Black children learn more if they are taught by their parents. I taught my son more than his teachers could ever teach him. God gave the responsible to us to prepare the future. We must teach our children
May I ask, what kind of things did you teach him. I want to supplement what he is learning with a curriculum designed to teach black history to African American children but I have not been able to find one and there is so much I feel he should know that I dont know where to start.
I believe in black teachers because I am one, but I have come across many black teachers who were not good. They were very mean and would degrade their students especially the black students. I just don't want any teacher because they are black,but I want nothing but the best to teach in these classrooms.
You mean you are black and can pass the praxis? Listening to this I would think there is some magic that stops black folks from passing it. I’m black btw. I just don’t know why they are saying do away with testing when they could just as easily say we are going to mentor potential black teacher so they will pass the Praxis. It just doesn’t make sense to me
Earn skills just to pay bills? No, that mind set keeps us minimally productive. We will always be dependent upon another form of assistance if we're just earning enough to pay bills. Earn skills to build our own businesses and become owners, CEO'S, ect. We must instead earn the skills, to develop the will, to become independently fulfilled!
@@thewrongshoes why would anyone who went through 4 years of educational study targeted towards and undergraduate degree in education & student teaching need to mentored or coached to take the Praxis? That's the question that needs to be addressed. Many teachers in the classroom today came via Teach America who grabbed anybody who was breathing with a degree to go into education and most of these teachers took the job because they wanted to support themselves while their focus was in entertainment, journalism, theater while looked for opportunities in these industries. Then there are those who got into education for the vacation time and never had any real expectation for student achievement.
@Timefortruth You are correct. Just because you are black does not make you a great teacher. Furthermore, just because you went to school and passed the Praxis does not make you a good teacher. There are well educated, Praxis passed, degreed up, and licensed horrible teachers of all races. A great teacher could be awesome at educating a child and molding a great future citizen without holding a license to teach. Like you stated, you know many black teachers (most likely licensed) who are mean and degrading to children. Most of those type of individuals shouldn't be teaching children. I believe children deserve patience, positive discipline, and motivation as they are receiving their knowledge.
Come to think About it’s Highly True.. My assistant principal told my mother Your son gonna end up in prison, I’m class of 2012 surpass Any expectations he may Have had for me...🙌🏿🙏🏿
I remember when I was in foster care temporarily, and in 3rd grade I was sent to a majority white school up North here in Chicago for about 6mths. They tried to put me in LD(special needs) within 2wks of being there😒.But fortunately that didnt happen😐Then came the test😑 They told my case worker that because I was new, I didnt need to take the upcoming standardized test that was suppsedly important at the time, but If I wanted to, I could take it, and it wouldn't be held against me. Fast 4ward I took the test, scored so high that they wanted me to retake it becaause they thought I cheated(I guess they thought I should've of been behind because I never got the chance to fully attend 2nd grade due to my situation)😑Anyway, I retook the test and scored just as high; and instead of being embraced as a great student, my teacher (a white woman) treated me with disdain, and always made an issue out of the smallest things tryng to get me removed from her class. Overhearing the discussions between my case worker (a blk woman)and my guardian at the time It was said that I was a distraction to the students and that I would b a better fit in another class with more ppl like me; Unfortunately the class and those she was speaking about were a group of minorities/few whites in special needs smh😒Fast 4ward again, my grandma eventually got custody and she ended up having problems as well with this teacher😑 low and behold, it was revealed that she was racist and my aunt rallied other families 2gether and found out she was doing alot of crooked stuff against minority students, and helping other kids to cheat during those standardized test. She ended up getting in big trouble, but who knows what really happened 2 her😒 But, I said all this 2 say, U can't trust these ppl to teach ur kids; and we should make sure that the real teaching starts at home. If u dnt have a plan for ur kids, they will😟If it's possible to homeschool, please do it; because its folks out here that will degrade, miseducate, and sabatoge ur childrens futures inorder to keep the narrative going, and keep that pipeline flowin😟
I glad you survived that teacher/school and foster home system. Mush respect to all ADOS who have had to battle and endure in systems that try to oppress us!
In the late 90's the majority of the black and brown students were force to go to continuation schools. My college experience wasn't any better, I had professors intentionally under scoring and grading me. I had 1 professor who retired after I said I was going to report him. I was a dean list back to back receiving A's and B's but received a D, in a class that I had got an A on for final test, and a B on a test prior. Smh
We have to be like other ethnic groups. Growing up, my Chinese friends went to Chinese school after regular school to learn how to write in Chinese. The Latino kids went to Latin school to learn dance and culture. The Jewish kids went to Jewish school to learn their culture, and so on. We need to follow that example where our black children are looked after and taught our values as a people where we teach them about money, history, culture and an African language from a base if we as a people want to have relationships with the nations of Africa
@Elyse George the system is set up so as neither or both parents can't afford to missed a days work to attend their kids parents teachers sessions and then the kids are labeled by the educational system as having short attention spans, disorders, needs medications, needs to go into special education classes and or needs to repeat a grade or held back because of this or that reason Still and with these above stigma black parents just go with what are recommended rather challenging the school system and challenging the child and help the child overcame the traumatic stigma placed and infected and inflicted by the educational institutions and government by designs to make them fail to elevate themselves
Agree. Our problem obviously is that our true history and culture were removed from us. Those other groups still have theirs intact. People have to self educate to gain knowledge of self, then they can pass the information along to the next generation
I left college after four semesters, and I had a 3.9 GPA. I learned about ROI. Basically I looked at my potential degree, figured out how much it would cost me to get that degree, how long it will take me to earn that degree. And how much I can make at my peek. It would have took me 6 years, I would have been 80k in debt and at my highest peek I would have made 80k. That is a bad ROI. I found an opportunity in the trades. I applied and got into the elevator industry. My schooling was free, as I was an apprentice i was making money and building my 401k. In four years I was already a technician making 103k a year, I had full medical benefits, no debt. In four years I built 60k in my 401k (which is not as much as I could have had i only contributed 3%. ) I purchased my first home. Today i make 150k plus benefits, im selling my first house and I am getting a fat return due to the hot market, and im buying a bigger better house in the suburbs, in a town where the schools are rated 10/10 on testing. I know my children can handle it because our schools now are 7/10 and my children are performing well. I believe that had to do with the fact that my wife homeschool them from before they could speak. I believe i made a great choice. My degree would have been in biology.
For those lost in the sauce ROI = return on investment and should be taken into account in all things.... Excellent comment A Font. I preach this to my son whenever I can... I told him when he graduated high school that college is not for everyone(because it wasn't for me) but you have to find a skill set or trade that is valuable. For me it was getting into the Hazardous Waste Operations field while working for a temp agency fresh out of high school while attending community college. A field that to this day has very little of us(blacks) in it but is a field that will be around until this planet is no more.... I am also a business owner and have thought about going back to college to get a business degree JUST to say I have a degree... The foolery that was running through my mind with that thought....LOL A Font again good comment and stay up!!!
I went to college and earned a Chemistry Degree in May 2019. Going into junior year I expressed interest in wanting to go into industry(oil & natural gas). Advisor who’s been a professor for 20 plus years informed me that they have no real connections which translated to no employment prospects post graduation. Starting salary for the degree commands 40-50k/ yr. Disheartening to say the least. Entire Chemistry Department told me the same thing. Either my degree wasn’t worth anything or they knew the education wasn’t competitive enough to garner decent employment. Long story short in the middle of senior year I took a semester off and got hired at an oil company that sent me to truck driving school. Started in August 2018, got my CDL A in October, worked basically non stop from August to January 2019 and took an LOA to finish my degree May 2019. I made 34k in those first 4 months before taking that LOA, and I went back immediately following graduation. Trades can honestly sometimes be better than a degree or certificate for making money good money. Who would’ve ever though that a Class A CDL would’ve worth more than a 4 Year College Degree. I plan on getting a job in my career field of study at some point but it would have to be a hell of an opportunity because consistently making 90-100k annually after taxes to haul cement surely beats the hell out of wearing a lab coat and clearing around 40k after taxes. 2 totally different qualities of life. Education is a Scam. While I attribute my intelligence and ability to think critically to attending college, in retrospect it wasn’t worth the debt because I essentially have an useless degree that is comparable in cost to a new home purchase. Uncle Sam knows that college is a Scam and he also knows that most people who attended will never be able to pay off a home & their student loans during their working years.A Lifetime of Debt
I can listen to dr. Umar talk all day long, it was a pleasure meeting in person. I don't care about his critics or what they say cuz most of them do nothing!
@@Leonardtank I PAID 20$ for his book & pics with him at his lecture in my city, he's full of KNOWLEDGE & 100% correct on the "school-to-prison pipeline" since I have a son that's what's MOST IMPORTANT to me!
@@Leonardtank NOT some MAGICAL school he's going to build thousands of miles away that I probably couldn't afford to send my child to anyway. It's the KNOWLEDGE he's giving each 1 of us BLACK parents!
I took my son out last year/ 2019-2020 school year because the public school and the montessori school he was in stripped him of his self empowerment and ability to learn on his own.. He can learn, they took the belief and independence from him.. I am struggling as a single parent who works full time out of the home.. I feel like I am a mess but, I can't send him back.. Pray for me that my struggle becomes easy and success for my son.
We just interviewed parents this week that also had the same lament. One from MD, OK and OH. This week , we will be talking about solutions that we hope are realistic and attainable. After we finish compiling these strategies, I will be hand-carrying the items to the Rayburn Building here in DC. While they contemplate the stimulus...they will REALLY have to listen when parents nation-wide, take their children out of the schools and opt to do non-traditional styles of educating. A person can always cite their personal spiritual convictions as to why they desire their child to NOT be taught via Western systems. When was the last time you heard of Amish children and their "standardized test scores"? And yet, they learn all the skills needed to lead productive and self sustaining lives. Undisturbed. If you are willing to talk with me, I welcome the invite. Maybe something can be shared that will help. As a retired educator, I didn't leave the children when the bell rang for dismissal, and I can't abandon our children now. I remain a staunch advocate for best strategies to teach and mentor our children. It is the obligation of us ALL as members of THE VILLAGE. Blessings to you, and reach out if you desire.
I actually enjoy homeschooling with my child. I've always thought about it, but wasn't afforded the opportunity because of work. Now that telecommuting is available...
Preach Brother Umar!!! and Dr. Perry! My 14 year has gotten more "True" Black History while at home than she ever received ...!! Come on Parents, we can do it!!
If you think black history is so important then get your kid a library card. The library where I'm at had courses in African history, the stopped them do to lack of enrollment. So people really aren't that interested in learning African history.
Absolutely, that was definitely the case for my teenage daughter. She is very much into her social life etc and when they switched to digital learning she went from an C student to an A student.
2KGrind09 ABSOLUTELY!!! I’m a Degreed Sub Teacher and my heart breaks for our children in some of these schools. SAVE YOUR CHILDREN!!! Provide education at home through home schooling.
I am a black special education middle school teacher. I just received my master's in educational leadership to become a principal. In my school district, the superintendent cabinet is all-female and black and Latino. There are people of color that are passing the test. It's not impossible. No test is blocking me from anything. I don't negate the historical systematic racism regarding testing. But people of color are passing these exams. I have a circle of at least 6 friends who are black and Latino and they are ALL principals. We may not be the majority but we are here in the trenches on the front line fighting and advocating for children within the public school system.
Hi, are you teaching durning Covid19? If so I'm seeking a SPED teacher online for an 8 yr.old or if you know an African American teacher I can hire Ask them to email me at hiringhomeschool thank you on advance
He did make a lot of good points. I know teachers try and love their students more than anything. Takes special people to be teachers these days. If kids come to school and actually care i believe most teachers would be able to do their jobs better. Teaching starts at home and i think many parents have strayed away from that and have left it up to the school teachers to do every little thing. Teachers and parents are supposed to work together to educate our children. I believe integration is a good thing and yet can be a bad thing at the same time. Everyone is different. I like the fact that my kid will be able to build social skills with other children that may be different in color to them. Social skills are very lacking these days due to technology. I also believe schools should be teaching old subjects like home ec and basic trades. Like i said it takes special people to be teachers. Thank you
Let me stand on more than 25 years in the public school system, Favoritism is not exceptable, because a teacher, principle, etc is the same race as a Black child, So let's get real, Far too many use the excuse as having a Black principle, or some Black Teachers as well as Superintendants as a choke hold over the Black child, especially when many show bias against a Black child, How can a parent say racism, when the principle is Black, Yet many Black professional staff, stay quiet because of their job, and not willing to call many white teachers to task, So they sit quietly and watch the injustice and MisEducation of Black Children, Parents look the other way, because there stands a Black principle or Teacher, Now how can a parent dare say racism, Yes there is a fall down at home, Sometimes but rarely a Black teacher will slip and let Black students know they see what's going on, just as police officers, whatever the field, Teachers support each other even when the know one has done wrong. As you will learn, if you haven't already.
@Heehaw I've been told by several people especially during Covid to homeschool my child even though I'm a single parent and work during the day time... How is this possible???
Im a retired certified black man public school teacher who taught for 24 years elementary, middle and high school. Dr. Umar is 💯 PERCENT CORRECT. I'm thinking about going back into the classroom, or to teach as a one on reading coach. The AMERIKKKAN Education doesn't understand our children and therefore don't know how to properly educate them. WE HAVE GOT TO TAKE IT TO THE STREET'S. Zora Neil Hurston was also a TEACHER. Thank you.
UNFORTUNATELY every parent and household does not have the discipline or wherewithal to accomplish this task in today's climate. Too many parents does not have patience to even help their kids with their homework when school is in session.😢 #truestory
I am a teacher that has worked at only low income schools. I am tired of the schools and teachers being blamed for their children not being successful. A big issue in the school is absentee parents. A lot of parents do not see or respect us as educators they see us as baby sitters. The school should not be responsible for everything. There has to be a point where the parents take accountability. I am so sorry too much excuses when it comes to parenting and always someone to blame. In title I schools they are the most funded. We need to stop feeling sorry for our minority children and actually push them. Listen in the black community children are being raised in 74% single parent household and we don’t think that plays a role why our children are not successful. Parents take some responsibility pleaseee. Stop having children and bringing them in unbalance households.
Man you are sooooo right! Thank you for your comment! I am a teacher too and I totally agree with you because I too see it all the time in my school. Things are so bad that I have seen too many parents (mostly mothers) just give up and stop trying and it's sad and sickening to see quite frankly.
They will never make parents take accountability for their child's learning. I promise you, now with the panedemic and required at home learning, they will still find away to pin the blame on us. Literally in my county from March 13 to June 12, all learning was optional. Students were given 6 weeks to makeup previous assignments to increase their grade for the 3rd quarter, however majority did nothing. I would call parents all the time about their children not turning in work (missing or failing grade/make up work) or logging into online learning (instruction, practice activities, etc). Parents would say, "I will TRY to make him/her do it or log on or I don'tknow why they won't do their work or log in for instruction." They literally was in the next room from the kid but they couldn't get the kid to do ANYTHING. But somehow it is my fault (teachers) that your child didn't learn anything or didn't do anything 🤷🏾♀️. I'm dying to see how the fall will be when everything is not optional but mandatory. When your child starts collecting zeros and Fs for not logging in for instruction or completing the assignments 🤔. Who will take the blame then???
I dropped outta school in the 9th grade I would skip school to go hangout wit my uncle n learned tile installation drywall installation masonry. Iv worked for a couple of companies but after a while i got tired n started doing my own thing n have been doing my own thing no need to work for the opposite people when i can feed myself
First, let me please clarify something. There is NOTHING wrong with attending a school in the Black neighborhoods. We need to STOP degrading our neighborhoods and begin building and beautifying what is ours. We need to Stop speaking negative and ignorant of our Black neighborhoods. It is funny how so many people are experts on talking about the Black neighborhoods but do not live in them to help building them and beautify them. Ism calling allof you so-called Black intelligent people out. Out own people make money from a platform to speak low about us. Take time to watch YouTibe video on Affluent Blacks moving to Desoto, Texas. Why are you all not encouraging Blacks to create a blueprint to establish Black neighborhoods like that in all cities in America? Secondly, Black parents in Black neighborhoods could demand more from the school system regarding their children education. Learn from the White schools and their parents. The Black parents and their children must want it as much as the educators in the schools. Until then, the learning process will always be just a colored education designed for them. Parents are teachers first has always been my motto. Teachers/educators never were put in place to replace parents. The educators guide students and parents in the learning process. I have observed some of our Black parents using the schools as a daycare facility, juvenile facility and teach-my-child-what-I-am-not-teaching-as-a-parent facility. We cannot send our children to schoolvehaving out of control. Teaching must began at home and starts when the baby first enters the world.
@@danjonesiii4474 , thank you. I been meaning to purchase that book. This is what we aso need to know. No matter the system we are living under, if we do not empower our minds and sharpen our God-given skills, we will continue to be impoverished. I say that in general, because I see people rebelling against this system by rejecting everything. Too many of our people are using the system as an excuse to do nothing but be vagabonds and wanderers like nomads. They reject the system but continue to live in sin to have more children and there the cycle continues of murders, robbers, stealing, fornication, adultery and having children out of wedlock and living in poverty. "A vicious cycle" stated by Dr. Martibg Luther King, Jr. Our own ancestors before being enslaved in America went to school. The education (knowledge) these people hold in their books and libraries (besides their lies) belong to us. We suppose to learn from our enemy, as their ancestors learned from our ancestors, and filtered out their lies. Some (or even half) of our people are speaking ignorantly, because they lack education that will open their minds to speak with logic. How many of us are in position to own businesses, become educators of our people or factors to heal our own people? The power of economic always starts with us. We must have a vision or we eill perish. We will live a life filled with nothingness and voided. Satan has robbed our people from their destinies. We must rise and beat the system at their own game. The Mist High is not just goibg to hand anything yk us if we are not doing as He instructed. Jesus worked. Moses was educated under Pharaoh's system. Paul was educated under the Roman's system. Do you see where I am going with this? Some of our people rebelled against the system that they would not be able to read and understand the written text. 😔😔😔 Besides, there would always be rich, middle-class and poor. Yashua said it Himself- "The poor will always be among you." We see for ourselves that some of our people are choosing to be poor, because they are lazy and just want to beg. I sm speaking of thede young healthy males and females. Women are getting pregnant just to get welfare and foodstamps. Yah said if you don't work, you don't eat. These people think they are outsmarting The Most High by defending on the system. Thede same people on one end criticize the system and on the other end, they depend on it for our livelihood. 🤯🤯🤯🤯It is mindblowong when talking to these very people. I read a brother's comment on English being a broken language. That was odd, because God gave each group of people their own language after He destroyed Babylon. It was God who created English. Some of our people lack logic when speaking. Thank you for sharing. Love you, brother. Shalom.
How? Maybe in bad areas but in the suburbs 10/10 school schools my kids go to the same schools as these white peoples kids that are doctors, entrepreneurs, police officers and taught the same thing making sure they are getting the resources and advanced learning. Anything else we can teach in our own homes that they do not teach in schools. It takes a village to raise a child and not everyone can home school or be home. It’s systematic raises so we got to work our butts off to live comfortable and our children to go to a school that teaches at the best level as possible! We can not beat a system that is against us the only time it will be how it’s suppose to be in when Jesus returns. Now it’s unfortunate those public schools that have misinformed or mean teachers that do not care about the children may God continue to watch over and protect all that are out here trying to do they best! To be everybody out to make a profit and capitalize on something or some system. This video here is talking about stem and I.T leading to A.I smh like I said until Christ return we can all say what we believe to be the correct way, but teach your children the word of God and keep doing your best and allow God to do the rest PERIOD!
Absolutely! Makes you wonder what kind of producers this program has that they could not vet the guests they were inviting to speak. Umar has no business sharing a platform with legitimate educators. He's a scam artist and never should have been able to share a platform with people who are actually doing work for the community.
College is not for everyone. There are some fields that require over a decade of training. I would not be able to enjoy my career if I didn’t spend over ten years in school. Blanket statements are rarely correct. College may not be for everyone. Strive to become a lifelong learner.
If people would invest time into learning who they are, they will find their gift and it will make room for them. I agree college is not for everyone even though I have several degrees, but I chose a broad field for what I love to do and have several options. Some can be apprentice and have the equivalent as a degree and have no debt and better pay. It start with our children from birth to groom them to know thyself and what make them feel and love to do in life. My son doesn’t feel college is for him but I planted a seed in him to know that whatever your heart desire ye shall have it. First ask TMH to quite your mind for His will and the steps will be ordered. Truth of the matter in some cases people some people feel having degrees make them more valuable in life. When they can see clear it’s not about materialistic things but the passion for one who sent to do what TMH SENT THEM HERE FOR. We are all unique people with different ideologies on what a person supposed to have then seeing the beauty of who they are. Some got 5 talents some got four and some one and we all connected to play the roles we were designed from the beginning ❤️💯💪🏽💫SN I HAVE A UNCLE WHO DIDNT finish the 5th grade but have a multimillion dollar business due to consistently and hard work❤️💯💪🏽💫
The best thing for your child is to get them into a trade Junior High and High School and make sure they are on track to getting certified WHILE IN SCHOOL because the exams are FREE for students. Once they graduate, they are on their on. Students can literally graduate with a HSD, certified, job lined up plus a few college credit and make more money than their parents ever dream of..This probably will end after a while once the dominant see we are succeeding this way so take advantage.
As an educator of Black children, I agree completely. We need smaller classes, different methods of discipline(productive punishment rather than punitive), better nutrition, home schooling groups, specialized tutors, etc. Public education is a MESS. I also believe in school choice and agency to decide in what kind of environment your child learns.
Hi, are you teaching durning Covid19? If so I'm seeking a SPED teacher online for an 8 yr.old or if you know an African American teacher I can hire please forward and ask them to email me at thank you on advanced
The parent is a child's first teacher. We have to do a better job of advocating for our children. We cannot expect that this society has our best interest.
My same we question. We have all these government agencies that take our money and do nothing for it's citizens paying taxes but cutting foreigners and non citizens checks monthly just for being here😔🙄
Planning, patience, motivation, and encouragement are all essential when homeschooling your own child. As a team, you and your child, set realistic goals for progress. Let your child have a say in the goals for progress. Please do not chastise, degrade, or mock your student (your child) while in session or teaching. Pack on the patience!
Don't lose focus on the topic of this conversation. It's not about where they are being played more. We need to identify all the areas in which our children (and by extension our people) are being played and make changes to protect them.
The European Jewish ppl control the music we listen to, it's all warfare!!!!!! Across the board!!!!!!!! We got to understand everything is warfare, & move accordingly.
homeschool I wish I had tried it earlier , it was spectacular the difference . You got the internet , public library , park system the gym and museums , an interested parent and 4 hoursa day , more than you need
I witnessed first hand how the predominantly white school my son attended tried EVERYTHING to undetermine his education before it even started. They denied him access to full day kindergarten which was (federally funded) to later trying to place him in special ed classes. One night while we went over homework he said "mommy reading time I have to sit in the back of the class and I never get a book." This broke my heart. My husband and I had to ALWAYS keep a watchful eye on the school system because instead of empowering and educating they cleverly tried to stunt our children's growth and development. They believed in "no child left behind.... unless that child was black."
New homeschooling mom...if I only told you my experience for the choice I just made just last week smh. I'm proud of taking the leap of at home learning frfr. God blessed me with the need, want and courage to take control of my children education
Teach your children at home. Bring them together with your friends and community children. I see you teachers out there. Remember Marva Collins. We can do this!
I’m not sure why black people can’t pass a Praxis test ? Maybe work on that. I’m black but I reject the idea I can’t pass a praxis test if I tried hard enough. If “we” aren’t passing we need veteran teachers who have passed the test mentoring the new teachers coming up. Saying we can’t pass a test so the test has to go away is utterly ridiculous to me
Some people simply don't test well. I had to observe in a classroom. The teacher who was a black male had taken and failed the Praxis exam 3 times. The testing fee was $200 ($600 down the drain!). He could teach his butt off. Was able to engage the kids and had great classroom management skills. Great practical skills, but apparently poor standardized testing skills. He quit teaching and started a catering business. There has to be a better way to assess teaching competence.
@@greenbyrd3665 you can't tell these dummies that. They are fully indoctrinated that taking a test based on memorization skills are the end all be all to intelligence. Some of the best minds I know are just horrible test takers. Simple.
The Sherie Show we have the oldest dna on the planet our intelligence is literally passed down from our ancestors in ancient Kemet (Egypt) and all the other civilizations we built thousands of years
@@17Mssherie lets see: BSE in history education from FAMU, M.Ed educational leadership, Ed. D administration and leadership. Published doctor in my field and spent over a decade in alternative education. Oh, top of my class four DIFFERENT TIMES. That said there is no empirical evidence or psychological evidence that black children from segregated schools performed better than any demographic.
Maybe it's just me but I don't feel the same! Some parents had their children in private school, we work outside of the home. I'm a registered nurse (essential worker) both me and my spouse. This will completely destruct our norm. I have friends with children with special needs and these children need the extra help from specialists. This is a double edge sword. However I'm definitely all for the better education of our children and the top priority should be saftey
It is simple! Each parent need to properly assess their childs mental needs. Your a nurse! That means that you have to outside the home MAKE SURE That you're not pacifying your children with sp. Ed/medication so that you can work. BLESSINGS!!!
@DLH My children are my top priority! It's a bit insulting to make such a horrible assumption. Excuse me for having a decent education and keeping a roof over my children's head. Not everyone wants to be in the forest drinking rain water with tin foil hats living off the grid. I'm sure everything you purchase your still using it with money so do talk to me as if you're holier-than-thou .
@@hohndoe7136 my children have never been nor are they taking any medications. I was simply pointing out children who have those needs. I worked as a child care provider for a few years prior to becoming a registered nurse. But I completely understand what you mean some parents do medicate children when not necessary. I just hope all of our kiddos are safe that's all they deserve
Speaking as an Black female who has passed the Praxis exam, I agree. It is a barrier, but it is needed. It is a barrier so people WITHOUT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE do not have the opportunity to poorly influence students. Why not a combination of both? The option to take either the test, to get your certification quickly, or a longer apprenticeship program.
I would’ve have liked if they just had Dr. Perry instead of Umar. But I blame these platforms because it makes him look legit and then he can beg for more money for a nonexistent school.
When this lock down occured, I began homeschooling my grandson. Prior to the lock down, he was getting kudos for "sit up... rollover...give me your bark like a dog...good boy!!! critique. All along, he was not even writing his own name on his work in class. How do I know this? The teachers or whatever they are called now, spelled his name wrong. When I began teaching him to write his name, he was not writing his letters correctly., by the time I began educating him he, being 5 years old, he is now doing math, and reading 3 letter words now at 5 years old. meanwhile the school thru virtual learning wanted him to copy /paste and color. What a joke. In day care, for this summer, a teacher or whatever they call them, he was sent home with a picture of him on construction the bottom half of the picture, they had him color and paste the bottom half of a mermaid to his picture...I sent a letter to the daycare the next day reminding them that when I filled out the application, I did check off "male" under gender therefore, have him associate activities that or boy friendly such as cars, trucks, balls etc. Problem solved.
We're four to five generations behind. By the year 2025 you will see the disparity between blacks and the rest of the world in educational achievements. It's truly a global world. I hope for the best.
@@bdjonx exactly, since when is top 20% something to brag about. Did she exceed in math, does she understand how many more were ahead of her, and if she had gone to a black college she may have been in the top 5.
The coronavirus have made some of these lazy and disinterested black parents do their job! I am a black parent and noticed when my child was in school the parents put ALL the wait on the teachers and school system. The coronavirus is driving them crazy. They don’t realize we have the smartest children on the globe. Yes and I agree there are no life skills taught in school anymore. My father taught me “you learn at home and practice at school!” I’m of Jamaican descent.
This is awesome!!! This has given me a different perspective. I was forced to homeschool my son due to Covid and it really opened my eyes. I'm actually planning to homeschool him this following school year and teach him our real history!!!!! Just looking for some good material and im putting it togethere right now. Please if anyone knows of any good material for a third grader please let me know!!!!
I know your are probably busy but I found an excellent documentary about the Ancient Sumarians in Sudan. Perhaps if you can find some time (and I can find the link) you can watch it and summarise it for your son? I'll see what I can do, however, I'll need you to like this comment so I can find you again easily if I do find it.
Me toooo😭👏🏾 at first I was so stressed because I was unprepared. I had no idea how to go about it but, now I’m excited and fully prepared for the upcoming school year💕💕.
I am a Marine, and a retired educator and former police officer (who was nontraditional in the latter two careers). I am ecstatic to hear this conversation. I have been singing this song since the early 2000's. Made a lot of 'traditional route' educators upset along the way. I have been an adherent of Dr. Umar and Dr. Steve for at over a decade. Maybe now, folks will see the need for the Garvey-Douglass Academy. Monies donated just covered the purchase...the community needs to join forces, set personal issues aside, and for ONCE before its TOO LATE, do the RIGHT THING FOR OUR CHILDREN. Dr. Sean and Sis Tiffany...greatly appreciated the both of you. This was truly an insightful and purposeful telecast. You all need to do this more frequently. I would like to see you all develop a consortium, a think tank with parents, students, educators, former educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, anthropologists, biologists, environmentalists, economists, tradesmen and STEM agents, to join in a venture to overhaul the systems we are using to teach our children, and CREATE/SUPPORT Afro-owned/operated learning facilities. This is my FIRST time I have ever heard of and viewed "THE BOOK OF SEAN", and it won't be my last!
One thing that I ain't hear nobody talk about is the difficulty Black teachers are having teaching Black children. I have been teaching almost 25 years and what I've seen is that much of the reason Black children aren't learning is because of the attitudes of the children themselves. From disrupting the classroom environment to apathy and in many cases laziness. If we don't change the attitudes of our children and motivate them to want to learn, you can have all the Black teachers and new curriculums or whatever. The attitude of many in our Community regarding education needs improvement.
It's never going to be built...It's sad people are donating their hard earned money to this shameless scammer. Watch thisвидео.html
I have a MFA with training in typography/calligraphy, multimedia design, and instructional design/education technology. Of course, I put those skills to work by teaching them to my daughter. I personalized her curriculumn which resulted in her able to read (phonemic awareness and phonics) at the age of two, when she finished daycare, she read to her classmates, she read with fluency and comprehension on a grade five level, she could count from 0-100, she knew addition and some subtraction, she knew situational awareness (how to read a compus) because I taught her martial arts/ mindfulness meditation. Most important, before she left daycare she discouraged two boys in her class and in kindergarten, she discouraged the class bully (boy) using her martial arts. Further, all the other families were amazed and even a local university sent researchers to test her and tried to understand how is that possible, in fact, I taught her how to learn to tie her shoes, at age four, and she could write and complete full sentences in cursive writing with punctuations, again thanks to my typography/calligraphy skills. However to the surprise of many, when asked who taught her, she responded to the parents and researchers "my daddy taught me." As a first time single African-American dad soon to be 60, I am proud to know, when I adopted her, I contributed to her intellectual future. Now for those who can't afford the Praxis get GRE tested it is the equivalent of a Praxis is accepted in some state as well as cheaper than the Praxis. I teach K-12, now I am teaching UX/UI design to 8th graders. It need hard to teach your child, she show interest in them and make it fun and never forces her but make it fun it really creates a bond. Oh by the way, the reason they stop teaching cursive writing, is so future generations can't read the "Constitution of the United States" and know their rights. After all, the "Constitution of the United States" is written in cursive. Do you remember Star Trek, when Cloud William badly mangles the "Pledge of Allegiance?" Then Captin Kirk gave his "We the People" speech, see "The Omega Glory: Kirk's Greates Speech"видео.html. Rhetorically speaking will our black children have "digressed a lot from the dreams of our ancestors fight and struggle for education?"
I’ve heard of all the measures to prepare kids for their standardized testing, so why are we not preparing our black teachers to pass that one test?? Or are we?
Umar is a liar and a scammer. He's been collecting money for over 10 years (700k-1million) and has nothing to show for it. Watch this.видео.html
I am homeschool parent, My son- who is now in college was homeschooled from 2nd grade to have graduation. The school system has been trash a long time and they fought me for yeeeeaaaars as a black single parent at the time to teach my kid at home. I was tired of him being bullied, beat up and not learning.
When I was in the 7th grade my Math Help teacher was reading the newspaper and she began to read out loud how our graduating class (2013) would be the last class to have to take the HS Graduation Exam. We only had to take portions of the test if we didn’t pass the End of Course Test (EOCT) for a particular subject. Statistics printed later showed that Caucasian children failing the Exam had significantly increased. Hence the reason the removed the test from the school system.
My son at the time wanted to read one of those thick Harry Potter’s books for a reading test. White teacher said it was too much for him. Needless to say my son was an avid reader and could read anything and tell you about it. If you listen to them they will have your kid in the learning disabilities classes.
I helped people get SSI AND SSA benefits for several years. Most of the children that have been diagnosed with AAD & ADHD etc don't really have these disabilities. The parents and teachers just don't want to deal with them. I will never forget a mother who told me that her daughter made A's and B's but it took her 2 hours to do homework. I told that mother "welcome to parenthood" there is nothing wrong with most of these children. Parents and teachers need to figure out the child's learning method. Some are visual. Some can hear. Whatever works, do that and press on.
Same thing I was thinking. If this test is issued to everyone, why is it something that is against black people? I'm sure we're smart enough to pass the test?
I was wondering about that statistic as well. I’m a teacher and idk why Black ppl wouldn’t be able to pass the tests with rigorous studying like everyone else. Need to do some more research
Michelle Love he gives dated information. The laws and implementations have changed. He would know that if he was an actual school psychologist in this or the last decade- but he wasn’t. He hasn’t worked anywhere since y’all started giving him money (like 2008). The information he gives can be debunked with one google search. That’s just facts. And as far as articulation? 🤔
Wait a minute...Umar! What happen to that school you've been trying to open since 2009? Where's all the money people sent you to build that school???? Why you keep putting off the open dates???? Do you when plan to open the school??? Has any work been done???????
I don't think it's the public school system it's that many black parents do not prioritize their children's education. Most of the time the parents are not as educated themselves therefore they don't prioritize it with their own children.
1.) None of thi is news. 2.) Having a panel with 3 black men and using the one black woman as the token, to hopefully push away criticism of sexism in Black America---#failure. Most African American teachers are female. It is important to have their voices. 3.) Identifying problems, as opposed to using educators to talk about solutions is a waste of time. Perry repeated himself, and stats we've heard over and over again. They focused on black males in education, with no mention of young black girls, who have almost equal rates of suspension. 4.) Umar Johnson is NOT a doctor of anything. He is also unemployed and does not work at any school. This has been the case for nearly a decade. He's a scam artist. 5.) The NOI host is somebody that encourages anything that sounds like it's "radical" when in fact, it just serves to distract from the actual ground work that is needed for African American kids in education.
The point is we got the message they delivered. It was a 17min clip fool wtf did you expect in this little time frame? Besides we know the problems because it's been around for a longgg time. So miss us with the bullshit.
Naw it's Umar " Donate ...Donate .. Donate" Johnson ... Every person with a degree ain't smart I went to college with a lot of them ... We have a serious issue if this clown is still getting eyes and ears ... He's clearly a con and grossly misinformed
Umar's failing his own children more than the school's system is. Wouldn't his children benefit from his "knowledge", quality time, financial support, and having a male parental figure ie father? It's amazing how many of you are willing to give that a pass and will attack statements like above instead. Calling ppl lazy like he's not doing the laziest thing a parent can do. Being absent.
@Ethel Allen ACTUALLY I'm married. My husband and I got married before our 1st child was one yr old. She'll be 14 in October. 2 weeks after her father's birthday.
@@mokreem It's funny how y'all talk that blackity black ish except when it's time to hold a man accountable. You must be another "man" running from his children too. Nice try but I'm married to the man that helped me bring children into this world. That's something you can't understand tho. So bcuz I empathize with single moms and hold ppl accountable means I'm his children's mother? Gotcha.
@@mokreem Also! Bitter? If I were a single mother wouldn't I have a reason to be bitter if I'm carrying the load by myself? You don't make sense. I'm too blessed to be bitter. I live in a 5 br with my husband and our 4 beautiful children. Plus I don't have to worry about working or paying a single bill. If he walked off tomorrow I'm getting half, alimony, and child support. Bitter isn't a characteristic of mine.
@@joziequervoyo LMAO @ blackity black.... No I take care of mine, but I also don't watch or comment on peoples videos that I don't respect. If you have a real problem with him, then why support him with your RUclips views.
Black children learn more if they are taught by their parents. I taught my son more than his teachers could ever teach him. God gave the responsible to us to prepare the future. We must teach our children
May I ask, what kind of things did you teach him. I want to supplement what he is learning with a curriculum designed to teach black history to African American children but I have not been able to find one and there is so much I feel he should know that I dont know where to start.
Natures1 Joy try with the word of God.
@@natures1joy425 Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics chamber degrees will guide you
Latisha Nope you got the time start your own worry less about others
Umar Johnson being called out on his nonsenseвидео.html
I believe in black teachers because I am one, but I have come across many black teachers who were not good. They were very mean and would degrade their students especially the black students. I just don't want any teacher because they are black,but I want nothing but the best to teach in these classrooms.
You mean you are black and can pass the praxis? Listening to this I would think there is some magic that stops black folks from passing it. I’m black btw. I just don’t know why they are saying do away with testing when they could just as easily say we are going to mentor potential black teacher so they will pass the Praxis. It just doesn’t make sense to me
I didn't know what state he is talking about because I had to take more then one test. Thanks Illinois 🤣
Earn skills just to pay bills? No, that mind set keeps us minimally productive. We will always be dependent upon another form of assistance if we're just earning enough to pay bills. Earn skills to build our own businesses and become owners, CEO'S, ect. We must instead earn the skills, to develop the will, to become independently fulfilled!
@@thewrongshoes why would anyone who went through 4 years of educational study targeted towards and undergraduate degree in education & student teaching need to mentored or coached to take the Praxis? That's the question that needs to be addressed. Many teachers in the classroom today came via Teach America who grabbed anybody who was breathing with a degree to go into education and most of these teachers took the job because they wanted to support themselves while their focus was in entertainment, journalism, theater while looked for opportunities in these industries. Then there are those who got into education for the vacation time and never had any real expectation for student achievement.
You are correct. Just because you are black does not make you a great teacher. Furthermore, just because you went to school and passed the Praxis does not make you a good teacher. There are well educated, Praxis passed, degreed up, and licensed horrible teachers of all races. A great teacher could be awesome at educating a child and molding a great future citizen without holding a license to teach. Like you stated, you know many black teachers (most likely licensed) who are mean and degrading to children. Most of those type of individuals shouldn't be teaching children. I believe children deserve patience, positive discipline, and motivation as they are receiving their knowledge.
I’m a proud student of a trade school. I wasted so much time going to college.
👏👏👏👏Wishing you much success!!!😎
What trade
💪🏾💪🏾 I feel the same way!
College is a waste of time because its set up to be highschool 2.0 than a system that actually prepares you for a profession
Good for you. To each its own.
I had teachers who had policemen for husbands- and that school to prison pipeline theory is valid.
Watch this lecture of "The Public School to Prison Pipeline - by Dr. Amos N. Wilson" on RUclipsвидео.htmlвидео.html
Come to think About it’s Highly True.. My assistant principal told my mother Your son gonna end up in prison, I’m class of 2012 surpass Any expectations he may Have had for me...🙌🏿🙏🏿
Question everything and stay safe out there!!! ✊🏿видео.html
Facts I taught in three
I remember when I was in foster care temporarily, and in 3rd grade I was sent to a majority white school up North here in Chicago for about 6mths. They tried to put me in LD(special needs) within 2wks of being there😒.But fortunately that didnt happen😐Then came the test😑 They told my case worker that because I was new, I didnt need to take the upcoming standardized test that was suppsedly important at the time, but If I wanted to, I could take it, and it wouldn't be held against me. Fast 4ward I took the test, scored so high that they wanted me to retake it becaause they thought I cheated(I guess they thought I should've of been behind because I never got the chance to fully attend 2nd grade due to my situation)😑Anyway, I retook the test and scored just as high; and instead of being embraced as a great student, my teacher (a white woman) treated me with disdain, and always made an issue out of the smallest things tryng to get me removed from her class. Overhearing the discussions between my case worker (a blk woman)and my guardian at the time It was said that I was a distraction to the students and that I would b a better fit in another class with more ppl like me; Unfortunately the class and those she was speaking about were a group of minorities/few whites in special needs smh😒Fast 4ward again, my grandma eventually got custody and she ended up having problems as well with this teacher😑 low and behold, it was revealed that she was racist and my aunt rallied other families 2gether and found out she was doing alot of crooked stuff against minority students, and helping other kids to cheat during those standardized test. She ended up getting in big trouble, but who knows what really happened 2 her😒 But, I said all this 2 say, U can't trust these ppl to teach ur kids; and we should make sure that the real teaching starts at home. If u dnt have a plan for ur kids, they will😟If it's possible to homeschool, please do it; because its folks out here that will degrade, miseducate, and sabatoge ur childrens futures inorder to keep the narrative going, and keep that pipeline flowin😟
I glad you survived that teacher/school and foster home system. Mush respect to all ADOS who have had to battle and endure in systems that try to oppress us!
Thank you for the insight......
In the late 90's the majority of the black and brown students were force to go to continuation schools. My college experience wasn't any better, I had professors intentionally under scoring and grading me. I had 1 professor who retired after I said I was going to report him. I was a dean list back to back receiving A's and B's but received a D, in a class that I had got an A on for final test, and a B on a test prior. Smh
Guillermo Guzman how was this Black principle so called “racist”🤔 I have to ask, because u definitely glossed over that part🤔
Guillermo Guzman It’s obvious u don’t have a clear understanding what racism is😏But if u say so😏
We have to be like other ethnic groups. Growing up, my Chinese friends went to Chinese school after regular school to learn how to write in Chinese. The Latino kids went to Latin school to learn dance and culture. The Jewish kids went to Jewish school to learn their culture, and so on. We need to follow that example where our black children are looked after and taught our values as a people where we teach them about money, history, culture and an African language from a base if we as a people want to have relationships with the nations of Africa
@Elyse George the system is set up so as neither or both parents can't afford to missed a days work to attend their kids parents teachers sessions and then the kids are labeled by the educational system as having short attention spans, disorders, needs medications, needs to go into special education classes and or needs to repeat a grade or held back because of this or that reason
Still and with these above stigma black parents just go with what are recommended rather challenging the school system and challenging the child and help the child overcame the traumatic stigma placed and infected and inflicted by the educational institutions and government by designs to make them fail to elevate themselves
Agree. Our problem obviously is that our true history and culture were removed from us. Those other groups still have theirs intact. People have to self educate to gain knowledge of self, then they can pass the information along to the next generation
@@KINGDOMDAUGHTER There's a financial incentive for the school and the parent to put their child in special education classes that require medication.
@@TheyLive144 he's not as bad as D -trump & Biden & hilary etc...
Umar is not perfect, none of us are, but he's more for us than those I just named.
I taught 2 children age 3-5 during snow days how to read, write, add and subtract before 1st grade. Both are highly advanced to this day. Praise Godвидео.html
Put this on blast for young college kids!🐑видео.html
I left college after four semesters, and I had a 3.9 GPA. I learned about ROI. Basically I looked at my potential degree, figured out how much it would cost me to get that degree, how long it will take me to earn that degree. And how much I can make at my peek. It would have took me 6 years, I would have been 80k in debt and at my highest peek I would have made 80k. That is a bad ROI. I found an opportunity in the trades. I applied and got into the elevator industry. My schooling was free, as I was an apprentice i was making money and building my 401k. In four years I was already a technician making 103k a year, I had full medical benefits, no debt. In four years I built 60k in my 401k (which is not as much as I could have had i only contributed 3%. ) I purchased my first home. Today i make 150k plus benefits, im selling my first house and I am getting a fat return due to the hot market, and im buying a bigger better house in the suburbs, in a town where the schools are rated 10/10 on testing. I know my children can handle it because our schools now are 7/10 and my children are performing well. I believe that had to do with the fact that my wife homeschool them from before they could speak. I believe i made a great choice. My degree would have been in biology.
For those lost in the sauce ROI = return on investment and should be taken into account in all things.... Excellent comment A Font. I preach this to my son whenever I can... I told him when he graduated high school that college is not for everyone(because it wasn't for me) but you have to find a skill set or trade that is valuable. For me it was getting into the Hazardous Waste Operations field while working for a temp agency fresh out of high school while attending community college. A field that to this day has very little of us(blacks) in it but is a field that will be around until this planet is no more.... I am also a business owner and have thought about going back to college to get a business degree JUST to say I have a degree... The foolery that was running through my mind with that thought....LOL A Font again good comment and stay up!!!
I have young adult sons where do we go to do this
I went to college and earned a Chemistry Degree in May 2019. Going into junior year I expressed interest in wanting to go into industry(oil & natural gas). Advisor who’s been a professor for 20 plus years informed me that they have no real connections which translated to no employment prospects post graduation. Starting salary for the degree commands 40-50k/ yr. Disheartening to say the least. Entire Chemistry Department told me the same thing. Either my degree wasn’t worth anything or they knew the education wasn’t competitive enough to garner decent employment.
Long story short in the middle of senior year I took a semester off and got hired at an oil company that sent me to truck driving school. Started in August 2018, got my CDL A in October, worked basically non stop from August to January 2019 and took an LOA to finish my degree May 2019. I made 34k in those first 4 months before taking that LOA, and I went back immediately following graduation. Trades can honestly sometimes be better than a degree or certificate for making money good money. Who would’ve ever though that a Class A CDL would’ve worth more than a 4 Year College Degree. I plan on getting a job in my career field of study at some point but it would have to be a hell of an opportunity because consistently making 90-100k annually after taxes to haul cement surely beats the hell out of wearing a lab coat and clearing around 40k after taxes. 2 totally different qualities of life.
Education is a Scam. While I attribute my intelligence and ability to think critically to attending college, in retrospect it wasn’t worth the debt because I essentially have an useless degree that is comparable in cost to a new home purchase. Uncle Sam knows that college is a Scam and he also knows that most people who attended will never be able to pay off a home & their student loans during their working years.A Lifetime of Debt
I can listen to dr. Umar talk all day long, it was a pleasure meeting in person. I don't care about his critics or what they say cuz most of them do nothing!
Me 2.
Even though he been eying robbing the black community since 2009.
@@Leonardtank I PAID 20$ for his book & pics with him at his lecture in my city, he's full of KNOWLEDGE & 100% correct on the "school-to-prison pipeline" since I have a son that's what's MOST IMPORTANT to me!
@@Leonardtank NOT some MAGICAL school he's going to build thousands of miles away that I probably couldn't afford to send my child to anyway. It's the KNOWLEDGE he's giving each 1 of us BLACK parents!
Agreed cause all he’s saying true ..nobody gone help us but us✊🏿✊🏿
I took my son out last year/ 2019-2020 school year because the public school and the montessori school he was in stripped him of his self empowerment and ability to learn on his own.. He can learn, they took the belief and independence from him.. I am struggling as a single parent who works full time out of the home.. I feel like I am a mess but, I can't send him back.. Pray for me that my struggle becomes easy and success for my son.
You and your son are in my prayers. You and him are great don't ever forget that.
Wishing you and your son much success. 🙌🏿
We just interviewed parents this week that also had the same lament. One from MD, OK and OH. This week , we will be talking about solutions that we hope are realistic and attainable. After we finish compiling these strategies, I will be hand-carrying the items to the Rayburn Building here in DC. While they contemplate the stimulus...they will REALLY have to listen when parents nation-wide, take their children out of the schools and opt to do non-traditional styles of educating. A person can always cite their personal spiritual convictions as to why they desire their child to NOT be taught via Western systems.
When was the last time you heard of Amish children and their "standardized test scores"? And yet, they learn all the skills needed to lead productive and self sustaining lives. Undisturbed.
If you are willing to talk with me, I welcome the invite. Maybe something can be shared that will help. As a retired educator, I didn't leave the children when the bell rang for dismissal, and I can't abandon our children now. I remain a staunch advocate for best strategies to teach and mentor our children. It is the obligation of us ALL as members of THE VILLAGE. Blessings to you, and reach out if you desire.
@@tweila-rochellecauthen1704Can we please talk?
I actually enjoy homeschooling with my child. I've always thought about it, but wasn't afforded the opportunity because of work. Now that telecommuting is available...
@Jo Jo This is true. Seeing how things have turned, I hope this will be an option going forward.
Preach Brother Umar!!! and Dr. Perry! My 14 year has gotten more "True" Black History while at home than she ever received ...!! Come on Parents, we can do it!!
If you think black history is so important then get your kid a library card. The library where I'm at had courses in African history, the stopped them do to lack of enrollment. So people really aren't that interested in learning African history.
Umar is playing you thats why there are laughing because they work for the white man
The skills that pays the bills so true. That's why im helping my son so he can be debt free.
My children are home being educated, valued and loved by me!🖤✊🏾🌹
Seriously positively agree that Black Parents have the ability to educate their own children.
I plan on doing the same for my children when I do have kids.
Question everything and stay safe out there!!! ✊🏿видео.html
"The skillz that pay the bills" Enough saidвидео.html
The peer pressure is gone, the bullying isn't a thought. Trying to fit in and all that and it let's them focus on studies.
Absolutely, that was definitely the case for my teenage daughter. She is very much into her social life etc and when they switched to digital learning she went from an C student to an A student.
Give me liberty or give me death not education.
Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics chamber degrees will guide you
2KGrind09 ABSOLUTELY!!! I’m a Degreed Sub Teacher and my heart breaks for our children in some of these schools. SAVE YOUR CHILDREN!!! Provide education at home through home schooling.
Amen 🙏🏾
I am a black special education middle school teacher. I just received my master's in educational leadership to become a principal. In my school district, the superintendent cabinet is all-female and black and Latino. There are people of color that are passing the test. It's not impossible. No test is blocking me from anything. I don't negate the historical systematic racism regarding testing. But people of color are passing these exams. I have a circle of at least 6 friends who are black and Latino and they are ALL principals. We may not be the majority but we are here in the trenches on the front line fighting and advocating for children within the public school system.
As an educated person you should know he means on average!
Hi, are you teaching durning Covid19? If so I'm seeking a SPED teacher online for an 8 yr.old or if you know an African American teacher I can hire Ask them to email me at hiringhomeschool thank you on advance
He did make a lot of good points. I know teachers try and love their students more than anything. Takes special people to be teachers these days. If kids come to school and actually care i believe most teachers would be able to do their jobs better. Teaching starts at home and i think many parents have strayed away from that and have left it up to the school teachers to do every little thing. Teachers and parents are supposed to work together to educate our children. I believe integration is a good thing and yet can be a bad thing at the same time. Everyone is different. I like the fact that my kid will be able to build social skills with other children that may be different in color to them. Social skills are very lacking these days due to technology. I also believe schools should be teaching old subjects like home ec and basic trades.
Like i said it takes special people to be teachers. Thank you
@@TheyLive144 True. Umar is indeed fraudulent and a scammer.
Let me stand on more than 25 years in the public school system, Favoritism is not exceptable, because a teacher, principle, etc is the same race as a Black child, So let's get real, Far too many use the excuse as having a Black principle, or some Black Teachers as well as Superintendants as a choke hold over the Black child, especially when many show bias against a Black child, How can a parent say racism, when the principle is Black, Yet many Black professional staff, stay quiet because of their job, and not willing to call many white teachers to task, So they sit quietly and watch the injustice and MisEducation of Black Children, Parents look the other way, because there stands a Black principle or Teacher, Now how can a parent dare say racism, Yes there is a fall down at home, Sometimes but rarely a Black teacher will slip and let Black students know they see what's going on, just as police officers, whatever the field, Teachers support each other even when the know one has done wrong. As you will learn, if you haven't already.
This is a blessing in disguise. Homeschool them children.
Could be
@Heehaw I've been told by several people especially during Covid to homeschool my child even though I'm a single parent and work during the day time... How is this possible???
@Heehaw how do you get a tutor voucher? Never heard of thatвидео.html
I was told my son was ADD when he was in elementary. I refused to put my child on that medication. That was 30 yrs ago.
Good on you
ADD does "require" medication but does require therapy.
Im a retired certified black man public school teacher who taught for 24 years elementary, middle and high school. Dr. Umar is 💯 PERCENT CORRECT. I'm thinking about going back into the classroom, or to teach as a one on reading coach. The AMERIKKKAN Education doesn't understand our children and therefore don't know how to properly educate them. WE HAVE GOT TO TAKE IT TO THE STREET'S. Zora Neil Hurston was also a TEACHER. Thank you.
UNFORTUNATELY every parent and household does not have the discipline or wherewithal to accomplish this task in today's climate. Too many parents does not have patience to even help their kids with their homework when school is in session.😢
I am a teacher that has worked at only low income schools. I am tired of the schools and teachers being blamed for their children not being successful. A big issue in the school is absentee parents. A lot of parents do not see or respect us as educators they see us as baby sitters. The school should not be responsible for everything. There has to be a point where the parents take accountability. I am so sorry too much excuses when it comes to parenting and always someone to blame. In title I schools they are the most funded. We need to stop feeling sorry for our minority children and actually push them. Listen in the black community children are being raised in 74% single parent household and we don’t think that plays a role why our children are not successful. Parents take some responsibility pleaseee. Stop having children and bringing them in unbalance households.
Man you are sooooo right! Thank you for your comment! I am a teacher too and I totally agree with you because I too see it all the time in my school. Things are so bad that I have seen too many parents (mostly mothers) just give up and stop trying and it's sad and sickening to see quite frankly.
They will never make parents take accountability for their child's learning. I promise you, now with the panedemic and required at home learning, they will still find away to pin the blame on us. Literally in my county from March 13 to June 12, all learning was optional. Students were given 6 weeks to makeup previous assignments to increase their grade for the 3rd quarter, however majority did nothing. I would call parents all the time about their children not turning in work (missing or failing grade/make up work) or logging into online learning (instruction, practice activities, etc). Parents would say, "I will TRY to make him/her do it or log on or I don'tknow why they won't do their work or log in for instruction." They literally was in the next room from the kid but they couldn't get the kid to do ANYTHING. But somehow it is my fault (teachers) that your child didn't learn anything or didn't do anything 🤷🏾♀️. I'm dying to see how the fall will be when everything is not optional but mandatory. When your child starts collecting zeros and Fs for not logging in for instruction or completing the assignments 🤔. Who will take the blame then???
You are right!
You correct 500% but it won't happen
@latisha Williams thanks for being the brave teacher that tells the truth.
No matter what you think about Umar, he lit that discussion on fire!! 🔥 Great show Fox Soul!
He's a b*llsh*tter, that's all. It's all hype!
I dropped outta school in the 9th grade I would skip school to go hangout wit my uncle n learned tile installation drywall installation masonry. Iv worked for a couple of companies but after a while i got tired n started doing my own thing n have been doing my own thing no need to work for the opposite people when i can feed myself
Teach the kids Black History, you will be surprised at how many kids don't know anything about Black History!!!
Teach them the truth and the truth will open up their mind stay positive and prayed up love kelelah
Education STARTS AT HOME. Black folks need to stop waiting for others to show them their potential
First, let me please clarify something. There is NOTHING wrong with attending a school in the Black neighborhoods. We need to STOP degrading our neighborhoods and begin building and beautifying what is ours. We need to Stop speaking negative and ignorant of our Black neighborhoods. It is funny how so many people are experts on talking about the Black neighborhoods but do not live in them to help building them and beautify them. Ism calling allof you so-called Black intelligent people out. Out own people make money from a platform to speak low about us. Take time to watch YouTibe video on Affluent Blacks moving to Desoto, Texas. Why are you all not encouraging Blacks to create a blueprint to establish Black neighborhoods like that in all cities in America?
Secondly, Black parents in Black neighborhoods could demand more from the school system regarding their children education. Learn from the White schools and their parents. The Black parents and their children must want it as much as the educators in the schools. Until then, the learning process will always be just a colored education designed for them.
Parents are teachers first has always been my motto. Teachers/educators never were put in place to replace parents. The educators guide students and parents in the learning process. I have observed some of our Black parents using the schools as a daycare facility, juvenile facility and teach-my-child-what-I-am-not-teaching-as-a-parent facility. We cannot send our children to schoolvehaving out of control. Teaching must began at home and starts when the baby first enters the world.видео.html
@@danjonesiii4474 , thank you. I been meaning to purchase that book. This is what we aso need to know. No matter the system we are living under, if we do not empower our minds and sharpen our God-given skills, we will continue to be impoverished.
I say that in general, because I see people rebelling against this system by rejecting everything. Too many of our people are using the system as an excuse to do nothing but be vagabonds and wanderers like nomads. They reject the system but continue to live in sin to have more children and there the cycle continues of murders, robbers, stealing, fornication, adultery and having children out of wedlock and living in poverty. "A vicious cycle" stated by Dr. Martibg Luther King, Jr. Our own ancestors before being enslaved in America went to school. The education (knowledge) these people hold in their books and libraries (besides their lies) belong to us. We suppose to learn from our enemy, as their ancestors learned from our ancestors, and filtered out their lies. Some (or even half) of our people are speaking ignorantly, because they lack education that will open their minds to speak with logic. How many of us are in position to own businesses, become educators of our people or factors to heal our own people? The power of economic always starts with us. We must have a vision or we eill perish. We will live a life filled with nothingness and voided. Satan has robbed our people from their destinies. We must rise and beat the system at their own game. The Mist High is not just goibg to hand anything yk us if we are not doing as He instructed. Jesus worked. Moses was educated under Pharaoh's system. Paul was educated under the Roman's system. Do you see where I am going with this? Some of our people rebelled against the system that they would not be able to read and understand the written text. 😔😔😔
Besides, there would always be rich, middle-class and poor. Yashua said it Himself- "The poor will always be among you." We see for ourselves that some of our people are choosing to be poor, because they are lazy and just want to beg. I sm speaking of thede young healthy males and females. Women are getting pregnant just to get welfare and foodstamps. Yah said if you don't work, you don't eat. These people think they are outsmarting The Most High by defending on the system. Thede same people on one end criticize the system and on the other end, they depend on it for our livelihood. 🤯🤯🤯🤯It is mindblowong when talking to these very people.
I read a brother's comment on English being a broken language. That was odd, because God gave each group of people their own language after He destroyed Babylon. It was God who created English. Some of our people lack logic when speaking. Thank you for sharing. Love you, brother. Shalom.
They set are children up to fail.
OUR children! Yet another example as to why you can't help some people!
How? Maybe in bad areas but in the suburbs 10/10 school schools my kids go to the same schools as these white peoples kids that are doctors, entrepreneurs, police officers and taught the same thing making sure they are getting the resources and advanced learning. Anything else we can teach in our own homes that they do not teach in schools. It takes a village to raise a child and not everyone can home school or be home. It’s systematic raises so we got to work our butts off to live comfortable and our children to go to a school that teaches at the best level as possible! We can not beat a system that is against us the only time it will be how it’s suppose to be in when Jesus returns. Now it’s unfortunate those public schools that have misinformed or mean teachers that do not care about the children may God continue to watch over and protect all that are out here trying to do they best! To be everybody out to make a profit and capitalize on something or some system. This video here is talking about stem and I.T leading to A.I smh like I said until Christ return we can all say what we believe to be the correct way, but teach your children the word of God and keep doing your best and allow God to do the rest PERIOD!
Damn Trina.
They we need to set them up to succeed.
Black community: how much money u need to finish the school?
dr umar johnson: YES
He's a con artist
Run them donations
@@220love07 LOL..with his lying a##!!
Absolutely! Makes you wonder what kind of producers this program has that they could not vet the guests they were inviting to speak. Umar has no business sharing a platform with legitimate educators. He's a scam artist and never should have been able to share a platform with people who are actually doing work for the community.
@@soyveritas8262 you all need to stop it 🙄
College is not for everyone. There are some fields that require over a decade of training. I would not be able to enjoy my career if I didn’t spend over ten years in school.
Blanket statements are rarely correct. College may not be for everyone.
Strive to become a lifelong learner.
Cruzan Yes!!!
If people would invest time into learning who they are, they will find their gift and it will make room for them. I agree college is not for everyone even though I have several degrees, but I chose a broad field for what I love to do and have several options. Some can be apprentice and have the equivalent as a degree and have no debt and better pay. It start with our children from birth to groom them to know thyself and what make them feel and love to do in life. My son doesn’t feel college is for him but I planted a seed in him to know that whatever your heart desire ye shall have it. First ask TMH to quite your mind for His will and the steps will be ordered. Truth of the matter in some cases people some people feel having degrees make them more valuable in life. When they can see clear it’s not about materialistic things but the passion for one who sent to do what TMH SENT THEM HERE FOR. We are all unique people with different ideologies on what a person supposed to have then seeing the beauty of who they are. Some got 5 talents some got four and some one and we all connected to play the roles we were designed from the beginning ❤️💯💪🏽💫SN I HAVE A UNCLE WHO DIDNT finish the 5th grade but have a multimillion dollar business due to consistently and hard work❤️💯💪🏽💫
@@tinarobinson1175 Wow, that is very inspiring.
Divine Feminine Thank you ❤️ and forgive me for the typos.
Always good to see Brother Uma Johnson on any platform.
The best thing for your child is to get them into a trade Junior High and High School and make sure they are on track to getting certified WHILE IN SCHOOL because the exams are FREE for students. Once they graduate, they are on their on. Students can literally graduate with a HSD, certified, job lined up plus a few college credit and make more money than their parents ever dream of..This probably will end after a while once the dominant see we are succeeding this way so take advantage.
As an educator of Black children, I agree completely. We need smaller classes, different methods of discipline(productive punishment rather than punitive), better nutrition, home schooling groups, specialized tutors, etc. Public education is a MESS. I also believe in school choice and agency to decide in what kind of environment your child learns.
Technical and industrial skills are so important!!
Hi, are you teaching durning Covid19? If so I'm seeking a SPED teacher online for an 8 yr.old or if you know an African American teacher I can hire please forward and ask them to email me at thank you on advanced
The parent is a child's first teacher. We have to do a better job of advocating for our children. We cannot expect that this society has our best interest.
Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics chamber degrees will guide you
I agree with your statement. So, since our kids are being home school, do we still need to pay school taxes?
Autry, I have yet to see taxes or budgets go down
Same thing i have been wondering
You should only be required to pay if you send your kids to public
My same we question. We have all these government agencies that take our money and do nothing for it's citizens paying taxes but cutting foreigners and non citizens checks monthly just for being here😔🙄
Hey now you are getting it. Same as Democrats wanting college paid for, money for Illegal aliens, foreign aid ect.
Planning, patience, motivation, and encouragement are all essential when homeschooling your own child. As a team, you and your child, set realistic goals for progress. Let your child have a say in the goals for progress. Please do not chastise, degrade, or mock your student (your child) while in session or teaching. Pack on the patience!видео.html
Bro Umar's ability to articulate topics is unmatched!!
The youth are being played more by rap music and the music industry
Don't lose focus on the topic of this conversation. It's not about where they are being played more. We need to identify all the areas in which our children (and by extension our people) are being played and make changes to protect them.
@@davispatricks5453 💪🏾💪🏾
The European Jewish ppl control the music we listen to, it's all warfare!!!!!! Across the board!!!!!!!!
We got to understand everything is warfare, & move accordingly.
@@akomalovelive1744 Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics chamber degrees will guide you
homeschool I wish I had tried it earlier , it was spectacular the difference . You got the internet , public library , park system the gym and museums , an interested parent and 4 hoursa day , more than you need
If we don't start our own Government we will still be having this conversation 50 years from now.
So true
Until we have our own everything n that’s a fact
godsangel33ful EXACTLY.. even if we do learn “skills to pay bills” we still in a gov who don’t care abt us and who wants us at the bottom
Please do. We have been begging you to do so since the late 1860s.
I witnessed first hand how the predominantly white school my son attended tried EVERYTHING to undetermine his education before it even started. They denied him access to full day kindergarten which was (federally funded) to later trying to place him in special ed classes. One night while we went over homework he said "mommy reading time I have to sit in the back of the class and I never get a book." This broke my heart. My husband and I had to ALWAYS keep a watchful eye on the school system because instead of empowering and educating they cleverly tried to stunt our children's growth and development. They believed in "no child left behind.... unless that child was black."
Yes school integrating was a bad decision for Black children
New homeschooling mom...if I only told you my experience for the choice I just made just last week smh. I'm proud of taking the leap of at home learning frfr. God blessed me with the need, want and courage to take control of my children education
Teach your children at home. Bring them together with your friends and community children. I see you teachers out there. Remember Marva Collins. We can do this!
"His only special need is to have a black teacher in front of him." Say that Brother Perry.
It woould have been great to have Que Butter on this know, since he actually actively runs an institute for black children. 🤷🏾♀️
I saw Dr. Umar, I clicked fast.
How could you miss that gigantic head?
You are beautiful sis ❤️
I’m not sure why black people can’t pass a Praxis test ? Maybe work on that. I’m black but I reject the idea I can’t pass a praxis test if I tried hard enough. If “we” aren’t passing we need veteran teachers who have passed the test mentoring the new teachers coming up. Saying we can’t pass a test so the test has to go away is utterly ridiculous to me
@Queen Cee They are talking bullshit, to try and make the system look bad. How hard can it be to pass the test ?
Ridiculous! I passed more than one state teacher certification exam. First attempt!
Some people simply don't test well. I had to observe in a classroom. The teacher who was a black male had taken and failed the Praxis exam 3 times. The testing fee was $200 ($600 down the drain!). He could teach his butt off. Was able to engage the kids and had great classroom management skills. Great practical skills, but apparently poor standardized testing skills. He quit teaching and started a catering business. There has to be a better way to assess teaching competence.
@@greenbyrd3665 you can't tell these dummies that. They are fully indoctrinated that taking a test based on memorization skills are the end all be all to intelligence. Some of the best minds I know are just horrible test takers. Simple.
@@greenbyrd3665 Blame the test not the moron taking the test.
Absolutely truth.... Out children where learning faster , better and articulately then the Whites ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾💯видео.html
The Sherie Show we have the oldest dna on the planet our intelligence is literally passed down from our ancestors in ancient Kemet (Egypt) and all the other civilizations we built thousands of years
Not true at all...but go head
@@tkg4me What Facts Do you have ?? Scroll , Fake page don’t over here🤑
@@17Mssherie lets see: BSE in history education from FAMU, M.Ed educational leadership, Ed. D administration and leadership. Published doctor in my field and spent over a decade in alternative education. Oh, top of my class four DIFFERENT TIMES.
That said there is no empirical evidence or psychological evidence that black children from segregated schools performed better than any demographic.
He is so correct. My daughter is not going to university. College and apprenticeship is the truth.
I remember how proud I was......5th grade science class....First time ever having a black teacher....she was just a sub...but she was black!!!
Question everything and stay safe 🙏🏿видео.html
We all need to get rid of those names they gave us, build our own schools, curriculum, and hospitals. Period.видео.html
Maybe it's just me but I don't feel the same! Some parents had their children in private school, we work outside of the home. I'm a registered nurse (essential worker) both me and my spouse. This will completely destruct our norm. I have friends with children with special needs and these children need the extra help from specialists. This is a double edge sword. However I'm definitely all for the better education of our children and the top priority should be saftey
I agree its not any simple solutions
@@Sam5D not at all its heart breaking 💔
It is simple! Each parent need to properly assess their childs mental needs. Your a nurse! That means that you have to outside the home MAKE SURE That you're not pacifying your children with sp. Ed/medication so that you can work. BLESSINGS!!!
@DLH My children are my top priority! It's a bit insulting to make such a horrible assumption. Excuse me for having a decent education and keeping a roof over my children's head. Not everyone wants to be in the forest drinking rain water with tin foil hats living off the grid. I'm sure everything you purchase your still using it with money so do talk to me as if you're holier-than-thou .
@@hohndoe7136 my children have never been nor are they taking any medications. I was simply pointing out children who have those needs. I worked as a child care provider for a few years prior to becoming a registered nurse. But I completely understand what you mean some parents do medicate children when not necessary. I just hope all of our kiddos are safe that's all they deserve
Umar could do an online school and call it a day.
Excellent idea
Well, he would actually have to work then, instead of soliiciting and spending donations...
You're right!♥️
@Cheetah Red He's probably hanging out at Umar's school...
Speaking as an Black female who has passed the Praxis exam, I agree. It is a barrier, but it is needed. It is a barrier so people WITHOUT EDUCATION EXPERIENCE do not have the opportunity to poorly influence students. Why not a combination of both? The option to take either the test, to get your certification quickly, or a longer apprenticeship program.
I cant believe ppl are still listening to Umar. Due diligence is a must
I would’ve have liked if they just had Dr. Perry instead of Umar. But I blame these platforms because it makes him look legit and then he can beg for more money for a nonexistent school.
@@zabrinamonday8950 yes, these platforms need to due their research or lose creditabilty. we have learn and not repeat
We need to have our own!
Lets get started, time is running out!
Lets wake up together!!
Start that awakening by disavowing Umar
They lock our black men up for crumbs people out here doing 25 years for weed and cocaine
Umar dropped the mic at the end, Dayum. smmfh.
Dropped the mic and didn't say anything
When this lock down occured, I began homeschooling my grandson. Prior to the lock down, he was getting kudos for "sit up... rollover...give me your bark like a dog...good boy!!! critique. All along, he was not even writing his own name on his work in class. How do I know this? The teachers or whatever they are called now, spelled his name wrong. When I began teaching him to write his name, he was not writing his letters correctly., by the time I began educating him he, being 5 years old, he is now doing math, and reading 3 letter words now at 5 years old. meanwhile the school thru virtual learning wanted him to copy /paste and color. What a joke. In day care, for this summer, a teacher or whatever they call them, he was sent home with a picture of him on construction the bottom half of the picture, they had him color and paste the bottom half of a mermaid to his picture...I sent a letter to the daycare the next day reminding them that when I filled out the application, I did check off "male" under gender therefore, have him associate activities that or boy friendly such as cars, trucks, balls etc. Problem solved.
Go ‘head Grandma!!!! That’s what I’m talkin’ about...kudos to you! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
We're four to five generations behind. By the year 2025 you will see the disparity between blacks and the rest of the world in educational achievements. It's truly a global world. I hope for the best.
Why do you need white man PAPERWORK!!! Lord have mercy 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Umar doesn't even have the black man's paperwork. This fool is paperless
You need it to operate in the white man's system
I didn't have a white teacher until I got into the military. I also graduated from a predominant white university. Top 20% of my class I might add
@@bdjonx exactly, since when is top 20% something to brag about. Did she exceed in math, does she understand how many more were ahead of her, and if she had gone to a black college she may have been in the top 5.
woop too dee doo
Dwon Byrdsong my people are in love with white institutions. Just sick.
I’m a proud HBCU grad. Go where you are accepted, not tolerated.
The coronavirus have made some of these lazy and disinterested black parents do their job! I am a black parent and noticed when my child was in school the parents put ALL the wait on the teachers and school system. The coronavirus is driving them crazy. They don’t realize we have the smartest children on the globe. Yes and I agree there are no life skills taught in school anymore. My father taught me “you learn at home and practice at school!” I’m of Jamaican descent.
DrUmarr’s ending statement is true!
Umar hates weaves btw
So true Dr. Umar I disagreed with segregating. It did great harm to black children in toooo many ways.
I'm one and it was good for many of us i don't how old you're but that's a damn lie!!!!!!
This is awesome!!! This has given me a different perspective. I was forced to homeschool my son due to Covid and it really opened my eyes. I'm actually planning to homeschool him this following school year and teach him our real history!!!!! Just looking for some good material and im putting it togethere right now. Please if anyone knows of any good material for a third grader please let me know!!!!
I know your are probably busy but I found an excellent documentary about the Ancient Sumarians in Sudan. Perhaps if you can find some time (and I can find the link) you can watch it and summarise it for your son? I'll see what I can do, however, I'll need you to like this comment so I can find you again easily if I do find it.
Me toooo😭👏🏾 at first I was so stressed because I was unprepared. I had no idea how to go about it but, now I’m excited and fully prepared for the upcoming school year💕💕.
I congratulate you for that Sister!! I have alot of real black history material.. It's good to start early..
It's very important for our children to know their learning style it helps them tremendously.
Question everything and stay safe out there!!! ✊🏿видео.html
I am a Marine, and a retired educator and former police officer (who was nontraditional in the latter two careers). I am ecstatic to hear this conversation. I have been singing this song since the early 2000's. Made a lot of 'traditional route' educators upset along the way. I have been an adherent of Dr. Umar and Dr. Steve for at over a decade. Maybe now, folks will see the need for the Garvey-Douglass Academy. Monies donated just covered the purchase...the community needs to join forces, set personal issues aside, and for ONCE before its TOO LATE, do the RIGHT THING FOR OUR CHILDREN.
Dr. Sean and Sis Tiffany...greatly appreciated the both of you. This was truly an insightful and purposeful telecast. You all need to do this more frequently. I would like to see you all develop a consortium, a think tank with parents, students, educators, former educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, anthropologists, biologists, environmentalists, economists, tradesmen and STEM agents, to join in a venture to overhaul the systems we are using to teach our children, and CREATE/SUPPORT Afro-owned/operated learning facilities.
This is my FIRST time I have ever heard of and viewed "THE BOOK OF SEAN", and it won't be my last!
Question everything and stay safe 🙏🏿видео.html
@@RawDogTV Indeed and thank you for the link, I will definitely check it!
One thing that I ain't hear nobody talk about is the difficulty Black teachers are having teaching Black children. I have been teaching almost 25 years and what I've seen is that much of the reason Black children aren't learning is because of the attitudes of the children themselves.
From disrupting the classroom environment to apathy and in many cases laziness. If we don't change the attitudes of our children and motivate them to want to learn, you can have all the Black teachers and new curriculums or whatever. The attitude of many in our Community regarding education needs improvement.
Exactly! Our broken families are spilling into the classroom.
im so glad to have my children home my son can read the school told me he cannot read
What happen to that school he supposed to have that everyone supposed to been paying
It's never going to be built...It's sad people are donating their hard earned money to this shameless scammer. Watch thisвидео.html
@@onebadhombre7158 how much hard earned money have you donated?
Annie Wilson Zero. Thankfully I’ve donated to organizations that actually help Black people.
He stole peoples moneys. There is no school.
Its already built
This is an eye opener! Much respect to you all. Dr. Johnson, you are powerful. I love and enjoy learning from you!
My daughters third grade teacher tried to convince me my daughter had a learning disability because my daughter didn’t like her 🤦🏾♀️
I appreciate the fact of lack of peer pressure with home schooling
Let's go Dr. Umar!!! Speak on it THE TWO BIGGEST UNIONS POLICE & TEACHERS. AFRICAN Americans wake up.
The two biggest unions are Democrats - look at where they pour their resources.
I think Umar has never in life had a conversation without saying the word "Black"
What’s your pointвидео.html
As a con artist, he always repeats to make sure people get the point and so they will believe him-and then he can ask for donations.
I always had my suspicions about the School system. I felt that the school was actually dumping us down!! But Umar was telling the truth!! 💯💯
I have a MFA with training in typography/calligraphy, multimedia design, and instructional design/education technology. Of course, I put those skills to work by teaching them to my daughter. I personalized her curriculumn which resulted in her able to read (phonemic awareness and phonics) at the age of two, when she finished daycare, she read to her classmates, she read with fluency and comprehension on a grade five level, she could count from 0-100, she knew addition and some subtraction, she knew situational awareness (how to read a compus) because I taught her martial arts/ mindfulness meditation. Most important, before she left daycare she discouraged two boys in her class and in kindergarten, she discouraged the class bully (boy) using her martial arts. Further, all the other families were amazed and even a local university sent researchers to test her and tried to understand how is that possible, in fact, I taught her how to learn to tie her shoes, at age four, and she could write and complete full sentences in cursive writing with punctuations, again thanks to my typography/calligraphy skills. However to the surprise of many, when asked who taught her, she responded to the parents and researchers "my daddy taught me." As a first time single African-American dad soon to be 60, I am proud to know, when I adopted her, I contributed to her intellectual future. Now for those who can't afford the Praxis get GRE tested it is the equivalent of a Praxis is accepted in some state as well as cheaper than the Praxis. I teach K-12, now I am teaching UX/UI design to 8th graders. It need hard to teach your child, she show interest in them and make it fun and never forces her but make it fun it really creates a bond.
Oh by the way, the reason they stop teaching cursive writing, is so future generations can't read the "Constitution of the United States" and know their rights. After all, the "Constitution of the United States" is written in cursive. Do you remember Star Trek, when Cloud William badly mangles the "Pledge of Allegiance?" Then Captin Kirk gave his "We the People" speech,
see "The Omega Glory: Kirk's Greates Speech"видео.html. Rhetorically speaking will our black children have "digressed a lot from the dreams of our ancestors fight and struggle for education?"
I’ve heard of all the measures to prepare kids for their standardized testing, so why are we not preparing our black teachers to pass that one test?? Or are we?видео.html
NONONO I WILL NO LONGER accept that this man is feeding us with one hand while slapping us with the other!!!! #goaway
Why is he (Umar) still getting a platform for our ears?
Amen for what you said Dr. Johnson 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Umar is a liar and a scammer. He's been collecting money for over 10 years (700k-1million) and has nothing to show for it. Watch this.видео.html
I am homeschool parent, My son- who is now in college was homeschooled from 2nd grade to have graduation. The school system has been trash a long time and they fought me for yeeeeaaaars as a black single parent at the time to teach my kid at home. I was tired of him being bullied, beat up and not learning.
When I was in the 7th grade my Math Help teacher was reading the newspaper and she began to read out loud how our graduating class (2013) would be the last class to have to take the HS Graduation Exam. We only had to take portions of the test if we didn’t pass the End of Course Test (EOCT) for a particular subject. Statistics printed later showed that Caucasian children failing the Exam had significantly increased. Hence the reason the removed the test from the school system.
"Dr." Umar's successful academy could solve this problem(*opening in 2067)
Facts we will all be dead and resurrected for the judgement before the damn school opens! Wow.
@@louismannn9901 He'll be taking donations next for his school on Mars. He can't do what he needs to on Earth, so we have to go to Mars 🤣🤣🤣👾👽
@@ladycheyne5607 LoL ...... Mars 😌
Ok Dr Umar is back....I'm glad hes not beefing like a rapper
Yes, I’m one of those parents that will continue home education with my Girls & Boys❣️this is the best thing that happened out of all the bad.
My son at the time wanted to read one of those thick Harry Potter’s books for a reading test. White teacher said it was too much for him. Needless to say my son was an avid reader and could read anything and tell you about it. If you listen to them they will have your kid in the learning disabilities classes.
I helped people get SSI AND SSA benefits for several years. Most of the children that have been diagnosed with AAD & ADHD etc don't really have these disabilities. The parents and teachers just don't want to deal with them. I will never forget a mother who told me that her daughter made A's and B's but it took her 2 hours to do homework. I told that mother "welcome to parenthood" there is nothing wrong with most of these children. Parents and teachers need to figure out the child's learning method. Some are visual. Some can hear. Whatever works, do that and press on.
My question to Dr. Perry, Why cant African Americans and Latino X pass this "test". Are they studying
Same thing I was thinking. If this test is issued to everyone, why is it something that is against black people? I'm sure we're smart enough to pass the test?
“The system is designed” for the kids not to study 😂😂😂😂😂
They're not studying
I was wondering about that statistic as well. I’m a teacher and idk why Black ppl wouldn’t be able to pass the tests with rigorous studying like everyone else. Need to do some more research
Teachers period can't pass it! They have to take it multiple times... it's not just a multiple choice.
Dr Johnson is just a breath of fresh intellectual air 🌬 Those last few minutes of this clip was powerful👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾✊🏾
The man is loser who is 45 and lives with mom.
Say what you want, but the man knows his stuff and articulates it well!!
Michelle Love he gives dated information. The laws and implementations have changed. He would know that if he was an actual school psychologist in this or the last decade- but he wasn’t. He hasn’t worked anywhere since y’all started giving him money (like 2008). The information he gives can be debunked with one google search. That’s just facts.
And as far as articulation? 🤔
The Hell and The High Water get on camera 🎥 and talk lol dr Umar will destroy you
@@michellelove34 Name something Umar has said that is useful ?
Wait a minute...Umar! What happen to that school you've been trying to open since 2009? Where's all the money people sent you to build that school???? Why you keep putting off the open dates???? Do you when plan to open the school??? Has any work been done???????
Have u donated any money??
Umar is a fruad I don't trust him he still can't build a school smh.
@@mariokingston7999 NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The *work" is up his nose
I don't think it's the public school system it's that many black parents do not prioritize their children's education. Most of the time the parents are not as educated themselves therefore they don't prioritize it with their own children.
Dr. Umar gave me goosebumps preach my brother I'm listening
Bro.Umar, brilliant as ever. Too bad brilliance not enough without integrity.
1.) None of thi is news.
2.) Having a panel with 3 black men and using the one black woman as the token, to hopefully push away criticism of sexism in Black America---#failure. Most African American teachers are female. It is important to have their voices.
3.) Identifying problems, as opposed to using educators to talk about solutions is a waste of time. Perry repeated himself, and stats we've heard over and over again. They focused on black males in education, with no mention of young black girls, who have almost equal rates of suspension.
4.) Umar Johnson is NOT a doctor of anything. He is also unemployed and does not work at any school. This has been the case for nearly a decade. He's a scam artist.
5.) The NOI host is somebody that encourages anything that sounds like it's "radical" when in fact, it just serves to distract from the actual ground work that is needed for African American kids in education.
2006neram 5.) NOI, what does they have to do with this debate?
The point is we got the message they delivered. It was a 17min clip fool wtf did you expect in this little time frame? Besides we know the problems because it's been around for a longgg time. So miss us with the bullshit.
Umar “Donate” Johnson
He's a scam artist blow hard
Naw it's Umar " Donate ...Donate .. Donate" Johnson ... Every person with a degree ain't smart I went to college with a lot of them ... We have a serious issue if this clown is still getting eyes and ears ... He's clearly a con and grossly misinformed
Run them donations
Umar "donate "Johnson..sounds like a boxer who never won a fight and blames his losses on white supremacy and those who didn't donate
@Sonny’s big sister Beeski Umar doesn't know shit but how the coke hits
We’re still trying to locate your school Dr. Umar
I'm going to ask you again...where is that bread for the school for black boys? Extortionist
Umar's failing his own children more than the school's system is. Wouldn't his children benefit from his "knowledge", quality time, financial support, and having a male parental figure ie father? It's amazing how many of you are willing to give that a pass and will attack statements like above instead. Calling ppl lazy like he's not doing the laziest thing a parent can do. Being absent.
Are you that man's Bitter Baby Mama or something???
@Ethel Allen ACTUALLY I'm married. My husband and I got married before our 1st child was one yr old. She'll be 14 in October. 2 weeks after her father's birthday.
@@mokreem It's funny how y'all talk that blackity black ish except when it's time to hold a man accountable. You must be another "man" running from his children too. Nice try but I'm married to the man that helped me bring children into this world. That's something you can't understand tho. So bcuz I empathize with single moms and hold ppl accountable means I'm his children's mother? Gotcha.
@@mokreem Also! Bitter? If I were a single mother wouldn't I have a reason to be bitter if I'm carrying the load by myself? You don't make sense. I'm too blessed to be bitter. I live in a 5 br with my husband and our 4 beautiful children. Plus I don't have to worry about working or paying a single bill. If he walked off tomorrow I'm getting half, alimony, and child support. Bitter isn't a characteristic of mine.
@@joziequervoyo LMAO @ blackity black.... No I take care of mine, but I also don't watch or comment on peoples videos that I don't respect. If you have a real problem with him, then why support him with your RUclips views.
I hope no one is still giving this man their money