Psalm 62 My soul finds rest in God alone

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • www.jefflowepsa...
    My soul finds rest in God alone;
    My salvation comes from him.
    I’ll never be shaken for he alone
    Is my rock, salvation and fortress.
    How long will you assault a man?
    How long until you throw him down?
    This leaning wall, this tottering fence,
    From his lofty place they’ll topple him.
    For men they take delight in lies
    And with their mouths they’ll bless a man.
    But in their hearts they curse and plot,
    Their full intent to topple him.
    Find rest my soul in God alone.
    My hope it comes from him.
    I’ll never be shaken for he alone
    Is my rock, salvation and fortress.
    Salvation and honour depend on God,
    My refuge and my mighty rock.
    At all times put your trust in him.
    O people, pour out your hearts to him.
    Low born men are but a breath,
    Highborn men are but a lie.
    If weighed on scales they count as nought,
    Together only a breath.
    Don’t put your trust in extorted wealth,
    Take no pride in robbery.
    And though your riches may increase
    Do not set your heart on them.
    One thing to me my God has said;
    Two things of him have I heard,
    That you O God are strong and loving,
    Rewarding each one accordingly.

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