Conrad Vine Faith In Action: Bleeding Woman and Jairus 81421

  • Опубликовано: 10 дек 2021
  • How does Jesus respond to genuine faith? Who was Jairus? What was his role in the synagogue? How willing was Jairus to be cancelled in order to save his daughter? Is Jesus looking for faith or knowledge? Why did the Christian church explode in China in the 70s and 80s? Does Jesus listen and stop for the prayer of parents for their children? What was the thought process of Jesus healing the women with the issue of blood? Why did He do it? How does faith compare with knowledge? Are you mingling with Jesus or are you touching Him Why did Jesus stop to heal the woman instead of proceeding directly to Jairus' house? Why did Jesus pursue the woman? Why aren't more miracles seen in the first world? If we are not willing to testify of God's goodness, why should He heal us? What is the significance of baptizing animists?Is Jesus just a teacher or is He the Son of God to you? Why did the mourners mock Jesus? Are we like the mourners? What does Talitha cumin mean? What is the difference in faith between the woman and Jairus? Who had more faith?

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