- Опубликовано: 25 ноя 2024
- Today is the start of our PANDAS Journey Campaign Part 2! Hearing other people's stories is a great way to learn what it's like to live with and find similarities to your own personal situation. Know you are not alone! The more stories we hear the better we can help in spreading awareness of PANDAS and PANS.
Here is the story of Marie and Andrew and their son!
"Our journey with PANS started when our son turned four, he got a fever one night and when he woke up the next morning, he was a different child." Their son started with a wiping tick which turned into a vocal tic along with OCD. They couldn't find accurate care in the Canadian Medical community at the time so they went to the states to get their son tested. That's when they learned that their son had PANS.
#pandas #pans #pandasjourney #stolenchildhood
Watch Stolen Childhood: www.stolenchildhood.wixsite.com/stolenchildhood/watch
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