The lead times are changing daily with demand, I would recommend contacting our Motability team in the first instance to book a home demo and assess suitability. ☺
We have customers with all kinds of personal requirements and family sizes so we want to make sure that our walk-thru videos cover as much detail about the vehicles as possible for everyone that might be using it. Thanks for your feedback though 🤗
How long is the wait for delivery please?
Probably 6 to 9 months at the minute.
@@stephenmussett9040 you are correct , there is a long wait for the Ford Custom Quantum as it is in high demand!
The lead times are changing daily with demand, I would recommend contacting our Motability team in the first instance to book a home demo and assess suitability. ☺
Can you use British SI units please.
J H C. go straight into the access. no one cares about anything else that's standard.
We have customers with all kinds of personal requirements and family sizes so we want to make sure that our walk-thru videos cover as much detail about the vehicles as possible for everyone that might be using it. Thanks for your feedback though 🤗