This is the first time I saw this video 😅 and I don't know anything about the guess only the female one she is beautiful and sexy from the conversation I kinda get she is involved in some kind of scandal with a married man and she is in the adult video business just because that It doesn't mean she is easy to get in the bed with a male as an AV actress that is a Job for her and don't mean she will have sex with anyone we should respect her or anyone my doctor first time I met her I was surprised how pretty she is 😅 but she is very professional she looks at my files 😅 asked me some questions about my health there was few times I have questions and she answered it right away not only she is smart and beautiful 😍 but she treated me just like a patient with health problems after she listened to my question she will answer it or recommend me to a specialist for me ❤ and Us males should get blamed for having an affair not female and the host she sounds like she feels sorry for the actress and tried to defend her I get the impression that both of them have experienced similar things this is all coming down to respect for each other I have cousins are doctors and she pharmacist when we meet at a family events we just talked about the silly things we did as teenagers 😅 I hardly ask them about medical or medicine thing because I know when we are together we are back to our teenagers years just to have some fun even I have questions about certain health problems I would talk to my doctor first And I will ask them only if I need a second opinion 😅 my mom is going to have an eye surgery and she is not sure about going through with it and One of my cousins is a specialist in this field so my mom called him asked for his opinion on the surgery what the risks are because if she doesn't do it she might go blind 😢if she does it there is chance she will go blind too so she was not sure about it and called my cousin about it he looks at my mom's files and he talked to his friend who is an expert in this field he thinks my mom should do the surgery just the after care surgery is little complicated 😢
狄鶯尖酸針針刺 觀月都沒翻臉 抗壓與修養不錯 恆述四兩撥千金 智慧也高
我覺得~恆述法師講話很幽默也很有智慧 ^^
社會還是要導入正途 不然我不知道如何教導小孩 還是祝福觀月
可可亞 你这上半句话说得太不公道了。其他女人?你偷换概念,良家妇女吗?
@@babybaby5893 工啥小咧
两个人独处就要发生关系吗? 说不要就是不要,给不给机会到最关键时候说不要就是不要啊!
為什麼這節目給我的感覺 觀月做這行業是個壞事呢 人在自由權利之下也有性自由 法師說的也沒錯 但每個人都有想要滿足的時候 卻感覺性在這世界上跟毒品一樣不可碰
看到一個倚老賣老的前輩主持人 還有三個C咖通告男藝人 在欺負一個什麼都不懂的新人 要當主持人哪有那麼簡單 多看一點書充實自己 問話沒內涵 看看自己的小孩上頭條新聞 還在那裝清高 汪自己又有多好 過氣藝人 沒資格批評
下面的评价都在攻击深挖人性的主持人,却对生活方式糜烂,没有道德底线,不守妇道的观月只字不提,甚至好评,让人心凉 试问这是什么样的普世价值观?!是非曲折不分,而且这位所谓的大师也是虚伪得要命,完全没有引导正确的价值观,只是一味怕得罪坐在旁边的人,差评!!反而主持人和汪建民直率坦诚,👍👍 白云是来捣乱节奏的吧。废话连篇,
恆述法師有慈悲心 修行非假
This is the first time I saw this video 😅 and I don't know anything about the guess only the female one she is beautiful and sexy from the conversation I kinda get she is involved in some kind of scandal with a married man and she is in the adult video business just because that It doesn't mean she is easy to get in the bed with a male as an AV actress that is a Job for her and don't mean she will have sex with anyone we should respect her or anyone my doctor first time I met her I was surprised how pretty she is 😅 but she is very professional she looks at my files 😅 asked me some questions about my health there was few times I have questions and she answered it right away not only she is smart and beautiful 😍 but she treated me just like a patient with health problems after she listened to my question she will answer it or recommend me to a specialist for me ❤ and Us males should get blamed for having an affair not female and the host she sounds like she feels sorry for the actress and tried to defend her I get the impression that both of them have experienced similar things this is all coming down to respect for each other I have cousins are doctors and she pharmacist when we meet at a family events we just talked about the silly things we did as teenagers 😅 I hardly ask them about medical or medicine thing because I know when we are together we are back to our teenagers years just to have some fun even I have questions about certain health problems I would talk to my doctor first And I will ask them only if I need a second opinion 😅 my mom is going to have an eye surgery and she is not sure about going through with it and One of my cousins is a specialist in this field so my mom called him asked for his opinion on the surgery what the risks are because if she doesn't do it she might go blind 😢if she does it there is chance she will go blind too so she was not sure about it and called my cousin about it he looks at my mom's files and he talked to his friend who is an expert in this field he thinks my mom should do the surgery just the after care surgery is little complicated 😢