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Love it with my bf 😍 we do a guided meditation at least 2-3 times a week ❤️ it’s beautiful the sensations we get and the pure love we feel. Every couple needs to try this....
Hey! We hope you enjoy our meditation. Don't forget to subscribe to get more meditations
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This was beautiful. Thank you. Even if you don’t have a significant other, it’s a great meditation.
I did this with my partner and it took us further in our connection. Thanks so much !!
I bet you have a wonderful, loving partner. Make sure to give them lots of cuddles!
Love it with my bf 😍 we do a guided meditation at least 2-3 times a week ❤️ it’s beautiful the sensations we get and the pure love we feel. Every couple needs to try this....
Thank you so much for this meditation, it felt so peaceful. Just what we needed.
We are so glad you liked it!
Beautiful meditation, I love the way you took me through a journey
This is beautiful !
thanks, it's amazing
I can't wait to try this meditation with my girlfriend
So beautiful !!😍💖
Ohh I want a female partner to try this