The best album the most successful songs the most extraordinary choreographies the deepest lyrics...JIMINAAA HAS IT ALL...and haters know it!!!...❤U JIMINAAA
But Damn though, I do wish Jimin got what he Originally wanted. ...but you know what, he COOULD Always make a mv later on in 2025...if all get my drift😉🥺🫰🏿 I know we'd Luv to see this all happen, especially if that's what Our Jim Truly wanted and Still would like to Proceed someday again🥺
Stop comparing! It is not for you to decide what needs ti be done with the members. Don't act af if you know better. Our boys support and love each other. They know what they are doing and jealousy is never welcomed in their brotherhood.
@@jcalbamusic2985these toxic solo Stan’s are such a headache I can’t tell you. They have completely ruined our fandom. Bts was Better with army. And now because of these solo Stan’s Army and bts both are facing so much of hate.
I think Hybe panicked when Like Crazy hit #1 on Hot 100. Not sure why they keep sleeping on Park Jimin. Man is so charismatic, interesting and memorable, with insane skills and top-tier work etiquette to boot. And now he’s also proven that he can write and curate a kickass album. Out of all solo releases, I’m most proud of Jimin. It was no surprise that the rapline did extremely well, they’re already established songwriters and producers after all. But Jimin really didn’t come to play. Despite the sabotage, he still made records. I CANNOT WAIT FOR PJM2.
Just imagine how high he’d have reached with fair promotion and support from the agency!!!! It makes me feel, they are (the agency) afraid of Jimin’s power!
The company had designated someone else for this success. That's why they did everything to make him invisible after his short promotional period. It's a shame the man has so much potential and everything is suppressed.
Talent, perseverance, actitud, perfectionism, charisma, success, professionalism, etc., etc. are part of what JIMIN is, these makes him so powerful and that is why the so-called "company" is afraid. JIMIN is so humble that he probably thinks that he could not take the world by himself, but we all know that he can do that and more. My only wish is that after the sm, JIMIN's popularity and success will rise even more and show everyone who is still the king of K-POP.
Чимин ,поломав все планы hube ,вышел на первые места почти во всех чартах и до сих пор держит там призовые места,его никто не поддерживал,он работал с небольшой группой продюсеров и друзьями,РМ помогал писать,Шуга что то подсказывал, но компания даже промоушена не дала активного,так что Альбом Чимина это его и только его детище,а фавориты компании Чонгук и др. пусть тешат надежды компании, время покажет,......думаю в будущем,когда будут вспоминать БТС, первым кого вспомнят это будет ЧИМИН
So much proud of you jimin...just keep on doing good..i feel you...i keep on praying and wishing that one day you'll be on top that GOD knows how your working hard ,how good you are inside and outside of you..keep on fighting..stay healthy...forever angel jimin❤❤❤
I am so proud of our boy Jimin , he did this without any colab all his own work , i was watch to see how Like Crazy was trending , i wached the numbers fall off by the thousands i just couldnt believe what i was actually seeing , they eventually stopped and started up again slowly , Jimin fighting we are with you all the way ,JIMIN WE LOVE YOU 💛🥰🐥💛🥰🐥
The energy of love and support of Army is bigger than any ridiculous company. Let’s keep Jimin shining like the true artist he is. He didn’t get any help in any area, and he Proved to be the artist of artists. His birthday is soon let’s help him break more records.
A pesar de todo tiene tan buen corazón y siempre respeto y una sonrrisa para todos los que lo amamos . Sigue en la lucha siempre. Por ser así tendra si recompensa.
Чимин не цыпленок и не булочка с кунжутом! Он очень умный,с сильной волей,твердым характером, где-то даже строгий в отношении к своим мемберам,самый преданный друг и порядочный человек! Люблю и очень уважаю! Очень жаль,что прервалась карьера на самом пике популярности. Будем надеяться,что после успешного прохождения военной службы всё сложится хорошо. Дай тебе бог здоровья,душевных сил,твердости в поступках и благополучия во всех твоих начинаниях. Твоя сценическая маска сброшена, и мы видим красивого , волевого , целеустремлённо, спокойного,с чувством собственного достоинства человеком! Теперь стало понятно, почему твои друзья по группе черпают силу и оптимизм,находясь рядом с тобой. Береги свое здоровье и свой талант. Темин после армии сохранил свою стать и способность великолепно танцевать. А он тебя старше на три года. С твоими способностями это будет легко,а голос будет только лучше. Уважаю и люблю,служи достойно,наш ненаглядный Чимин!!!
회사한테도 멤버들한테도 늘 양보하고 배려하고 협조적인 지민이..그런 지민이를 회사는 고마워하고 더 챙겨야지! 지민이한테 조금만 관심있는 사람이라면 이렇게 다 알수있는 부당한 대우들..최애가 차별당하니 속상하고 왜 저 멤버는 되는일이 지민이는 안되나 분노하게되고..팬들 분열을 조장하는 이 회사를 어찌해야할지..
Cuando veo y oigo este tipo de noticias me entra una rabia dentro de mi, que no tengo más remedio que expresarlo. Yo pienso aunque me fastidia muchísimo que le tienen un miedo tremendo al Jimin por su forma de ser, por su elegancia, por su forma de bailar, por su voz y el tipo de fans que tiene, que lo adoramos y apoyaremos con todas nuestras fuerzas mientras que él siga haciendo esa música y esas exhibiciones en los escenarios. Prueba de ello, es que a pesar de esos sabotajes, de esas malas intenciones por parte de mucha gente, ha sacado un disco alucinante y ha llegado al n. 1 por su valía y por sus fans que siempre estaremos ahí para el, pese a quien pese. Sólo espero que no cambie y que pueda con todos los obstáculos que le pongan, por que todo es miedo y pura envidia, pero no ha nacido todavía nadie que le supere sobre todo con su carisma arrollador😊😊
Estoy de acuerdo contigo en todo amiga . Apesar de todos los ( SABOTAGE) ROBO DE VISTAS Y TRABAS Y ZANCADILLAS .jimin es genial ,es un ( CRACK) en el escenario. Tiene un ( DON ) EN SU VOZ, que apesar del apoyo a jk ,jamás podrá superar , ÉSA DULCE VOZ ANGELICAL DE JIMIN. nunca pondrá igualarle nadie . Ya pueden los (HATERS) decir de todo .( HYBE FAKE) ENGREIDOS ) MALICIOSOS ) jimin y armys de corazón lo seguiremos apoyando hasta el infinito. Odio los ( SHIPS) QUE LE ESTÁN HACIENDO TANTO DAÑO A JIMIN. ODIO LAS INITILES FRASES DE LOS@S SINVERGÜENZAS QUE SE UNEN A ÉSTOS ( SHIPS) Y CRITICAN SIN ESCRÚPULO ALGUNO Y SIN SABER LA REALIDAD, TAN SÓLO POR HACER DAÑO. JIMIN ES UNA EXCELENTE PERSONA, BUENO BRILLANTE, ES UNA GRAN ESTRELLA Y LO QUIEREN OPACAR ,PERO ARMYS LO SEGUIREMOS DEFENDIENDO.
Sabes estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, ya que Jimin en un live expreso que no le autorizaron hacer videos para cada canción de su álbum solamente le aceptaron 2 los cuales son los que hemos visto. La forma que llevaron su promoción a mi parecer fue muy pobre . Comparado con JK. ya vez a tenido presentaciones en EE.UU. en show , en conciertos, y así sucesivamente y mas aun a Jimin no lo presentaron para ls MTV. solamente a JK. Se que que la culpa no es de JK. sino de la misma EMPRESA de ellos, PORQUE LA DIFERENCIA???? A QUE LE TEMEN esa es la gran incógnita. Se dieron cuenta que Jimin es un diamante puro con una luz propia estratosférica que jamas hagan lo que hagan podrán opacarla :D😍😊😊
This was (still counting) the most obvious and broad-based sabotage I’ve ever seen. And Jimin made history anyway! His fans and his own fanbase is very strong and mature and I’m glad he is so loved and appreciated for his talents all over the world! Jimin is truly an exceptional Artist.
Thank you for this video. JIMIN deserves it! I'm so proud of him and happy to see how real ARMY recognizes, admires and enjoy his music, work and loving persona. I love BTS and each member just like Jimin does, but my heart will always be next to him 💜
Jimin is a sun and the sun is never covered in mud. This man will always shine. Jimin is a great star who is hard-working, talented and truly respects his job. I'm proud of you. Remember this, Park Jimin. You are truly the embodiment of perfection. You are always the best of the best❤️🔥🌟
This guy is talented for sure.He made all these achievements all on his own(ofcos with the production team) without any collaborations and the fact that he had only 2 music videos on his album makes me sad but he still slayed.Wish his all the best in life and l really hope he's happy and okay.
It always break my heart every time I heard he sabotaged by his own company but like he said he can make his own way & I'm proud of him. God bless you little angel!!!
Nunca se había visto tanto sabotaje a un gran artista pero el supo sondear los obstáculos logrando grandes exitos inimaginables, decepción de la empresa el es un gran artista pese a quien le pese
Thank you very much. It's horrible. And no matter how much we fight, we will not give up! Jimin is talented and hardworking. He is kind and bright. Master of his craft! Jimin motivates and inspires millions of people. Now our task is to show our love to him. With Jimin until the end!
Несмотря на саботаж со стороны компании Чимин завоёвывает любовь людей, его старые песни и песни из альбома Face слушают во всём мире, его песни войдут в историю мировых хитов. Смотришь на этого ,казалось бы, хрупкого парня и понимаешь насколько он силён духом, только человек с очень сильным характером смог победить , не сломаться и не сдаться, а идти вперёд к своей цели. 🫰🐣🌙💛♾♾♾♾
он милый, но не хрупкий... Надоело это слышать, потому что по навыкам он мог бы стать самым настоящим наемным убийцей, из всех них он самый опасный в этом плане...
@@annanov-55 мы не знаем, что такое сарказм и преувеличение... Ясно. Да сравнение с убийцей, потому что он знает тэквандо (одно из самых смертносных боевых искусств, между прочим и знает он его на уровне "чёрный пояс"), кендо (японское искусство владения мечом), а также по немногу ряд других. Это я и имела ввиду. Нельзя судить по только каким-то поверхностным вещам, этот парень очень многогранный, далеко не слабак, как духовно, так и физически.
Чиминчик сильный не только телом, но и духом. Этому его обучали,когда он посещал занятия по боевым искусствам! За 8 лет занятий он научился контролировать себя. Чимин столько вытерпел и терпит до сих пор, что многие бы сломались!
Чимин, весь земной шар ,где есть любители слушать очеровательного парня, песни,которые магически действуют на наш разум, спасибо тебе,Летаешь как орел и лети высоко, высоко. .Любим тебя!!!
Как можно ставить труд Чимина рядом с выступлениями Чонгука, который вообще ничего сам не делал! Чимину дали всего две недели, чтобы собрать весь альбом, все артисты и Чимин работали по 6-10 часов. У меня сердце чуть не выпрыгнула, когда увидела обессилевшего Чиминчика, спящего на полу! И ещё на репетицию подогнали Чонгука, чтобы снять ф/с, просто сволочи, а не люди! Сделали Чона чуть ли не соавтором песни Letter, где была 10 секундная дорожка с голосом Чона, даже без слов! Мало того, что ему не помогали, так ещё и пытаются отщипнуть от его успеха Чимина своему любимцу. Я презираю Чонгука за все, что он сделал Чимину. И Бан Ши Хека настигнет карма. Он умный бизнесмен, стратег, талантливый человек. Но хочет больше, чем может! Найдется кто-то поумнее. Загубил такую группу!
Jimin es ampliamente reconocido como el "número 1 en Hot 100 de Billboard" debido a su incansable trabajo y destacado desempeño en la industria de la música, lo que lo convierte en una figura sobresaliente en la escena internacional.
Jimin tiene un aura muy positiva y fuerte contra los que le quieren hacerle daño y un ejército de seguidores que lo hacen invencible y poderoso, sigamos apoyando, tiene muchas nominaciones pero queremos los premios se lo merece por su esfuerzo, talento profesionalismo. Vamos Jimin tu puedes🤩🇵🇪
I remember the youtube views fiasco I was so mad. Every day I watched it climb 1 mil for A WHOLE WEEK and every day, the next day, that 1 mil would be GONE. I was like. W.T.F. yeah, ok, bots, sure, but atleast like 500 real views were me, daily. There were literally so many of us playing it on repeat, the song is THAT GOOD. I swear LC is missing at least 10-15 mil views from that time and I'm low balling it
Dios bendiga y cuide mucho a los siete y con lo que hacen a Jimin se que le sera devuelto todo lo malo por eso él triunfa por qué su humilda y talento inigualable lo hace brillar aunque lo quieran opacar
Мне очень нравится Чимин, его вокал непохожий на других, его танцы завораживают, я с BTS потому что там Пак Чимин. Не понимаю почему компания так относится к Чимину, не поддерживала его с продвижением соло, хорошо что есть поклонники, которые любят и ценят этого талантливого артиста
А у компании другие фавориты и она поставила на Чонгука,но Чимин со своим Альбомом поломал планы компании ,выйдя на первые места и без ее поддержки,а только с поддержкой фанатов и друзей Чимина,поэтому компания и саботирует Чимина,двигая Чонгука,я совсем не умоляю способностей Чона,хотя песени его оставляют желать лучшего ,но так делать одному зеленую дорогу везде,а другому стать поперек дороги,но Чимин был #1 2023г.,так и останется #1
THANK YOU so much for consolidating what MANY of Jimin's True fans suspected and witnessed all along! Thing is Disgusting, Sabotaging BaNGPd BigHit, HYBE etc Were So OBVIOUS in Their Horrible treatment, the World KNOWS Now! BUT the Resilience, Determination & Bravery of 🙏FABULOUS SINGER, Songwriter, Composer, Incomparable Phenomenal DANCER SHONE through🥳#JIMINS embraced HIS SOLO Era with Great PASSION &Brilliant Creativity🙏😍#JIMINDeservesRespect💓NOW The Undeniable FACTS❣are ParkJimin JIMIN 지민🙏🥂IS #JiminBillboardNo1HOT100 ❣ #Jimin3BillionSpotify✨#Jimin3XGuinnessWorldRecordArtist ❣👑🎉Now MOST Nominated #BBMAS2023 FINALIST 🌟No help from #BigHit means JIMIN PAVED HIS OWN WAY🎉🥂🥳💖#JiminOurPriority 💥#JiminDominates2023 WE LOVE JIMIN♥
All this is the main reson I like Set me free pt.2 the most ... it's a masterpiece in everthing ... it's Jimins answer to everything and everyone that he knows everything and he is not naive, uneducated toy to mess with him ... I think he has anyway a great support of some ppl in the company and most of members too ... they are obviously aware of what is happening ... at first I was happy to see how supportive JK is in his lives but more and more I have a feeling it's also bcs of a kind of bad conscience ... anyway he choosed his way and we will see where will it lead him and how long as long as company will be able to make a profit from him ... on the other hand V has a large and agressive fan base, specially in China ... company will not take a risk to sabotage him like Jimin ... but Jimin's fan base is stable, mature and faithful doesn't matter what ... companys' stock raised after Jimin's album was released, but what happened in the next months until now 🤔 ... in spite of all promotions of JK and V stock still didn't raise ... I hope Jimin signed a new contract that is good for him ... I hope he learned a lesson from previous years
Jimin doesn't need any support from Jungkook! Jk is the reason of all Jimin's troubles! Don't you see it? He is a tool to fight with Jimin! Stop even mentioning his name with Jimin! Jungkook betrayed the whole group! Read the comments under this videos, people are not blind like you!
@@greymouse718 you are always readdy to attack 🙂 for which is no reason ... I was never and will not be hateful to anyone ... I know and see everything ... I have my own opinion which is not following public patern ... calm down
@@prevodiEtranslations have you listened to this video? Isn't it enough what person Jungkook is? What the company is doing with Jimin and the group! How can you explain the actions of the company towards the group and Jimin! Is it fair to hype one member at the expense of others!
@@greymouse718 read once more what I wrote ... my English is not that bad ... but you expect I would use a hateful speach ... I can explain everything using the other way than you ... I am not defending anyone who deserve being criticised
@@prevodiEtranslations the definition of your words and actioin is "hypocrisy". You should call a spade a spade! It is neither hate nor lie. It is reality, the truth!.
Whoever,whatever they do they never succeed,Jimin is a fighter,negativity isn’t in his systems.those who sabotage him will never win,Jimin will continue to be a successful artist .Jimin is my fav,Jimin till the end 💜
In spite of this Jimin's album Face and his songs managed to top the charts without any collaboration with other artists in the USA. Don't get me wrong, I love all of our boys who were successful with their collaborations, however, I particularly admire Jimin for his success despite of all these adversaries. He brought so much joy and pride to all of the ARMYs all over the world. We love you Jimin and we are proud of you. Don't get discouraged, keep on going, and remember we are here to support you. I hope you do a solo concert or perform at other music festivals and you are the main attraction. That will be a big hit. Love you... love you...🥰💜💕♥
Respect! You are perfectly right in what you show in this video. No matter what he is doing outside of his work in his private life, I believe everyone has the right to leave his life. He works hard for this, starting from a very young age. He deserves to be where he is. I appreciate him a lot!
I appreciated Jimin Solos he made it to the top n I wish him the best. He did it n remain humble. Jm don't lose hope n still doing good to yourself n your country n the blessings will be coming your way n your career. Take extra care about your health, stay safe at all cost during your Military Duty. I trust you because of your kind loving heart. Borahae from California.
A el le bloquean todo porque el tiene carisma y una belleza única física demasiado sexy y es competencia para muchos hay pero déjenlo estar en el escenario y vera el impacto mundial por su precencia ❤
Realmente me hubiera gustado k jimin no renovara su contrato con esa empresa, pero sé k él no se separaria de sus 6 hermanos, además creo k BTS sin uno de los 7 miembros ya no sería BTS porque todos juegan un papel importante en el grupo, pero esa empresa no se merece a un artista de la talla de jimin
Mas temprano q tarde todo sale a la luz.Sabemos que sos el numero UNO,el Rey de BTS,sin desmerecer a los otros chicos a quienes admiro también, pero,haber,cada cosa en su lugar.❤❤
Wow this is wrong on so many levels if they are doing this that so f up its a shame he deserves the same treatment as the other members why do this to him he worked harder then anyone in the group so why do this to him what's the damn problem what they are threatened by jimin and his talents what for he making them look good on every aspect what have jimin done to deserve this type of treatment this is bs he is so fucking talented on every level but he still succeeded to make it to the top with his face album and still breaking record after record no matter what they try to do to jimin keep fighting our chimchim keep being on top no matter what we army support u no matter what the trying to pull smh this is sad and concerning on so many levels hybe what the f are you doing stop and let jimin do his thing fr
Чиминчик ты золотое достояние Кореи. А руководство компании очень грязно работает. Мы, фанаты Чиминчика, не дадим вам его на растерзание. Победа будет за ЧИМИНОМ.
@@СветаЕфисмешно, прежде чем писать ознакомься! По этому ты пришла сюда под видео вообще не как не связанное с твоим кумиров и выказала своё фи . Ты клоун и мне жаль тебя, ведь по ходу ты несчастный человек, займись собой и своей жизнью. Люби своего кумира и не вмешивайся куда тебя не просят.
Дешевый,розыгрыш господи,что еще придумаете,полностью отвоевали Чона,теперь будем заниматься дешевой рекламой Чимина протаскивать за Уши тянуть поближе к Чону,позорище БХ,БШ вокруг одни интриги все против Тэхёна,но любовь ФАНАТОВ ТЭХЕНА НЕ КУДА НЕ ДЕНЕТСЯ.Чимин столько не имеет наград и лучших показателей во всех сферах где участие принимает Тэхён,он не продажный,он сам себя сделал,режиссером,артистом,всемирно известным моделью.Вам Чима и вашему протеже Чонику далеко до нашего Тэхёна,вам не хватит ЕГО УМА,ПОРЯДОЧНОСТИ,ВОСПИТАННОСТИ
@@ГалияМуштекенова смешно. Всё это только в ваших фантазиях. Разберитесь в теме и снимите уже розовые очки. Принижать заслуги другого человека это слабо с вашей стороны. Вы клоуны. Только и можете бегать под видео с Чимином и поливать своё никому ненужное мнение. Чимин очень талантлив и так же признан . Тому есть доказательства и награды и признание и мнение профессионалов. И не нужно тут Чимина лепить! Это Тэ клип свой выпустил в день рождения БШ И компания его очень поддержала , тому есть доказательства 2 месяца промо и кто уж липтет по вашим словам к Чонгуку так это Тэ , при каждом удобном и не удобном случае его приплетает))) А Чимин всё промо прошёл сам , без упоминания кого либо. Так что на этом закончим . Будте счастливы, ведь этого вам не хватает ! Идите лучше своему кумиру выкажите уважения , чем время терять на ненависть. Займитесь собой , ведь видно что вы обиженный человек !
Je pense qu'ils ont peur de jimin car d'après ce que jai vu sur yt on a posé la question a 5 producteurs quel est le membre pour lequel ils voudraient travailler ? Et ils ont tous choisi jimin , mais ils etaient découragés en disant que cela n'arrivera jamais 😩 alors si jimin un jour veut quiter hibe il ne faut pas s'inquiéter il aura l'embarras du choix 🤗
Tiens , je viens de voir un article du media Naver qui titre : jimin popularité inrivalite , il a encore gagné pour la 141 ème semaine le vote mondial de la popularité , donc ils ne peuvent rien faire contre lui 👏 les gens l'aiment c'est tout !!!
So proud of you Jimin. Your album and songs are great. Sorry your going threw some stuff. Never let anyone tell you your work is not good enough or you either. Your smart and very, very talented. Dont letem get you down. You keep doing you Nd what you love. There ate so many of us that love and amirw you never forget.
Ha sido demasiado sabotaje, y no le veo el motivo. Que pena que no haya cambiado de empresa, podía hacerlo y continuar en BTS. Necesita de una empresa que valore su talento y lo apoye en todo para seguir creciendo. BigHit solo se hace rico a sus costillas
I can't I am crying Our angel deserve whole WORLD Dirty company, dirty music industry But no matter what Jimin only received Plaque Billboard #1no english song Like Crazy Jimin has 5 Gold Sertificat music industry of America Canada Japan and SK 4 Platinum Sertificat 3 Government awards and 3 records Guinness The main thing our angel received our love People understand what go on
Песня " lie " , одна из мтх любимых песен Чимина . Солнышко , спасибо за твои прекрасные песни, ты делаешь мир еще лучше и добрее, как и ты сам . Мы очень любим тебя и всегда поддеоживаем и будем это делать всегда 👏💜💜💜
I hope he received a fair contract at renewal, based on his many achievements. There was more than enough to prove his worth as a contributor to the group and as a solo artist. Jimin is a true artist.
It always breaks me heart, the unfairness and how people pour hate onto #jimin when he does nothing to warrant it but he is so talented and a genuinely amazing and talented artist who will shine bright regardless. I will always love and support him ❤️ I love that your showing this unfairness to #jimin we need to get this out there more 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I don’t know why he has renewed his contract with them, do they have some hold over him?
@@Bean_1013 Then why would Big Hit report that every member renewed their contract on Sept. 20? Can you link me the info about signing after discharge? Thanks.
Контракт до 2025 года Дальше видно будет ЧИМИН самая яркая звезда кпопа!!!! Чонгука конечно продвигают конкретно, целенаправленно по всем канонам шоу бизнеса 🤣🤣🤣 Сплошные заезженные и скучные коллабы с афроамериканским и рэперами (((
I really wish to understand what happened! How could Hybe not take action to support their artist, not demanding the answers most fans are asking for? And no visible celebration from the company for his milestone achievements... I'll be honest : Face is a mind blowing EP. My favorite album from the members individual projects this far, and since only JK's is missing now, I can safely say it is my all time favorite! I like JK's songs but Jimin's speak more to me, especially as they are more personal. They all did great, but I feel like Jimin should have gotten more love (and more MVs!)
Когда ты слышишь,как Чимину тяжело было записывать и продвигать свой альбом,преодолевая все возможные препятствия,это одно,но когда ты смотришь филь об этом со всеми доказательствами- это совсем другое!!! Спасибо автору за этот ролик,ощущаешь на своей собственной коже,всю тяжесть испытаний,что выпала Чимину.
WHY??? What has he ever done to ANYONE to receive such blatant sabotage? This just angers me. 😡 He's the kindest soul and so respectful of others. He's still manages to set records dispite all these horrible people not having his back. It's okay Jiminah... we got you! 💜
I remember during the release of Jimin's album FACE the stocks of HYBE skyrocketed. It's not fair that Hybe will treat Jimin that way. He has put a lot of money compared to other members.
@@rafayhouston6606So what information do you KNOW that the rest of us don’t? We are talking about this to try to share information and to try to shame those who do this to Jimin. If that doesn’t have any effect then Karma will have to do it! We are also buying and streaming as much as we can and it’s frustrating to feel it is being erased! You repeatedly yelling at everyone is not helpful. Maybe people need to VENT!!!!!!! 🤬
The stock skyrocketed because of the album but mostly because it was the same time that Hybe decided to throw in the towel with the purchase of SM Entertainment and sold their shares of SM stock for $500 million, which then boosted Hybe's stock. It just all happened at the same time, which may not have helped Jimin because Hybe's focus was the SM buyout up until a week before Jimin's album release.
@@purpleskiesforever Korean economic news papers reported about how Jimin saved Hybe in the stock market when the stock price was floundering. Jimin's huge impact on the skyrocketing stock price for Hybe was all over the media. Not only that the media reported that thanks to Jimin and his feat on BB, many entertainment companies could enjoy the positive impact on their stock price, too. It is ALL TRUE!!! If you can't believe me, search for yourself. At least I am not making up things or just guessing or lying!
This is heart broken! I literally cried because of the company and other music platforms sabotaged him. I don’t know why of all members it’s only Jimin mistreated this way. When in fact Jimin is one of the biggest contributed to their company. Well, God is always with him. The more they put him down the more he receives blessings! Jimin, remember you are good & talented! Don’t stop dreaming continue with what you love to do. We’re always here to support you no matter what. Fighting 💪🏻❤❤❤
The manager whose face is in the video, Bang Si Hyuk and Son Dyuek, the choreographer hated Jimin from the start. It was said in one video about Jimin's way in BTS.
@@Валентина-ы2к3бthey hated the fact that they are not the one who trained Jimin BUT CAME inn SKILLED ALREADY😂 . they want to be proud of themselves that they nurture their talents to grow.. BUT NOT in JIMIN.. because when Jimin came , HE CAME inn PREPARED😁 and the company's EGO is not proud of themselves for that😂
@@nancynguyen4336 Jimin never complains. But it doesn't mean that everything is OK! You heard the video, aren't you shocked! Millions of fans are! Jungkook's behaviour is malicious! Jimin should keep away from him, the farther the better! All the members of the group knew about these dirty games against the group and particularly against Jimin. That's why they changed their attitude to Jk.
@@whaTevero0o maybe you are right! But the company used Jimin's talents to the full! After his iconic performance at MAMA 2014 the group became famous. Jimin is the gem of the group, although all boys are talented, Jimin stands out!
Please keep raising awareness to the injustice and make more videos about this, Mini space. Don't let this video be a one time thing, we need to spread all the receipts especially since there are so many people excusing the sabotage he faces (for example boracity magazine with their extremely harmful and company biased video they posted 10 days ago). I would like to see more videos detailing how the company held him back and sabotaged even since Pre-debut, I'm telling you not a lot of people know what we know. So please make more content, it's only way we can gain support for Jimin.
I think so many companies in the industry are afraid of what the people really want and enjoy. JIMIN showed he his willing to work hard and to give us the fans what we like to hear. Hi, JIMIN LOVE YOUR MUSIC ❤❤❤❤❤❤
I'm here on this video again after seeing all the promotions concerts and all very over the top efforts company putted on jk's promotion even as far as going to giving him his own brand no hate on him our kookie is really lovely and hardworking and deserving of all the success he got throughout his solo project but so is our jimin I'm really happy for kook whenever I see his new concert or promotion video i feel really happy but but somewhere in mind there always is a nagging voice that says why not jimin why he wasn't appreciated enough supported enough enough from armys why? why they turned blind eye and moved on from his solo as soon as jk launched his why jimin didn't got enough time to promote because he clearly deserves more promotion time than he got I'm really angry and disappointed towards hybe and even some armys it's like 55% of armys are either full of taekookers or tae and kook's solo stan who are hell bent over criticising us for voicing out the clear unfairness towards jimin from company and accusing us for being jealous i love bts i really do no hate to other members but it hurts man from time to time it feels like they(hybe)are just focusing on one member trying to make him outshine his memeber globally shoving promotions over promotions concets and etc things on our faces i feel like a bitch for thinking about our kookie like that but it hurts
HYBE is a bad company and that Scooter Braun guy is a bad dude. I cant ever see HYBE giving Jimin the respect and the fair treatment he deserves. I cant for the life of me understand why they do this him even though he makes money for them. Are they stupid? What is going on here? All the guys are very talented; that’s a given. BUT Jimin is their show stopper. Go back and look at their old videos. In just about all of them, Jimin’s singing and his dance moves, gives their music “life.” Ive got nothing against the other guys but I’m sorry, I’m just here for Jimin. He’s the most exciting, most charismatic, most creative artist since MJ. Jimin gets me excited about music again; I just don’t get that from the other guys. What they’re churning out now is meh. It sounds like all the other stuff they put out, all kinda sounds the same. The company wants to break into the US music market so bad, they churn out this mediocre so called “pop” music, and tell us this is the music we should be listening to and these are the artists we should be following. Oh hell no, I will not be dictated to; I KNOW what I like and I LOVE Park Jimin because he is the real deal, original, authentic with that exquisite voice and incredible dance moves. He’s the artist I want and am willing to pay money for. You can have the rest. I don’t even bother watching unless its Jimin.
The best album the most successful songs the most extraordinary choreographies the deepest lyrics...JIMINAAA HAS IT ALL...and haters know it!!!...❤U JIMINAAA
Jimin proved himself without any collaboration...I'm Soo proud of Him....Thank you so much Jimin fandom..
But Damn though, I do wish Jimin got what he Originally wanted. ...but you know what, he COOULD Always make a mv later on in 2025...if all get my drift😉🥺🫰🏿
I know we'd Luv to see this all happen, especially if that's what Our Jim Truly wanted and Still would like to Proceed someday again🥺
Prestanite praviti ovaj razdor bre
Can y’all stop bringing other members in your bs. They all proved themselves Collab or no collab.
Stop comparing! It is not for you to decide what needs ti be done with the members. Don't act af if you know better. Our boys support and love each other. They know what they are doing and jealousy is never welcomed in their brotherhood.
@@jcalbamusic2985these toxic solo Stan’s are such a headache I can’t tell you. They have completely ruined our fandom. Bts was Better with army. And now because of these solo Stan’s Army and bts both are facing so much of hate.
I think Hybe panicked when Like Crazy hit #1 on Hot 100. Not sure why they keep sleeping on Park Jimin. Man is so charismatic, interesting and memorable, with insane skills and top-tier work etiquette to boot. And now he’s also proven that he can write and curate a kickass album.
Out of all solo releases, I’m most proud of Jimin. It was no surprise that the rapline did extremely well, they’re already established songwriters and producers after all. But Jimin really didn’t come to play. Despite the sabotage, he still made records. I CANNOT WAIT FOR PJM2.
I thought he had a cake coz I saw JK had when 7 went to #1
@@BTS_PerfectMan_jasmintidak..kamu lihat jimin vlive hanya berterima kasih kepada army tanpa ada kue
Ur absolutely right....
@@BTS_PerfectMan_jasmin No he didn't get one. NADA!
지민이 활동 기간이 고작 일주일 넘짓이었다는... 진심 말도 안되는 역대급 최단시간이었는데, 말이 안나왔습니다.
저 피땀으로 만든 앨범이 고작 일주일 남짓 활동을 위한 것 이었나요?
팩트영상으로 자세히 다뤄주셔서 정말 감사합니다.♡
Just imagine how high he’d have reached with fair promotion and support from the agency!!!! It makes me feel, they are (the agency) afraid of Jimin’s power!
The company had designated someone else for this success. That's why they did everything to make him invisible after his short promotional period. It's a shame the man has so much potential and everything is suppressed.
Talent, perseverance, actitud, perfectionism, charisma, success, professionalism, etc., etc. are part of what JIMIN is, these makes him so powerful and that is why the so-called "company" is afraid.
JIMIN is so humble that he probably thinks that he could not take the world by himself, but we all know that he can do that and more.
My only wish is that after the sm, JIMIN's popularity and success will rise even more and show everyone who is still the king of K-POP.
Чимин ,поломав все планы hube ,вышел на первые места почти во всех чартах и до сих пор держит там призовые места,его никто не поддерживал,он работал с небольшой группой продюсеров и друзьями,РМ помогал писать,Шуга что то подсказывал, но компания даже промоушена не дала активного,так что Альбом Чимина это его и только его детище,а фавориты компании Чонгук и др. пусть тешат надежды компании, время покажет,......думаю в будущем,когда будут вспоминать БТС, первым кого вспомнят это будет ЧИМИН
소속사의 멤차에
환멸이 오는중인데
너무나도 자세히
지민이 다뤄주셔서 감사합니다
아티스트가 MV도 만들고 싶다고 한것도 다 막아버리고
온갖 방해로😢
많은 아미님들이
영상 꼭 보시길🙏
So much proud of you jimin...just keep on doing good..i feel you...i keep on praying and wishing that one day you'll be on top that GOD knows how your working hard ,how good you are inside and outside of you..keep on fighting..stay healthy...forever angel jimin❤❤❤
Великолепный и неповторимый артист!!! Люблю и восхищаюсь его упорством и огромным трудолюбием!!! Мой кумир, на все времена!!! ❤❤❤
The most humble Jimin.. 😢keep streaming for Jimin
I am so proud of our boy Jimin , he did this without any colab all his own work , i was watch to see how Like Crazy was trending , i wached the numbers fall off by the thousands i just couldnt believe what i was actually seeing , they eventually stopped and started up again slowly , Jimin fighting we are with you all the way ,JIMIN WE LOVE YOU 💛🥰🐥💛🥰🐥
The energy of love and support of Army is bigger than any ridiculous company. Let’s keep Jimin shining like the true artist he is. He didn’t get any help in any area, and he Proved to be the artist of artists. His birthday is soon let’s help him break more records.
A pesar de todo tiene tan buen corazón y siempre respeto y una sonrrisa para todos los que lo amamos . Sigue en la lucha siempre. Por ser así tendra si recompensa.
Its very heartbreaking to hear these. Since he's very kind-hearted human being, people keep taking advantages of him 😭😭
I agree with you, I feel so bad and sorry for him as he is my ultimate bias.. I came to know BTS because of JIMIN 💕
Park jimin our organic king 🐥👑🧡🧡
자세하게 다루어줘서 감사합니다
지민이가 이 모든 역경속에서 성과를 만들어왔는지
지민아 너는 어디에서든 빛나는 존재야 항상 응원하고 응원해
Эти постановки лудшие он заслужил награду за свой труд успеха тебе❤🎉😊
Чимин не цыпленок и не булочка с кунжутом!
Он очень умный,с сильной волей,твердым характером, где-то даже строгий в отношении к своим мемберам,самый преданный друг и порядочный человек!
Люблю и очень уважаю!
Очень жаль,что прервалась карьера на самом пике популярности.
Будем надеяться,что после успешного прохождения военной службы всё сложится хорошо.
Дай тебе бог здоровья,душевных сил,твердости в поступках и благополучия во всех твоих начинаниях.
Твоя сценическая маска сброшена, и мы видим красивого ,
волевого , целеустремлённо, спокойного,с чувством собственного достоинства человеком!
Теперь стало понятно, почему твои друзья по группе черпают силу и оптимизм,находясь рядом с тобой.
Береги свое здоровье и свой талант.
Темин после армии сохранил свою стать и способность великолепно танцевать.
А он тебя старше на три года.
С твоими способностями это будет легко,а голос будет только лучше.
Уважаю и люблю,служи достойно,наш ненаглядный Чимин!!!
회사한테도 멤버들한테도 늘 양보하고 배려하고 협조적인 지민이..그런 지민이를 회사는 고마워하고 더 챙겨야지! 지민이한테 조금만 관심있는 사람이라면 이렇게 다 알수있는 부당한 대우들..최애가 차별당하니 속상하고 왜 저 멤버는 되는일이 지민이는 안되나 분노하게되고..팬들 분열을 조장하는 이 회사를 어찌해야할지..
Cuando veo y oigo este tipo de noticias me entra una rabia dentro de mi, que no tengo más remedio que expresarlo.
Yo pienso aunque me fastidia muchísimo que le tienen un miedo tremendo al Jimin por su forma de ser, por su elegancia, por su forma de bailar, por su voz y el tipo de fans que tiene, que lo adoramos y apoyaremos con todas nuestras fuerzas mientras que él siga haciendo esa música y esas exhibiciones en los escenarios. Prueba de ello, es que a pesar de esos sabotajes, de esas malas intenciones por parte de mucha gente, ha sacado un disco alucinante y ha llegado al n. 1 por su valía y por sus fans que siempre estaremos ahí para el, pese a quien pese. Sólo espero que no cambie y que pueda con todos los obstáculos que le pongan, por que todo es miedo y pura envidia, pero no ha nacido todavía nadie que le supere sobre todo con su carisma arrollador😊😊
Estoy de acuerdo contigo en todo amiga . Apesar de todos los ( SABOTAGE) ROBO DE VISTAS Y TRABAS Y ZANCADILLAS .jimin es genial ,es un ( CRACK) en el escenario. Tiene un ( DON ) EN SU VOZ, que apesar del apoyo a jk ,jamás podrá superar , ÉSA DULCE VOZ ANGELICAL DE JIMIN. nunca pondrá igualarle nadie . Ya pueden los (HATERS) decir de todo .( HYBE FAKE) ENGREIDOS ) MALICIOSOS ) jimin y armys de corazón lo seguiremos apoyando hasta el infinito. Odio los ( SHIPS) QUE LE ESTÁN HACIENDO TANTO DAÑO A JIMIN. ODIO LAS INITILES FRASES DE LOS@S SINVERGÜENZAS QUE SE UNEN A ÉSTOS ( SHIPS) Y CRITICAN SIN ESCRÚPULO ALGUNO Y SIN SABER LA REALIDAD, TAN SÓLO POR HACER DAÑO. JIMIN ES UNA EXCELENTE PERSONA, BUENO BRILLANTE, ES UNA GRAN ESTRELLA Y LO QUIEREN OPACAR ,PERO ARMYS LO SEGUIREMOS DEFENDIENDO.
So true❤
Sabes estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, ya que Jimin en un live expreso que no le autorizaron hacer videos para cada canción de su álbum solamente le aceptaron 2 los cuales son los que hemos visto. La forma que llevaron su promoción a mi parecer fue muy pobre .
Comparado con JK. ya vez a tenido presentaciones en EE.UU. en show , en conciertos, y así sucesivamente y mas aun a Jimin no lo presentaron para ls MTV. solamente a JK. Se que que la culpa no es de JK. sino de la misma EMPRESA de ellos, PORQUE LA DIFERENCIA???? A QUE LE TEMEN esa es la gran incógnita. Se dieron cuenta que Jimin es un diamante puro con una luz propia estratosférica que jamas hagan lo que hagan podrán opacarla :D😍😊😊
Jimin ❤😊
This was (still counting) the most obvious and broad-based sabotage I’ve ever seen. And Jimin made history anyway! His fans and his own fanbase is very strong and mature and I’m glad he is so loved and appreciated for his talents all over the world! Jimin is truly an exceptional Artist.
Thank you for this video. JIMIN deserves it! I'm so proud of him and happy to see how real ARMY recognizes, admires and enjoy his music, work and loving persona. I love BTS and each member just like Jimin does, but my heart will always be next to him 💜
Jimin is a sun and the sun is never covered in mud. This man will always shine.
Jimin is a great star who is hard-working, talented and truly respects his job. I'm proud of you. Remember this, Park Jimin. You are truly the embodiment of perfection. You are always the best of the best❤️🔥🌟
This guy is talented for sure.He made all these achievements all on his own(ofcos with the production team) without any collaborations and the fact that he had only 2 music videos on his album makes me sad but he still slayed.Wish his all the best in life and l really hope he's happy and okay.
It always break my heart every time I heard he sabotaged by his own company but like he said he can make his own way & I'm proud of him. God bless you little angel!!!
Jimin é um artista incrível, precisa ser mais valorizado e ter melhores oportunidades de mostrar sua arte que encanta por sua qualidade,
Nunca se había visto tanto sabotaje a un gran artista pero el supo sondear los obstáculos logrando grandes exitos inimaginables, decepción de la empresa el es un gran artista pese a quien le pese
Thank you very much. It's horrible. And no matter how much we fight, we will not give up! Jimin is talented and hardworking. He is kind and bright. Master of his craft! Jimin motivates and inspires millions of people. Now our task is to show our love to him. With Jimin until the end!
He is brilliant nobody dances like him, sings like him, and perform like himn I which he had more stage and more videos
Несмотря на саботаж со стороны компании Чимин завоёвывает любовь людей, его старые песни и песни из альбома Face слушают во всём мире, его песни войдут в историю мировых хитов. Смотришь на этого ,казалось
бы, хрупкого парня и понимаешь насколько он силён духом, только человек с очень сильным характером смог победить , не сломаться и не сдаться, а идти вперёд к своей цели. 🫰🐣🌙💛♾♾♾♾
❤❤❤jimin is the best dancer of all. ❤❤🐤🤣💪
он милый, но не хрупкий... Надоело это слышать, потому что по навыкам он мог бы стать самым настоящим наемным убийцей, из всех них он самый опасный в этом плане...
Господи что вы пишите? « мог стать наёмным убийцей»? Это вы о Чимине? У вас буйная фантазия
@@annanov-55 мы не знаем, что такое сарказм и преувеличение... Ясно. Да сравнение с убийцей, потому что он знает тэквандо (одно из самых смертносных боевых искусств, между прочим и знает он его на уровне "чёрный пояс"), кендо (японское искусство владения мечом), а также по немногу ряд других. Это я и имела ввиду. Нельзя судить по только каким-то поверхностным вещам, этот парень очень многогранный, далеко не слабак, как духовно, так и физически.
Главное, не сломайся Чимин! Иди к своей цели, миллионы поддерживают и любят тебя! ❤
Чиминчик сильный не только телом, но и духом. Этому его обучали,когда он посещал занятия по боевым искусствам! За 8 лет занятий он научился контролировать себя. Чимин столько вытерпел и терпит до сих пор, что многие бы сломались!
Keep shining Jimin,you deserves that spot.Thanks army for always being there for him.❤️💙💜✨
We will support Jimin no matter what
He deserves the best
Чимин, весь земной шар ,где есть любители слушать очеровательного парня, песни,которые магически действуют на наш разум, спасибо тебе,Летаешь как орел и лети высоко, высоко. .Любим тебя!!!
축하 인사가 너무도
끝까지 울 지민이를
사랑해 주세요.
Как можно ставить труд Чимина рядом с выступлениями Чонгука, который вообще ничего сам не делал! Чимину дали всего две недели, чтобы собрать весь альбом, все артисты и Чимин работали по 6-10 часов. У меня сердце чуть не выпрыгнула, когда увидела обессилевшего Чиминчика, спящего на полу! И ещё на репетицию подогнали Чонгука, чтобы снять ф/с, просто сволочи, а не люди! Сделали Чона чуть ли не соавтором песни Letter, где была 10 секундная дорожка с голосом Чона, даже без слов! Мало того, что ему не помогали, так ещё и пытаются отщипнуть от его успеха Чимина своему любимцу. Я презираю Чонгука за все, что он сделал Чимину. И Бан Ши Хека настигнет карма. Он умный бизнесмен, стратег, талантливый человек. Но хочет больше, чем может! Найдется кто-то поумнее. Загубил такую группу!
@@greymouse718En tú comentario dices grandes verdades, te felicito por tener la valentía de expresar una auténtica realidad.
😡🤬 ... anyway Jimin is the most TALENTED artist since Michael Jackson I've ever seen, NObody can't stop HIS SHINE, I love him ❤
Уже не король. И не был
. Техен его опередил😅
@@СветаЕфи В твоем больном воображении.Никогда Техену недотянутся до короля Пак Чимина.Так,что не мечтай.
@@СветаЕфида куда техену за чимином ни петь ни танцевать тоже мне король
@@СветаЕфиYou're obsessed with Jimin. 😂😂
@@СветаЕфиthe different between is your V didn't write the song Jimin does himself so I think you gonna understand why we say King of idol.
Jimin es ampliamente reconocido como el "número 1 en Hot 100 de Billboard" debido a su incansable trabajo y destacado desempeño en la industria de la música, lo que lo convierte en una figura sobresaliente en la escena internacional.
I got so emotional by watching this analysis of Jimin's album 😢😢😢
Same here 😢😢
Сильный духом Чимин! Его песни трогают душу до слёз .Я так горжусь, что у Чимина самые лучшие и умные фанаты. Мы любим тебя бесконечно, Чимин!
Jimin tiene un aura muy positiva y fuerte contra los que le quieren hacerle daño y un ejército de seguidores que lo hacen invencible y poderoso, sigamos apoyando, tiene muchas nominaciones pero queremos los premios se lo merece por su esfuerzo, talento profesionalismo. Vamos Jimin tu puedes🤩🇵🇪
I remember the youtube views fiasco I was so mad. Every day I watched it climb 1 mil for A WHOLE WEEK and every day, the next day, that 1 mil would be GONE. I was like. W.T.F. yeah, ok, bots, sure, but atleast like 500 real views were me, daily. There were literally so many of us playing it on repeat, the song is THAT GOOD. I swear LC is missing at least 10-15 mil views from that time and I'm low balling it
Their merit should be recognized. They paved the way. Jimin is a sensitive person, it shows in his dancing, it conveys emotion and good taste. ❤❤❤❤
Jimin is a sublime Artist🐥💕
JIMIN❤ ES EL MEJOR. Me duele en el alma escuchar que lo sabotean, el álbum completo Face es genial.
Jimin tiene un gran talento que Dios lo guarde siempre 🙏🙏 es un artista imprecionante
Dios bendiga y cuide mucho a los siete y con lo que hacen a Jimin se que le sera devuelto todo lo malo por eso él triunfa por qué su humilda y talento inigualable lo hace brillar aunque lo quieran opacar
Мне очень нравится Чимин, его вокал непохожий на других, его танцы завораживают, я с BTS потому что там Пак Чимин. Не понимаю почему компания так относится к Чимину, не поддерживала его с продвижением соло, хорошо что есть поклонники, которые любят и ценят этого талантливого артиста
А у компании другие фавориты и она поставила на Чонгука,но Чимин со своим Альбомом поломал планы компании ,выйдя на первые места и без ее поддержки,а только с поддержкой фанатов и друзей Чимина,поэтому компания и саботирует Чимина,двигая Чонгука,я совсем не умоляю способностей Чона,хотя песени его оставляют желать лучшего ,но так делать одному зеленую дорогу везде,а другому стать поперек дороги,но Чимин был #1 2023г.,так и останется #1
Jimin is an amazimg artist, extremely talented and humble. Jimin has 6 loving brothers who stand by him.
THANK YOU so much for consolidating what MANY of Jimin's True fans suspected and witnessed all along! Thing is Disgusting, Sabotaging BaNGPd BigHit, HYBE etc Were So OBVIOUS in Their Horrible treatment, the World KNOWS Now! BUT the Resilience, Determination & Bravery of 🙏FABULOUS SINGER, Songwriter, Composer, Incomparable Phenomenal DANCER SHONE through🥳#JIMINS embraced HIS SOLO Era with Great PASSION &Brilliant Creativity🙏😍#JIMINDeservesRespect💓NOW The Undeniable FACTS❣are ParkJimin JIMIN 지민🙏🥂IS #JiminBillboardNo1HOT100 ❣ #Jimin3BillionSpotify✨#Jimin3XGuinnessWorldRecordArtist ❣👑🎉Now MOST Nominated #BBMAS2023 FINALIST 🌟No help from #BigHit means JIMIN PAVED HIS OWN WAY🎉🥂🥳💖#JiminOurPriority 💥#JiminDominates2023 WE LOVE JIMIN♥
All this is the main reson I like Set me free pt.2 the most ... it's a masterpiece in everthing ... it's Jimins answer to everything and everyone that he knows everything and he is not naive, uneducated toy to mess with him ... I think he has anyway a great support of some ppl in the company and most of members too ... they are obviously aware of what is happening ... at first I was happy to see how supportive JK is in his lives but more and more I have a feeling it's also bcs of a kind of bad conscience ... anyway he choosed his way and we will see where will it lead him and how long as long as company will be able to make a profit from him ... on the other hand V has a large and agressive fan base, specially in China ... company will not take a risk to sabotage him like Jimin ... but Jimin's fan base is stable, mature and faithful doesn't matter what ... companys' stock raised after Jimin's album was released, but what happened in the next months until now 🤔 ... in spite of all promotions of JK and V stock still didn't raise ... I hope Jimin signed a new contract that is good for him ... I hope he learned a lesson from previous years
Jimin doesn't need any support from Jungkook! Jk is the reason of all Jimin's troubles! Don't you see it? He is a tool to fight with Jimin! Stop even mentioning his name with Jimin! Jungkook betrayed the whole group! Read the comments under this videos, people are not blind like you!
@@greymouse718 you are always readdy to attack 🙂 for which is no reason ... I was never and will not be hateful to anyone ... I know and see everything ... I have my own opinion which is not following public patern ... calm down
@@prevodiEtranslations have you listened to this video? Isn't it enough what person Jungkook is? What the company is doing with Jimin and the group! How can you explain the actions of the company towards the group and Jimin! Is it fair to hype one member at the expense of others!
@@greymouse718 read once more what I wrote ... my English is not that bad ... but you expect I would use a hateful speach ... I can explain everything using the other way than you ... I am not defending anyone who deserve being criticised
@@prevodiEtranslations the definition of your words and actioin is "hypocrisy". You should call a spade a spade! It is neither hate nor lie. It is reality, the truth!.
Whoever,whatever they do they never succeed,Jimin is a fighter,negativity isn’t in his systems.those who sabotage him will never win,Jimin will continue to be a successful artist .Jimin is my fav,Jimin till the end 💜
In spite of this Jimin's album Face and his songs managed to top the charts without any collaboration with other artists in the USA. Don't get me wrong, I love all of our boys who were successful with their collaborations, however, I particularly admire Jimin for his success despite of all these adversaries. He brought so much joy and pride to all of the ARMYs all over the world. We love you Jimin and we are proud of you. Don't get discouraged, keep on going, and remember we are here to support you. I hope you do a solo concert or perform at other music festivals and you are the main attraction. That will be a big hit. Love you... love you...🥰💜💕♥
Respect! You are perfectly right in what you show in this video. No matter what he is doing outside of his work in his private life, I believe everyone has the right to leave his life. He works hard for this, starting from a very young age. He deserves to be where he is. I appreciate him a lot!
Thanks for the video, let's keep supporting our lovely Jimin. . He proved he's an organic King and we are by his side 🤍
I appreciated Jimin Solos he made it to the top n I wish him the best. He did it n remain humble. Jm don't lose hope n still doing good to yourself n your country n the blessings will be coming your way n your career. Take extra care about your health, stay safe at all cost during your Military Duty.
I trust you because of your kind loving heart. Borahae from California.
A el le bloquean todo porque el tiene carisma y una belleza única física demasiado sexy y es competencia para muchos hay pero déjenlo estar en el escenario y vera el impacto mundial por su precencia ❤
Il ne le laisseront pas parce-qu'il va éclipser tae et kook . Et ce sont leurs favoris. Dommage
정확한 팩트 영상
너무 감사합니다
아티스트의 첫솔로앨범인데
9일간의 너무 짪은 활동 접고
넘 아쉬움이 많았는데
많은 아미님들이 이 영상 꼭 보시길 추천합니다
No matter what
Jimin diamond and phenomenal success
Looking forward
Great things await him❤
Realmente me hubiera gustado k jimin no renovara su contrato con esa empresa, pero sé k él no se separaria de sus 6 hermanos, además creo k BTS sin uno de los 7 miembros ya no sería BTS porque todos juegan un papel importante en el grupo, pero esa empresa no se merece a un artista de la talla de jimin
I am so proud of JIMIN PARK..just do what is good and right and God is always with you.
We love and support you …💕#parkjiminforever
Mas temprano q tarde todo sale a la luz.Sabemos que sos el numero UNO,el Rey de BTS,sin desmerecer a los otros chicos a quienes admiro también, pero,haber,cada cosa en su lugar.❤❤
Exactly. Things balance themselves out in the end.
Try pulling him down BUT they just don't know we'll love him more and most!!!❤❤❤
انا اشكر صاحبة القناة كثيرا على هذا المجهود المصتحق عن عزيزنا بارك جيمين بارك الله فيك لكي مني الف تحية وسلام ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wow this is wrong on so many levels if they are doing this that so f up its a shame he deserves the same treatment as the other members why do this to him he worked harder then anyone in the group so why do this to him what's the damn problem what they are threatened by jimin and his talents what for he making them look good on every aspect what have jimin done to deserve this type of treatment this is bs he is so fucking talented on every level but he still succeeded to make it to the top with his face album and still breaking record after record no matter what they try to do to jimin keep fighting our chimchim keep being on top no matter what we army support u no matter what the trying to pull smh this is sad and concerning on so many levels hybe what the f are you doing stop and let jimin do his thing fr
Чиминчик ты золотое достояние Кореи. А руководство компании очень грязно работает. Мы, фанаты Чиминчика, не дадим вам его на растерзание. Победа будет за ЧИМИНОМ.
Не будет. Золотое достояние это Техен. Признан официально.
@@СветаЕфисмешно, прежде чем писать ознакомься! По этому ты пришла сюда под видео вообще не как не связанное с твоим кумиров и выказала своё фи . Ты клоун и мне жаль тебя, ведь по ходу ты несчастный человек, займись собой и своей жизнью. Люби своего кумира и не вмешивайся куда тебя не просят.
Дешевый,розыгрыш господи,что еще придумаете,полностью отвоевали Чона,теперь будем заниматься дешевой рекламой Чимина протаскивать за Уши тянуть поближе к Чону,позорище БХ,БШ вокруг одни интриги все против Тэхёна,но любовь ФАНАТОВ ТЭХЕНА НЕ КУДА НЕ ДЕНЕТСЯ.Чимин столько не имеет наград и лучших показателей во всех сферах где участие принимает Тэхён,он не продажный,он сам себя сделал,режиссером,артистом,всемирно известным моделью.Вам Чима и вашему протеже Чонику далеко до нашего Тэхёна,вам не хватит ЕГО УМА,ПОРЯДОЧНОСТИ,ВОСПИТАННОСТИ
@@ГалияМуштекенова смешно. Всё это только в ваших фантазиях. Разберитесь в теме и снимите уже розовые очки. Принижать заслуги другого человека это слабо с вашей стороны. Вы клоуны. Только и можете бегать под видео с Чимином и поливать своё никому ненужное мнение. Чимин очень талантлив и так же признан . Тому есть доказательства и награды и признание и мнение профессионалов. И не нужно тут Чимина лепить! Это Тэ клип свой выпустил в день рождения БШ И компания его очень поддержала , тому есть доказательства 2 месяца промо и кто уж липтет по вашим словам к Чонгуку так это Тэ , при каждом удобном и не удобном случае его приплетает))) А Чимин всё промо прошёл сам , без упоминания кого либо. Так что на этом закончим . Будте счастливы, ведь этого вам не хватает ! Идите лучше своему кумиру выкажите уважения , чем время терять на ненависть. Займитесь собой , ведь видно что вы обиженный человек !
@@ГалияМуштекенова ах да и кем бы он был если бы не БТС? Так что все ребята потом и кровью пришли к этому успеху!
Je pense qu'ils ont peur de jimin car d'après ce que jai vu sur yt on a posé la question a 5 producteurs quel est le membre pour lequel ils voudraient travailler ? Et ils ont tous choisi jimin , mais ils etaient découragés en disant que cela n'arrivera jamais 😩 alors si jimin un jour veut quiter hibe il ne faut pas s'inquiéter il aura l'embarras du choix 🤗
Tiens , je viens de voir un article du media Naver qui titre : jimin popularité inrivalite , il a encore gagné pour la 141 ème semaine le vote mondial de la popularité , donc ils ne peuvent rien faire contre lui 👏 les gens l'aiment c'est tout !!!
I hope Jimin continues doing solo projects outside the group.
C'est dur pour certains d'admettre cet inexorable vérité jimin ❤❤❤❤❤
So proud of you Jimin. Your album and songs are great. Sorry your going threw some stuff. Never let anyone tell you your work is not good enough or you either. Your smart and very, very talented. Dont letem get you down. You keep doing you Nd what you love. There ate so many of us that love and amirw you never forget.
Numca vi um talento taõ grande como do jimin. Ele pra me e o rei.
Ha sido demasiado sabotaje, y no le veo el motivo. Que pena que no haya cambiado de empresa, podía hacerlo y continuar en BTS. Necesita de una empresa que valore su talento y lo apoye en todo para seguir creciendo. BigHit solo se hace rico a sus costillas
I can't I am crying
Our angel deserve whole WORLD
Dirty company, dirty music industry
But no matter what Jimin only received Plaque Billboard #1no english song Like Crazy
Jimin has 5 Gold Sertificat music industry of America Canada Japan and SK
4 Platinum Sertificat
3 Government awards and 3 records Guinness
The main thing our angel received our love
People understand what go on
A lui seul il à déchiré le game❤❤❤❤ sans l’aide de personne❤❤❤bravo Jimin tu es une légende ❤❤❤❤❤
❤👌💐💘🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🔥💋❤ЧИМИНИ ЛУЧШИЙ,НАШ ПРИНЦ🔥💘💐❤👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Песня " lie " , одна из мтх любимых песен Чимина . Солнышко , спасибо за твои прекрасные песни, ты делаешь мир еще лучше и добрее, как и ты сам . Мы очень любим тебя и всегда поддеоживаем и будем это делать всегда 👏💜💜💜
I hope he received a fair contract at renewal, based on his many achievements. There was more than enough to prove his worth as a contributor to the group and as a solo artist. Jimin is a true artist.
It always breaks me heart, the unfairness and how people pour hate onto #jimin when he does nothing to warrant it but he is so talented and a genuinely amazing and talented artist who will shine bright regardless. I will always love and support him ❤️ I love that your showing this unfairness to #jimin we need to get this out there more 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I don’t know why he has renewed his contract with them, do they have some hold over him?
They haven't renewed their contracts yet. The members will sign sequentially after discharge.
@@Bean_1013 Then why would Big Hit report that every member renewed their contract on Sept. 20? Can you link me the info about signing after discharge? Thanks.
Контракт до 2025 года
Дальше видно будет
ЧИМИН самая яркая звезда кпопа!!!!
Чонгука конечно продвигают конкретно, целенаправленно по всем канонам шоу бизнеса 🤣🤣🤣
Сплошные заезженные и скучные коллабы с афроамериканским и рэперами (((
I really wish to understand what happened! How could Hybe not take action to support their artist, not demanding the answers most fans are asking for? And no visible celebration from the company for his milestone achievements...
I'll be honest : Face is a mind blowing EP. My favorite album from the members individual projects this far, and since only JK's is missing now, I can safely say it is my all time favorite! I like JK's songs but Jimin's speak more to me, especially as they are more personal. They all did great, but I feel like Jimin should have gotten more love (and more MVs!)
Когда ты слышишь,как Чимину тяжело было записывать и продвигать свой альбом,преодолевая все возможные препятствия,это одно,но когда ты смотришь филь об этом со всеми доказательствами- это совсем другое!!!
Спасибо автору за этот ролик,ощущаешь на своей собственной коже,всю тяжесть испытаний,что выпала Чимину.
Самый красивый нежный добрый яркий Чимин ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😍😍😍💘💘💘🙏🙏🙏 Спасибо большое Арми, за поддержку Чимина, всем, кто любит Чимина, благословения 🙏🙏🙏
Jimin i am so proud of you, you will be the king of hearts forever. Thank you so much for this vedio ❤❤❤❤
Talent is unstoppable ❤ 🦋
Будем поддерживать и голосовать за нашего ангела! Чимин заслуживает!
Jimin you are the Best..😊
I'll support you till the end..
You're creations are amazing..
I'll wait for your next project..
Saranghae Jimin-ah 😘
WHY??? What has he ever done to ANYONE to receive such blatant sabotage? This just angers me. 😡 He's the kindest soul and so respectful of others. He's still manages to set records dispite all these horrible people not having his back. It's okay Jiminah... we got you! 💜
Jimini é muito especial e um diamante perfeito 💎 parabéns jimin vc merece felicidades 😘😘😘😘😘😘💜💜🙌🙏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🫶💎💎💎💎💎
I remember during the release of Jimin's album FACE the stocks of HYBE skyrocketed. It's not fair that Hybe will treat Jimin that way. He has put a lot of money compared to other members.
@@rafayhouston6606So what information do you KNOW that the rest of us don’t? We are talking about this to try to share information and to try to shame those who do this to Jimin. If that doesn’t have any effect then Karma will have to do it! We are also buying and streaming as much as we can and it’s frustrating to feel it is being erased! You repeatedly yelling at everyone is not helpful. Maybe people need to VENT!!!!!!! 🤬
The stock skyrocketed because of the album but mostly because it was the same time that Hybe decided to throw in the towel with the purchase of SM Entertainment and sold their shares of SM stock for $500 million, which then boosted Hybe's stock. It just all happened at the same time, which may not have helped Jimin because Hybe's focus was the SM buyout up until a week before Jimin's album release.
@@purpleskiesforever Korean economic news papers reported about how Jimin saved Hybe in the stock market when the stock price was floundering. Jimin's huge impact on the skyrocketing stock price for Hybe was all over the media. Not only that the media reported that thanks to Jimin and his feat on BB, many entertainment companies could enjoy the positive impact on their stock price, too. It is ALL TRUE!!! If you can't believe me, search for yourself. At least I am not making up things or just guessing or lying!
The first album i had just because of jimin!
He is truly an idol himself.
Jimin God always with you. keep on fighting and stay healthy.....
So proud of you jimin very talented you are lovable love ❤️ you cutepie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💜
This is heart broken! I literally cried because of the company and other music platforms sabotaged him. I don’t know why of all members it’s only Jimin mistreated this way. When in fact Jimin is one of the biggest contributed to their company. Well, God is always with him. The more they put him down the more he receives blessings! Jimin, remember you are good & talented! Don’t stop dreaming continue with what you love to do. We’re always here to support you no matter what. Fighting 💪🏻❤❤❤
The manager whose face is in the video, Bang Si Hyuk and Son Dyuek, the choreographer hated Jimin from the start. It was said in one video about Jimin's way in BTS.
@@Валентина-ы2к3бthey hated the fact that they are not the one who trained Jimin BUT CAME inn SKILLED ALREADY😂 .
they want to be proud of themselves that they nurture their talents to grow.. BUT NOT in JIMIN..
because when Jimin came , HE CAME inn PREPARED😁
and the company's EGO is not proud of themselves for that😂
Stop posting nonsense comments. If Jimin is no complaint, y'all are outsider has no right to say anything !!!
@@nancynguyen4336 Jimin never complains. But it doesn't mean that everything is OK! You heard the video, aren't you shocked! Millions of fans are! Jungkook's behaviour is malicious! Jimin should keep away from him, the farther the better! All the members of the group knew about these dirty games against the group and particularly against Jimin. That's why they changed their attitude to Jk.
@@whaTevero0o maybe you are right! But the company used Jimin's talents to the full! After his iconic performance at MAMA 2014 the group became famous. Jimin is the gem of the group, although all boys are talented, Jimin stands out!
Im so proud to all jimin supporters and to all the jimin stan.❤❤❤❤he deserves all of the success
We love you Jimin God bless you my Angel Jimin😇😇😇😇❤️❤️❤️❤️
Please keep raising awareness to the injustice and make more videos about this, Mini space. Don't let this video be a one time thing, we need to spread all the receipts especially since there are so many people excusing the sabotage he faces (for example boracity magazine with their extremely harmful and company biased video they posted 10 days ago). I would like to see more videos detailing how the company held him back and sabotaged even since Pre-debut, I'm telling you not a lot of people know what we know. So please make more content, it's only way we can gain support for Jimin.
I think so many companies in the industry are afraid of what the people really want and enjoy. JIMIN showed he his willing to work hard and to give us the fans what we like to hear.
For me jimin is number one 💯🔥👏
and Suga xxx
For me too..
For jimin ❤❤
I purchased Face and I love it. I listen to it in my car and at work💜
He worked his ass off for that. The cherography was insane and the songs are fantastic.
I'm here on this video again after seeing all the promotions concerts and all very over the top efforts company putted on jk's promotion even as far as going to giving him his own brand no hate on him our kookie is really lovely and hardworking and deserving of all the success he got throughout his solo project but so is our jimin I'm really happy for kook whenever I see his new concert or promotion video i feel really happy but but somewhere in mind there always is a nagging voice that says why not jimin why he wasn't appreciated enough supported enough enough from armys why? why they turned blind eye and moved on from his solo as soon as jk launched his why jimin didn't got enough time to promote because he clearly deserves more promotion time than he got I'm really angry and disappointed towards hybe and even some armys it's like 55% of armys are either full of taekookers or tae and kook's solo stan who are hell bent over criticising us for voicing out the clear unfairness towards jimin from company and accusing us for being jealous i love bts i really do no hate to other members but it hurts man from time to time it feels like they(hybe)are just focusing on one member trying to make him outshine his memeber globally shoving promotions over promotions concets and etc things on our faces i feel like a bitch for thinking about our kookie like that but it hurts
HYBE is a bad company and that Scooter Braun guy is a bad dude. I cant ever see HYBE giving Jimin the respect and the fair treatment he deserves. I cant for the life of me understand why they do this him even though he makes money for them. Are they stupid? What is going on here? All the guys are very talented; that’s a given. BUT Jimin is their show stopper. Go back and look at their old videos. In just about all of them, Jimin’s singing and his dance moves, gives their music “life.” Ive got nothing against the other guys but I’m sorry, I’m just here for Jimin. He’s the most exciting, most charismatic, most creative artist since MJ. Jimin gets me excited about music again; I just don’t get that from the other guys. What they’re churning out now is meh. It sounds like all the other stuff they put out, all kinda sounds the same. The company wants to break into the US music market so bad, they churn out this mediocre so called “pop” music, and tell us this is the music we should be listening to and these are the artists we should be following. Oh hell no, I will not be dictated to; I KNOW what I like and I LOVE Park Jimin because he is the real deal, original, authentic with that exquisite voice and incredible dance moves. He’s the artist I want and am willing to pay money for. You can have the rest. I don’t even bother watching unless its Jimin.
JIMIN unico querido y amado 🐥💋💋❤️💜💛🇪🇦