Donald Hoffman is talking about mathematically modelling consciousness and using those models to predict things in the real world. Thereby we can see that consciousness is fundamental and the material world is in fact, the contents of consciousness.
Is Donald Hoffman a dataist? Bless the interviewer, of whom seems to speak from a place of consciousness. I understand and hear Donald but the current math available is out of scope.
@@GoGetFree The maths to do it already exist. It is ontological mathematics: Euler’s formula, Fourier transform and even calculus if used ontologically ( All in the context of the Leibniz’s monad) can give all the right answers to existence, bridging the gap of the mind/body problem.
I actually love interviews like this where two people can disagree without being disrespectful to each other or the interview trying to catch him in an awkward position for clicks and views. I also like the Hoffman can defend against critiques of his theory. I understand what Hoffman is saying and I agree with him on his theory, but I also understand why the interviewer has doubts. Hoffman admits his theory is probably wrong, but the strength of it is in his mathematical model which differentiates it from other things like the Simulation theory which has no math backing it. It's just a cool, hip theory.
I love this approach, but I kind of disagree with the conclusion. (Or maybe, I am misunderstanding you?). It's very true 'the finger can't point at itself', 'the eye cannot see itself', but the unique property of consciousness is it CAN observe itself. And since we know that self-referencing systems break science and logic, I don't think science will ever effectively explain consciousness, because it is self-referencing.
@@hckytwn3192 neuroscience will never explain consciousness because consciousness is more than brain. as for science explaining consciousness, i doubt we will reach that point either.
6:18 “Does anybody agree with you on that?” and “Nobody at this table does” is the most direct I've heard Mr Kuhn disagree with a guest. I appreciate it because this guy was not convincing.
🐟 06. CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: Consciousness means “that which knows” or “the state of being aware”, from the Latin prefix “con” (with), the stem “scire” (to know) and the suffix “osus” (characterized by). There is BOTH a localized knowing and a Universal Awareness, as explicated in the following paragraphs. Higher species of animal life have sufficient cognitive ability to KNOW themselves and their environment, at least to a measurable degree. Just where consciousness objectively begins in the animal kingdom is a matter of contention but, judging purely by ethological means, it probably starts with vertebrates (at least the higher-order birds and fishes). Those metazoans which are evolutionarily lower than vertebrates do not possess much, if any, semblance of intellect, necessary for true knowledge, but operate purely by reflexive instincts. For instance, an insect or amphibian does not consciously decide to seek food but does so according to its base instincts, directed by its idiosyncratic genetic code. Even when a cockroach flees from danger, it is not experiencing the same kind of thoughts or feelings a human or other mammal would experience. The brain is merely a conduit or TRANSDUCER of Universal Consciousness (i.e. Brahman), explaining why the more intelligent the animal, the more it can understand its own existence (or at least be aware of more of its environment - just see how amazingly-complex dolphin and whale behaviour can be, compared with other aquatic species), and the reason why it is asserted that a truly enlightened human must possess a far higher level of intelligence than the average person. The processing unit of a supercomputer must be far larger, more complex and more powerful than the processor in a pocket calculator. Therefore, it seems logical to conclude that the scale of discrete (localized) consciousness is dependent on the animal's brain capacity. See Chapter 17 to understand the distinction between enlightenment and mere awakening. Three STATES of awareness are experienced by humans and possibly all other species of mammals: the waking state (“jāgrata”, in Sanskrit), dreaming (“svapna”, in Sanskrit), and deep-sleep (“suṣupti”, in Sanskrit). Beyond these three temporal states is the fourth “state” (“turīya” or “caturīya”, in Sanskrit). That is the unconditioned, eternal “state”, which underlies the other three. The waking state is the LEAST real (that is to say the least permanent, or to put it another way, the farthest from the Necessary Ground of Existence, as explained towards the end of this chapter). The dream state is closer to our eternal nature, whilst dreamless deep-sleep is much more analogous to The Universal Self (“brahman”), as it is imbued with peace. Rather than being an absence of awareness, deep-sleep is an awareness of absence (that is, the absence of phenomenal, sensual experiences). So, in actual fact, the fourth state is not a state, but the Unconditioned Ground of Being, or to put it simply, YOU, the real self/Self, or Existence-Awareness-Peace (“sacchidānanda”, in Sanskrit). Perhaps the main purpose of dreams is so that we can understand that the waking-state is practically indistinguishable to the dream-state, and thereby come to see the ILLUSION of this ephemeral world. Both our waking-state experiences and our dream-state experiences occur solely within the mental faculties (refer to Chapter 04 for an elucidation of this phenomenon). If somebody in one of your dreams were to ask your dream-state character if the dream was real, you (playing the part of that character) would most likely say, “yes, of course this is real!” Similarly, if someone were to ask your waking-state character if this world is real, you would almost undoubtedly respond in kind. An apt analogy for Universal Consciousness is the manner in which electricity powers a variety of appliances and gadgets, according to the use and COMPLEXITY of the said device. Electricity powers a washing machine in a very simple manner, to drive a large spindle for laundering clothes. However, the very same electrical power may be used to operate a computer to manifest an astonishing range of outputs, such as playing audiovisual tracks, communication tasks, and performing extremely advanced mathematical computations, depending on the computer's software and hardware. The more advanced/complex the device, the more complex its manifestation of the same electricity. Using the aforementioned computer analogy: the brain is COMPARATIVELY equivalent to the computer hardware, deoxyribonucleic acid akin to the operating system working in conjunction with the memory, the intellect is equivalent to the processing unit, individuated consciousness is analogous to the software programme, whilst Universal Awareness is likened to the electricity which enlivens the entire computer system. A person who is comatosed has lost any semblance of local consciousness, yet is being kept alive by the presence of Universal Consciousness. The fact that many persons report out-of-body experiences, where consciousness departs from the gross body, may be evidence for the above. So, then, following-on from the assertion made in the third paragraph, one could complain: “That's not fair - why can only a genius be enlightened?” (as defined in Chapter 17). The answer is: first of all, as stated above, every species of animal has its own level of intelligence on a wide-ranging scale. Therefore, a pig or a dog could (if possible) ask: “That's unfair - why can only a human being be enlightened?” Secondly, it is INDEED a fact that life is unfair, because there is no “tit for tat” law of action and reaction, even if many supposedly-great religious preceptors have stated so. They said so because they were preaching to wicked miscreants who refused to quit their evil ways, and needed to be chastized in a forceful manner. It is not possible to speak gentle words to a rabid dog to prevent it from biting you. There is evidence of Consciousness being a universal field, in SAVANT SYNDROME, a condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrate certain abilities far in excess of the norm, such as superhuman rapid mathematical calculation, mind-reading, blind-seeing, or astounding musical aptitude. Such behaviour suggests that there is a universal field (possibly in holographic form) from which one can access information. Even simple artistic inspiration could be attributed to this phenomenon. The great British singer-songwriter, Sir James Paul McCartney, one day woke with the complete tune of the song, “Yesterday”, in his mind, after hearing it in a dream. American composer, Paul Simon, had a similar experience when the chorus of his sublime masterpiece, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, simply popped into his head. Cont...
Perhaps, perhaps not. But a few quick points, a) Dr Hoffman is an eminent physicist with tenure, and who is working on a novel solution to perhaps the most intractable problem in all of science. And where a total of zero progress has been made this far using more conventional methodologies b) he is humble enough to state upfront that he is "Almost certainly wrong", but that hopefully science can benefit from his errors, and, c) he was considerate enough not to draw attention to Roberts erroneous (and quite frankly baffling) belief that Newtons law of universal gravitation should be multiplied by the speed of light, squared! And, finally, the issue that Robert found so alien - that a persons, experiences could be assigned certain values in much the same way as a persons, say, intelligence could be - is not a field of study related specifically to Dr Hoffmans work here. One is left with the very
Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists, been known to be the case, since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism." ~ Richard Conn Henry is an Academy Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, author of one book and over 200 publications on the topics of astrophysics and various forms of astronomy.
Quantum mechanics hasn't shown materialism is an illusion, it only updated our understanding of its nature, which started already way before quantum mechanics by the way. Yet an another all too typical use of quantum mechanics strangeness to claim confirmation of outlandish views.
@@2CSST2 Agreed. Too many think they can transfer Quantum Weirdness from the minuscule at the very boundary between matter and energy. The folks like Hoffman play on that fantasy for fun and profit.
Short answer - Thinking/awareness/consciousness is real. Physicality is an effect caused by the interaction of awareness/intent upon the ether/quantum field/source (whatever you wish to call it).
_Thank you for caring about the Truth, may many Blessings and Wishing Formulas be bestowed upon you, your friends, family and loved ones. Regards, Alex._
If Space-Time is doomed, does that mean the argument of free will vs determinism is also doomed. Both these contradicting theories assume a linear passage of time with one event affecting another or the order of events already having been determined. However, with Prof. Hoffman's idea, if Space-Time is a construct, then what was, what is and what will be is the same... or have I misunderstood his ideas?
Well, physics certainly isn't going to advance us any further any time soon. So I suspect we're going to need radically different approaches, in combination with what we make of physics, if we are to advance any further in our understanding of reality. Donald is a smart man.. much more intelligent than I. So I'm not going to judge how he thinks, because he is at least attempting to advance us in our understanding of reality.
Our only access to both a physical object (like a chair) and a mental object (such as a thought) are through experience. They are both, therefore, categories of experience. Hoffman is correct, therefore, in his monistic view that all is experience (i.e. consciousness).
Hoffman made great points and dare to go beyond the traditional thinking. If consciousness is the ultimate reality, which it is, then the current science will have to re-written with physics not the bottom-most or the most fundamental layer of science. It has to be consciousness. By extending this thought, if we keep drilling deeper into existing established theories with mathematics then we could naturally end up with a mathematical theory of consciousness. In this case, both theory of general relativity (GR) and theory of quantum physics (QM) should be in some ways describing consciousness and not purely physics. The debates on roles of consciousness in QM are still on-going while is GR purely physical? The fact that time is symmetrical in GR (physics) but our experiences tell us it is only one-way shows that physics cannot be right. We also know that time and space are also observers dependent. Both GR and QM are not final theories. The theory that unifies both is string theory and string theory is a mathematical theory of consciousness. However, we need to understand what consciousness is. According to Yogacara Buddhism, consciousness is not limited to just human. There are "conscious beings" which consist of pure and non-organic matter and even without matter. These beings are well defined in Yogacara Buddhism and they are planets, stars, nebulae, black holes, and white holes (no matter can get in). String theory being able to describe these objects shows that it is infact a mathematical theory of Yogacara Buddhism.
David Foo, you write "consciousness is the ultimate reality" But consciousness is the result of living biological Beings interacting with a constantly changing (time does move ever forward) environment. You know what one of the most fundamental observations of our existence is? Here's my contender: 'Appreciation of the Human Mindscape, Physical Reality divide.' We didn't pop into existence, we are part of Earth's billions of years old dance between geology and biology, which begat life, which begat awareness that evolved into ever more complex consciousness as creatures and environments got more complex. After we're done destroying Earth's current biosphere as we know it, Earth and life will continue without us and our egoistical self-awareness consciousness, although it's questionable if anything as spectacular as the past ten thousand, or few hundred-thousand (if you want to quibble) of years, have been.
@@petermiesler9452your comment is base on the existence of time. But according to hoffman and others, time is a product of our minds. Hence I am not sure about your statement.
@@damienroberts934 agree. Intuition is useful. Intuition gets trained through experience. So if the subject is applicable to the training done, intuition can be useful. Modern science has allowed us to expand knowledge beyond what we have immediate access to. Here, intuition becomes less reliable.
@@DestroManiak Sadly Hoffman is a master at beating his own drum, and has dozens of talks out there, repeating the same storyline, I can't seem to get away from him - every time I turn around RUclips is pushing yet another one on me.
the work he introduced is basically to describe consciousness in mathematical language. the difficulty is not the complexity of mathematical models but still consciousness itself.
Frequent recent opinions in the discussion about the essence of consciousness refer to phenomena occurring outside (above) the brain. Usually an unresolved so-called “hard problem” is mentioned. It is true that the experience of qualia is difficult to explain by processes of the described neural networks. So I believe that an effective theory of consciousness should be based on the integration of several known theories of consciousness. In particular, the theory of neural circuits realizing imagery should be integrated with the "conscious electromagnetic information field theory (cemi)". One of the theories included in an effective explanation of the essence of consciousness should also be one of the theories linking the experience of qualia with the physics (fine structure) of the Universe. We published recently an article [ Neural Circuits, Microtubule Processing, Brain's Electromagnetic Field - Components of Self-Awareness. Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 984. ] which shows how to integrate the explanations of the essential components of consciousness.
In science the term 'axiom' is something that can't be derived from other things, but is considered as absolute truth. The consciousness is perfect candidate for axiom, therefore - fundamental. I.e - something we can't explain, but nobody doubted it exists.
6:17 "Does anybody agree with you on that" pretty much sums it up. The kind of consciousness Professor Hoffman has in mind is only a very recent arrival on the cosmic stage. The patch of cosmos that we find ourselves living in has managed to do just fine for 3.6 Billion years, thank you very much, without the need for any conscious agents to dream up a reality.
Time to get Stephen Wolfram on to discuss what he’s doing & his take on consciousness from a computation perspective. This idea makes a lot of sense. Granted, up to now, consciousness seemed intertwined with observer or a sentient beings subjective experience, but if consciousness is foundational, then everything arises from it.
Why? We are biological creatures, just because professional talkers tell you there aren't answers, doesn't make it so. Hell, Hoffman misrepresents real science and the findings of the past couple decades, what he's doing is shameful.
In the past I have experimented with frequencies and plays of consciousness, felt and experienced energies that are hard to put into words. Done research on the void, the shadow, entered faculties of the mind that are scary beyond belief. All things considered when you experience things that are seemingly otherworldly it surprises me that people rarely talk about the fact that even metaphysical explanations of consciousness could be wrong. The more you experience the more you realize you don't know. That's what psychedelic trips do. They bend the structure of reality. And when you feel even just a fraction of what life is capable of you realize that maybe you will never understand life. Even spiritualists who claim to have attained nirvana. Can you really say that you understand life or consciousness when you're only able to comprehend it to the best of your current intelligence or feeling? There is always a possibility that whatever is out transcends even our most conclusive works, and that the whole point of life is just to foolishly evolve.
(6:20) *RLK: "Does anyone agree with you? Nobody at this table does."* ... Robert obviously doesn't agree with Donald's avante garde mathematical approach, but mathematics is absolutely integral to consciousness. Consciousness, logic, and mathematics are all interconnected and interdependent. They represent the *"Wholly Trinity"* of Existence. ... Isolating "mathematics" in an attempt to demonstrate consciousness is doubtful since all three conditions are interconnected. That's like trying to use cells, chemicals, or atoms to articulate what a sentient, self-aware human represents.
Doutor, queres provar a consciência apanha uma bebedeira e quem realmente és se revelará. Ou então apanha um tumor maligno para pesares e medires a tua consciência. Para veres o que ela fará. Este assunto é um campo minado. Porque as entidades são exigentes a quem dão genuíno conhecimento. Por isso está na esfera do oculto. A maçonaria é uma das provas disso. É perigoso este conhecimento por isso Deus o proíbe. Mas Deus o dá a quem tem estofo para isso. Abraço
@@nelsonpinheiro1148 *"Doctor, you want to prove your conscience gets drunk and who you really are will reveal yourself."* ... I'm sorry, but I can't respond intelligently to what you write.
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC amigo doutor, a inteligência não é mecânica com dotes de etiqueta. Ela se revela de inúmeras e misteriosas maneiras. Não fales somente com o intelecto irto. Fala com o coração e terás tanto e melhor desempenho.
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC consciousness proof? Math not fix here, words smoth, heart clear. I speak with no doubt no fear, the truth was revealed in clothes of christ, and the roof of science burn, the foto of consciousness christ is there, my friend. Sorry my bad English.
(1:25) *DH: "... and then, hopefully, what everyone is going after, you know, quantum gravity."* ... Consciousness is synonymous with "information." Consciousness is what is found at the formative core of existence, prior to Big Bang, within every one of us, and within everything that exists. The comprehension of "Quantum Gravity" is _not_ the *big prize* that everyone is seeking. Everyone is seeking the *REASON* why we exist to even contemplate the nature of quantum gravity.
I think consciousness pre-dates matter , namely I personally think consciousness gave rise to the universe (or indeed multiverse)..i think the universe contains its own awareness..and dare I go as far as to say "god" is the ultimate consciousness, though I am not religious. I think consciousness has always existed. It is eternal. It cannot be created NOR can it die, and those whom experience Near Death Experiences seem to get validation of this.
Bingo. People who experience Near death experiences, or mystics from all the worlds spiritual traditions throughout human history. Scientific materialism explains the external material world, but has no ability to explain we’re subjective non-material consciousness originates from.
This guy is totally off the grid. Sam Harris did an interview with this guy a few years ago and didn't know what to make of him, thought he was a loon even though he put it quite a bit more diplomatically than I just did.
Is "sensitivity" ultimate reality? I'm pretty sure it is. How could you get "sensitivity" from "non-sensitivity"? If there exists "something behind" sensitivity (true phisicality perhaps?), it would be hidden and unreachable by consciousness (we could guess but can we trust our intuition?) Consciousness is still a very ambiguous term and many people just can't engage with this kind of conversations because what they understand by just "consciousness" is still much more than simple "sensitivity". Is human-like consciousness ultimate reality? Of course not... Introspection and analisys shows that indeed it is the result of an incredibly complex network of functions, with each function being at the same time another network of functions, and so on... (conscious agents?). But what are those functions? They may be at least sensitive. So here's what I think. Reality is an unbounded, unlocalized, punctual field of sensitive actions. Everything else (matter, space, time, mind, self) is an illusion, experiences and interpretations that emerge from its activity. How do we explain our boundaries and self-centered experiences? It is simple enough if we get to see that experiences are localized functions. Even the experience of being a "centered self" can be splitted and localized in "time", with memories that could be seen as a tale or story that is being told. But, what means for a function to be localized? Well, it is all about how actions are related among themselves. So there could be an infinitesimal amount of conscious experiences, all of them scaling to human beings, scaling to the whole existence... So the structure is incredibly complex, but reality in itself may be pretty simple.
This lands another question. Where does those "sensitive actions" come from? What's the beginning of everything? Well, there may be no beginning at all. I feel nature is just sensitivily active (sensitive of its actions), that may be all. No time, no space... just a growing network of conscious experiences which gets defined in by itself, which actually, somehow, "at the same time", is already complete, since there is no "out" to reference itself in time.
Do Hoffman`s ideas take us closer to an understanding of reality ? What do we mean by `closer` ? Does science take us closer ? Does meditation take us closer ? Science is corporate, informative, representational meaning. Intuition is individual, still, non-informative meaning. Can that distinction ever be eradicated ? Can thinking understand itself, or must it be understood from the stillness within which it arises ? Can thinking understand intuition, or does it take intuition to understand thinking ? How does the subjective conviction of the reality of time arise within an understanding constrained by the nature of life to remain immediate ? Can the status of time as a contextual authority in understanding be reduced ?
I think Robert may have been scraping at a point regarding... tangibility, I guess? Typically the contents of physical measurements have dimensions - a kind of qualitative appendage to stand in for that "tangibility", whereas the contents of psychophysics do not. How would Hoffman expect dimensions to emerge from dimensionless objects?
The case against reality? His neuroscience is excellent, but when he starts getting into quantum physics, he goes off the deep end and misrepresents the field. Definitely recommend reading, though I disagree with his conclusion.
@@uninspired3583 Not really, he is a physicist (I think). With physics, you can remove everything you don’t need and focus only on the part you are interested in. In quantum physics when you are analysing particles, time doesn’t exist. Its not that time doesn’t exist, its only that when you are analysing particles, time isn’t a factor at the quantum level.
@@anthonycraig274 no he's a neuroscientist. Actually he's responsible for some very important advancements in our understanding of the visual cortex. Where I take issue is where he talks about observation in the quantum measurement problem. The consensus in physics currently is that any outside interaction with the system counts as observation, consciousness is not required. If this is the case, it creates a major problem for his justification for idealism. (And yes I understand that time is emergent from quantum fields)
It does not matter how interested I am in the conversation I am being distracted by the constantly moving camera. Are all of these Closer to the Truth videos some kind of ADHD test? They are being Sabotaged for brains that work like mine. The only chance I have is closing my eyes and just trying to listen but so much is lost when I cannot get visual ques from the communicator. The distraction is so strong it is almost like Magician's distraction techniques are being used to disguise the fact that a conversation is taking place here.
Constant hand gesturing right in the camera view by the interviewer was so distracting. Hand gesturing used be a sign of low intelligence, has this change or are we becoming dumber as a species?
Thank you for such and excellent and challenging interview Robert and thank you Donald for your humble and reasoned responses. As a layman I really enjoyed this exchanege. Hats off to the video producer and cinematographer for a beautiful production.
*"The world around you only exist when you are alive and conscious. In other words, our consciousness makes things around us alive."* ...You are equating _consciousness_ to _sentience_ (or restricting _consciousness_ to only being present during _sentience_ ). How do you know that Earth's 8 billion human representatives aren't gathering new information for a single foundational consciousness? How do you know humans aren't tantamount to 8 billion individual workstations all feeding our subjective data to a single server just like senses, observations, and experiences send data to a single brain?
All the work we do as a species creates reality. You, I and everyone around us know, can see that you have a car, the people that created the car from designer to mechanic to the sales guy.. we all agree in other words, we all create reality on a daily basis just by doing what we do as an intelligent beings?
No, it doesn't, we can't know the objective reality even when we are conscious because our biological senses are limited, can't detect all physical influences. Everything is physics, doesn't need to be conscious, works regardless. We can see distances in time and space, so we know the world existed and will remain long after we're all gone. It's because reality can never be nothing, it's always something.
Look I’m no mathematician so I may be wrong here, but this doesn’t really have anything to do with consciousness. If he’s trying to simulate a humans reaction to stimuli that’s one thing, but this definitely isn’t going to solve what consciousness is and how to quantify it. If anything they can nail down how the human brain responds on a blanket level.
So, let's assume he's right- that consciousness is ultimate reality. What good is knowing that? Does it mean we don't have to suffer and die? Or does it mean that all the suffering and dying is an illusion? Don't tell that to someone nearing death. What makes more sense to me is that consciousness is as real as matter and energy- it's the 3rd component and they are all interchangeable- the way Einstein showed that matter and energy are interchangeable. So, I think all 3 are the same but we need a new name for the sum of the 3. Einstein's famous equation needs to add this 3rd variable.
I am sure that Mr Hoffman is far clever than I am; but, having read his book as well, I sense there is a fundamental flaw in his reasoning. He makes the valid point that those who believe that consciousness emerges from the physical, always get to a certain point where they have to somehow "magic" consciousness into existence. Hoffman's solution, however, is almost identical, the only difference being that, by starting with the premise that consciousness is fundamental, without a shred of evidence, he simply "magics" consciousness into existence right at the outset, rather than later.
That's no different from the physicalist and materialists who make the fundamental assumption that energy has always existed, and cannot be created nor destroyed and from there they create models of the big bang, inflation...etc. Every model of reality has to start with a fundamental assumption, Otherwise, no scientific theory can ever be created. Starting with consciousness to explain reality is no less valid than physicists starting with eternal energy which then produces the universe we currently live in. What Hoffman is proposing is that the current materialist physics will always fail to explain consciousness on top of making other fundamental assumptions about reality (cosmological principle, Conservation of energy..etc). If he can derive all the current laws of the universe from his model of consciousness, Then he'll be making fewer assumptions to explain the universe than the current theories, Because in that case, the only fundamental assumption is consciousness and nothing else.
@@ramim.j2091 we don't have to make assumptions about what is fundamental. We can make hypothesis based on observation, and test them against predictions to build models. Models that give us reliable data are valuable, hypothesis that can't be tested less so.
@@uninspired3583 Then we might as well throw out all of theoretical physics and most of cosmology Because all of them require fundamental assumptions about the universe to even work. How can anyone study cosmology, Or claim there was a big bang without basic assumptions like of universality of laws of physics, Cosmological principle...etc. No cosmologist went around the universe and quantitively checked whether the laws of physics work the same as in here. Yes, You don't need fundamental assumptions when studying something as the molecular reactions in a lab. But when you're trying to explain origin of the universe, reality and discover the theory of everything, Fundamental assumptions are inevitable.
The fundamental conclusion of new physics and technology is that the Cosmos fundamentally behaves like a universal quantum computer which is a machine that is capable of constructing anything that is possible. In this scenario hyper-computation and super-information derives quantum physics. Then computation and information derives general relativity. Consciousness would derive from taking the output of a parallel computation as input and performing a serial computation on it to get an output.
@@evaadam3635 That is Stephen Wolfram’s theory not mine. That guy is the definition of a genius he dropped out of high school and made billions by developing his own programming language.
We are all humans, so we all share the same experience of existence. But individual perception of reality can be very different, so the only thing we actually share are human senses and thinking. And something else, obviously we all exist in a physical world, mostly completely devoid of live. Everything we can see in space are ordinary matter and energy potentials. Living beings are also made from the same matter, our thoughts are the same kind of energy we can see in an atmosphere of many other planets. Nobody has ever seen anything that doesn't comfort to rules of general physics, the only difference is a living process, found only on our planet so far. And only humans are actually conscious, no other form of life can use symbolic language and creative imagination, to craft various tools and learn more about reality expanding well over physical reaches of a living habitat. But what do we actually mean by matter, it's lumps of molecules, made from many kinds of atomic elements, that are composed of and exchange natural forces at all times. The same goes for living and ordinary matter, the same nuclear physics and chemistry apply to both modes of material existence. The same goes also with gas and other fluids, even vacuum of space is sort of the same. So we have to make certain distinctions, since all natural phenomena obviously don't behave the same. Consciousness is something molecules of our neural cells are doing on their own. We are like life inside a life, the body produces cognitive functions, and those abilities describe individual experiences. Our body imagined our personality into existence. People are not conscious, not really, we learn to became intelligent by living in organized and civilized societies. We share symbols, concepts, ideas, knowledge, mimic each other behavior,... Human is not conscious if he got born alone in the jungle, survive somehow and has never seen another human. Two people are something else, natural cognitive abilities will produce some sort of synergy among similar brains. So our thought perception arise naturally, we became conscious with upbringing and living on a civilized planet, and we develop our own, unique and individual field of memories and thoughts over life. Consciousness is not fundamental, we can see simulated cognitive and social abilities in our artificial machines, guided by our mathematical ideas. Mind is a physical process between molecules of stuff, but it's also a natural state of being and self-induced actions. This is why we use many separated fields of knowledge in scientific model, one type of nuclear interactions describe ordinary matter, another set of equations describes chemistry in various cells, psychology is dealing with cognitive processes and other anomalies. We don't have a theory of everything, so human intelligent self awareness is only another set of physical equations, regardless it's also a force driving that whole exploration of reality and self thing. And we're getting good at this, our experiments have raised humanity above all other life and our powers grew so strong we actually changed the flow of natural forces over the surface of the entire planet. We are so lucky, our planet is dumb and unaware of our existence.
@@nelsonpinheiro1148 Of course, that was the purpose of my comment, to show how conscious phenomena can be explained without any divine or supernatural influences. It seems you don't understand any reasoning if God is not even mentioned in that context.
Meu caro, estás absolutamente enganado. Deus, é a razão da absoluta mudança de consciência. Tão simples. Dá-te extrema libido e não a usas a nível sexual. Tens mutações extremas e céleres. Vai doer. Resultado vais vê-lo e ser o seu templo para ele actuar através de ti.
@@nelsonpinheiro1148 Yes, i can use Google Translate and figure out what you're saying. But please mind this is a global channel, not many people speak Portuguese, so you're mostly talking to a wall, or a language barrier, to be more precise. I bother with reply because you post your crap under my comment, not because you actually have to say something interesting.
@@xspotbox4400 há uma diferença entre nós. Tu expressas verborreia eu expresso o verbo. Tu falas sem praticidade do que dizes. Eu falo com prática. Conheces por ouvir dizer. Eu conheço pela estrada mais dolorosa. Fica bem.
"A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. AS observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a "mental" construction. - R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University , “The Mental Universe” ; (Nature 436:29,2005) … … … … "The observer gives the world the power to come into being, through the very act of giving meaning to that world; in brief, No consciousness; no communicating community to establish meaning? Then no world!" - Physicist John Wheeler … Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”
Consciousness is non-computable (per Penrose), but It is fundamental. There is NO mathematical model of C. since IT is the Transcendental Absolute. Shankara went into C. (Brahman) in great philosophical detail and mentioned how C. bridges the gap into our apparent world of space and time. This is covered in verse 21 of Soundarya Lahiri. While you're waiting for the mathematical model, tap directly into and merge with Pure Consciousness. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra- Sacred Sounds Choir" and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks.
In addition to assigning numbers to probabilities for consciousness, might also try to assign numbers to brain processing of DNA programming, if brain processes information from DNA programming?
Consciousnesses is the measurement of atoms/electrons in an object. Meaning a rock or flower pot, is conscious. What matters is the level of consciousness. Sentience in consciousness is a human construct used in order to separate man from sand. If one neural pathway had a grain of sand missing, you might forget how to breathe. #rotaercmai
If you are asserting that natural physical law allows atoms/electrons to freely choose on its own to believe in God the Holy Spirit, then your Consciousness must be overloaded with grains of sand... you are funny
I think the explanation for consciousness or its absence bores down to godel incompleteness thorems: no system can both be complete and consistent (the eye cannot see itself). So like mathematics cannot prove it truth using mathematics, it understandable for consciousness to not be able to prove its existence. However, the idea that mind or consciousness exists is outside the frame neuroscience, because the brain has no central cpu amalgamating its different part. Hence, no mind.
I think the best argument is, conciousness can only increase or decrease in complexity. From infinitesimally small to infinitely large. Our conciousness is just a more complex version of atoms interacting etc. Where different properties of our conciousness have arisen, as our conciousness has increased in complexity.
Maybe Albert Einstein was right, when he stated, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Anil Seth seems to agree with Albert’s opinion. “We are all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.” Anil Seth … neuroscientist.
Why is no one starting from the root of the project "consciousness"? using language for all explanations but not being aware that, that is the second step of describing reality. Creating new words to adjust for every new thought is simply an addition of theory to the searched matter. With mathematics came a welcomed subject to figure and measure but not for all instances. The mystery of the brain is no mystery if we go step by step creating a map. Brains are like cities. They're governed by a political party, they can have a healthy management or not, they have unique infrastructure similar to others, and they can be influenced both ways. Meaning, we have to know everything about that city to fully explain the role it plays for the whole nation. We're not conscious that we're using consciousness against its projection. It's because of the external influenced informations that leads to an unusual projection.
It is our physical body that can die and rot when its elements disorganizes.... on the other hand, our Consciousness can not die because it is not physical, meaning, it has no physical elements to disorganize. I beleve Consciousness/Awareness is our free immortal aware soul that survives after our physical body dies.
Your body isn't real. It's an icon in your perceptual interface so death is also not real in the literal sense. It is just an appearance of a process in someone else's interface.
Assigning a number to John's color perception does not explain what the subjective experience of color perception is or where and how it arises. It is similar to how Newton was able to measure the force of gravity between two masses in space without telling us what the origin of gravity is. The problem of consciousness is purely pivoted around attempts to explain the origin of our subjective self and experience and Hoffman's theory does not point in that direction.
Signals that aren't string-like in the sense of string theory, or something near enough, are first: prior to Me, Who Is prior to Him, and, therefore, also Her Who Is The Original Nobility, called Lucy666.
Assigning consciousness a mathematical equation is the same as trying to assign a mathematical equation to "god, the source, Brahman" or whatever name you give it. There are no words, no letters and no numbers to describe it. Words, numbers and equations rose out of it. They did not exist before it and are nothing more than humanities attempt to assign concepts and meaning to it. Just my opinion.
Having a model of a phenomenon doesn't mean to have a descriptive mathematics but a predictive one. And it look so far away from bring there. It look ls to me so odd the idea of a predictive mathematical model of a subjective experience.
No. The created minds also need the Servant of Creation which is similar to an AI system. As created minds begin processing the tiny vibrations into visible images, the Servant comes alive and forms a living being in a fake 3D world. The Servant observes the images and is able to hear, speak, smell, taste, feel emotions, and feel various pressures from the senses of touch.
@@5piles acordou, deu forma a si mesmo, e apareceu em pessoa pela primeira vez. Depois gerou seu filho, depois o seu espírito. Eis a santíssima Trindade.
@@BradHolkesvigthe first step is perfect concentration. without that your information and even ability to think is seriously impaired, and you will remain stuck repeating easily dismantled positions
Is consciousness ultimate reality? No. And there cannot be a mathematical model for consciousness since consciousness is not just computation... Gödel rules...
Let me take the example of God. God has all the power, all the goodness, all the knowledge 'by default'. He hasn't worked hard for it. It's like a 'free fund'. Similarly, we have consciousness/free will as a 'free fund'. Thoughts come and go in our mind on their own. I myself don't know what thought will come into my mind, say after 5 minutes, 10 minutes etc. It's a 'free fund'.
Consciousness cannot be mathematically modeled, because consciousness has internal conflicts, whereas mathematics requires consistency. Mathematics isn't the language of nature; Saṅskṛt is.
Let's break it down, obviously we can split some body of knowledge into smaller bits, then model and control those individually. So Sanskrit is just another language, same goes with mathematics, it's only tools we use, symbols, words or numbers don't mean a thing if not applied to specific physical or ideological concepts.
@@xspotbox4400 Mathematics cannot distinguish between numbers that represent objects (cardinals), activities (Gödel numbers), and concepts (ordinals), and consequently it is potentially ambiguous. Saṅskṛt unambiguously conveys meanings. The Saṅskṛt alphabet represents the fundamental meanings of creation and manifests itself on the cakras. The Vedas indicate Saṅskṛt is nature's programming language.
@@PaulHoward108 Mathematics is symbols and axioms, we also have this thing called a number theory. Please tell me one great achievement developed through the use of Sanskrit or a mysticism surrounding some ancient nonsense, don't you think such an advanced technology should produce something useful and meaningful? If chakras are real and important feature of a body, don't you think people all over the world would use them to actually help somebody? None of the things you are mentioning makes any sense, it's only ideology, stuff you choose to believe in, have very little to do with the real world.
What if, a discarded or forgotten idea or thought is "dark energy"? the collective conscious potential is a denominator and actuality is the numerator. so, as the "potential" grows, it expands our universe and devalues our reality. And the only way to stop the universe from expanding outward indefinitely is to collectively convert potential self into actual self.
Well basing claim on psychophysics is quite problematic. Psychopphsic to my knowledge is considering very old out dated scientific method some aspect of it it's still used today sure but the over all thing is quite problematic. I have also disagreement with bayesian I am on the minority here but there is couple of really good claims against it to my opinion
Idealism is the correct view everything is in Consciousness just as fish are in the Ocean. Kastrup is the chap who argue for idealism with the greatest of parsimony his books are great reads and elucidate this emerging philosophy in the Occident. Start off with Dreamed up Reality that is exactly what is going on then look at Tim Freake's little booklet Lucid Living to become conscious of this dream world.
Interesting. But the obsession of looking at Consciousness as an extension of Mathematics and physics is addictive . See the other way round to find mathematics and physics as an outcome of consciousness in its material manifestation. Consciousness is the source of all the universal laws but it is more than all the laws known and unknown and also it is which can create New laws according to the creative principles yet to be known. Mathematics and physics may be connecting principles between Consciousness and Matter. Just processes that are applied by Consciousness in the process of creating Matter. They are tools to make some thing and that something can be explained by the tools but not the one which is using the tools.
We have sufficient knowledge and resources to satisfy all human needs, but lust, greed and ego can't be satisfied. For what we want to know consciousness .its for sure not for happiness and peace in the world .
Consciousness mathematically modeled... interesting, because I think this would imply that artificial intelligence is possible and that would finally solve the mind body problem.
This is clearly wrong. If this is a simulation (space-time) - to assume, that the rudimentary A.I. features of NPC characters comes out of the pixels, and the textures, of the video game simulation, is simply wrong. These NPC characters have SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS, which are completely SEPARATE from the textures, from the 3D design, or the 2D, if the game is older and two-dimensional. They have to do withtheir movements and reactions, they are NOT GENERATED in relation with the textures, or the visual design. This, by the way, seriously points towards the dualist view. Consciousness is somehow separate from the physical reality, and is more like immersed into it, and interacting with it, rather than generating the physical surroundings. Neither it is generated by the physical surroundings, apart from evolution: but evolution is not consciousness; it is statistical selection. It is separated, it requires additional very complex instructions. Just like the architecture of a microchip is millions of times more complex, rather than a light bulb. Same with consciousness, versus non conscious physical and organic materials.
Your idea strays in the sense your idea of a simulation and what we are currently capable of today VS a possible quantum supreme race millions of years ahead of us in the future. Are two potentially radically different things. All this man is saying is we are at the core just information. In a simulation I believe could be radically incomprehensible to anything we know of now. I find with ultimate questions, the more you humble yourself when in relation the the universe, things start to make more sense.
Ok so I thought this was always the point? Why do you explain what you need to do instead of explain what you're going to do and how you're doing it? I like Donald I really do but the things he says doesn't give any insight to the things that need rooted.
Donald Hoffman is talking about mathematically modelling consciousness and using those models to predict things in the real world. Thereby we can see that consciousness is fundamental and the material world is in fact, the contents of consciousness.
Which mean he is bullshiting
Is Donald Hoffman a dataist? Bless the interviewer, of whom seems to speak from a place of consciousness. I understand and hear Donald but the current math available is out of scope.
@@GoGetFree Did you read his papers? Go read, theres the math. I'm not educated when it comes to math, but it might be of some use for you.
@@GoGetFree The maths to do it already exist. It is ontological mathematics: Euler’s formula, Fourier transform and even calculus if used ontologically ( All in the context of the Leibniz’s monad) can give all the right answers to existence, bridging the gap of the mind/body problem.
@@AthariAcademy not according to Hoffman. The material world is our perception of consciousness.
I actually love interviews like this where two people can disagree without being disrespectful to each other or the interview trying to catch him in an awkward position for clicks and views. I also like the Hoffman can defend against critiques of his theory. I understand what Hoffman is saying and I agree with him on his theory, but I also understand why the interviewer has doubts. Hoffman admits his theory is probably wrong, but the strength of it is in his mathematical model which differentiates it from other things like the Simulation theory which has no math backing it. It's just a cool, hip theory.
Consciousness is fundamental and some day soon materialistic science will have to deal with it, if there is to be further true progress.
'the eye cannot see itself" there is no other state apart from consciousness. so we can not see(i.e.grasp/undersatnd)consciousness..?
@pouya thank you.
I love this approach, but I kind of disagree with the conclusion. (Or maybe, I am misunderstanding you?). It's very true 'the finger can't point at itself', 'the eye cannot see itself', but the unique property of consciousness is it CAN observe itself. And since we know that self-referencing systems break science and logic, I don't think science will ever effectively explain consciousness, because it is self-referencing.
@@hckytwn3192 neuroscience will never explain consciousness because consciousness is more than brain. as for science explaining consciousness, i doubt we will reach that point either.
Awareness is very very strange.
@@damienroberts934 and unexplainable
Finally you are giving this guy some light!!
And it's just mistake
Blown away by the video quality here. Top notch. 👌🏻
6:18 “Does anybody agree with you on that?” and “Nobody at this table does” is the most direct I've heard Mr Kuhn disagree with a guest. I appreciate it because this guy was not convincing.
Still, he can only say for half the table. 50% divergence is better than most premature claims lol
Consciousness means “that which knows” or “the state of being aware”, from the Latin prefix “con” (with), the stem “scire” (to know) and the suffix “osus” (characterized by). There is BOTH a localized knowing and a Universal Awareness, as explicated in the following paragraphs.
Higher species of animal life have sufficient cognitive ability to KNOW themselves and their environment, at least to a measurable degree. Just where consciousness objectively begins in the animal kingdom is a matter of contention but, judging purely by ethological means, it probably starts with vertebrates (at least the higher-order birds and fishes). Those metazoans which are evolutionarily lower than vertebrates do not possess much, if any, semblance of intellect, necessary for true knowledge, but operate purely by reflexive instincts. For instance, an insect or amphibian does not consciously decide to seek food but does so according to its base instincts, directed by its idiosyncratic genetic code. Even when a cockroach flees from danger, it is not experiencing the same kind of thoughts or feelings a human or other mammal would experience.
The brain is merely a conduit or TRANSDUCER of Universal Consciousness (i.e. Brahman), explaining why the more intelligent the animal, the more it can understand its own existence (or at least be aware of more of its environment - just see how amazingly-complex dolphin and whale behaviour can be, compared with other aquatic species), and the reason why it is asserted that a truly enlightened human must possess a far higher level of intelligence than the average person. The processing unit of a supercomputer must be far larger, more complex and more powerful than the processor in a pocket calculator. Therefore, it seems logical to conclude that the scale of discrete (localized) consciousness is dependent on the animal's brain capacity.
See Chapter 17 to understand the distinction between enlightenment and mere awakening.
Three STATES of awareness are experienced by humans and possibly all other species of mammals:
the waking state (“jāgrata”, in Sanskrit), dreaming (“svapna”, in Sanskrit), and deep-sleep (“suṣupti”, in Sanskrit). Beyond these three temporal states is the fourth “state” (“turīya” or “caturīya”, in Sanskrit). That is the unconditioned, eternal “state”, which underlies the other three.
The waking state is the LEAST real (that is to say the least permanent, or to put it another way, the farthest from the Necessary Ground of Existence, as explained towards the end of this chapter). The dream state is closer to our eternal nature, whilst dreamless deep-sleep is much more analogous to The Universal Self (“brahman”), as it is imbued with peace. Rather than being an absence of awareness, deep-sleep is an awareness of absence (that is, the absence of phenomenal, sensual experiences). So, in actual fact, the fourth state is not a state, but the Unconditioned Ground of Being, or to put it simply, YOU, the real self/Self, or Existence-Awareness-Peace (“sacchidānanda”, in Sanskrit).
Perhaps the main purpose of dreams is so that we can understand that the waking-state is practically indistinguishable to the dream-state, and thereby come to see the ILLUSION of this ephemeral world. Both our waking-state experiences and our dream-state experiences occur solely within the mental faculties (refer to Chapter 04 for an elucidation of this phenomenon). If somebody in one of your dreams were to ask your dream-state character if the dream was real, you (playing the part of that character) would most likely say, “yes, of course this is real!” Similarly, if someone were to ask your waking-state character if this world is real, you would almost undoubtedly respond in kind.
An apt analogy for Universal Consciousness is the manner in which electricity powers a variety of appliances and gadgets, according to the use and COMPLEXITY of the said device. Electricity powers a washing machine in a very simple manner, to drive a large spindle for laundering clothes. However, the very same electrical power may be used to operate a computer to manifest an astonishing range of outputs, such as playing audiovisual tracks, communication tasks, and performing extremely advanced mathematical computations, depending on the computer's software and hardware. The more advanced/complex the device, the more complex its manifestation of the same electricity.
Using the aforementioned computer analogy: the brain is COMPARATIVELY equivalent to the computer hardware, deoxyribonucleic acid akin to the operating system working in conjunction with the memory, the intellect is equivalent to the processing unit, individuated consciousness is analogous to the software programme, whilst Universal Awareness is likened to the electricity which enlivens the entire computer system.
A person who is comatosed has lost any semblance of local consciousness, yet is being kept alive by the presence of Universal Consciousness.
The fact that many persons report out-of-body experiences, where consciousness departs from the gross body, may be evidence for the above.
So, then, following-on from the assertion made in the third paragraph, one could complain: “That's not fair - why can only a genius be enlightened?” (as defined in Chapter 17). The answer is: first of all, as stated above, every species of animal has its own level of intelligence on a wide-ranging scale. Therefore, a pig or a dog could (if possible) ask: “That's unfair - why can only a human being be enlightened?”
Secondly, it is INDEED a fact that life is unfair, because there is no “tit for tat” law of action and reaction, even if many supposedly-great religious preceptors have stated so. They said so because they were preaching to wicked miscreants who refused to quit their evil ways, and needed to be chastized in a forceful manner. It is not possible to speak gentle words to a rabid dog to prevent it from biting you.
There is evidence of Consciousness being a universal field, in SAVANT SYNDROME, a condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrate certain abilities far in excess of the norm, such as superhuman rapid mathematical calculation, mind-reading, blind-seeing, or astounding musical aptitude. Such behaviour suggests that there is a universal field (possibly in holographic form) from which one can access information. Even simple artistic inspiration could be attributed to this phenomenon. The great British singer-songwriter, Sir James Paul McCartney, one day woke with the complete tune of the song, “Yesterday”, in his mind, after hearing it in a dream. American composer, Paul Simon, had a similar experience when the chorus of his sublime masterpiece, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, simply popped into his head.
Perhaps, perhaps not. But a few quick points, a) Dr Hoffman is an eminent physicist with tenure, and who is working on a novel solution to perhaps the most intractable problem in all of science. And where a total of zero progress has been made this far using more conventional methodologies b) he is humble enough to state upfront that he is "Almost certainly wrong", but that hopefully science can benefit from his errors, and, c) he was considerate enough not to draw attention to Roberts erroneous (and quite frankly baffling) belief that Newtons law of universal gravitation should be multiplied by the speed of light, squared! And, finally, the issue that Robert found so alien - that a persons, experiences could be assigned certain values in much the same way as a persons, say, intelligence could be - is not a field of study related specifically to Dr Hoffmans work here. One is left with the very
@@eksffa I'm sorry, but could you please vague that statement up for me a little?
The guy isn't supposed to be convincing, read his and his teams papers pal.
Why do people cling with such ferocity to the belief in a mind-independent reality? It is surely because if there is no such reality, then ultimately (as far as we can know) mind alone exists. And if mind is not a product of real matter, but rather is the creator of the illusion of material reality (which has, in fact, despite the materialists, been known to be the case, since the discovery of quantum mechanics in 1925), then a theistic view of our existence becomes the only rational alternative to solipsism."
~ Richard Conn Henry is an Academy Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, author of one book and over 200 publications on the topics of astrophysics and various forms of astronomy.
Quantum mechanics hasn't shown materialism is an illusion, it only updated our understanding of its nature, which started already way before quantum mechanics by the way. Yet an another all too typical use of quantum mechanics strangeness to claim confirmation of outlandish views.
@@2CSST2 Agreed. Too many think they can transfer Quantum Weirdness from the minuscule at the very boundary between matter and energy. The folks like Hoffman play on that fantasy for fun and profit.
Short answer - Thinking/awareness/consciousness is real. Physicality is an effect caused by the interaction of awareness/intent upon the ether/quantum field/source (whatever you wish to call it).
...awareness/intent upon GOD... ;D hehe
Thank you for having Donald Hoffman on your show.
I just wanna say y love donald hoffman and i LOVEEEEEE Robert. Big time fan! Keep it up please
What do you "love" about it? I'm truly curious.
@@citizenschallengeYT wich of the 2?
@@danielgonzaleznader7387 Hoffman.
_Thank you for caring about the Truth, may many Blessings and Wishing Formulas be bestowed upon you, your friends, family and loved ones. Regards, Alex._
If Space-Time is doomed, does that mean the argument of free will vs determinism is also doomed. Both these contradicting theories assume a linear passage of time with one event affecting another or the order of events already having been determined. However, with Prof. Hoffman's idea, if Space-Time is a construct, then what was, what is and what will be is the same... or have I misunderstood his ideas?
Well, physics certainly isn't going to advance us any further any time soon. So I suspect we're going to need radically different approaches, in combination with what we make of physics, if we are to advance any further in our understanding of reality. Donald is a smart man.. much more intelligent than I. So I'm not going to judge how he thinks, because he is at least attempting to advance us in our understanding of reality.
Advances us to the ground.
Our only access to both a physical object (like a chair) and a mental object (such as a thought) are through experience. They are both, therefore, categories of experience. Hoffman is correct, therefore, in his monistic view that all is experience (i.e. consciousness).
Hoffman made great points and dare to go beyond the traditional thinking.
If consciousness is the ultimate reality, which it is, then the current science will have to re-written with physics not the bottom-most or the most fundamental layer of science. It has to be consciousness.
By extending this thought, if we keep drilling deeper into existing established theories with mathematics then we could naturally end up with a mathematical theory of consciousness.
In this case, both theory of general relativity (GR) and theory of quantum physics (QM) should be in some ways describing consciousness and not purely physics. The debates on roles of consciousness in QM are still on-going while is GR purely physical? The fact that time is symmetrical in GR (physics) but our experiences tell us it is only one-way shows that physics cannot be right. We also know that time and space are also observers dependent.
Both GR and QM are not final theories. The theory that unifies both is string theory and string theory is a mathematical theory of consciousness. However, we need to understand what consciousness is. According to Yogacara Buddhism, consciousness is not limited to just human. There are "conscious beings" which consist of pure and non-organic matter and even without matter. These beings are well defined in Yogacara Buddhism and they are planets, stars, nebulae, black holes, and white holes (no matter can get in). String theory being able to describe these objects shows that it is infact a mathematical theory of Yogacara Buddhism.
David Foo, you write "consciousness is the ultimate reality" But consciousness is the result of living biological Beings interacting with a constantly changing (time does move ever forward) environment. You know what one of the most fundamental observations of our existence is? Here's my contender: 'Appreciation of the Human Mindscape, Physical Reality divide.'
We didn't pop into existence, we are part of Earth's billions of years old dance between geology and biology, which begat life, which begat awareness that evolved into ever more complex consciousness as creatures and environments got more complex.
After we're done destroying Earth's current biosphere as we know it, Earth and life will continue without us and our egoistical self-awareness consciousness,
although it's questionable if anything as spectacular as the past ten thousand, or few hundred-thousand (if you want to quibble) of years, have been.
@@petermiesler9452your comment is base on the existence of time. But according to hoffman and others, time is a product of our minds. Hence I am not sure about your statement.
Somehow, the idea that consciousness is the non subjective sea our brains play in, tune into, work with, seems intuitively true.
Why do you think that intuition is reliable?
@@uninspired3583 It's not. But sometimes it is. About things no-one would have thought about. It's valuable.
@@damienroberts934 agree. Intuition is useful.
Intuition gets trained through experience. So if the subject is applicable to the training done, intuition can be useful.
Modern science has allowed us to expand knowledge beyond what we have immediate access to. Here, intuition becomes less reliable.
The Cosmos is fundamentally counterintuitive so our intuition will inevitably fail when attempting to accurately describe reality.
I feel like i listened to this interview 3 times already. Its great interview, but ive seen it, probably here.
One of those 3 times is in your dream
@@andromaxbse6459 Maybe I posted the comment after watching this latest one🤔
@@DestroManiak Sadly Hoffman is a master at beating his own drum, and has dozens of talks out there, repeating the same storyline, I can't seem to get away from him - every time I turn around RUclips is pushing yet another one on me.
the work he introduced is basically to describe consciousness in mathematical language. the difficulty is not the complexity of mathematical models but still consciousness itself.
You forgot " novel predictions" part
Frequent recent opinions in the discussion about the essence of consciousness refer to phenomena occurring outside (above) the brain. Usually an unresolved so-called “hard problem” is mentioned. It is true that the experience of qualia is difficult to explain by processes of the described neural networks. So I believe that an effective theory of consciousness should be based on the integration of several known theories of consciousness. In particular, the theory of neural circuits realizing imagery should be integrated with the "conscious electromagnetic information field theory (cemi)". One of the theories included in an effective explanation of the essence of consciousness should also be one of the theories linking the experience of qualia with the physics (fine structure)
of the Universe. We published recently an article [ Neural Circuits, Microtubule Processing, Brain's Electromagnetic Field - Components of Self-Awareness. Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 984. ]
which shows how to integrate the explanations of the essential components of consciousness.
In science the term 'axiom' is something that can't be derived from other things, but is considered as absolute truth. The consciousness is perfect candidate for axiom, therefore - fundamental. I.e - something we can't explain, but nobody doubted it exists.
Just because we can't explaining it for now, doesn't making it as absoluth truth and fundamentals.
@@andromaxbse6459 persistence of consciousness is a self-proven truth. It is like the sentence "thoughts exist"
@@Upuaut4572 Nice🤔
6:17 "Does anybody agree with you on that" pretty much sums it up.
The kind of consciousness Professor Hoffman has in mind is only a very recent arrival on the cosmic stage. The patch of cosmos that we find ourselves living in has managed to do just fine for 3.6 Billion years, thank you very much, without the need for any conscious agents to dream up a reality.
Time to get Stephen Wolfram on to discuss what he’s doing & his take on consciousness from a computation perspective. This idea makes a lot of sense. Granted, up to now, consciousness seemed intertwined with observer or a sentient beings subjective experience, but if consciousness is foundational, then everything arises from it.
Why? We are biological creatures, just because professional talkers tell you there aren't answers, doesn't make it so. Hell, Hoffman misrepresents real science and the findings of the past couple decades, what he's doing is shameful.
Mathematical models are fine but how do you actually observe real consciousness to map to your model?
Map contents of consciousness through reporting against neural activity
@@uninspired3583 neural activity is far away to maps the complexity of consiousness.
Is there a way to measure consciousness, or physically detect existence, other than experience? For consciousness are numbers assigned to experience?
michiu kaku..(physicist).. has porposed such a ting..
Great videos! Thanks
Very good discussion 🙏🙏🙏🙏
In the past I have experimented with frequencies and plays of consciousness, felt and experienced energies that are hard to put into words. Done research on the void, the shadow, entered faculties of the mind that are scary beyond belief. All things considered when you experience things that are seemingly otherworldly it surprises me that people rarely talk about the fact that even metaphysical explanations of consciousness could be wrong. The more you experience the more you realize you don't know. That's what psychedelic trips do. They bend the structure of reality. And when you feel even just a fraction of what life is capable of you realize that maybe you will never understand life. Even spiritualists who claim to have attained nirvana. Can you really say that you understand life or consciousness when you're only able to comprehend it to the best of your current intelligence or feeling? There is always a possibility that whatever is out transcends even our most conclusive works, and that the whole point of life is just to foolishly evolve.
Everything is consciousness
(6:20) *RLK: "Does anyone agree with you? Nobody at this table does."* ... Robert obviously doesn't agree with Donald's avante garde mathematical approach, but mathematics is absolutely integral to consciousness. Consciousness, logic, and mathematics are all interconnected and interdependent. They represent the *"Wholly Trinity"* of Existence. ... Isolating "mathematics" in an attempt to demonstrate consciousness is doubtful since all three conditions are interconnected.
That's like trying to use cells, chemicals, or atoms to articulate what a sentient, self-aware human represents.
Doutor, queres provar a consciência apanha uma bebedeira e quem realmente és se revelará. Ou então apanha um tumor maligno para pesares e medires a tua consciência. Para veres o que ela fará. Este assunto é um campo minado. Porque as entidades são exigentes a quem dão genuíno conhecimento. Por isso está na esfera do oculto. A maçonaria é uma das provas disso. É perigoso este conhecimento por isso Deus o proíbe. Mas Deus o dá a quem tem estofo para isso. Abraço
@@nelsonpinheiro1148 *"Doctor, you want to prove your conscience gets drunk and who you really are will reveal yourself."*
... I'm sorry, but I can't respond intelligently to what you write.
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC amigo doutor, a inteligência não é mecânica com dotes de etiqueta. Ela se revela de inúmeras e misteriosas maneiras. Não fales somente com o intelecto irto. Fala com o coração e terás tanto e melhor desempenho.
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC consciousness proof? Math not fix here, words smoth, heart clear. I speak with no doubt no fear, the truth was revealed in clothes of christ, and the roof of science burn, the foto of consciousness christ is there, my friend. Sorry my bad English.
(1:25) *DH: "... and then, hopefully, what everyone is going after, you know, quantum gravity."* ... Consciousness is synonymous with "information." Consciousness is what is found at the formative core of existence, prior to Big Bang, within every one of us, and within everything that exists. The comprehension of "Quantum Gravity" is _not_ the *big prize* that everyone is seeking. Everyone is seeking the *REASON* why we exist to even contemplate the nature of quantum gravity.
Forgive my words. You are a good person.
This guy is turning what people thought science could be upon its head
I think consciousness pre-dates matter , namely I personally think consciousness gave rise to the universe (or indeed multiverse)..i think the universe contains its own awareness..and dare I go as far as to say "god" is the ultimate consciousness, though I am not religious. I think consciousness has always existed. It is eternal. It cannot be created NOR can it die, and those whom experience Near Death Experiences seem to get validation of this.
Bingo. People who experience Near death experiences, or mystics from all the worlds spiritual traditions throughout human history.
Scientific materialism explains the external material world, but has no ability to explain we’re subjective non-material consciousness originates from.
@@jankelsey9738 bit can make precise novel predictions
This guy is totally off the grid. Sam Harris did an interview with this guy a few years ago and didn't know what to make of him, thought he was a loon even though he put it quite a bit
more diplomatically than I just did.
Is "sensitivity" ultimate reality? I'm pretty sure it is. How could you get "sensitivity" from "non-sensitivity"? If there exists "something behind" sensitivity (true phisicality perhaps?), it would be hidden and unreachable by consciousness (we could guess but can we trust our intuition?)
Consciousness is still a very ambiguous term and many people just can't engage with this kind of conversations because what they understand by just "consciousness" is still much more than simple "sensitivity".
Is human-like consciousness ultimate reality? Of course not... Introspection and analisys shows that indeed it is the result of an incredibly complex network of functions, with each function being at the same time another network of functions, and so on... (conscious agents?). But what are those functions? They may be at least sensitive.
So here's what I think.
Reality is an unbounded, unlocalized, punctual field of sensitive actions. Everything else (matter, space, time, mind, self) is an illusion, experiences and interpretations that emerge from its activity.
How do we explain our boundaries and self-centered experiences? It is simple enough if we get to see that experiences are localized functions. Even the experience of being a "centered self" can be splitted and localized in "time", with memories that could be seen as a tale or story that is being told.
But, what means for a function to be localized? Well, it is all about how actions are related among themselves. So there could be an infinitesimal amount of conscious experiences, all of them scaling to human beings, scaling to the whole existence...
So the structure is incredibly complex, but reality in itself may be pretty simple.
This lands another question.
Where does those "sensitive actions" come from? What's the beginning of everything? Well, there may be no beginning at all. I feel nature is just sensitivily active (sensitive of its actions), that may be all.
No time, no space... just a growing network of conscious experiences which gets defined in by itself, which actually, somehow, "at the same time", is already complete, since there is no "out" to reference itself in time.
Do Hoffman`s ideas take us closer to an understanding of reality ?
What do we mean by `closer` ? Does science take us closer ? Does meditation take us closer ? Science is corporate, informative, representational meaning. Intuition is individual, still, non-informative meaning. Can that distinction ever be eradicated ?
Can thinking understand itself, or must it be understood from the stillness within which it arises ? Can thinking understand intuition, or does it take intuition to understand thinking ?
How does the subjective conviction of the reality of time arise within an understanding constrained by the nature of life to remain immediate ?
Can the status of time as a contextual authority in understanding be reduced ?
I think Robert may have been scraping at a point regarding... tangibility, I guess? Typically the contents of physical measurements have dimensions - a kind of qualitative appendage to stand in for that "tangibility", whereas the contents of psychophysics do not. How would Hoffman expect dimensions to emerge from dimensionless objects?
I have his book but yet to read it.
The case against reality?
His neuroscience is excellent, but when he starts getting into quantum physics, he goes off the deep end and misrepresents the field.
Definitely recommend reading, though I disagree with his conclusion.
@@uninspired3583 Not really, he is a physicist (I think). With physics, you can remove everything you don’t need and focus only on the part you are interested in. In quantum physics when you are analysing particles, time doesn’t exist. Its not that time doesn’t exist, its only that when you are analysing particles, time isn’t a factor at the quantum level.
@@anthonycraig274 no he's a neuroscientist. Actually he's responsible for some very important advancements in our understanding of the visual cortex.
Where I take issue is where he talks about observation in the quantum measurement problem. The consensus in physics currently is that any outside interaction with the system counts as observation, consciousness is not required.
If this is the case, it creates a major problem for his justification for idealism.
(And yes I understand that time is emergent from quantum fields)
@@uninspired3583 As I said, I am ignorant to his hypothesis, so I really can’t comment on this one.
@@anthonycraig274 you seem to be fairly informed on quantum subjects. Just check the claims as you go :)
The Hoff is blowing my mind
Even I understand that using mathematics to model consciousness is not fundamentally different from modeling physics.
I’m conscious of my comment
How we detect conciousness field
Where does the illusion come from then and does it have a meaning?
It does not matter how interested I am in the conversation I am being distracted by the constantly moving camera. Are all of these Closer to the Truth videos some kind of ADHD test? They are being Sabotaged for brains that work like mine. The only chance I have is closing my eyes and just trying to listen but so much is lost when I cannot get visual ques from the communicator.
The distraction is so strong it is almost like Magician's distraction techniques are being used to disguise the fact that a conversation is taking place here.
Constant hand gesturing right in the camera view by the interviewer was so distracting. Hand gesturing used be a sign of low intelligence, has this change or are we becoming dumber as a species?
Why don't these videos have millions of views?
The conversation is too sped up for you both to explain in depth your ideas. Could you make the interviews longer. Like podcasts.
Physics, mathematics depend on describing physical models we can deconstruct. How do we deconstruct the brain? (Question from an art historian...)
Thank you for such and excellent and challenging interview Robert and thank you Donald for your humble and reasoned responses. As a layman I really enjoyed this exchanege. Hats off to the video producer and cinematographer for a beautiful production.
The world around you only exist when you are alive and conscious. In other words, our consciousness makes things around us alive.
*"The world around you only exist when you are alive and conscious. In other words, our consciousness makes things around us alive."*
...You are equating _consciousness_ to _sentience_ (or restricting _consciousness_ to only being present during _sentience_ ). How do you know that Earth's 8 billion human representatives aren't gathering new information for a single foundational consciousness?
How do you know humans aren't tantamount to 8 billion individual workstations all feeding our subjective data to a single server just like senses, observations, and experiences send data to a single brain?
All the work we do as a species creates reality. You, I and everyone around us know, can see that you have a car, the people that created the car from designer to mechanic to the sales guy.. we all agree in other words, we all create reality on a daily basis just by doing what we do as an intelligent beings?
No, it doesn't, we can't know the objective reality even when we are conscious because our biological senses are limited, can't detect all physical influences.
Everything is physics, doesn't need to be conscious, works regardless. We can see distances in time and space, so we know the world existed and will remain long after we're all gone. It's because reality can never be nothing, it's always something.
Look I’m no mathematician so I may be wrong here, but this doesn’t really have anything to do with consciousness. If he’s trying to simulate a humans reaction to stimuli that’s one thing, but this definitely isn’t going to solve what consciousness is and how to quantify it. If anything they can nail down how the human brain responds on a blanket level.
So what is consciousness?
Very nice
So, let's assume he's right- that consciousness is ultimate reality. What good is knowing that? Does it mean we don't have to suffer and die? Or does it mean that all the suffering and dying is an illusion? Don't tell that to someone nearing death. What makes more sense to me is that consciousness is as real as matter and energy- it's the 3rd component and they are all interchangeable- the way Einstein showed that matter and energy are interchangeable. So, I think all 3 are the same but we need a new name for the sum of the 3. Einstein's famous equation needs to add this 3rd variable.
I am sure that Mr Hoffman is far clever than I am; but, having read his book as well, I sense there is a fundamental flaw in his reasoning. He makes the valid point that those who believe that consciousness emerges from the physical, always get to a certain point where they have to somehow "magic" consciousness into existence. Hoffman's solution, however, is almost identical, the only difference being that, by starting with the premise that consciousness is fundamental, without a shred of evidence, he simply "magics" consciousness into existence right at the outset, rather than later.
Solid description of the dilemma.
Correct. He's just making that consciousness like appears from nothing.. but couldn't explain any further.
That's no different from the physicalist and materialists who make the fundamental assumption that energy has always existed, and cannot be created nor destroyed and from there they create models of the big bang, inflation...etc. Every model of reality has to start with a fundamental assumption, Otherwise, no scientific theory can ever be created.
Starting with consciousness to explain reality is no less valid than physicists starting with eternal energy which then produces the universe we currently live in.
What Hoffman is proposing is that the current materialist physics will always fail to explain consciousness on top of making other fundamental assumptions about reality (cosmological principle, Conservation of energy..etc). If he can derive all the current laws of the universe from his model of consciousness, Then he'll be making fewer assumptions to explain the universe than the current theories, Because in that case, the only fundamental assumption is consciousness and nothing else.
@@ramim.j2091 we don't have to make assumptions about what is fundamental. We can make hypothesis based on observation, and test them against predictions to build models.
Models that give us reliable data are valuable, hypothesis that can't be tested less so.
@@uninspired3583 Then we might as well throw out all of theoretical physics and most of cosmology Because all of them require fundamental assumptions about the universe to even work. How can anyone study cosmology, Or claim there was a big bang without basic assumptions like of universality of laws of physics, Cosmological principle...etc. No cosmologist went around the universe and quantitively checked whether the laws of physics work the same as in here.
Yes, You don't need fundamental assumptions when studying something as the molecular reactions in a lab. But when you're trying to explain origin of the universe, reality and discover the theory of everything, Fundamental assumptions are inevitable.
The fundamental conclusion of new physics and technology is that the Cosmos fundamentally behaves like a universal quantum computer which is a machine that is capable of constructing anything that is possible. In this scenario hyper-computation and super-information derives quantum physics. Then computation and information derives general relativity. Consciousness would derive from taking the output of a parallel computation as input and performing a serial computation on it to get an output.
Try an exorcist, it might help you...
@@evaadam3635 That is Stephen Wolfram’s theory not mine. That guy is the definition of a genius he dropped out of high school and made billions by developing his own programming language.
We are all humans, so we all share the same experience of existence. But individual perception of reality can be very different, so the only thing we actually share are human senses and thinking. And something else, obviously we all exist in a physical world, mostly completely devoid of live.
Everything we can see in space are ordinary matter and energy potentials. Living beings are also made from the same matter, our thoughts are the same kind of energy we can see in an atmosphere of many other planets. Nobody has ever seen anything that doesn't comfort to rules of general physics, the only difference is a living process, found only on our planet so far. And only humans are actually conscious, no other form of life can use symbolic language and creative imagination, to craft various tools and learn more about reality expanding well over physical reaches of a living habitat.
But what do we actually mean by matter, it's lumps of molecules, made from many kinds of atomic elements, that are composed of and exchange natural forces at all times. The same goes for living and ordinary matter, the same nuclear physics and chemistry apply to both modes of material existence. The same goes also with gas and other fluids, even vacuum of space is sort of the same. So we have to make certain distinctions, since all natural phenomena obviously don't behave the same.
Consciousness is something molecules of our neural cells are doing on their own. We are like life inside a life, the body produces cognitive functions, and those abilities describe individual experiences. Our body imagined our personality into existence.
People are not conscious, not really, we learn to became intelligent by living in organized and civilized societies. We share symbols, concepts, ideas, knowledge, mimic each other behavior,... Human is not conscious if he got born alone in the jungle, survive somehow and has never seen another human. Two people are something else, natural cognitive abilities will produce some sort of synergy among similar brains. So our thought perception arise naturally, we became conscious with upbringing and living on a civilized planet, and we develop our own, unique and individual field of memories and thoughts over life.
Consciousness is not fundamental, we can see simulated cognitive and social abilities in our artificial machines, guided by our mathematical ideas. Mind is a physical process between molecules of stuff, but it's also a natural state of being and self-induced actions. This is why we use many separated fields of knowledge in scientific model, one type of nuclear interactions describe ordinary matter, another set of equations describes chemistry in various cells, psychology is dealing with cognitive processes and other anomalies. We don't have a theory of everything, so human intelligent self awareness is only another set of physical equations, regardless it's also a force driving that whole exploration of reality and self thing. And we're getting good at this, our experiments have raised humanity above all other life and our powers grew so strong we actually changed the flow of natural forces over the surface of the entire planet. We are so lucky, our planet is dumb and unaware of our existence.
Tanto texto para nada dizer de novidade para replicar na boa graça.
@@nelsonpinheiro1148 Of course, that was the purpose of my comment, to show how conscious phenomena can be explained without any divine or supernatural influences.
It seems you don't understand any reasoning if God is not even mentioned in that context.
Meu caro, estás absolutamente enganado. Deus, é a razão da absoluta mudança de consciência. Tão simples. Dá-te extrema libido e não a usas a nível sexual. Tens mutações extremas e céleres. Vai doer. Resultado vais vê-lo e ser o seu templo para ele actuar através de ti.
@@nelsonpinheiro1148 Yes, i can use Google Translate and figure out what you're saying. But please mind this is a global channel, not many people speak Portuguese, so you're mostly talking to a wall, or a language barrier, to be more precise.
I bother with reply because you post your crap under my comment, not because you actually have to say something interesting.
@@xspotbox4400 há uma diferença entre nós. Tu expressas verborreia eu expresso o verbo. Tu falas sem praticidade do que dizes. Eu falo com prática. Conheces por ouvir dizer. Eu conheço pela estrada mais dolorosa. Fica bem.
"A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. AS observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a "mental" construction. - R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University , “The Mental Universe” ; (Nature 436:29,2005)
… … … …
"The observer gives the world the power to come into being, through the very act of giving meaning to that world; in brief, No consciousness; no communicating community to establish meaning? Then no world!" - Physicist John Wheeler
Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”
What do you think brought the concept of reality of this complex universe that allows us to experience the reality of matter that we do experience?
Consciousness is non-computable (per Penrose), but It is fundamental. There is NO mathematical model of C. since IT is the Transcendental Absolute. Shankara went into C. (Brahman) in great philosophical detail and mentioned how C. bridges the gap into our apparent world of space and time. This is covered in verse 21 of Soundarya Lahiri. While you're waiting for the mathematical model, tap directly into and merge with Pure Consciousness. Access "Mahamritunjaya mantra- Sacred Sounds Choir" and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks.
In addition to assigning numbers to probabilities for consciousness, might also try to assign numbers to brain processing of DNA programming, if brain processes information from DNA programming?
Consciousnesses is the measurement of atoms/electrons in an object. Meaning a rock or flower pot, is conscious. What matters is the level of consciousness. Sentience in consciousness is a human construct used in order to separate man from sand. If one neural pathway had a grain of sand missing, you might forget how to breathe.
If you are asserting that natural physical law allows atoms/electrons to freely choose on its own to believe in God the Holy Spirit, then your Consciousness must be overloaded with grains of sand...
you are funny
I think the explanation for consciousness or its absence bores down to godel incompleteness thorems: no system can both be complete and consistent (the eye cannot see itself). So like mathematics cannot prove it truth using mathematics, it understandable for consciousness to not be able to prove its existence.
However, the idea that mind or consciousness exists is outside the frame neuroscience, because the brain has no central cpu amalgamating its different part. Hence, no mind.
I think the best argument is, conciousness can only increase or decrease in complexity. From infinitesimally small to infinitely large. Our conciousness is just a more complex version of atoms interacting etc. Where different properties of our conciousness have arisen, as our conciousness has increased in complexity.
Maybe Albert Einstein was right, when he stated, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Anil Seth seems to agree with Albert’s opinion. “We are all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.” Anil Seth … neuroscientist.
Einstein said time an illusion not reality
I have no idea why he calls his predictive mathematical model, "consciousness". (Again, definitions?)
Donald Hoffman actually has no idea what he is parroting.
Why is no one starting from the root of the project "consciousness"?
using language for all explanations but not being aware that, that is the second step of describing reality.
Creating new words to adjust for every new thought is simply an addition of theory to the searched matter.
With mathematics came a welcomed subject to figure and measure but not for all instances.
The mystery of the brain is no mystery if we go step by step creating a map.
Brains are like cities. They're governed by a political party, they can have a healthy management or not, they have unique infrastructure similar to others, and they can be influenced both ways.
Meaning, we have to know everything about that city to fully explain the role it plays for the whole nation.
We're not conscious that we're using consciousness against its projection. It's because of the external influenced informations that leads to an unusual projection.
Third comment, sixth like, and 22nd view
How can you be so sure🤔🤣
I've noticed often you seem disappointed with the responses you receive from some of you're guests......
If only Dr. Hoffman is correct and my personal consciousness will extend beyond the death of my physical body.
It is our physical body that can die and rot when its elements disorganizes....
on the other hand, our Consciousness can not die because it is not physical, meaning, it has no physical elements to disorganize.
I beleve Consciousness/Awareness is our free immortal aware soul that survives after our physical body dies.
Your body isn't real. It's an icon in your perceptual interface so death is also not real in the literal sense. It is just an appearance of a process in someone else's interface.
Assigning a number to John's color perception does not explain what the subjective experience of color perception is or where and how it arises. It is similar to how Newton was able to measure the force of gravity between two masses in space without telling us what the origin of gravity is. The problem of consciousness is purely pivoted around attempts to explain the origin of our subjective self and experience and Hoffman's theory does not point in that direction.
Signals that aren't string-like in the sense of string theory, or something near enough, are first: prior to Me, Who Is prior to Him, and, therefore, also Her Who Is The Original Nobility, called Lucy666.
Haven't the Vedic scriptures been saying this for ages?
Assigning consciousness a mathematical equation is the same as trying to assign a mathematical equation to "god, the source, Brahman" or whatever name you give it. There are no words, no letters and no numbers to describe it. Words, numbers and equations rose out of it. They did not exist before it and are nothing more than humanities attempt to assign concepts and meaning to it. Just my opinion.
Maybe mind is ability to interpret and program flipping of information bits processed in brain, whatever might be doing it?
Having a model of a phenomenon doesn't mean to have a descriptive mathematics but a predictive one. And it look so far away from bring there.
It look ls to me so odd the idea of a predictive mathematical model of a subjective experience.
No. The created minds also need the Servant of Creation which is similar to an AI system. As created minds begin processing the tiny vibrations into visible images, the Servant comes alive and forms a living being in a fake 3D world. The Servant observes the images and is able to hear, speak, smell, taste, feel emotions, and feel various pressures from the senses of touch.
Treta tua. Não entendes nada e finge s entender saber. Não tens estaleca divina. O espírito santo não te tem em boa conta.
infinite vibration in infinite combination never arises as an image or anything else that is first person
@@5piles acordou, deu forma a si mesmo, e apareceu em pessoa pela primeira vez. Depois gerou seu filho, depois o seu espírito. Eis a santíssima Trindade.
@@5piles You have no clue how you're created.
@@BradHolkesvigthe first step is perfect concentration. without that your information and even ability to think is seriously impaired, and you will remain stuck repeating easily dismantled positions
Consciousness is the ultimate reality for life, but Gravity is more fundamental than consciousness!
Is consciousness ultimate reality? No. And there cannot be a mathematical model for consciousness since consciousness is not just computation... Gödel rules...
But who is modeling the consciousness? A conscious brain. So, how do you know that you are not getting confirmation bias?
Let me take the example of God.
God has all the power, all the goodness, all the knowledge 'by default'. He hasn't worked hard for it. It's like a 'free fund'.
Similarly, we have consciousness/free will as a 'free fund'. Thoughts come and go in our mind on their own. I myself don't know what thought will come into my mind, say after 5 minutes, 10 minutes etc. It's a 'free fund'.
Consciousness cannot be mathematically modeled, because consciousness has internal conflicts, whereas mathematics requires consistency. Mathematics isn't the language of nature; Saṅskṛt is.
Let's break it down, obviously we can split some body of knowledge into smaller bits, then model and control those individually.
So Sanskrit is just another language, same goes with mathematics, it's only tools we use, symbols, words or numbers don't mean a thing if not applied to specific physical or ideological concepts.
@@xspotbox4400 Mathematics cannot distinguish between numbers that represent objects (cardinals), activities (Gödel numbers), and concepts (ordinals), and consequently it is potentially ambiguous. Saṅskṛt unambiguously conveys meanings. The Saṅskṛt alphabet represents the fundamental meanings of creation and manifests itself on the cakras. The Vedas indicate Saṅskṛt is nature's programming language.
@@PaulHoward108 Mathematics is symbols and axioms, we also have this thing called a number theory.
Please tell me one great achievement developed through the use of Sanskrit or a mysticism surrounding some ancient nonsense, don't you think such an advanced technology should produce something useful and meaningful?
If chakras are real and important feature of a body, don't you think people all over the world would use them to actually help somebody?
None of the things you are mentioning makes any sense, it's only ideology, stuff you choose to believe in, have very little to do with the real world.
@@realitycheck1231 The sat-cit-ānanda nature of every soul, including God, is an internal conflict that invites us to make choices.
Monism is called Adwita Vedanta in Hindu philosophy.
Mr Kuhn appears to believe he is inherently connected to the one true reality 😂
Is consciousness the same as intelligence. The ability to model things can be considered as intelligence no ?
What if, a discarded or forgotten idea or thought is "dark energy"? the collective conscious potential is a denominator and actuality is the numerator. so, as the "potential" grows, it expands our universe and devalues our reality. And the only way to stop the universe from expanding outward indefinitely is to collectively convert potential self into actual self.
Never did I think Kuhn to have such a materialistic bias.
Well basing claim on psychophysics is quite problematic. Psychopphsic to my knowledge is considering very old out dated scientific method some aspect of it it's still used today sure but the over all thing is quite problematic.
I have also disagreement with bayesian I am on the minority here but there is couple of really good claims against it to my opinion
Quantum Mechanics itself may be the paradox of predictability.
Predictability itself can be the illusion imposed on this world.
Idealism is the correct view everything is in Consciousness just as fish are in the Ocean. Kastrup is the chap who argue for idealism with the greatest of parsimony his books are great reads and elucidate this emerging philosophy in the Occident. Start off with Dreamed up Reality that is exactly what is going on then look at Tim Freake's little booklet Lucid Living to become conscious of this dream world.
Whose aware of 'Consciousness'? Whose aware of 'I Am' or 'existence'? True reality is beyond even God.
Where is Donald Hoffman ? It seems he is gone from Internet.
⁉️ TIMESPACE & Time Mechanics solved the theory of everything. ✔️ uncontested
The interviewer remains me of Albert Einstein
Interesting. But the obsession of looking at Consciousness as an extension of Mathematics and physics is addictive . See the other way round to find mathematics and physics as an outcome of consciousness in its material manifestation. Consciousness is the source of all the universal laws but it is more than all the laws known and unknown and also it is which can create New laws according to the creative principles yet to be known. Mathematics and physics may be connecting principles between Consciousness and Matter. Just processes that are applied by Consciousness in the process of creating Matter. They are tools to make some thing and that something can be explained by the tools but not the one which is using the tools.
We have sufficient knowledge and resources to satisfy all human needs, but lust, greed and ego can't be satisfied. For what we want to know consciousness .its for sure not for happiness and peace in the world .
Consciousness mathematically modeled... interesting, because I think this would imply that artificial intelligence is possible and that would finally solve the mind body problem.
Artificial intelligence is most definitely possible as it has existed for quite a while now. Do you mean artificial consciousness?
This is clearly wrong. If this is a simulation (space-time) - to assume, that the rudimentary A.I. features of NPC characters comes out of the pixels, and the textures, of the video game simulation, is simply wrong. These NPC characters have SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS, which are completely SEPARATE from the textures, from the 3D design, or the 2D, if the game is older and two-dimensional. They have to do withtheir movements and reactions, they are NOT GENERATED in relation with the textures, or the visual design. This, by the way, seriously points towards the dualist view. Consciousness is somehow separate from the physical reality, and is more like immersed into it, and interacting with it, rather than generating the physical surroundings. Neither it is generated by the physical surroundings, apart from evolution: but evolution is not consciousness; it is statistical selection. It is separated, it requires additional very complex instructions. Just like the architecture of a microchip is millions of times more complex, rather than a light bulb. Same with consciousness, versus non conscious physical and organic materials.
Your idea strays in the sense your idea of a simulation and what we are currently capable of today VS a possible quantum supreme race millions of years ahead of us in the future. Are two potentially radically different things. All this man is saying is we are at the core just information. In a simulation I believe could be radically incomprehensible to anything we know of now. I find with ultimate questions, the more you humble yourself when in relation the the universe, things start to make more sense.
Ok so I thought this was always the point? Why do you explain what you need to do instead of explain what you're going to do and how you're doing it? I like Donald I really do but the things he says doesn't give any insight to the things that need rooted.