Gemmy 2006 Animated 3-Piece Band (Santa and the Sing-guins) - 4 Songs

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • No, the penguins are not supposed to spin. I’ll explain lol.
    I wish I could say this will be the last long description of the year but… nah. I sure am getting tired of writing these though, so I’ll try to make this one short.
    Some of you might remember a community post I made the day I got this guy: April 9th, 2022. That post is still up, so if you do some scrolling on my community page you can see exactly what I saw when I laid eyes on this for the first time. This whole thing started with my dad deciding to take me out to the middle of nowhere to visit a little antique store he saw on Facebook that neither of us had been to before. They were having some vendors set up outside that day, which made the trip worth it because the actual store part sucked. Plus, if not for the outside vendors, I wouldn’t have walked far enough out of the parking lot to see behind the store- which is important to this story because that’s where I somehow spotted this Santa through the trees. He was sitting on a rusty, broken down tractor with his hands chained to the steering wheel and his base chained to the seat. He was soaking wet (it was raining at the time), sun faded, and appeared to have no legs. He also obviously didn’t have his microphone, and there were no penguins anywhere either. I wasn’t too sure what to do at that point. I didn’t really even want the thing, I was so busy with other repair projects at the time and I knew this was already ruined. And even if I did somehow get it working by some miracle, the missing parts would make it worthless to me and I’d end up passing it onto someone else anyway. But on the other hand, I simply could not leave it sitting there on a tractor in the rain in a forest to rot away. Still, I almost left the place without asking anyone about the Santa. How was I supposed to tell them I spotted it way behind their store where I wasn’t even supposed to be? I’m not sure, but that’s what I did to the person working the register, to which they replied that it wasn’t for sale. By pure dumb luck, another employee overheard this and said I could have it for $5 if I could climb back there and get it out myself 🤣.
    So he came home with me, making a big puddle in the back of my car. I started working on him immediately because I wanted to get his electronics dried as fast as possible. The person who sold it to me also told me the poor thing had sat out there all winter long, and “might need some work”. Man, they were right about that part. I do wonder how long he was actually outside for though, because despite him being dripping wet when I found him, he was in surprisingly decent shape inside. I replaced the switch and adapter jack on the base because they were rusty, and I had to clean rust out of both plugs for the penguins too. Otherwise, there was no rust or corrosion to be seen, even his original button still works. The circuit board worked perfectly right from the start too, which is understandable considering the genius placement of it inside the chest… it’s basically waterproof there.
    The outside, on the other hand, was a different story. First off, there was a hole chewed in the side of the pants and a live mouse nest inside his left foot. I know it was live because there was a live mouse inside, which jumped out and made a run for it as I was taking it apart and scared the life out of me. Thankfully I was already outside, and the little guy just scampered away. He sure made a mess inside the Santa though, and even decided to eat through the motion sensor wires and crap all over in the bottom of the shoe. Besides that, the clothes themselves were obviously very dirty and had some pretty bad water stains and sun fading. I still have yet to fix the sun fading thing by the way, that’s why he looks so pale in this video. I wish I could say the bright colored parts of his coat, hat, and gloves is just caused by the reflection of the light, but nope. I do plan on dying them someday, but I’d like to get a little more practice with that first because the few times I’ve tried so far I’ve totally failed. His base is pretty yellowed too, but that’s minor. His pants are like brand new though, because they were completely hidden from the sun. Remember how I said he didn’t appear to have legs when I first saw him? That would be because the entire hip bracket was snapped on both sides. In case you’re not familiar, that’s a very thick, rugged piece of plastic that attaches both legs to the collapsing mechanism. It would take a whole lot of force to break something like that on one side, let alone both. Luckily, the way it’s designed made it very easy to glue back together, and I reinforced it with metal all the way around so I would be surprised if it ever gives me trouble again.

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