For the “account” parameter to the connector seen at 7:00, cell 4, where did you get that account name (“”)? Does it represent your AWS account name, or that of the sample data stored on snowflake?
Notebooks typically are meant for interactive data exploration. If you have to run something daily, consider putting that in a job, stored proc and orchestrating it with a Snowflake task.
For the “account” parameter to the connector seen at 7:00, cell 4, where did you get that account name (“”)? Does it represent your AWS account name, or that of the sample data stored on snowflake?
Sample data stored in Snowflake.
HEYYY, thankyou so much for this, this is what i am searching from very longggggg..... thankssss
Thank you so much for this! One question though, how can you integrate this with pyspark?
Thanks. Do you mean Snowpark? If so, I have videos on the channel for Snowpark.
If I want to run a python notebook every single day, How can i do that in snowflake?
Notebooks typically are meant for interactive data exploration. If you have to run something daily, consider putting that in a job, stored proc and orchestrating it with a Snowflake task.