There used to be way less indian international students, they started coming between 5-10 years ago. There also many time where the student actually don't qualify for some of the courses they enrolled in.
No local students study there. This is a Punjabi (Indian) college. The only reason why they study there is they want study permits, so that they and their spouses can work full time in Canada and their children can study in Canada without any cost. The problem of Indo-Canadian should be mentioned more to let Hongkonger realize how they impact the job market, rental market, college and elections.
Can go to community center and play some sports, you can meet some friends there also can have a lot of exercises. If u play badminton or table tennis u will be able to get a lot asian friends.
20+ years when I studied in Switzerland,my classmates were Chinese Indonesian and Indian mostly. One surprise. One of the school 99% Chinese and 60% shanghainese. So do prepare you will see all Asian in school in any countries
His dad must be proud of him: he is very mature for his age. He is able to self analyze because he can reflect introspectively with objectivity. His having worked 2 yrs in HK before landing is a stabilizer during his initial turmoil; and gave him good people skills to adapt in that school. He will do well ahead bcoz of all those EQ skills he has accumulated thus far. I hope he 爭取to be more well versed in the command of English before graduation. As an entrepreneur, the better you can communicate, the more of an edge you will command in dealing with govt, official situations, and in winning clients. He needs to read English fictions, journalistic articles, literary works of art: be more cultured. Perhaps get a non Asian girlfriend asap😉👌Blessings ahead !
Exactly what I feel in Canada also! TT Wanna know him and make friends...I also came to Toronto at 22 and didn't like it at first...Does he have any IG can be friends hahaha :) I would like to know him and make friend with him also. William here!
前段 一個月唔夠要返香港真係勁小朋友。當然可能佢心理上準備不足有關,而呢D事的確 係所有移民都會感受到 和必須刻服的。
後段 內容比較成熟。
好高興佢暫時走過來。Keep it up💪
多謝Nigel訪問Angus, 年輕人加油!
22歲識唸,識反省,肯積極去面對未來,欣賞。試吓毎日睇吓 local news, 聽多D英文,對你一定有幫助,這裡有好多人講英文都有口音,不要擔心grammar,只要大膽講多D,你必會進步,加油💪🏼
Agreed 👍
Well Done, Nigel. your channel provided positive thoughts to new comers particularly HKers. Keep up Angus, you are on the right track!
Way to go, Angus, you will have a very bright future.
聽完Angus既訪問,我覺得好好呀😊 最起碼佢俾香港D老友屌完之後無即刻翻面鑽牛角尖,畢竟住響一個唔熟悉既環境,人既思維好容易向壞方向發展。而且佢又願意主動同親戚講述自己既想法,知道自己既情緒影響緊人,其實真係唔容易做到,Angus已經好叻仔。
至於返學無諗到會有咁多南亞人/印度人,呢一點我都好感同身受😂 2015年我讀Centennial college都係咁,勁多南亞裔國際留學生😅跟住仲要一個香港人都唔見😮💨不過事後睇返,其實都係一個機會黎既,畢竟南亞人唔怕講英文,唔會太顧慮錯grammar,而且佢地好多都有口音。你而家能夠同佢地溝通,就已經證明你其實已經不斷咁進步緊,而且開始慢慢接受一D唔明顯,但係又同生活息息相關既文化差異。
好好嘅分享啊。我行Stream A,遇到一模一樣嘅問題!多謝你分享鼓勵到我。好親切
年青人, 歡迎你!
盡力試過一定無悔,點都一定有得著的💪其實加拿大生活係幾好,又多outdoor 野玩
加油呀年青人! 加拿大是多元文化社會,近年印度移民是最大比數,來加的香港人要適應與香港唔同嘅生活和文化。每個地方也有利與敝,最重要是有沒有發展機會。
Nigel 真係講得好喺,加拿大係應該去認識唔同嘅文化點樣一齊生活。咁樣先至可以喺呢度有成功。我最怕啲香港人成日嚟到同香港比。如果成日諗住香港點好點好,你點樣可以喺度建立自己嘅生活?我係一個中年人移民咗加拿大30幾年。加拿大有很多差的地方,但係亦都有好多好多比香港好嘅地方。如果你唔識睇加拿大好嘅地方,你唔應該喺度嘥時間。Nigel我睇咗你個Channel好耐,我好鍾意你嘅正能量. 繼續努力!!!!
要跳出自己comfort zone係唔容易,而且呢度印度人的確好多,而且宜家搵工唔容易,咁快搵到工算好彩。
22歲 有屋企人支持 有親戚幫 真係要好好加油 好彩自己識諗 加油!
好正常,當年我18歲第一次去美國留學,9月開學,12月已經忍不住買機票返澳門😂好homesick,but after Christmas break I went back...
Nigel, 你的片好有内容,睇得到你既努力和願意嘗試,直得支持.繼續加油💪
Angus 好叻仔,有高EQ,学好英文,前途無限
选择加拿大来多伦多已经是一个最优选择了。至少这边跟你相同的人不少。比起其他小town会更快适应 至少这边华人多呀~
考慮加讀個 估價牌 或驗屋牌。容易點
There used to be way less indian international students, they started coming between 5-10 years ago. There also many time where the student actually don't qualify for some of the courses they enrolled in.
Hello, 我同Angus 係讀同一間學校,應該仲要係同一科,8月我已經grad左,想聯絡佢睇下有冇學業上嘅嘢可以幫到佢🥰麻煩幫我問吓佢洗唔洗connect,謝謝😊
Angus, thank you very much for your sharing. It's very encouraging.
No local students study there. This is a Punjabi (Indian) college. The only reason why they study there is they want study permits, so that they and their spouses can work full time in Canada and their children can study in Canada without any cost. The problem of Indo-Canadian should be mentioned more to let Hongkonger realize how they impact the job market, rental market, college and elections.
條片做得幾好,very informative . 起碼條片唔chill. 😂加油!
嘩你講好chill 個位B 哥~? 人地萬幾view 為拍片先番工
@@fungyup 係囉,佢咁有錢。 唔好叫佢條女打兩份工啦。 自己就喺coffee shop嘆咖啡。
@@daniellai7712 唔番多d 工,邊有慘慘題材拍chill片俾大家睇。
講正經,唔好睇佢喇,佢而家目的只係引流量,根本無內容,仲衰過d stage 既真人show。最無陰公係要挑動他人拉仇恨情緒黎谷流量,賺d 咁既錢會造孽。
@@nonsense2030 我有個comment 無左??
Can go to community center and play some sports, you can meet some friends there also can have a lot of exercises. If u play badminton or table tennis u will be able to get a lot asian friends.
20+ years when I studied in Switzerland,my classmates were Chinese Indonesian and Indian mostly. One surprise. One of the school 99% Chinese and 60% shanghainese. So do prepare you will see all Asian in school in any countries
Must be a wild chicken college, and I would not expect him has good marks while studying in HK. Anyway, good luck to him.
其實我覺得佢有歧視😅 加拿大係multi culture 感覺佢第時只可以係hk群生活 連華人個group都唔得😅
唔通呢間飲料舖係younge street個間?😆
好貼地 好實在
對於我呢個仲猶豫緊嚟唔嚟加拿大嘅人係好大嘅鼓勵 多謝兩位
Think twice before coming to Canada. The problems arising from Indo-Canadian are seldom discussed in RUclips due to cancel culture.
Well said!!
印度人好NICE喎, 我覺得可以叫佢地教你HINDI (所有印度人都識既文), 你又可以英文問佢野, 又可以教佢講返廣東話. 明明想開闊自己眼界, 點解要抗拒, 覺得自己融入唔到🤨🤨
起碼人哋有目標 ,唔會成日諗住去Chill😅! His videos are very informative.
@@daniellai7712 chill哥都有目標㗎,咖啡師,咖啡師,咖啡師
@ericlai7095 chill哥明明話過唔想成世做咖啡師
@@babyshark2117 真的嘛,我地繼續睇啦😊
@@ericlai7095 nah... unsubbed his channel. wasted my time.
Nigel & Angus 兩位都係有優質嘅年青香港人。加油💪💪💪
👏👍🙏💯 Nigel 加油
His dad must be proud of him: he is very mature for his age. He is able to self analyze because he can reflect introspectively with objectivity. His having worked 2 yrs in HK before landing is a stabilizer during his initial turmoil; and gave him good people skills to adapt in that school. He will do well ahead bcoz of all those EQ skills he has accumulated thus far. I hope he 爭取to be more well versed in the command of English before graduation. As an entrepreneur, the better you can communicate, the more of an edge you will command in dealing with govt, official situations, and in winning clients.
He needs to read English fictions, journalistic articles, literary works of art: be more cultured. Perhaps get a non Asian girlfriend asap😉👌Blessings ahead !
Never think of non indian will choose this school. is the school fee cheaper?
这个酸奶君卖bubble tea,next time 得闲要去try one try.
Nigel, 你的訪問是在多倫多?
Group project is most challenging. I hated group project when I was in college. Felt much better when in U.
澳洲都勁多印度人,佢哋吾係嚟讀書,上堂睇戲同吹水,到交功課就拎住USB 叫人比佢copy😂😂😂.
Everywhere la, also mainland chinese
轉學校可能會好啲,公立大專院校就乜人都有,呢間好明顯係 recruiter target印度人
Well good 😊
Exactly what I feel in Canada also! TT Wanna know him and make friends...I also came to Toronto at 22 and didn't like it at first...Does he have any IG can be friends hahaha :) I would like to know him and make friend with him also. William here!
你有個diu 你既朋友真係好,印度人無得避架喇,如果話過去十年係大陸人天下,黎緊十年就係印度人天下,真係唔好成日用香港人眼光去睇個世界
Good sharing!
同印度人工作普遍都會係咁. 無指示 佢地唔識做. 唔知佢地點解生存到.
因為佢地講野多過做+加拿大人太easy going
加拿大留學生有55萬, 印度佔22萬, 5萬中國, 2萬菲律賓 ... 所以見到印度人多係正常
This is the problem. 25 Indian students live in one basement in Brampton.
You should get citizenship first before you go somewhere else. Immigration department can take away your PR.
They can only revoke your PR if you fraudulent your PR application. Otherwise, he should be fine after getting it.
我住咗加拿大差不多30年,見到好多起起伏伏。 其實现在喺加拿大生活並不容易,我太太在加拿大政府部門工作,稅前搵$6000,但扣稅後,每個月都係得3000多加元,如果要自己租地方,根本都生活唔到。依幾年加拿大,尤其是溫哥華,住房價格升了很多。一房Apartment都需要$2200-2500元租。 根本冇可能儲到錢,稅率有重,又大麻合法化⋯⋯
50% after tax? How? She shouldn’t even be in the highest tax bracket, I bet she put money in her RRSP
@@daniellai7712扣埋啲cpp, ei, rrsp. 真係差唔多冇咗四成人工……
我嘅意思係喺加拿大,就算兩個夾埋稅前年薪搵十萬加元以上,扣稅後都係淨番$六萬幾,如果要租,食,都好難儲錢俾首期買屋….. 希望大家來之前計劃好,因為溫哥華生活指數真係十分高…..
@@chihoyeung1658 RRSP is optional
等到你生病了,要找工作,甚至辦移民的過程,你會更 frustrated
Nigel: 你想自己视頻干干浄淨… 让人有听下去的興趣….. 請你首先不要让那些低B友讲粗口… 他們沒有权利污染我們的耳朵… too bad 我已無法再听下去了… not even a second…. 污糟透了
讀間野鸡學校。在香港有壓迫?係未自己冇料到 !
大哥,你可唔可以改下你啲錯別字? 真係睇到好撚辛苦 又到埗又到步 又陋習 又漏雜咁 JM9
有永居都是二,三等公民 !政府無能 想拿退休金 😂
去到加拿大都只是读個Diploma 課程? 唔怕得罪…. 你好打有限😮