1. Should have gotten Pascall Pineapple Lumps instead of the pams brand 2. Should have bought Arnotts Mint Slice instead of the Mint Treat. 3. All colours of kiwifruit are delicious. some people eat the skin, some dont. Green tend to be sweeter, gold tend to be tangy, red tend to be slightly be sour. 4. Cadbury Chocolate Fish is Great! Good pick guys 5. Its just a bun. Not specifically from NZ. But they are delicious. 6. L&P Lemon and Paeroa. Paeroa is a town in in the north island of NZ. L&P was traditionally made by combining lemon juice with naturally carbonated mineral water from the town of Paeroa. Today, it is manufactured by Coca-Cola. 7. Not personally a fan of Belgian Cremes. I prefer Cameo Cremes. 8. Fejoa. Most people like them. 9. Perky Nana is a NZ Icon. Grew up getting these at the local dairy. 10. ALL Whittikers Chocolate is Great. And Hokey Pokey is a good choice! Enjoyed watching! Thanks
L&P originated in the North Island town of Paeroa. A settler there started selling the local spring-water. Sales picked up when he introduced lemon to the mix: hence Lemon and Paeroa.
Fun video! My wife and I were down visiting NZ just under a month ago, so some of these are definitely familiar! - Pineapple Lumps are acceptable but meh. - ANYTHING Hokey Pokey is now in my favorite treats!! Love those flavors. - Totally forgot to get the L&P, and everytime I see people drink it, I get annoyed I forgot about it! - Wanted to try fejoa, but I thought it was in things like ice cream. Never realized it was its own fruit. Never did see it on any menus... now I probably know why! - You need to try Pic's Peanut Butter! It's so good! - As for places, we heard about Fergburger in Queenstown. It was really good! Busy (about 45 minutes), but good! Happy travels!
We hope you both had a lovely time in NZ! Fergburger is definitely on our list to try as we’ve heard great things! I think the hokey pokey flavour will definitely be a grower! Thanks for the peanut butter recommendation, I might pick some up today😊 Thank you so much for watching and hope it brought back some good memories!
The Feijoa is classed as a Mango, it is sweet/sour (depending on how ripe the inside is), it is available in the top half of the North Island and Argentina, so not just relegated to New Zealand. They can be a fruit that you immediately don't like to a fruit that you can grow to love.
Other people have said the same thing!! We’ll definitely try a few more and see whether we find that one a little more enjoyable🤞🏼 I love mangoes so that’s really interesting! Thanks for watching😊
@@puttingdownroutes , the feijoa tree in our backyard is due in about 3 days time (give or take), so will be raiding that tree. If you can find some trust boxes anywhere, they will have some fruit and other items that are seasonal, in most cases, they are not only cheaper than supermarket bought goods but can also be better tasting.
Feijoas are an acquired taste. As with most fruit, how you eat them and how ripe they are makes a difference. I quite like them on my breakfast cereal.
It might be worth trying a different flavour of Whittaker's -- it's very highly rated in NZ. Feijoas do have a bit of a weird flavour but they're a common fruit here
@@puttingdownroutes Please refer to the national fruit as Kiwi fruit unless you are cannibals and eat NZers or our national flightless bird called a Kiwi.
Great video! Definitely agree with some of the comments already mentioned: 1. Pineapple Lumps are the original...the darker chocolate goes well with the sweeter pineapple inside. 2. Arnotts version is better - sorry Griffins, but I think Arnotts came out with these first. 3. Any kiwifruit is delicious - I like the golden one, as I find that one sweeter but I guess that can change depending how ripe it is. 4. Choccie Fish - another kiwi icon, just delish! 5. The sugar bun looks more like a rock cake with jam. I was expecting to see the NZ version of the Sally Lunn. 6. L&P - just goodness in a bottle. Nice with Southern Comfort or some other whiskey. Could be a NZ version of the Canadian Dry drink. 7. Belgian Creams - nice but as others have mentioned, Cameo Cremes are so good. 8. Feijoa - an acquired taste for sure. Feijoa wine or liqueur is nice. Check our Lothlorien Winery in a place called Ahuroa, about 10-15 drive on from Puhoi (north of Auckland). 9. Perky Nana - just nice 10. Whittakers Hokey Bar - all the variations are nice. I still prefer the original Peanut Slab that was served without any wrappers and just in a small paper bag (back in the 80s). Some recommendations, my own opinion anyway: Caramel Chew or the Peppermint Chew K-Bars (if you have strong teeth) Griffins Chocolate Chip biscuits Any meat pie from a bakery...but the Pak 'n' Save pies made on-site are nice though. But find an award-winning bakery, there's plenty around.
I can’t believe you don’t like Feijoas they are my favourite fruit!! I love sour though so the tang doesn’t bother me 😁 Hopefully you had a chance to try our famous kiwi onion dip? So good!
The next seasonal fruit to look out for is persimmon. Less ripe, they can be eaten like an apple, and more ripe they are closer to a peach (without the stone).
There's also the Tim Tam slam It's actually a Feejoa Pixie caramel is another chocolate bar it's also known as the longer lasting chew bar, picnic bars perkynana bars are better when they've been frozen or chilled and pinky Biscuits Mallowpuffs, any Tim Tam flavours, krispies, L&P dry is another good flavour Then there's Maori foods to try, but don't get it from the tourist traps tho if your in Christchurch there's place called Kai means food try everything and anything there
Oh your fejoa looked a bit off. If you have them early they are tart and tangy. If you let them ripen slight soft to the touch they are sweet and delicious. You gus got a dud. If you can find a neighbour that has a tree they can probably let you have some early then later in the season. The trees produce alot of fruit. There are a few varieties aswell.
There was a Cadbury factory in Dunedin, but the international company that owns Cadbury, closed it and it's made in Australia. New Zealand chocolate has a subtle difference and so, things aren't the same anymore. There was a fuss over the pineapple lumps as they changed for the worse, but I don't know what happened in the end. Everything has been bought out by the multinationals 🤬
You were led slightly astray with some of those choices. I'd love to see someone try a lamington. I don't mind in the least you didn't like feijoas (they're a South American fruit) because it remains yet another best-kept Kiwi secret.
Woohoo! I am now caught up with your videos! Pineapple Lumps (specifically by Pascalls) are a classic NZ snack. They have never contained real pineapple, and the company did refine the recipe a few years ago and many people feel they are not as good. Just a quick note: when talking about the fruit, NZers never call it a "Kiwi". A kiwi is either a person or the national animal, a flighless bird. "Kiwifruit" is what everyone calls it. Chocolate Fish are about the cheapest individually sold confectionary, and have earned a place in society as the traditional "Thank you" gift for small services, especially in the workplace. (When I was in an assassination club at university, Chocolate Fish were the accepted currency for bribing club officers for info on your targets) Supermarket bakeries in NZ are often great, but I'm afraid that was not a traditional NZ food. L&P is a fantastic summer drink. Try it with Bourbon and Malibu! Fejoas are from South America, but have been enthusiastically adopted by NZ. I personally can't stand them. I have done very few drugs in my life, but when my first flatmate got me high on the Devil's Lettuce for the first time, he surprised me with a Perky Nana. At the time I thought it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. (It's pretty blah.) Just so you know, Hokey Pokey is a honeycomb toffee. Whittakers is the best chocolate in the world! I will fight anyone who disagrees. The most common is the Peanut Slab but their flavours are incredibly inventive. (They do an L&P flavour bar) Feel free to disagree. The next time you are in a supermarket look foor Jaffa Thins biscuits. They are a staple of my online shopping and many Brits have been converted by my pushing them. Thank you for posting this!
This is amazing, thank you for taking the time to watch and comment in so much detail!😊 It’s so helpful to have this background information. We’re definitely going to try some different types of Whittaker’s as I think we really will like it (I reckon Tom will like the L&P flavour based off of this video!). And point noted about the kiwi fruit too! We really wanted to find some Jaffas/Jaffa thins but we couldn’t get our hands on them! Are they like Jaffa Cakes do you know?😊 Thanks so much for watching!
I know it's an old video, but I think feijoa is bland without eating the skin. Eat the skin next time. The inside and outside flavours together balance each other out imo. I should say I'm not from nz, but I've lived here for ten years. At first I was quite taken aback by how pungent the feijoa is, then I got addicted to them lol. I order 5kg to 10kg direct from an orchard every year. As for the sweets in nz, I haven't found anything good yet. I buy american import sweets, but I agree with the other commenter who said Pam's mint treats are better than the name brand ones. But, much like you, I love chocolate mint things. The choco mint ice cream in nz leaves a lot to be desired, however.
If the fejoa was sour and not to sweet, it wasn't ready to eat. Trust me. It's delicious when it the skin isn't as hard and you can kinda press in the skin. It's so good I feel offended you didn't like fejoa😂😂
Whittakers is far superior to the apology for Cadbury they ship in from Australia. The Hokey Pokey bar is a new gimmick flavour. Try Peanut Slab, Almond or Fruit and Nut for a proper test. Try the 'Pams' brand mint slice or caramel treat - superior to the named brand alternatives. Feijoas. The one you had had started to ferment - they should not be brown inside. That said, you either love them or hate them - apparently it's a human genetic thing and it depends if you can taste a certain chemical in them. I hate them - to me they taste like cheap perfume. The other fruit was a kiwifruit - not a kiwi in NZ. The birds are Kiwis, New Zealanders are kiwis, fruit are kiwifruit. Wait until the green ones are in season and the markets are full of 'seconds' - the ones that are too big or misshapen for export. They will be quite cheap too. Season lasts about a month so get to them quickly.
Kiwifruit guys, kiwi is the bird or the local people - not to be eaten. Pams brand, home brandcare never as good as a name brand. Try arnott brand biscuits
Brits are brought up with Cadbury's chocolate and rate that as a 'standard'. It's a bit like Americans and Hershey's. The rest of the World disagrees. I come from UK but I have grown to love European and other international-quality chocolate. (And that includes Thorntons.) NZ Cadbury's is better than UK Cadbury's but Whittaker's is the real stuff. I find L&P is a bit sweet but you can get L&P Sour in a black bottle. For a real Kiwi snack just go into any dairy (corner shop) and pick up a hot pie. There is often a little oven to one side. And many just happen to have an espresso machine. 😁
Yes Tel I agree with this!! I can’t wait to try the sour L&P, that sounds great! I might head down to a Dairy today for a pie actually, maybe I’ll pick up another Whittaker’s and keep giving it a go😊 Thank you so much for watching!
Your feijoa and kiwifruit looked a bit under ripe, they should both be super soft, sweet and juicy. Feijoa can be dry and floury unless ripe, similar to under ripe bananas. I like them a bit under ripe, not ideal when you have never eaten them before. Get a guide to ply you with the perfect fruit next time for a divine experience.
Sugar Buns are great. NOT a scone and Pak n Save are cheap version You didn't buy the best. But no pleasing him, his face screwed up before even trying
I’m sorry but THEE WORST choices in kiwi food to try. Some of them aren’t even popularised kiwi foods. I had never heard of some of these and i was born and raised here 🤣🤣🤣
Haha these were recommended to us (apart from the sugar bun!!) by our friends here and a cumulation of internet research, so we really tried!😊 Thank you for watching along!
Thank you for the correction- I think often in the UK we just refer to the fruit as a ‘kiwi’ (well where I grew up anyway!😊) so apologies! Thank you for watching!
If you want a professional critic about food hire that guy you can guarantee nothing will pass his scrutiny except chocolate fish which are the worst sweet made in NZ 😊
1. Should have gotten Pascall Pineapple Lumps instead of the pams brand
2. Should have bought Arnotts Mint Slice instead of the Mint Treat.
3. All colours of kiwifruit are delicious. some people eat the skin, some dont. Green tend to be sweeter, gold tend to be tangy, red tend to be slightly be sour.
4. Cadbury Chocolate Fish is Great! Good pick guys
5. Its just a bun. Not specifically from NZ. But they are delicious.
6. L&P Lemon and Paeroa. Paeroa is a town in in the north island of NZ. L&P was traditionally made by combining lemon juice with naturally carbonated mineral water from the town of Paeroa. Today, it is manufactured by Coca-Cola.
7. Not personally a fan of Belgian Cremes. I prefer Cameo Cremes.
8. Fejoa. Most people like them.
9. Perky Nana is a NZ Icon. Grew up getting these at the local dairy.
10. ALL Whittikers Chocolate is Great. And Hokey Pokey is a good choice!
Enjoyed watching! Thanks
arnotts are aussie
Total disagree with your kiwifruit analysis it's completely back to front
Re number 8, I completely concur however the feijoa was clearly underripe and not at its best.
Fejoa is like one of grossest things I've ever had and I'm born and raised in nz
As an new Zealander I'd say that every time I see a you tuber that is trying out nz snacks from nz I get fascinated how they rate it.
Haha I’m the same with UK foods too! Thanks for watching😊
I'd give them a 2.3
L&P originated in the North Island town of Paeroa. A settler there started selling the local spring-water. Sales picked up when he introduced lemon to the mix: hence Lemon and Paeroa.
You need to try the Whittaker almond gold slab😊
Fun video! My wife and I were down visiting NZ just under a month ago, so some of these are definitely familiar!
- Pineapple Lumps are acceptable but meh.
- ANYTHING Hokey Pokey is now in my favorite treats!! Love those flavors.
- Totally forgot to get the L&P, and everytime I see people drink it, I get annoyed I forgot about it!
- Wanted to try fejoa, but I thought it was in things like ice cream. Never realized it was its own fruit. Never did see it on any menus... now I probably know why!
- You need to try Pic's Peanut Butter! It's so good!
- As for places, we heard about Fergburger in Queenstown. It was really good! Busy (about 45 minutes), but good!
Happy travels!
We hope you both had a lovely time in NZ! Fergburger is definitely on our list to try as we’ve heard great things! I think the hokey pokey flavour will definitely be a grower! Thanks for the peanut butter recommendation, I might pick some up today😊 Thank you so much for watching and hope it brought back some good memories!
Naaah hokey pokey slab 😂 never get the hokey hokey slab. Always go peanut 😂
Was the kiwi fruit ripe? (It looked too firm.)
The Feijoa is classed as a Mango, it is sweet/sour (depending on how ripe the inside is), it is available in the top half of the North Island and Argentina, so not just relegated to New Zealand.
They can be a fruit that you immediately don't like to a fruit that you can grow to love.
Other people have said the same thing!! We’ll definitely try a few more and see whether we find that one a little more enjoyable🤞🏼 I love mangoes so that’s really interesting! Thanks for watching😊
@@puttingdownroutes , the feijoa tree in our backyard is due in about 3 days time (give or take), so will be raiding that tree.
If you can find some trust boxes anywhere, they will have some fruit and other items that are seasonal, in most cases, they are not only cheaper than supermarket bought goods but can also be better tasting.
Feijoas are an acquired taste. As with most fruit, how you eat them and how ripe they are makes a difference. I quite like them on my breakfast cereal.
Feijoa is a quaver
@@BryanPowell-ok2ld Common names include feijoa, pineapple guava and guavasteen, although it is not a true guava.
Like a rock cake I used to buy from Penny Lanes in Northcote Auckland in the 80’s.
The Whittakers "Artisan Collection" chocolates are the flavours to try.
Oohh fabulous! Thank you for the recommendation, we’ll be sure to try😊
It might be worth trying a different flavour of Whittaker's -- it's very highly rated in NZ. Feijoas do have a bit of a weird flavour but they're a common fruit here
Yes we definitely want to try some more Whittaker’s, probably just their classic next time!😊 Thank you for watching!
Most kiwi people say ,If you don't like Whittakers Chocolate you have to go home,don't fact check me on that.
@@puttingdownroutes Please refer to the national fruit as Kiwi fruit unless you are cannibals and eat NZers or our national flightless bird called a Kiwi.
Don't judge Whitakers until you've tried every flavour!
Great video! Definitely agree with some of the comments already mentioned:
1. Pineapple Lumps are the original...the darker chocolate goes well with the sweeter pineapple inside.
2. Arnotts version is better - sorry Griffins, but I think Arnotts came out with these first.
3. Any kiwifruit is delicious - I like the golden one, as I find that one sweeter but I guess that can change depending how ripe it is.
4. Choccie Fish - another kiwi icon, just delish!
5. The sugar bun looks more like a rock cake with jam. I was expecting to see the NZ version of the Sally Lunn.
6. L&P - just goodness in a bottle. Nice with Southern Comfort or some other whiskey. Could be a NZ version of the Canadian Dry drink.
7. Belgian Creams - nice but as others have mentioned, Cameo Cremes are so good.
8. Feijoa - an acquired taste for sure. Feijoa wine or liqueur is nice. Check our Lothlorien Winery in a place called Ahuroa, about 10-15 drive on from Puhoi (north of Auckland).
9. Perky Nana - just nice
10. Whittakers Hokey Bar - all the variations are nice. I still prefer the original Peanut Slab that was served without any wrappers and just in a small paper bag (back in the 80s).
Some recommendations, my own opinion anyway:
Caramel Chew or the Peppermint Chew
K-Bars (if you have strong teeth)
Griffins Chocolate Chip biscuits
Any meat pie from a bakery...but the Pak 'n' Save pies made on-site are nice though. But find an award-winning bakery, there's plenty around.
I love seeing visitors trying pies and Lolly cake etc at the bakeries. Biggest stops of road trips are the best bakeries along the way. 😂
We can’t wait to make some stop offs on our road trips!😊
I'm a kiwi and never heard of red kiwi. Give it' a couple of weeks to get sweeter
I have one actually I’m just about to eat a week after buying one! I’ll see if it’s sweeter now! Thanks for watching😊
You guys found the good stuff😎
We found some gems!!😊 Thanks for watching!
Next time try feijoa lollies, sherbet fabulicious and toffee pop biscuits.
I can’t believe you don’t like Feijoas they are my favourite fruit!! I love sour though so the tang doesn’t bother me 😁
Hopefully you had a chance to try our famous kiwi onion dip? So good!
The next seasonal fruit to look out for is persimmon. Less ripe, they can be eaten like an apple, and more ripe they are closer to a peach (without the stone).
I have heard of a persimmon! We’ll keep our eyes out. Thanks for watching!
@@puttingdownroutesI wouldn’t they are terrible.
There's also the Tim Tam slam
It's actually a Feejoa
Pixie caramel is another chocolate bar it's also known as the longer lasting chew bar, picnic bars perkynana bars are better when they've been frozen or chilled and pinky
Mallowpuffs, any Tim Tam flavours, krispies,
L&P dry is another good flavour
Then there's Maori foods to try, but don't get it from the tourist traps tho if your in Christchurch there's place called Kai means food try everything and anything there
Thanks so much for all of this info Peter!! So many helpful bits of information😊 We can’t wait to try Māori foods! Thank you so much for watching.
Paeroa (Pie-rower)
Oh your fejoa looked a bit off. If you have them early they are tart and tangy. If you let them ripen slight soft to the touch they are sweet and delicious. You gus got a dud. If you can find a neighbour that has a tree they can probably let you have some early then later in the season. The trees produce alot of fruit. There are a few varieties aswell.
When I was a kid there was a neighbor to our school and their bush grew over the side fence. We would binge on them when they were dropping off.
There was a Cadbury factory in Dunedin, but the international company that owns Cadbury, closed it and it's made in Australia. New Zealand chocolate has a subtle difference and so, things aren't the same anymore.
There was a fuss over the pineapple lumps as they changed for the worse, but I don't know what happened in the end. Everything has been bought out by the multinationals 🤬
YEP...A proud Kiwi here. Ive tasted Meat pies from overseas and truthfully, OUR MEAT PIES ARE THEEEEE BEST ❤👌🇳🇿👌❤ Sowee, thats my SNACK 😂😂😂😂
Some Aussie bakeries I visited while over there rank up there too
You were led slightly astray with some of those choices. I'd love to see someone try a lamington. I don't mind in the least you didn't like feijoas (they're a South American fruit) because it remains yet another best-kept Kiwi secret.
Woohoo! I am now caught up with your videos!
Pineapple Lumps (specifically by Pascalls) are a classic NZ snack. They have never contained real pineapple, and the company did refine the recipe a few years ago and many people feel they are not as good.
Just a quick note: when talking about the fruit, NZers never call it a "Kiwi". A kiwi is either a person or the national animal, a flighless bird. "Kiwifruit" is what everyone calls it.
Chocolate Fish are about the cheapest individually sold confectionary, and have earned a place in society as the traditional "Thank you" gift for small services, especially in the workplace. (When I was in an assassination club at university, Chocolate Fish were the accepted currency for bribing club officers for info on your targets)
Supermarket bakeries in NZ are often great, but I'm afraid that was not a traditional NZ food.
L&P is a fantastic summer drink. Try it with Bourbon and Malibu!
Fejoas are from South America, but have been enthusiastically adopted by NZ. I personally can't stand them.
I have done very few drugs in my life, but when my first flatmate got me high on the Devil's Lettuce for the first time, he surprised me with a Perky Nana. At the time I thought it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. (It's pretty blah.)
Just so you know, Hokey Pokey is a honeycomb toffee.
Whittakers is the best chocolate in the world! I will fight anyone who disagrees. The most common is the Peanut Slab but their flavours are incredibly inventive. (They do an L&P flavour bar)
Feel free to disagree. The next time you are in a supermarket look foor Jaffa Thins biscuits. They are a staple of my online shopping and many Brits have been converted by my pushing them.
Thank you for posting this!
KAOS perhaps?
@@urizen7613 Exactly!
This is amazing, thank you for taking the time to watch and comment in so much detail!😊 It’s so helpful to have this background information. We’re definitely going to try some different types of Whittaker’s as I think we really will like it (I reckon Tom will like the L&P flavour based off of this video!). And point noted about the kiwi fruit too! We really wanted to find some Jaffas/Jaffa thins but we couldn’t get our hands on them! Are they like Jaffa Cakes do you know?😊 Thanks so much for watching!
@@michaelnolan6951 We've probably met, then.
@@puttingdownroutes They're biscuits rather than cakes, a bit of an orange flavour and a layer of chocolate.
Whitaker peanut slab is the best
We’ll have to try- I love anything peanut flavoured!!!
@@puttingdownroutesfor real the best. If you want a more rich version have the almond and dark chocolate slab.
Those Belgian biscuits used to be called German biscuits until WW1 when the name was changed. So it's not surprising they reminded you of Lebkuchen.
Who on earth gave you this list? No toffee pops, no crunchie bars, whittakers creamy milk, yeah, you have a lot to try out.
No way you managed to live in our house without eating a kiwi ever!!! How?!
I was also in shock, honestly I don’t understand how in 26 years he’s never eaten a kiwi fruit?!🤣
The Kiwi fruit and the feijoa were not fully ripe.
I know it's an old video, but I think feijoa is bland without eating the skin. Eat the skin next time. The inside and outside flavours together balance each other out imo. I should say I'm not from nz, but I've lived here for ten years. At first I was quite taken aback by how pungent the feijoa is, then I got addicted to them lol. I order 5kg to 10kg direct from an orchard every year. As for the sweets in nz, I haven't found anything good yet. I buy american import sweets, but I agree with the other commenter who said Pam's mint treats are better than the name brand ones. But, much like you, I love chocolate mint things. The choco mint ice cream in nz leaves a lot to be desired, however.
If the fejoa was sour and not to sweet, it wasn't ready to eat. Trust me. It's delicious when it the skin isn't as hard and you can kinda press in the skin. It's so good I feel offended you didn't like fejoa😂😂
That's sacrilege saying Cadbury is better than Whittakers given the history with Cadburys in nz
The cheap brands make shortcuts which alter the taste and texture dramatically.
Cadbury Chocolate was Best when made in New Zealand. It's made in Australia now Not NZ
wtf red kiwi flesh, thats new
Great video guys - as my Mum always says you don't skimp - buy quality Queen Anne, Whittakers, Lewis Road etc. I'll keep watching x
"The kiwi"(NZ dollar).A Kiwi(NZ person).A kiwi(A bird).A kiwi fruit(green,gold or red centered fruit)
Whittakers is far superior to the apology for Cadbury they ship in from Australia. The Hokey Pokey bar is a new gimmick flavour. Try Peanut Slab, Almond or Fruit and Nut for a proper test.
Try the 'Pams' brand mint slice or caramel treat - superior to the named brand alternatives.
Feijoas. The one you had had started to ferment - they should not be brown inside. That said, you either love them or hate them - apparently it's a human genetic thing and it depends if you can taste a certain chemical in them. I hate them - to me they taste like cheap perfume.
The other fruit was a kiwifruit - not a kiwi in NZ.
The birds are Kiwis, New Zealanders are kiwis, fruit are kiwifruit. Wait until the green ones are in season and the markets are full of 'seconds' - the ones that are too big or misshapen for export. They will be quite cheap too. Season lasts about a month so get to them quickly.
Kiwifruit guys, kiwi is the bird or the local people - not to be eaten. Pams brand, home brandcare never as good as a name brand. Try arnott brand biscuits
Pams choc pineapple lumps, yeah NAH. Next time try the real thing.
Brits are brought up with Cadbury's chocolate and rate that as a 'standard'. It's a bit like Americans and Hershey's. The rest of the World disagrees. I come from UK but I have grown to love European and other international-quality chocolate. (And that includes Thorntons.) NZ Cadbury's is better than UK Cadbury's but Whittaker's is the real stuff. I find L&P is a bit sweet but you can get L&P Sour in a black bottle.
For a real Kiwi snack just go into any dairy (corner shop) and pick up a hot pie. There is often a little oven to one side. And many just happen to have an espresso machine. 😁
Yes Tel I agree with this!! I can’t wait to try the sour L&P, that sounds great! I might head down to a Dairy today for a pie actually, maybe I’ll pick up another Whittaker’s and keep giving it a go😊 Thank you so much for watching!
Belguim slice wouldve been better than those horrible biscuits..or homemade
Hi don't call the fruit kiwi the name of the fruit is Kiwifruit
They are not kiwis , they are kiwi fruit. kiwis are flightless birds.
Sugar Buns are definitely NOT a scone
As a kiwi all I can say is it's kiwifruit not KIWI.
Your feijoa and kiwifruit looked a bit under ripe, they should both be super soft, sweet and juicy. Feijoa can be dry and floury unless ripe, similar to under ripe bananas. I like them a bit under ripe, not ideal when you have never eaten them before. Get a guide to ply you with the perfect fruit next time for a divine experience.
Funny how Poms always refer to themselves as British.
What else are they???
Sugar Buns are great. NOT a scone and Pak n Save are cheap version You didn't buy the best. But no pleasing him, his face screwed up before even trying
Feijoa needs Vodka - amzing
I’m sorry but THEE WORST choices in kiwi food to try. Some of them aren’t even popularised kiwi foods. I had never heard of some of these and i was born and raised here 🤣🤣🤣
Haha these were recommended to us (apart from the sugar bun!!) by our friends here and a cumulation of internet research, so we really tried!😊 Thank you for watching along!
Kiwifruit. A kiwi is a bird....or a person :)
Thank you for the correction- I think often in the UK we just refer to the fruit as a ‘kiwi’ (well where I grew up anyway!😊) so apologies! Thank you for watching!
If you want a professional critic about food hire that guy you can guarantee nothing will pass his scrutiny except chocolate fish which are the worst sweet made in NZ 😊
Should have peeled the kiwi
I don't think you could find a worse group of things to try.