The Black Harvest title is one of my proudest achievements I've gotten. I mained warlock in MoP and that quest was so hard. I remember grinding it over and over and getting it was such a relief. Plus the green fire is lit
FUN FACT the fight if done properly with perfect control of the pit lord and it's positioning along with yours, you could essentially do the fight almost naked, since' there's no soft enrage on the entire encounter. I played my friends warlock who was fresh max level took like 10+ mins to do the fight with his gear haha
This is hilarious. I had a max level warlock and it had no gear at all. I just got drunk one night and decided to try it after I found the book and that's how I got mine....
The sheer thrill of getting the Realm First! Grand Crusader back in Wrath was the biggest highlight of my WoW career mostly because the guild that we beat for that title was by far so much better (like top 500 US) that when we saw that achievement pop up the whole server cheered us on and dunked on the top guild. That was such a great Christmas gift.
Fun fact, I did the Kanrethad questline because it was a fun challenge, but I really disliked the green fire effect so I turned it off immediately 1 second after completing the quest. Then despite being a warlock since vanilla, I switched mains in WoD so I didn't actually check if I was granted the title (it wasn't granted when you completed the quest, but rather granted to everyone eligible as soon as 6.0 came out) A few months later, I went to level my warlock and realized that I hadn't been granted it despite having completed the quest months ago. Anyway, long story short but I had to go through 2-3 different GMs/tickets before one of them stopped saying "sorry that title is unobtainable" and actually checked my quest completion date to verified I was eligible. So now everyone's FoS says October 14, 2014 except for mine is in January :D
I am in the same boat but still no title, completed it and then deployed, I have the green fire but no title. GMs keep giving me the run around every 2-6 months when I remember it ever since.
Yeah I'm forever salty about getting it while it was current content and not playing in the timeframe they rolled out the title. Just like others here I keep getting shut down every time I muster the energy to ask for it
I love my "of the black harvest" title even though I don't play retail anymore. At that time I was a new player and saw a warlock using green fire spells on a dungeon. I thought that was so badass that I decided to dedicate every single playtime I had to get it. The problem was, again, I was a brand new player and saying I was bad at the game would be an understatement lol. So I had to learn everything about my class, how to cast or stop casting at the right time, how to track and maintain enslave demon, portals placement and whatnot. I remember I also had to learn alchemy to crafts potions that would help me on the fight. It was a hell of a trial for a casual noob, that only played solo to collect transmogs and pets, to master all those skills, but I felt so proud of myself when I did it! I still have a lot of screenshots of me flexing my green fire right after sucking the power out of Kanrethad hahah.
As a Healer Main, I always rock the “Field Medic” title. It was the last hurrah of the First Aid profession, in Legion, and had a fun little quest chain/scenario that rewarded this title :)
The last time I saw a Scarab Lord was back in Cata. He was a gnome warrior I queued into Lost City of Tol’vir with. Might still have the screenshots saved on an old HDD. Still jealous I didn’t play that much back in Vanilla.
too bad most the people with the title got it when the gates bugged and reclosed back in wrath and blizzard did nothing about it other then remove the quest line
@@furydeath It wasn't a bug per se, in WOTLK Blizzard just started making the gates open by default on new servers. So in TBC new realms had to still do the gate opening to open AQ. The last remaining realms with their gates open closed in early WOTLK, in those a bunch of people migrated to those servers and there were gate openings where a big number of people got the title, including even some Death Knights There used to be a website that tracked the progress of the war effort on different realms. I know because I tried to farm my quest line before the last one opened in early WOTLK
@@tracidvoyager no i still remember it the gate's closed again on some severs letting people who had the quest done open them again and get the mount and title. Blizzard did NOT remove them and all they did to "fix it" was remvoe the quest line. Some players had gotten other Language My gnome rogue got Draconic, was kinda cool you could understand the dragons at the wrrath gate, and i think night elfs got titan. It depened on what race open the AQ gates on your sever. From the wiki: When patch 3.0.2 was released, the gates of Ahn'Qiraj were briefly closed due to a bug that reset the gates on each server, and gave all characters of the same race and class as the original opener the ability to speak Draconic.[citation needed] All mobs spawned during the event were respawned as well. The supplies did not need to be gathered, and if the quest chain was done previously one would need to simply turn it in and re-open the gates, giving them the mount and Achievement zone silithus 01 [Scarab Lord] title. Tho i dont belive it was all sever or else I would have got to the gates so fast lol
This video was fun. I’ve not played WoW in many a year, but seeing the Immortal and the realm firsts - I have these and it just unlocked a lot of memories. TBH though, Astral Walker was always my favorite to sport on my Black Proto.
I'm surprised "the chosen" title from legion didn't make this list. It required you to clear trial of valor on mythic without dying once and the title was made unobtainable after legion. I would argue this title is more rare and was harder to get than "of the black harvest" title. You needed a 20 man raid group that knew what they were doing. For the warlock title you only needed to be decent at the game, you didn't need other players.
Groups sold chosen title runs at the end of Legion when it was massively out geared. It was hard current content, but also very buyable for a reasonable amount of gold
@@Limrasson Nah sadly, I got them on my Human paladin back in the day. I had to race change to belf when alliance numbers went to hell after wrath on my server.
I too, have those titles on my Alliance paladin. They were originally given to the players who completed the quest chains to unlock access to the tier 5 and 6 raids in Burning Crusade. A lot of people were pretty mad that happened, I remember it well...
@@Spectacular66 I was a Warcraft lore addict when WoW first came out, taking the original manual with me everywhere. I was so mad at the draenei change and thought the naaru were so stupid, I refused to complete those quests I kick myself to this day
I have champion of the naaru, and was on one of the later quests on hand of adal when wrath dropped, i asked a gm if i could still get it and they told me no. So i abanfoned it, but later i found out that if i already had the quests i might still be able to get it (:
So fun fact about the Warlord race achievements. If you faction change with the quest active, you'd get the quest for the opposite factions counter (orcs > humans for example) but it would also open the quest up again at your garrison. My DK is currently working on two at the same time and did for most of WOD.
The green fire also made the old chaos bolts bigger and made your metamorphosis bigger, aside from turning it green. Not including turning your classic warlock mount green. But I think the hardest part of the encounter was the fel hounds. Which got easily trivialized if you spam rain of fire on gate to bring the aggro straight to you and ignore dispelling your enslave demon on the Pitlord.
Getting Hand of A'dal from BC and Starcaller from WotLK, pre-nerfs and on progression with my original guild will always be my favorite time spent in any game, working perfectly together with really good friends to take down some of the hardest challenges of the day.
Hand of A'dal on progression was pinnacle me and the guild I still have ties to, it took a lot out of the guild though, after Black Temple it wasnt the same with a lot of players lost to burnout. I use the title to this day on all toons, so many great memories of that time in the game.
There was a very brief window in WOTLK where a new server opening would allow for someone to ring the gong and get the rewards, I believe this would include the title as well.
i was thinking back to how hard it was with the gear i had, but i was still freshly max level and didnt do any raiding or anything like that. i was in the 470's ilevel range when i finally completed it, and everyone was saying how easy it was with 500+ ilevel.
I wish realm first professions had also gotten/kept titles as well, though thats largely just because its the only thing I ever managed to get in terms of being that rare.
4:15 I got both Immortal and Undying titles in Naxx (T7) but I could swear there was a much earlier deadline to getting them than the end of the expansion. We got the 25man on the last possible week and we kept raiding for a long time after that so it must have been just before the release of Ulduar (T8) when Blizz removed it or at best Trial of the Crusader (T9).
I got both without going for them... we just so happened to get them. Seems like most of the ones on the list I got are that way, or I just didn't pay enough attention and I was the only one not knowing what was going on.
@@kenny5844 Not true at all. The titles were in fact available throughout the patch, the mounts like the Black and Plague proto-drakes however were removed with the Ulduar patch. The video is correct
Yup, I remember racing on the week before Uldaur dropped to finally get Immortal done. You couldn't out gear these at all and wasn't really that difficult to get as Naxx in wotlk was so much easier, it was just the added stress that would cause deaths more often than not.
I love using magic seeker but I also have the undying and the immortal as well...yes I had no life. I'm sad I just never see anyone else with these titles. To up my old no life status, I fly around on my gladiator drake I only got cause the pvp kids on my server said I could only do pve
@@clay1250 I use it on my mage I used to use The Insane, because I was in a guild with 24 others with the title. Now these titles are rare af, and the Insane has exploded over the years
I missed out on obsidian slayer as I was a DK and my guild cleared it before I was 80. Not like I was slow levelling either, I was the 2nd level 80 DK on the server by about 15 minutes. Got the other titles though.
Wasn't there a recurring problem (during BC or Wrath) when some hot fixes would suddenly reset the AQ opening on all the servers and people could re-ring the gong? Did those people get to keep the title or did they lose it?
No one in my huild wanted to do scarab lord except my guild leader. We already had BWL on farm, so him getting raid kills wasnt hard; usually a port and 5 min flight away. But be did give us gold or consumables in exchange for the help gathering the specimens. The rest we did pre/post-raid with small groups. It honestly wasnt bad. We chilled in discord together and watched movies while we farmed the hives. It was one of my more memorable times from 2020. For as bad as the grind can sometimes be, the journey is just as important.😊
I have the Undying title. Fun fact: the mage who already had the undying title almost died to Thaddius due to the polarity. Luckily, he ice blocked at the last second. We had saved Thaddius as the last boss. Unfortunately, I am one achievement away from the Battlemaster. Stupid perfect AB.
Shouldn't this be like one of the easiest to farm? Make a group of 5 decent players and spam AB. I think I have it on almost any character, just by chance
There is a brawl (BG like but with a twist) against bots (so 10 players vs 10 AI) in AB, perfect AB happens very often. I see you quit, but one day if you come back you know what to do ;)
Another fun fact about the Wotlk realm firsts, originally it was planned that the first class, race and profession along with a few miscellaneous firsts were each going to give their own title. So for the first mage for example they were going to get the Archmage title or druids got ArchDruid, Rogue Assassin, Stalker for hunter etc. For races like the night elf would have gotten "Champion of Elune" or humans would have had "The Lion Hearted" then professions were Grand Master ______ except with cooking you got Iron Chef and first aid gave you Doctor. Really a shame because my friends and I were planning on skipping school to try and get one of these lol.
Interesting fact about realm first .. I was on the way back to turn in 4 quests that would have gotten me realm first hunter … when the announcement was made 😂😂😂😂 I stopped playing for 3 weeks after that
I remember returning to MoP later in the expansion and _immediately_ doing the green fire questline with my undergeared heroic dungeon gear equipped warlock and being too stubborn to farm gear. I think my iLvL was like 468(?) while the challenge was designed for Throne of Thunder Gear which was around 520+ish. I did complete the challenge and while I do not play the game anymore, that character is special to me purely because of that haha.
Not having the immortal title still kinda hurts. Almost had it, but one guy screwed up Thad. The last week to get it my husband and I didn't get in the run, but the guy that screwed up got to go and the raid made him stay out of the room. So he got the title on the last week and we never got it.... We both left that low population server. Husband played wrath classic and has it now so he feels better about it now.
Mistwalker & Grand Crusader here! I'm surprised to not see Mistwalker in general on the list, since I figure it's at least rarer than Black Harvest, unless that's just counted in with the realm first achievement section!
We have a Scarab Lord guildie who i think is 1 of 3 ppl on the server to still play. Although i havent seen the other 2 ppl since BFA. I missed the title myself by a few hours
The fun thing about "Warlord of Draenor" achievement was that there was a bug around the time where your progress to any of the quests would reset randomly. I remember spending a whole day from morning to night killing orcs trying to get the first title, only to get around 350 and logging in the next morning to have it all reset. Rest assured, this shook me enough to start playing the game casually from that on
My brother had High Warlord back in 2005. He was playing around 12-14 hours a day on the final week push to get the title. He also got the Gladiator title the first 3 seasons it was around, at one point he even got a sponsorship offer (turned it down) to travel for tournaments back in the day.
I have Death's Demise and Celestial Defender titles.. they're the main thing that makes me sad I don't play retail anymore. Was quite fun to fly around on Invincible with Death's Demise.
that random glitch thing made me think my pc had an issue you bastard XD Also, I would argue the champion achievement for the argent tournament could have had a place here, even at max lvl, its at the very least a month of constant grinding if you want the "of the alliance/ of the Horde" title
I remember doing the green fire quest back then. It was the hardest thing I’ve done in this game so far and I’ve been playing since vanilla. I wish there were more things like this added. I remember finding out about it and read about the Tome drop rate and got annoyed.. luckily it dropped on the first rare I killed 😄
Out of all the titles, I only have #10. Of the Black Harvest. Warlock was a very semi-Alt.. hardly ever played her, but I was still gearing her up and such before this was announced. Boss was hard, but still got it. I AM PART OF THE TWO PERCENT!
Of the ones on this list, I have the Undying during our time doing 10-mans in Wrath of the Lich King. I also have the Mistwalker title for being part of a 5-man group that achieved the realm-best time for Mogu'Shan Palace during Mists of Pandaria. Challenge modes were incredible back during Mists and Warlords. It's a shame they took them away to be honest. I have tons of titles over the years since I played from March of 2005 through June of 2022, but none of the others on this specific video list.
couple of things on the rank 1 titles bit, the first title was actually season 2 (merciless gladiator) and also prior to MoP, rank 1 titles were literally rank 1, rather than top 0.1% of the ladder. only 1 team per bracket per battlegroup could get these titles and 2v2 was excluded! This was changed to the percentile system for the classic wow release but if you see a pre-MoP rank 1 on live to my mind that's as prestigious as it gets for pvp.
You also have to remember with the statistics from dataforazeroth that it's largely self-reported. Titles from Wrath won't even show from accounts that haven't logged in since the armory revamp, and only a certain number of accounts are ever scanned and stored. That 5% with the title is likely far higher when actually looking at all wrath characters.
Oh man, I remember getting the Warlock Green Fire! That was a fun time, I didn't even play Warlock much but I just so happened to start playing Warlock around MoP for fun and ended up doing the quest. Outside of that, I don't really remember if I had any other special titles that were limited... I was a very casual player so I never really went for the hardcore stuff.
Fun fact with the classic PVP titles, at least as of the last time I checked you actually have your classic pvp title along with the updated ones, It doesn't show any difference when using and you can't even tell them apart in the tab but a neat little reminant of the old vs new titles.
I did the green fire warlock quest when it was released and quit before MOP was over. I didn't return until Legion and when I did I noticed I did not have that achievement. I made a ticket about it and the GMs basically told me "too bad". I was pretty bummed because that fight took me over 50 attempts and was one of the best solo content things I've done in the game.
My raiding guild at the time during WotLK we accidently got the Undying achieve for the no death 10man Naxx. We weren't aware it was a thing we just had a really good raid week lol.
I met a scarab lord once. He was the most arrogant and degenerative piece of shit I'll likely ever met in my years of gaming. He was with his guild in Stormwind trying to scam people out of money, and if somebody didn't let him scam them, he had friends on undead rogues that'd camp your body until you logged off. I wish I could remember his name, but it was so long ago.
The Undying title is put on every single one of my characters. That title is super special to me cause it was a pug group I started and healed on my resto shaman. Awesome memory.
Very reminiscent after seeing this video, The Undying/The Immortal check ✅ - and of course our guild Realm First Algalon 25 man kill for The Celestial Defender title. Cheers for the nostalgia with this vid.
The point of maximum danger for Immortal/Undying was, of course, the "Safety Dance" (Heigan the Unclean). Despite our guild fielding a semi-hardcore 25-man roster, we thought Immortal wasn't feasible and instead formed our best players to get Undying. I stopped the (Vanilla) grind at Rank 13, largely because I had access to better weapons from raiding, and the fact that while a Grand Marshal commands parades, a Field Marshal commands armies! :D
I've got The Immortal by offering a a pack of beers to the raid leader whom created the raid in like 15 minutes and we murked the entire raid in a few hours. ON the other hand I missed out on the Proto Drake by 1 second, Malygos speed kill.
Immortal was fun. The 20 man achievement that we did on the current raid tier was pain tho. Still kinda irked that I didn't get Death's Demise due to raid rotations - my guild swore they'd never do it again after they got it. Well, at least I got Celestial Defender.
@@poiumty You reminded me how competitive it was getting into those raid groups. But I also remember the very reason I've tried my mittens at a hardcore raiding guild was that I was disappointed by people giving up trying to complete challanging content, which I've enjoyed very much.
It feels good when I'm not even 29 seconds into this video and my alt Lock has the first title as I was expecting to have nothing. Now I will watch the rest and see if I have any more.
What most people nowadays seem to miss is the fact that a lot of people realm-transfered to get their Scarab Lord titles and mount back in vanilla, TBC and even the start of WoTLK. When someone gongs the AQ gates, EVERYONE has 20 hours to complete their quests, even people who realm-transfers. Most people seem to miss the fact that you could get Scarab Lord all the way up including the first patches of WotLK if I remember correctly. So yes when the gates first opened on a server, there were usually only 1 or 2 people getting the title and mount, but there were a lot more getting the quest in their questlog. People kept doing the quest for the fun of it and the items you got from it, even tho the gates were already open. But since the game was growing insanely fast at the end of vanilla, even faster in TBC and even faster in WOTLK, blizzard had to keep adding new servers. And every new server they opened had the AQ gates closed ready to be opened. The AQ event automatically progressed by itself so there were entire communities dedicated to calculating and keeping an overview of when all the gates were set to open, so that people would know when to transfer to get their mount and title. So now you had a lot of people with near-completed quests, and specific dates of when the final step on a different server would become available. A perfect match. You couldn't transfer an already maxed character to a "fresh/new" realm before a certain time had passed (10 days? I can't remember). At the same time the event auto-progressed starting as soon as the server was turned on and completing just 12 days or so later, it only left you with 2 days of gonging if noone who actually leveled up on the realm started gathering resources themself. If they did this, they would open the gates before people could transfer there. And if you transferred, your character got locked to that server for 2 weeks or a month or something before you could transfer it back again to your guild. This made a lot of people miss out on this event because they thought "meh, I can't be bothered to transfer because so many people are getting that mount now anyway so its not special anymore", I'd rather stay and raid so I don't miss out on loot and fun. So knowing all this, this title isn't as rare as everyone nowadays think it is. There were probably around 10 servers added per region where people did this realm transfer strategy and I don't know the numbers on the first servers but the last 3 transfers had a lot of hype around them being the last ones and had around 300-500 people signed up as "I am going to participate in this" for each of the servers. I remember planning to go with one of my toons to the last one for fun but then the people that were native of the realm actually farmed the resources and opened the gates prematurely so the 200-300 ish ppl waiting on their transfer didn't get their mount/title. After this there were a huge a mount of people whining on the forums that they didn't get to gong the gong, so Blizzard somewhat complied and gave everyone a feat of strenght, "Veteran of the shifting sands" which includes the flavor text: "Completed the gates of Ahn'Qiraj quest chain up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One (even if someone else ended up with the mount)."
@@kantace5198 Yeah I was a bit hyped up yesterday, re-wrote it now in a more sane manner. I just feel like this is something that should have been documented better, it was totally awesome how the community came together and planned how to time it correctly time after time on every new server they added
Started in Cenarion Hold in Silithus “what tomorrow brings”. It was very long and I wouldn’t have it without my former guild on Moonrunner, Fenrir. I was/am the original Scarb Lord of Moonrunner. I’m on Area 52 now. It starts as a harmless quest that build and builds. Most people didn’t complete the quest because it required killing Broodlord in Original BWL. Back then killing Nef on a server was like 1%-2% of players on that server. My guild was the only one to finish AQ and got the furthest in Naxx with Sapph. To my knowledge, our main pally healer was the only person with Corrupted Ashbringer.
I still have the Grand Crusader title, and a ZA bear. The account I play on for mostly casual runs was an original dwarf priest, rolled for fear ward on the first boss of MC. Fun times, amazing game and story.
Love the vids Hiru! One thing I wanted to ask, I really loved the villains corner series! Any chance of a few more villains being thrown in there? Love the villains lore!
I still regret fumbling the Warlord of Draenor title. I did all of the Nemesis achievements right before WoD ended and got negligent on the arena portion. I really hope that whenever WoD happens, I’m able to finally get it.
Being one of the few players who obtained “Azeroth’s Champion” title, it should have totally been on the list. It was a true test of dedication and skill as you had to excel in literally every aspect of the game to unlock the rank 4 of every essence for the achievement.
The Insane title I obtained before Cata , requiring Shendralar rep in DM. That was RARE. Same with Loremaster obtained the first months, requiring 730 Kalimdor quests, requiring quests from the AQ40 gate quest line, that WAS RARE.
Of the Black Harvest, The Faceless One and The Undaunted are my 3 favorite titles, unless for rp reasons, just because they are the only 3 I have that are now unobtainable, until Claw of Eternus and Paragon of the Mists become so.
Got Scarab Lord only because my friend, who had talked me into playing WoW, was in a good guild. I had only been playing for about 4 months at the time. Its always good to bring a crowd 😂
Ranks like Private are no longer available since the original PvP system and as far as I know it was never readded I still have it on my original character I made on day 1.
I’d ditch the Black Harvest one, I see it often. I see old school attainment Raider titles like Hand of A’Dal and Champion of the Narru way less. Champion of the Narru being seen far less than A’Dal. Old school PvP ranks are just fun to see.
I got screwed out of my Scarab Lord title...we were supposed to start the event at 1 PM server time (4 of us had the scepter completed) and one of them decided to start it at 1 *AM* and I didn't find out until I was at work =\
A buddy of mine did the green fire chain but doesn’t normally take on more than rdf, so I took on kanrethad for him when he was giving up on it. He was undergeared and I was stuck with his (imo) very unusual settings and keybinds (and I play hunter, not warlock) but I got through it after around 15 tries. It was a very fun fight, it would be nice to see more challenging solo content.
During Mists of pandaria there was a bug with Herald of the titans achievment where if you killed the boss fast enough it somehow bypassed the check for item lvl requirement and gave you the achievment. Basically have to kill him in duration of bloodlust/heroism. I was able to get it on my lvl 90 charachter at the time.
We got 'the Immortal' on the last reset before it went away, when someone got hit in the safety dance you could sense everyone take a sharp intake of breath. They were saved tho'.
out of those 10, i have 5 of them, that being said, i still remember the days when i was farming for Warlord of Draenor one, good days, damn i miss this game and and i miss the last time i played it like an addict..
I got the green fire before WoD went live but after the prepatch. The prepatch removed the threat drop on gateway and my poor lock wasn't super geared. This is the single hardest thing I ever did in the game.
According to DfA only .14% have "Azeroth's Champion" making that one pretty rare too. Another interesting thing worth mentioning is that the realm first profession achievements in Wrath were originally going to have titles too. But were removed just before launch because Blizzard didn't want to promote harmful gameplay. If those titles had stayed they'd be right up there with Scarab Lord, as only 1 person per realm would have it. For example: the first player to get Realm First! First Aid would've gotten the title, "Doctor".
For the Warlord of Draenor title, there are ways to have all nemesis quests at the same time, and also ways to let everybody get the win reward in the colosseum so it's not as hard as presented here
I could have sworn that the udying and the immortal were removed in 3.1 with the plagued and black proto but apparently it was until cata. I think it just became far less common to run since it became trivial and those mounts were a big part of the incentive.
You missed "the argent defender" which required a perfect run of 10 man hardmode trial of the crusader. An extremely low percentage of players got it and it became unobtainable really quickly. Wowhead has it listed at 0% of players I remember getting it like 15 years ago, so its just a very low number.
@@Jabarri74 The wolf mount came from the rewards chest at the end of the ToGC based off the number of attempts you had remaining when you killed Anub'arak. The title "the Argent Defender" came from the achievement A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity. Which along with having to finish with a perfect 50 attempts remaining, you couldn't equip items from the 25 man version of the raid, making it essentially item level capped which is what made it so challenging. I'm a proud owner of this title and it is exclusively the one I display on my toons.
Of the Black Harvest... *Sigh* Still makes me mad till this day. I did the requirements, I did the work, I did the event... But I was on hiatus from the game when they implemented the "Log in for this specific week and this week only to get your title" and missed it. When I came back late in WoD I spent several Tickets trying to get them to give me the Title. Each time was met with "Nope sorry, can't do it, logs don't go back that far" and a myriad of other excuses. This is one of the saltiest moments I have in gaming. :(
I still remember farming for Warlord of Draenor, a buddy and me were farming it on the horde side. The panda farm was the best and the hardests, like noone played panda for some reason. There was this 1 alliance panda, and lord have mercy on his poor soul, we were camping and farming that one single alliance panda who for some reason kept on returning to Ashran just to get farmed and die over and over again by my buddy and me. Poor panda... Also, idk if it was said in the vid, but for Lord/Lady of War you need to win the arena and its also only available on the char you won the arena.
Before I quit playing years ago I was very happy with the fact that I (as a staunch PvP-hater) sucked up my pride and grinded the Warlord of Draenor and Lord of War titles.
I got The undying and Immortal in a pug raid. Rememeber one run where "noone" died but we didnt get the achivement, the raidleader was looking at the log and a warlock had been using soulstone insanly fast :D
I'm quite sure the Mistwalker title is pretty are too.. you had to have one of your realms top challenge mode times in MOP to earn this, it replaced the title you actually got for each dungeon that were retired.
The Black Harvest title is one of my proudest achievements I've gotten. I mained warlock in MoP and that quest was so hard. I remember grinding it over and over and getting it was such a relief. Plus the green fire is lit
exactly........ same here ..... i was SO happy when I finally succeeded.
FUN FACT the fight if done properly with perfect control of the pit lord and it's positioning along with yours, you could essentially do the fight almost naked, since' there's no soft enrage on the entire encounter. I played my friends warlock who was fresh max level took like 10+ mins to do the fight with his gear haha
my favorite title. was especially nice during legion when we took control of the black harvest faction. lol
This is hilarious. I had a max level warlock and it had no gear at all. I just got drunk one night and decided to try it after I found the book and that's how I got mine....
The sheer thrill of getting the Realm First! Grand Crusader back in Wrath was the biggest highlight of my WoW career mostly because the guild that we beat for that title was by far so much better (like top 500 US) that when we saw that achievement pop up the whole server cheered us on and dunked on the top guild. That was such a great Christmas gift.
The Insane may not be one of the rare/hardest titles to get anymore, but I'm still proud i have it. Also fits me pretty well, at this point.
Same here, lots of time/work into that!
Came here looking for that
Cmon man, its an ez to get title nowadays stop lying to yourself
It's a lot of work to get. I remember grinding out endlessly for the Shen'drelar faction rep back in the day!
Should’ve been changed once shendralar was removed, that or give us the title the Feat is called, eg , agent of Shen’dralar.
Fun fact, I did the Kanrethad questline because it was a fun challenge, but I really disliked the green fire effect so I turned it off immediately 1 second after completing the quest. Then despite being a warlock since vanilla, I switched mains in WoD so I didn't actually check if I was granted the title (it wasn't granted when you completed the quest, but rather granted to everyone eligible as soon as 6.0 came out) A few months later, I went to level my warlock and realized that I hadn't been granted it despite having completed the quest months ago.
Anyway, long story short but I had to go through 2-3 different GMs/tickets before one of them stopped saying "sorry that title is unobtainable" and actually checked my quest completion date to verified I was eligible. So now everyone's FoS says October 14, 2014 except for mine is in January :D
Actually a super interesting story, with a nice unique flex to boot. Good on Blizzard for having helpful GMs back then
I thought i was the only one! I had to write multiple tickets to get my title in 6.0 so my date didnt match up either
I am in the same boat but still no title, completed it and then deployed, I have the green fire but no title.
GMs keep giving me the run around every 2-6 months when I remember it ever since.
I need to go check my warlock. i have done this quest but i dont know if I have the title
Yeah I'm forever salty about getting it while it was current content and not playing in the timeframe they rolled out the title. Just like others here I keep getting shut down every time I muster the energy to ask for it
I love my "of the black harvest" title even though I don't play retail anymore.
At that time I was a new player and saw a warlock using green fire spells on a dungeon. I thought that was so badass that I decided to dedicate every single playtime I had to get it.
The problem was, again, I was a brand new player and saying I was bad at the game would be an understatement lol.
So I had to learn everything about my class, how to cast or stop casting at the right time, how to track and maintain enslave demon, portals placement and whatnot. I remember I also had to learn alchemy to crafts potions that would help me on the fight.
It was a hell of a trial for a casual noob, that only played solo to collect transmogs and pets, to master all those skills, but I felt so proud of myself when I did it!
I still have a lot of screenshots of me flexing my green fire right after sucking the power out of Kanrethad hahah.
As a Healer Main, I always rock the “Field Medic” title. It was the last hurrah of the First Aid profession, in Legion, and had a fun little quest chain/scenario that rewarded this title :)
I got myself The Undying title back in 2009 - it was my peak achievement in WoW. Don't play the game anymore, but that memory still warms my soul :)
The last time I saw a Scarab Lord was back in Cata. He was a gnome warrior I queued into Lost City of Tol’vir with. Might still have the screenshots saved on an old HDD. Still jealous I didn’t play that much back in Vanilla.
too bad most the people with the title got it when the gates bugged and reclosed back in wrath and blizzard did nothing about it other then remove the quest line
@@furydeath It wasn't a bug per se, in WOTLK Blizzard just started making the gates open by default on new servers. So in TBC new realms had to still do the gate opening to open AQ. The last remaining realms with their gates open closed in early WOTLK, in those a bunch of people migrated to those servers and there were gate openings where a big number of people got the title, including even some Death Knights
There used to be a website that tracked the progress of the war effort on different realms. I know because I tried to farm my quest line before the last one opened in early WOTLK
@@tracidvoyager no i still remember it the gate's closed again on some severs letting people who had the quest done open them again and get the mount and title. Blizzard did NOT remove them and all they did to "fix it" was remvoe the quest line. Some players had gotten other Language My gnome rogue got Draconic, was kinda cool you could understand the dragons at the wrrath gate, and i think night elfs got titan. It depened on what race open the AQ gates on your sever.
From the wiki: When patch 3.0.2 was released, the gates of Ahn'Qiraj were briefly closed due to a bug that reset the gates on each server, and gave all characters of the same race and class as the original opener the ability to speak Draconic.[citation needed] All mobs spawned during the event were respawned as well. The supplies did not need to be gathered, and if the quest chain was done previously one would need to simply turn it in and re-open the gates, giving them the mount and Achievement zone silithus 01 [Scarab Lord] title.
Tho i dont belive it was all sever or else I would have got to the gates so fast lol
There was a female (yes i heard her on vent), Druid in one of my guilds that was a Scarab Lord.
I am a Warlock that has it on Area 52. Originally obtained on Moonrunner during the event. I haven’t seen fellow Scarb Lord since WotLK
This video was fun. I’ve not played WoW in many a year, but seeing the Immortal and the realm firsts - I have these and it just unlocked a lot of memories.
TBH though, Astral Walker was always my favorite to sport on my Black Proto.
I'm surprised "the chosen" title from legion didn't make this list. It required you to clear trial of valor on mythic without dying once and the title was made unobtainable after legion. I would argue this title is more rare and was harder to get than "of the black harvest" title. You needed a 20 man raid group that knew what they were doing. For the warlock title you only needed to be decent at the game, you didn't need other players.
I was waiting a comment for this ☝ That is my rarest title The Chose, still using it.
wowhead says 4% players have it so its not that rare
Groups sold chosen title runs at the end of Legion when it was massively out geared. It was hard current content, but also very buyable for a reasonable amount of gold
The BfA one for the Miniraid was notiveably harder to get doe.
was puggable at the end of legion too, so not that rare
I still raise my Hand of A'Dal title, i float between that and Champion of the Naaru, i cant imagine there are a ton of players left with that either
You play a Dreanei? Best title.
@@Limrasson Nah sadly, I got them on my Human paladin back in the day. I had to race change to belf when alliance numbers went to hell after wrath on my server.
I too, have those titles on my Alliance paladin. They were originally given to the players who completed the quest chains to unlock access to the tier 5 and 6 raids in Burning Crusade. A lot of people were pretty mad that happened, I remember it well...
@@Spectacular66 I was a Warcraft lore addict when WoW first came out, taking the original manual with me everywhere. I was so mad at the draenei change and thought the naaru were so stupid, I refused to complete those quests
I kick myself to this day
I have champion of the naaru, and was on one of the later quests on hand of adal when wrath dropped, i asked a gm if i could still get it and they told me no. So i abanfoned it, but later i found out that if i already had the quests i might still be able to get it (:
So fun fact about the Warlord race achievements.
If you faction change with the quest active, you'd get the quest for the opposite factions counter (orcs > humans for example) but it would also open the quest up again at your garrison. My DK is currently working on two at the same time and did for most of WOD.
wtf was going on between no.6 and no.5 ? lol @11:45 - whats going down on June 8th !?!?!?!?
Thank god someone else mentioned it
@@dracotoy Apparently, it's a promo for a vtuber agency he signed up with.
yh looking into it a little bit - i assume it was a vid sponsor
Lol okay I just paused my TV and switched to my phone because I thought it was my stuff messing up!!
lol I thought I was lagging or something 😂
I'm proud of my "The Insane" title.
did you get it pre or post nerf?
@@Vidar93 post probably.
Pre-nerf was literally insane
The green fire also made the old chaos bolts bigger and made your metamorphosis bigger, aside from turning it green. Not including turning your classic warlock mount green.
But I think the hardest part of the encounter was the fel hounds. Which got easily trivialized if you spam rain of fire on gate to bring the aggro straight to you and ignore dispelling your enslave demon on the Pitlord.
Getting Hand of A'dal from BC and Starcaller from WotLK, pre-nerfs and on progression with my original guild will always be my favorite time spent in any game, working perfectly together with really good friends to take down some of the hardest challenges of the day.
Hand of A'dal on progression was pinnacle me and the guild I still have ties to, it took a lot out of the guild though, after Black Temple it wasnt the same with a lot of players lost to burnout. I use the title to this day on all toons, so many great memories of that time in the game.
I have Herald of the Titans....good times
There was a very brief window in WOTLK where a new server opening would allow for someone to ring the gong and get the rewards, I believe this would include the title as well.
I remember doing Black Harvest with an item level of 463 on my warlock back in the day! it was tough as nails!
i was thinking back to how hard it was with the gear i had, but i was still freshly max level and didnt do any raiding or anything like that. i was in the 470's ilevel range when i finally completed it, and everyone was saying how easy it was with 500+ ilevel.
I remember having to use curse removal potion for the 10 minute wipe debuff because of shit gear :D
you had to reset the timer with a yellow pot with less gear
I wish realm first professions had also gotten/kept titles as well, though thats largely just because its the only thing I ever managed to get in terms of being that rare.
4:15 I got both Immortal and Undying titles in Naxx (T7) but I could swear there was a much earlier deadline to getting them than the end of the expansion. We got the 25man on the last possible week and we kept raiding for a long time after that so it must have been just before the release of Ulduar (T8) when Blizz removed it or at best Trial of the Crusader (T9).
Yeah they were removed at ulduar patch not cata like the video says.
I got both without going for them... we just so happened to get them. Seems like most of the ones on the list I got are that way, or I just didn't pay enough attention and I was the only one not knowing what was going on.
@@kenny5844 glory meta was removed when ulduar launched, immortal and undying were attaintable right till the end of wrath.
@@kenny5844 Not true at all. The titles were in fact available throughout the patch, the mounts like the Black and Plague proto-drakes however were removed with the Ulduar patch. The video is correct
Yup, I remember racing on the week before Uldaur dropped to finally get Immortal done. You couldn't out gear these at all and wasn't really that difficult to get as Naxx in wotlk was so much easier, it was just the added stress that would cause deaths more often than not.
I have three of the Realm first titles, Conqueror of Naxxramus, Obsidian Slayer, and The Magic Seeker, which I still use on all my toons.
The magic seeker goes so hard. Last time I saw that title was in WOTLK. For some reason it just wasn't that popular with the players that had it.
Nice one! I got the 2 Uldaur 25 man ones, The Celestial Defender and Deaths Demise
I love using magic seeker but I also have the undying and the immortal as well...yes I had no life. I'm sad I just never see anyone else with these titles. To up my old no life status, I fly around on my gladiator drake I only got cause the pvp kids on my server said I could only do pve
@@clay1250 I use it on my mage
I used to use The Insane, because I was in a guild with 24 others with the title. Now these titles are rare af, and the Insane has exploded over the years
I missed out on obsidian slayer as I was a DK and my guild cleared it before I was 80. Not like I was slow levelling either, I was the 2nd level 80 DK on the server by about 15 minutes.
Got the other titles though.
22:50 1-2 Scarab Lords per realm was not unheard of
Wasn't there a recurring problem (during BC or Wrath) when some hot fixes would suddenly reset the AQ opening on all the servers and people could re-ring the gong? Did those people get to keep the title or did they lose it?
@@dondavenport7077Also, for awhile, new relms had the gates closed, so it could still be obtained that way as well.
No one in my huild wanted to do scarab lord except my guild leader. We already had BWL on farm, so him getting raid kills wasnt hard; usually a port and 5 min flight away. But be did give us gold or consumables in exchange for the help gathering the specimens. The rest we did pre/post-raid with small groups. It honestly wasnt bad. We chilled in discord together and watched movies while we farmed the hives. It was one of my more memorable times from 2020.
For as bad as the grind can sometimes be, the journey is just as important.😊
2020 scarab lords pale in comparison to early 2006 scarab lords lol, try doing all that without discord on slow internet with a laggy PC :D
I have the Undying title. Fun fact: the mage who already had the undying title almost died to Thaddius due to the polarity. Luckily, he ice blocked at the last second. We had saved Thaddius as the last boss. Unfortunately, I am one achievement away from the Battlemaster. Stupid perfect AB.
Shouldn't this be like one of the easiest to farm? Make a group of 5 decent players and spam AB. I think I have it on almost any character, just by chance
@@kantace5198 probably so, I quit long ago. Got burnt out on Shadowmourne during Wrath. MOP was good. Haven't really played since.
There is a brawl (BG like but with a twist) against bots (so 10 players vs 10 AI) in AB, perfect AB happens very often. I see you quit, but one day if you come back you know what to do ;)
Another fun fact about the Wotlk realm firsts, originally it was planned that the first class, race and profession along with a few miscellaneous firsts were each going to give their own title. So for the first mage for example they were going to get the Archmage title or druids got ArchDruid, Rogue Assassin, Stalker for hunter etc. For races like the night elf would have gotten "Champion of Elune" or humans would have had "The Lion Hearted" then professions were Grand Master ______ except with cooking you got Iron Chef and first aid gave you Doctor. Really a shame because my friends and I were planning on skipping school to try and get one of these lol.
Interesting fact about realm first .. I was on the way back to turn in 4 quests that would have gotten me realm first hunter … when the announcement was made 😂😂😂😂 I stopped playing for 3 weeks after that
I remember returning to MoP later in the expansion and _immediately_ doing the green fire questline with my undergeared heroic dungeon gear equipped warlock and being too stubborn to farm gear. I think my iLvL was like 468(?) while the challenge was designed for Throne of Thunder Gear which was around 520+ish.
I did complete the challenge and while I do not play the game anymore, that character is special to me purely because of that haha.
Not having the immortal title still kinda hurts. Almost had it, but one guy screwed up Thad. The last week to get it my husband and I didn't get in the run, but the guy that screwed up got to go and the raid made him stay out of the room. So he got the title on the last week and we never got it.... We both left that low population server. Husband played wrath classic and has it now so he feels better about it now.
I at least have the undying title and it's pretty much the only one I use on my Paladin.
Mistwalker & Grand Crusader here! I'm surprised to not see Mistwalker in general on the list, since I figure it's at least rarer than Black Harvest, unless that's just counted in with the realm first achievement section!
Agreed, I don't understand how neither of those titles are on the list.
Not according to wowhead
Yh I have mistwalker and dark harvest on my warlock and I only use mistwalker ;)
Grand Crusader & Trainer, here!
Middle of the video had me worried my pc was crashing lol
Nice video. I would like to add the "Battlemaster" title though. It's really rare.
I have #10. It was an absolute nightmare to get.
The black harvest quest line made your gear 463 independently of the gear you had, so it wasn’t a gear check, it was the same for all warlocks
yeah, but the scaling wasnt as good as actually having 463 gear.... same as gear scaling in PvP.....native higher level gear is better.
Exactly, my warlock was a fresh level 90 and I just got drunk and decided to try it after I found the book on my main.
We have a Scarab Lord guildie who i think is 1 of 3 ppl on the server to still play. Although i havent seen the other 2 ppl since BFA. I missed the title myself by a few hours
The fun thing about "Warlord of Draenor" achievement was that there was a bug around the time where your progress to any of the quests would reset randomly. I remember spending a whole day from morning to night killing orcs trying to get the first title, only to get around 350 and logging in the next morning to have it all reset.
Rest assured, this shook me enough to start playing the game casually from that on
I enjoy my "Tarren Mill Terror" title a lot, thank you.
My brother had High Warlord back in 2005. He was playing around 12-14 hours a day on the final week push to get the title. He also got the Gladiator title the first 3 seasons it was around, at one point he even got a sponsorship offer (turned it down) to travel for tournaments back in the day.
I'd love to see one of these rare whatever videos for stuff you can still get, especially for mounts and pets.
Damn, think my rarest title is The Insane. Was proud for it! Not on this list XD
not rarest title but the damn best and beside Scarabl lord my favorite
It used to be rare before the nerf, post nerf its a very common title.
It’s still obtainable. A pain to get but obtainable 😆
It's because it's not rare, it's just annoying
I have Death's Demise and Celestial Defender titles.. they're the main thing that makes me sad I don't play retail anymore. Was quite fun to fly around on Invincible with Death's Demise.
Vanquisher is a title so rare It he didn't even think to add it to the list lmao
that random glitch thing made me think my pc had an issue you bastard XD Also, I would argue the champion achievement for the argent tournament could have had a place here, even at max lvl, its at the very least a month of constant grinding if you want the "of the alliance/ of the Horde" title
The sleeper title here that everyone forgets even exists because it was so niche, short-lived, and a PITA to get, is "Field Medic".
I remember doing the green fire quest back then. It was the hardest thing I’ve done in this game so far and I’ve been playing since vanilla. I wish there were more things like this added. I remember finding out about it and read about the Tome drop rate and got annoyed.. luckily it dropped on the first rare I killed 😄
Warlord of Dreanor was realy fun to do back in the day. In old Asharan, was kinda easy if you like the map.
Your voice relaxes me so much man
Out of all the titles, I only have #10. Of the Black Harvest. Warlock was a very semi-Alt.. hardly ever played her, but I was still gearing her up and such before this was announced. Boss was hard, but still got it. I AM PART OF THE TWO PERCENT!
hey Hiru, what happened mid video ?? did ur pc have a seisure while rendering? 11:30
Of the ones on this list, I have the Undying during our time doing 10-mans in Wrath of the Lich King. I also have the Mistwalker title for being part of a 5-man group that achieved the realm-best time for Mogu'Shan Palace during Mists of Pandaria. Challenge modes were incredible back during Mists and Warlords. It's a shame they took them away to be honest. I have tons of titles over the years since I played from March of 2005 through June of 2022, but none of the others on this specific video list.
I think the most unlikely situation I've ever come across in that game was seeing two Scarb Lords at the same time while at Dazar'Alor during BFA.
couple of things on the rank 1 titles bit, the first title was actually season 2 (merciless gladiator) and also prior to MoP, rank 1 titles were literally rank 1, rather than top 0.1% of the ladder. only 1 team per bracket per battlegroup could get these titles and 2v2 was excluded!
This was changed to the percentile system for the classic wow release but if you see a pre-MoP rank 1 on live to my mind that's as prestigious as it gets for pvp.
Pre-grievous/season 14. R1 titles didn't change to a percentile until after Tyrannical
You also have to remember with the statistics from dataforazeroth that it's largely self-reported. Titles from Wrath won't even show from accounts that haven't logged in since the armory revamp, and only a certain number of accounts are ever scanned and stored. That 5% with the title is likely far higher when actually looking at all wrath characters.
Oh man, I remember getting the Warlock Green Fire! That was a fun time, I didn't even play Warlock much but I just so happened to start playing Warlock around MoP for fun and ended up doing the quest. Outside of that, I don't really remember if I had any other special titles that were limited... I was a very casual player so I never really went for the hardcore stuff.
I'll never forget losing the undying title because one person couldn't safety dance :(
These are fun videos, lots of nostalgia. Thanks.
Fun fact with the classic PVP titles, at least as of the last time I checked you actually have your classic pvp title along with the updated ones, It doesn't show any difference when using and you can't even tell them apart in the tab but a neat little reminant of the old vs new titles.
I did the green fire warlock quest when it was released and quit before MOP was over. I didn't return until Legion and when I did I noticed I did not have that achievement.
I made a ticket about it and the GMs basically told me "too bad". I was pretty bummed because that fight took me over 50 attempts and was one of the best solo content things I've done in the game.
I nearly had the warlock title during mists, but i flubbed up a lot. Didnt help i was new to wow then
I have the Undying and I use on all my toons. By far my most favorite and hardest title to get. Nice vid
My raiding guild at the time during WotLK we accidently got the Undying achieve for the no death 10man Naxx. We weren't aware it was a thing we just had a really good raid week lol.
I met a scarab lord once. He was the most arrogant and degenerative piece of shit I'll likely ever met in my years of gaming. He was with his guild in Stormwind trying to scam people out of money, and if somebody didn't let him scam them, he had friends on undead rogues that'd camp your body until you logged off. I wish I could remember his name, but it was so long ago.
The Undying title is put on every single one of my characters. That title is super special to me cause it was a pug group I started and healed on my resto shaman. Awesome memory.
I still use my Undying title, and I think that usually helped make people realize I wasn’t memeing when I rolled around on my Survival Hunter lol.
Very reminiscent after seeing this video, The Undying/The Immortal check ✅ - and of course our guild Realm First Algalon 25 man kill for The Celestial Defender title.
Cheers for the nostalgia with this vid.
The point of maximum danger for Immortal/Undying was, of course, the "Safety Dance" (Heigan the Unclean). Despite our guild fielding a semi-hardcore 25-man roster, we thought Immortal wasn't feasible and instead formed our best players to get Undying.
I stopped the (Vanilla) grind at Rank 13, largely because I had access to better weapons from raiding, and the fact that while a Grand Marshal commands parades, a Field Marshal commands armies! :D
Managed to get both. You know what I realized while going for Immortal? Heigan wasn't even the greatest threat. It was the damn Gluth bug.
I've got The Immortal by offering a a pack of beers to the raid leader whom created the raid in like 15 minutes and we murked the entire raid in a few hours.
ON the other hand I missed out on the Proto Drake by 1 second, Malygos speed kill.
Immortal was fun. The 20 man achievement that we did on the current raid tier was pain tho.
Still kinda irked that I didn't get Death's Demise due to raid rotations - my guild swore they'd never do it again after they got it. Well, at least I got Celestial Defender.
Nah, Grand Marshal's Claymore for the win!.
@@poiumty You reminded me how competitive it was getting into those raid groups.
But I also remember the very reason I've tried my mittens at a hardcore raiding guild was that I was disappointed by people giving up trying to complete challanging content, which I've enjoyed very much.
It feels good when I'm not even 29 seconds into this video and my alt Lock has the first title as I was expecting to have nothing. Now I will watch the rest and see if I have any more.
What most people nowadays seem to miss is the fact that a lot of people realm-transfered to get their Scarab Lord titles and mount back in vanilla, TBC and even the start of WoTLK. When someone gongs the AQ gates, EVERYONE has 20 hours to complete their quests, even people who realm-transfers.
Most people seem to miss the fact that you could get Scarab Lord all the way up including the first patches of WotLK if I remember correctly. So yes when the gates first opened on a server, there were usually only 1 or 2 people getting the title and mount, but there were a lot more getting the quest in their questlog. People kept doing the quest for the fun of it and the items you got from it, even tho the gates were already open. But since the game was growing insanely fast at the end of vanilla, even faster in TBC and even faster in WOTLK, blizzard had to keep adding new servers. And every new server they opened had the AQ gates closed ready to be opened. The AQ event automatically progressed by itself so there were entire communities dedicated to calculating and keeping an overview of when all the gates were set to open, so that people would know when to transfer to get their mount and title. So now you had a lot of people with near-completed quests, and specific dates of when the final step on a different server would become available. A perfect match.
You couldn't transfer an already maxed character to a "fresh/new" realm before a certain time had passed (10 days? I can't remember). At the same time the event auto-progressed starting as soon as the server was turned on and completing just 12 days or so later, it only left you with 2 days of gonging if noone who actually leveled up on the realm started gathering resources themself. If they did this, they would open the gates before people could transfer there. And if you transferred, your character got locked to that server for 2 weeks or a month or something before you could transfer it back again to your guild. This made a lot of people miss out on this event because they thought "meh, I can't be bothered to transfer because so many people are getting that mount now anyway so its not special anymore", I'd rather stay and raid so I don't miss out on loot and fun.
So knowing all this, this title isn't as rare as everyone nowadays think it is. There were probably around 10 servers added per region where people did this realm transfer strategy and I don't know the numbers on the first servers but the last 3 transfers had a lot of hype around them being the last ones and had around 300-500 people signed up as "I am going to participate in this" for each of the servers. I remember planning to go with one of my toons to the last one for fun but then the people that were native of the realm actually farmed the resources and opened the gates prematurely so the 200-300 ish ppl waiting on their transfer didn't get their mount/title.
After this there were a huge a mount of people whining on the forums that they didn't get to gong the gong, so Blizzard somewhat complied and gave everyone a feat of strenght, "Veteran of the shifting sands" which includes the flavor text: "Completed the gates of Ahn'Qiraj quest chain up to and including Treasure of the Timeless One (even if someone else ended up with the mount)."
This really bypassed me. On my realm, there was definitely only one person. Even if there were transfers, this number sounds very high to me
Nonsense. There aren't "thousands" of Scarab Lords
@@kantace5198 Yeah I was a bit hyped up yesterday, re-wrote it now in a more sane manner. I just feel like this is something that should have been documented better, it was totally awesome how the community came together and planned how to time it correctly time after time on every new server they added
Surprised Battlemaster wasn't featured.
Back when I got it I had to Master Strand of the Ancients as well, that entire BG was removed.
ive always wondered how the first scarab lords figured out how to do the quest chain
Started in Cenarion Hold in Silithus “what tomorrow brings”. It was very long and I wouldn’t have it without my former guild on Moonrunner, Fenrir. I was/am the original Scarb Lord of Moonrunner. I’m on Area 52 now. It starts as a harmless quest that build and builds. Most people didn’t complete the quest because it required killing Broodlord in Original BWL. Back then killing Nef on a server was like 1%-2% of players on that server. My guild was the only one to finish AQ and got the furthest in Naxx with Sapph. To my knowledge, our main pally healer was the only person with Corrupted Ashbringer.
I still have the Grand Crusader title, and a ZA bear. The account I play on for mostly casual runs was an original dwarf priest, rolled for fear ward on the first boss of MC. Fun times, amazing game and story.
Love the vids Hiru! One thing I wanted to ask, I really loved the villains corner series! Any chance of a few more villains being thrown in there? Love the villains lore!
I still regret fumbling the Warlord of Draenor title. I did all of the Nemesis achievements right before WoD ended and got negligent on the arena portion. I really hope that whenever WoD happens, I’m able to finally get it.
Being one of the few players who obtained “Azeroth’s Champion” title, it should have totally been on the list. It was a true test of dedication and skill as you had to excel in literally every aspect of the game to unlock the rank 4 of every essence for the achievement.
Definitely, my number one title as well. Rarer than most realm first titles.
I’m a Scarb Lord on Area 52. Got it on Moonruuner during the original event. I haven’t seen another Black Bug since WotLK.
The Insane title I obtained before Cata , requiring Shendralar rep in DM. That was RARE. Same with Loremaster obtained the first months, requiring 730 Kalimdor quests, requiring quests from the AQ40 gate quest line, that WAS RARE.
Of the Black Harvest, The Faceless One and The Undaunted are my 3 favorite titles, unless for rp reasons, just because they are the only 3 I have that are now unobtainable, until Claw of Eternus and Paragon of the Mists become so.
Got Scarab Lord only because my friend, who had talked me into playing WoW, was in a good guild. I had only been playing for about 4 months at the time. Its always good to bring a crowd 😂
Ranks like Private are no longer available since the original PvP system and as far as I know it was never readded I still have it on my original character I made on day 1.
Private is my fav title. Same.
They are still available in retail
I'm surprised you did not mention "Hand of A'dal".
The undying is my proudest. I remember the group we did it with and every… we were all so on point when we made the attempt.
I’d ditch the Black Harvest one, I see it often. I see old school attainment Raider titles like Hand of A’Dal and Champion of the Narru way less. Champion of the Narru being seen far less than A’Dal.
Old school PvP ranks are just fun to see.
I got screwed out of my Scarab Lord title...we were supposed to start the event at 1 PM server time (4 of us had the scepter completed) and one of them decided to start it at 1 *AM* and I didn't find out until I was at work =\
A buddy of mine did the green fire chain but doesn’t normally take on more than rdf, so I took on kanrethad for him when he was giving up on it. He was undergeared and I was stuck with his (imo) very unusual settings and keybinds (and I play hunter, not warlock) but I got through it after around 15 tries. It was a very fun fight, it would be nice to see more challenging solo content.
During Mists of pandaria there was a bug with Herald of the titans achievment where if you killed the boss fast enough it somehow bypassed the check for item lvl requirement and gave you the achievment. Basically have to kill him in duration of bloodlust/heroism. I was able to get it on my lvl 90 charachter at the time.
We got 'the Immortal' on the last reset before it went away, when someone got hit in the safety dance you could sense everyone take a sharp intake of breath. They were saved tho'.
out of those 10, i have 5 of them, that being said, i still remember the days when i was farming for Warlord of Draenor one, good days, damn i miss this game and and i miss the last time i played it like an addict..
Saw the scarab lord for Winterhoof back in DF; we still talk about meeting him
I got the green fire before WoD went live but after the prepatch. The prepatch removed the threat drop on gateway and my poor lock wasn't super geared. This is the single hardest thing I ever did in the game.
According to DfA only .14% have "Azeroth's Champion" making that one pretty rare too. Another interesting thing worth mentioning is that the realm first profession achievements in Wrath were originally going to have titles too. But were removed just before launch because Blizzard didn't want to promote harmful gameplay. If those titles had stayed they'd be right up there with Scarab Lord, as only 1 person per realm would have it. For example: the first player to get Realm First! First Aid would've gotten the title, "Doctor".
The fact that someone from EK was who they used for a famed title is funny lol i was with them and in group when they got that one
For the Warlord of Draenor title, there are ways to have all nemesis quests at the same time, and also ways to let everybody get the win reward in the colosseum so it's not as hard as presented here
I could have sworn that the udying and the immortal were removed in 3.1 with the plagued and black proto but apparently it was until cata. I think it just became far less common to run since it became trivial and those mounts were a big part of the incentive.
My best wow buddy is a Khan title owner. There's a reason he leads all our RBG's lol.
You missed "the argent defender" which required a perfect run of 10 man hardmode trial of the crusader.
An extremely low percentage of players got it and it became unobtainable really quickly.
Wowhead has it listed at 0% of players I remember getting it like 15 years ago, so its just a very low number.
Is that the one that also dropped a wolf mount? I did that run I'm pretty sure, I'll check next time I log in
@@Jabarri74 The wolf mount came from the rewards chest at the end of the ToGC based off the number of attempts you had remaining when you killed Anub'arak. The title "the Argent Defender" came from the achievement A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity. Which along with having to finish with a perfect 50 attempts remaining, you couldn't equip items from the 25 man version of the raid, making it essentially item level capped which is what made it so challenging. I'm a proud owner of this title and it is exclusively the one I display on my toons.
@@Jabarri74 Yeah it dropped 1 wolf mount, we did it 3 times but I always rolled terribly so I have the title but not the mount.
Of the Black Harvest... *Sigh* Still makes me mad till this day. I did the requirements, I did the work, I did the event... But I was on hiatus from the game when they implemented the "Log in for this specific week and this week only to get your title" and missed it. When I came back late in WoD I spent several Tickets trying to get them to give me the Title. Each time was met with "Nope sorry, can't do it, logs don't go back that far" and a myriad of other excuses. This is one of the saltiest moments I have in gaming. :(
I still remember farming for Warlord of Draenor, a buddy and me were farming it on the horde side. The panda farm was the best and the hardests, like noone played panda for some reason. There was this 1 alliance panda, and lord have mercy on his poor soul, we were camping and farming that one single alliance panda who for some reason kept on returning to Ashran just to get farmed and die over and over again by my buddy and me. Poor panda...
Also, idk if it was said in the vid, but for Lord/Lady of War you need to win the arena and its also only available on the char you won the arena.
Huh, they more or less brought back Server Firsts in the Famed Slayer. Celestial Defenders represent!
Before I quit playing years ago I was very happy with the fact that I (as a staunch PvP-hater) sucked up my pride and grinded the Warlord of Draenor and Lord of War titles.
The Immortal was only able to be obtained during the Naxx phase of Wrath, but Undying was able to be obtained until the end of Wrath
I got The undying and Immortal in a pug raid. Rememeber one run where "noone" died but we didnt get the achivement, the raidleader was looking at the log and a warlock had been using soulstone insanly fast :D
I'm quite sure the Mistwalker title is pretty are too.. you had to have one of your realms top challenge mode times in MOP to earn this, it replaced the title you actually got for each dungeon that were retired.