If I’m being honest since first hearing his albums and spoken word which inspired me to write and perform slam in college, Saul Williams for me is the only true artist to change how I conceptualized art, poetry, music period. This is a true soul.
My mother told me when I learned to play guitar, and started to write my own music. "Just remember Son, If you haven't lived it, then you can't write it." Music is always REAL... even the fakes are REALLY FAKE!!! hahaha... take care
I like that...but I don't think that everything someone writes has to be true for someone. Imagination is also important and it doesn't need to be real.
LucidDream Agreed. Art (whether it be a painting, music, or even a novel) does not always have to pertain to JUST experience. It is a mixture of many things from experience, observations, opinions, imagination and emotions. Creativity does not always revolve around WHAT you live, but HOW you live and what your personal ideals are. Now, can a vietnam war veteran write a more REAL story than someone who has only read books about the war? Absolutely, but both can offer different perspectives on the matter that are in of themselves real.
Great interview! I'm a huge Saul Williams fan. His work truly reminds me of the God-ness and everyday magic that shows up when we commit to being ourselves. I have to say though, he lost me right at about 8:36. Word, Saul? People confuse race with racism and then speak negatively about our differences. Differences are not the issue, our perceptions of each other-most notably, America's general perception that White is right and Black is wrong-is the issue. One-ness in terms of race, is a ridiculous notion. We need to accept each other, and address America's institutionalized, social, and governmental racist structures. We don't do that by magically mutating into one race of people. We do it by empowering ourselves, so that we can be less dependent on a nation built from really brutal actions towards Black people. We are all free to name ourselves, and we have the privilege of shedding whatever doesn't fit who we are. I respect that, but none of us have the right to speak for an entire people. Through my lens, Blackness is connected to a rich history, a vibrant culture, and a life that I have no desire to blend into (read: ignore or replace with) something else. I am not a social construct. I am a Black woman, and I am completely okay with being that.
Race is literally a non-biological idea though. Saul said that yes we need to work against racism, but we can't lose sight that we are all most importantly a race of humans.
I see both of your arguments ring true to a degree. It's okay to be proud of who we are or where we come from. What we are talking about here essentially is our culture and our sense of identity. I see nothing wrong with that.. in moderation.. as long as we take the time to listen, to understand and ultimately respect those from other backgrounds and cultures as well. Everyone has a place, and should be treated as equal which is what Saul is getting at, but yeah, he just worded it a bit poorly I think or didn't explain it as well in the limited time he had. But i agree with him when he says race is just a social construct. It segregates us into thinking simply black vs. white vs. yellow vs. everything in between. But biologically, we are more likely 'racial mutts' to put it bluntly ~ because when we look back at our ancestry, it's most likely not 'all black' or 'all white' especially when you look at each of those individual's family histories who participate in your blood line. You will most likely realize you're not totally from one single race but from several. That should empower us in thinking we have some common ground, that we should be treated equally and fairly, but at the same time be allowed to celebrate who we are and our differences. But when the pendulum swings and reaches into the realm of nationalism, racism and fascism, where we take our pride to the bloody extreme, that is when we've gone waay too far. There should be no place for that.. ever. Instead, moderation, acceptance, respect and love are what we should be striving for.
Thank you @akilah RadicalSelfie Richards for saying what you said. There is a major point missed in the comments that followed your thoughts. Yes, race is a social construct, it doesn't biologically exist. Everyone gets this and I'm sure the powers that be get it as well. What is not being discussed is why the social construction was created. It was created for a certain cast of individuals, White people, to gain a material and territorial advantage over other races, non-whites primarily Black people. I hear the word equality thrown around in the conversation. "We should treat each other equally and fairly." No, that will never happen at this point because of the material and territorial advantage the White race has over others. We can never be equal and we will never be treated fairly as long as this system of oppression exists. Equality doesn't even exist as a functional term. To be equal means that we are all the same and we are not. To be equal is a be still 2 = 2. There is no movement in the equation presented. Everything in existence is in constant motion so 2 = 2 is functionally impossible. Equality doesn't exist as long as we live. Equity functionally exists. We want White people to balance the discrepancy they have created in this world. I don't want to be equal to any White person. I am Black and the damage that has been done from history's past will always and forever keep me from calling White people my equal. Me saying this doesn't mean I can't respect (re = again, spect = look, yes I will respect white people because I don't trust them) White people. Me saying this doesn't mean I will never work with (not for. I will do what is necessary to retain and maintain ownership of my work) White people. It means that White people and anyone claiming the White race is not my equal. Point, blank, period.
Indeed. In my mind whenever I hear people talking about race, I have to remind them and myself that there is only one race...the human race. These people are only arguing over color really.
Saul is such a juggernaut of progression and positivity. It feels like this interview was rushed.. is it just the editing or what? It seems like there’s so much more he could’ve elaborated on if given the time. The tempo of this interview is kinda crazy
I can't picture Saul Williams as a character on The Cosby Show - dating Denise in a very minimal role perhaps??? Now, on A Different World - absolutely!
Love this interview! Great description of not wanting to sound arrogant by calling himself a poet. It reminds me of Diane Chambers from Cheers, and how it sounded when she described herself as a poetess. It always sounded snooty. It's easy to be uncomfortable with self-describing by that term.
I don't see Saul as a Character on The Cosby Show....dating Denise, perhaps, in very minimal role. Now as a character on A Different World - absolutely!
When God wants to teach us to catch a fish, he doesn't catch the fish for us. He lets us figure out how to catch the fish ourselves, so that we can truly appreciate that fish after our hard work, and so that we can grow mentally. In other words, we've been separated so that we can push forward as a species and truly understand what it means to be as one.
Have you actually read the bible? If you read it with an open unbiased view it soon becomes clear that it is the word of man written by those who wish to hold power. There are plenty of innocents in the bible punished without reason.
"I am the lord, I change not." There's no where in the scriptures that talks about all nations becoming one. Even when Christ returns, there will separation of nations. Mat 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats: Unity was never the plan... segregation was.
Who wrote the Bible? Do you have the whole Bible or just the parts that have been released? How do you know the Bible is the "right' book by God and not another religion? Don't answer, I don't care, but I do hope you ask these questions of yourself. maybe you already have.
accidentally upvoted you. I assure you it was meant to be a downvote. To explain: I'm fairly certain that when Saul Williams talks about race being a social construct, he isn't advocating color-blind nonsense that a lot of white liberals front. He's saying to recognize that race has a no biological basis and that racism therefore is baseless. He isn't saying racism doesn't exist and we don't have to deal with it. Just the opposite: he's proposing HOW to deal with it.
You're kidding right? You're asking a guy with this name if he's read the bible? I've read the bible from different views... The difference between me and you is that I've read it with understanding. Are the people who wrote the bible in power right now? Who ever perished being innocent? -Job 4:7
2 Peter 1:21 for who wrote the bible. I have enough of the bible. I know the bible is the right book because of the prophecies that have come to pass, and because of the archeological evidence of stories in it. If you don't want answers, don't ask questions.
i don't know. the fact that in the last olympics there ethnic representation was disproportionate says something. or go no further than professional basckeball. i'm just saying, race accounts for *something*. although we can agree that that something is not transcendental.
i don't completely agree that race is a social construct. there are marginal aspects of race that transcend into the social, and i don't think that acknowlledging these aspects is racist. for instance, it's hard to deny that black people have a certain physique that mostly makes them better at sports. they run faster, they jump higher, etc. aside from that, i would agree, though, that racial identities are exaggerated.
Why? Cause you feel like you're smarter than GOD? Maybe you can do a better job than him? If you don't like the punishments for sin... don't sin. It's THAT simple.
Race is a social construct but nationality isn't. We as people are no more "one" than all fish are one, all cats are one or all birds are one. "Unity" is social construct started by Nimrod. If GOD wanted us to all be one, he wouldn't have made us different and the bible would have ended at the tower of Babel.
I can't picture Saul Williams as a character on The Cosby Show - dating Denise in a very minimal role perhaps??? Now, on A Different World - absolutely!
Saul is a national treasure. He's one of the great intellectuals of our day.
Best poet to ever grace my eyes, ears and thoughts. Thank you Saul for existing.
the way Saul Williams talk is mesmerizing
Saul Williams is just COOLNESS personified
Hiiii!!! I saw Saul Williams in Berlin at UdK and it was awesome, he is pure life, thank you Saul fro share it with us! It is great to get an insight!
Very well spoken guy, I'm not familiar with his works, but he sure did spark my interest in checking them out!
You HAVE TO watch Slam, he is incredible
I love this man!!! Got to meet him once; incredible!
That was 10 minutes incredibly well spent. I wish it could have gone on for a couple hours!
Brilliant and highly talented Poet & Musician, his words have changed my life
Most important poet of the past 30 years.
I love his mind, I truly do. What an amazing human being.
SLAM changed my life! guy is a genius
Me 2 dude. “But where my niggas at?” “Oh shit!!”
He's like James Baldwin with a Jimi Hendrix fashion sense.
it was like he was channeling Baldwin!! You the man Saul!!
Thank you for this, was waiting for it!
This man is a TRUE artist. The real deal.
If I’m being honest since first hearing his albums and spoken word which inspired me to write and perform slam in college, Saul Williams for me is the only true artist to change how I conceptualized art, poetry, music period. This is a true soul.
He seems like a very level headed down to earth individual.I'm a HUGE fan.
Great man, great art, and well spoken!
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Williams on my campus once. He has a handshake like granite.
This guy is AMAZING!
My mother told me when I learned to play guitar, and started to write my own music. "Just remember Son, If you haven't lived it, then you can't write it." Music is always REAL... even the fakes are REALLY FAKE!!! hahaha... take care
I like that...but I don't think that everything someone writes has to be true for someone. Imagination is also important and it doesn't need to be real.
your mother is a smart woman. props to her.
LucidDream Agreed. Art (whether it be a painting, music, or even a novel) does not always have to pertain to JUST experience. It is a mixture of many things from experience, observations, opinions, imagination and emotions. Creativity does not always revolve around WHAT you live, but HOW you live and what your personal ideals are.
Now, can a vietnam war veteran write a more REAL story than someone who has only read books about the war? Absolutely, but both can offer different perspectives on the matter that are in of themselves real.
Saul Williams is a legend.
I've fallen in love with the text-to-speech voice this guy did, but only now am I discovering the actual person and he's great!
Great interview! I'm a huge Saul Williams fan. His work truly reminds me of the God-ness and everyday magic that shows up when we commit to being ourselves. I have to say though, he lost me right at about 8:36. Word, Saul?
People confuse race with racism and then speak negatively about our differences. Differences are not the issue, our perceptions of each other-most notably, America's general perception that White is right and Black is wrong-is the issue. One-ness in terms of race, is a ridiculous notion. We need to accept each other, and address America's institutionalized, social, and governmental racist structures. We don't do that by magically mutating into one race of people. We do it by empowering ourselves, so that we can be less dependent on a nation built from really brutal actions towards Black people.
We are all free to name ourselves, and we have the privilege of shedding whatever doesn't fit who we are. I respect that, but none of us have the right to speak for an entire people. Through my lens, Blackness is connected to a rich history, a vibrant culture, and a life that I have no desire to blend into (read: ignore or replace with) something else. I am not a social construct. I am a Black woman, and I am completely okay with being that.
Race is literally a non-biological idea though. Saul said that yes we need to work against racism, but we can't lose sight that we are all most importantly a race of humans.
I see both of your arguments ring true to a degree. It's okay to be proud of who we are or where we come from. What we are talking about here essentially is our culture and our sense of identity. I see nothing wrong with that.. in moderation.. as long as we take the time to listen, to understand and ultimately respect those from other backgrounds and cultures as well. Everyone has a place, and should be treated as equal which is what Saul is getting at, but yeah, he just worded it a bit poorly I think or didn't explain it as well in the limited time he had. But i agree with him when he says race is just a social construct. It segregates us into thinking simply black vs. white vs. yellow vs. everything in between. But biologically, we are more likely 'racial mutts' to put it bluntly ~ because when we look back at our ancestry, it's most likely not 'all black' or 'all white' especially when you look at each of those individual's family histories who participate in your blood line. You will most likely realize you're not totally from one single race but from several. That should empower us in thinking we have some common ground, that we should be treated equally and fairly, but at the same time be allowed to celebrate who we are and our differences. But when the pendulum swings and reaches into the realm of nationalism, racism and fascism, where we take our pride to the bloody extreme, that is when we've gone waay too far. There should be no place for that.. ever. Instead, moderation, acceptance, respect and love are what we should be striving for.
Thank you @akilah RadicalSelfie Richards for saying what you said. There is a major point missed in the comments that followed your thoughts. Yes, race is a social construct, it doesn't biologically exist. Everyone gets this and I'm sure the powers that be get it as well. What is not being discussed is why the social construction was created. It was created for a certain cast of individuals, White people, to gain a material and territorial advantage over other races, non-whites primarily Black people. I hear the word equality thrown around in the conversation. "We should treat each other equally and fairly." No, that will never happen at this point because of the material and territorial advantage the White race has over others. We can never be equal and we will never be treated fairly as long as this system of oppression exists. Equality doesn't even exist as a functional term. To be equal means that we are all the same and we are not. To be equal is a be still 2 = 2. There is no movement in the equation presented. Everything in existence is in constant motion so 2 = 2 is functionally impossible. Equality doesn't exist as long as we live. Equity functionally exists. We want White people to balance the discrepancy they have created in this world. I don't want to be equal to any White person. I am Black and the damage that has been done from history's past will always and forever keep me from calling White people my equal. Me saying this doesn't mean I can't respect (re = again, spect = look, yes I will respect white people because I don't trust them) White people. Me saying this doesn't mean I will never work with (not for. I will do what is necessary to retain and maintain ownership of my work) White people. It means that White people and anyone claiming the White race is not my equal. Point, blank, period.
Saul Williams is freaking awesome.
It's long overdue to break out of this tribal mentality Saul speaks of. The only way forward is through compassion for your fellow human.
Indeed. In my mind whenever I hear people talking about race, I have to remind them and myself that there is only one race...the human race. These people are only arguing over color really.
Hero. Warrior. Poet.
He’s so deep!! Understatement!!
Amazing artist 🎨
Did anyone notice the interviewer put his hand on Saul’s shoulder so Saul did the same?
Saul Williams is my IDOL.
The brilliant Saul Williams
Talented. Good talk.
What an intelligent, thoughtful man.
That thumbnail looks like he’s on American Idol
Saul is such a juggernaut of progression and positivity. It feels like this interview was rushed.. is it just the editing or what? It seems like there’s so much more he could’ve elaborated on if given the time. The tempo of this interview is kinda crazy
i love him
I can't picture Saul Williams as a character on The Cosby Show - dating Denise in a very minimal role perhaps??? Now, on A Different World - absolutely!
This mans got serious talent. My fav conscious lyricists along with Chuck D, Sage Francis, B Dolan, Scroobius Pip, Allflaws
they exchange ideas soooo fast haha
that's what super cool focused people do when they meet lol
Love this interview! Great description of not wanting to sound arrogant by calling himself a poet. It reminds me of Diane Chambers from Cheers, and how it sounded when she described herself as a poetess. It always sounded snooty. It's easy to be uncomfortable with self-describing by that term.
"God and I are One! Times Moon, times star, times SUN." - Untimely Mediations. He IS that dude.
A few of the many living human beings that will continue to greatly change this world:
Saul Williams
Beau Sia
Reggie Watts
Genius. Plain and simple.
good interviewer
Great thoughts from an old mind. Well said on all fronts. Gifted but somehow I know it won't make a difference. sad.
Guy is so fucking smart
0:22 his 3rd eye wide open.
8:38 - Real talk on race. Well said sir!
When does he come to Sweden again??
well said.
I don't see Saul as a Character on The Cosby Show....dating Denise, perhaps, in very minimal role. Now as a character on A Different World - absolutely!
Host is not annoying at all. Every time i see one of these set ups I assume the host will be annoying.
Soooo real
so no more production with Trent?
How so, what did I miss?
illegitimately my idol !
My dude got to sit a foot from Saul williams. Fucking amazing
Hiphop for grown men. Saul made it happen. Although his vocals/poems would fit in other genres/beats but he choose hiphop so he's stuck with it now.
Eyedea is great too =)
I wish it were just that, its a social construct that has become entrenched in society to pretend it isnt is hopeful
When God wants to teach us to catch a fish, he doesn't catch the fish for us. He lets us figure out how to catch the fish ourselves, so that we can truly appreciate that fish after our hard work, and so that we can grow mentally. In other words, we've been separated so that we can push forward as a species and truly understand what it means to be as one.
You can see that the interviewer wanted to create division and spawn hatred, but Williams wouldn't take the bait.
stroumpoulopoulos is the shit
I'm surprised he's not concerned with his art being used by the corporate profit machine to promote consumerism.
You should have grown up in Soweto in the 80's
Have you actually read the bible? If you read it with an open unbiased view it soon becomes clear that it is the word of man written by those who wish to hold power. There are plenty of innocents in the bible punished without reason.
What about 2chains?
"I am the lord, I change not." There's no where in the scriptures that talks about all nations becoming one. Even when Christ returns, there will separation of nations.
Mat 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats:
Unity was never the plan... segregation was.
Who wrote the Bible? Do you have the whole Bible or just the parts that have been released? How do you know the Bible is the "right' book by God and not another religion? Don't answer, I don't care, but I do hope you ask these questions of yourself. maybe you already have.
and what have you
Vegan Power
accidentally upvoted you. I assure you it was meant to be a downvote. To explain: I'm fairly certain that when Saul Williams talks about race being a social construct, he isn't advocating color-blind nonsense that a lot of white liberals front. He's saying to recognize that race has a no biological basis and that racism therefore is baseless. He isn't saying racism doesn't exist and we don't have to deal with it. Just the opposite: he's proposing HOW to deal with it.
You're kidding right? You're asking a guy with this name if he's read the bible? I've read the bible from different views... The difference between me and you is that I've read it with understanding. Are the people who wrote the bible in power right now? Who ever perished being innocent? -Job 4:7
2 Peter 1:21 for who wrote the bible. I have enough of the bible. I know the bible is the right book because of the prophecies that have come to pass, and because of the archeological evidence of stories in it. If you don't want answers, don't ask questions.
...is what an illuminite would say.... GET HIM!
Then you weren't listening.
i don't know. the fact that in the last olympics there ethnic representation was disproportionate says something. or go no further than professional basckeball. i'm just saying, race accounts for *something*. although we can agree that that something is not transcendental.
i don't completely agree that race is a social construct. there are marginal aspects of race that transcend into the social, and i don't think that acknowlledging these aspects is racist. for instance, it's hard to deny that black people have a certain physique that mostly makes them better at sports. they run faster, they jump higher, etc. aside from that, i would agree, though, that racial identities are exaggerated.
Why? Cause you feel like you're smarter than GOD? Maybe you can do a better job than him? If you don't like the punishments for sin... don't sin. It's THAT simple.
sell out...rip saul williams
too bad he's a freemason.
Source? I looked it up couldn't find anything
Race is a social construct but nationality isn't. We as people are no more "one" than all fish are one, all cats are one or all birds are one. "Unity" is social construct started by Nimrod. If GOD wanted us to all be one, he wouldn't have made us different and the bible would have ended at the tower of Babel.
This guy is the worst interviewer.
I can't picture Saul Williams as a character on The Cosby Show - dating Denise in a very minimal role perhaps??? Now, on A Different World - absolutely!