incorporated Saturnalia into the religion of calling it Christmas in the 4th Century AD. No such festival exists in the Scriptures. It is directly from Babylon. The origin of the X-mas Tree (X or “the cross” is the symbol of Tammuz and the mark/monogram of Jesus Christ) is actually the Tammuz/Nimrod Tree and has absolutely nothing to do with The Messiah or The Truth found in scripture.
      4. Constantine created Christianity, so it would absorb all pagan religions and without denominations. At the time of the 7 Year Peace Plan the Pope during the Tribulation part of it, which is the last 3 1/2 years of it, will make Christianity the One World Religion and it will absorb all pagan religions and there will be no more denominations in it and thus, making it like Constantine had started it out to be.
      5. Constantine and his pagan bishops made the scriptures void of salvation by putting pagan deity names and words into the scriptures and taking Yahweh’s name out.
      6. Constantine is the one that gave the pagan names Jesus and Christ, also Lord and God to believe in to deceive the world.
      7. Constantine in 331 A.D. had the 50 of his pagan scriptures done in the GREEK and the only ones allowed at that time. The Fifty Scriptures of Constantine were scriptures in the Greek language taken from the Hebrew and were commissioned in 331 by Constantine and prepared by Eusebius of Caesarea.
      I heard a priest on the radio 3/16/2022, say that he got to see the oldest complete bible in existence today with all the books, made in 332 A.D.when he was in the Vatican Library. Then he brings up Constantine and said that Constantine had 50 scriptures made,he mentioned nothing about Constantine having them done in the Greek though. If they still have Constantine's then it seems they would be holding on to the originals That Constantine had used to put his into the Greek.
      In 405 A.D. Jerome put Constantine's into the Latin, which became known as Jerome’s Latin Vulgate the only scriptures to be had for over one thousand years locked up in the Latin tongue and the common person did not know Latin. In 1516 Erasmus puts the Latin back into the Greek, which they are calling the original Greek today to cover-up that Constantine already had them made into the Greek.
      In a parallel fashion to Ardashir, Constantine bases his monotheistic religion on the "Holy Writ" of the New Testament literature, which he lavishly publishes in the Greek language for the benefit and edification of the Alexandrian Greek populace and the empire. He orders for the destruction of the writings of any opposition, and for the immediate execution by the sword of any citizens preserving illegal literature via actions of either the hiding or secreting of scrolls or codices. Imperial extortion was increased by the implementation of empire wide Chrysargyron (Poll-Tax). The Greek civilisation had experienced a peak of revival as early as Marcus Aurelius (c.160 CE) and as perhaps late as Diocletian (305 CE). It was known as the Second Sophistic. But Constantine physically severed the wisdom of the Second Sophistic from his new empire, and fashioned by Codex what was to become the Third Sophistic - The New Testament.
      8. Constantine was the one that renamed the New Covenant to what it is called today, the New Testament, so they named the Old Covenant, the Old Testament to also follow suit.
      9. Constantine changed the Roman Empire’s government from secular over religious to religious over secular.
      10. Constantine started the Babylonian Religious Government System that is out to rule the world, the Papacy.
      "The papacy is but the ghost of the Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave thereof." Constantine was the first Pope over Christianity.
      11. Constantine became the first Pontifex Maximus over his Christianity, which is traced back to Nimrod, the first false messiah who started paganism and turned his back on Yahweh. Which is the High Priest over all deities, where the number 666 comes from. The Emperors were over all religions in the Roman Empire and they also held the title of Pontifex Maximus, which Emperors were over Secular over Religion, then Constantine changed that to Religious over Secular,
      If you control the government and religion, you control the people.

    • @garystanfield2274
      @garystanfield2274 Год назад

      12. Constantine revealed who the “Man of Transgressions”, the “False Prophet”, “anti-Messiah”, the Pope / Pontifex Maximus. 2 Thess. 2:
      13. Constantine made Christianity the State religion of the Roman Empire that engulfed all of humanity at that time. IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.
      14. Constantine built the Temple of God known today as the Dome of the Rock, that the last Pope over Christianity will put his throne in and say he is over all deities and a deity in himself and will want to be worshiped. 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
      15. It started with Constantine that this became totally Satan's world at that time. The only time in human history that Satan could deceive the whole world is between the last persecution by Constantine that killed off the last of the elect up to the 7 Year Peace Plan when salvation is given again.
      16. Constantine did away with anything to do with Judaism. "You should consider … that we should have nothing in common with the Jews."
      17. It was Constantine that made Sunday the day of pagan sun worship to be the Sabbath for the Christians, which has always been a pagan religionIt is the Papacy through the years that has made everything a lie.
      18. Constantine’s mother, Helena who became Saint Helena.
      19. It was Constantine that used the word CATHOLIC meaning UNIVERSAL for CHRISTIANITY. Catholic as a denomination did not exist until 1559 at the Council of Trent.
      20.Constantine is the one that opened the 5th Seal.
      21.The domed "Temple of God" built by Constantine in the 4th century is inside the facade that is called the "Dome of the Rock", this is where the last Pope will move his throne to during the 7 Year Peace Plan. This is the Abomination of Desolation that scriptures speak of.
      22. Emperor Rome became Papal Rome on October 28, 312 A.D., Constantine exchanged the EAGLE for the CROSS:
      23. In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all pagan religious factions under one composite deity, Hesus = Ea-Zeus, Ea was the diety of healing, Zeus a sun diety; Chrishna, Krishna, Christos, Christ, another pagan sun deity,
      20. It is Constantine that Daniel Chapter 7, is speaking of who became the little horn.
      21. Constantine changed both the Roman 8 day week calendar and the Hebrew 7 day week / new moon calendar.
      22. Constantine revealed the CROSS as the Mark of the Beast. The Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. 7, of edition 11, page 506, says: ‘It was not till the time of Constantine that the cross was publicly used as the symbol of the Christian religion.’ That was but logical, for Emperor Constantine was a worshiper of the pagan sun-god, whose symbol was a cross.
      23. Constantine turned Emperor Rome into Papal Rome with only one religion allowed and it began with the CROSS!! A sun symbol.
      24.. In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all pagan religious factions under one composite deity, Hesus = Ea-Zeus, Ea was the diety of healing, Zeus a sun diety; Chrishna, Krishna, Christos, Christ, another pagan sun deity,
      24. Constantine introduced the Babylonian mystery religions into one as a Christian, a Universal / Catholic Religion and he made Christianity (Edict of Milan), the official state religion of the Roman Empire.
      a. J.C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 45, aptly summarizes it, "Cross - A universal symbol from the most remote times; it is the cosmic symbol par excellence."
      b. The seven planets were considered the cosmos and these were referred to as universal. The word Catholic means universal and originated with astrology rather than with the Christian Church (Vance, page 8).
      c. Constantine also caused the sign of the salutary trophy to be impressed on the very shields of his soldiers; and commanded that his embattled forces should be preceded in their march, not by golden eagles, as heretofore, but only by the standard of the cross. (Eusebius, Life of Constantine, p. 545).
      Revelation 6:10,11
      10: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Yahweh, righteous and true, doest thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
      11: And white robes were given unto every one of them: and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be murdered as they were, should be fulfilled. (They are waiting for the 7 Year Peace Plan elect to be killed as they were.)
      This is fulfilled in Chapter 19 of Revelation. Revelation 19:2 For true and righteous are His judgments: for He hath JUDGED the great whore (Zion}, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath AVENGED the blood of His servants at her hand.
      " When you ride the train of Christianity,
      You ride the tracks of paganism."

  • @m102142
    @m102142 3 месяца назад

    Now we know what the book burning was about in Europe!

  • @History_MadeMe_Catholic
    @History_MadeMe_Catholic Год назад +1

    Historian Ramsay MacMullen, 'Christianizing the Roman Empire'
    Historian, Norman Baynes,
    'Constantine the Great and the Christian Church'
    -Cambridge professor of New Testament, N.T Wright, ‘Christian origins: 4 volume set’
    -Sociologist, Rodney Stark, ‘The Rise of Christianity’ and ‘The Triumph of Christianity’
    -Research Professor Gary Habermas, ‘The case for the resurrection’

  • @dorianphilotheates3769
    @dorianphilotheates3769 Год назад

    Constantine looked like a blockhead, but he was like one of those smart ‘jocks’.

  • @gtsep_the_mapper
    @gtsep_the_mapper 2 года назад +3

    You could do a video about
    Was Eastern Roman empire a Greek empire??
    What if the 4th Crusade Actually went for The holy land

    • @alecblunden8615
      @alecblunden8615 Год назад +1

      As to he last "What if?" the Byzantine Empire may have survived and kept the Turks out of the Balkans.

    • @daimonioshellene
      @daimonioshellene Год назад +1

      The Eastern Roman Empire was the most anti-Hellenic empire in recorded history

  • @otwinokoba
    @otwinokoba Год назад

    So didn't knew that this man Wil come and distract his vision

  • @MichaelFigler
    @MichaelFigler Год назад

    I enjoy your videos but I'm not sure I would put this in a category of "The Great Lie". Essentially you are saying his conversion was gradual rather than all at once. A little hyperbole I suppose.

  • @jesusborrego3270
    @jesusborrego3270 9 месяцев назад

    You forgot to mention that fool created hyperinflation. Too much government spending and nothing getting done. Needed to find a way to sell a worthless piece of paper

  • @anthologymuzica4014
    @anthologymuzica4014 2 месяца назад

    Ooh yes we do!!

  • @marksanchez1289
    @marksanchez1289 9 месяцев назад

    My sentiments exactly especially when you relate it to Helena whom is the real Saint here

  • @antonioblock7885
    @antonioblock7885 Год назад

    According to Christianity only people who can change can be saints ,and Constantine was one

    • @xiuhcoatl4830
      @xiuhcoatl4830 Год назад +3

      Yeah funny how that works, an infanticide gets away only by couple prayers. Christian hypocrisy

  • @muddgeeser
    @muddgeeser 10 месяцев назад

    He was WELSH Both of them are buried in Wales

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 Год назад

    He was the forerunner of the popes
    Who gained control of rome after his death
    Pope Leo persuaded the huns not to sack rome in exchange for tribute!

    • @richlopez5896
      @richlopez5896 Год назад

      The Bishop of Rome had always been the head of the Church. Pope Clement I. who is named in the New Testament and ordained by St. Peter the apostle excommunicated parts of the Eastern Church who had gotten out of line. Being in union with the Bishop of Rome(Pope) was always the mark of being inside or outside of the Church.
      “The Lord says to Peter: ‘I say to you,’ he says, ‘that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.’ . . . On him [Peter] he builds the Church, and to him he gives the command to feed the sheep [John 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were that also which Peter was [i.e., apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, whereby it is made clear that there is but one Church and one chair. So too, all [the apostles] are shepherds, and the flock is shown to be one, fed by all the apostles in single-minded accord. If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he imagine that he still holds the faith? If he [should] desert the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he still be confident that he is in the Church?” (The Unity of the Catholic Church 4; 1st edition [A.D. 251]

  • @rosmawatiramli
    @rosmawatiramli Год назад +1

    Due to consrstine pegan make jesus as son of gof in coroperate combine to the sun god.

  • @richardgould4392
    @richardgould4392 Год назад +2

    Demon Princes --- Exist! Demons - Invisible, wicked spirit creatures having superhuman powers. Called “the sons of the true God” at Genesis 6:2 and “angels” at Jude 6, they were not created wicked; rather, they were angels who made themselves enemies of God by disobeying him in Noah’s day and joining in Satan’s rebellion against Jehovah God the Almighty.- De 32:17; Lu 8:30; Ac 16:16; Jas 2:19 --- This is Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the royal realm of Persia stood in opposition to me for 21 days …. & 20 … Now I will go back to fight with the prince of Persia. When I leave, the prince of Greece will come. --- Why did these Demon Princes in control of human governments come to fight the Angel who was to speak with Daniel? --- 12 He then said to me: “Do not be afraid, O Daniel. Your words have been heard from the first day that you gave your heart to understanding and to humbling yourself before your God… 14 I have come to make you understand what will befall your people in the final part of the days, …(which is NOW) --- Obviously, this was information that Satan did not want us to have. --- Ephesians 6:12 because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.--- What future do these Demons have? Tartarus; In the Christian Greek Scriptures, is a prisonlike abased condition into which the disobedient angels of Noah’s day were cast. At 2 Peter 2:4, the use of the verb tar·ta·roʹo (to “cast into Tartarus”) does not signify that “the angels who sinned” were cast into the pagan mythological Tartarus (that is, an underground prison and place of darkness for the lesser gods). Rather, it indicates that they were abased by God from their heavenly place and privileges and were delivered over to a condition of deepest mental darkness respecting God’s bright purposes. Darkness also marks their own eventuality, which the Scriptures show is everlasting destruction along with their ruler, Satan the Devil. Therefore, Tartarus denotes the lowest condition of abasement for those rebellious angels. It is not the same as “the abyss” spoken of in Revelation 20:1-3. ---- They have no future as they are to be destroyed along with Satan. But at this time, please note; “wicked spirit creatures having superhuman powers.” Can man do anything about this? Can man, by voting, change what is going on (Luke 4:5-8)? Of course not, and now you know why nothing changes and things just keep getting worse and worse. All you do is waste your time and resources, which is what Satan wants you to do. Satan WANTS to keep you occupied so you can’t learn what will truly help you. Only Jesus can fix this, and he will do so at the proper time.
    Now, however, if you truly want to know Jesus and the Father (John 17:3), you need to begin to listen to Jesus, or not, as you decide. For example, Jesus said; Matt 23:10 Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ. --- Therefore, you can be assured that anyone looking for or to be an earthly leader is NOT a footstep follower of Jesus (1 Peter 2:21). If you wish to know more, please ask, or email me at I can direct you to an online Bible study course where you can study the Bible at your convenience. If you have questions, please ask.
    Nothing to see here. Move along now.... Remember, this is NOT a vaccine. It has NEVER been approved.

  • @marcusaurelius9577
    @marcusaurelius9577 2 года назад +3

    Can you make a video on what if Ivan the terrible married Queen Elizabeth the first of England that would be interesting

    • @marcusaurelius9577
      @marcusaurelius9577 2 года назад

      @New History Official just ask 😂 how have you been you have not upload in a long time

    • @lordomega9959
      @lordomega9959 2 года назад

      @@marcusaurelius9577 very fine I will not threaten you

  • @richardwhite6062
    @richardwhite6062 Год назад

    The customs of a Roman Christian would seem very pagan to modern christians
    But verily i say he was a Christian.
    And all this is the fatal fault of modern projection

  • @Livuu.Emanuel
    @Livuu.Emanuel 17 дней назад

    Jesus said to love your enemy not to kill then Matthew 5:44

  • @lawrencek1900
    @lawrencek1900 Год назад

    Helen was British hence she brought the Cross back to Britain

  • @brianhodgson9547
    @brianhodgson9547 Год назад

    Helena was from Brittania, why does EUROPE claim otherwise ... jealousy is a bad thing

  • @Gerasimos_slava
    @Gerasimos_slava Год назад +2

    IC XC NI KA☦️

  • @kubhlaikhan2015
    @kubhlaikhan2015 Год назад

    Although Constantine's departure to conquer Rome is also portrayed as the Roman abandonment of Britain, I think we have misunderstood it. It is certainly likely that he developed the outline of his new version of Christianity while stationed in Britain and Gaul and many Britons are likely to have been in his army. We know that Christianity was strongly influenced by Mithraism and there is more evidence of this cult in Britain than almost anywhere else. We also know that a very early form of Christianity developed in Britain (the "Celtic Church") despite the supposed severance of contacts with Rome. The real reason why Britain was left to its own devices might be Constantine's bigamy. Gaining support in his bid to become Emperor required a remarriage despite the fact that he already had grandchildren in the West. He later ordered for that family to be expiated from the records and as a result we have lost the names of his grandchildren (although we know he was a grandfather before he left). This allows speculation that "Arthur" may have been a grandson left in exile in Britain with a claim on the Imperial throne.

  • @ivbqwljrf234
    @ivbqwljrf234 Год назад

    definitely worth the watch

  • @Killerqueen69420
    @Killerqueen69420 Год назад

    Constantine really had to backstab his own faith

  • @micahistory
    @micahistory 2 года назад

    great video, I shared it on discord, also why are you never replying to my messages there?

  • @TheHatersarebad
    @TheHatersarebad 2 года назад

    What if the Hundred Years War did not happen?

  • @oksanatulpa7984
    @oksanatulpa7984 Год назад

    We kow all about Konstantin the great almost all

  • @l6ss
    @l6ss Год назад

    Will u do a vid on turks inheriting eastern roman empire doing the samething to current Islam ?!

    • @abdolrahmanhamed2821
      @abdolrahmanhamed2821 Год назад

      there is no such thing as current Islam or past Islam there is only one same Islam.

    • @l6ss
      @l6ss Год назад

      Nah , current Islam is the Hellenistic Turkish Islam !! Boy, their Atheist race change everything the moment they enter !!
      They entered Islam by politics & false loyalty of Ahl-Albait while their gatherings were based on their race superiority !! then started by killing non-Arabs who were loyal to arabs rule !! The whole world is shaped by Turks!! J6ws , Christians , Muslims!! They manged to reshape every religion According to their Atheist race background !!

    • @abdolrahmanhamed2821
      @abdolrahmanhamed2821 Год назад

      @@l6ss Where is your own Academic evidences about these so called "current hellenistic Turkish Islam" that you are talking about so much kid ? Provide some clear and logical evidences behind your own stupid claims instead of roaring and barking like an emotionally cry baby kid.

  • @monaiannucci9434
    @monaiannucci9434 Год назад

    The never ending story