I was actually unaware that Hasse wrote any symphonies! (except perhaps for opera overtures). He is a much underrated composer, and in his day, with the Dresden court, was considered one of the greatest composers. Mozart as a child is supposed to have said that he wanted to grow up to be famous like Handel or Hasse! This is a striking little transitional style work!
Herzlichen Dank für ihre Aufführung von Johann Adolf Hase und an die Neue Hofkapellle von Osnabrück.Grus von Joachim Ehlers aus Schallstadt südlich von Freiburg
Mi pare che ci sia un bel movimento per far conoscere questo musicista. Ringrazio chi, come voi, in questo anno in cui io ho riscoperto il repertorio barocco, mi ha reso familiare il nome e l’opera di questo grande ed elegante compositore. 🍀
Absolutely wonderful!
Allerherrlichst, ihr Lieben!! 🫶
I was actually unaware that Hasse wrote any symphonies! (except perhaps for opera overtures). He is a much underrated composer, and in his day, with the Dresden court, was considered one of the greatest composers. Mozart as a child is supposed to have said that he wanted to grow up to be famous like Handel or Hasse! This is a striking little transitional style work!
Truly wonderful. I did not known this composer. This symphony could rank among the best of Mozart. So thanks to the group and the sound thecnicians.
excellent .excellent.excellent.first movment amazing.good luck.
Herzlichen Dank für ihre Aufführung von Johann Adolf Hase und an die Neue Hofkapellle von Osnabrück.Grus von Joachim Ehlers aus Schallstadt südlich von Freiburg
Vraiment magnifique!
Einfach wunderbar, vielen Dank! 🥰 Schade, dass Hasse heute fast unbekannt ist.
Na, so unbekannt ist der nicht... :)
Beautiful! 💕💕
Unglaublich schön. Ich kante diesen Komponisten Hasse noch nicht. Ich recherchiere natürlich nach meer Werke von ihm.
Wunderbar gespielt, vielen Dank. Auch sehr gute Ton- und Bildaufnahme.👋
Mi pare che ci sia un bel movimento per far conoscere questo musicista. Ringrazio chi, come voi, in questo anno in cui io ho riscoperto il repertorio barocco, mi ha reso familiare il nome e l’opera di questo grande ed elegante compositore. 🍀
Splendide!!! Existe -t- il un enregistrement???
nicht gut eingestimmt, oder: zu schnell um sauber zu spielen!... also, zu schnell in dem 1 Part, weil im 2e stimmt es!!!
Dies ist jedoch genau das Tempo, das es für diesen Zeitraum haben sollte.