r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Karen Wants Me JAILED For Disobeying Her! Lies to Cops!


Комментарии • 392

  • @lexsamreeth8724
    @lexsamreeth8724 5 месяцев назад +202

    3rd story. Best way to deal with that is to say "So you're teaching your child that it's okay to steal from people", and whenever they try to mitigate or deny it, repeat yourself louder

    • @bleachfan2.029
      @bleachfan2.029 5 месяцев назад

      No best way to deal with the idiot is demand her car. I mean it’s ok for her to demand food from you so you should be able to demand stuff from her too.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 5 месяцев назад +31

      Big Momma will be oh so proud when Junior turns 18, and winds up in prison for grand theft. 😅

    • @OcusticClear92
      @OcusticClear92 5 месяцев назад +28

      Big mama also does not understand a simple premise of neighborliness, of which Mr. Rogers would definitely approve, which is thus: “Ask and you may receive. Demand and you get nothing.”

    • @noizeaous7267
      @noizeaous7267 5 месяцев назад +9

      And tell her you want to talk to her manager to get her, and her kid, fired.

    • @hardcorenativextreme
      @hardcorenativextreme 5 месяцев назад +9

      Entitlement teaching entitlement, plain and simple. These people think for whatever reason they are entitled, so they teach their children to be the same.

  • @tinydancer7426
    @tinydancer7426 5 месяцев назад +255

    "Why are you shopping HERE when you work THERE?"
    "Uh ..... because I want to?"

    • @girl1213
      @girl1213 5 месяцев назад +22

      "Because it's not against the law"

    • @catjazzhappycat7273
      @catjazzhappycat7273 5 месяцев назад +19

      For the same reason you are, Because I can.

    • @Enki1013
      @Enki1013 5 месяцев назад +12

      "Uh... none of your danged business!"

    • @noizeaous7267
      @noizeaous7267 5 месяцев назад +7

      "Why are you buying groceries here if you work at this gas station?"

    • @lorisewsstuff1607
      @lorisewsstuff1607 5 месяцев назад +3

      "Because I'm sick of seeing the inside of that place."

  • @davidspring4003
    @davidspring4003 5 месяцев назад +57

    "Why don't you give him a fry? He's nine."
    "So old enough to know how to say please."

  • @meh2510
    @meh2510 5 месяцев назад +55

    "I'm a loyal customer!" Says the lady to the customer that the manager knew by name but who didn't recognize her.
    Manager: "Lady, if you came here as often as you imply, I would have remembered you from your attitude."

  • @philopharynx7910
    @philopharynx7910 5 месяцев назад +31

    Story #3. At the places that I am a loyal customer, the staff recognizes me. In fact at one place, there was a new cashier who was shocked when the guy on the grill brought up my food before I finished ordering. A good manager definitely knows their loyal customers.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад +2

      I've had that happen with my local post office-my housemate orders a lot of things online and I collect their parcels when the blue note is left.

  • @ladyofthemasque
    @ladyofthemasque 5 месяцев назад +28

    "He's 9!" "Then he's old enough to have learned some actual good manners, lady, since I know several six year olds who learned. Stop teaching him that you approve of him STEALING from people and start teaching him to Be Better!"

  • @EastTexasRanching
    @EastTexasRanching 5 месяцев назад +85

    The mother says, "I can't believe you would treat a child this way!" I wonder if she meant her kid or her, as she was certainly acting like a child.

  • @davewhiteduck935
    @davewhiteduck935 5 месяцев назад +154

    Only a Karen would need a phone store employee's help to reset a email password

    • @bleachfan2.029
      @bleachfan2.029 5 месяцев назад +9

      I’m not a Karen but I do need help to reset my password because I’ve used the same thing forever and the phone number that is connected to it (if I forget my password or it requires me to reset it) is a land line. I made this email so long ago because it was required but I’ve never used it but if a place only has a email option I’m screwed.

    • @condorboss3339
      @condorboss3339 5 месяцев назад +6

      I'm a technopeasant. I can reset a password, but not much else. But I am always very, very humble when asking the tech support person for help. 🥴

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 5 месяцев назад +7

      After paying way too much for my first two smartphones, even being a "Certified Auld Phart", but being fairly mechanically inclined, I soon learned to buy cheaper phones via Amazon and activate them myself. So changing passwords is easy. I sometimes help my friends with their phones. 😊

    • @coolrunning2006
      @coolrunning2006 5 месяцев назад +6

      Well, yes, because their kid prolly go no contact with them

    • @coolrunning2006
      @coolrunning2006 5 месяцев назад

      Well, yes, because their kid prolly go no contact with them

  • @aduckofsomesort
    @aduckofsomesort 5 месяцев назад +42

    A nine year old isn’t exactly a little boy. He should’ve learned getting permission and sharing four years prior in kindergarten.

    • @nancyomalley6286
      @nancyomalley6286 5 месяцев назад +10

      Apparently, his mom taught him the OPPOSITE AND WRONG LESSON!

    • @mcskrzypek
      @mcskrzypek 5 месяцев назад +4

      Absolutely not! He should be taught to never get food or drinks from strangers!
      There could be so many problems with that!

    • @gilliganallmighty3
      @gilliganallmighty3 5 месяцев назад +2

      I wonder if that was the same 9 year old from the story of the one whose mom let him peep on women in the restroom.

  • @Enki1013
    @Enki1013 5 месяцев назад +19

    Even if the guy was an employee at the restaurant, that is NOT an entitlement for the kid to take away any of his food. He is sitting there minding his own business trying to eat. The damn kid is not entitled to any of someone else's food, not even a damn fry!

  • @BlackCatsandPumpkins
    @BlackCatsandPumpkins 5 месяцев назад +28

    Some years ago I was in a local shop when an older woman asked me if I knew where the rubber kitchen gloves are as since her last visit they had been moved to a new place. I told her I did as I had just seen them (even though I didn't need them). She thanked me for helping her even though she knew I didn't work there, saying I should because I'm more polite and helpful than the actual staff. No Karen. Just a polite lady giving me a nice compliment.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад +3

      This is what happens when one follows the golden rule: they actually get the help they're after.

      @TALON_SILVER 5 месяцев назад +2

      Had a similar experience at a grocery store once. I had just grabbed a jar of jelly off the shelf and started walking towards the registers when an elderly woman rolled up in one of those mobility scooters. Her words to me, "I know you don't work here, but would you mind helping me find the apple butter." I was more than happy to help her. She even thanked me afterwards. Just a pleasant experience all around.

  • @leslieking6259
    @leslieking6259 5 месяцев назад +53

    The last story gives me hope for the future of humanity.

  • @Lyndiloo
    @Lyndiloo 5 месяцев назад +85

    See, you just gotta out-Karen the Karen. She starts ranting about how you need to give her kid whatever, you start loudly questioning whether or not she's high on drugs, maybe she's a danger to herself and others, call a manager now, is she actually such a bad mother that she'll do drugs around her kids, has she been driving, somebody call the police because this woman is out of control and maybe giving her children drugs!

    • @nightdweller6446
      @nightdweller6446 5 месяцев назад +12

      This is a perfect Karen handling method....

    • @elizabethalvarado8698
      @elizabethalvarado8698 5 месяцев назад +8

      As they say, don't dish it out, if you can't take it.

    • @BROUBoomer
      @BROUBoomer 5 месяцев назад +1

      🤣😂😆😁 *Good one!* Rotflmao.

  • @fetlock
    @fetlock 5 месяцев назад +20

    Here's what I've learned: if accosted by a Karen, never say, "I'm sorry ma'am" before loudly proclaiming I! DON'T! WORK! HERE!" followed immediately by, "NO!"

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 5 месяцев назад +105

    Story 3: Plucking a random fry from someone's dish is not only rude, but might cause you to catch some disease from the person. Nobody cares if you're a loyal customer, you're just some person that comes here more often than others.

    • @rcrawford42
      @rcrawford42 5 месяцев назад +7

      Not to mention you don't know what they ordered, and there may be something you're allergic to.

    • @mcskrzypek
      @mcskrzypek 5 месяцев назад +6

      I would never allow my kid to help themselves with anything from a stranger, yet there are so many stories where parents enforce it. It’s potentially sooooo gross!

    • @isaacbobjork7053
      @isaacbobjork7053 5 месяцев назад +4

      And how do we even know that she in fact is a loyal customer, everything else that came out of her mouth was basically BS

  • @lindasnow3960
    @lindasnow3960 5 месяцев назад +15

    The woman with the fry kid is ridiculous! That child isn't OP's child! Why does she feel he needs to share his food. He doesn't wake up to her in the morning!

  • @SonicFrake
    @SonicFrake 5 месяцев назад +15

    Just once I wanna hear a story where a Karen threatens to never come back and the manager excitedly asks her "Really? You promise you're never coming back?". Bonus points if there's a pizza party later to celebrate Karen's permanent departure.

    • @jackmusic5994
      @jackmusic5994 2 месяца назад

      I agree with you, but then the Karen, if they're self-aware, would announce that then they would continue shopping there

    • @awareqwx
      @awareqwx Месяц назад

      ​@@jackmusic5994 I think "Karen" and "self-aware" are sort of mutually exclusive by definition

  • @earlinejackson8151
    @earlinejackson8151 5 месяцев назад +251

    Anyone making false crime reports should get the same punishment that someone committing that crime would get.

    • @aduckofsomesort
      @aduckofsomesort 5 месяцев назад +25

      Maybe not that severe, but the consequences that we already have in place should definitely be enforced.

    • @willmorrison1022
      @willmorrison1022 5 месяцев назад +30

      @@aduckofsomesortConsider the possible outcomes of such a situation, especially the way that cops seem more than happy to shoot first and lie when asked questions later. She said he threatened her with a gun. The cops would have shown up already tensed up from her lie, looking for someone that they are sure they will have to (or GET to) shoot. The guy in question was completely innocent of anything, but she could have gotten him killed. She should have to deal with EXACTLY the same sentence he could have gotten. The consequences could be extremely severe. So should her consequences.

    • @sailoriris4
      @sailoriris4 5 месяцев назад +28

      @@aduckofsomesort don’t you realize how easily a persons life can be destroyed by being falsely accused of a crime. They can lose their job, their home, their family, everything, so it’s only right that a false accuser should suffer the same consequences as her accused.

    • @Galaxy1001D
      @Galaxy1001D 5 месяцев назад

      Agreed.@@sailoriris4 That's how you know that any story where Karen accuses OP of a crime and OP decides not to press charges is pure fiction. I would not hesitate to press charges on someone who falsely accused ME. I would make sure that this Karen has a police record so the cops know whose side to take the next time she falsely accuses someone, because there WILL BE a next time.

    • @noahcoe4038
      @noahcoe4038 5 месяцев назад

      They do

  • @Akira625
    @Akira625 5 месяцев назад +39

    Story #3: I can’t even with that woman, why didn’t she just buy her brat some fries? Loyal customer or not, businesses don’t need customers like her.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 5 месяцев назад +37

    Story 3 - Sounds like OP did that restaurant a great service by driving that EK and her spoiled brat out.

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 5 месяцев назад +37

    Final Story - This may not be the typical IDon’tWorkHere story but that’s okay because this story was really wholesome and we need more stories like this. It shows that there is still hope for humanity after all.

  • @Y2KNW
    @Y2KNW 5 месяцев назад +15

    It's weird we live in a world where giving other people's kids foods/treats is creepy, but *not* giving them food is something to get mad over.

  • @darwinskeeper421
    @darwinskeeper421 5 месяцев назад +7

    Story 5: "I know this isn't a great story..." It is, it absolutely is, I enjoy hearing a heart warming story of people being kind to one another. It just brightens up my day.

  • @dreamrose2223
    @dreamrose2223 5 месяцев назад +45

    BFG: It is also a title of a children’s book

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 5 месяцев назад +13

      Yep, "Big Friendly Giant". 😊

    • @sooskevington6144
      @sooskevington6144 5 месяцев назад +11

      The Big Friendly Giant written by Roald Dahl. (and yes, Americans, that IS Roald NOT Ronald!)

    • @ericdunn7352
      @ericdunn7352 5 месяцев назад +5

      I also saw the movie.

    • @aduckofsomesort
      @aduckofsomesort 5 месяцев назад +9

      @@sooskevington6144 I have never once in my life seen someone his name must be Ronald and not Roald. He is a very well-known author.

    • @sooskevington6144
      @sooskevington6144 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@aduckofsomesort it is definitely Roald, the name is of Norwegian origin. I believe the author's ancestry is also Norwegian although he was born in Cardiff, Wales in 1916.
      Just Google Roald Dahl, you will see I am right.

  • @mbyerly9680
    @mbyerly9680 5 месяцев назад +20

    It's always good to remind an aggressive Karen that there are cameras everywhere even gas stations who are known for using expensive cameras.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад

      Especially nowadays when petrol/gas station drive-offs are getting increasingly common.

  • @paxorra5528
    @paxorra5528 5 месяцев назад +5

    The 9yr old: my adage is, "Gimme died and left you begging." Yes, I did this for my kids & my grandchildren. They learned from very young about manners & being polite. Tho, they are polite, they attempt to be polite to even rude ppl, they do call out the rudeness. :) I love my family!

  • @Mercadian
    @Mercadian 5 месяцев назад +14

    Story 4: Sure, OP *claims* he works in customer service, but he still said the q-word. You *never* wish a customer service worker a quiet shift because then it'll be anything BUT quiet.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад +1

      Would that also count as threatening them with a good time?

  • @laurie2649
    @laurie2649 5 месяцев назад +13

    Story 5: it was so lovely to listen to. I love a good, wholesome story!

  • @Jevans47403
    @Jevans47403 5 месяцев назад +20

    The first one when she followed him to the gas station he should have asked for a business card with her details on it. And then go inside the gas station ask for the manager and ask for a copy of the cctv video. Then in the morning call up the business and let them know about their unhinged employee and the issue at hand as well as the video.

  • @ReiKoko
    @ReiKoko 5 месяцев назад +6

    My son is 8 and he knows better than to steal food from a stranger. Kids are kids, but you have to teach them manners. I'd be absolutely mortified if my son acted that horribly towards someone else. It doesn't even matter if op was actually an employee, you don't take someone else's food without asking or scream at them to give you their food.

  • @wstavis3135
    @wstavis3135 5 месяцев назад +4

    Loved the ending. A woman teaching her child to appreciate and reward good, polite behavior.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 5 месяцев назад +14

    Phone story: After getting away from Karen at the gas station, OP should have called the police to report the incident. Gas stations have CCTV pointed at the pumps to watch for and identify drive offs. No sound, but it would have clearly shown OP didn't draw his weapon.
    Shoe story: Apology vs free shoes. Hmmm... Considering the effort she had to make to apologize, I call that a win.
    Fries story: So Karen left without paying for what she ordered/ate? I hope she was banned at a minimum. But with "loyal customers" like that, who disrupt your business, who needs enemies?
    BFG story: Heard the story before, but not the update. Yeah, there can be fines for making a false police report and misuse of police resources. Hopefully, Karen got hit with a good one. So many people (especially Karens) forget there are cameras literally EVERYWHERE you go anymore.
    Vanilla extract story: It's amazing what a little kindness will get you, instead of demanding with rudeness.

  • @joecrammond6221
    @joecrammond6221 5 месяцев назад +12

    the last story was so sweet, it doesn't hurt to help people even if you don't work there if you know the store relatively well and to have someone say thanks and offer you money, Karen's can learn a few things from people like that

  • @stinkertonsden
    @stinkertonsden 5 месяцев назад +6

    Story 5: That's how it should go! Teaching your son how to be gracious for assistance, asking and treating people with dignity and respect, it's amazing how well things go when that happens!!

  • @Ironraven001
    @Ironraven001 5 месяцев назад +4

    Had a Karen try to slap me, blocked her arm, and she accused me of hurting her 😂 thank the gods for cameras.

  • @WraythSkitzofrenik
    @WraythSkitzofrenik 5 месяцев назад +3

    "I know it's not a great story..."
    Of course it is! We love the wholesome!

  • @jerichogarry
    @jerichogarry 5 месяцев назад +26

    2nd Story: Yeah I would just tell the manager to check the cameras if there were any nearby, although I've never faced any of these situations.

    • @gamingnerdgirlz
      @gamingnerdgirlz 5 месяцев назад +2

      i agree, cameras.

    • @leslieking6259
      @leslieking6259 5 месяцев назад +3

      OP had recorded it on his phone, so there was no need. But, he should have pressed charges. I doubt this was her first time acting like that or even laying hands on someone.

  • @empressmarowynn
    @empressmarowynn 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @3frenchhens818
    @3frenchhens818 5 месяцев назад +4

    Yay for that nice lady in the last story!

  • @Mongolenfreak
    @Mongolenfreak 5 месяцев назад +2

    First story:
    First of, I would have banned her from the store the next morning after the stuff she pulled last night, second: passwords to applications on your phone are not the phone provider's problem. Send her away and let her deal with her problems herself if they don't concern you.

  • @daphnelovesL
    @daphnelovesL 5 месяцев назад +22

    It's Spring here so time for a new background with flowers and newborn animals. No more snow!

    • @Gr1md4rk_Wh1sp3rs
      @Gr1md4rk_Wh1sp3rs 5 месяцев назад +7

      I don't usually comment around but I entirely agree! Flowers and maybe a blossoming tree would be so pretty.
      Kinda hilarious for me to think about tho bc here we just got a warning that it might snow soon 😂😂

    • @karinwolf3645
      @karinwolf3645 5 месяцев назад +3

      Not yet.... Soon! 🤔🙄🤷😆😆🎉🌵👵🐺🖖💖💋🌦

    • @antoinettejohnson6251
      @antoinettejohnson6251 5 месяцев назад +2

      Oh, that’s right: it is officially SPRING, since last week.🌻

    • @merlinathrawes746
      @merlinathrawes746 5 месяцев назад +2

      I used to live in Michigan. It may "technically" be spring, but I've seen some pretty big snowstorms going into April.

    • @Gr1md4rk_Wh1sp3rs
      @Gr1md4rk_Wh1sp3rs 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@merlinathrawes746 Oh yeah, same here in the UK in some areas. Sucks since it's my birth month lol but at least there's some snow for once after a rainy christmas

  • @samuraicrunchbird
    @samuraicrunchbird 5 месяцев назад +19

    You Gotta FIGHT...
    For Your RIGHT...

  • @AndyJade-df6dj
    @AndyJade-df6dj 5 месяцев назад +4

    To all the Karens that want to lie to a manager or the police. They are cameras in…
    1. Restaurants
    2. Gas Stations
    3. Shoe Stores
    4. Supermarkets
    5. Shopping Centre
    6. Banks
    7. Government Buildings
    8. Swimming Pools
    9. Airports
    10. Train Stations
    11. Hospitals
    12. Schools
    13. Hotels and Motels
    14. Parking Lots
    15. Car Washers
    16. Theme Parks
    17. Theatres
    18. Libraries
    Cameras are in these places to catch everything that goes on, including your verbal and physical tantrums. Lying will get you no where when cameras are in place.

  • @AnimaMandala
    @AnimaMandala 5 месяцев назад +2

    Story 2: What gets me is that she actually suggested checking the cameras knowing full well they would prove her story false. What, did she think if she sounded confident enough they wouldn't question her story? Or maybe she really did think her own messed up version really happened. Who knows?

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 5 месяцев назад +11

    Story 4 - I LOVE OP’s response to Karen’s insulting question about his shirt. And yeah leave it to a Karen to call the cops and lie that she was threatened just to get someone in trouble for ‘not obeying her’.
    Stupid Entitled people.

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 5 месяцев назад +10

    If they didn't have that gat, the karen definitely would have attacked the manager.

  • @mike_max
    @mike_max 5 месяцев назад +1

    never, ever miss the opportunity to press charges. it is the only way to teach the entitled ones.

  • @taraharvey8123
    @taraharvey8123 5 месяцев назад +1

    *She NEEDS to be charged and pay a HUGE FINE & made to do community service.. In the SERVICE INDUSTRY!*

  • @KingOfYamimakai
    @KingOfYamimakai 5 месяцев назад +2

    Story 4: Karen probably is too entitled to know that filling a false police report is a crime.

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 5 месяцев назад

    It's always nice hearing the stories of people who are grateful for help and don't act entitled.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 5 месяцев назад +7

    Story 4: Oof, rude as hell. A noticeable amount of people lack respect for the younger generation (or people they think is part of the younger generation), and I often wonder where this behavior comes from

    • @gokubroly12009
      @gokubroly12009 5 месяцев назад

      According to them it comes from us and our lack of respect for the older generation lol

  • @oldlady1314
    @oldlady1314 5 месяцев назад +2

    How to spot a real “Loyal customer”, we walk into one of our favorite restaurants, the staff knows what we want to drink and asks if we want our usual appetizer.

  • @shebakoby
    @shebakoby 5 месяцев назад +2

    "Loyal Customer Karen": "I'm NEVER coming back here again!"
    Employees: Don't you DARE threaten ME with a good time! 😉

  • @denaolson1719
    @denaolson1719 5 месяцев назад +3

    My favorite response to use when they say " I will never come back here" I say " you promise"?

  • @petestorz172
    @petestorz172 5 месяцев назад +3

    Re Story 3, the restaurant probably lost a PITA customer.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад

      …And there was much rejoicing.

  • @ElecticalCheetah
    @ElecticalCheetah 5 месяцев назад +2

    Story one, one of my older cousins works for a cell phone store and on more than one occasions people have fallowed her demanding they serve her, one even pulled a gun on her demanding she fixed it the decided to fire it to sher he she wasn’t playing around, she was tased by a off duty cop , my cousin carried pepper spray and then upgraded to a gun over the years , then when she was finally moving on to greener pastures and switching stores , she was confronted by the customer she called “ the witch “ who basically over the last 3 years of my cousin working there basically hell, when the witch forced her off the road and blocked her , basically done with this bs she confronted the witch who was screaming and stomping her feet and my cousin had it and let loose on the woman and basically grabbed her phone and told her to F off threw it into the ditch and pulled her gun out and unloaded into the phone, the witch scrambled to her phone and my cousin got in backed out and drove off , she found out from her old manager who retired that the witch got attested for coming into the store with a gun she stole , and was promptly arrested and committed, my cousin told the manager what happened and what she did, and though he was concerned and disapproval of what my cousin did, he congratulated her on getting rid of the witch because since she was put away the store recovered greatly without tge witch calling corporate and complaining about the store when ever she visited

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 5 месяцев назад +4

    Story 2 - I still would’ve pressed charges against Karen.

  • @Gardenpossum8
    @Gardenpossum8 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have a nine year old son and the thought of him going up to a stranger to ask for food is mind boggling! It’s just unsafe and so rude.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад

      Especially when said stranger can do the very thing people warn us about.

  • @lauriewood3916
    @lauriewood3916 12 дней назад

    So in my early career, 50 years ago, I worked Hospitality, Retail, Customer Service AND Direct Sales in Finance. I've seen all species of Karen (they weren't called that back then) AND their Male counterparts, which is why I have made it a point of principal to ALWAYS express my appreciation for the service workers give me, regardless of which store or market they work in. From the Postman to the Waitress, Store Clerk to Chef, I've been in their shoes and they always have my respect!

  • @crypticghost21
    @crypticghost21 5 месяцев назад +10

    It snowed yesterday where I live, my yard looks exactly like the video's snowy background

    • @pyrusmew5
      @pyrusmew5 5 месяцев назад +2

      Wait a minute, didn’t Spring began recently?

    • @crypticghost21
      @crypticghost21 5 месяцев назад +5

      Yeah, I know, I have weird weather where I live
      My dad and I had to plow our driveway twice in three hours

    • @todddenio3200
      @todddenio3200 5 месяцев назад +3

      We got snow where I live too. For most of the winter we had bare ground and no snow which is extremely unusual for this area as I live in Minnesota about 15 miles from Canada

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 5 месяцев назад +3

      Snow and ice.... Makes me so very happy to be an old lifetime Native Floridian. Had enough of that stuff when I was away in the military. 😊

    • @amandagreen4332
      @amandagreen4332 5 месяцев назад +2

      Snow like that makes me miss Minnesota. ❄️

  • @bwsimonson
    @bwsimonson 5 месяцев назад +3

    i have had this happen several times with calls and people stopping me in town (Small town) after hours or even the middle of the night. Always a woman who doesn't understand WORKING hours because she has never held a job in her life. Hurling "You Dumb C" defuses things quickly and completely in my opinion.

  • @maryjoyspohrer256
    @maryjoyspohrer256 5 месяцев назад

    Oh, my heart! That last story was so sweet!

  • @antoinettejohnson6251
    @antoinettejohnson6251 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you Fluff for returning to a positive, wholesome last story. I didn’t realize how much I missed that. Yet, I realize these are probably hard to find because they are few and far between. Very uplifting though and appreciated. Have a great day! ✌️

  • @RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber
    @RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 5 месяцев назад +1

    If someone has to tell staff "I'm a loyal customer", they're probably not. Exception for new staff members.
    I was out of town for a weekend, so I didn't go to my favorite breakfast spot like I normally do. The waitstaff asked me about my absence the next week. That's how you know a loyal customer.
    Also, manager in the story 3 missed a golden opportunity:
    Karen - "Or you'll never see us back here again!"
    Manager - "Promise? 🤩"

  • @stardustpie1992
    @stardustpie1992 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 3: I would’ve asked the lady “If your son wants fries that badly, why don’t you buy him some yourself?”.

  • @PuppyKatt
    @PuppyKatt 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 3: "I am a loyal customer who has never been here before, and if you don't force this other customer to give his food to my son, I will never come here again." Promises, promises.

  • @tammy6610
    @tammy6610 2 месяца назад +1

    If your 9yr old doesn't know that you can't just take things that is not yours then you have failed as a parent. Your kid has a 80% of being in and out of jail for theft.

  • @mcskrzypek
    @mcskrzypek 5 месяцев назад

    „When someone says they are a loyal customer, they are, in fact, not a loyal customer”.
    That is so true!
    I worked in a café that was so hidden in was probably a money laundry scam, there were almost no customers, so I remembered each and every one. Not hard to remember one every two days.
    Once some kids used firecrackers in front of the entrance, so I politely asked accompanying adult to please ask them to stop. First thing he said was „you just lost a loyal customer, I was here almost every day”. All I could do was smile.

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 5 месяцев назад +2

    Story 2: After the manager came up with Karen I would have immediately asked him to call the police...then wait for them...let Karen lie...then press all 4 charges against her.
    Story 3: Even if OP actually worked at the restaurant he still would not have to give his food to anyone else. Karen never cares about anyone else's property rights...only their own.
    Story 4: Karen better be careful...it is a criminal action to Abuse Emergency Services and another crime to Hinder/Obfuscate an Investigation...both of which are arrestable offenses.
    Story 5: This is what Good Parenting & being a Good Human looks like!

  • @girl1213
    @girl1213 5 месяцев назад +2

    Karen's *never* remember cameras because they live in world where they don't exist, so it's always a "surprise pikachu" face moment when they find out cameras exist.

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад

      The walls, ceiling and the sky have eyes.

  • @yahainHotPink
    @yahainHotPink 5 месяцев назад +1

    Last story! I adore when you share the occassional Feel Good stories. They are so Precious. Thank you. No other channel I am subscribed to shares the cute stories, but not a problem. 😘

  • @francinetitherington4060
    @francinetitherington4060 5 месяцев назад +3

    BFG? I thought that was Big Friendly Giant!

  • @chialeux514
    @chialeux514 2 месяца назад +1

    Closed circuit cameras are the Karen's kryptonite !

  • @serendipitous_discoveries
    @serendipitous_discoveries 5 месяцев назад

    Love how Dark Fluff finds wholesome stories to put at the end 🥹

  • @cassandrahoward4532
    @cassandrahoward4532 5 месяцев назад +4

    I'm sorry but who needs a realtor at 8:00 at night? Most are taking care of home life or whatever they like to do that that time.

    • @forcewielder2000
      @forcewielder2000 5 месяцев назад

      A Karen is who "needs" a realtor at 8 at night.

  • @Parknest
    @Parknest 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 2: A Karen backing down? That must be a first. I think she actually learned her lesson.
    Story 4: That is a typical Karen move when things don't go their way. I hope she got done for filing a false police report.

  • @Ozzygirl17
    @Ozzygirl17 2 месяца назад

    That final story is definitely a welcome surprise.

  • @starrywizdom
    @starrywizdom 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 3: Yeah, the restaurant just lost a "loyal customer" -- someone who eats, harasses other customers, & leaves without paying. With a few more "loyal customers" like that, the restaurant would go bankrupt & have to close...

  • @paul16451
    @paul16451 5 месяцев назад +1

    Last story: If you feel uncomfortable accepting a tip for a favor, just take it but pay it forward. Add it as a tip for a server the next time you go out to eat, or hand it to a retail person who looks like they are having a bad day. Or buy someone lunch or coffee in a takeout line.

  • @awareqwx
    @awareqwx Месяц назад

    Man I love the whole "If you don't do XYZ then I'm never coming back here again!"
    _Good!_ If you're gonna act like that then we'd rather we never saw you again.

  • @bettamom7593
    @bettamom7593 4 месяца назад +1

    The thing with Karen's is it's not necessarily what they need, it's always what they want!
    My mom used to tell me that people in hell want ice water but that doesn't mean they can get it. That was her way of teaching me that you can't always get your way.

  • @jamiepatterson1214
    @jamiepatterson1214 5 месяцев назад +1

    BFG was so right. With the attitude Karen had, no one would want to help her. She should also be careful who she calls BOY because some people will do more than tell Karen about being rude.

  • @jellybear35
    @jellybear35 5 месяцев назад

    Oh my gosh! Love the last story and yes that little boy was adorable that was a very uplifting story :-)

  • @roguedisciple2966
    @roguedisciple2966 4 месяца назад

    People (especially a certain ideology obsessed with "conspiracy theories") complain about the "surveillance state". Story 4 is a perfect reason for the need for it.

  • @randycarter2001
    @randycarter2001 5 месяцев назад +2

    Let her call the cops. She's the one breaking the law. And if there are CCTV cameras at the gas station you win instantly. Cameras are a good person's best friend and a bad person's worst enemy. They make everybody who views the recording a witness to the event. Unfortunately these days even the smallest business has to have plenty of them.

  • @ghislainedefeligonde5166
    @ghislainedefeligonde5166 5 месяцев назад +2

    Story 1: It is so weird to me, that OP thinks carrying (and touching) a gun is in any way reasonable. Especially since it did not even deter the angry would-be customer.
    Story 3: 9 is way to old for that kind of behaviour. It's a self made problem though, the manager was offering a discount as reward for the bad behaviour.
    Story 4: Finally a manager who defends his customers against attack by roaming idiots.
    Story 5: The woman was not just nice, she was smart, sending her son with the thank you tip for OP.

  • @christigmc
    @christigmc 5 месяцев назад +2

    Cellphone Karen claims to be a realtor. I would look up her name and see if she works for a real estate company then report her.
    This morning I had to drop my car off at the repair shop. We’ve been to this place a lot the last 2 weeks. The last few times we’ve been to this place the coffee and water section had donuts which made my 4 year old very happy. First thing he did was go directly to the section and there were no donuts. He threw a tantrum that he was hungry and he wants donuts etc. the manager in Spanish told his receptionist about some cookies he had in his office and told her to get some. I did know until she handed my son some cookies. I was very apologetic about my son’s behavior. I scolded my son when buckling him up. I did tell the shop he’s 4. Meaning please forgive my son’s behavior. I also made him directly thank both the manager and receptionist for the cookies. Had I known what the manager was telling the receptionist I would have told them no, my son needs to learn the donuts are a niceity not a necessity

  • @anshaar.
    @anshaar. 5 месяцев назад

    We.need more wholesome stories to help restore my faith in humanity.

  • @TharzZzDunN
    @TharzZzDunN 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 2: No, he's a fool. Start paper trail every time or when they assault someone the next time it will be the old slap on wrist. Poor showing. 😒

  • @darwinskeeper421
    @darwinskeeper421 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 3: I'm guessing the diner won't miss the Karen's business.

  • @TheDarkLink7
    @TheDarkLink7 5 месяцев назад +7

    (My comment got deleted) I call the BFG 9,000 the F*** all weapon cause it takes out all the enemies on screen in the DOOM games. Its a very helpful item in the game.

    • @TheDarkLink7
      @TheDarkLink7 5 месяцев назад

      BTW my comment that got deleted was different than this one. Anyways...... look up how the DOOM Slayer gets the BFG 9,000 in 2016 DOOM game. Awesome scene.

    • @brendanboomhour7606
      @brendanboomhour7606 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@TheDarkLink7It's Fallout 4 iteration is pretty fun too, uses the old model from the pre-2016 games, wish it was more powerful though

    • @Akira625
      @Akira625 5 месяцев назад +1

      That was always a fun weapon to use in Doom.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 5 месяцев назад +3

      So, the personal carry version of the "Death Blossom"!? 😅

    • @TheDarkLink7
      @TheDarkLink7 5 месяцев назад

      @brendanboomhour7606 aside from DOOM 3. It seems like the BFG has been consistent with how powerful it is. I donno about DOOM 64 cause I am unsure if I ever got it and from what I hear. Isn't as powerful as the unmaker fully upgraded.

  • @roberthuron9160
    @roberthuron9160 5 месяцев назад

    Last story,its so nice to see a polite child,and a very considerate mother! Yes,there is hope,thank you!'Thank you 🎉! Thank you 😇 😊!!

    • @JamesDavy2009
      @JamesDavy2009 5 месяцев назад

      "So shines a good deed in a weary world." -Willy Wonka

  • @sapphirewingthefurrycritic985
    @sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 1 Karen is lucky she wasn't shot in self defense.

  • @richewilson6394
    @richewilson6394 5 месяцев назад +5

    I'm surprised that she didn't just have The cops there with her when she was at the cell phone store. Also if I was OP I would have said well ma'am you realize that you just admitted to a crime at a gas station which has security cameras which can prove that I did not have my gun in your face at all as well as in this store we have audio on our cameras and you just admitted to a false allegation of me doing it so if you come back here again I will have the cops escort you out.

    • @stygiandragon3865
      @stygiandragon3865 5 месяцев назад +4

      Wasn't what that Karen doing consider stalking? If so, she's lucky the barrel wasn't pointing at her

  • @RedwoodTheElf
    @RedwoodTheElf 3 месяца назад +1

    As always, There's no cure for stupid.
    24:25 "Crotch Goblin" I am totally stealing that one.

  • @AuskaDezjArdamaath
    @AuskaDezjArdamaath 5 месяцев назад +1

    Realtors are any cell phone company employee’s bane. They don’t pay their bills but demand service be maintained because “my customers need to reach me!” 🙄 they’re rude and entitled.

  • @cherk9993
    @cherk9993 5 месяцев назад +1

    Story 2 Even if someone is a loyal customer of a restaurant, that doesn’t give them the right to go up to other customers and grab their food. The restaurant doesn’t pay for the customers food the Customer does. That Karen needs to teach her kids manners. When you have manners more people are willing to do things for you.

  • @cletusanne
    @cletusanne 5 месяцев назад +1

    Kid and fries story: This happened to me once. The place I went to had just changed managers. I worked at a store in the mall and this fry place was in the food court. I had been going to this place 5 days a week for just over 3 years. All the employees knew me as well as the old manager. The new manager was a real Karen. So about 6 months after the Karen takes over I had the incident. Entitled kid comes over yada yada yada. It ends slightly different. Manager Karen takes my fries and offers all the kids a taste of my fries and then hands me back the empty container and says I need to learn how to share. She also states that it isn't a big issue because I'll be back the next day anyway because I can't live without their fries. She then laughs and walks off. I was gobsmacked
    and then I was livid. I got up and walked away. First thing I did was call police. As I was waiting for them, I called the owners of the franchise and told them what their measly little manager had done. They laughed. Then I called corporate. And with every call I made I included the video with audio because I had started to film as soon as the kid approached me. I sensed something sketchy right from the beginning. So cops show up along with a news crew that were shadowing that day because the city had been getting a lot of bad publicity lately for the way police officers were behaving and they were trying to create some good publicity for the police department. So, in the end, Manager Karen was arrested for theft, the owners had their franchise taken away and there was a lovely public interest story on the 6 and 10 o'clock news that night featuring me and the employees of the chip shop. After, they all received job offers from numerous other companies from the mall and outside the mall. I was very happy about that.

  • @BlueLordStan
    @BlueLordStan 5 месяцев назад

    I really like that last story, that was a great ending to this video.

  • @kerribottriell-baxter7345
    @kerribottriell-baxter7345 5 месяцев назад

    Love the wholesome one at the end.