Your video inspired me to look at my old Laney CP10 which was humming & cracking so badly it was unusable. Discovered one of the little legs on the capacitor had pushed through the old solder & wasn’t making a good connection. A blob of new solder fixed the problem & the monitor sounds great again. Saved me £200 on a new one, thanks!
Nice job. Could it be the PCB was designed for a transistor that became obsolete or maybe they decided to uprate them for some reason and the replacements had different pinouts?
Your video inspired me to look at my old Laney CP10 which was humming & cracking so badly it was unusable. Discovered one of the little legs on the capacitor had pushed through the old solder & wasn’t making a good connection. A blob of new solder fixed the problem & the monitor sounds great again. Saved me £200 on a new one, thanks!
Alan did a sterling job here, lads
Awesome job Alan.
Nice job. Could it be the PCB was designed for a transistor that became obsolete or maybe they decided to uprate them for some reason and the replacements had different pinouts?