8:58 Obi-wan and Ahoska both cracked Vader's helmet, momentarily breaking through to him. Howrver, only Luke Skywalker ever convinved him to voluntarily relinquish it.
@@GGBlaster if you don't hold the elevator for him, Vader will do it himself. He's got the Force, you know. And then the ride will be REALLY awkward. So yeah, I'd do it 😅
@@berniethekiwidragon4382 and that’s the added irony, Vaders past is the reason he wants to disconnect himself from the past and thus at least one piece of it must remain connected or the reason for him to disconnect no longer exists. And that one piece exists in the form of Obi Wan Kenobi. Or I could be waffling😂
You make a great case, Vader copes by disconnecting. On Threepio though, I would argue that Anakin surfaced in Empire. Vader prevented stormtroopers from firing on Chewbacca and Threepio after Han was frozen and Chewie went nuts. I think that was Anakin protecting Threepio. You showed comics, but the films are pure canon. It's also interesting that we've yet to see Vader and Rex face each other. I hope Filoni explores that at some point.
That would be an interesting reunion. Question is, would they have it so that Rex finds out that Vader was actually Anakin? Or would people like Luke and Ahsoka be the only ones who would know his true identity?
the inquisition is retarded. theres nothing cool about gothic or high gothic. the inquisitors were dumb as fuck. ninth sister? second whoever fourth whoever so fuckin dumb
That little segment about chronic pain is so true. I spent little over 3 years laying in bed sucking on pain medicine. I was in the worse mood of my life and came close to taking myself out couple of times. It wasn't until I got a spinal cord stimulator I could start having somewhat of a normal life again. I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy
Hayden Christiansen is almost old enough for George Lucas to recut the Darth Vader/Anakin removal of the mask scene with Luke. Vader should be about 45-50 years old, Hayden is 43 now, so anytime now. That would be cool.
If you just look at the OG actors kids and grandchildren. You could reshoot the OT and green screen edit them in. It be a fun novelty project tribute. Mark Hamil could do Stan Lee cameos.
Dang it, Alan, you bring up the best topics. Like how chronic pain is extremely difficult to live with day after day. Love your videos so much! Hope your family is doing great.
There's also the fact that Sidious designed Vader's suit with the secondary purpose of keeping him in pain solely to make sure it fuels his dark side ways.
Vader was so different from Anakin that his own apprentice Starkiller couldn’t tell if he was a Jedi in the past. Even his lightsaber form was different
9:28 Problem with this is in Obi-Wan the show, Vader showed insane levels of anger at Reva by allowing Obi-Wan to escape and was ready to kill her. She's an inquisitor that he logically shouldn't give a collective shit about and her screwing up would at most merit a quick neck snap rather than loud rage.
He is angry because she lets Obi-Wan, the guy Vader really wants to kill, slip from her fingers and escape his fortress. Vader mostly got involved in Rebels Season 2 because of Ashoka’s presence.
@@ryankwon8785 Exactly this. Barriss isn't doing anything in that moment to hang a neon sign of a target on her back, so Vader has no reason to pay attention to her. He likely knows it's her, but he doesn't really care. But Reva? All the crap she pulled gave him a reason to actually act on the fact that he knows her. Especially when it was obvious that she was banking on the idea that he didn't know who she was to get the drop on him.
I was under the impression that Vader didn't want anyone from his Skywalker days to know they were the same person. He goes out of his way to kill anyone who finds out (a group of 501st clones for example). So why would he voluntarily give that info. up, recognize her or not?
Anakin Skywalker supposedly dies to Order 66 like the rest of the Jedi's. Well that's at least what The Empire says. So if he reacted to Bariss that would've gave him away who he actually was. Reyva only figured it out because she survived Order 66 and saw Anakin was the one to do it.
Idk if he would have had a conversation with bariss, but try as he might, Anakins grudges were still Vaders. The emperor tried to snuff that out, like when he asked vader if his feelings were clear about not going after kenobi anymore. I feel like when bariss defected, he would have been the one to go after her, claiming it was to set an example if inquisitors left, but really hed enjoy a personal revenge. Wasted opportunity having lynn kill her, unless they had given her more backstory.
Lyn wasn't looking for Bariss, so her getting the chance to kill her was just luck of the draw. There's nothing to say that Vader _didn't_ hunt for her, she just managed to stay ahead of him.
Usually..I avoid psychoanalysis of anything, but occasionally..it's unavoidable, and can actually deeply clarify motivations, and/or situations..leading to awesome levels of actual understanding of what is actually going on/happening..(even equally the depths of understanding of historical events..and their results/causes..).
Vader had Barriss right where he wanted her. She was a subordinate that he could kill at a later date. Vader did like to savor the kill when he had an opportunity. Not to mention Vader savoring the killing of Barriss and dwelling on Anakin's negative would make Vader stronger and help keep Anakin buried. Although, if Vader was concerned about Barriss' power level, I think Vader would have eliminate Barriss as quickly as possible. Personally I think not reacting to Barriss is within Vader's character as much as Vader immediately destroying Barriss. Some things with Vader just depend on his situation since Vader is open-minded and considers his options. Thats what made Anakin and Vader both great tacticians.
1980's " Classic Star Wars " by Marvel comics. 1990's Dark Horse comics, and novels. Roll into early 2000's Dark Horse comics and novels covering multiple story line eras of Star Wars rolled into the Vong War era. Vader went after and recruited enemies he fought against during the Clone Wars as Anakin that Luke had to clean up 19 to 25years after that war. Along with side comments where older officers and Vader make reference remarks of current situations related back to the Clone Wars. As inside jokes, with comic book or novel flash backs to tie them in. Older officers that didn't like Jedi politics but like Anakin style of command got a kick out of referring to Him as Darth. In one comic of " Dark Times " Vader let slip to an officer of a tactic such of such with the same tone that Anakin had. The officer looked at Vader with a wry smile and stated, " You command I obey, you lead, and we follow." That officer was first introduce in a novel of Leia's teenage children were kidnap, and he was a leader of Vader's spy network, and his grandson went to train as a teenager at Luke's Yavin Jedi academy. They just rolled his character into the Prequel Clone War comics. Besides, " Skywalker " sounds like a military call sign anyhow.
Vader would not give his old identity away like that to Bariss, there would be nothing to gain; it would only make her a liability and he'd have to finish her. He would either use her, as he did, or murder her in private.
Vader and Anakin are two different lives, lived through one body. Maybe Vader didn't even remember Barris, he remembered Reva because he tried to kill her as Vader, not Ani
I agree Anakin has a severely broken mind after what he's been through but I'm not sure I agree in the DID diagnosis. Severe PTSD, dissociation, depression, and maybe a personality disorder or two would explain things equally well.
One of my favorite things about second Thrawn book (where he works with Vader while there's a flashback plot of him working with Anakin during the Clone Wars) is him figuring out Vader is/was Anakin, & basically teasing Vader with it here & there throughout the book. Vader wants to kill Thrawn so badly for it, but Palps has ordered him to work with Thrawn & not kill him. I won't spoil more than that, but it's amazing.
Thank you for mentioning chronic pain. I have been in ceaseless pain for close to twenty years now. Since the CDCs Ill advised guidelines from 2016 I have been gaslit and subjected to verbal abuse, as well as being severely under treated. Despite the narrative, we are not addicts, or addicts in “training.” The basis for the guidelines was scientifically and statistically dubious. Now millions, like myself, are not only forced to try to continue to exist in agony, but are regularly treated with condescension, and a complete lack of empathy. People have no idea what’s happening in exam rooms across this country and it’s a travesty. The issue of drug abuse was conflated with medicine because the desperation of pain patients has been confused with the desperation of addicts. We have a medical crisis on our hands that’s invisible to most, because “drugs bad.” These medications are critical to the existence of many but have been relegated to the role of “nice to haves,” because the people dispensing them have not had to live through our nightmare. The numbers often cited when speaking about prescription drugs is actually all illicit drug related deaths. But the wording often implies all those deaths are directly linked to “over prescribing” medications. There are so many things distracting Americans right now, but I wish people would wake up to the imposed suffering millions of Americans have been forced into, through no fault of their own.
He just wants to keep his identity secret and perhaps preserve Anakin's legacy as a war hero? The only two people he reveals his identity to, Ahsoka & Obi Wan, he intended to kill. Luke is different, he wanted to play on his emotions and use him to take down the Emperor. Thrawn figured it out, but Vader was like "pssh, you're crazy man". I don't even know if Tarkin knows to be honest, if that was revealed it would have been in a comic or book I haven't read. I mean I guess Maul kind of knew, but that's because he knew Palps' plan and figured it out similarly to Thrawn through deduction. Anyone else that may have figured it out died by his hand. Ok Reva somehow figured it out too, but he basically "killed" her twice and probably thinks she's dead. Maybe she died in the Tatooine desert. God that show pissed me off...
I suspect that if any individual Imperial knew the "true" identity of Darth Vader, it would have been Tarkin. This can be assessed by the relationship Vader and Tarkin display with each other in "A New Hope," I don't believe Tarkin would have trusted Vader as much as he did if he was not familiar with the person under the helmet. Aside from their presented, relationship of respect, there is also a conversation Tarkin and Vader have while aboard the Death Star. After capturing the Millenium Falcon, Vader informs Tarkin that he (Vader) has sensed Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this conversation ensues: TARKIN: "Obi-Wan Kenobi? What makes you think so?" VADER: "A tremor in the force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master." TARKIN: "Surely he must be dead by now." Clearly this has to indicate that if Tarkin knows that Obi-Wan is Vader's old master, then he definitely has to know Vader is Anakin Skywalker underneath the armor.
It was a mystery people around vader to figure out he was Aniken Skywalker. Snd stil don't Darth Maul's real name. But tyranus stull reverse to himself as Duku
I really has to get this off my chest. Even when I saw it as a kid and still today I think that it looks too ridicolous when Vader lifts the emperor up from behind and throws him down the pit like a stuffed duck. In every other incidence Palpatene is cunning and thinks three steps ahead but there he is like a helpless old man that can be defeated fairly easy. Don't get me wrong, I love return of the Jedi, but couldn't we make it a little bit more epic when Vader overcomes the emperor? Sorry, I know that's not the main point of this video but I was triggered when i saw this scene here :D
Thanks for the vid! It makes sense that Anakin dissociates as Vader. And I love that Vader is born from Anakin, has his ambition, passion, and sass. Vader to me is a liar. He tells everyone close to Anakin that he killed Anakin. But was only protecting Anakin from confronting his painful past, shoving everyone away until he saw himself in Leia, and Padme in Luke. In DID systems, the “violent” personality if there ever is one, is villainized (and of course Vader is a villain for the atrocities he continued to commit on the galaxy), but it is often the most protective of the system, sparing no cost or morals, protecting the system from what happened to them so long ago that might not be happening now but also protecting/preventing them from facing things, being vulnerable, trusting others and asking for help because it is too hard when that trust was destroyed by others.
The funniest thing about the mouth controls is that this particular bit of lore came out AFTER it was revealed that there existed neronetwork implants that could control entire ships similar to how Neurohelemtd work in the Battletech Universe (wierdly enough not stolen by Lucas. Disney was the first to steal from battletech properly lol) So the tongue controls are just kind of stupid since he also has controls on his armor for his life support systems and what not. Oh and he is a magical space wizard. The neuro thing came out in like, the second book of the SWTTRPG too, so it was from before they even started publishing the crossections books and what not
Hey Chewy and Solo may have been over done in legends, but that book where their in that Imperial prison,, and the storm troopers turn into zombies is sooooooooo awesome!!!! Not Red Harvest, that's the other Star Wars zombie book (which is also AMAZING). If you haven't heard of Red Harvest, go read it NOW! Its about a Sith academy where the Sith students, and masters start turning into zombies. I cannot unfortunately rememer what the Solo and Chewy zombie book is called, but it's dope!
One of my favorite Star Wars video and understanding of my favorite Star Wars character: Darth Vader. The unbreakable broken Man. More machine then Man until he wasn't, along side his son.
Never really thought of there being two personalities but it does make sense, even in very early days Palpatine drilled it into his new enforcer that he was no longer Anakin skywalker (I think by mocking him when asking him where his lightsabre was) I also think that to Vader, the inquisitors were poor imitations of the Dark Side and more than anyone else he didn't care about them unless they messed up in which he was almost too keen to kill them to make an example out of them. Its possible Vader did recognise Bariss but thought nothing of it because if she did fail and was within force choking reach he'd let Anakin resurface just slightly to let the anger and revenge he wanted to fuel him more
That would have been neat if either of them recognized each other. I’m surprised Vader would want anything to do with her after what she did to Ahsoka.
I literally knew nothing about this show, only its announcment. So it was definetly interesting for me when i started watching it going in blind but I can see why people would be dissapointed knowing the best parts were spoiled in the trailers.
Ironically that's the reasan why I mostly don't look at teasers, especially in Series, because I want to be fully surpriced by it. So for me it was a nice little camio.
Darth turns up to eat me malls and orders noodles/ramen with miso soup and kim chee and then gives his rating via his red blade / black hilt because he forgot grilled meats.
I watched this entire video. I recognized Anakin. I’m glad Darth Vader did not recognize me. He might have tried to kill me and my allegiance to democracy.
He did that after Empire Strikes Back. That is when Vader gradually starts to embrace Anakin once more. He dedicated his entire time after Episode 5 to kill Sidious to avenge his past but failed. He succeeded by saving his son from his evil master. The reason is that Anakin successfully killed Sidious because he fought out of love for his son, not hate with the previous attempts.
I can understand a lot of reasons why he'd want to distance himself but I also feel like Vader would still hold a grudge against the people who wronged him the most. He still hated Obi-Wan for what he did to him and Barriss took Ahsoka, his surrogate little sister away from him and almost got her killed, hell when they were fighting Anakin was damn near ready to kill her then and now he could get away with it easily. I just can't believe he'd be calm enough to not at the least cut a limb or two off like he did the other Inquisitors.
Vader is calm though I hate that there are fans who think he'd do something that Anakin would unless you're Obi wan who he despises why would he care legends was better
@@DrD00M3 The problem is hte Sith are litterally all about embracing emotions like anger, rage and hatred, so it would make sense to use it. Also all the other Inquistors when they first started suffered various injuries from Vader during a training session to show how ruthless he was . The fact he doesn't do anything like that to Barriss, who never got Ahsoka killed is just lame.
@@thefanwithoutaface8105 I strongly disagree Sith at least in legends are supposed to channel anger and pain etc not be temper tantrum children even in the OT Vader is monotone and mature deliberately as stated by James earl jones with Lucas Anakin was immature and emotional to show a fundamental difference between them as people
8:58 Obi-wan and Ahoska both cracked Vader's helmet, momentarily breaking through to him. Howrver, only Luke Skywalker ever convinved him to voluntarily relinquish it.
Which is a pretty neat trick when Obi Wan had never seen him in person with the Helmet on and Ashoka did not exist.
Getting stuck in a turbolift with Darth Vader would be such an awkward experience that it probably counts as low-key torture on some planets.
i bet he hums in elevators
So you’re in the turbolift, and you see Darth Vader running towards the turbolift, signaling you to hold the door. Do you hold the door?
@@GGBlaster if you dont hold the door he will kill you
@@GGBlaster if you don't hold the elevator for him, Vader will do it himself. He's got the Force, you know. And then the ride will be REALLY awkward. So yeah, I'd do it 😅
He probably hums "battle of the heroes "@GenerationTech
Vader wants to disconnect himself with almost anything that has to do with his past as Anakin Skywalker
Ironically, he can't seem to forget Obi-Wan.
Obiwan created what dartj vader was forced to become.
@@berniethekiwidragon4382 and that’s the added irony, Vaders past is the reason he wants to disconnect himself from the past and thus at least one piece of it must remain connected or the reason for him to disconnect no longer exists. And that one piece exists in the form of Obi Wan Kenobi.
Or I could be waffling😂
He also doesn't want anyone to piece it together that he is /was Anakin
@@pt5728 I like waffles
You bastard! All I will EVER think of in every Darth Vader duel until the end of time, is the sound of Vader tonguing his helmet.
You make a great case, Vader copes by disconnecting. On Threepio though, I would argue that Anakin surfaced in Empire. Vader prevented stormtroopers from firing on Chewbacca and Threepio after Han was frozen and Chewie went nuts. I think that was Anakin protecting Threepio. You showed comics, but the films are pure canon. It's also interesting that we've yet to see Vader and Rex face each other. I hope Filoni explores that at some point.
lets go niners!!
That would be an interesting reunion. Question is, would they have it so that Rex finds out that Vader was actually Anakin? Or would people like Luke and Ahsoka be the only ones who would know his true identity?
@@orckingi1208I think Rex was informed by Ahsoka that Vader is Anakin in a Rebels episode. Been a while, so I'm not sure.
Anakin running away from his problems by letting Vader take the wheel. So saddening.
This also explains why he doesn't react to seeing Barriss, in any way, shape or form.
... i don't know how Jesus feels about that adaption of the song :p
It's quite more common in our universe than you think...
“…if we could hear inside Vader’s helmet during duels, it would sound like this:…”
I laughed SO hard when you did the lil "blargleblrgleblrge" mouth noises i scared my cat
I was pleasantly surprised by Vaders presence, because I don't watch the previews, I find it makes watching the shows much more enjoyable
Tru dat. Not having expectations makes most shows and movies better.
@@lyleseward8638 that's why i loved cyberpunk 2077 on release
Most thoughtful Star Wars content on Internet ❤️
Well said, that's why I choose Allen's SW content over all others. 👍
Star Wars fans be like "We hate unnecessary throwbacks and references" but then want something like this
When the writers try to redeem barriss and not go the obvious fan service route:
“Why Vader never acknowledges everyone in his past”
Obi-wan: *Hello there.*
Vader: *S E E T H E S*
Sometimes, the past is too much to bear.
We need James earl Jones to say "blabalabalababnaba" in every Vader duel.
Nobody expects the Imperial Inquisition! Our chief weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless violence, and nice red spinning lightsabers..Oh dank ferrik!
Ironically, my brain thought of the idea of the late David Prowse's voice being a match for Michael Palin's Cardinal Jimenez
the inquisition is retarded. theres nothing cool about gothic or high gothic. the inquisitors were dumb as fuck. ninth sister? second whoever fourth whoever so fuckin dumb
That little segment about chronic pain is so true. I spent little over 3 years laying in bed sucking on pain medicine. I was in the worse mood of my life and came close to taking myself out couple of times. It wasn't until I got a spinal cord stimulator I could start having somewhat of a normal life again. I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy
Because as far as Vader is concerned, Anakin died on Coruscant.
I think the reason why Vader didn’t acknowledge Barriss was because he was listening to his theme song at full volume.
Hayden Christiansen is almost old enough for George Lucas to recut the Darth Vader/Anakin removal of the mask scene with Luke. Vader should be about 45-50 years old, Hayden is 43 now, so anytime now. That would be cool.
If you just look at the OG actors kids and grandchildren.
You could reshoot the OT and green screen edit them in.
It be a fun novelty project tribute.
Mark Hamil could do Stan Lee cameos.
It's a crime they don't constantly use plot focused shows of McGregor and Hayden for movies and shows. Instead they keep trying new stuff that flops.
I would love that so much, would make it so much more powerful and connected for me
4:30 You know, a part of me began to wonder if Anakin meant to block Mace Windu’s saber but wounded up cutting off his hand by mistake.
Ngl that would be funny asf. All this mess occurred because he accidentally flicked his mouse too fast 🤣🤣
Dang it, Alan, you bring up the best topics. Like how chronic pain is extremely difficult to live with day after day. Love your videos so much! Hope your family is doing great.
Really connects Star Wars to our real world in really meaningful and often un thought of ways
There's also the fact that Sidious designed Vader's suit with the secondary purpose of keeping him in pain solely to make sure it fuels his dark side ways.
Vader was so different from Anakin that his own apprentice Starkiller couldn’t tell if he was a Jedi in the past. Even his lightsaber form was different
9:28 Problem with this is in Obi-Wan the show, Vader showed insane levels of anger at Reva by allowing Obi-Wan to escape and was ready to kill her. She's an inquisitor that he logically shouldn't give a collective shit about and her screwing up would at most merit a quick neck snap rather than loud rage.
He is angry because she lets Obi-Wan, the guy Vader really wants to kill, slip from her fingers and escape his fortress. Vader mostly got involved in Rebels Season 2 because of Ashoka’s presence.
@@ryankwon8785 Exactly this. Barriss isn't doing anything in that moment to hang a neon sign of a target on her back, so Vader has no reason to pay attention to her. He likely knows it's her, but he doesn't really care.
But Reva? All the crap she pulled gave him a reason to actually act on the fact that he knows her. Especially when it was obvious that she was banking on the idea that he didn't know who she was to get the drop on him.
I was under the impression that Vader didn't want anyone from his Skywalker days to know they were the same person. He goes out of his way to kill anyone who finds out (a group of 501st clones for example). So why would he voluntarily give that info. up, recognize her or not?
Nice “What Dreams May Come” shoutout, did not expect that in a Star Wars video 😂
Anakin Skywalker supposedly dies to Order 66 like the rest of the Jedi's. Well that's at least what The Empire says. So if he reacted to Bariss that would've gave him away who he actually was. Reyva only figured it out because she survived Order 66 and saw Anakin was the one to do it.
Idk if he would have had a conversation with bariss, but try as he might, Anakins grudges were still Vaders. The emperor tried to snuff that out, like when he asked vader if his feelings were clear about not going after kenobi anymore. I feel like when bariss defected, he would have been the one to go after her, claiming it was to set an example if inquisitors left, but really hed enjoy a personal revenge. Wasted opportunity having lynn kill her, unless they had given her more backstory.
Lyn wasn't looking for Bariss, so her getting the chance to kill her was just luck of the draw. There's nothing to say that Vader _didn't_ hunt for her, she just managed to stay ahead of him.
Exactly, but I still love the idea of barris giving her own life to help another find the light. Very barris
It I agree huge wasted potential there’s so much depth there
those Transitions in the Vader to Anakin voices in the live actions and the word between words oh I was in tears happy and wanting more Vader Anakin
That is why Zahn’s description of Vader is so awesome. It’s Vader vs. The Jedi.
What dreams may come was a great film. Its hits you right in the feels.
Usually..I avoid psychoanalysis of anything, but occasionally..it's unavoidable, and can actually deeply clarify motivations, and/or situations..leading to awesome levels of actual understanding of what is actually going on/happening..(even equally the depths of understanding of historical events..and their results/causes..).
Every time I think of obi wan and Vader's fight I'm reminded how the power levels and general logic were so inconsistent in Obi-Wan.
I agree acknowledging Baross wouldn't have been worth it. It's more Vader content we want. And that animation was outstanding
Palpatine looks baked af here. 11:41
I don't believe it, you finally took the mic out of the oven. May the force forever be with you ❤
Vader had Barriss right where he wanted her. She was a subordinate that he could kill at a later date. Vader did like to savor the kill when he had an opportunity. Not to mention Vader savoring the killing of Barriss and dwelling on Anakin's negative would make Vader stronger and help keep Anakin buried. Although, if Vader was concerned about Barriss' power level, I think Vader would have eliminate Barriss as quickly as possible.
Personally I think not reacting to Barriss is within Vader's character as much as Vader immediately destroying Barriss. Some things with Vader just depend on his situation since Vader is open-minded and considers his options. Thats what made Anakin and Vader both great tacticians.
1980's " Classic Star Wars " by Marvel comics.
1990's Dark Horse comics, and novels.
Roll into early 2000's Dark Horse comics and novels covering multiple story line eras of Star Wars rolled into the Vong War era.
Vader went after and recruited enemies he fought against during the Clone Wars as Anakin that Luke had to clean up 19 to 25years after that war. Along with side comments where older officers and Vader make reference remarks of current situations related back to the Clone Wars. As inside jokes, with comic book or novel flash backs to tie them in.
Older officers that didn't like Jedi politics but like Anakin style of command got a kick out of referring to Him as Darth. In one comic of " Dark Times " Vader let slip to an officer of a tactic such of such with the same tone that Anakin had. The officer looked at Vader with a wry smile and stated, " You command I obey, you lead, and we follow."
That officer was first introduce in a novel of Leia's teenage children were kidnap, and he was a leader of Vader's spy network, and his grandson went to train as a teenager at Luke's Yavin Jedi academy. They just rolled his character into the Prequel Clone War comics.
Besides, " Skywalker " sounds like a military call sign anyhow.
Alan, Super awesome mic upgrade! You sound so much better now!
Awesome video bro! Keep up the great work 👍... nice sound effects 👍
Amazing explanation! Bravo! 🎉
Bit at 2:27 got me 😂
You leveled up with the tongue sound effects. 😂
Thanks, my friend. God bless you!
Vader would not give his old identity away like that to Bariss, there would be nothing to gain; it would only make her a liability and he'd have to finish her. He would either use her, as he did, or murder her in private.
Vader and Anakin are two different lives, lived through one body. Maybe Vader didn't even remember Barris, he remembered Reva because he tried to kill her as Vader, not Ani
I agree Anakin has a severely broken mind after what he's been through but I'm not sure I agree in the DID diagnosis. Severe PTSD, dissociation, depression, and maybe a personality disorder or two would explain things equally well.
Where did Alam get his samurai cat jacket? I love it.
Its been a while since i asked so ..
Could you please do more videos on tactics and structures Like the structure of cis navy structure and ranks
You made me laugh out loud with hearing inside Vader’s helmet noise
One of my favorite things about second Thrawn book (where he works with Vader while there's a flashback plot of him working with Anakin during the Clone Wars) is him figuring out Vader is/was Anakin, & basically teasing Vader with it here & there throughout the book. Vader wants to kill Thrawn so badly for it, but Palps has ordered him to work with Thrawn & not kill him. I won't spoil more than that, but it's amazing.
Can you do a video on how Isdain still uses Venators 12 years after the clone wars?
Wasn't there a comic where Vader runs into childhood friends from Tatooine? I think they were trying to restore an old pod racer.
Thank you for mentioning chronic pain.
I have been in ceaseless pain for close to twenty years now. Since the CDCs Ill advised guidelines from 2016 I have been gaslit and subjected to verbal abuse, as well as being severely under treated.
Despite the narrative, we are not addicts, or addicts in “training.” The basis for the guidelines was scientifically and statistically dubious. Now millions, like myself, are not only forced to try to continue to exist in agony, but are regularly treated with condescension, and a complete lack of empathy. People have no idea what’s happening in exam rooms across this country and it’s a travesty. The issue of drug abuse was conflated with medicine because the desperation of pain patients has been confused with the desperation of addicts.
We have a medical crisis on our hands that’s invisible to most, because “drugs bad.” These medications are critical to the existence of many but have been relegated to the role of “nice to haves,” because the people dispensing them have not had to live through our nightmare.
The numbers often cited when speaking about prescription drugs is actually all illicit drug related deaths. But the wording often implies all those deaths are directly linked to “over prescribing” medications.
There are so many things distracting Americans right now, but I wish people would wake up to the imposed suffering millions of Americans have been forced into, through no fault of their own.
11:11 Vin Diesel would make an excellent addition to the inquisitor "family"
He just wants to keep his identity secret and perhaps preserve Anakin's legacy as a war hero? The only two people he reveals his identity to, Ahsoka & Obi Wan, he intended to kill. Luke is different, he wanted to play on his emotions and use him to take down the Emperor.
Thrawn figured it out, but Vader was like "pssh, you're crazy man". I don't even know if Tarkin knows to be honest, if that was revealed it would have been in a comic or book I haven't read. I mean I guess Maul kind of knew, but that's because he knew Palps' plan and figured it out similarly to Thrawn through deduction. Anyone else that may have figured it out died by his hand. Ok Reva somehow figured it out too, but he basically "killed" her twice and probably thinks she's dead. Maybe she died in the Tatooine desert. God that show pissed me off...
I suspect that if any individual Imperial knew the "true" identity of Darth Vader, it would have been Tarkin. This can be assessed by the relationship Vader and Tarkin display with each other in "A New Hope," I don't believe Tarkin would have trusted Vader as much as he did if he was not familiar with the person under the helmet. Aside from their presented, relationship of respect, there is also a conversation Tarkin and Vader have while aboard the Death Star. After capturing the Millenium Falcon, Vader informs Tarkin that he (Vader) has sensed Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this conversation ensues:
TARKIN: "Obi-Wan Kenobi? What makes you think so?"
VADER: "A tremor in the force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master."
TARKIN: "Surely he must be dead by now."
Clearly this has to indicate that if Tarkin knows that Obi-Wan is Vader's old master, then he definitely has to know Vader is Anakin Skywalker underneath the armor.
An excellent character study, Alan. Most interesting and insightful Star Wars commentary on the web.
2:25 🤣🤣🤣 That was f**k funny! I wheeze laughed 🤣
2:07 are you making a Spaceballs reference?
2:25 never going to see any vader scene the same
It was a mystery people around vader to figure out he was Aniken Skywalker. Snd stil don't Darth Maul's real name. But tyranus stull reverse to himself as Duku
Many fans want the very fan service they complain about getting other times, that's the fandom for ya.
I really has to get this off my chest. Even when I saw it as a kid and still today I think that it looks too ridicolous when Vader lifts the emperor up from behind and throws him down the pit like a stuffed duck. In every other incidence Palpatene is cunning and thinks three steps ahead but there he is like a helpless old man that can be defeated fairly easy. Don't get me wrong, I love return of the Jedi, but couldn't we make it a little bit more epic when Vader overcomes the emperor? Sorry, I know that's not the main point of this video but I was triggered when i saw this scene here :D
Thanks for the vid! It makes sense that Anakin dissociates as Vader. And I love that Vader is born from Anakin, has his ambition, passion, and sass.
Vader to me is a liar. He tells everyone close to Anakin that he killed Anakin. But was only protecting Anakin from confronting his painful past, shoving everyone away until he saw himself in Leia, and Padme in Luke.
In DID systems, the “violent” personality if there ever is one, is villainized (and of course Vader is a villain for the atrocities he continued to commit on the galaxy), but it is often the most protective of the system, sparing no cost or morals, protecting the system from what happened to them so long ago that might not be happening now but also protecting/preventing them from facing things, being vulnerable, trusting others and asking for help because it is too hard when that trust was destroyed by others.
I'm dying thinking about Vader flailing his tongue to hit controls while saber fighting.
Look at that heart branding on Barris hand stitched leather belt buckle ❤ 🤠
I mean even a slight head turn or pause just out of view or a snide remark but I get it
At least he'll be OK if he steps on a lego....he's got that little bit going for him. Great video. Thanks.
The funniest thing about the mouth controls is that this particular bit of lore came out AFTER it was revealed that there existed neronetwork implants that could control entire ships similar to how Neurohelemtd work in the Battletech Universe (wierdly enough not stolen by Lucas. Disney was the first to steal from battletech properly lol)
So the tongue controls are just kind of stupid since he also has controls on his armor for his life support systems and what not. Oh and he is a magical space wizard.
The neuro thing came out in like, the second book of the SWTTRPG too, so it was from before they even started publishing the crossections books and what not
Tru dat, Alan. Vader was a lot more angry with other people like Kenobi and the Emperor than Vader would have been with Barriss.
Hey Chewy and Solo may have been over done in legends, but that book where their in that Imperial prison,, and the storm troopers turn into zombies is sooooooooo awesome!!!! Not Red Harvest, that's the other Star Wars zombie book (which is also AMAZING). If you haven't heard of Red Harvest, go read it NOW! Its about a Sith academy where the Sith students, and masters start turning into zombies. I cannot unfortunately rememer what the Solo and Chewy zombie book is called, but it's dope!
I believe it's called "Death Troopers". But I have been wrong before so take it with a grain of salt.
I believe it's called Death Troopers. I could be wrong though so take it with a grain of salt.
One of my favorite Star Wars video and understanding of my favorite Star Wars character: Darth Vader.
The unbreakable broken Man. More machine then Man until he wasn't, along side his son.
Never really thought of there being two personalities but it does make sense, even in very early days Palpatine drilled it into his new enforcer that he was no longer Anakin skywalker (I think by mocking him when asking him where his lightsabre was)
I also think that to Vader, the inquisitors were poor imitations of the Dark Side and more than anyone else he didn't care about them unless they messed up in which he was almost too keen to kill them to make an example out of them. Its possible Vader did recognise Bariss but thought nothing of it because if she did fail and was within force choking reach he'd let Anakin resurface just slightly to let the anger and revenge he wanted to fuel him more
Vader is like the definition of the road to evil is paved with good intentions 💔
With that time skip, there is still a possibility that Ahsoka and Barris will have a reunion before her death.
Anakin has to be the most tragic character ever created after having watched this video.
I'm going to do everything I can to make that blllblblblllblbllblblllblblll my ringtone.
That would have been neat if either of them recognized each other. I’m surprised Vader would want anything to do with her after what she did to Ahsoka.
Did anyone else get the perfect ad-cut after bluhlalauhgughaugh?
Basically... "It hurts too much!"
I literally knew nothing about this show, only its announcment. So it was definetly interesting for me when i started watching it going in blind but I can see why people would be dissapointed knowing the best parts were spoiled in the trailers.
Ironically that's the reasan why I mostly don't look at teasers, especially in Series, because I want to be fully surpriced by it. So for me it was a nice little camio.
You have forever changed my image of Vader with the mouth thing. I hate it ❤❤
Vader ending in Rogue one is still awesome
Dude, saw What Dreams May Come as a kid in theaters too, was not the Robin Williams movie my parents thought it was going to be 🤣.
Life has many twists and turns, just like a maze.
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one scarred by the Robin Williams movie. I'm going to have to talk to him about that someday, as an Asian stewardess.
Could you do a video seeing how crosshair backpack works with his weapon or all of 99 bag
It's honestly a lot easier to just dissociate from such painful events, though it is unhealthy.
Darth turns up to eat me malls and orders noodles/ramen with miso soup and kim chee and then gives his rating via his red blade / black hilt because he forgot grilled meats.
I watched this entire video. I recognized Anakin. I’m glad Darth Vader did not recognize me. He might have tried to kill me and my allegiance to democracy.
You may have ruined Darth Vader for me, now every time he fights I'm going to hear that tongue noise. 🤣🤣
The mouth control sounds!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
He didn't recognise her that's why, that helmet makes it hard to see
What about that comic where Vader sees his old friends from when he was a kid and helps them fight against a corrupt imperial?
He did that after Empire Strikes Back. That is when Vader gradually starts to embrace Anakin once more. He dedicated his entire time after Episode 5 to kill Sidious to avenge his past but failed. He succeeded by saving his son from his evil master. The reason is that Anakin successfully killed Sidious because he fought out of love for his son, not hate with the previous attempts.
Do any of the other Sith have that same twisted mentality where they want to distance themselves from their own past like Darth Vader?
Can you make a vidéo about Dark Vader 2020 serie of comics.
Because all of that serie seems to be incoherant to the Vader we see in Return of the Jedi
The art of putting together a trailer that entices yet does not spoil has been completely lost! I NEVER WATCH TRAILERS ANYMORE
I can understand a lot of reasons why he'd want to distance himself but I also feel like Vader would still hold a grudge against the people who wronged him the most. He still hated Obi-Wan for what he did to him and Barriss took Ahsoka, his surrogate little sister away from him and almost got her killed, hell when they were fighting Anakin was damn near ready to kill her then and now he could get away with it easily.
I just can't believe he'd be calm enough to not at the least cut a limb or two off like he did the other Inquisitors.
Exactly or at least show some shaking rage or just be cruel, or abuse her in some kind of demonstration to the other inquisitors on respect
Would’ve loved to see him do that, without making it clear why or coming out as Anakin
Vader is calm though I hate that there are fans who think he'd do something that Anakin would unless you're Obi wan who he despises why would he care legends was better
@@DrD00M3 The problem is hte Sith are litterally all about embracing emotions like anger, rage and hatred, so it would make sense to use it.
Also all the other Inquistors when they first started suffered various injuries from Vader during a training session to show how ruthless he was . The fact he doesn't do anything like that to Barriss, who never got Ahsoka killed is just lame.
@@thefanwithoutaface8105 I strongly disagree Sith at least in legends are supposed to channel anger and pain etc not be temper tantrum children even in the OT Vader is monotone and mature deliberately as stated by James earl jones with Lucas Anakin was immature and emotional to show a fundamental difference between them as people
I cant decide whether I hate your voice or love it