Part 1 of 2 "Jesus is 100% God!" - Br Mohammed and Stefano. Speakers Corner

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 125

  • @pa-jero1043
    @pa-jero1043 7 лет назад +2

    Amazing response by the Christian brother

  • @HT-vz2hl
    @HT-vz2hl 7 лет назад +5

    100% god and 100% human you say? How do you explain 'my father is greater than I'? so clearly one 100% is superior to the other 100% therefore does that make human jesus is inferior and therefore why should i follow him rather than just to the superior other 100%! makes no sense whatsoever there is no one minute hes talking as a human form- the other times hes god form, stop trying to make him divine!! hes clearly just a man whos been given gifts from god but a man nonetheless

    • @johnjreynolds7582
      @johnjreynolds7582 7 лет назад +1

      H T a divine living incarnation, is a stage in spiritual development. Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness which was preparation to the attainment of what he received when being baptized by john, just like that was preparatory to the transfiguration. when we totally purify our self of all contaminating influences especially of the mind, we reflect the one who we are made in the image of. jesus came to show us the way to become one with God. just as he became one with God. If you think there are no spiritual goals in life, then all those in the past have wasted their time trying to show us the way in the best way they could, that you and I might attain God consciousness.

  • @SaRaGarvey2012
    @SaRaGarvey2012 7 лет назад +6

    This muslim guy Br Mohammed is a loose cannon! He actually wanted to fight me on Sunday. He needed to be calmed down by his Muslim brethren.
    He was red, angry & shaking with rage. Telling me he's going to physically "lash out" at me and another person at speakers corner.
    Do not let this calm demeanour fool you. The guy has anger issues.

    • @mniino10
      @mniino10 7 лет назад +2

      why what happened , and did anybody get it on camera ?

    • @mihailomikel3341
      @mihailomikel3341 7 лет назад +7

      Did you make one of them dirty jokes? To be honest i would want to arm bar you too. All Jokes aside, if what you said is true, he could have had a bad day or something else. The video's i have seen from the brother he looked calm and collected.

    • @yis-rah-elisraelite7072
      @yis-rah-elisraelite7072 7 лет назад +2

      Mikel eclok in all due respect your comment is bias Muslim nonsense, how ignorant can you be?
      It's simple Don't go to speakers corner if you don't like engaging in debates or negative comments

    • @yis-rah-elisraelite7072
      @yis-rah-elisraelite7072 7 лет назад +3

      Sa Ra Garvey I noticed when Gary was speaking to him' he had a arrogant chip on his shoulder, he only seems to only challenge Christianity believers he has a weird behaviour when he is challenged by someone with intellectual
      Well done for not knocking him out!!!!

    • @mniino10
      @mniino10 7 лет назад +2

      +Yis-rah-el Israelite did you have any debates in speaker corner if yes send me the link

  • @abdelsalah6264
    @abdelsalah6264 7 лет назад +1

    Sa Ra, Are you still speaking to your ancestors? Hahahahahahahaha

    • @tonyrock7375
      @tonyrock7375 3 года назад

      Muhammad flying with a horse.. lol

  • @babyloniansteve1801
    @babyloniansteve1801 6 лет назад +1

    16 mins into this mohammed taweed cliams that the GOD of the old testament says that GOD has regret insinuating how can GOD have regret when GOD dose not have a heart but by saying this he dose not realize he has just contradicted his own belief(the quran).The quran and the old testament are similar but the new testament(christiananity)has pulled away from the old barbaric beliefs.Like JESUS CHRIST said"it was said before that eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth but i say to you do not resist the one who is evil,but if anyone slaps you on the right cheeck,turn to him the other also.So being a christian is also following jesus christs commands but being a christian is also how our nature in us is.

    • @agulm6625
      @agulm6625 6 лет назад

      babylonian steve New Testament has pulled away as you say ,means New Testament a lie .was Old Testament lie too,guess it's all nonsence including buy one get two free gods too .

  • @somanoma6465
    @somanoma6465 7 лет назад

    Actually the verse about the hour he says only the father so within the trinity only the father knows

  • @thenopasslook
    @thenopasslook 7 лет назад

    Muslims often appeal to Jeremiah 8:8 as proof that the Torah has been corrupted:
    "How can you say, ‘We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,’ when
    actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?" Jeremiah 8:8
    Several comments are in order. First, even if this passage were speaking about an
    actual corruption of the text, this would only be referring to the copies that were in the
    possession of the scribes. It wouldn’t refer to all the copies that were in the hands
    of others such as Daniel the prophet. More on this later. Secondly, Jeremiah was a prophet
    of God, which means that he was receiving revelation from God. As such, Jeremiah would
    have been quite capable of restoring the Torah to its true pristine form at the direct
    orders of God, and hence nothing of the Torah could be corrupted! In fact, something
    similar happened with Jeremiah’s own revelation:
    Read Jeremiah 36: 1-7, 20-32, 27-32
    If God was capable of restoring the revelation given to Jeremiah after it had been
    destroyed, then the same God would also have been capable of restoring the original Torah
    and have his prophets record it! There was, however, no such corruption in the first place.
    In fact, God promises to write his Law into the hearts of true believers: Jeremiah 31:31-37
    Again, if God is able to write his Law within the hearts of true believers in order to
    keep it, and insure that his decrees that govern creation cannot be undone, wouldn’t
    he also be able to preserve his written Law from corruption? In fact, if God won’t
    permit his decrees which govern creation from vanishing, then what makes someone think
    that God will permit his written decrees to disappear? In the words of the Lord Jesus:
    "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter,
    not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until
    everything is accomplished." Matthew 5:18
    To show that Jeremiah wasn’t claiming that the Torah of God was no longer
    available in its pure pristine form, note what Jeremiah writes elsewhere:
    "Say to them, ‘This is what the LORD says: If you do not
    listen to me and follow MY LAW, which I have set before you, and if you do
    not listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent to you again and
    again (though you have not listened) then I will make this house like Shiloh and this city
    an object of cursing among all the nations of the earth.’" Jeremiah 26:4-6
    How could Israel follow the Law, i.e. the Torah, if it had been corrupted? This
    presupposes that the Torah was uncorrupt and available during the time of Jeremiah.
    Since Jeremiah wrote Jeremiah 8:8, who is more qualified than him to tell us the precise
    meaning of the passage in question? The fact that Jeremiah appeals to the Law of Moses
    throughout his book demonstrates that the Prophet did not believe that the scribes had corrupted
    the actual text of the Torah.
    Furthermore, other godly men also had copies of the Torah in their possession.
    For instance, the prophet Daniel wrote:
    "In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler
    over the Babylonian kingdom - in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from
    the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that
    the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the LORD and pleaded
    with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes." Daniel 9:1-3
    Daniel is reading Jeremiah 25:11, 12 and 29:10 where God predicts that Israel would be
    taken into captivity to Babylon for 70 years. After reading this, Daniel continues to pray
    and says: "Therefore the curses and sworn judgments WRITTEN IN THE LAW OF MOSES, the
    servant of God, have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against you. You have
    fulfilled the words spoken against us and against our rulers by bringing upon us great
    disaster. Under the whole heaven nothing has ever been done like what has been done to
    Jerusalem. JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE LAW OF MOSES, all this disaster has come
    upon us, yet we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our sins
    and giving attention to your truth." Daniel 9:11b-13
    In order for Daniel to appeal to what was written in the Law of Moses presumes that
    there was an uncorrupt Torah available for reading. Furthermore, after having read
    Jeremiah Daniel never concludes that the Torah had been corrupted, but appeals to it as
    the inspired word of God. This would be a strange conclusion for Daniel to come to if
    Jeremiah 8:8 indeed meant that the text of the Torah had been corrupted during Jeremiah's
    time. Therefore, seeing that Daniel was a contemporary of Jeremiah and had an uncorrupt
    copy of the Torah in his possession conclusively proves that the Torah existed in an
    unadulterated form during Jeremiah's time.
    Other prophets affirm that the book of Moses was still available during their day:
    Read Nehemiah 8:13-14,18
    This occurred approximately 430 B.C., nearly 180 years after Jeremiah's temple address,
    which took place in 609 or 608 B.C. (see Jeremiah 26:1). Again, in order for Ezra the
    scribe to be able to both read from the Law of Moses and expound it presupposes that
    a true, uncorrupt copy of the Torah was available at that time.
    The Lord Jesus and his followers quoted from the Torah as we know it today and never
    assumed that it was corrupt (cf. Matthew 4:4,7,10; 22:31-32; 1 Timothy 5:18).
    Even Jeremiah's enemies knew that the Law could never disappear:
    Read Jeremiah 18:18
    In light of the preceding factors, the only plausible contextual meaning is that the
    scribes were misleading the people either through their oral traditions and/or the writing
    down of erroneous interpretations of the Law. A similar situation existed in the time of
    the Lord Jesus Christ: "Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and
    asked, ‘Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash
    their hands before they eat!’ Jesus replied, ‘And why do you break the command
    of God for the sake of your tradition? ... Thus you nullify the word of God
    for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied
    about you: "these people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
    They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."’"
    Matthew 15:1-3,6b-9
    It is therefore quite plausible that Jeremiah was rebuking the scribes for their
    traditions that led people astray from the word of God. That this is the more plausible
    meaning becomes evident in light of what immediately follows: "The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have." Jeremiah 8:9
    In conclusion, we saw that a careful examination of the context in Jeremiah shows
    that the verse Jeremiah 8:8 does not speak of a textual corruption by the scribes that
    left us only with a corrupted Torah. The Torah always was and continued to remain accessible.
    The issue was severe misinterpretations.The situation is different for the Qur'an. Serious disagreements led to a whole revision
    of the Qur'an and a destruction of all evidence of what forms it had originally.

  • @thenopasslook
    @thenopasslook 7 лет назад

    Jesus asking, "why do you call me good" doesn't equate to Him saying, "I am bad". Jesus was sinless aka GOOD. Jesus used this question to get the one asking Him that question to realize who he was talking to. This verse has been misunderstood for so long and it's so simple.
    Jesus having two natures doesn't mean that He is 200% of anything. It's heretical to combine the natures of Christ together in order to add them up to 200%.
    In Mark 13:32, Jesus says that no man knows the day or hour, not the angels, not even the Son, but only the
    Father. The limit in the knowledge of Jesus is sometimes explained by
    saying he was speaking from His humanity, and that there are many more
    examples in Scripture that He was not omniscient in His humanity.
    This is related to another matter, actually, that of places where
    Jesus somehow seems to be ignorant of things -- leading to the
    question, "How can Jesus be God, yet not know things (i.e., not be
    omniscient)?" This includes cites like Luke 8:43-5 (where Jesus does not
    know who in the crowd touched him).
    My own ruminations in this area lead me to believe that the typical
    answer -- that Jesus emptied himself of his power, while making a good
    point, does not go far enough -- partly because it doesn't explain the
    Holy Spirit's implicit "ignorance" in Mark 13:32. What I believe
    is happening here has to get into some Trinitarian theology, and the
    crossover temporality of two members of the Trinity which requires them
    to divest themselves of certain abilities -- what we refer to, in terms
    of Christ, as a kenotic emptying (Phil 2:6-11). Note that this
    should be viewed in line with the "dual nature" (human/divine) of Christ
    and NOT the "kenotic heresy" which misuses Phil. 2:6-11. In the view
    being explained here, Christ's "human nature" is the kenoticized one.
    The divine consciousness remains intact but is not accessed or used
    under typical circumstances. To put it another way, the incarnated Jesus
    is divine Wisdom with "half its brain tied behind its back." The
    attributes are accessible, but not used.
    The key for me lies in the verses that indicate a "subordinate"
    position of Jesus to God the Father. (Like, "The Father is greater than
    I.") Skeptics often ask how this equates with Jesus being "God" -- the
    question misses something; we regard Jesus as "God the Son". More
    literally, Jesus is the Word and Wisdom of God incarnate. (It would take
    too long to explain here, but for a good start, see my article on
    Wisdom linked below.)
    Now if Jesus is the "Word" of God, and subordinate to God, then Jesus
    is dependent upon God the Father for his existence. If the Father
    ceased to exist, so would Jesus. My thought on this related to Mark
    13:32//Matthew 24:36 is that Jesus does not know the day or the hour
    because the Father has not yet "spoken" the word yet (in the temporal
    realm, related to the human nature; this does not speak to knowledge in
    the eternal realm and the divine nature) that declares the day and hour.
    But Christ "emptied" himself of his divine power to come to
    earth -- as would be needed, for had he not done so, even practically
    speaking, it would destroy the world. So in this context, the Father has
    given some signs to look for, but that is all. (By the way, I hold to a
    preterist view of this passage, but it doesn't make any difference in
    the context of this discussion.)"
    -James Patrick Holding
    How does one explain this puzzling verse?
    “And it repented Jehovah that he had made man upon the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” (Gen. 6:6).
    First, let us demonstrate what the passage cannot mean.It does not
    mean that God created the human family, expecting that it would remain
    loyal to him, but that, eventually, humanity strayed.The Lord was then
    disappointed, and so regretted he had made us.That cannot be the meaning
    for the following reasons.
    God is omniscient; that means he knows everything.“Great is our
    Lord, and mighty in power; his understanding is infinite” (Psa.
    147:5).If the Lord’s understanding is infinite, he must have known,
    before he created man, that he would fall.This is further evidenced by the fact that the plan of salvation was
    purposed before humanity was created.Paul affirms that God “chose us in
    [Christ] before the foundation of the world,” and that our redemption
    was “through [Jesus’] blood” (Eph. 1:4,7; cf. 1 Pet. 1:2; Rev. 13:8).
    Since the sacrifice for human sin was provisioned even before the world
    was created, it necessarily follows that our Creator knew we would
    transgress long before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden.
    How, then, is Genesis 6:6 to be explained?
    There are several figures of speech in the Bible that accommodate the human level of understanding.One is anthropomorphism
    (man form), where physical features are ascribed to God, e.g., the eyes
    of the Lord (1 Pet. 3:12), Jehovah’s arm (Jn. 12:38), etc.These depict
    God’s watchfulness and his power.
    There is another figure called anthropopathism
    (man feeling), whereby human emotions are sometimes attributed to
    God.To say, therefore, that God “repented,” or that he was “grieved,” is
    simply a symbolic way of asserting that man’s conduct did not meet the
    divine standard. This language vividly portrays, from a human
    perspective, God’s displeasure at our rebellion.
    Underline “repented” and “grieved,” and in your margin note: Human emotions figuratively ascribed to God." (Jackson, Wayne. "Genesis 6:6 - Did God Repent?"

    • @michellemackey3608
      @michellemackey3608 7 лет назад

      OT equates to Jesus saying I am not God so dont call me good.

    • @thenopasslook
      @thenopasslook 7 лет назад

      Michelle Mackey Actually, Jesus never says hat He isn't good. Jesus calls Himself good on numerous occasions. You're just putting words into His mouth to fit your Islamic beliefs instead of reading the text for what it says.

    • @thenopasslook
      @thenopasslook 7 лет назад

      Angelic Doctor It really is simple but Muslims don't usually read the New Testament in its full context. They simply cherry pick verses out to misuse them to fit their narratives.

  • @Hasdac
    @Hasdac 7 лет назад

    don't all religions have things in common,i read once where it claimed Muhammad was vatican trained? same as jesus,all the same they are peoples story that's where we get his-story from.

  • @babyloniansteve1801
    @babyloniansteve1801 6 лет назад +1

    12 minuets into this br mohammed claims he has 100 percent proff that the god of the quran is real and proven,the real and only god.The truth is not one person in this hole world can prove that there is a god let alone allah the god of islam.So,bottom line,which god would you rather follow,the christian faith in god(new testament) or the god of islam which is still barbaric?

    • @fatinnabilahanimsalleh145
      @fatinnabilahanimsalleh145 6 лет назад +1

      babylonian steve
      Your stupid god sent himself down by impregnate his 12yr old girlfriend name mary and give his stupid holy ghost to himself and name himself stupid fucking jesus aka son of stupid god. Stupid jesus begins his career by preaching to the jews that he is the only begotten son of himself. The jews capture jesus put him on trial and found guilty of blasphemy. Nailed jesus aka son of god on the cross and eye witness account confirms that jesus aka son of god yelling, me, me why am I forsaken myself? jesus aka son of god resurrected to himself and sitting beside himself leaving his followers in confusions!

    • @babyloniansteve1801
      @babyloniansteve1801 6 лет назад +1

      P.S,i can see you are an authiest by the dirtyness that comes out of your mouth.It seems like you had a bad up bringin so i prey for your perthitic soul

    • @fatinnabilahanimsalleh145
      @fatinnabilahanimsalleh145 6 лет назад +1видео.html
      It's your scholars talking obout your religion and your god in this link above.

    • @babyloniansteve1801
      @babyloniansteve1801 6 лет назад +1

      So long as JESUS CHRIST is mentioned in there belief,the both of them,then im happy.Some people say JESUS CHRIST is GOD but ive heard worse,ive heard some people say JESUS CHRIST is a profet.

  • @sonahee
    @sonahee 6 лет назад +1

    Jesus take the place of human bein, when you see me you see my father.

  • @fahiymmuhammad785
    @fahiymmuhammad785 7 лет назад +1

    There Should Be No Confusion About "The Hour" - The Prophet/Apostle Muhammad (ص) Didn’t Know The Hour, He Was Told That None Shall Manifest It, He Was Told That It Is With _"My Master, Who Is Rabb"_. This Information Was Revealed To The Prophet/Apostle Muhammad (ص) In The Year 618 A.D. - In The Next Year It Was Revealed To The Prophet/Apostle Muhammad (ص) That The Knowledge Of *Al Saa’ati* _‘The (Final) Hour’_ Is In The Possession Of ALLAH (س) And That The Prophet/Messiah Yashu’a (ص) Is The *‘Ilmun* _‘Knowledge’_ For *Al Saa’ati* _‘The (Final) Hour’_.

    • @somanoma6465
      @somanoma6465 7 лет назад +1

      Fahiym Muhammad
      .?? Jesus is Illm alsaah ??? And rab means God in this context so why are you spinning the verses around? The verses are straight forward and in the bible Jesus clearly declares that he doesn't know the hour

    • @polishboot
      @polishboot 7 лет назад +1

      Soma noma he is lying, Quran says he is "a sign" of final hour, not knowledge. He is a Christian in disguise

    • @fahiymmuhammad785
      @fahiymmuhammad785 7 лет назад

      It’s Understandable If Followers Don’t Study Well, But For Those Scholars Of Arabic To Translate The Word *‘Knowledge’* (علم) To Mean *’Sign’* Is Blatant Lie. You Can Also See علم In The 19th Attribute, AL ‘ALIYMU - THE KNOWER ( العَلِيم )
      Sahih International: And indeed, Jesus will be [a sign for] *KNOWLEDGE of the Hour* , so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.
      Pickthall: And lo! verily there is *KNOWLEDGE of the Hour*. So doubt ye not concerning it, but follow Me. This is the right path.
      Shakir: And most surely it is a *KNOWLEDGE of the hour* , therefore have no doubt about it and follow me: this is the right path.
      Arberry: It is *KNOWLEDGE of the Hour*; doubt not concerning it, and follow me. This is a straight path.
      *_@ Soma noma_*_ - there is no such word as God in Arabic, unless you spell it (غاد) ghaad._

    • @polishboot
      @polishboot 7 лет назад +1

      Fahiym Muhammad see, now he is claiming the scholars of Arabic as liars, because they don't agree with him. You are the one who follows a lair, the founder of Christianity, the devil incarnate.

    • @fahiymmuhammad785
      @fahiymmuhammad785 7 лет назад

      I Showed You How They Lie With Your Own Eyes, Because Not A Single Word In That _ayat_ , Can You Find The Word _‘sign’_ (ayatan-a sign , ayatihi-his signs , ayatina-our sign).

  • @hajjihello8559
    @hajjihello8559 6 лет назад

    Mo Why you talking rabish with no point? ?

  • @sonahee
    @sonahee 6 лет назад

    Jesus raise the dead, because he's body a human bein his spirit God.

  • @Umer-
    @Umer- 7 лет назад

    Brain washed ...

  • @tonyrock7375
    @tonyrock7375 3 года назад

    Muhammad flying with a horse.. lol