Right-wingers: The Iraq War Wasn't So Bad

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @mehdirahan6943
    @mehdirahan6943 Год назад +75

    $5 trillion? Could've re-built our country twice.

    • @ttcameron6390
      @ttcameron6390 Год назад

      We could've had a new green deal 2 times over by now. We wouldn't have to be fighting for debt forgiveness that shot up 200% since the 50s. Ask your grandparents how their white constituents were living with all those after war credits and legislation meant to spur growth.

    • @HashknightGaming
      @HashknightGaming Год назад +1

      Right sure it could have. 🤣

    • @coolcomp2355
      @coolcomp2355 Год назад +1

      The war wasn’t so bad because the Rich got RICHER!!! However, it wasn’t So Bad because it was HORRIBLE !!!
      This is what happens when your country feeds you LIES.

    • @razman4240
      @razman4240 Год назад +1

      Or at least fed the people starving in our cities, or dying from exposure from the elements. The US uses its citizens as slaves to conquer the world. They don’t care about people, that is evident with where the taxpayer money goes. Most of it doesn’t even stay here or help out our citizens.

    • @KarlMarxFanClub
      @KarlMarxFanClub Год назад +9

      Good god! $300 million per day is $1.9 trillion dollars per year. How did we pay for all that? 🙄 We always have money for war and corporate bailouts but empty pockets for the poor and downtrodden.

  • @DaTooch_e
    @DaTooch_e Год назад +7

    The Dixie Chicks were crucified for speaking up against the Iraq war. French Fries were renamed Freedom Fries because France opposed invading Iraq.

  • @danielguzman6934
    @danielguzman6934 Год назад +11

    I joined the military in 2004. In 2005 they sent my as$ to Pakistan where I loaded bombs and missiles on F-16s. At the time I thought I was being patriotic. I was doing it for the money, and for the benefits. Now I know that I supported evil. I didn’t know better. I was just following the commands from above, which really started from the Bush administration.
    I struggled with insomnia because of the job I had, and became addicted to prescription medication. Eventually, I was prescribed benzodiazepines to sleep, which worked well for me for about 3 years. However, when they got me off of them, I started to have panic attacks. Now I take medication for anxiety and insomnia. The VA takes care of me which I am very thankful for, but look at everything I had gone through. Many more veterans have had it worse.

    • @hareth3911
      @hareth3911 Год назад +2

      No , you helped iraq and afghanistan be better countries, but it it take like 50 year for a 3rd world country to be developed, thank you for your service , greetings from iraq 🌹❤️🙏

  • @angelamonk716
    @angelamonk716 Год назад +8

    Don’t forget about Libya as well

  • @loboatwater8730
    @loboatwater8730 Год назад +4

    Its a war crime...

  • @lizzybethnj617
    @lizzybethnj617 Год назад +5

    My husband fought in Iraq and he said when he was over there it felt like he was fighting for oil

  • @theodoresweger4948
    @theodoresweger4948 Год назад +2

    Those who call for war have not concept of the horror.

  • @cindyisbell2650
    @cindyisbell2650 Год назад +4

    Dude I worked for K.B.R. In Kabul in 2005, 14 hr days seven days a week no crap, I have never been so skinny in all my days. Halliburton Sucks! Full Stop

  • @adriankendrick4281
    @adriankendrick4281 Год назад +5

    It's been a lot of revisionist history about that war.

  • @johnreed9415
    @johnreed9415 Год назад +2

    The millions of people were either killed, poisoned, and suffering from PTSD

  • @johnklassen9844
    @johnklassen9844 Год назад +8

    Great job TYT!!! Keep up the good work.

  • @shroud1390
    @shroud1390 Год назад +6

    Weird. News channels spewing facts. Wow. Not just “feel facts”.

  • @vilkoskorlich259
    @vilkoskorlich259 Год назад +2

    Ngee K Low
    Why does the US government not recognize Taiwan's independence but only opposes China's recovery of Taiwan?
    This is a classic illustration of US Hegemon and British Empire’s methods of divide and rule. They purposely encourage divisions and fights all over the world to weaken smaller countries or break big countries up into smaller ones so that old historic issues becomes hotly contested and in that case, US power projection becomes easier. Look at another case in E Europe, Yugloslavia. By breaking it up along ethnic lines, they kept it divided and weak. In fact, E Europe division is a US design and they are a direct cause of Ukraine war.
    And when British (French) left M East, the same methods are used, dividing it along Sunni Shite lines, and installing regimes to perpetuate fault lines. Hence minority Shite rulers in Sunni majority Syria and Iraq caused decades of vicious racial fights that created wars that were music to ears of US military industrial complex billionaires.

  • @CraigMcfly1985
    @CraigMcfly1985 Год назад +2

    Thx God for you Cenk and Ana for seeing it.

  • @jonathangorman978
    @jonathangorman978 Год назад +1

    Man you guys do great work.........I try to remain diversified in my content, but I find myself watching a ton of TYT content and I think it's because in a way, I see TYT as diversified in its own right and content. I know that's impossible to do and there is certainly inherent bias for business and non-business reasons, but nobody does it better. Thank you! Last thing, I've noticed Anna really coming into her own lately (not that she wasn't great before). Cudos to you Anna for taking some risks, allowing yourself to make mistakes, etc. And cudos to Cenk for what I assume judging by the aforementioned and suberbness of your other TYT contributors, is an amazing place to work both culturally and mission-wise, which I can tell you is RARE! I guess I could've just left it at great job, but you guys have been especially on point lately and I've got it in my mind it was a conscious strategy I want to praise if so or just say keep doing your thing if not!!!!!

  • @adrienreality597
    @adrienreality597 Год назад +4

    What people in our country don't understand is the soldiers who committed war crimes, the contractors who committed war crimes are serving in law enforcement RIGHT NOW. They are patrolling our streets as if they are at war with us. Afghanistan vets, Iraq war vets, Syrian war vets and Gulf war vets are all roaming our streets, without any mental health evaluations, killing unarmed people like they did in those theaters of war. No one speaks of this. All you have to do is ask a cop how many vets are in the police force. Try it. You will know.

  • @tonyfraser8580
    @tonyfraser8580 Год назад +6

    Yep, WHY ,because they and their donors got rich off it.

    @THMILLER Год назад +2

    Everyone that died in Iraq did not need to die (including friends of mine), it was a sociopathic tantrum war about nothing.

    • @captain_context9991
      @captain_context9991 Год назад +1

      Yep. Well not about nothing... When I was in the US as a kid. We were driving around and we saw a big mega mansion for sale. And we just went in and had a look around. And people there were walking around muttering to themselves that the house cost 18 million. But it cost "only 11 million" to build. So they said it was all a big scam.
      Last year I saw the same exact house in the Hollywood hills for sale for 65 million. Looked exactly the same. Thats where the TRILLIONS printed for war ends up. In the Hollywood hills. CRAZY inflation in expensive things.
      That 6 trillion they printed for war in Afghanistan. Where did it all go? Enough to make every single person in Afghanistan a millionaire... The money is right back in the US. In those mega mansions up in the hills.

  • @Plagius8
    @Plagius8 Год назад +3

    5 trillion😮 300 million a day😢
    with 3 trillion you couldve:
    Improved education. Teachers. College
    Provided business loan
    Home loan programs
    Attacked the drug problem head on. Meth wouldn't have a chance

    • @Plagius8
      @Plagius8 Год назад +1

      A big issue for me would've been down payment assistance for a home.

  • @duderdude4831
    @duderdude4831 Год назад +3

    Mentioning Ukraine in the same breath as Iraq is so fking disgusting

    • @recordgirly2567
      @recordgirly2567 Год назад +1

      Maher, Rogan and Russell Brand and Now TYT have all sold their souls to Putin ... Putin 💋 a$$

    • @jasonklein6898
      @jasonklein6898 Год назад

      No it was just like the Mexican-American war of of the 1840s. Only we got what we covitted, Russian might be SOL. Reasons for the war were all the same greed.

    • @novelmartinez6154
      @novelmartinez6154 Год назад

      Why? Both countries were invaded. At least Russia has a historical reason. That doesn't make it any more just, but at least they have one (besides multiple other stupid reasons). The US invaded another country for pure greed. Just because you have more sympathy for Ukraine doesn't make it more unjust.

    • @duderdude4831
      @duderdude4831 Год назад +1

      @@novelmartinez6154 Ukraine didn't invade Russia. Russia invaded and annexed land, bombed, destroyed, raped, pillaged, murdered, occupied, kidnapped, beheaded people, etc. Huge difference, but you already know that, you're just doing the Russian propaganda bot thing

    • @duderdude4831
      @duderdude4831 Год назад +2

      @@novelmartinez6154 Also "Russia has a historical reason" is dumb because "historical reason" is not a thing; and if you're trying to make some weird connection to past territorial control (which you are because that's the fash Putin talking point) then Kyiv has claim over Moscow.

  • @loboatwater8730
    @loboatwater8730 Год назад +1

    Colin took drawings to the U.N., and said these are iraq's weapons of mass destruction and he has aluminum tubes!? You know what you can do with aluminum tubes!? He tried to kill my father!? I got yellow cake right here in my pocket. Its under this napkin?! Don't drop that shyddt?! Hey, let mehave apiece of some yellow cake with milk?!

  • @Cupid-Stunt
    @Cupid-Stunt Год назад +1

    The post-9/11 War on Terror may have caused at least 4.5 million deaths in around half a dozen countries, according to a report published Monday by the preeminent academic institution studying the costs, casualties, and consequences of a war in which U.S. bombs and bullets are still killing and wounding people in multiple nations.

  • @vol222nuit
    @vol222nuit Год назад +2

    The French government of the time under President Chirac refused to be drawn into this infamous war and the foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin expressed France's disagreement in vehement terms before the United Nations Security Council.
    This led to an unprecedented wave of Francophobia in the media. It was not the best time for a Frenchman to travel to the United States at that time. With even such ridiculous consequences as renaming the French fries and renaming them freedom fries, lol...

  • @Bynggo
    @Bynggo Год назад +1

    Thank you for owning up to it being an invasion in Iraq. I was referred to a nutter when I said that in 2003.

  • @fukgoogle1317
    @fukgoogle1317 Год назад +2

    Not scolding since everyone seems to make this error but...
    Historical revisionism is the legitimate correction of documented errors of historical events as new information is discovered....ie chattel slavery is forced slavery not servitude and etc. Denialism or historical negationism is the practice of rewriting actual historical events for the convenience of propaganda. There is a clear distinction between historical revisionism and historical negationism or denialism and they are not interchangeable.
    Intentionally using words wrong is the practice of right-wing radicals and propagandists in their attempts to radicalize Americans against Americans and perpetuates ignorance, hate, bigotry, violence and racism. Sincere and educated people should always choose to use correct words and phrases correctly.
    This is a pet peeve because I believe the words we use matters and it is so very easy to Google definitions.

  • @cmog5586
    @cmog5586 Год назад +17

    300mil a day. I can't get past that. But we can't afford universal healthcare 😂😂😂. 300 mil a day but families can get approved for food stamps. 300 mil a day but I'm paying copays on my va health care benefits. 300 mil a day but I gotta find a military health records to apply for disability. God bless America right. Damn I love this country😂😂😂

    • @KarlMarxFanClub
      @KarlMarxFanClub Год назад

      God god! That’s almost $2 trillion dollars per year!!

  • @patriciaeddy7629
    @patriciaeddy7629 Год назад +34

    Cheney should be called what he really is: A War Criminal

    • @buddyflood6761
      @buddyflood6761 Год назад +8

      Along with Bush,Rumsfeld and several others

    • @williamnaman3570
      @williamnaman3570 Год назад

      If you vote Republican, the blood has been on your hands since Nixon.

    • @chelseacraft4669
      @chelseacraft4669 Год назад +1

      And both Bush presidents…

    • @SergyMilitaryRankings
      @SergyMilitaryRankings Год назад

      Along with Obama and biden

    • @chelseacraft4669
      @chelseacraft4669 Год назад

      @@SergyMilitaryRankings stay on topic please. This is about the Iraq war. Maybe get a calendar on your phone & ask Siri for dates.

  • @Doug-mu2ev
    @Doug-mu2ev Год назад +11

    Justification for Iraq war always was Oil, Revenge, and MIC; it was known then and should be known now. Those responsible should be brought to justice.

    • @laboratoryebola9901
      @laboratoryebola9901 Год назад +1

      You can never judge our president Bush, shut up and sit home

  • @tioswift3676
    @tioswift3676 Год назад +34

    Dang. I’m conflicted. As a Republican I’m starting realize it’s all a sham. Cenk is making a ton of sense here.

    • @anette2538
      @anette2538 Год назад +1


    • @berniethekiwidragon4382
      @berniethekiwidragon4382 Год назад +13

      Welcome to enlightenment.

    • @DarkResonance
      @DarkResonance Год назад

      Only just now? How dumb can you be?

    • @KarlMarxFanClub
      @KarlMarxFanClub Год назад

      I was a religious conservative 4 years ago. Now I’m a socialist! Education forces you to become one, and that’s why conservatives hate college educated people. Especially people with graduate degrees.

    • @garytruthteller2606
      @garytruthteller2606 Год назад +1

      End "the conflict". Face TOTAL Reality. Your soul will thank you

  • @andrewstroud782
    @andrewstroud782 Год назад +37

    A conservative think tank, The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), produced a document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy , Forces and Resources for a New Century" laid out the entire blueprint for the Iraq War in September 2000. The document was mainly written by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and Perle.

    • @Serocco
      @Serocco Год назад +8

      Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran were all named in that document

    • @ttcameron6390
      @ttcameron6390 Год назад

      @@Serocco oh that's just twisted but doesn't surprise me. I will be watching that, thank you 🙏🏾 👌🏾🤞🏾

    • @KarlMarxFanClub
      @KarlMarxFanClub Год назад +5

      Some people are bad and end up in prison, but these people are pure evil. Normal people can’t imagine being this diabolical.

    • @swibmabang7889
      @swibmabang7889 Год назад

      @@Serocco &

    • @chelseacraft4669
      @chelseacraft4669 Год назад

      Covering the tracks for the Bush family who literally created both Iraqi wars for their personal excuse to override EPA offshore, drilling restrictions in the Gulf of Mexico… which would have bankrupted their family.

  • @Rose-inspirations
    @Rose-inspirations Год назад +6

    Now that you see how the American military acting in the middle east, do you blame them for having hate for the American government?

    • @spencertwoeightyz3383
      @spencertwoeightyz3383 Год назад

      I am an American that was deployed to Iraq twice. First was at Al Assad and Ar Ramadi. Second was southern baghdad. My patrol
      1. shot and killed one man out after curfew when he wouldn’t stop (I assume now that he had no brakes on his car).
      2. Ran over someone’s car with a Bradley. (Same thing, we didn’t look back)
      3. I personally shot a pregnant woman through the foot (on accident) after my commander started yelling at me and ordered to shoot if I saw anything move.
      I felt good the first deployment(2003). Kids would wave to us. We would hand out shoes, soccer balls, and food. The second deployment (2005) it was clear that we were all just part of the war machine that makes the rich and powerful even more rich and powerful. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel shame and regret.
      So yeah, I am in America and was part of the problem and it makes perfect sense to me why other countries hate us.

  • @Uthgardloki
    @Uthgardloki Год назад +6

    Iraq was our gens Vietnam, we had no business being in either place.

  • @jizzyb76
    @jizzyb76 Год назад +24

    "The conquered are not the Iraqis, it's us." That hit hard

    • @chelseacraft4669
      @chelseacraft4669 Год назад

      All you had to do was work in the club scene in Houston Texas in the 80s in order to overhear why both Iraq wars were scams that the Bush family concocted for their personal family business & a feud with a particular Iraqi oil sheik. Houston was failing due to EPA restrictions against drilling offshore in Gulf of Mexico. All the Bush family money was tied up in the Houston oil industry. By starting a war & setting wells on fire in Iraq, the president, Bush Senior, could declare a national emergency and rescind the EPA laws which would not only return the oil business back to Houston & the Bush family interests, but make Houston into a Boomtown in the late 80s. Later, when the EPA laws were just about to be reinstated, George Bush Junior became president and repeated the exact same thing his father did, except he invented fake weapons of mass destruction Intel as an easier/cheaper method to have an excuse to declare a national emergency to keep the EPA laws from being enforced in the Gulf of Mexico, which would have stopped the drilling of offshore oil wells that their family relies upon for money. Everyone in the oil industry were also privy to the vendetta the Bush family had against the Iraqi oil sheiks in Houston. In Houston, all of this was common knowledge, but mainstream media were somehow oblivious to any of it. So the bulk of Americans now believe all the fake scam & invented reasons why we went to war in Iraq.

  • @monstarz9346
    @monstarz9346 Год назад +26

    Even Trump had said Bush was the worst President back in 2004..

    • @buddyflood6761
      @buddyflood6761 Год назад +7

      Even worse than him,except for the division in our country

    • @tioswift3676
      @tioswift3676 Год назад

      @@buddyflood6761 the division was mostly because of the media calling him a racist and taking soundbites out of context. Then the libs and Dems just absolutely lost their ever-loving minds..and here we are

    • @tureytayno3154
      @tureytayno3154 Год назад +3

      Yes, untill he took the title for himself, Mon.

  • @heavymetalpermaculture
    @heavymetalpermaculture Год назад +7

    Where's that International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Bush and Cheney?

  • @scotthulldriver5036
    @scotthulldriver5036 Год назад +5

    I am a decorated veteran and an anti-tank expert, as well as being trained in demolitions by the US Military and McDonnel-Douglas, and I remember, full well, that what the main stream media used as an example of weapons of mass destruction was a still shot and sampling of 125mm Soviet ordnance that Iraq had as part of its arsenal. I remember laughing out loud at the prospect of the US Military using this as a premise for an illegal war, when all ordnance of 80mm or greater is capable of delivering "Chemical" rounds....For Fuck Sake!!!

    • @Doc5thMech
      @Doc5thMech 11 месяцев назад +1

      10 points for that. Good perspective summary.

  • @spencertwoeightyz3383
    @spencertwoeightyz3383 Год назад +4

    I went to Iraq twice. I have ptsd. Technically homeless I guess (currently living in temp VA housing). The real cost is so many vets with ptsd running around as cops or outraged rednecks just shooting people.

  • @RabidShaun
    @RabidShaun Год назад +20

    As a veteran who deployed 2x to iraq, I am disgusted by the lies we were told over there bout the wmd wild goose chase. I have ptsd and permanent disabilities from the the things i had to do and see over there

    • @dearrationals
      @dearrationals Год назад +1

      I have zero sympathy for you. You chose to go there. Don't pretend to be all innocent. "DaDdy toLm mE tO dO iT". Many people protested against the war but you still chose to go. Disgusting. The REAL victims are the Iraqi victims of you barbarians.

    • @audreysmith6221
      @audreysmith6221 Год назад +1

      You sound like my brother in law, an amazing man! ❤️

    • @jackbutt8774
      @jackbutt8774 Год назад

      How many people did you kill and torture over there?

    • @heather2418
      @heather2418 Год назад +3

      Thank you for serving, despite the lies. People like you make sure we have no forced draft - and that is priceless. I hope you find your way towards peace. Hopefully you've found a local veterans group by now. Trust me, it helps.

    • @RabidShaun
      @RabidShaun Год назад

      @@heather2418 tyvm that means more than u kno

  • @ruffinc1783
    @ruffinc1783 Год назад +17

    Dammm all those financial resources/human loss it's ridiculous. 😢 We should imagine how those resources could have been utilize in the states😮

    • @kushclarkkent6669
      @kushclarkkent6669 Год назад +6

      RIP to all of the innocent lives lost.

    • @KarlMarxFanClub
      @KarlMarxFanClub Год назад

      Iraqs we’re just protecting themselves from foreign invaders too. How disgusting, pure evil. What’s the difference between the American invasion of Iraq and the Russian invasion of Ukraine? If we’re honest, none.

  • @terrypetersen2970
    @terrypetersen2970 Год назад +4

    I'm a veteran. I remember telling people we shouldn't invade Iraqi. I wasn't well liked. I told them there is no way to stop religious fanatics. Also told them were going to end up killing civilians and capturing innocents and torture them. Those then will become our enemies and now we have not just fanatics but the civilians too.
    Again nobody listened and look what happened

  • @vernonharley
    @vernonharley Год назад +4

    I fought in that war.......twice. Being 20 years young and fighting in a war has scared me for life. I'm 100% disabled due to this war due to severe ptsd. And now they are trying to take away my compensation along with all of my brothers and sisters in arms. Don't get me wrong......I had no problem fighting a war for the right reasons. But this war was unnecessary and destroyed too many young Americans for them to pretend like they didn't orchestrate this whole thing for profits

    • @quikdraw5203
      @quikdraw5203 Год назад

      Same. A LOT of us are f'd permenantly.

    • @MS-zi3pw
      @MS-zi3pw Год назад

      Dang u must be 40 now u so old

  • @karmicexperiment5034
    @karmicexperiment5034 Год назад +19

    The world went to shit when bush declared war on iraq

    • @carreviewer6345
      @carreviewer6345 Год назад

      The world was always "shit"

    • @karmicexperiment5034
      @karmicexperiment5034 Год назад

      @@carreviewer6345 you could say that about anything, may work for the fox news crowd, knock it off, in our time iraq was the most stupid corrupt ill bite my tongue, have a good day dumbass

  • @fullauto86
    @fullauto86 Год назад +15

    This whole issue is how i found out about young Turks back in tue 2000s, i saw jenk talking about it on the cable show they had and i cpuldbt believe how up front ye was with all these things that were so obvious yet nobody seemed to talk about. Liked tyt since then

  • @edwardcunha1629
    @edwardcunha1629 Год назад +12

    We knew Iraq had no WMD at the time and Steven Hadley was described as "the dumbest person alive".

  • @stephenrioux6821
    @stephenrioux6821 Год назад +6

    As my 92-year-old war hero Dad used to say:
    "That George Bush is a F***ing war criminal."

  • @betsyab121
    @betsyab121 Год назад +12

    WTF??? That is a lie! GB and his cronies were just looking for an excuse to go in and get that oil!

    • @angelamonk716
      @angelamonk716 Год назад +2

      And artifacts

    • @Foersom_
      @Foersom_ Год назад

      And make Iraq oil again be priced in USD.

  • @jessetorres8738
    @jessetorres8738 Год назад +4

    15 of the 19 terrorist hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, while the other 4 came from Egypt, Lebanon, & Pakistan, yet in the 20 years since 9/11 the U.S. never went to war with any of those countries.

  • @frevazz3364
    @frevazz3364 Год назад +6

    That was Republican speak for "we wanted the oil and needed an excuse to do it"

  • @karegekevin9320
    @karegekevin9320 Год назад +5

    What is even weapons of mass destruction means , !? American concepts and terms that twists everything.

  • @Mbarnstein62891
    @Mbarnstein62891 Год назад +5

    We captured and had Saddam Hussein executed. We should have left after that.

  • @standforhumanitariancauses4756
    @standforhumanitariancauses4756 Год назад +12

    Just a 12oz bottle of water alone , for the troops , had cost $15 dollars. And U.S taxpayers had to pay for that. The private companies/ defense contractors, oil companies made fortunes from it. Dick Cheney's former company Halliburton share of stock doubled soon as Iraq was invaded.

    • @dearrationals
      @dearrationals Год назад +2

      They should have been left to starve then. Those barbarians chose "fight" in an illegal war, despite the protests. They're not the victims no matter how much they come back and cry "PTSD". The REAL victims are the victims of their barbarity.

  • @feiz3180
    @feiz3180 8 месяцев назад +4

    one million Iraqis dead. Many more displaced. And these people have GUTS to say , "it wasn't bad"

  • @TrueStakeHolder
    @TrueStakeHolder Год назад +2

    What about the Indian Act in Canada? You acknowledge China as a dictator but you leave out the Canadian Government and their dictator attitude over Indigenous People. I wonder why?
    Maybe it's because you all don't confront yourselves for how you treat Native Americans. You can't have one without the other.

  • @MrAdal206
    @MrAdal206 Год назад +4

    The UN and American inspectors went through the entire country of Iraq and didn’t find a thing, and we still went to war.😊

    • @kaboomblueskies
      @kaboomblueskies 11 месяцев назад

      Everybody knows they were hiding their WMD in Mount Doom.

  • @st.michaelanthony3195
    @st.michaelanthony3195 Год назад +7

    The War in Ukraine started in February 2014 not February 2022.

    • @dboygamer8184
      @dboygamer8184 Год назад

      Lets get this straight February of 2014 was the Donbas War, 8 years later was the full scale Russian invasion.

    • @st.michaelanthony3195
      @st.michaelanthony3195 Год назад

      @@dboygamer8184 No it wasn't, it was a Military intervention to stop a War.

    • @wrongturnVfor
      @wrongturnVfor Год назад

      nope it started in 2004

    • @wrongturnVfor
      @wrongturnVfor Год назад

      @@dboygamer8184 are we scooting over the fact where Ukraine violated the minsk accords, did an insurgency on the russian border and killed 30000 people in donbas in brutal crackdowns, UN has those figures

  • @wrongturnVfor
    @wrongturnVfor Год назад +4

    After the 1991 Gulf War under Bush senior, all the gulf countries came together and forced the UNSC to sign a resolution , Res-687, which among many things, mandates the USA and UK to implement a no nuke zone over the entire gulf region. Every country supported that resolution - all the arab countries, all african countries, russia, china, whole of south and sout east asia, whole of south america and most of europe. There is only one country that was opposed to it - USA. They later expanded that demand to no weapons of WMD's in the region and Clinton supplied the very same WMD's to Iraq to fight against Iran. If they were so concerned about nuclearisation in iraq, why on earth did no one implement the resolution? Because they want Idrael to have nukes and WMD's. Israel doesnt need either to defend itself, it already has plenty of highly destructive weapons.
    And if you think for a single second that the intentions were good, then you are disconnected from reality. The MIC doesnt fumble and bungle. They dont go in without a plan, The chaos and destruction IS the plan. Because it allows us to pillage the resources in case we cant put puppet dictators in.
    Saddam was lynched when he tried to run away from his slave owners - us. Gaddaffi was lynched when he tried to run away from his slave owners.- uS. They tried to lynch assad before Russia stepped in. And if you wanna say Assad is a dictator. Maybe check what we were trying to replace him with - an unbridled rampant rule of ISIS which we were using as our proxy in the region. That is not me saying it, that is an offcial DOD report. And you know what the crime of all these people was? They tried to start a gold backed pan african currency to trade oil in instead of using the dollar. And if you understand petrodollar, you know why everyone on the planet rightfully hates it. And guess where the HQ of the bank of this pan african currency was? In Benghazi. So.....yeah.
    And they are after Russia and China right now, because they are doing the exact same thing. But every country is gonna do it because petrodollar is devastating for all of them.
    as for who started the war in Ukraine....Look, we have armed and funded the mujahideen against soviet union for decades. And we were not satisfied with their collapse. Then we armed and funded Chechen warlords and the chechen mujahideen against them. And we have done two coups in Ukraine, the 2004 one so Ukraine would not extend its lease of Crimean naval base to Russia until 2042 (which Crimea never secceeded from Russia, it was handed over to Ukraine for the sake of geographical continuity under certain conditions, one being the access to naval base). The second one in 2012. And if you have any doubts, check the flow of money going via NDE and USAID and NEw citizen to right sector and Svoboda in Ukraine What are these? these are extreme right wing parties. So think of it like if someone was funneling money to Qanon and Proud boys. And then these people gathered in the streets with a myriad of symbols which included confederate flags and then stormed the legislature to prevent them from passing the bill. Sounds familiar? Might have happened here in 2020?
    Once they were able to stop the bill, they then demanded a regime change. And after the regime change, US ambassadors flew to ukraine to handpick the cabinet of the new government and all these svoboda and right sector people got the jobs. Immediately, the south east and crimea started a cessation movement because I mean imagine USA legislature full of Qanon and right sector, i am sure some places might want to check out. And to suppress that separatist movement Ukraine did brutal crackdowns on the people of that region. And while they were doing that, we armed and funded them to also do an insurgency on the Russian border. All of this killed atleast 30,000 people - that we know of. Now I am not saying this gives Russia the right to invade. But come on, we have put missiles there, we have started dual research labs there, and we have been arming and funding them to the teeth way before Russia invaded the first time around as well. Then we violated the minsk accords by not giving self governance to donbas and not withdrawing ukraine's side of the army and not stopping the continued insurgency in the region. And the fact that we have done the exact same thing in Afghanistan and Chechnya clearly shows we werent gonna stop either. Let us not pretend that there wasnt massive escalation on our part for nearly 2 decades now. Anyone who says that this war will just stop if russia withdrew is totally clueless or being purposefully facetious.
    I mean we are doing the same to iran right now. To south sudan to congo. Exact same playbook, We arm and fund terrorists everywhere and then throw a fit when the other side responds. Imagine if there was an insurgency for 2 decades fuelled by mexico on our southern border. How would we react? No man, I am sorry but we arent blameless in spilling the blood of Ukrainians for our purpose either. Which is precisely why we are not even trying to have peace talks now. And it disgusts me that people on the left have learnt nothing from the Iraq war. We mindlessly keep following the tune of the war drums. 10 years later people will admit this was that and that was this but what is the point The next time something like this happens they will follow the pied piper media totally hypnotized by their drivel.

    • @lw1zfog
      @lw1zfog Год назад

      thank you for paying attention.

    • @razman4240
      @razman4240 Год назад

      The rest of the world knows this. Our media is propaganda and our people are fooled. A bit of travel outside the US shows how we are set up everywhere. Other countries have US troops and weapons at their doorsteps. Why are we despised? It’s easy to see.

  • @mikeyoungblood1642
    @mikeyoungblood1642 Год назад +7

    Don’t forget Condi Rice…she seems to have rehabilitated her reputation even though the Iraq invasion wouldn’t have been possible without her help

  • @NoThatRyan
    @NoThatRyan Год назад +4

    "Bullshit. This is bullshit."
    Colin Powell, prior to addressing the UN with a report, he knew was riddled with falsehoods.

    • @ibcalm24
      @ibcalm24 Год назад

      But yet the coward he was continued with the lies and killing of people

  • @andyorwig
    @andyorwig Год назад +5

    They never had the weapons. That’s the lie.

    • @shroud1390
      @shroud1390 Год назад

      And remember the soldiers throwing babies out of incubaters?

  • @brye687
    @brye687 Год назад +8

    When oil's in office
    War's in season
    So off we march
    For no good reason
    All resistance labled treason
    While greed tightens its grip
    And keeps on squeezing

  • @angelsalvaje
    @angelsalvaje Год назад +9

    Yes. What a different World we would have if Gore's win stood.

    • @spaceballs44
      @spaceballs44 Год назад +6

      I know, my spouse went to Iraq and Afghanistan and has PTSD it messed him up. Led to drinking and became an alcoholic his mother is an alcoholic so it’s horrible. He’s getting help through Tricare but some things he can’t do. Can’t go to Fireworks fun on the 4th of July, the smoke pit caused him to have asthma so has an inhaler so many things would be different for many people and families if Al Gore was president instead.

    • @zacharybrand8145
      @zacharybrand8145 Год назад

      Gore technically won the 2000 Election. Bush only got in because the antiquated and retarded Electoral College installed Bush while the American people elected Gore! It's time to get rid of the Electoral College and directly elect the President of the United States 🇺🇲 by national popular vote!

  • @ShellyAnn1a
    @ShellyAnn1a Год назад +4

    In 1991, I was in the ME for Desert Shield/Storm. One night, we had civilian casualties brought to our Evac Hospital that had been gassed and shot up. We lost nearly half of them because we could not decon them fast enough, to get them into surgery. These casualties were the Kurds that Hussien gassed. After 91, there should not have been any WMDs left in Iraq, not because he used all of them, their caches were sought out and destroyed by the coalition forces.
    It was suspected that he might have nukes, he had the delivery systems, the Scud missile, but none were found, that I know of. He had allies that could have easily supplied him with them, Russia, China, even little North Korea. Threats from the coalition kept them from being sold to Hussien. That was the last time the world came together to stand against a world threat and tyrants. Powell should have known better, he was one of our Generals at the time.
    Now we stand alone, because of certain RWNJ criminal elements in our current government.
    Shelly Ann, LPN (ret)
    A Việt Nam War Era Veteran and 1st Gulf War Combat Disabled Veteran
    A stroke survivor (2004)

  • @makefutur
    @makefutur 8 месяцев назад +4

    I love Cenks passion but he has to stop interrupting Anna

  • @raymaaf7516
    @raymaaf7516 Год назад +4

    Cenk, may you be blessed and prosperous and continue being REAL just as you were REAL from the very beginning. We all love your passion and your desire for true justice. You speak as if you’re reading our hearts and displaying them on tv screens for the world to know. I love you my brother.

  • @samblackwell8308
    @samblackwell8308 Год назад +7

    It was criminal what we did in Iraq.

  • @bradt6740
    @bradt6740 Год назад +4

    Seriously, I wish all members of the Bush Administration would just go away and never be heard of again.

    • @Irvingstine
      @Irvingstine Год назад

      Those same people are in Joe Bidens cabinet. LOL That's who you were told the vote for. Enjoy

  • @TheSubmissionChannel
    @TheSubmissionChannel 10 месяцев назад +6

    I served in it. I was a Sergeant. I came back to the U.S. and was homeless.

    • @debracunningham603
      @debracunningham603 10 месяцев назад +1

      That’s so upsetting, that should never happen

    • @ROCK-s1t
      @ROCK-s1t 10 месяцев назад

      Oh boo hoo

    • @TheSubmissionChannel
      @TheSubmissionChannel 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@ROCK-s1t Cuckadoodle for Freedom. No one is telling sob stories. Worthless troll. No-life-having beta.

    • @talyahr3302
      @talyahr3302 10 месяцев назад

      Why did you become homeless? The military gives guaranteed home loans.

    • @TheSubmissionChannel
      @TheSubmissionChannel 10 месяцев назад

      @@talyahr3302 Hermiting. I didn't want to be around anyone. I just wanted to be by myself. At the time, it was before the housing crash, and house prices were at an all-time high. If I had purchased then and gone upside down so severely, I don't think I would have survived it. 2007 was not the time to purchase a home in the U.S.A.

  • @howardsmith8430
    @howardsmith8430 Год назад +7

    If Bush had only listened to what the inspectors had been telling him instead of his hawk advisers.

  • @Maya_Ruinz
    @Maya_Ruinz Год назад +4

    As someone who served in Iraq for 2 deployments during the first years of the war, we weren’t there for any reason other then empowering the military industrial complex. They were looking for any excuse to go to war and when one couldn’t be found they invented one and sent young people there to die.

    • @MW66VB
      @MW66VB Год назад

      they did not invent a reason. the unspoken truth is that in october 2000 Saddam announced that he would now accept the Euro as payment for oil. This was an illegal act aince all oil must be bought or sold with the dollar. So WE, flew a couple of planes into buildings. America needed aomething big to ignite the fire for retaliation.

  • @alangossett3107
    @alangossett3107 Год назад +4

    I went to trade school with some Iraq war vets and some of their war stories included guarding poppy fields

  • @MamaKittieKat
    @MamaKittieKat Год назад +11

    I remember watching the tv and just bawling as we bombed Baghdad...all those lives lost, that history destroyed, and looted...I have friends and family who came back from 3 tours in Iraq/Afghanistan with SEVERE PTSD and physical issues. 🥺

    • @dearrationals
      @dearrationals Год назад +1

      Zero sympathy for those monsters who chose to fight in that illegal war and then came back to cry "PTSD". I don't care what lies they say they were told. Many people protested against that war but they chose to go there. And didnt just do that, they participated in the killing and torture. They're not the victims. Disgusting.

    • @MamaKittieKat
      @MamaKittieKat Год назад

      @@dearrationals for someone who's name is won't read/reply you sure did a lot of replying...and not much of it was any good. 🙄

  • @Bobbyleejoe2556
    @Bobbyleejoe2556 Год назад +8

    “To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”
    - Henry Kissinger

  • @jenns2074
    @jenns2074 Год назад +5

    Rupert Murdock Lied about it too
    Read The Republican noise machine

  • @lylecarpenter3121
    @lylecarpenter3121 Год назад +2

    Cheney himself declared as Bush 41s Sec. Of State that Saddam had no capabilities to produce WMDs after Bush 41 pushed Saddam back to Baghdad in 91' I believe year wise.

  • @mkl01_99
    @mkl01_99 Год назад +4

    Shameless. Nobody should profit from war.

  • @buddyflood6761
    @buddyflood6761 Год назад +10

    Scott Ritter, the lead inspector was saying clearly that there was no weapons of mass destruction

    • @pxdemar
      @pxdemar Год назад +1

      Lead inspector was the Swede Hans Blix, but it doesn't matter, it was the same result!

    • @buddyflood6761
      @buddyflood6761 Год назад

      @@pxdemar we had Scott Ritter on the news here during the buildup of the BS from the Bush admin, maybe they just used him for tv in the USA

  • @cboula
    @cboula 9 месяцев назад +4

    liars GW and all of his ilk

  • @vaderbaby
    @vaderbaby Год назад +4

    At the time all of this was happening I worked for the Sheriff's Office in Knox County Tennessee. Myself & one other officer were the only 2 people who asked ourselves, & others who discussed it, why would we a invade Iraq when it had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. It was all completely uncalled for & obviously illegal. We did nothing but destroy that country where women once could dress how they wanted, go to college, be doctors etc.. Halliburton made a fortune for Dick Cheney selling shoddy stuff to the military. It was the biggest stain ever put upon this country. Some people asked me why I loved my daughter's deceased father so much. One of the many reasons was the fact that he & I both realized how wrong that when Iraq War thing was & could discuss it rationally. I actually cried when George "Dubya" Bush was reelected.

    @GRAVEMIND08 Год назад +4

    Don't know how anyone, left or right, could see this video and disagree with it. So many people are ignorant of the their own countries disgusting actions over seas. Just disgusting.

  • @bahadir7677
    @bahadir7677 Год назад +5

    i remember watching this part 10:15 years ago, it shook me to my core. the fact that these bandits got away scotch free makes my blood boil but that is it, can't do much against the world police. It wasn't the first and last time their soldiers pulled stuff similar to this or worse in Iraq.

  • @connyscippio5623
    @connyscippio5623 Год назад +4

    It was to take over the oil Fields

  • @gadielgomez2709
    @gadielgomez2709 Год назад +3

    Minute 3:17 "We were the aggressors, we were an empire and we did not do it so the America people could gain from it. We did it so corporations that contribute to all these crooks, all these corrupt politicians could benefit from it".
    This is why I watch this show.

  • @johnnyjet3.1412
    @johnnyjet3.1412 Год назад +4

    May will be the 20th anniversary of my arrival in Iraq to drive the M1070 HET as a Nat'l Guard truck driver, and I knew it was all a lie when I went.

  • @grrrant
    @grrrant Год назад +4

    Cheney is pure evil to the core, and that's not even exaggeration.

  • @WhiteTreeProd
    @WhiteTreeProd Год назад +3

    O-peration I-raqi L-iberation O.I.L. ...The original name of the War.... Enough said!

    • @Uncanny_Mountain
      @Uncanny_Mountain Год назад

      Oh, and don't forget Operation Shock and Awe and Operation Desert Storm, the Mesopotamian God of Desert Storms being Set, the Egyptian name for the Devil, also expressed in the Semetic name "Seth"

  • @alin81-82
    @alin81-82 Год назад +4

    They've been doing this w the Vietnam War already. Of course!

  • @1m2rich
    @1m2rich Год назад +4

    Politicians pad their pockets while people died for a lie.

    @SAMOTUBER 9 месяцев назад +3

    I just was watching this segment and both of you were taking the words right out of my mouth. All of it. It is the true perspective because I protested against that meaningless war and here we are years later. The people in power have pretty much kept the military industrial complex in place. We are now seeing the results of what trillions of wasted dollars has done to this nation. We have homelessness all over the place and for no reason other than military industrial corporate greed.
    The Iraq War will always be known as a huge mistake by anyone who has watched and actually knows what was going on. It pains me to think that these same people have a chokehold on the media. So many of the hosts on MSNBC are former GOP's even though that network casts itself as 'progressive' and the ding dong MAGAS just repeat what Fox tells them and they unknowingly make it worse...for themselves!
    These MAGAS are all the same exact Fox news manipulates that acted and did the same for all the pro Iraq War types. I was yelled at by them to "go get a job" because I guess they thought an anti Iraq protest meant I wasn't working or doing anything else. All I know is their Ford F-150's were painted/wrapped with the American flag instead of Trump. Same exact impressionables that are quick to anger because they're ignorant and just watch Fox news. Fox was all about the war.
    Americans have been played against each other for years now. I guess it's to make us feel like we have a real democracy when what we have is a failed capitalist system hijacked by private interests. There is a reason things are like they are. We are living in an oligarchy and even Janet Yellen testified and said it. Not sure what comes next, but it can't keep going on like this.

    • @oaktree313
      @oaktree313 9 месяцев назад

      And again it's happening with Gaza same politicians same media same rhetoric same propoganda same evil 😈

  • @timetothinkbereal
    @timetothinkbereal Год назад +5

    Come on!!! They knew there were no weapons of mass destruction!

  • @BillHiggins-p8n
    @BillHiggins-p8n 7 месяцев назад +3

    Saddam was a treat to Israel so the USA reported to duty. It’s that obvious and simple.

  • @michaelshigetani433
    @michaelshigetani433 Год назад +4

    I'm ashamed to admit I bought the BS on Iraq. I honestly was expecting them to find WMD's. and then it started to come out and damn. I realized just how F**KEd I was and by extension everyone.

  • @captain_context9991
    @captain_context9991 Год назад +2

    Yeees.... American solders are under STRICT orders to NEVER stop and be held accountable for any traffic accidents or incidents in an america-run warzone. They lack the language skills or means to deal with the huge crowds that would form. And it would just lead to utter chaos.

  • @Rich4098
    @Rich4098 10 месяцев назад +2

    Iraq is still a democracy. I don't wanna minimize the mistakes made, but in the war on terror, Iraq remains the only partial success. Iraq's past is brutal, but it's future is bright. They have a real chance.

  • @terrellmiller4768
    @terrellmiller4768 Год назад +6

    This is why America is losing allies

    • @IceAxe1940
      @IceAxe1940 Год назад +1

      Good America is a genocidal country that deserves to be isolated from the world after 80 years of bombing people in the global south.

    • @chocomojo9552
      @chocomojo9552 Год назад

      I m so glad France decided to go its own way.

    • @IceAxe1940
      @IceAxe1940 Год назад

      @@chocomojo9552 Instead the French are in Africa continuing their imperialism.

  • @platinumoregon1148
    @platinumoregon1148 Год назад +4

    I remember, just prior to Bush declaring war, that inspectors had declared that they had not found any nuclear
    weapons, and it was astounding when Bush ignored their findings and declared War !!

  • @Teddyhive16
    @Teddyhive16 Год назад +4

    That’s why is be so crazy to me when America wanna talk about war crimes when they do it as well

    • @SilkyH
      @SilkyH Год назад

      yes they are fast at judging other countries about their actions and their past

  • @phoenixgx7673
    @phoenixgx7673 Год назад +2

    They talk about the financial losses, and this mattered what about the lives of 1,000,000 Iraqis who were killed in this absurd war. This is not just a number it's the spirits of each 1 is hopeful. dreams . future family. sadness . joy . They are human and they killed for a lie and then they come and say this war was wrong we are sorry

    • @arguescreamholler
      @arguescreamholler Год назад

      *That's What They've Done Since Leaving The Shores Of Europe!*
      *They Kill People In Their Sleep, Then Steal Their Resources, Rape Their Women, Girls!*
      One guy said in the media that they know Iraq was now free BECAUSE HE SAW THE FIRST PROSTITUTE IN THE STREETS!
      *He didn't think of her being in dire desperation?* sickass people.

  • @keithroy9217
    @keithroy9217 8 месяцев назад +3

    The Iraq war may not have been so bad, if you’re a politician. The subsequent Iraq occupation was an unmitigated disaster.

    • @raiders45coll69
      @raiders45coll69 2 месяца назад

      That's like saying the Vietnam war may not have been so bad if you're a politician. And yes, there was no plan for Iraq after they deposed Saddam.

    • @keithroy9217
      @keithroy9217 2 месяца назад

      @@raiders45coll69 I suppose I should really have said no war is a bad one for politicians! Certainly not for those who get into unnecessary wars!

  • @Danielle-zq7kb
    @Danielle-zq7kb Год назад +6


  • @blueocean-me1ns
    @blueocean-me1ns Год назад +6

    Tell that to the families who lost loved ones in the war.

    • @mikeshafer5366
      @mikeshafer5366 Год назад +2

      Sorry for your loss if you lost a family member. My son was in Iraq 2 tours he survived kinda when he came home never again was he the same kid that left. He list EVERYTHING HE HAD. His family

    • @blueocean-me1ns
      @blueocean-me1ns Год назад

      @@mikeshafer5366 I didn't lose a family member I was referring to all the families that lost loved ones my brother was in the Marines in Vietnam he had real bad PTSD when he came home and was really messed up seems that these right wingers don't give a crap on what all these soldiers went through in war maybe if these right wingers fought in a war they would have a different opinion.