You should definitely read the cards since it’s hard to read it when it’s paused. Plus it makes your channel different and more special than other reviewers’ channel!
this just high-lights the fact that McFarlane (for whatever reason) WILL NOT give us definitive character representations. The fact that you had to take Hals head off that wack body in order to make a more traditional comic book accurate version... smh
He gave us a classic comic accurate Hal. Look up McFarlane Toys - DC Direct Green Lantern (The Silver Age). I like the armored look, but felt like upgrading. I think you’re very wrong when you say he will not give us definitive representations.
I’m digging it
Great collection!!!
Great pick ups
Definitely keep the platinum!!!
Will do!!!
You should definitely read the cards since it’s hard to read it when it’s paused. Plus it makes your channel different and more special than other reviewers’ channel!
Thanks, will do!!
this just high-lights the fact that McFarlane (for whatever reason) WILL NOT give us definitive character representations. The fact that you had to take Hals head off that wack body in order to make a more traditional comic book accurate version... smh
He gave us a classic comic accurate Hal. Look up McFarlane Toys - DC Direct Green Lantern (The Silver Age). I like the armored look, but felt like upgrading. I think you’re very wrong when you say he will not give us definitive representations.