I wish there were industrious homeless and somewhat organized where I live. I see some garbage, but not avalanches of garbage and abandoned furniture sliding down the hills into the highways, chain link fences torn down, ripped up mattresses under overpasses...Stay out of residential areas, parks, commercial, and don't litter. How hard can it be
S good to have a business but having homeless camp in front of people homes are crazy what about us were like being in jail because it's no policing the camps it to dangerous
I wish there were industrious homeless and somewhat organized where I live. I see some garbage, but not avalanches of garbage and abandoned furniture sliding down the hills into the highways, chain link fences torn down, ripped up mattresses under overpasses...Stay out of residential areas, parks, commercial, and don't litter. How hard can it be
Build a small skid home on wheels
S good to have a business but having homeless camp in front of people homes are crazy what about us were like being in jail because it's no policing the camps it to dangerous
Get a job